crystal river news j in - university of...

CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS I 4 Board of County Commissioners Citrus County 1 THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER- OF CITRUS COUNTY The office nf County Commissione is one nf rcspoiiibilitics rcimii jug careful inil judging abilities not only i small matter lint in matters in- volving the progress nf publi enterprise which should bciieii every taxpayer nf the county in con sistance with the amount nf tax which has been paid in It is nfui too a thankless ollice fur with th best of forethought using the mo- cautinus solicitude anti judgment mis- takes may creep in or nine ii count as mistakes which accrue reall to the welfare nf the iiunibe of people Cilrus county pays nvc 1180950 county tiCs annually am the proper dispeiiing f these moneys is nn trilling matter wliei men honor anti with cmiscieiitinn ness regarding n public trust are in th office Hut Citrus county has iutelliKCU voters who know pretty well just th sort of men they tIn trust tu tuanapi their municiial affair rightly an they generally hid the right men in the right The present incumbents of the ffi ccs of County Commissioners nf Cit- rus are Capt R H Mat son JohnS Iedrick I Y Uarne- Mr R Rooks and K T UMV man These men arc alt live widiawaki men who arc not content to their salaries simply hut who honest- ly try to earn them All from the pond roads movement Uking care nf the noii loiu pauper have always been ennsiderei carefully lest the mmieys In squandered or lest they be withhch when the judicious and proper inv provement of the enmity and its purity tin peiiditure the same Of cnurse in counties are some who fluid fault with the MI hiili the public funds artS used mostly be- cause they cannit andcistaud r tit V V t in t every public matter under consider vion lint in Citrus comity the niimbet of the disgruntled ones is owinv to till fact that its County Com- missioners are people nf the people and not men of raft nr rings ONE ON THE JUDGE By M M Strainer Crystal River Ma Written for the Xew There is a beautiful little nutheri city where there Y iMieral tin Major Captain and Cnlniiel There art i nine Judges There one Judge very much in There isnt one thins wrong about this Judge Inves him fur he is the jolliest bighearted courtly old gentleman you ever saw Now this Judge has a family which is jnst nice just as well beloved a is he himself very nearly as well anyway The Judge rule his family by love of course hut time good 011 rtilti of three Rise early be god all day lights out at ten Re- garding this latter part of time rule the Judge is emphatic The neighbors art not quite sure whether till gas hill nr the Early to bed anti early to rise maxim is the chief incentive hut they are sure that Lights out at ten is a decree from which those of his house- hold seldom take an appeal to time higher courts In the summer fashion com- mands the ladies of this city have n little way of their nun of hieing themselves ofT to where the cooling seabreezes blow leaving their better half to solitary bachelnrdom and poker But not so with this Judges lady She had married on the For better for worse plan if her husband could dispense with sea breees s could she one days company of the Judge was more to her than all the sea breezes that ever did or ever would blow so she was determined to stay i 4 rlatct I f Ir r I Ir draw Ill tinn plo o all Ia II I i a II a J I t1 a I I t in inc ie t 1 ti- the c w iii sue I 1 gal rt iii < > ¬ ¬ ¬ at and take care of him a isual a gnntl wife sliiidd TIll Judge iclt really sorry inr his Ullows They looked so Imiely The best they could do was to bunch them- selves and their loneliness together and spend the hours twixt dinner ann bedtime their bedtime in telling stnrics drinking lemonade and looking nver smile picture One time laid his judi- cial linger alongside of his very ju- dicial nose and fell to reasoning thus The buy havent their good wives to take carl of them First thing tIle kiinw theyll get into some mischief Im their friend Its plainly my duty to be with them more so that my presence may be a restraining in- fluence on them When tic mentioned the tin tight to hi wife agreed with him Yes dear it might be for time best See at X s house across time way where they have met for this even- ing F can see them from this window See they are in tIme room directly op- posite have forgotten to lower the blind Shall 1 wait up for you dear Xno I guess not repliedthe Judge absently for he was making a note about that blind The Judge was welcomed with open arm of course and immediately his health was drank in lemonade lit the n made his little speech arid they allowed him to look Dt tbv pictures limit he forgot all about tIme blind All went on Kaeh told his latest fishstory and then invented the Ii tnt a udge lie l r I I I n I ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > one was to happen at some future time Then they sang songs of Com- rades when e were boys flavor After then1 came the confidential reminiscences of the lirsi sweetheart each one had had and they drank to each sweethearts health in of course Meanwhile they toy ec ellcctively with time pictures those mtcens no doubt remind- ing them of their own absent Queen of Hearts TIme Judge beginning anew to sympathize with his desolate friends when a clock struck the v v Surely it cannot be and the Judge compared the time of his with that of time nrmoht 011 the mamlepiecc there was no de- nying or in anyway obliterating tin fact that it was two nelnck two In the morning With ns much dignity he could muster considering all circumstance the Judge took leave of his fellows and crossed tIme street musinu nn tilt fact that tulle is fleeting and life is h rt rriving at his own residence he opened tIme dour softly he is a very considerate man and did not wish to disturb his family Why What and the Judge stopped on hi threshold in astonishment all time hall lights were in full power 1Atravagance murmured time Judge as he stepped in and quickly turned mil all the jets hut one Be- rn re I putt out that one I had better haw a look into the parlor said lie unto himself Jeelinsophnt Every gis jet ablaze here too O those girls Their swains get them so rattled that they forget to turn off time gas after they get through with their courting Fellowsll know a thing or two when they grow tip and have gas hills of their own tn pay Soon the parlor was left in darkness Wonder if time library has got the illuminating fad too and the Judge stepped across time hall and opened a door Six brilliant lights beamed on him from the chandelier The Judge dropped Into the nearest chair and fell to considering timings is or what has been doing In i this house anyway Is anybody newly horn or newly dead Or and now a sudden chill struck have I gotten into the wrong house But no for as he looked about the room he saw plainly his own lounging chair his own desk table and yes there was himself looking down from time wall There was no doubting that picture for he hall often thought things about that same pic wa I hat a I I hat him n lemon- ade I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Col Nic Barcos Beautiful Residence Crystal River Hire he had said things too abou that picture when no one else about lie saul things about it now and with an emphasis that had beei wholly lacking on former occasions Then he turned the lights out When lie got out into the hall he said to himself Guess Id bettel make tIme rounds In every room time loer story all the gas jets were doing their best One by one they went out after Time little twist of the wrist that was now becoming a matter of habit to time Judge As he went along the Judge considered whether it were best to pay that gas bill by fore- going his next intended fishing trip III by becoming an alderman Arriving again in time nail he heaved a sigh amid turned out the remaining light and thought he would now gr softly up stairs to his bed The hall was now in darkness hut no What was that soft light on tin stairway An nil lamp 1y all the finds of Darkness a common smelly oil lamp When before had the elegant home of the Judge been pro- faned by an oil lamp plain kerosene oil lamp The Judge was now waxinp wrathy 1pough out belged time massive cheeks of time Judge and out went that light lie then took firm grip on time banisters and was not quite so whether his step was light or not Came a turn in the spiral stairway and there sat another lamp Ppnngh and out it went Another time spiral another Tpough another hit of darkness Nov time Judge sat down on a step and pondered What in the no I musnt swear There is there must be a reason for all this Not a soul stirring yet lights everywhere lie rubbed his he scratched his head but no illuminating thought came to him though it was evident that some very great illuminating thought haul come to somebody else Finally he got up again and stepped to his debroom door The Judge steadied himself such an innovation of things unusual were enough to make even a judge a bit shaky on hi legs He stood there awhile wonder- ing whether he would he greeted here too by a flood of light Or was per- haps a curtain lecture awaiting him no his Madatnc was not of that sort Resolutely he now opened tIll door The lights were there of course n full Idaxe hut only tilt sweetest of slumber was pictured on the coun- enance on which lit gazed Ilow lan anyiiiK sleep in Mich was II a par- t IW turn jim l ¬ ¬ Unloading Palmetto at the Fiber Factory Buds t a glare of lights was all tIll com- ment he made as he turned out these lights as he had time others and then crept silently into bed The Judge was up before day butt he lid not run the lawnmower or trim the roses nr feed time pet rabbits or examine the auto or hunt caterpil- lars or punch time bees to make them get ofT to work lie just sat on time thinking Later at the breakfast table he looked about at each member of his family for signs but not a sign could he see He could not lower his dig- nity by asking questions so there wa nothing for him to do but carry on his part of the early morning chats as usual When the meal was over and as he was leaving the room he heard his daughter say Mother why did you go down stairs last night or this morning rather for I heard the clock strike two limit Mother had made herself busy with tIme waitress and appeared liMe heard the so the Judge went on into the parlor and stood by tIme window looking thought- fully over at time house across the street He could see into the very room suddenly lie understood there was the blind still up the blind he had forgotten to pull down piazza not to ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ THE SOILS- It has been said that there are a dozen different varieties of soil in every section of land in Florida While this may not be true exactly it is a fact that due va- rieties of soil about Crystal River are many This is so because nf the near i ness of the Gulf at time west and south the high rolling pinelands at the east with Hal woods hammocks and scrubs at time north Naturally near the water- courses the soil is rich mucky mill ac- cording to thi nearness of the Gulf Thc marshes are so rich in allu- via and humus that the soil is often dug and used to fertilize time poorer sandy soils which are hut layers upon layers of decayed oyster shells and for some cer- tain products are well suited The soils of time hammock lands are exceed- ingly rich in fertility We know of one farm on time river where the owner planted nn orange grove and year after car until time trees became too large to- y I I j salt er ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ allow of cultivation between lr full crop of corn and ihis vith m in any fertilizers whatever lltnmi lands have as good soils lan i anywhere for cabbage cnnlnnrp- aragus celery lettuce forage plants The finest la r- anges mill time largeit r they are so tender anti full m they do not stand v v Lemons figs bananas mid n best on these river hainnv id hammock lands arc found u among the pine lands win r considerable dip in face of the country Tin very fertile hilt they lu n protection from the light winter which the neanu courses secures The pine lands are i u great variety as to saiuN n v id tilt naturally while otlm MV iilt dition of commercial ci nrder to secure good crops ln uh hid thought their pine Iio lfs were made jubilant in gettitii iij imo fur it because of the great I i phosphate hidden in it OutiiiK nnd Resort Ovei the hills nnd lliruiiKh tIme val- leys 11st to Natures VIMIUK nil Seek the tieId the slmre tin wild- wood Siiniiiior eoinis with j s for all 01 all the rcmarkalile social of recent days there none more marked tlinn the uiitlni and pleasure moment lu varying seasons of time year motmiiiiiis mid shores nre attracting lucreislns ilmnsamls the entering to whose has resulted evolu- tions viiiiu III many section In l nsiiu s of great proortlons To the fdgiilllcance uf this phase of modern life we vi i ndil our mite of commendation I lie custom of n yearly outing Is inmining moro uni- versal nnd wlilespiTiui Kvcrywhere people In larger numbers nre resort- Ing to mountain and seashore Titer go earlier ami my later than was once time practice Fiom other i uicreantlle point of view the gond ilmt accruis In health nml comfort in nil classes from tin custom Is well iii li liirnleiilablu- Iliange life out if iliiniv nc J k I 01 gIll II lIt hal I 111 t t 111 I i i I I I I It Wit I i lh r j ru similuli ii i I i l Ita t o lea I > ¬ > ¬ nllil Mill Illiv iv intlll1- Tliri s naiig Iontiiit with im- i II thousand tonles- si make for health iiitnietinns ol compnreii- wltii tin Icantles nf nature dull iiml unsatisfying The one Is real the other is iirtltlelnl The book 11 na- ture iis surely written by tilt In- visible liniil It Is nn iverabldliig- mlrncl Till city Is luillt by man nnd It the Imperfections the stigma and tli siiine of all things liniimn- In tin liie of Ilumbulill time greni- miinralisi we read Man Is a prod- uct of oil ind Lllmate ami Is brother to tin rncUc trees and niilinak Ho- is on these and all things seem I imint to the truth that he has evolved from them Hiiiiiboldt dlseov- eied ery early In his cnreer that tin lineit dowers grow where there aro the ilncst lfils and nniii separateil and flowers could not owing tendency among tli of he city to return to tin iil i Iniieaslng pleasure ami rural ways of life Is a iii Milne sign of the times niiKhig School A Rcit Nook unr lioiue is III time country There rove a short distance from Ii 11 hl I mid iveiutd pwurs or 10 II I liii Iioimu I j Ids list possll1l IllI IIIIII III oli to IIIIIhl III II illS 1 loslOII Li slIIlIlI St iiiiii Ii uuulmiu- lii miii i hit It hit I t Iiii lvi tuI ii I I IS the house and here the inlstress plant- ed her Iist Nook Sonic rustic benches constructed a home- made table fur books magazines work basket some common wooilea- ehalrs and n nod aiipply of linen ani- ldeiilmrovend iiislilons Itesldes these there were two hammocks one of tin wire variety for till children A large- nwnlij was used to help regulate tin1 shade and i small campers tent war set up for tin1 youngsters The housework was planned with wisdom ami forethought and nlinpllllel- MS innih piiwlble The ehlldreus enthusiasm v s boiindless and each one found some ny to help with th home duties MI that mother could go with them to tilt Nook Two after- noons of week were set apart tom Sometimes time mother went with till ihlMren to time woods where they studied the birds nnd low- ers iiiiietlmes to time rivet tam fist and sometimes to meadow or thicket for berries When the days work was done the father Joined tIme family nt Nook and the cool twilight hour was spent together C H WII II till nit eu elm Nut uliISmuiIiL ¬ ¬ ¬ > THE ISLE OSARONDEE Capt Geo H Stratners Lovely Home on Crystal River THE ISLE OSARONDEE The above heading is the lIam leu Strainer poetical wife has dubbed iheir 1cititifnl home which is situated hist three mile down the river Capt Strainer moved lure from Illinois in iSSi located ii h piv ini place Immediately upon his airivai- he went to work building a home and clearing land preparatory to plantin nut an nrange grove He tutu a line gmve in bearing when the fretyc eanu ill i6 Not to dnunied he went to work again after the freeze and has lived to set and enjoy the fruits of his years nf hard labor tumid patient wailing for he has brought his grIt into bearing again lUide oranges be has nianv oilier kitiiis nf fruits such as plums figs banana date lemons etc And nn better land fr truck aiH general fanning c n lie found in tlu state than his Here lind the IKSI iitiing ill Florida especially for tarpon Their home is large and comtnodimiN hut himself and wife liking the ipiiel ol this retreat and loving home life in preference tn hotel lift they have not made room for more than u few special guests The home circle tin happy family consists of fattier mother three beau tifnl and accomplished daughter ami- riiie handsome indii tri it and duti- ful son And we want sav that lur- ing our stay upnn this mtiniiin phere- we have met and mingld with miriiv i lit mall i I f Itt > ¬ families but this oiu ccin Jn happiest and most afTictioiiate when all are tngithcr we have ever seen lint then we can easily accnuni for y their parents re- crived the correct hotnetreatnieiil- whili grnwing up Mrs Strainer is one of the brightest wmeii in tIme state A a writer it wnM he a hard matter tn find Ill final in Florida The best periodi tIme country ire ahvays anxinii- to receive her inattiT and pay her well f r it f FLORAL CITY Floral City is situated in the m virt of Litru utility n ar time liiu- if llernandn and i a nxMiki1 lowtl of abmit five mliahilints Ma1 art located within a radius of a few milts the which turns IMI rMral tlinu and dollars evel I hicli the mireliant of the town ri a11 I lit benefit of The lands which surround are rich and fertile and the in that section are prosperous and happy Thev raise tIme grcatfsi abundance of t Thc tIiiiulrtim hlllI rlarlJ h lilt hal 11 i tai n id I IIi plnl Ihii imtvt rm lit t nm tutu this t Vii a run t r lor ciiiiMimptiiin and otne t spare Some i if time live citixen nf Flnral City art I W Word Jr lion J V Knight Dr C O Simw J T Uawl and S I Mnoii When these live en- terprising citixens put their slmulder- to the wheel and all iull together something happens The people of tin town a a rule tinns and take a deep interest in all school and church ihattcrs Floral City can Imast- nf having one of the largest and pret- tiest school buildings in time county a piclnre of which appear in this RED LEVEL Red Level is nne may a suburb of Crystal River It is essentially a settlement nf farmers It is a line razing and farming country The main farmers there are Mr J J Priest Mr J I Winnand Mr W It Kdwards These as well a othersat Red Level have that a Florida farm insure a luxurious living to anyone who brings to it time pluck and good necessary to make farming pay anywhere in the United States The staple money trolls at Rc- Level are sweet potatoes and sugarcane hut other crops are raisen hJ arc uumul i Ill a ill iii tcry ytmir nut ter ¬ ¬ also imuh atientiiiti pail to time raisniu nf u I luif and pnrk The farmers turn their ca- iiiln sugar and yrup tliinisilvi nut they have the reputation of makr g I syrup as can be made in Florida TIll Red Level people art also in- grissive especially ill reliJmi educational matters as is cvii by tleir HIM id schoil and clnnvii LECANTO- Lecantii is simnted in alnm th i ctlitre of this county Its population is near Its surface is rolling the hilts amid ihe being covered with a splen- did growth of yellow Pint tiealthfnlness of thi section is ex- ceptionable its altitude con- siderable for this poriinu of the State Malaria i almost unknown TIll soil varies from a gray loam I heavy black both suits having red clay sub suits ranging from eight inches to several feel in depth tnitl till double frece of anti cultiin wa time principal industry this being stock raising ami general tanning on small scale The beiny adapted to quality and ilavoras was rained lo orange culture nn fruit as here any place in the tame Since the freee however general farnmg- mi a large uppteiiHiited by look raising i the principal Corn peanuts cliufa velvet beans melon and oats beside the iisunl lesser lie hi crops arc 1111 4 itrtts 00 alt Jot jii nralll t nil a all inlu lr UIIcllI ts get igrmmihmicuh I ii Imi jug i ito ii timid ¬ ¬ ¬ grown Ilie velvet utah oi recent years is being grown for fattening stuck in winter This in intn iptite an indn try The land grows line peaches in n few years prove important industry ve mi this grow to iie and Ire very One tree we know has a sprci I of more than V feet Several lield nf corn age 5 bushel the Hay making in oecnpyin tVc aticn- tion of our farmer more cucb year Improved linrry i intro- duced rapidly a the nuti nf time fiirmTs wil allow Already ihi ncr timi hal reaper and hindm mowers nay pta liuli r planter sulky plow and disk Ma- rrow ns well a the minor As to iilucntioit tlii Incality of a large twntnry bniling having a faculty of three uaMur MM- an Ilirollmeiit of Tin tin our farmer a to lumber i u d- by a saw mill located abnil the TI ler of the Incalily A S King Siuiunrr ahortcnJies will all lladl f will I acre tim il1fo a IIi rim I Ill t I i I immglivtil J 1 I ITt Is t ¬ ¬ < Iaiiaua Shortnike Two ilour one large nf baking liiwder two tnbles nfuls of rreamed- luiller n Mlneli or suit inil siilllclenl milk to make a soft doiiLb Coll out In i wo thin layers and spread butter can ii eii II ijulek oven split butter aruerously- ami pninl between the layers ami lover i lie top the foTiowliig Hllin- g1raie ibe peel half an orange and use with Hie pulp nf two oranges rub live ripe Illiniums tiroiih II sieve add he orange mid one cupful nf sugar then stir In oiielmlf of thick ireain sweetened nnd whipped of iluildi exnelly the siuin us In the lust reclpe sprea I lie liofnin layer vlih cherries that have been stoned and sweetened iut oil Ib top erust- nnd more fruit Serve wlih whipped cream amiel ft It may iMiil If necessary Womaiis Home Compitii Ion A Rcctpn for Succoss Keep your head cool vnnr feet warm vonr mind busy Pont worry over tillles Plan your work ahead and then stick to It rain or shine Dont waste sympathy mt yourself If you are II gem some one will lind yon I Ill Ill I SII that till lIll11l1lllIl1ll1g J1Ilw in I I IIa 11 II pOllIOII I I ti VIii mmliii iiiuhiim lIh I lmemiy > The High School Bu ding Floral City

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Page 1: CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS J in - University of has been paid in It is nfui too a thankless ollice fur with th best of forethought



Board of County Commissioners Citrus County1


The office nf County Commissioneis one nf rcspoiiibilitics rcimiijug careful iniljudging abilities not only i

small matter lint in matters in-

volving the progress nf publienterprise which should bciieiievery taxpayer nf the county in consistance with the amount nf taxwhich has been paid in It is nfuitoo a thankless ollice fur with thbest of forethought using the mo-

cautinus solicitude anti judgment mis-

takes may creep in or nine ii

count as mistakes which accrue reallto the welfare nf the iiunibeof people Cilrus county pays nvc

1180950 county tiCs annually amthe proper dispeiiing f thesemoneys is nn trilling matter wlieimen honor anti with cmiscieiitinnness regarding n public trust are in thoffice

Hut Citrus county has iutelliKCU

voters who know pretty well just thsort of men they tIn trust tu tuanapitheir municiial affair rightly anthey generally hid the right men

in the rightThe present incumbents of the ffi

ccs of County Commissioners nf Cit-

rus are Capt R H Mat sonJohnS Iedrick I Y Uarne-

Mr R Rooks and K T UMV

manThese men arc alt live widiawaki

men who arc not content totheir salaries simply hut who honest-ly try to earn them Allfrom the pond roads movement

Uking care nf the noii loiupauper have always been ennsidereicarefully lest the mmieys In

squandered or lest they be withhchwhen the judicious and proper inv

provement of the enmity and itspurity tin peiiditurethe same

Of cnurse in counties are some

who fluid fault with the MI hiilithe public funds artS used mostly be-

cause they cannit andcistaud r

tit V V t in t

every public matter under considervion lint in Citrus comity the niimbetof the disgruntled ones is owinvto till fact that its County Com-

missioners are people nf the peopleand not men of raft nr rings

ONE ON THE JUDGEBy M M StrainerCrystal River Ma

Written for the Xew

There is a beautiful little nuthericity where there Y iMieral tinMajor Captain and CnlniielThere art i nine Judges Thereone Judge very much in

There isnt one thins wrong aboutthis Judge Inves him furhe is the jolliest bighearted courtlyold gentleman you ever saw

Now this Judge has a family whichis jnst nice just as well beloved ais he himself very nearly as wellanyway The Judge rule his familyby love of course hut time

good 011 rtilti of three Rise early begod all day lights out at ten Re-

garding this latter part of time rule theJudge is emphatic The neighbors artnot quite sure whether till gas hill nrthe Early to bed anti early to risemaxim is the chief incentive hut theyare sure that Lights out at ten is adecree from which those of his house-hold seldom take an appeal to time

higher courtsIn the summer fashion com-

mands the ladies of this city have n

little way of their nun of hieingthemselves ofT to where the coolingseabreezes blow leaving their betterhalf to solitary bachelnrdom andpoker

But not so with this Judges ladyShe had married on the For betterfor worse plan if her husband coulddispense with sea breees s couldshe one days company of theJudge was more to her than all thesea breezes that ever did or ever wouldblow so she was determined to stay





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at and take care of him a isuala gnntl wife sliiidd

TIll Judge iclt really sorry inr hisUllows They looked so Imiely Thebest they could do was to bunch them-selves and their loneliness togetherand spend the hours twixt dinner annbedtime their bedtime in tellingstnrics drinking lemonade and lookingnver smile picture

One time laid his judi-cial linger alongside of his very ju-

dicial nose and fell to reasoning thusThe buy havent their good wives to

take carl of them First thing tIlekiinw theyll get into some mischiefIm their friend Its plainly my dutyto be with them more so that mypresence may be a restraining in-

fluence on themWhen tic mentioned the tin tight to

hi wife agreed with him Yesdear it might be for time best Seeat X s house across time way

where they have met for this even-ing F can see them from this windowSee they are in tIme room directly op-

posite have forgotten to lowerthe blind Shall 1 wait up for youdear

Xno I guess not repliedtheJudge absently for he was making a

note about that blindThe Judge was welcomed with open

arm of course and immediately hishealth was drank in lemonade litthe n made his little speech arid theyallowed him to look Dt tbv pictures

limit he forgot all about tIme blindAll went on Kaeh told his

latest fishstory and then invented the

Ii tnta



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> ¬



one was to happen at some futuretime Then they sang songs of Com-

rades when e were boys flavorAfter then1 came the confidentialreminiscences of the lirsi sweethearteach one had had and they drank toeach sweethearts health in

of course Meanwhile they toyec ellcctively with time pictures those

mtcens no doubt remind-ing them of their own absent Queenof Hearts

TIme Judge beginning anew tosympathize with his desolate friendswhen a clock struck the

v vSurely it cannot be and

the Judge compared the timeof his with that of time nrmoht011 the mamlepiecc there was no de-

nying or in anyway obliterating tinfact that it was two nelnck two Inthe morning

With ns much dignity he couldmuster considering all circumstancethe Judge took leave of his fellowsand crossed tIme street musinu nn tiltfact that tulle is fleeting and life is

h rt rriving at his own residencehe opened tIme dour softly he is a veryconsiderate man and did not wish todisturb his family

Why What and the Judge stoppedon hi threshold in astonishment alltime hall lights were in full power

1Atravagance murmured time

Judge as he stepped in and quicklyturned mil all the jets hut one Be-

rn re I putt out that one I had betterhaw a look into the parlor said lieunto himself

Jeelinsophnt Every gis jetablaze here too O those girls Theirswains get them so rattled that theyforget to turn off time gas after theyget through with their courtingFellowsll know a thing or two whenthey grow tip and have gas hills oftheir own tn pay Soon the parlorwas left in darkness

Wonder if time library has got theilluminating fad too and the Judgestepped across time hall and opened adoor Six brilliant lights beamed onhim from the chandelier

The Judge dropped Into the nearestchair and fell to considering timings

is or what has been doing In i

this house anyway Is anybodynewly horn or newly dead Or andnow a sudden chill struck haveI gotten into the wrong house

But no for as he looked about theroom he saw plainly his ownlounging chair his own desk tableand yes there was himself lookingdown from time wall There was nodoubting that picture for he hall oftenthought things about that same pic










lemon-ade I





Col Nic Barcos Beautiful Residence Crystal River

Hire he had said things too abouthat picture when no one elseabout lie saul things about it nowand with an emphasis that had beeiwholly lacking on former occasions

Then he turned the lights outWhen lie got out into the hall

he said to himself Guess Id bettelmake tIme rounds In every roomtime loer story all the gas jets weredoing their best One by one theywent out after Time little twist of thewrist that was now becoming a matterof habit to time Judge As he wentalong the Judge considered whether itwere best to pay that gas bill by fore-

going his next intended fishing trip III

by becoming an aldermanArriving again in time nail he heaved

a sigh amid turned out the remaininglight and thought he would now grsoftly up stairs to his bed

The hall was now in darkness hutno What was that soft light on tinstairway An nil lamp 1y all thefinds of Darkness a common smellyoil lamp When before had theelegant home of the Judge been pro-

faned by an oil lamp plain keroseneoil lamp The Judge was now waxinpwrathy

1pough out belged time massivecheeks of time Judge and out went thatlight

lie then took firm grip on time

banisters and was not quite sowhether his step was light or

notCame a turn in the spiral stairway

and there sat another lamp Ppnnghand out it went Another time

spiral another Tpough another hitof darkness

Nov time Judge sat down on a stepand pondered What in theno I musnt swear There is theremust be a reason for all this Not asoul stirring yet lights everywherelie rubbed his he scratched hishead but no illuminating thoughtcame to him though it was evidentthat some very great illuminatingthought haul come to somebody else

Finally he got up again and steppedto his debroom door The Judgesteadied himself such an innovationof things unusual were enough tomake even a judge a bit shaky on hilegs He stood there awhile wonder-ing whether he would he greeted heretoo by a flood of light Or was per-

haps a curtain lecture awaiting himno his Madatnc was not of that

sort Resolutely he now opened tIlldoor The lights were there of coursen full Idaxe hut only tilt sweetest ofslumber was pictured on the coun-enance on which lit gazed

Ilow lan anyiiiK sleep in Mich






turn jim




Unloading Palmetto at the Fiber FactoryBuds


a glare of lights was all tIll com-

ment he made as he turned out theselights as he had time others and thencrept silently into bed

The Judge was up before day butthe lid not run the lawnmower ortrim the roses nr feed time pet rabbitsor examine the auto or hunt caterpil-lars or punch time bees to make themget ofT to work lie just sat on time

thinkingLater at the breakfast table he

looked about at each member of hisfamily for signs but not a sign couldhe see He could not lower his dig-

nity by asking questions so there wanothing for him to do but carry on hispart of the early morning chats asusual

When the meal was over and as hewas leaving the room he heard hisdaughter say Mother why did yougo down stairs last night or thismorning rather for I heard the clockstrike two

limit Mother had made herselfbusy with tIme waitress and appeared

liMe heard the so theJudge went on into the parlor andstood by tIme window looking thought-fully over at time house across thestreet He could see into the veryroom suddenly lie understood therewas the blind still up the blind hehad forgotten to pull down


not to







It has been said that there are a dozendifferent varieties of soil in every sectionof land in Florida While this may notbe true exactly it is a fact that due va-

rieties of soil about Crystal River aremany This is so because nf the near

i ness of the Gulf at time west and souththe high rolling pinelands at the east

with Hal woods hammocks and scrubsat time north Naturally near the water-

courses the soil is rich mucky mill ac-

cording to thi nearness of the Gulf

Thc marshes are so rich in allu-

via and humus that the soil is often dugand used to fertilize time poorer sandysoils which are hut layers upon layers of

decayed oyster shells and for some cer-

tain products are well suited Thesoils of time hammock lands are exceed-

ingly rich in fertility We know of onefarm on time river where the ownerplanted nn orange grove and year aftercar until time trees became too large to-













allow of cultivation between lrfull crop of corn and ihis vith m inany fertilizers whatever lltnmilands have as good soils lan i

anywhere for cabbage cnnlnnrp-

aragus celery lettuceforage plants The finest la r-

anges mill time largeit r

they are so tender anti full m

they do not stand v v

Lemons figs bananas mid n

best on these river hainnv id

hammock lands arc found uamong the pine lands win r

considerable dip in

face of the country Tin

very fertile hilt they lu n

protection from the light

winter which the neanucourses secures

The pine lands are i u

great variety as to saiuN n v idtilt naturally while otlm MV iilt

dition of commercial ci nrder

to secure good crops ln uh hidthought their pine Iio lfs were

made jubilant in gettitii iij imo fur it

because of the great I i phosphate

hidden in it

OutiiiK nnd ResortOvei the hills nnd lliruiiKh tIme val-

leys11st to Natures VIMIUK nil

Seek the tieId the slmre tin wild-

woodSiiniiiior eoinis with j s for all

01 all the rcmarkalile social

of recent days there nonemore marked tlinn the uiitlni andpleasure moment lu varying seasonsof time year motmiiiiiis mid shores nreattracting lucreislns ilmnsamls theentering to whose has resulted



viiiiuIII many section In l nsiiu s of greatproortlons

To the fdgiilllcance uf this phase ofmodern life we vi i ndil our miteof commendation I lie custom of n

yearly outing Is inmining moro uni-

versal nnd wlilespiTiui Kvcrywherepeople In larger numbers nre resort-Ing to mountain and seashore Titergo earlier ami my later than wasonce time practice

Fiom other i uicreantlle pointof view the gond ilmt accruis In healthnml comfort in nil classes from tincustom Is well iii li liirnleiilablu-Iliange life out if iliiniv nc




gIll II lIt














It WitI



r j


similuli ii








lea I





nllil Mill

Illiv iv intlll1-Tliri s naiig

Iontiiit with im-

i II thousand tonles-si make for health

iiitnietinns ol compnreii-wltii tin Icantles nf nature dulliiml unsatisfying The one Is real theother is iirtltlelnl The book 11 na-

ture iis surely written by tilt In-

visible liniil It Is nn iverabldliig-mlrncl Till city Is luillt by man nndIt the Imperfections the stigmaand tli siiine of all things liniimn-

In tin liie of Ilumbulill time greni-

miinralisi we read Man Is a prod-

uct of oil ind Lllmate ami Is brotherto tin rncUc trees and niilinak Ho-

is on these and all thingsseem I imint to the truth that he hasevolved from them Hiiiiiboldt dlseov-

eied ery early In his cnreer that tinlineit dowers grow where there arothe ilncst lfils and nniii separateil

and flowers could not

owing tendency among tliof he city to return to tiniil i Iniieaslng pleasure ami

rural ways of life Is aiii Milne sign of the timesniiKhig School

A Rcit Nookunr lioiue is III time country There

rove a short distance from

Ii 11

hlI mid iveiutd pwurs or

10 II



Iioimu I j Ids listpossll1l



II illS 1


Li slIIlIlI

St iiiiii Ii uuulmiu-

lii miii

i hit Ithit



Iiii lvi

tuI ii



the house and here the inlstress plant-

ed her Iist Nook Sonic rusticbenches constructed a home-

made table fur books magazineswork basket some common wooilea-

ehalrs and n nod aiipply of linen ani-

ldeiilmrovend iiislilons Itesldes thesethere were two hammocks one of tin

wire variety for till children A large-

nwnlij was used to help regulate tin1

shade and i small campers tent warset up for tin1 youngsters

The housework was planned withwisdom ami forethought and nlinpllllel-

MS innih piiwlble The ehlldreusenthusiasm v s boiindless and eachone found some ny to help with thhome duties MI that mother could go

with them to tilt Nook Two after-

noons of week were set apart tom

Sometimes time motherwent with till ihlMren to time woodswhere they studied the birds nnd low-

ers iiiiietlmes to time rivet tam fist

and sometimes to meadow or thicketfor berries

When the days work was donethe father Joined tIme family ntNook and the cool twilight hour wasspent together C H





eu elm

Nut uliISmuiIiL





THE ISLE OSARONDEECapt Geo H Stratners Lovely Home on Crystal River

THE ISLE OSARONDEEThe above heading is the lIam

leu Strainer poetical wifehas dubbed iheir 1cititifnl homewhich is situated hist three miledown the river

Capt Strainer moved lure fromIllinois in iSSi located ii h piv iniplace Immediately upon his airivai-he went to work building a home andclearing land preparatory to plantinnut an nrange grove He tutu a linegmve in bearing when the fretyc eanuill i6 Not to dnunied he went towork again after the freeze and haslived to set and enjoy the fruits of his

years nf hard labor tumid patientwailing for he has brought his grItinto bearing again lUide orangesbe has nianv oilier kitiiis nf fruitssuch as plums figs banana datelemons etc

And nn better land fr truck aiHgeneral fanning c n lie found in tlustate than his

Here lind the IKSI iitiing ill

Florida especially for tarpon Theirhome is large and comtnodimiN huthimself and wife liking the ipiiel olthis retreat and loving home life inpreference tn hotel lift they have notmade room for more than u few specialguests

The home circle tin happy familyconsists of fattier mother three beautifnl and accomplished daughter ami-riiie handsome indii tri it and duti-ful son And we want sav that lur-

ing our stay upnn this mtiniiin phere-we have met and mingld with miriiv



mall i






families but this oiu ccin Jnhappiest and most afTictioiiate whenall are tngithcr we have ever seenlint then we can easily accnuni for

y their parents re-

crived the correct hotnetreatnieiil-whili grnwing up

Mrs Strainer is one of the brightestwmeii in tIme state A a writer itwnM he a hard matter tn find Illfinal in Florida The best periodi

tIme country ire ahvays anxinii-to receive her inattiT and pay her wellf r it f


Floral City is situated in them virt of Litru utility n ar time liiu-

if llernandn and i a

nxMiki1 lowtl of abmit fivemliahilints Ma1art located within a radius of a few

milts the which turns IMI

rMral tlinu and dollars evelI hicli the mireliant of the town

ri a11 I lit benefit ofThe lands which surround

are rich and fertile and the inthat section are prosperous and happyThev raise tIme grcatfsi abundance of


Thc tIiiiulrtim hlllI rlarlJh lilt hal

11 i

tain id


IIi plnl

Ihii imtvtrm lit


nm tutu

this t Vii

a run t r

lorciiiiMimptiiin and otne t spare

Some i if time live citixen nf FlnralCity art I W Word Jr lion J V

Knight Dr C O Simw J T Uawland S I Mnoii When these live en-

terprising citixens put their slmulder-to the wheel and all iull togethersomething happens

The people of tin town a a ruletinns and

take a deep interest in all school andchurch ihattcrs Floral City can Imast-

nf having one of the largest and pret-

tiest school buildings in time countya piclnre of which appear in this

RED LEVELRed Level is nne may a suburb

of Crystal River It is essentially a

settlement nf farmers It is a line

razing and farming country Themain farmers there are MrJ J Priest Mr J I Winnand MrW It Kdwards These as well a

othersat Red Level have thata Florida farm insure a luxuriousliving to anyone who brings to it time

pluck and good necessary tomake farming pay anywhere in theUnited States

The staple money trolls at Rc-

Level are sweet potatoes andsugarcane hut other crops are raisen


arc uumul





iii tcry ytmir nut




also imuh atientiiitipail to time raisniu nf u I luif andpnrk

The farmers turn their ca-

iiiln sugar and yrup tliinisilvi nutthey have the reputation of makrg I syrup as can be made in Florida

TIll Red Level people art also in-

grissive especially ill reliJmieducational matters as is cviiby tleir HIM id schoil and clnnvii


Lecantii is simnted in alnm th i

ctlitre of thiscounty Its population is nearIts surface is rolling the hilts amid

ihe being covered with a splen-did growth of yellow Pinttiealthfnlness of thi section is ex-

ceptionable its altitude con-

siderable for this poriinu of the StateMalaria i almost unknown TIll soilvaries from a gray loam I heavyblack both suits having red clay subsuits ranging from eight inches toseveral feel in depth

tnitl till double frece of anticultiin wa time principal

industry this beingstock raising ami general tanning onsmall scale The beiny adaptedto quality and ilavoras was rainedlo orange culture nn fruit ashere any place in the tame Sincethe freee however general farnmg-mi a large uppteiiHiited bylook raising i the principal

Corn peanuts cliufa velvet beansmelon and oats beside the iisunl

lesser lie hi crops arc






jii nralll



allinlu lr



get igrmmihmicuh I


Imi jug


ito ii





grown Ilie velvet utah oi recentyears is being grown for fatteningstuck in winter This in

intn iptite an indn try The landgrows line peaches in n few years

prove important industryve mi this grow to

iie and Ire very Onetree we know has a sprci I of morethan V feet Several lield nf corn

age 5 bushel theHay making in oecnpyin tVc aticn-tion of our farmer more cucb yearImproved linrry i intro-duced rapidly a the nuti nf time

fiirmTs wil allow Already ihi ncrtimi hal reaper and hindmmowers nay pta liuli rplanter sulky plow and disk Ma-

rrow ns well a the minorAs to iilucntioit tlii Incality

of a large twntnry bnilinghaving a faculty of three uaMur MM-

an Ilirollmeiit of Tin tinour farmer a to lumber i u d-

by a saw mill located abnil the TI

ler of the IncalilyA S King

Siuiunrr ahortcnJies

will alllladl


will I acre

tim il1fo






I i

I immglivtil








Iaiiaua Shortnike Twoilour one large nf bakingliiwder two tnbles nfuls of rreamed-luiller n Mlneli or suit inil siilllclenlmilk to make a soft doiiLb Coll outIn i wo thin layers and spread butter

can ii eii

II ijulek oven split butter aruerously-ami pninl between the layers ami

lover i lie top the foTiowliig Hllin-g1raie ibe peel half an orange and

use with Hie pulp nf two oranges rublive ripe Illiniums tiroiih II sieve addhe orange mid one cupful nf sugar

then stir In oiielmlf of thickireain sweetened nnd whipped

of iluildi exnelly the siuin us In thelust reclpe sprea I lie liofnin layervlih cherries that have been stoned

and sweetened iut oil Ib top erust-

nnd more fruit Serve wlih whippedcream amiel ft It may iMiil Ifnecessary Womaiis Home CompitiiIon

A Rcctpn for Succoss

Keep your head cool vnnr feetwarm vonr mind busy Pont worryover tillles Plan your work aheadand then stick to It rain or shineDont waste sympathy mt yourselfIf you are II gem some one will lindyon

I Ill Ill I

SII that tilllIll11l1lllIl1ll1g J1Ilw in


I IIa 11 II pOllIOII


ti VIiimmliii iiiuhiim


I lmemiy


The High School Bu ding Floral City