crystal palace enolewood, 14/brooklyn ny...•though d, a j. th e sol jkr speeds to-day :...

Mm perry •rm tl TTNIO* I* tbe IBIMI *nd bev i msnl tapea- .Raked la this cltj or j a Long lalaad, n o Three win Baleen NMM week, or e Dollars per a u u u Payable vc the earner. AOVERTItU.Na RAlaM. M cants per Mwe Meant* per line ja.eott partlae iOdi.its oerticc . 'dr. each nouee Me. eaea oottee eacn nottee 'tale aad To Let !Se.eae» MMM orrises* aad Deaths. HATBS or DISCOUNT. w»ta (w m i n i oaa) .... sperenai.ew' ainth* tor 73 iaaeruoos>.... ,...Mp*rcent-on" maths (or StInsertions! 4»Keree««.oS omta»(e»l«iaaertleaai .-»»«ro*tti»»a e m u : Caahtnedt lotaieg reckoned at leal than iII uoowuo >n> T » Mu.i'Hir is a eoaioifte OS A.NU JOB FKl.NTl Nt. gST ABLISHM »>' t. mst^ru.m woag .try and promts ly aeoeat afcottBest** aad in ratsat style. .11 are invited to Nil) sad tea* oat tacQf He* tor •celiac aax sty te of pelnuae. BE.NRT It BOWKS, Pob tehe'. [FOB Tug BmoOKLrn Csiow.) DECORATION DAT. falftfr Oar (»aa(n'» Defender* ! ns*, ZVcl OS YAM 7A •a^ .vn-sV V^k\. tf tdf 78 r OC 7AJM TAaTHltoiHTJ TJIAO TSTOHCOfla 3HT VOL. X. NO. 221 W-whtngton lee • JL*™ " * *-P"^™*"«. Report o." ST an tuti When Twaann rsiW Itelmploaa head. Jmpcniud this nett nauon'llife, A act, during ill tons, bloody years. Our heroes baiHud la iMe alrttw- If th«»y should fai. la fxvettoan't glorious strife, Tmal we »rt>i«*taw ae-pita* ones— T ae ikMrrB Sad the wtf*.* Hundreds »/ thousands I M *l»'i> Ntaxii valley, bill aad plain ; Tory gav e tttetr Itrea * eacrlftoe- Wracel out tbe cirseJ »«uit! All honcr to our pat not tone— Tbe aailant boy* la blue : For ape let them teiiti-uibere-'l D.-, Kurth t eoole one*- and true 1 '*« twentest flower* where sleep the Bedew each mound wtth t e n s ; Though »te«i UM. be tbeir memory jr ,,?a .i uugb all tbe corolog year*'. •Though d, a J. the sol Jkr speeds to-day : HatelacaJarjeU o a t s ate ouia; Herat tabor tin ui. In fndoriiess. And sti ew bb i n t t with II iwew ! Hay 30, lSTJ. r. j i Sitae pw- t aptalri Jack. In (taioamron, in ibf> your l«jt, a half-bf-o 1 oy nan -• I Joan nir i'*. »•, w.i« employed on me of Carson A Oarrrtt's boats, whteb i*»«l b ply at that time rm tbe Ontonagon Rivor, a tie pmeanger and ft vucut b .-iin .-*. aa* wcvn be **UKHilb" and tbe Minnesota litndior. earcety rttbrmt ypars old. be was, nererHte- eef, oiatimrunbed lor a eerrain ax/n-wtvo tiavadosanal w*< looked upo i by Bat ieilow- rorkmen aa a daiwecoua i ersin. Doc proaii. i»eat scar on bit forehma was tbe record ut % Jbwhe bad rr-ofiff,-1 from* tbe b foltKeeoer of be firm be worked tot, on account of rut jit-. it tbst eentletMn, to a»en.-e socao «ittbt or nuattnfd 1i»Jutr, wi'h s dea>lrr wpspon, w% Ph X- Intendt (1 to « < • 11 he hadn't been knocker! rn*eiuw betoct" lie executed hto roilrdi-roiis kwtan. DeiHMte t b e « a r » g f of Joan's ns'ur.\ ind albeit a terror ti> tbe etaM ae f»Ht»t>J *itb. tbtre was «ouictbSn« in bn bcai-soar tbat locotnwcndtd Sim to tbe attention of tbe peo- Hc above bis«tatlrrt. who recostnhred tnitu of tbaracit-r a->t in tfctsiuiic a»U> hit ouUKlo and lerllisb fcremins;. Nature b-io done a teal fir Sajwooo, Hti featu f n ll.i tad a mature that i>voutisea wareolean »orttone by tbe nme be bad alsaftttd bis M: rrowlh. John's law leas prjolivltiai andebiv- Hroua and spasmodic iroaernatty reudarott aim l «.rn<l of bcro long before he left Da'.'iii.- i for brut llycut nstf i t'-eucnr.iuu.oa uiirat, IU a i»i:t^.k- --.11:11 U of t»at r-ilaiie— "'•Tboao* HoiU-r* - J*b» hyl *r» Bo» the ewmtry, i id s>a>;«>ou foaauatai!, and if a torsaar re^ij :.i st Luke bupeiiorbadn t run aerou btjs, in tlfb. as Ornton, tW 'iii.Nwn Klrer ba.f- t rt" o lad wowld. perhip*. iteyer luv.i b»»ei> tamiDifcan aajaya, Tbe ifruiamu, «b • i> we u*e in M'bt' d tor ttiis bit of bt-uory, in a letter Just received by aa from bim. written to fftaJkt w a n e be is ao«aa>ed in uiiuin.. aasta: * * I l c - B a n t b o o — w o * «n< n ehief of tb>' trfb», and ai tb»,t tj:t>e areat powerover the li- uiai a HtSKbaion 'o th« nolnt wbori I m^t tuui, wiastoaew an aarni of :be Oqeemnsctnt. I st aii preacnt at one UMerriew, jn I t aoou dis- ooteied ti.ut bb p*rv«:rston ot prloctpioand law was cons.ruinate; aiM' t * w not «urori*od ai subs.eo.uant reTemttonsla tbe rnatiM ebeirae- ter, which bawe shown him to be a bloody and crafty freebooter, wh.iao personal oainw^s and those of bis followers arc dlscaaieJ tbrouabout th • wot Id to-day." Our readara will be a«ioiu»n d when lata; bear that the John fauaboo, ot this hastily written and imaarft-ct taotob. an'! Cantata Jack, of tbe Modoc tadians. are arte and the same person '. Our authority in tliu nutter is Mr. J o t o L Nk-hofc.. who itsiled tar year* in Oatonaiioii and Housteo oottntlw*. and U now llTlnu ut M l Lake- This a-eutleuaaa"* twtUal ooaevraiM how be dawossred who I aptaia lack wsa, together with other points dotailcd in his letter, ImOj ns to believe ihat tbeoow- ard:y"a.<aasetn ol Gsnerai CaoUy was at one tlaso a resident of Lake duper.or.— Poitaj IMf Mining OasetJr. I* Vina Vrrltaa. Tbe following, f r>-»h from o»er sea, m told at tflatrspuiaeoi a daninguished and estimable flnstof 3coti». It satins that a ttlnoar-Darty SBBBla Bvogress dunug a billitant display of northern Hwhrs. and this gentleman, stepping wWt taceaw ass i.urur « brow, was <:arti«.-l by tlat ntaariy. Brstc»>d amasod; theo, turnlna to tbe window, saw, witlna. bis wife, sitting •with rhe Indies wa!t>ns for the Br>ntleni«>n t.> end their Clares i ;>a o u r a n . Pushinir aside the tare curtains, be beckoned has wife Agoe» to cosae ottt. She complied, when be said to her, solemnly. "Wasmea, d'er sec any thin? eiitrouory nOWr" * Tesa. Dolly, I see you have bem drinking too much tine." " No. cor that, Wogm-s: I racan ojrstrooory rhomoraonumsin utmoapbcie." * Why, where, Dolly T™ "3JP yonder, Wsgnes." •' w by, dear me: vet, I d.>. indeed—the m-xit trilliaui aurora 1 crtrsi*.' * Waanea, are Iblags a-suootln' 1" ** Aa' a-fla<bin', Wagnes;*" - Yes, Doi;y." _,**•*•' »o«t*r spreauin' and tUneln*, ch, tnaptieaT "* Ail that, my dear." "Mo'" Hunch rt!ieve.». "D> youfenw. Itagoea-1 laean Arnes -wbcn'r' saw the Kelt ail*! phonnimontuns a-ascrain' upper yonder, Oleas me e*er luxln't think 1 was ia rtao serif -«*•."-Htirpct't Man •»»"*. tmms cousciu , romoany. H9.92, HUt; Joha for bread, WT |J; » n d John Harrison, for ttwaana" Home. * H « fH.Sil, •S6.4K. i t S m ana SaVat. AaWaaaa. perto,* the Caaaasittee on Laadaaod Bail 1- inas-To pay to S V. Bash a rtoa tba «u.a of •too as, a* Brtt premiaai for alaos tor tke aaghth iTectntt Statlo»-hfn»e, and to» B. <nrrk«r aad Ktag & Curnsl: tbe fum of ti-e •« ••».'i as the aacona aad third tiiaaa for xud ssation-hoase. Adopted. "Trota th« tams-D'r. of.i< tae C im:n,,,i.-uor» of City Work* to edrartlse for proposals 1 >r botll- ing the Ktghth Preclact Statleaf-hoasa la aeeorjr- aoee with plant and tpecttcatlons prepared by a. V. Bash A Son. Adopted. rr.aiUie luMBiUtae on Sappltaa. e t e . - Vward- iof contract to Jalias Pehank to furoisu h »se and pipe for the City Hall for the aim of »U».t>. Adopted. . _i - rrcan Committee on *!Viaat">>i and Truant Tinsel I iiai m» i ntatraot to Wat. A. Corr for famiaaana ttrjr aooda tor oss of "irusiit Hooia. ac- eorttlaa toproo.mai on pags i\* vt printed unuabo* i-lKijifi Adl.l.,J, rrowtttv same c •un>itt«e- Awardina .:oalr;ict to John Delia; to furnish gr i<rl js (*< called for la ehw* foari for Traant Soars for tho »JTI of I171.7& Ad,>ut»d. Proa* aaaia cotaaalstee—Awarding eootract to Joha IieUuty for faxesaing pilot Dread f -r Truvil lioaie for lite suoa of hH asata per poaoa. also :or faanlBbtaa bread foi BBM hj^i^fortae aaaioll>> •eats per BtnanB. Adapted Prom same eamsaittee— Directing proper ofBcer to at leareTarloBsnpetlea tor Truant llome; et- peaae not esceehiag ».»l. Adoptrd. Jit ui the I'sramiUeo on PBJHBI Uocks-Aw*rdlan eeatraes to Bernard Marttey to billl an estanaloa »nq culkhwtd at the foot of bold stre,;t :or the sua «f laJH. Adopted. Froai the tarns committee—Awardina oontract to John W. ITUhsrlT to npair tua u. «.-k loot ot tiortb decuod street for the s u a of »':'•. Adopted. Monoiti Agn aasotmosts. By Aid, Irwyer—Bssljmaiton of G. R. Rogers as PsaawpaataBaw ef Deads. Acsspted. aad Qeorge B y * ld.« Bopea-fhat Department 'of Car Work* szpaod pa> for dast for Sweet Daoartm .-at. Adoptsa. By the saane-That the Board »f 0*p WorM eresS a saatahle ataml on Camberland street, op- posts* WiUoav nh; aranae. at aa oxpeese of tl "u, to he used by Goraraor Joaa A. Dlx on rerlewiog the Second DlTlsisa Natioaal tiaard, Wedoeaday, J-.usl.ura. Adopted. By the same-That tbe Board of City w irks tend to the beard a statement a t a n contra -is where ctrtrBeates are issaed In exes** of work performed; also the aantes of eeatraesors, aad the aanss of haapsetors and r-apata aa abatga oftheaaai*. Adopted. Bj .be »»uio ihat member* o* .Vsie-noly aad Saease free* KiD2* rounty he requested t o a s s their sBSxte to dafsat th* aiaeadiaaat to the New tork Bridge Company having ter Its ohieet the »«aepta»«a »y the etlie* of the stock held ay pri- rate tti naaosaaae. Adopted. By Aid. Bodman -That well and puaip coraer of fenry and Warten street* ha repaired; expense Adopted. By Aid. «iu*—That the Comptroller ho in- structed to lata* ao atcre bond* t,t th* .sv* V.irk Bridg,-Coaaprr.r inrit all other aahaerther* aase paid r. an equal ear atwttaai wltn the city, vdoptwl. By the saass—That James Mam*- be anpolnted paaadataater of the seventh tVa* Ad-'pteX Br the same— 1 bat Board ef t <sv •« orn compel contractors for grading aad pa/lug streets t- pro- ceed wvth the work In aaeeraaaca • it i the tarais of eeelraet. Adopted. riy the.jiinie-Taat tile 9wth day of May. known as Oef«iratl«n Dav. he -h»ervfd as a l«-al ht.:.,l*T. ..n.l that tho faces of the city he Ho-eO on that t.ay, AssaPMd, By th »., in - i.tthe City '"Icrk procm.*e dom * IS'at', f City ^Vorks a r .j.ooso M res*iiat*on In 1 referei ee tt* a t t - r n e j »nu L-onn«el t'tjes. Adopted. Bythe«sti e-ibm«l of tnty Worts pia<>» new ilaesx.r.os in cell* of fourth Pretrlnei station, I i-BBeasr t .all. Adopted. By ,W, Mi lour.>- I .tat B t*rd of Citv Wo.ka > r>atupaa awnlu,- for t',e K'gbth Precinct Station i house, expt n;»-Ion. Adopted. By the same-t hat f*i-»per .»foror* fuml'h one I \nen<»n >i j f o r t h e Pieh - h Preclnot rsatloa ti. !.... -t - • i \tlopteo. By the mi.*—That towrd of City Works foralsh tt*e for the several station houses, at an expense of , ASovrmt'Orh. \ouatetl Bs \M. BTf-ftnatrfy-.bat Anilttar aid foTip- I lroller par i.ii ,.t A. J. Stewart. asiouuUug to 1 t-Aum. Adopted. i • j the saaia - rhat B tard of C.ty Works furnish I lee for the City Hall at au expense ot t o uu per i i iijoath. Aditpied. Aid. Tr.»st ,r»l^e-!tesiimatlt»i) of Wllllt-n I McOaare as toinmi»si.n«r of Deed*. At-cepted, , aad Daaatt liti^ad asp-onted. Bytbesaitie n tar.l of City W<«:<s teo.tlr I n i x p '-ttrner r-t l>--sn aad bajUn. expenac 112.00. i Perpetual CRYSTAL PALACE IABD Industrial Exhibition Company OF NEW YORK.: Subscription to the Stock wilFbe'receiTftl at the following places m New York city: UMIOK T B I S T 00 .... 13 Broadway UOWEB 4 MACT % Wall Street IIFTH NATION A I. BA.VK Third Avenue and Twenty-sixth Street BLU.'S IIKAD BANK Third Avenue sod Twenty-Oftb street II \ CI.EM BAKK Third Avenue and One Hundred and Twenty- aflh Street, and of AltTION "NOTH K. A. D. MELUCK, JR., & BROTHER, AI'CTIONEKRS Hm> DBAUCRS IN NKW .IKKSKV BBAJs t-TATK, 6 PINE^TBBBT, will sell at ENOLEWOOD, New Jersey's Favorite Suhnrb, ON f ML'KDAV, MAT 31, 1*3, At !M P. M-, OB the prem iscs. by order of Mrs. J. 3. Cowan. The BrautifBl Estate of Hillside Park, ci'iif UI~I.NI; cnoiCR BUILDI-HO PLOTS in tbe centre oi the town, tv-nting on nagle. Chest- nut, and FUUshie avenues, and hl'KBOCNLlED BY OOBTtT IMPROVKMBNTS Only lour minutes' walk from Station. eVMQk The Elegant Stone Mansion, With Convenient Outbuildings and tiraenhooaea rALt ABMJLI i E TO TUB HUIBK»T B1DDKU. rarties desiring to attend the tale take the 1:1 P. M train :roui foot of Chambers aad Twentv- third streets. Iter maps apnly to LH \ KLfc> i>. KKLXOGG.BNGLEWOJD, £Bd to A. D. il ELi.1 1 K Ja- A 0110.1 Pine at.. K. T. Jcrp. Joba.soD, Jr., luciionoer, MatchleB8 BayBide. Last Season of the ickle Estate U S ISA A M P L E D SUCCESS. Only •J.-50 Lots Lift. anV. /% 1 1 % ,e«ff .,:,-. , '+ iw y**^ 1 ' - - l*ir.r -T - •utatiT—Js^irJI . --."sit>©s*bj9 .WSTdBt-WpBtfll . r t i t s i tadaM: r—rti4 TBct-r* - 11.} .':: i IXJBBPgll-.- . * —~T 1— '1 gr!5 I'RiCE THREE CENTS. •w A pot.ito patch. ( iOMPTKOLLER'8 OFFtCE—CITY J Hall, Brooklyn, May 33, UTS. Healed propoaala will be received at this office | until Tuesday, Junes, at % o'clock P, M, tor the ] purchase «f the whole or any part of the following ! Seven Per Cent. City Bonds, via.: flSftUOO Permanent Water Loan, da I9W and 1010. W K n Three-Tear Bonds, Proposal* must be Indorsed "Proposal* for Bonds," and state price offered, in addition t> ac- crued interest. The Comptroller reserve* the right to reject all bids not to the interest of the city. F. A. SCHROEDEtt, Comptroller. P ROPOSALS — fJBA sals are Miletted and will M AIL STATION SERVICE. NKW TOUK CTTT. POBT O m C B DlPABTaiLNT, ? j: WAsBrgsTog. May t, vta. \ Proposals will be received at the Coutract OtHce orth!s Department until 3 P . M.-tf June 1«, IS7S tto be Uecioed next day), for conveying the mails of the United States Iroiu August i. W73, to June 30, IsCT, In the city of New Tortt, as herein sperlaad. The attention of bidders is called to the J »M section Of t h e act of June S, 1S7S. w h i c h r e q u i r e s that all bids of t-VJHOand upward shall be accompa- nied by a certtned check or draft, tin some solvent national bunk, of not less than five per cent, on tbe amount of the annual pay for the service at i ho tloie snch bid Is made—which. In this case. Is tlloutUl. 1771. Prom New fork City Post office on Nassau street, by Stations A, C, H, r, D. and B, back to the Post Offlce Also, from the Post Oalee b y t h e stations iu the following order, vii: B. D, »', K, C, and A, back to the Post OtBce. s\ miles, nine times a dav each way, except snnday, and two trips each way on Sunday. Auto, from Station w, by Stations H and G, to Station K.3JW mile*, five times dally, except Sunday, and two trio* on Sun- dsy; and from Station B. bv Stations G.and eutloa K. 3.91 miles, twice daily. Also, from Sta. ion B. by Stations Q. H, and K, to Station L, aad -turn, miles, twice dallr, except Snoday, at foH -~ Birteavattbw Of Supervisors, atltMandsvy, I. i o ciock M . a t be opened, ftt ted oytlleToard' Coart Htoase. . Sfi&fL r^vctVt^^vS.-^^^neaToxTsSt^ thakSBd and Quantity ef seualsaBSadod and to be done, oan be seen on application at the office of F****^ eeeeast day ., at which time and r»r repairing »e lura- brtaasf ower Nwwtown The station* are I Station A . S o . olio we, vtau ftation B:.NO.SK."brand street Station r, No. OT Hudson street. Station D, Bible House. Station E. No. *& Kgnth av< i P. No.34»Thrrd t Bo,7&S*vea„ . Ho. m Third avenue on P. No. 343 Third ave No. 7U_Seventh avenue. A. 8. D1VRN. .Erie Railroad ofbes -AMt'Kl, ST.OAN, President IKtsware and Lack- awanna Kailroad, < JI ner William and Exenanse Place. IUCHAKD ,-CDELL... "A Broad Sueet KBASTt 8 BRC>OK a ..Publisher New York »\.-»rr«* ii. B. cwnnar. IS Nassau Street - t - l . By AIU. Doaatts reetlvefrom J- <-i That Collector ot Taxes, ete. «; , arrtn the first Instalment on tbe rspavti.•.•,..! t,.,tbu-t avenue. Ax*an*nasa| No. ISA. Aduutsd. By Aid. O'Kriliy-Bstis of tho Union (;»* Lsabt t'oupauy. ft.. ;nd IIU.TU; .tHo bill oi J. tteeaian. •Ui. T'.|t..< Ptl -nr~ C .SB, l-y t-ie ?ta.T,» i!. tt tloar.l of r,t* Wotks repair Hanshtesi aif aanti i.tnl;,-. •-,.-• t- • *g, \ l.,pte.l. By Aid l . i . l i—< annotnl. -t o i f- <m It.irlof Health anting ti>r a araprvasf sale toe sutd othes. To lht» Health C tin. I y Alt heifer That Beard >i ity Works tr- {alratimp in Jtdtasou atenue. near Haia,o.ut •wweV tut pans* SM i .'.tloalea. By Alt sta-'t-'u-rson -Noll,e of r.rdlnane" t<> {enee Iota en Btassa street and North Second St. Adopt,-!. Uy the saieo-Tkat Btartl of City Works rarntsh ice for tlte livasd of tietdtb, expense ta tt per ssenta. Adopted. Bv the ts::me 1 hat Hosr^t of Tity Works fnrnls't Ice f"t varlnt-s Justices courts, expense ta.aipar •. i wea.-ff. A,h pt. I. . , .Id. i ek.-rt la,- psonet .ail-.»,-s c i n t ) n- er»- ie-l on Ch-stant street, tltsavefliae. Vd tp'o I. »tilde and ro> ..ut...:t* re . o t tehi'l p.'-idl:u in -he . for the rsstef of Breanrtj nne, for gTadnssni p-ieint. " tnoexp-inse »e EDWARD UOBRRTS Elgbty-fllth street and Avenue A PACT, N. SPOFPORD. 39 Broadway, and at tbe temporary ut the Company, i Broadway. •'.« ; he My; •! atio avenue, and thai one.;h;ra pate l.y tie* city. ASkaptSXt. l.y AM. Cum, y- That the > ntt ITS from Kings fount* an, reauaaated w aaenveiaa aaaaage •-• la* htltbewite t h e i egistatt,re f t provi te tor the re- •-e'l-ri-t f ' ; r;tt re'srv.ft between Pniion avenue o.i th.-Rast Baser, bast. By «!ti /IntH— Toa* f.«ard of Oty W u-ks ho .'trert -tl I has ore* well corner itewos street »**a Keiititetiaue. fXpeaat.tU.oa. AsVsatad. Bv Alii Brown Ceilt. n of John U ,vor to onv taxes without (.'.-fault. To Asussmeat Gom- in liter Be p»n»e~-P.-titton of A. C. Cvtper to p»v aw ses^nteut without default To Assessment Com- mittee, By same—That prouer t.aicers fu-aish Colloctor • if fax**.ete , with filanks, at an expense of sidl. To Connuitlte on Supplit-!,. ete. By Basse—That proper oBtesTe furnl.rt the Col- lector of Taxe*. ete.,1,an i»n rt-iurns, butal quarter tax a-Kcsaaaent hill beads, expense *10J, Atlorte.1. By AM. Brown That Baagat tit City Works be dlreeied to advert seo'-.r proposals ttur f urnlshirut prograsaiae aad apeeiOcatioB., for are works, and suepiy the s a m e ->n r'oarta of J u l y , k*T3. To t-o:n- taittee on that su"tje-t By Aid. Wvllr-Petltlpn ot Predenck ^c-hnlea To .it- relative to flasiclna on Bedford aveaae. sesantent Ctonntittee. Tbehnarrt ;h.>rt aliourned uatll M tnday, Jane 3, i<o.ll<,oli-t't l». tl. WILLIAM t; BISHOP. CltyClsrk. Bisntivs \oritEs. F.E. Smith & Co?s Crushed White Wheat, lu v*inis, una iseaerib. huajftebuiU u>e Superlative Graham Flour, B«BI ID HiMtsiei, *i*ay •< fresh s>ad pnre, Atlantic and Hudson, Bvat Iran04 t»t Pastry & Family Flour ni.Mil 1 'I.HI il MILLS, AH payToents (Bast be made by check pavahle to Iwji IlliiPl III t a p (Man Trust i«mp«ii»,T3 Broad- v*y. The moneys artsirg from the sale of the stock hereby sold are paid Into the Union Trust I'.r.puny, and cannot te paid out by said Com- t«ny etassat upon vouch,"* showing that the money has been actuullrand honestly expended in the crrciion or aba Industrial alxhlhition Unildinc, or ia acquiring title to iand. The taad of tbe Ccmpany is exempt fi-om uixes bounded as tollows : tStb to liOl Street, and 3-1 io 4th Avenue. Comprising 3iJ U-ii city lots, or about Nacres, Shs res tit© each i f*»rt^onta to be made** fo'lrwa-- Five per cent, at timo of subsc.'iblrg, and tbe "' halance in instalments not exceeding ton per cent. 1 at any one instalment. There c a n b e n o safer investment than this. It I tsa home Investment. It is the ownershipof land I on lit* Vork Island, and the erection eg a perma- I nent Holding <• the same. In a .--ei with the charter and by a resolu- tion of the Board of litrertors of the Industrial Kxhlbitien Ct mpuny. passed July it. 1ST?, the fol- '.•»Irti raraibt r«hlp« have been created, and a o offered for sale—at the above-named places and by authorised Agent* tUronshout tbe United ''talcs. The trr.per holder of sny of these is entitled to free I dmi*»lon to the Industrial fSxhllltlon. the A •; Ii iery of Statuary ar.d Paintings, and the „art'en ol PItnts. during the time it is open, aud tin ;t< I only by tbe duration of the lneuiBer-tltlp. 1 iiesc mcxahershlp* do not entitle the holder to admissions to apecinl places ot amusement, ex- cept as conducted by the Exhibition Cump.iay. PEREMPTORY ORT>BR OP JAMBS BUACK- WBIJ, TO CX0SK THBM OUT. Come, once more to BAfSIDd, tbe last time to BATSIDa- Wlth JOHNSON, away from life, turmoil, and •Jaffa, liny a home of your own In glorious BAT91DB, Brlt.g your friends young and old. bring jour children and wife. A home In fair it 4.YSIDB, Bright, beautiful BA YalDB, The only true re*t. peace and comfort in life. IKtu'tttili away your lives lor landlords. Own a pretty h-.n.e. Tbe La>t (baucr to Buy at A-ii'iiu ZLO Peerless Lots UT 8AYSIDE, Tuesday, June 3, ON THE PREMISE-. NO BHrtBBVVTION, UIM1T. OR HV KIDDING SALE ABSOLUTELY »*OR WUATBVKU TUSf WILL BKINli. YOltt ARE ~URE TO UAVK A JOLLY SUM- MER rjBTlTJX. (,'R.VPULI.A'S FAMOIH gr.VKNTH RRC.l- MP.NT BAND will give o n e <,f their (-harming MUSICAL RKtlTAL-. i n t h e Delightful Orove. WKKK-. MANAGES the hospitality in oneot bis API BTHUNi; CuLLATlO.N^, aud theinexpressi- hly itiniiy m:tn. 11 A U l : ! t'.N w-.'i s n t e r t a l a y u with his humor- ous improvisatl* ns. Remember BAYSIDR Is no experiment; 1,0TI0 lots are sold. It is the most lovely suburb of the nty.onif 3a mlnntes from Now York. Bathlna. hoatitig, and tlsbing in perfection. Tbe last chance you win hate to assPswa t h e s e o t a u y b o a t e s at your own prices. Special train leave* Jiuies Slip and 1 hirty-fourlb street a t 11 o'ol <tk A. M., sharp. 1 or excursion ickets, roajis, ao t iaf »rmation. up. nly to Jt.t.E. .l-'ii.sSt N, Jt... No. H Park Row. New York. I IHPl.iiMts, CARPETS. CR0SSLEYS Wholesale stock closing out at 336 Broadway, N. Y., ITior to removal toourNBW STORE, 221 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. HRKAT RAKWAINS In iNdi.lsi; ht»nv Bill'*l,»d. KM.LISII TA I'ES II, IKS, at »1 A't. \'l MA SIT'hHKINK 11.00. MJ 'ITlhi.S, ete. at retail. J. & *f. TT. 1 HO00LEY, 336 BROADWAY. C ARRETS. •OB. is. JS>, A »•» HAMILTON AVE.. Brooklya For sale at the mills and by all grocers. All order* promptl? filled fioads delivered In auy nan ul the city althout extra charge. K. W. NICHOIaS, Hcuse-f urnisninnx CoocU. 212. and 214 Fulton StTeet,,, CORN! K.PINr.Vi'l'LB MEWBtERSHIPS—Price and Kind. STATBO SBSSION EatJ . jPPn M a r PL l n,; ;i err^^ Bt nt. eio ai ttng ami iTteeet—J. M c: the BsessaawB ex. Btchsrt - •-. a*li?.?S""SB!! •" d * ,he '"v Clerk's o«ce. May -'-'the ftahtwt >g sipeetai Ctanaattte -ml' i le > to-not B. et-nut-fr ,-;. 'utdio aVwka, Al-I Kotlman. 5 i. r .V^' tao ' SSBeatOawn, aad MiHir.-artv. e,r.,. M 'i s -btLt*. s««i» otutnt sicartovs , ..Lrf * wSS^SPJT tomuiuolcation from tax- To^S.ofwl!..! " 4 "' «-*•»»«*««'otefeneed IxTsml^tLlL^?! 1 * wa •paropnated for slat ino- KranSMSL'that the Buaaxl of Health he author! .».i '" 'ZiZfZLir**^ * xam * t •nd^g^oaer'vnTt*? 1 < ding Sag, tor »•-* use ,,t the B,..ri„f niait^ 1.. t'..mtnille,• ,.u ll.-i lb e">«i"t ri^eit^. I') Ul Broei.-P.-i.tiwi m S u . r . j . a - u k , , , f . r B**ra*l*a|t»t to *r*do snd pave w,i|oe*n6» ave* nua, between Tompk a* and Thr.K>o aveaa«.s i -> eoawnettoa AM. Erowa snaMtha fol"«?oT' la Beserred. That the prayer f the petmoaar bo granted to grade and aa,e WtlloaJhhT aviaaTaet tween Tompkins aud Throop svenujs. at hni.wn Pl?**^].??*** 0 * PssstJeaiaa may be acceptable to the auihortUee Adopted. "w^wwwi By AM.Uroarty-Petiilan of Is.vac Henderaon. Renriette B, Tntnaans, and Julias E Myer, t. n.- refunded money paid on astawmenton error. Ca Bsstton,reierred to lansp I tail! nuiuii ;ex i,jMI if f, und correct Adopted, By seme-Petition at B. B. HoffaaaB to pay an *s- ssaenwnt,wtthoatdefaaiL To Assessment Cue. mittee. By AM. Write—Communication from Peter It. •». or*tractor, for rung lots to Atlantisave- roe and I'setfic street, between <*henectadv aad Utiea avenae*. calling tbe atteution of the Board t i n -utvi-jtr lot-mb*. iu tasking the sawwapes) saw enntrnat, an err,* of t.jStt cubic yards of ant- ing, lotaradingand 1aviate Committer. ot.nntMt xTross rnon orricras tm Board .f Citv Works - transmitting an eMiusete m detail, of the various sums r»«ittired gf-tftS 1 W J**-J > 'lt'' injIH f* ibu yeare.ldiue A|,rn *>. ,r,i. To tho Coui.ttitiee on Water and lirainage. Krt.Bi the sauie-Caliiag the attention of the Bt.j.r.l to the coadttion of the srmory cttroer of _E? T * l: ' i Cranberry street*, the roof need'ng re- pairs, etc In connection. Aid Rope* offereJ the I*."((t.'Wil5|t • . J?*Sf??' ""*** '* '• neeessary to have reef of said armewf renairf i . . . , t . r fl«oree therein, ex- ^•"*J??i*Y ,: •'••<*-••>•!. m.\E?2£l£?" i< " ! t "cs*-rs-taking for tem- trrs^'TiTffi: 0 * nt * •"> l " * t a t roll* Jor the year tTo*a^ii*iliSS*5J*S ,m ^appllea. vsJCiy^Jfi.*2f*f5*r'i u, w * B « atteatlOB o f t h e **uaa-o t o e e s w r s at vsrieus aasav,assu sn.t ra. e,.wb^ Um^ tt^ ^^Jzll "••wviaeais, eats rw- aCSS".!^ ^ • a S * ^ * 1 . 10 ' 1 tu * f» lowing: ^giTSJr.v. *•»••»•• fd'owit* antonnta heean- nents naiut-3 : Rcpaartng Plat- d f ard, page 1, Block nr» Hteti. bl >:k Tl nCT-a^^^SilnSS titenti'-^iis^^' 55 ^ Board of City *ork«-TransmttUna f ?T_ ! e a«*ng, Olliog tad di* hush sveiiae, Tivaij seca-d Jj ^"i* P*.^"B»rina tfT. n J -a. M snd ABA Wbn sfis, py , BefrigeratorB, Fluting Machines Table and Pocket Cutlery Meat Safes, Wood and Willow Ware, With 8 lulla^tor.iuoni of KITCHEN FDENITOEE ABD C00K1N8 PTEWSIL3. DURYEAS' GLENCOVE STARCH DEPOT __ HAS RKMOTRD From Ntw. 49 and il Park Place To Nos. 29, 31, & 33 Park Place, CORNER OF CntP.Cn STREET rne sueeriorltf of their various steles of Starch. ?v r, vi!l. ,T , ? LH . V *.*3' IMPROVKO CORrl ilio ( I}^» na w UVEAS' SATIN GLOSS iT,;V.'., ,', h *'* ^reatt-d »> great a demand that the worisatt.ient_eve.Lvag Bttand, have been ne •T^i tL T V , JL.f£ii r * f , i mating the satxbtl.b WORLD LARORST Of ITS Kl.\D IN THK Large and Small Rooms TO LET ne- Soital/le for office or tight masuXactaring pap. poses, IN TUX ["!ass 1st. Ttirf $W. 30 aJmUsions Entitling the pnxehaset to thirty admissions to the Exhihiaoo. Not transferable. Price el". ihss 2d. fii't >.i0. So atiiaiahieis. V Ciit'.tllPi! the pnrch»»er te ninety admt>*io-.ii to th* Kxhibitlon. Kottronsleraijlc. PrleetSX, ritMJi. rrite*$IO. ¥\) admMioBs. Untitling tbe purchaser to three hundred and slg- tj ada-lssions. NottransforaWe. Price t\\^m Class itb. Price iiU. Life. Estlt.lng the pnroiiascr to adatltsioa at anytime doner life; the building being oi>«n to the pub- lic. Not txanslerslle. Pllco tlJU. il»M Ah. Family (or Life. Prirt |M|. Bntltllng the parehaser and his iramcaiate farui- y (ta rase at the time of snch porebasel or Bity of tbeas. .luring the lltetlmr of any of them to ad - mission to the Exlithitlon. when open t the pub- lic. N t transfer, ie. F.-iee»3i*l. Class 6th. HIRED., .BY A>D Um FtlABLE. Mtt *M Eittitling the holder and owner to admlss!in li- tre Kxhibitlon, at any time when tUe bcildingis open to the public. Transferable by sale, gift, or devise, but enly to be used by the actual owner The holders of these memberships are to be re- tarded as honorary members of tbe Institution with snch additional privileges as may front time to time be gtanted them by tbe Board of Diree tors. STEWART, SUTPHEM & CO., 174 Fulton street and 53, BB, and 67 Henry street, NKAR CllANBBKRV. Carpets, Oil riotlis, Tpholstery Gootlts. ejnow openieg theii" j New Importations. Styles manufactured expresslytt'or lbs Spring Trade of Every Duality. Paper Hangings AT RETAIL In their WHOLESALE DKPART- MENT. CROSSLEYS Wholesale stock closing out at l i l t n i l J Station K. No. Ill K tst hugfaty-sixth street. _ Statltia L, Ko. 2277 Third avenue. The service la be performed with water-tight covered one horse package wagons, or style aad construction satlsJactory to the Postmaster st New Tork. and at snch hoars as he may designate, and with the understanding that each trip from tbe Post Offos via Station* V and B is to be per formeo by twu wagons, starting at tnesanienme from tbe Post Office, one going west via Station A. and the other east via Station a. All ottbe wagons to be in charge of drivers above the aee ot sixteen years, of good moral character, who have taken the oath prescribed by law. and are able to read and write tbe Eugllsh language It Is to he understood and t-.greed any in- crease In the service whlrh may be rendered necessary by the removal to other localities of any ot the above named statt ns, or of the Poet • flee, or by any o.her cause, may be ordered by the Postmaster General.and Isto be paid for pro rata; and, also, that compensation pro rata Is It t-e deducted In case of a decrease In said service caused by any such removal or by the discontin- uance of any of said stations. In case of failure of the accented bidder to exe- cute a contraet. or of the abandonment of service tsnnneihc contract term,Wrti service will be re- advertiaed and relet at the expense of the falling bidder or contractor. Piopt'sals ithould be sealed, superscribed "PTO. j-otala for Mail Station Service, Sew York City," end adrtress-d "Second Assistant Postmaster General, Post Oltioe llopartment." JOHN A. J. ORES WELL Postmaster General. pROPOSTui - POR~ STEAM MA- -*. chinery for sloops of war. NiVT ngTAUTHBM-, BrltEAF Or STSAM ENtilNKKBtSO, WASHINGTON, D. C , May s,Wta. 1, Manufacturers of steam machinery are invited to send to this Bureau untlll noon of August I, IrCLI. proposals for the construction of steam ma- chinery lor one or more of three vessels of about t ,U tons, and propelled hy one screw. Tuere will be for each vessel one pair of engine* with surface condenser and horisontal cylinders, coupled to one crank shaft. The bolters to be of the very best charcoal Iron, with composition tubes, and of sufficient strength for a working presaare of ail pounds per square Inch above the atmosphere, alt to be below the vtater line in tee vessel labout B leet above base line Tbe screw i»> be of composition, copper and tin, about 11 feet ho diameter. There will no twoauvlliarv steam pumps of ap- proved type and siie.aad afresii water distiller oi ivetl tieetun. with sitet-lal pump. OrtrcB or LiGHTHoraa Igspgcroa, .) _ THIRD DijtrBtcT, } Tnarwiwavn.LB, N. r., Mvty IS, WW. 1 clock noo. on 17th day of •am lew a . and deVlveelng *ue* ns- • called TOT, for the light veeseta, and tenders, t M fir rook light i are or shall he inttls dtetrteOor TYe^lt&^bVonffd W wVlf Vav^Pa* BnfjB^n^ej eaaeB.v«a**a es^vtded ihdon or »*w ELNSLRAXCE COMPANY , HEW YORK. a l H j i *••»;* •*•• ••» Pssn***.. Y N B R A . t e n OFPIC*. ffips^KSBJC*"' •s?Arft> BTtSfctTBItl aVCO. . FAit« ianxrtijJiCE yTOMPASTjJ^ " fWTI\CSTll. LVa. CO. 26 Court Street. Cash Capital...„...j. surplus, January LjStl Tital liabilities. . Net aaaeta, ^Awml-jnBt Capital - - - Assets, Jatt, 1,72 $1,000,000 00 2,509,526 27 SILVER and NICKEL PLiri\G, snd tnanufaeturcrs o* Bnwnnia «nd Silver Plated Ware. OSS table ware repaired and related, at coci-iraiiveiy IriQing cost, to look like new MOOR ti A BAXTER. efi and *s rOUTON au-eeL anal oiVidend of payaaas nn Ban «KO. py. '~-%$X8% —<-. JL. : gCMBITVnnB.. FURNITURE. a—-> *VJ| IRVING <fc SON, No*. 104, 2 0 8 , a n d 1208 East Twenty-seventh St., at of Third ai New York, llavt tetania at their new waregooms and factory aa anaenslly eoairaete and selected stock of Goods, which they arc selling at very low prices. Ordered Work a Specialty. ™,. Furniture MUTim Life Iofliiranoe fllisauy I at .'ijjtnt-i tt. . i*a and I *S BtrlaWsVAV. J*'*i- •J"Z ., . . rears PECK, seoBourr H. it. IJiTCrOKT, Vict? Prv^trenf. CHAS.-J*.. D€Tv.HRR, Se. y rlr.»*XlrBTJBBPt." rruij; jBRookw'rT^ TRUSTTOOK J. PA^tf HxMlt.T'N BniLIIlXlS. P> Court ALKl. m^rTlTXttoevseyjElTK.n HENBY K. PTtButpoy:*, MABTI ~ DAXTBI •iTiiA.nsiHtrsi^ TO~BNOrLAA'D I^F.MlT'fAXCEH AND IRELAND. . WBA."a*»ntRJl ,1>B..tw4»»**n>.B« W . eT^P^aT^WBBBB^^r- TAP8COTTS KmlgTBUon and Kopexgrtt Fxolinnge ftffief, 8« SOUTH STREET, MBW YORK. Ftvr D r s t i s for Al and upwards, and Passa*. Ttetotaby Masaisfcip.aod Sailtoa Pl*cket«,at the lewei-t rates, applr to TAPnCtrTT BROS. A CO , 86 South street. New York. V OHTJI GKUMAN'ttLjOTU ISTBATM- Al SKIP OOttfANt. lOR SOCTllAMPlO.'v AMI BRKMBS. The Steamship URHMt.N. Capt U. Schalonbarg, win sap, evt f M KllSKsnAX, May W. at t P. M. I)It I.MEN 1'IER. PlHlf OP Tlllrtll ST.. HUB J- tsntd to I L a i forty. - li isn't man that oppr«Pn» tbe feat-tie pr-x. it's ooreeit. —Tbe Whtiefaouseat Wsthingt en M tBe Ugp- PT ponM'stor of AM frettoDH-. - T b e Coonoc..out atatortoal ntxaety has re - ceiied a clock encased in a oootoai shell used by tbe Uermans at the steere of Pans. -Three old bells from "anlaniiaa. the oldeft ot wbleh tieare the dale of MtT, have been 5cnt to a New Tork arm to be te- esnt. - t >co;« Uo pretends to know, says ,>{ ootw ship, that U is ludtcrous enough; be call* It * tbe skirmish before) the regular battle bo- giriA" -'Tift now agjcl that William TeU sh;illored when be shot tbe anpscfront bts buy s heal• I, vaiiw. tbe dentr. cniW bad gucb ta arrow -ndJtoat'l F.S.WWSWH.l^Meslk 4iif.r litty-oighi Mu- ttons or Dollar*. BMHARD A. McfllRIrf, flce-Preslieit. J. M. BTTART, Secreiary. W, n, C BARTLETT. Actuarv. i |FfclCEOF('HKPl>r, lUt ilKli 4 Vf Ml I t 11 I.E. General Insurance Agency, No. 211 Montague tt. Nrw Yttjig. i;r. BTcatTw - .Otttjefavban. * -. . TiSAJU R. Ann's'rjpntsasssM WA'* .•rraTCTTiCKS, AND JBWELBY. SlI.VPEWARBOPEtrwstT DienrirTPTtfyN. llep-uro.a Of Sne watche*. music toxos, and olocks a specialty I— 1 . I 1 A l . - l .LJ ' J iiLJJ. .. i. 1 VA I N K S . U t a t ^ O H B , Witt. If. JTEACH it OOv, GROCERS. desire to ea attentloa to tbeir T. Buy OK Phelps & Doremus, a ran Tbe a usual iiaio''ii of ,.uj.<!ic«ue piecos, tools, aoii i intstranji'uU r* a *iutre«l In suth INuval contracts arc totttl fumUhtHi. The machinery is to be of the rery host qualltT of materia! an<1 workmaDshiu, aecor'lin^ to NAVAI itamlard, aad nlll .n^luae all that Is n # o t a » a j f f<»r steamlOK the ix-ssel*, <*uch H> C>»«1 buuKer*. slt;i ft titer, rirt* tviir*. oil and talluw t%nl*s, etr , and i* to be, m all. reHpeeus comptew for that purpose, uc- e'-ntinj; to Nn»al usaije. In art ii Una le tbe nmli—Tj wharf triaU the ma- c h i n e r y w i l l l>** r n q u l r e d t<j dutehtjj ^00 indic»te4 h*-r»eai iKi**er continuctislv Uurinjf fortv-olaht con* ^..futive hvnre ut ttedt with entttj antivracItQ c>iul, rfVitl thf gru»s» vveiieut of all t!io mil. hio,*ry, tnclud- »r(tr»-at h•inker'*, shaft alley, water in boilers etc.. tj* n>(fo exceed HI tons. 'I'be uetailed plans, spceiOcattons nnd dr.iwtn^-. « »n be >vva <>D at'plkt.tioa at this Bureau at any time on or after thefirday of July, URL Tbe niurbiTittry lst*> be ervcte«l on nruird the Tes- felsataiyyof the aeanorta of the Atlantic eoaat r o t tM.uth of Norfolk, Virginia, t\a t h e Secretary of the NaTT may eleet. The pi< ,- > r--.ii.t H-iii Bfaie the nnme or nanjea of the i'Hnico in full, and t h e i r s u r e t i e s , t l i e *xr--,7, • um tor which they propose to furnUh the ma- chinery comnlete in the vesael. and ready for •truii wit at seas which must be fully done and c*'Oipleted in nine menths from the date oi cou- ruci. T h * props.a<4ls are to be indorsed " Proposals fo Hteam Machinery for 8ltM*ps u.f War," to diatin pnif h them from other business letters, aud be ao Ol u . p s n i c d by a copy of thle :idvertiscraoot- *l ue ttniructs win uiuhQice the usual condition*. and payments will be made In t h e usuul manner, a* n sde under this advertisement, if, la IU opinion, iridic interest requtrest. X i*roiM'r*als w i l l a l s o be received at the «amo time, and in all respects in the saujf* mnnner and under the same conditions for steam machinery, for "ne or more of fonr vessels ot abvtnt Im tons meaanreinent, which will be reqnirenl to dcTe*op Mi indicated horses pow«$r. and tbe irros* wobiht ot w h i c h *«hall not e x c e e d ITrtttins, 3. IieHiuns. with the ntw-nn-aarf »n :c. Ill cations, for envMnesand b-tilt r*, In ai C'iritanee with the forc- tfoing eencral dlreeUotis, acscrlptiun and reiutre- n.entSv will be rect^ired fur examination tnaom- Hld«ration at the Bureau from designer* and mftnufnetur«ra of marine engines until mer.diau, on the loth or J u n e , UffA. Bvrdy aeetlona of the Bill I, covering th » space h I Jotted to the mac hi:.ery, showing the height aud fore and aft length ol the SLaoe a.lowed, will bo iurni^hed on applleatUm i> the Bureau, The sojeciricatioiiS will stat-* rrhat will b-.» the miximura expense ol an indlcnteil horse-power in p*oin.ds fit gtHXl anthraciie coal per hont, during a wharf trial of not lest* than Si consecutive hours at maxi- mum power. For any design act epted as u whole, or any novo! feaiore or »«iri of a iie-*iun adoofd, a reastmahle aura, in no t*a e e x c e e d i n i ? st'<.Kii, w i l l M paid aa tMlMinflillawUfWl. M ao«»n as the suldu luiosl working drawinr* required are furnished r or inchest rejected detlgn the sum ot $5t> will ^e imid Ir ff understood that the Hutu is rusagffasl to use. on tbe terms above suited, any design or any parts of any design offere*,, or to rej* et them fuiev are not cunstderod superior to those pre- pared at the Bureau WM. W. W. WOOO, Chief of Bureau. NKA&B&. ADWAVV, (UBsVnVK**, OAR F 1 I I at NEW YORK. KTC. payaicnt rooetved lou*-.-*i»oera supplied, ay thp week or month. DfcAf.Y 4 CUHIXrillAM, 3J*4 sad S»«8:THlRi> Ave., p e a r -.•stli at.. .f.Y. MVIMit RIHHS MECH«lCS ? SAVINGS BANK of Brooklyn, Genets wav, liutriON, li Mate street. BaoOKLvS, May IB. Is:". n«sn Ptp • Owing to the rem.ival ot Wm. Pol- lcy,i a aged et tbe companies of which we are pent i tu>a.<-rs, we take pleasure in lr-furallng ,i.ti thst we Irsvn appointed Mr. BtjnyhflBia Lewi*. ti gentleman well and favorable kn-iwn amon;: the au.i llre-.-klvi. public, to represent th* l i r e Asst.claniiTi of Phliadelithln. A«sct-. I?.- '.IW.MIO. Panrsvlvaata Underwriters—Assets, tl- :<xl,fiw. LaiieHster Insurance toaipany— Assets, tw.fflt. Arrrcrienn Central Insnranee Co.—Assets, tumiagi Alas Insurance (X.-Asaet*. t'-,l,->e. >clicttlcg a coiitinnaiice cf tm^ fnvers. we ure inoTsrespeetfnlly. I'llKI'T. RCCIIRR ,i Ml'l,- Vl 1.1 .li, lieeond Manauets, 17ti Broadway. Hr.x- JABUS LJCWlC Managcr.Jll Munugue street. A T1.ANT1G IN ML BANCS PANT. COM Omce*: ATLANTIC ANb CLlSTON STRKKTa' Brooklvn, in BRUAIlWAY.New York. 3A6U CAPITAL ............ «.- tMCai HillR IJL C s K H S , JOHN T. MARTIN. J.^T.rTItANAllA.V, Lis, P. WAl.l.ACk. SEYMOI'«TKb, PAM'L K HlivrtliU M-liKMIAH kNlt.Ul', HKMA> UAKMkN II NCTltlN 01 HILTON as OTKN II All Ftorn t A. M. to S P. M. ar MOKUAYS AMI HA'II t ImetTMst' per rent . on e and apward*. coaiweuoe* c_ April, July, and uetuber. in| I'kPoarTB nanf. ON OH Tnasa (UMH« W1I.LI1BAW I rings, MAIN 8TBFKT8 tromtio 7 1'. M IS TO I r\ M. »ms of one Dollar I p • - 1 st of J at ti i ar y, ch year; m T a 1.1. hRS THt l.ii H or IRkSl rUU-S TUB WM. 11. SLU'LM. ltl?KVH W. CRKkNR, WM. L. l.tK.pW BJ J , I I ll'llci .NORLE. CHAR I'l'NMNe., t t h t . kCVANB, K U. U. LYMAN, JOTTN I.-COTK*. t.«t . W. FAU.-tONsJ, WM. J. Tl.NtiLK. J. Rrt«':B«l MAXWLL1 . . _ . ^ . „ . , o . JOHN McCOHSilCK, NA'HIAMIX.IT.VAM, LYMAN S. BL'lCSIlAS. TflOMAg rorxrrAN, I A Mil B, I-...1 i.l-, liKI). A. JAKYTS. JOHN N. TAYLOR, rn utoMwti.u K. W. CORLIKS, C. A. TOWNnKSn. . YY ALT Kit T. HATCH, :Pve*ident~THOMAa P BROOK?. II Vlee-Prtwi* JAMRB H WHRATLBY. Pecretary TlKKRY E Treasorcr—PILAS Bl Traati B.CI,ArTJN M. h.kKs 1AI.L. (.HNPRK" l i , . WM. p. A> .'Otrx, lAH.n. W'.IATI.P I'.YV. IV< IIIOH. P OlIN l-'UKM il )Tt'lU>iS-.)N. " 1THUR. HITTRNDEN, -OOilMOW, C. BAilKAU, It. DUTI'HKR A* BRIHiRH, M W. HUNT, PALMER, UPOItll. IN THE _.r.l'WART D'Swf^ngR^ ~A8e.svTa QV KR •.imii.itsi." .. nA)». !• * ' " o i -_ Mann it -3 ri^UK D1MK 8AVINOB BA.\h OP RROOKLYP', Nut, 3K and at' I Ul/rSN 8T11KKT. OPKN DAILY, fromt and MONDAYS AN_ from i l a t o'< M t.. -P. M . n SATrun.vY* .elonk I".M. fresldeat. SKY Mill H 1 liAiiot-rt nei-Lssn. t v ,__.. JOHX llAiKt-.v. f % iee-l*analdeiita. J w.tji-MiKa, Secretary YV'.W. KUWAKDS, lrear- Amount or Assets Jan 1, 1% UK JLONO IS. 1 BANK OK B: PTJLTON ST., eomer O^en daily from 8 A. M »7.'J3'J,ei!JI» l> HAVJNOS KT.YN. Urterum plac», Monduys and sttiirdayf lron.'ilttjSx'. M,• S-»i»gs Depsrtnipnt-intafpst *t_'i per sent -sr.iitim, eommencing on t h e 1st ot Janntr Ktfteen o..i- per APri. allowed lor dc- lu.}. aud October. posita, eomoienctns each ,. l»epo»lisslsti received .mlpnatal account, whlcn eiav Ve cheeked out at pleasSe. Inter >st at 4 nor cci.t. orr annum aliened oa eucii deposit* • n the laily balances. JAMBS M.S JldlN S, MA] BTlWAKO B. POWLBR JOHN C. PtHKV. Attort. JOHN li.COCKS. President. S W n.ConivttlT, PeertHary. pilEXIX" "iNSrUANXKt^air'AX'Y O* BROOKLYN, No*. I4J srdl4t flirtst:eeLS»4Hrt>adwse. 3rook- ly n, M. IL, No. t » » Broutlwsy. New York. CAPITAL: Cash Capital , t.iets borplai January l.HJfi .... total Assets .UJTOM a .. Lmi.'.ii a .»:,0U!,113 01 : l.r asaets Using larger lirnoklyn -nipuny. fl ca V\ J>Ja;fc» ami l.H v il <»lt-4 for nuyt.'etnal ase, which, for cage aad p Ity ar ianequttUed. «S0 KCLTON, comer Moyt stroeu H1ILHOIOV A l.HANY A Nil TUOY, 1JY~I)TV ling boats Q, YIBHARU aad DAN' El IillKW-ei-aimpiicIni? Mav.n. l»>ave Ti-strr street pier at s:»IA. M.aad Twenty-thud »treet, north ol Erie terry, at 615, landing ai VonWers, Tarry. town, and Neark fby ferry boat I. Pitiahkeepsle. astMsMk, t tviiii. CstarHI and lluas o: ( H I - for oil .-•ints we-t and a -rUi. Trip tickets tt»\te*i P. int. C.rnwall and Newhurn. retBrnrag »aaieday,$l. Noticechange of apt,*w i landing. pKNNSVI.VA.MA K ULTtOAIr. Trains leave New Y't.rt, trom f-H>t ef Desbrosios ami Ctatrtiandt Strt>ett »s fofle. •apreaa le* Harrisbtire Pittsbnm, the Wag, and ' r*,-uth, with l' I'aiace s'.tr-* s,"i. :.*...- i' A.M., 5. f, and Mf P. M. Sunday h, :. - .1 l't-r Baltimore, Wnslilngwia. and t-c Soath at o ] A.M.. l.»P. M Kunilarilp M. Kii.rt-.~s tor Phil*. < *. PJtl A. M.. l*»l 1.1,5. I ;, Up, siv, M„ anu Uulgiit. Miutiay o,7, b»fc,and J lor Phlia .via Kensington, a t ; A. M 2 and f-P. M. ! Kiitiurtuii and set,tail olaa* El' I' M. Per Newark .d n.C:ti,r,r;ii. sd'i. ?. in. it. tiriOA. M , ' It, 1. 3, *m, 8, Bin, 3:10, fdil, l:BV I'M. it: Jrt, &«. r.:NI, U'.lo, t.ate ..•:>*!. ItlSiB, hi, IL-i P. M.. and II , night, Sunday ,VPItt;, ,Jp, ;tp »|. Per Kllxabt th, R, fthl. 7, ':*». S.M, 8. g), 11. IIH) A.M.. It M., IS:'«1.1.1, MB,«, *.-», :-U. tl". cat. ,V«1, V.:*>. r,;S<l, ft, l-.-ltt. tkJl, •:•». 8;!ll. 10. I1:SU P. M., snd 12 night. Ktutday . :pl. t., srtj Mil P. M. For Raiiw.v. tai,l. ,;lll, '...11, and iaA.M,U noon, I. S. I*, t, l-s Still. « (ft. 4;». V*i. *•: PI. S:»l. A, Stall, ;*ti.ttlu, 10P. 11, snd It ulglit. Sunday a.g) . . • P. M lA>r Wo.rn>rt're snd I'erih Arcbee, (BBflSg x. If . MB, IsBAtiBj, and k S T . M, 1 i New Brunswick. . A M . 12 M . 1.1.3,1:111, •',•'.'•. !' 1". M. and 1* nittlit. Sunday * andu F,.r' iiaat Millstoae. t V. M . U no- n, 1-.U1 atid.:?^ P.M. |..r lABJbeitvillf an-t Klem nylon. J A.M. andi P.M Kt.r I'liillli'srturg and fielv'.diuy, ! and I V M. Acoowt. f"i BordeateWB, Rnrltncton, snd Camden. . and i-..«) A. M . Ok.*i. i. \ i aim ' I'M Pol Frt(!"'. i- A. '.;.,i an If P. at l r . l n n . . s", inc. Ivmherti". Cniltdan.fl A . M tin lit at irons Plet No. t, .i.t' I* M, Tikins arrive at lolloivf Baa Platabtuav&jaA.M 1. .vl.'i P.M.. (IslV: fcfli A. M.-niM "*'> r " To he t allowed by The sW»ar»*,lf If, Kit trsr, ctpt K its . Otcrendorp. um. tm ai h To London. ..^,., ...« .... s?aisM«incel« or Us eaalvaleat la P e r n o d Cab hi...'.V.V..".'.'.'.'.",.. steet.ige ' ** Por gretain <» paassaw supty to ohi.iiu ,t - a cvi, Aeent* 2 Btvwllna atrsan, K. T. 4\ XLV 1-il. b( T LINE TO PKANCX THB tirNKRAI TSAAlt^AT^ANTwo CWMPA- N>_S MAIL STLAMStllPS HI IWKK.N NKW YORK AN*n tfArp.y' Ct.Ll.tNtI AT B«te5r lite snieroid vessels on tin. tar wit* rouut/Jnr tbeConli'itnt wMI sail from Pier N-t. SB, Nvt!, Uivei.aa lulls, wa: VII I Ji pr PARPA ... . SSttirday, May SI. J.y.fAI'i t-AIBti, SarraooLpaiiirdSp. Jexte II. PKRKIRR .Dean'... Saturday.June? 5 ! PRICK OFF ASS AAla. IN tivil.u aneladingwlnei TOBP.S-STOR MATRP. •""*"' Urst ealau 4124; seeond eabtn. fta. Ifarur«ltin tirtats at reduced rate. 1 hese stermeredo not carry steerage pavseo- Kers Aiieilcan uavnllers gohig t-'.or returning from oalihent of Kuroee. by taking tin, lieth Qansit by Piigltsh railway and the item. forts of criM.sing the Channel, nevtides saving time, tioul.«n„and expense. •lit.I- MAt KK\21i:, Agent, 5a HreaJw is. i Railnmti •pukelat IK>IW. en IWrt» as -WLcusbikr-^Qsaire wrote about i-atieooe on a nsonUBK-nt, did Be mfer to donttra' patieotai No. lluW do jou snow he didn't ! rtvMtiM> poa always Btxl them uttsk-r a nspoj. went. —A etrnal ervnneestnap tae Black and Caaptao Seas te r o b e burn, by the RiasMant>o>veviia*ent. Although ft will l«r* o-t'.y a Ootiasu mile is kngtb. il wo) lake tbe tabor of sr.ortj BJCD sir J curt to ountolMt it- - YV,.rkitia-ns*n OVacre* and should receive tlie highest raayiecl and oonaiiVeralirMi front an othit dtasas of people, txut how atdoota dj they receive it t —A aan who had bis new hat exehaaarsw few an old one m a rsyrber >hop adverttsee that u.ilt-** It it trturwM no will forward to fne wife of she p*vso*stn%o sank rt ton initer f own* ounces lea in the Hnanc-of the n*d o n e . i Pt, uijfcurii.v i,' Ronr octi* tnrnifhed at rcJucec rates. N KW "VOltK AND Si FAMMilP LINK SSXCl RSlL'N TRIP POKHAMII/TilN a r d i^T <lK'>Ht)R BKUMPnt. Cerwinirthe Titlted «ta!e* Mail, Theatahng ist.f lAiallne sail iroai Pfr-- rf vonT'l RlVtvit. every 1 Ht HeSltA Y . «1S P. M„*t> t o H ' « s : ste;ii..Hep llATTLIltb. ispiaei Law ee, srii!*?. MavM, : iiiituMni. AiaiKMAKl.Y.. Caw. Ite*'\1httr dav, Juttet. ArrtvIng at lltrrcu la en the following Monday A. M.ttal e-iilfni: for iverrnnda on ret-.irn Tl urs diiysat IP. II Kxcursitm tttteta Issued for the r.rund trip at i.olu lirst.rla^shnlel scc^mTttftd..fl*"t« nt the'vlvr 1 Per inssBite Imvtrot elrgant aeeo«mu-si-i-i,t:i-. anplj to H'NI nwtiTIIHIP, »• BUUTB filial Ml. N, Y Issssgv-.BIIie-old • N M A N I.INB-1'on QrrF.NrvTOWN —A nrwlrtnoetf htrvl hitherto asshiajww in Texas. rcaeatbllBg a tparrow. has apnea red In tnnt bieie, and ia dosasj eaan utloo among tho giassbJi'iionv * -Wnen horratet waatsgil hyaf.Kud that nl* judaos bad w-utettoad haul to death, be Mil: " A n i o n s not 'a»ruie pamed tie same sentence upon Ihem f** —I ogvc knows a **m«tiaauir of nan taste* talked* ahotit Imd men not k>>kjng you it: the t»vr, lsnnt tiust thai oimventittfynt idv.i. IMsbonesky will atare Honeste out of w .n uauue nut 4a> iu the awek. ft Htere la any- Mug .o be ,tn by It. Wt -Vim's after though! ssas a happy one, when, after tolling Li dy bVeikedt) abe'lotoktd as bloomlnif A;- IM sp:1ng. lie remembered tae loaarsa was anviblnsr i-'M a brvs-ae one, and ao-tad, " 1 wish the spring* wouM look tike jeur laoy-L p. PAPKB Ma.e|tStNC.!t, etc. PAINTING IN A U . l f V BTtAMnL-S 1X1*1*: BY U .Tl. la. *Hl.Tt laXltD. :«>T rtltTOS PT, near CCMBKRLAND' Neat, Qalck, Clieau, An w,.tx warraete.t. PAVi K HANl.lNtiS. WIVPoW SHAPMS. *tS WAS. PlalWItP MATKB1AL". Pipntt ai.. H ay al M al I Steamsrs are ,wv: .Saturday Mnvtt.t AM .Toiir-Mlay. .tan,, ... 1 |» 'I . ftStur.tay.Jwn,- 7,*t». M . .Thin «lav, June M, 7 A.M. " l u n e H tA.VI .June i:i,*l'.M and | IBCItY. President, t A Y . T ~ J - ivrer, •pttOPOSALS X Buoys. Orr FOR KEEPINO -rrttK or I.icBTBorgy: tMspECToa.i TOMPKt.vsvii.LX N. Y., > May irt.ltl.1. S Sealed prooosnls will he rco -Ivetl at this office until It o'clock M.on Inerday. the Clh da- or June next, for raising, rertlaeing, and keeping In their proper posltltina, and in good oraer, all tbe i noys nt,* in tbe Fire Island inlet, and such others as n?ay be antherlxed, for one ye:ir, from the first dav ol July next to the suceeetiin« »ith tlay of June, according to th- regulations of the Lltththonse Board and tbe nriiued soeclflcatlnns. . epics el wl-ich ean he oatl by applying at this op.ce. l.y order of tho Ughthou'c Hoard. J. H. SI BONO, t'.ia., P p.w.. Lighthouse In?r*ector. Third in.trlet. _ FOH _ 1 >ROin»SAl« Buoys, 3£6 Broadway, W.Y., Prior ta n movai to oar NIS« STJRR. 2SI Sixth Avenue, N. Y. SeBBAT rtARGAIN* in "ENGI.I-il llt'IiY" l i n r S S E L I . at |lj<0. KNt.l.lSH TM'KS i'Rll.%. m fl.S. EJ i R \ SITPaTRl II, - INtvRASNS. at »1.00. ll.i ril.Nt..-, et,.. .,i rwtaU. J. & J. W. CR0SSLEY, 33S BROADWAY. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN PAPER HANGINGS. STEwART, SUTPHEN & CO,, I.I KI . l<hKaad IMlORTKR8 AI ,* d i: HENRY STRKETS t O I R ' A L E DEALERS.IN •keaaj an,oan PTont vartoea «in< down Ints. Bv AM Wytsn-retltioa "f.Y.3. Whee'er t o can eel a tax sale. Tan Vaseesavent Cosotai ttee Br the same—Petition of Michael Carrea to re. moves hjuse. To V! i. of ward. By Aid. Sin lei-Petition of B, Peters »rain«t the use of te!o«ipedes on Bedford STtnar i n et-n*tsdoa_AleL tendsg ;oaraS*a tha follwtag: Jvaessssd. That Oftepotassno Coansel he dlreetej to draft an onPaanee to prohibit the ase of vel-i- atpasVeaon the varioat BMaalu between thehotrs ot > A. M. aod « P M. PHOPOSAU A nassher of proposal, were recslved. opened, and ordered t a be adTertiaed agpoa-r* or COM grrraag. Proa* Assessment Commit: >e— Pavorably on pe- ttticn of t. W Adams to receive the tax on lot m. block IBoi Tweaueth Ward, wilhoat ttefauit. Auopten. Report of faaaee Comaul*ee-To pay Mil of "UNION" BUILDING, Conier of Fulton and Front streets. l'ossvcHislon Immetliatela . Apply Rt •• T H E U N I O N ' Offlce. RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Ice Cream Saloon, OPPOSITK ACYBVMT OF ML'sIC HOW OPKN. M. McNAMB I SOMETHING NEW IN BROOKLYN. FtlBNITCBJB, cvRrprrs. OILCLOTUS. Ui.NU, Etc.. BY BSD. Weekly or Monthly Payments. S5 Auaatlc Avenae, asar Coart, rayment to belmade whenever called on by rneck pa: able to She order of the Vnlon Trust Com cany. A suitable Badge will be adopted for the * an- il* and Herei'itarj members. Men-hcrshtps will cot be sold after the Bti. J:n< i > open to the public. Each purchaser of a membership will be jtivsa an t cgraving of the Building. Eonk*. Eanl-eT*, and *»w'it aftKOs are. to act aa Agents throughout the United State*. Forfurtl-er informalion please address Industrial Exhibition Company, »«, ru BBo A p WAii K8W T(Wk atT% Paper Han^in^s w^ofell to JOBBERS sad large tuyere In nearly event tv and psata In the Dnion-bavlngnow reiicheti ilieen.l. f tbeir WHOLKSALK season. will Birr .Ut. from their IUH&N-'S STOCS, cm- hrsclne 'no h- «t cnods -if the Itest makersi-.- or..-e» arbel" tbnse i h.i.scd ay city dealers, tnassar- ir c buyers abiu: me-taa I ia the cu.-t ut tho!r g'fds. littysi.' --;», a,- per r.-ll; Ti:i:el do. I-e.t YYhitt-uo. P. f - i.a ' .'^.: Salin do. Is t-.n:.; i.ntdo. Sic. to 7Sc.auJ .... vt ••• sis equally ehcao, rhoaewnodoahtUM ..-<-,. advantaate-) oc tat nod m huvire of them, car- ,y .- ,.. j-r RtaOle hour in , xaminloi: their bt tuti tic' .a OPEN IHUM . A. M. l. g p rt. Edward H. Bailey, Cor, ICIRT and ST1TK MS., Three Bl- cks fn m the City Uall Bt roestor to TUEO. W.TBAlLtV ufc SOPtb lEAL1S ^V t'arsets, Oil i i-aih, C'uriain^. Full stock of Goods at low Cash Prices. Aijja,', 1> tcntt e »nd Manufactuier ft K tt. BAlLaTPS Randal S-lnii- Parts.. yp Stair Carpet sh a:dbe's)<; v.thon: th->ni IMPORIMVT, DR. MARSH'S Truss and Bandage Institute, KEKPINO rttcs or LionTiocsB Issptnot,! TOMIKI.NSVll.LB, K. %. May li IS7*. S Scaled rrf pt.sal-> will cc received r-.t this -:fnco until 12 orloekM. on Tuesday, the 11th day of June nest, for raising, repricing, and keeping In their proper positions, snd in gitod order, all tho hnoy. now iu the Rockaway lnl--t. and such others Bgaaay he antaattaed. for one veur, from the first day of July next to the succeeding *lth day uf lone, according to the regulation* of the Light- house Board and the printed spedt cations, copies of which can be had by applying at this oSice. By '..rdir of the 1 Iglit house J H. STRUMS, Com . B . 8 . >"., Lightit- use inapcctoi, I hiraljiswict, l>xl : "»POSAl.S~NOTICE TO O VS- 1 utters ard Plumbers.—Se-iled "n-uosals are '• Icittd and will he received r-v the u"di raigned i m tattle? of the Hoard of Rttbervlsoare. Room II, c . a n t y e nit House,until tv* o'cloet, P M . o f Monday, the Jt! day o* Jane. next, at which time and uiiiie they will be opeiiu t. for the furntsh.oit and murgupyf ali the nev-»'" rv *n* flt'.ure.t, •ncludmit rcfleet. rs. chanilei'ets, pen lints, Snickets, etc.. that tnay be te-imred at t'aone- Arroory of tbe Sid Regiment. S. G.. sltn.te on 'lent or-, avenue, noa: Myrtle. The number , f -ntlels. and the location or each can he as.'er- :iini tl by to the huildlnit. or upon elimina- tion ot the vdyns and saeelBeationaonate attne Bit a ••! Wm. A. Mundell, ESQ , \rchltct. No. 3I» lidton straei. Kafhbiddei :nnstspeclfv Ir. full detail the kind :md ste'eof ftxturcs, with a diagram of oach, if Beastiule, whleh He prows s to furnish for es'h tittle . ai d lor the furolshHg . f arni racks .n said "mm. sufiicent f -,v sad -iflment. h , d -, - to furnish distiiam of the style. i'j "tdcr ot the loam « 8t nervlsors. Kings County, E IL FO-YLI-B, W L H. STK tRS, GBOROR *V. RICHARDS, A»(>l P CriiNKR. JYMIS H i-TCIiliB. Committee on Mtlti.rv ABairs. S EALED l%OP6*iA-r> ~ WILL. Ill r .t c ^ lT J. <l " *•**%* of th ' ard of Rluca- virn. Red Hook la^e. for »utn>iv-!ne the schnol, under the charge of the 1. arcVr B.lo~iiloo of i C !*J <'f Prookln. with coal ana wood until June l, i- i. COAL. The orohable qnantitT mav be delivered at a n . time between June 15 and October 1. the halance tretr. t!t.e to time, as may he rrqutre i, he order ut the >-uipiv i ommlitee. ilds uitiit be made sensrsJiely for coal and wood. »od fo.- Ihe Eastern audwestern liistric < Tht proposals nnst stttethe nri.-e ri"r tort o' W*Ur« >r indsfor Pnttonnr tlld Cnmpant'a L"hiel> er ilsrd While Ash Coal—sin -9, new, aid fnrnact' -lies; slsa,th* from . h»t mine ore sags pany: tube cleaned,screenou, sujj'ct ; lnsp«- Hon, and to be rewelght-dat the ot the contractor, f de-lred by the -cii'Sy I'MI: itto:-. Tue ,rice delivered irt-m 1 r v-a-l te-urt stal.-d. also the nrlce of stortne tii»s«;ne in the dswt ssf.ries of e.tch school buildina. the bills of ladinc for 00a will be required, ns voacbers ot the kica and quality, tefore Pi.yment. WCt O, The W.iod tobeof tha 1 st qaacitv rf vinrtnia pine ar.o oak ; tte oak to Se head arid Manga, aaav nora.ti-i than -ox Inches m ulameter ..ttuesarsU er-e. H r -rer-ossls must also state the pri~e per ent I ci ia; , f r sawing; also price per cord for split- ting 1 lepme; also tha price per oord fur n a n y t e t! ai t .-•: ng tbe same comptcUy ia the dcoosi- t, r a*. 1 he wood to *e eerd?fi by the 5on5icto£ an 1, s.iwirg.u>hcniet<surt-d..n ! ,-orded e- the! t'i c ra'-.f euch achot.i. and each - -rd m u e t .... ,ip|- cul. •• :Vet. No ero(s:-sa!.s vsj|- be re- Tht P ard reserves tte rtgLt 10 .eject any ir- »**ruMr ' i d s . or any wh'eh mnj not he for th * In- ...» t cl tie Boexfi, Hames ot two eeanonatMe , . .. ,.istn be rei.n red as evuiity for Hie la.ta- ral ptxfcm aucc 0: the eontxaet. GIXIRGK C. BSWETT. K>HX M. •'IIHIJ*«j ' KDGAR M. CULL*-N\ , Supr-iv- Committee. F ^MKIHAWT v*AV a IlRt'dKLVM. corner j sis. OPEN DAILY Iroml every MONDAY *nd SAT M. Interest SIX PER CBI * hereto, tree ot tiovernme AMlRKW IHiCtillK M.LAMARlUK. I'lrt JOH^ MOCOSV1L1..S P. L. PALI ON Secretar |*3rS B A N K OF Irt aad l.ietnitston .M-. 10 J P . M.. and IDAY from 5 to SP. ton all sums entitled P. President. T^e-President. tid Vio'-l'rcstdent. 'IH«KR Hismifs, For Rural Rest & Summer Board sniff beautiful •^-•ci.ory, •r.vcii. und asu,,:,- uru iMNM HKIAAIB, West Br idiverstfled wslkt^sod for out-tI<jur sports Ilobtiro, Vcrinoiit, W00DSBURG PAVILION. S^OOSMBI) 1*. t. This mi •pttiert J u n e 1. Can bo lAUft .>.,!•*-• R»ilr< ftda. N. P BKWBU uflcent Vote, wlli ba Wied by HnuthSHpor | | e r in».*(«'*., ;tdv1ret*s Tr.ipriiittir, Shelter Island. than these ot any otbel -- can Insure against loss or isffitse by r«re,.., saniust Marine (ai*»*s. on most aioiahie tenii*. __^ - , P 1 ! t.PllrrvTUOWrLL, Pres.rtent. (TfALNCBl- BKDKLL, Vlce-Ptes. HtlLAMlivM MMA.VI'I, icifUAM R «'RiiWKl.L. s-et) of Marine IHpt. IHIWAs R. I.l It' ll.l.ettt.iiti .,, .. .... 'I ,.' I i ., eecy aitd Manager Biouk- Il tl t - ,. .• -tt t »d, O FFICK ATLANTIO MUTUAL IX _ PLUAKCK COUPAXY. ^»fw Vorlt, Jttn. 'J I. IHTS. Tl,. «V»«ets. t n rvimfnrmili " the ohartartd I -f Premmnis reeeivee on Marine Plsks from 1st Januury,lnI2,t«;dst iiecembor. l.-.S Prensiim.s on P*-,teles not marked 1st January, 1.1.1 Totst amount eg Mnrlne Prcnunms No ladlcies nave Bnan issued upon Lite Rlaaa, i.or 1,1 -i. liru Uists aatoen- ncrtPtl with Ylahnt, Risks. Ptntalaass markud off rrttm lstjauua.-y, Is.J.loalst Heccniber, lgrl. lasses raid duioutiie same aatissl ..,--.. at »' .to its ol Prt-ii.1- tims and Bxt-en- aes .tHKAiin the Cetn-pany lias tue assets, ,-x,. United Htate* and State of Hew York block. City. Bank,and oilier Slocks .... ag.M.\T»l ol loans secured he stocks aid otharwlaa. i,* .it Heal Estate snd Bond and Mortimers ,. iir.SJJ 00 - Interest snd sundry notes and olaim* dueiUe t mpaiii.c.t laatc'l at.. 40.1JQ". IS Premium So'es ur.d mils receivable.. . J.TJVkTi 14 i'ashln Bank aKJMi SI T t»l»mount nf assets... ', *AS*l.le1 1^ I eix per et-tit. interest on tbe outstanding tana - r.tes of pruhls ndl oe pan! Iu the hulu»rs tnera f, orll-cr win' tturespnttittvpe ou and alter Tues- .:«>. the Itn ot nen. The uuis.uu.inng eenint-atts of the issue ot w-.. will he ret'ecened »nd oan to the holders thereof* I or their least recrt-M-i.t^.e v.saaii and atit-r lues- : diiy.'.helie "t leoruary nelt.rri.m wnicn dat • I t e Intel est thereon will cease. Tne iHTtlhcale,* t.t s, Brnawata st tue time oi paratant an.t eaooelied A dli-dt-nd of 5U iter cent, is ace'ared on the net earned premium* pi thctfuiuany tor tho year and- Pig Hist Iiecembor. 1*71. or when eertltestes w,|| b issued on ana slier Tuesday, the 1st of A ur 1 By t rd»r o.* the Hoard, ^. .„rd' H ' < UAPMA5.bac TRDBTKaaa daily, except Aluutiat. 1 re-u VI a suing ton and tarttbiore.MB .*. M l.a, rfill P M sinntw fteu A. M. Irom llitiada . MCW, KM&. l i s * . ll;.'u A. il., pi\ t i l s l . , . ' , . » a j . , : J \ s : M , 111:11 P.M. Pttmlftv fc»-,gS0. il:',' A . M . . l t d f Yl. •1 li let turn t -. ."«*. »a». Hi. and '.HI iinttdway: N t. I Aal-ir Hituse,aa,d ftatt ot iieani-t-stM:! ana Co,.n- ivndt Stt-cts, tsn'trai t Ticket OJTlce w., n Bat- tery Place. D. M. i OYt». Ir., I con. P.t's, Agent. A 3 CAWATT. t,cneial Manacer. /'IM-atAA. KAILIIOAK On" »K\V V. a. iiti.-l-u* a.tatWi<o«jl Oopatln New l. il ,(. ,1 . f 1 Ihctiv tTreet. Conn-ct* at 8- n. -- ..lie - nn - out . PisnchR. R. at lion, -it luurs ie.n nit , lite Irtilnirare.latctawanii.i, and Wesi,v,a Itiliiotid: at I*hliliptl'tiia with the le-htgh snd Sas. ^nei.i'tin* Dlvtslnit; and at the HasUwn with tlie i.eiiit it »a,te.v Hani'atd aad it. eontiecti-'tts, f.wn . . . . , . , line to P'ltaburg atitt U-.e vvest, with- . t i . I,.., as*ew eav.t also u Central Pentt.ylva-il* li, UCL-Jaaata Nan Fort HI .'•VI'I.IVIRPOOI, apptt to tail us loll nl Y ot lOKoil.V. . t ITY ft \K\V YnllK CITY OP PARIS nTYoKUAXTIMiiBr CITY Of M'lsl I Kf.AI Cl I I "ljililr Mil Tuurs.l.y.1 .... snd each setnaedtng Daiarasy end Thursday, from Pod .1, .Noith Hiver. BATS* or rtsuoh, cabin. faiuDdtfAl,i.old, seeev dug t-i aocoa«uo- dall..p. Rtsnnd t.-iptieketaat low rtto*. s'lti.ti,. t . live --I uueensi wrn. c.taag-tw. I • in inderrr I, will- tl. Bristol,,.i CtrdlB, |UA Pre- ptilti - • i lib -;.n-*, |...' i-trlosi.t. Paasantrara ei*o furwantad te nacre, faaasnevaj . !t ii. N'igway IMvnmark. and Paris, at t e l a cl rsi, s. Draft* iswted at lowest rates. I orCahin Passacofind general bu«!iie*s>n,ii!r at the! vatpany'sulhua, %'a Is iir tgdwai PtwBtneragePBi i gt*^ Broad » JOHN t>. vanrn. eg to I'ToSjn.H fu. I'» . 1 ,-'-,«. -iteet.i'al - aii-lrbl*. , M. - CRKAiiB. KB s latest reel. B'tstow, P. C •ataws.m sainth Merket .u-aet.Cttlc ui Wk. IgMAB, Ijtcrii'ioi. tat 'J Rue S<-rlite,Paris. Ktta NCHOfi T.IN'R. Dec J, Ii. Junes. Cbas. 1 tennis, W. H.ll. Moore, Henry Colt I^wlsCuilis. Cbns.ll. ltututell. l/.w.-ll Hulbrnck, R. Warren Wtteton Royal Phelp*, Caitu B..r*tow, A. P. Piilot, In.K. Itotge, Dsvld Lane, i sines Bryce. •aniel ?. Miller am. - ••<•. - Henry K. B-gett, Jo*. l.alllord.Jr^ C A. Hand. tl t la .J. Rowland, Ben). Babouck, II !l. M in turn, ti. W, Pred'k tiisuncer CL g. Sluiihell.'-ri M m . 11. W s a s , rihcppar-i uaa-iy I r„u, P bci-i i'. Cl... P. Burdett, Win. B. Hunker, Psiu'l I.. MitebUI, Jas. <i, lieKoresv Hold. I„ Stuart, Alex. \ . b.ake, (liar'esli, Levet ich JoslahfcT low. Cliaall, Marsha ball. The gT' mill r.f T t.ROVhf AMI CAMP M afford the.nosl desirable lies lp this counts*. Bui the famen; Martha's VI rr to Br-Hiklrn t>j rail: sj T.7 R. from .,ew York. Ir ttith full particulars, '.Testder.t. 'Jro iklyn : retire; or B. H O \" street. w Y'ork. C OZ West Poi Win - - .li'-n Snnrdav, J let, wlih S atrtt in hotel, iwrlle* eo/asTtng rooms tu l irulats »Jdrets EllW APj New Ytirx. 81IKI.TFR I8LWD "IMl ASS-tfl YT.ON .mer resort firfami- all narii-alar.s to d, and only |U h->u--s ieauier J 3.8CBCT. For clr „ , T , to J"« v rttKNtdll w,t .Us'G. Jr., S.-c- in-asurer, M CUff J. ll JONES. Presn'.cnt. CHARLES I'K.N NT*. Vics-.PTesl.lpnL YV. II, li. MtKiRE Asecond Vlcc-PTesl"lent, II. II. aite'tir.,-ec-no \ icc-i-rest'.» .. HKWLBTT ThirdVlcs Pre-.i«eat . ii NS' t T Hotel . Tin cotts-; >:• t , ial terms offered to e soason. Pew pat-. ZZENS.,Westl\rtnt. The Tappan Zee House, [ K YACK on the Hudson. N. Y. One hour from New V JUNK se, i w tnereoev'tli thf bmi rt-i'. Bsagra) preenred bv addressing L. It. >: pity, w.ii be opr.SKo f euests, <md t-y.r It f the hous? may he ELD, Proprietor. 1 ,MHKMAN.H T i l l H'C UNMUANCK Company. Office N".*J4)1 Mums-eue stxt^t'V H klyn and Mo. tit* YYal, strcii, Jtew York. . al'IYAl. •• »ro.'«« CASB ASSbTS 2C N m 91' L P L U S . . . "* ' ' CA«I1 lliTUllNS madel'n "ail'MicaJs 10 lltuoi jcrln or ro::in.tss,''ns. GOLD 1V1.K1I- issued whcnor.iered. olKKI-lUllli: O.Jthns.b. ,!"hh K Warn. ,*.' ~ . Barren. I.H.I t il.ii,Bhtm?idney'.recii, A. Y.Car.ipY.eP, lienry It Peek, P. R. A''dt r*ot, Ue trite t?. t ary. Van II. Wjck.dT. A. A.I/)W. Henrj R. J-nes. I.. YV.iiark, ls-»e! D. Velsor.,1. P. Phillips, li.R. Piera-n J.>.Thorut,Yil' Cr't J C. froiith, Arch id lisTxter, s. B. Chittenden. John LYoarhaa Chas. P. llaldwin, H Messena»*r. John M. iiicks. Marc'as Maascy W. W.Wlete*. Ai»x. Mei.ue, Jonatlian Osden. C. Par--,,. s. Sanderson. J. p. Rohlntr.D, Ijto. L^Ntr' A. f Soodn ew, DWKiKT Jt.HNSoV, Pretld.iit. O. It. stsa.ebcr^cr. Secretare. E. B. Wot d. Assistant s*ct*tarv» Conitueot itMi folloas: e.-twA.M.-Way Tra:n fat BontaWiBt. , A. al -BUI I l»-milul li. Laslon. Iteth-ei.- o. Pain Mat i-li Cliunii.VYIIkestnrre, l-ittst'-n, Maha. ut.y f it i, MI. I eruutl, Haslet- n.'i'iini.Inn tinea, T,^ wauda, Wsvegly, etc with Hit- aghast* to wll- iiansioit, I'm,villi, ate, t onnects at Ju.ntion will. 1., i_. Lack. A Weettern H R. a A. M.-Mt.ruilif Lipitss, tlatlj loxca,. *•». il.-'j? J. ft r Easton, Adentcwn, tlarr 1 "^ org and tn* West, Connect* at St»mervllle for Klemlniflor>: it latst'll lor.VUattli Ibnnk, WllSesharre. biian- ti -i. Tt'WandA-Warni 'v. etc. in is A. M -Way Tm,n tor rtom- rvllle. li.l,.\t. -VYat Train fur tSomernllc. IS-'It 1' M.--For P'en.ln^ton. i;a«ton. Bath.; Allevttowr, Msnnih t liurk etitaat.t^ fStf. Ilasle- n it. VUlkcsLaan, ekraiii' a, Rea-lina. tAiliuuhta, ' Li BI aster, Ephrsle. PottsvBle, Harvishnra. etc. ' t:MI P. V.-For Pethleheui. ant AU*n- "itl'.P. M.-Per ntMfiH. till P. M - rer Hasten A!t"ntnwn. Maniic.h Chunk, t euneiU at Juuetiun » C. licl. laie-t.. i Ut-i IU ft I-*P. M.- Fo- Sonwrvillssnd FlenungUin. 'i P M.-Por i-ollieri.l'e. 6:15 P M- For Plsinhcld I- M.- Mi.MM., for Raaton. Brthlt i ,m, AllmrtoBu.lluNdlug.lig: Ishsrt. t ill nt.rK. t hit :•«" and Clni iitnu*... fc«iind'»i C-Js.-1'or?- marride. T< P. M tt-it-Itr-irtl— y-.-r He™. ::• .,i.< II if P. M.-ruarrlaumoid. lor Hirat.elli st '• -»' ' to. "is- fl •-IJBB. 10:1.'.. 11, 11HS A. tt. , L»*J, 15*0. 1:15.1. 4,1... 1 : g , *}!'», i. . ,l:>,,..em 6.15. g iW.P-.w i, le-rti.IIVICKP.M. •In l e t s lor thB ""rsi can h* obtained at tl»e Central Ballr ad «f N>w Jersey. fo.g of 1.,1-it.y Stn rt, New Y^rk ; end *i theprlnclnai hotel* aid it oka l oBsaee ia New York City. _ It E. IllcKEU.Superlnlaiicent. H P Ky rwiv.Cenerti Paesermr Area!. caocra SIDE P.. n. or 1*1. On ard after MAY It! lata, trains will de- part * ltd arrtv* lruiu Jvew York- Ruosuvtlt tod tirsr.d Stteit Parti - an f-dl'iwi Deisrt. Arrive S:1UA.M.MKU P.f lii'tn* sntl R.tok.tway ','nv a b:*UAM.-lsnp Arcum. and Rockaway ...... 11' n ly-strp.-R.—nahylon Accom... ... JWHp.**—Ki.-P*tclirttuaandB«k»way I'slu. M 4:il 1- a.- t-aUuei-Ue Ace. and aWelnisag.JJsPj A..a '-.i'M-vt. Tl. nipstead Kvpress •-** A.M f:M>p.»i —l.itp ae»o*B. ang llnek.wvir aavi fc*u P.M.-lUoyl-.n Act.omnio.lalija •.:!<; AM 7 1". i'M.-Front ftutliwick onl), MBs train Hailv I:tn A.n. L. B. U.d IhLli. suoeiiitiendent. r'tV VoitK, MBW BUVII A«l> HAHi HtHIl KAILllOAtl. . , New lurk and new Haven Division. .-... isii AriaiigctLint, eoH.atei.clag Maj ^ ls7«, ?ur.esi-rr Station in Mew *"«!%, o r s n d O s a t n l It-pot. tntrai'CO on Porty-s*<wnd atreeu ratoers sail Irom Pli-r '>', North River. New York, FVPflY wriiNlslilY ena StTlllUAV M.lll'HNlASi'.M.if tlltSH.CMUIA Wart.JUn H i.i VKIxlKlA.We Jun t VICTORIA Sat,Ian a 1MUA s .' a .n. : A-si'itiA '».•! I ti : | Ol \MPIA...WfdJvu.ll , AM.UA .,.!)«• Ju-iel ! A l s T R A l IA.**' .in U I'ts-rAI.IA tVeA .1 1, Tl.c paseeaaei ttc-ottittt-alationv on st-s-uurs -tt i the* securing * tdllahtaiid veuulatloa. BATE OF PASPAUR TO Ci.Ars.OW. Lit :.HI t.ll.oil LuMNINDBIlltY PSI. stesjuers. waa.etsn i,old. thayresyer, 1 Cabins Bltaudf'B $.-., ai, i V< Csl iu ri l e i :i t'.eliins * ecrvtlingltest accottnt. .. i.-.a, . . .... tl*' till STrTFH \r,K, pt' fCRUWVrV, Ttekel* for paaiutge tit or friatt an,- s.snort or rallvmy atstlnn :n Ureal Bt-talit, Irolaad.or the | t onlsttertt tssuod st lyeroat rala-s. I DRAFTS Poll ANY AMOUNT at ••UIIU1..VT RA'i M < outpany's ofT'ees, N". . It .wlinc *lr'an. N. V. HKN'ItRL-^iN n n o T i r m i s . Aatent*. Brooklyn Agout, K. U. PL frKH. *> ' .«i t street, Br i*!v*l. N I! CALIFORNIA e-.ils I" A.M , May 81. EOEfS CARBOLIC TROCHES. A srertalty f,a etoRF TIIU'tAT. the C»ra>tl»e Acttl, ,'f watch l l e l n . he, erw. twpart, rmni»,-.*4 a. Lit, as a >tr AI l»o t a u . aad . art on all form* «f l " i » s a i l n «t..l t v , awsi' ttw-iaew* ol the u n a ana epigiuwi.. A sptH-ialtg'ore.-arseaess. the ci uilim. ptw- vt-f tli,-<wti..aie A.1,1 'ti.lore to e*,iei all e ,i e. OWSalld It'DulAlttn. ft IttuiB* UieHar, Pkle.oi, etc., evd rrs1orHtg a h-iltbi set' til- aseaeasl. ttee aatd deli, .tic otgan. at the thrwai anet antt, a . A specially *"aln«t c .ttrsctina lt»f»"*io*» dlit. taees. The psouti r j . npa-rties or CarltofteLAt d 'it pretrnliBil inta. t...n :t :-l c.-nts-.-loa hsve long tern known I *ad rllii.Y' TRiSHgl « ay la> Mfe>y relict oil a. A |tr«vetttl»* 10 esse* ol set AH Pog, VAHiouim, etc., etc. A en, claltv far etimnion c vttlw. evairhe, and si 3i*iiruet* 11 tu. Ihi ays, eateet, andJ Mia*. I er, c. tits jrta o .,. s.,id m dtnctlsts every- JOMH F. HENRY Pole l-f.wfei-o-. No, » Colirtc i.uee New Work. UlhlM. It'll H I I t . liPiniLAO-a BthiMi I'owlipu I ue Boat Ir. Ow.lln Th* MOM Ueeaaaslos*, In La*. Th, I lo-apest in Pn-'e. and R«.j*lre« lb* tt-a.t of any powder in taet asarfcet. 1 i.l 11 m i , II, F,^ sale he ell rriwers MaBuleeU'ir 1*11' i.ti i I \ M » I M l |o.|«in>n 4 HK TOlll NKWKMlJf VX>H~i I agi ,.1- m i n t containing£s list nt pr iperty t o h a ; ia to tor named taxes, < » t-S ll'ts *»s> wises, « , , » « . . e»rvwtex*-s as*. P Tea** .ml An-ajaenu u • a,:, and * | CH. I'o'l. Brooklyn April n. 1-TJ , hl.lllt I.Il lti:PAVINi. AMtNBMMIiNTg sW'lll'll INS I Al.MKNT 1 he tin e sli-iwiNl be law for the payment of the I se, ond instalutent of the fnflowtag ,*s*e,sm«nl« ei. inres on the Sletd.y of Mar. pea, after whane data II sal i tnstftluieiii igraain* nuisald, the wb-de o. t-.I of th, asses-meiii rentstnleg unpaid la* re gut d will H i ti ne* oineOue Reiwving Attanue aires*. Iran s-,«th f*rry to Bffl.. | : ,SS.Si, a\ TRAINS IKAVE NKW T"RK. Tnl-. for New Haven leave at r*iAcc*n1.«..'>* (Mt.l.ihftij.Tt fl )HJfi A .M. taU.K Ltan M.'A-c'ni. •J, P«1 and J:! ala-icai Jr. M. •t'i; ws«i 1>») t F.a./,ea* t hs- ; , i l * <Act. Ex :.-.!')<i-.x ., ard fcgliKg. I LIU, r s.-ut* Norwaik t-i nd<iil>|B.Aajkk I». i A.M. ,10 I j r. a. t Sum. Mela an. Bll RuMrTns, , James l,a-."n. Edwin II illy tr, R. P. Due*. W. D.Cootul, JthnF. C ,k, f, W. Snp on, Wm, Bewrtt, John ti. Mason J. P. Wallace I P . M. \I . li 'I'M . -u i.'i- ,.i,i.,,,.,,w, ,n FcT Stamford T-.TP, -:'.'.. 'i::i,. in : A M 3:». 5:1*. :iA. ; '.- 1 «• • 1" " »' '-."-»• -i-li lor Pi it Chester li a. P. M. B"*ten Ixpress via Springfloid at s:X and Ttff) A . M . .cfthend fill P. M.. via U a e t t Irtlsnti I M' P M The - . k. St.. lot', 'III end ":i« ". M etopnina st ptamf'jrd, N^rwalk and Bridgeporl Tbe BS» A M. snd UTi p M eOnaast* wit: trains on Shore I/ .... Dtvislo?'. fur Norwich New. rt,and Prt videnceand the v,t*n. f s l l e . at Bni- brt-i.k, I'he-iA A.M.andSxlOP M c nets with New Havi and N rtitan. ••.,. H.IV si New Haven, BERKSHIRE HILLS. ( fi and WILLIAMS The most dciiphtfcl .••-ii-:. and post oM June!to Neeembi r i. Send fcr dtsirtpt re 11 -IRtKTFR MY*s. rt In N e w Fncla-nl. e hotel. Open irom [HWliT. Pr -^rtet»rs. DtiAKini:>T OV 4ITV UOHKS. |T NH'KrHBOCKKH JLelfe Iiisstirnn re <"oitt|»an>*, ". PRO.VDWAY. NEW YORK. ASSETS UVt'K aaantjsna The SavttursBack plan .njroducej b-thls C-m- yai-y has reoeivt-J the c .rnuiendatlons of leathoi AtiLatc-sid of the t-mmunitj generally. It is the test and nif st satisfactory f-ru. of policy is- sued, "W CUARAN'TEKT.NG A SURRENDER VALtTE IN F.Y K l t r CAME. end ertmhining the approved feature" nf till. INSURANT* AND KAVIV.1 BANK* S CHABLM8TAKTON. President K YV BANCRtyyT, Vice-Pies JOHN A. NKHOl.S. *ec. nd VletwpTPBj^pnt . ligo r. swirrgg. secretary r M. iriPBAitii. scKary. R IDCJEWOOn IN8f PANt E CO. OF BROOKLYN. MBIJ..; M. son 12:>M i •as pu ineot -* .1, ' Hteer R. R- *' SnriBgvleld and M i P V . I t t g . n . treal 7':e "X*> A M.. 1.V", •'•»' a n ! 4.1- i.mns-M wlli N'tiuaa; '- k R- 1 ' - "i' 1 «-'" Bsfi A. M. r r ' ct ( il NAHD L1M.. 1 II K HKirisll ASH NORTH AMKRl'AN UiiYAI M VII, STKAMSIIIIV. BETWEEN YORK AND 1.IVEHP "H. I Al'l.i.vl. A l ' iiliK IIAHU'lR. I-ROM Nl'W Yltl K •JAVA Weil .'•Uy'.st, l A l t l ' H A ..Sat Ma'Al "Hi Wed. .Iliri-l's.lM tRTt SalJu:»: ".-4 "tl A iWcd Jin e I ABV I.MA tllu,- U * III.) t t l . t YV. .1 J a n . '- IIAIATIA -VI .1 i .-'I •R4 s-iA..'h'i"! ."-i-o . t AI. \HHIA slat Ja'aras Si- tditt-rs H.^rt' d thus do not eaerv stee .<•: pass wag era. Am! .very f<Jlowlog Wednesdayand Sstar.lay frum New turk ItATK.s ot I' i"Vt;r* Cabin, ta |, ,sid plas.QoM, acmrdltigl'*.- C"li'«'tidala ti. To V, is: Pells H*. gtdd.additl • tl 11, r 11 Tickets -n taeor.ii'le ter air. Pssssaaw. tas.Corvrwy steerjieeTleseii troai lavrpt g and vueeest >aa ard.sll t-arts o, hampe, at Pvw ,i nit ., talis of lading given f.-r Ilelfvei l.las- row. Havre, Antwerp, ar.d - tin r ports '*n Use i "--n- lUM i it • M' liajteai, potts. Fir !"reiahl snd Cab rt Pa-«ta-!*i<ply st Ui* Com- pany 't Ofcre, 4 Howlint tlreen. lot bitcrave !'*• w- i l l B f i iway, Trinity Building CItV. . O. i RAN. Kl.'t N. Ageul. iVATJONAL LI.NS s-.eanirr* weeklv to and fr tro L ! vcrp-.'--| anl QueentAteira. F :tt labile *- L-tnd'.o ^ LcsvUig l,ivet,e'tt every VVI.U.\K.S ^ y |- Leaelng Qaasatowa evarj Til. g^it \ i* LeavingBtr* V :t eyere WKIiNK-li V t I pawsage I" Llvt-rp.. ,1 ,,t it n"-.),*.-wn. f :'• •nd t',a,t-urr- in y, statarsan oa*. tee i*- Wrerp Q penis , t ,i . a. on—tst/.w,, Ii'Pdiina<-(M.i,!eN>ow.i erd-.a Itii-lol ^el^tnl'tn p..-»,„..,. ,,., s ,.,t mnv Kg M'-niague street, or r.W, J, l i e i t - 1 ,, Nl • li .- le . Y II . uesmers ef this line are the LABC.r.ST IN TI.I. I „AIU. f7«TATE LINE. g5 NEW to** TO< i A-, ivv, uivrar-oit. net FAST. AND LtCslrONnLUUl'. elttrent n e * <*• •. .t>,. :t sualatrt wii' State IJne pier, Paiton perry, llfovtly . . WedneatJae, Jane II We i.est' . .Jait* ft. Wedi-.eaoay. July ;' M edaawaay inerea i*r. lie R. j st in I ,ai .e • li I •t.-tctvtt'a t' to..tlat lac strat-t. it* I--.intt Cu'iit. 'i to A tlai tie av-t in,- Bt'aviiia ro-st pit-re-, Mrs«I lt.m.v,itg Henry strew-l, F- mil, plare. It'ietviitg iorelaaseBi sti'ast, to Pulton *v. n^e Renaving M-.l.Uig.lo SUctt, i i t. a < .it, i »n -a Bt paving Pu'iret" nt ssictl.ftom Will" I'- I si!t, n siteet. 11. pavmg I'ueiaand avenue, Irom De Kalb pi A . "i c a t a* viii^ geltiratrrlti'in sir, I, ft tm Cliat-vB Atlantic atrael.froea Henry eteeet tai i hla street, ftom ftamllt in a e * ,ud street, from Myrtle ave. Henry to Smith . I...tu Fallon street to from Dicks itreel ftom Piprrep-int street it, nits m-i.t . .1 to Vi,ft.u,h nennee lo is vID. Sauln street, from First place to Third »o.-i lit nam a I •Hilton etreet. froai Fulhin atrvet ,s>e,tatd piece. ey Bt |t,tii * Lai m street, from (Ygamht* etres l tot, |i» ; .vine 14.neon plac^, frt,»t,m en Pialboslt si wt.tte. It, laieiag uonih OX'ord atreet, from Intayette - I ,..i..t, at^ Bepaitat Ftart Organ* fhtn*. froa* IK- to Alienist- avenue. li' i aving AL 11 :'.X street, from Ue Kalh tst Phi- U u st ewti to paving Fe'tuu avenue, from falom strtjel tt Bediord, L I . u r g l . RLRRijVVM. / la |..f . ' Taxes so-i A*****ni*nt* t <»ttoNP:ii-a MU'II i.i, 1 ,'4lI>'Ii IIH4iWNF.I>-THK nODY •• s msn Ms. aV |e*t. al Martta's do. a. rt'y aiiermsn, having let. an In his ponae* j k- wa. II efwetTtlt.leaellUlh. 1 s reel, ft iCenl'j 1,-t* aftttea In tjeaasaa " an nt m . r t n . j ; at>,ai i f«-«7 In. tea. itlah. • ban, had tta hiset alwea-a rtau. IManaelot'i l el and iiai.te while mien -hlrt, with a tda„ •• n. ahttetultoitdrawers, insiiie shi-t oi i.iu t to ; I.lut s'.^t,... . ;-*y btega ; heal lit" ! ut. ,!aii„n .,r - ti ld« ruin liati-:. an I it. b » t- t . t e.-me tierasaa ettwnge: the b"d. w.- »s 'I r , t. r ai.,.jt two we#*i. saSjalrnoj I* now st n :i tfc-i«'IVr n»eiiisg.-n1'.r J"-gJ I. . ON' ?.'(•„, nm , 1 A VVI ITKllll 1.. -*'°*v ja^O' 9 at' Taai rsi: Ir, V T . . s * »• i'ows KKPSISYLVANIA. 1 .Ri.l.MA (,Ft.R(.lA , And eviry .stern.te taking lasM-nrersat-'throng*i^eteVlo ai'^in-t..' f n.rfe.enti t erm'ny I'rstt* f ,. f i and up ,, 1 I.real Brllaiu and IreUnn. No. way, Swed. i Uen- titl f e r m ' c y Draft, fir fl a " Fi r 1-relgr.t of Paasaae apoie le Al M1N li : - v CO., A. fits Ho, II Rr.t.dwae. N •leeragc latSKUie t'tbee, Nvt. II Br"*l». P M. wltrTilnt,•**.»!•• R. B at Br,dg«port. Tho i »aitandi.<«iA.M.t.'.d S.L". yiajn-i WT M. with ana Rorwrut •< fsw** Norwalk,ai-i the Mti A M , , pill. «: * anu ,-«! •'• M. with Sew Ci. IUI, i: H at bsamiord. Sui <1«y Bo-:ttn Mail Trslns a' TsD* P k Via Spr.netield « rW P M. via IT ivitlenee- Lrawlt.g-rta-.n car^ on Day Ex-tress anl sjieep- ine Curs n Night ExpressTrtdo.. T.cVets can ue parclvased at Ticket Office ef l r ; i v , i t ran.: i t i.i-i., It, , , t -a at..:g . , -,• N. Y. 5r»nsferCi-.,Sitl Broadway. N. Y„ st,,| ,v . ; tfort strict. Hna'klv-n : wan will al-, chest llw- lias ir. n. R. >.dcuce U. Destiriatlon F,.r It rthtr informstloD ers at H"te's snd Depot. E, ,\i. It! hit. i.en'I SnrS . Nnst Use: n. JOH N T. M<StDY. Supt. Die. Sew V ,rt pissroBTs ruoci iiu-u. illAUL s UTBI RTIS, U MUNTACLE BHaW. or parUculars see post- E RlriRAlLiTAV. ni BAR RBMOVKD TO nts OcATICN UF THK BOAR » M W ' . ', .. . . . BROOKLYN-, Mt-~.*rr scs'ed pr"p. w'V 'ie receive.. :,- t'-- "tec ,,' !?•-> t l ," u . S t*,? 0 *""' ""=•" Tneetray, Jape i IsTS at 12 « eiork M .for fnrnlshlt:? MispVless "u 1-s.ite. mots, broc.m*. etc.. to the Pu a.ic "choois lor m e year. ,-; 1 lata ar.t! samp'es of the *rtlcles ri-onlred can be seen at tbeoftVo or i h e Board Uf EducatiSn The names of two resu.njih!e persons wlli he rconlred tor the faithful ist.-itroiinw "t ,hi contract The Board reserveatbe rt-ht t" releeT any irreaular bids, or any which u may nag aa S EWEKAiiK tit- W...-A,. . lro.-TnCi tractors. celved at this ofg-'c nn: of Jnne next, at Uo'clc trunk in map "v" il -ine ti'-ns may be seen, s n 11 procured on appi.cati ,n Bi" rn No. hi City IL.ll.j ceived unless made In with the signature of t!nly qnalined In n-rnt ftrth. The Coruniisslon the r.eht t" reject :,'i *r« tei l the ;ut«: ests >f l.l'R D. I.N'oitTIIK. P. Set t EPARlltfENT ARTMENT OF Br.okafn. April ». Bd pr > .-Us will he re- lednesslay. the «li day I., fur bui! ling woxalea Pisns aad speclflca- Is of propt'safs can be e Knrinecr's ofTlee, proDc,jtl> seoiTie re- fnrm. ac-^itn-vanled reepoositi.e ys?r.,ins ad funn th.-rela sot Ireseree t-' themselves •sals if ne-jossar-.- tt • city, TALMRR.Prcs'dent CASH CAPITAL *!> •« Icsurcs ai i n n kns t,r dsmage l y Are sort the ritk of inland navlgatior: and transportation. Orriciss-: No. tt-Ct't BT «TP.l.l--T N. U* BROADWAY Li okxyn I New Yorh SVMMPB ARUANfJEMPKT r,f trains t-tklng effeit Maj 'J: Is;. From Chamber* street 3?;'t. il r Twenty-thrd eireet see note belowl V. till'A. M. Cineiorati »nd Day Ex pre* e*che* to linf alogrm Niagara •• silts, and r-lctplng Cache* to destination, 11.00 A M . Express Mad |.,r iiaftalu and Nisg- araFads. S!e.-, tag e-'Sch to Bulfal T.OO.P.M. ilioilv tin. innati and ihieaan Vix».t r.RiciKi m NIRl.Hno.tTI. 1 ,'<iR NEvV IIAVKV. II4RTKOIII1. gPRINl.FIEI.O. .', Hl-I K Mot N IAIN.-. piiN'TBVAl.,end in'p*miA .-. ,. . -.. Theirs ejaegBtaatse* 1 "Nl INKNTAL leavee Pier KesA, Y •• II »er. dally -Soitdsis eicci'aJ . al 1.1' P. M. A Pssviger train wl'l bg In wal'W in the wh .,r et N. w Matin, and leave lor Sjri-.K>» <l udvir slat n> - ii • , arrival ol the boat NioBT I.l sx.-Steamer PI.M C| (Y leaeee Pew 1. t at 11 P.M.. etrle.t.K n New Hi ran at t t. "arlyno'i ingtra ns, Batasse t heeged thi'-ugh. Merhraodltie f,.r- wsr.'ed ae sieve by dally expre's fn ight train*. with ,-reai regulstitr st d de-pi.'ei, A; ply al thtarni-rai ..frsce. • a Pi. t.t 1 . HICHARD PEi K ceutwal Areat. "litOIMK- U M ! FOR ALBAMV. oi S»ljirtOWrtl»»wrHR »*rt»f Ol» Mnfcns.wv. man.ab. "ill rears'if ss*-:lw,.og ui. iiit," pr etiirt. wntt't a-oiwr. si,tit. b,own ee-ti. and par ol tiea*» h.^yte: Bins cent* were found «* hie Per„tiij, hstafy at in* tiorgnel r id. i vincai, .n Dated Ma J B. J''SiltS. u A. wBiifcnr i. U-.i in--- i I.'-rMi IHfOWNKII-.TliK ! a " T) y J "I a man w„e foattd In the water. Mart' it II,"."..''' i '"'• l * »»• f'rut "f < htrk etie t. »bnwt thlrty-gve tawtre nf mlr, « , - f,.,.t „|,, (t •'• < n<"alBh.aaBe|y hairii'H]a*oasla.!li*: had uo a i.ietk eetet, |»nn>« and i-et of Pete t-nr^el ea-e-. ir.»we elrtri w ,d frawer* of gtar melp.a i iwh. «M a Held dannsa shirt, and a white sh rt. wtlfc linen taieien; lot caltatlo hoot, end gray eo ektnes ; bad tn file t-cket *i* 'Hit, b,-|, »t,d" ut. r- rey,.n.i a Jcti^r.dated Ueerpn I. April I 1*7*,. ami antw-nbj >., „.., lUn.- ... hssbee.- ,».t'e ?>" * , '„"r*-? , rt , *?s. ,r ' 5 *• , • »he.h'aly tee at we Mtrgnt fit Idept4*caliun. ]1 J'S"PPtW B. jMSft;. U A WIUTEUH | . ____^ Co* oasts. P ^otM* i»jA4itf>Tir -~vi lit'Blew Iiit e D.«k. tear a. nt Perry, May It l«Tt l-.e la .... o f a c . s r . o a c eeyeara t.f age. I feet i lnrhe»hi»1i; Bad "n s gray over.oat. blae* rum. urder p. ».«*'-k tbith vewt. broaa striped pant* '• Skill rrev to, r.hi'l red Darinerd'awtri etay w. .Hit. ai-eks.stid -esvy |,»AS: had la hit iea-'».ff; was a !>«*] Uaie In t h e watwi Tbe br^y uuw elt.'.e Morsrue for tdentMcaaitift I Jos L- A .'Il II Ji'NE- WKITl.tfll.l. Oar oners Exr.res*. Weeping Caches throagb to le tne world Off PBlIt. ( rcinnail, Iietrnt, a„d aT •tmafalfS'cct r ver steamers elth< ut ..4.a. D \«?w »r-i (omHOdion-, Qaarters, 268 FULTON, CORNER OF CLINTON STBEKT. rreguiar decned let thctntcrest ot'tbepubd- GEO C BEN'S, iT, Jl'flN M. P H E ! P9 E. )i rn.; EN. Committee on tappile.. A. C . 8 „ May Kk l*ry O TFICE OF THE A. C. R„ WII left's Pol-t N.T.H . Msy 10, im SosJed troot fa's .p. '.Liitcale, sill be reoarvad at this .ffire urtil il A.M...Tunc p. IS-., , o , fu. li'iiine the fresh beef retmlred by the Subsistence De? partntcnt, L. S. A„ at this slation, darinj six B)onthsc,mr.ienc.naJulvl. l«7l InfOTmasa^n'a. to coDOitions onaluy of beef, payments, etc.. oan be untamed by application to A. H.PAYrtON First Lieut. Corps oi Engineers, A. C.'S, hinott place, between J arenvet RestivcJ. That this 1 end ue-cidc to regradc bct sreen Benson placet, eeht le ttones, nrd. r aeesriaanewwilth the sp now t n nil- in this office. | Reserved, Thai the regradinc snd rep.tvin_ Hanson pi.tcp ant! Atla •teres, he snd is hereby! in depth on each side of points above QAmed,bey , n;euisshal! be made, such Distilett f Asscas: n:edw!th the Cite Cit-r l i i d s y . V a . r P . 1-S3. Ad ItORX D. L. KOKTBTP. Seen TITY WORKS. iMay 1, laTi.-R latrau place and .Ytiant.c I do herebv determine • repave Rllioit ptana, [Atlantic avenue, wl'h it! <n ol t' Is 8.tar!, tn ull'.ne fir such wi-tl opted. ^:t ol Atsassment for piiott place, between i avenue, with cobble 1 at one hundred f«..t I .tre-et between fht- eli.cb lim'.r no asst-ss- '.-natratices against It wtltbecoasiucred H [any time on or befurs PALMER Preidcot. I) 1 EPARTaibNT Utj U.I!, Brook! Ninth street, aeiwien Resoleed. That ths and decide te regrade between Third and Nl siones. under direct: iincewitli tbespecibi 8!c it! tl-.lf office. Ado Resolved, Thst the reersdinc and repavlng IF CITY \Voiirilri. i. L-:.i.-iiepac,ne; 1 and N,mh even an*. Id'-hereby deterrt,:ce repare Ninth »r»et, avenues, with cobble this Board, tn aecord- ' tor such Wi/rknowon ct of Assessment for ilnth str»«t, between D:RHTOR». LoTijittip. TaonAa R. LEWIS. F.VVI. B. LiTtnriiLn. JOHN- A. LIVINGSTON, K. M. DOW * SKTB IXlW, WILLI AH G. LOW. Ae. 1-sTTS K. UASTZb-S AtaSUtT MATBt »,, i . i: MAXWELL. T H. MILL?. J. U MOKfiAN, Jit.. R. S. MOBUOK, H. R. PirBBkpoNT, j-,\ TllBN F PltAtfikB. P. J. SlavVABAV. Jon.v V A S Noant ASO. .lat-OB T. T A N W r t s , YVlfg^AM A. WHITE. WM. K. LOTIIRiip, Pres'.doai. WM. A. *C0TT «errt tare. IBANAH I'IFUE .1 PEARL ST , N. Y P. F. i igKWroo, Manager. Wir.u.vvf K BPNKY A1IA»S, HEKI-.T 1.1. AI-RATEtl, AHtBIBALtl BAXTEK. K. 8. HKI'SXSOS ISAAC II. CABV.JBU S il. CBITTRXIJI-.N JR. DAVID DOWS, Ions: P. I <-v H. K. li'-i.r.r, t . R. Ft INT. N. H. l!,OM( B. T. l tit'Tnrscn-AM. TBLOt,OBE K. UiBB*, SUkl TAEIl iiOSIANa SAB, A . I l l I I , J. B KING, SCONTACK FIRE INS. COMPA-vlY OP THE CITV Off BHUOKLTN. CASH CAPITAL, tLVjJDO No a COURT ST, SL'ttPLCS, llTarXD ' - _i'- s BROADWAY, -orncrs-;<h"r Maiden L I - BRoORLTrT. } f NEW Y OK g, Third snd Ninth svenaea, with c -b,.,e-stones. he ana is hereby flxetj et,sat hardred feet i a depth oi esch side of s»ld street bnween C'<> p o i n t s alts VA raruetl. beyond abte:. itmil no assessments sbsllbe made. Remonataances a«ainst such Pis- trtctof Assessment will be considered if filed wltn the City Clerk nt B B time on or befcre Fri- day. May ia 13nL Atloptflt, P. L, Myuraop, Secretai-y, NEW YORE. DIRECTORS. Wm. Ellsworth. S ; l_Hu*ted, Jamce Ray-ond, Erra Baldwin. M M.Ingratuim.Re'Bs l!* a seju.e Raw,,. Hecrs. El'asl^wis. Jr.,W. R'chroon - Caireili.BergenJotin W.Lewis. Eli Dobbin., ' t has. t Celts. S. Linington. s. II. stteirt. Si true! Booth, Abraham Lett, Edmund Titos, P. W. Eurtts. A. A. Low. U.C. Kratnard, T. A. Btriaaa, J. W. Campbell, Foster Pettit. s. B C nklln. D. B. Powell. CL. Ccoke, M.U.J M. Phelps, 1, b H. lemon, John D. Prince. J , VYhitahoase, James Paton. J. I, Stud well. K J. Whit'ock. A .ID n. btr«b. Jacob Pbilp. Jossa Williams. John liaitey, Wm. Phrsaer, Joseph D. Willis, A stodwp'i. WM. a^LJLSWORTH. P r e s l le nL O. T. StARiyG. Secretary. liCO, la. ZBAna, AttitlAaidsrCfeetry. W. M. Thomas. i Ce* , A. Tborae. A.t'a<lerhi:l. B. Y ..entine, p._BtwMan, hi* t'hlcaso t Trains leave For Port J«rvis.Sjrj.'jJ», ll.ixJ.tDd '11.1S AJM. eSJMsjal e;.«iP.M, Fur cothen snd Middletown. •!. -.«. •*.'» ILln. snd' A.M.,3.ta, 1.30. *;:» and ^jTO P.M. t-„• M-.ddletown r.nle. l.r Warwick. I j n , 11 on A .ML, s n d |JM P . M. Wm Newbarir. *«JU, >. A, ant II J>j A.M., e .J !,;•) torSu*Tern.8.)g. vavaLlljH and "1I.U, A.M , SC 6aU. MK ^-R. *'.i-a. sta l il.«t P.M. For hldsewood. Hohokus. Ailertdsle, and Rsm- scj, », i .U , sail, es.-rj. Hats *ll.ia A.M, i.i . W', ujs'. •I-JV.1 M and '11.1PM. ^ ^ ' l o r P a t e r s ^ n . s g i , u ' - , « . « l . « . D . K).iyi. I! Hi e|j i. •M-.-.1U'. snd .11.1! P.M. —»«., iwa, Far Newer* *>..'«, :,15. wt.i,,. end 11.30 A M *nd a.ii, S..ii. ^s.j aud HAt p M. Wedaatdae ingnte tile. * "" Fe«- Ru>!,erlord Park snd Passaic, <! 4i,sJB. **, t, \ ,Jr A UM A; i L-£ i ^ 1 ' >>: - iSt -'•'• •*"• '"-^'•>'• p,-n, »no nun P. M. For lulled*.e. Haekeasaek tnii Way. s,uut.|s ani «..lf. A. M. I.lsi. s.-jB. ta*. .'-alU.t.nd 6-dU p. !g aod u SMtiriiay nutbts only. 1. r Sprinn \ auey and Way, ijti and Ml A.M.. Ftr Fr'glewood.S. <•&>.*% 'fMkM-%MX& 4.1" 4.4i. 5.Bc,6-Bsnd » PJt.. ana 1U esatnra.y -tuihts enlj. l<«Cre*k"l.S.».rr. ssJ.andt.TJ A.M. UM. »..'.4 tt, kJtvMS and*;.*. P.M. area It Katur.tav nigh>only. . L 0r JS» r *'' B ' hMI - --•'"• **• ; '- "- A-U.Lt. J.L., t-!S aa** «J»i and T.!* P. M.. and It Saint day ntg.'n* only. lor Plernsc.rtt end yfack,8<D and *9.jfl s u 1 3 3C A.M. IJt'.J K.UB, i.p. 4X< snd ey.tip.M.. and I? s.iuroa? Btsmaosey, N.B.—'trail,, eaaviaes Cham!>crB Street oi evei. cr hall b ere lca»e Twenty-third Street n tec-n minutes »at:ier Dan abore time The y n A.M., 10are IIAt P.M. and 1! midntgiit .nuns start frc-m flimts-r, eo-eist osi*. N. B T.-ons on the NorthTn end N,-vt:.:s Branch tanvina Cottaleni en caarte ''ers. leave Twet-tr.t. ,<i thirty miniii. * ea-iier than above time. Ticket* foi pe>>sage and tor Apartments in Draw, asg-rtatm »oa Sleeping Cavebes ean he "b-j.tned atd t.rdei. ; OT tae cheekin* aral tranet-r < ; baa ttUsnd RT Broadway: enr-er One He-Tee. ,.,; SrXenT. sVS S a ^ ^ K ' ' D " WM ' . Daily. 4 eenday* only JOfJM % ASBOTt, O t M l f i H T AidiW The largest and tr. Tie ST. JOHN DREW, an" DKA1 •RI"eTM'»!fl» \ One of the apove steamer* will ease* Pier Be. 41. i Nbllh It!T« -. every afPcrao- it|.Su.-.--»je e x c - / e d i . 1 attio-eiock.arriviBH at Albsay In Una* I .ciane t , with rellmsd train* west. North end KaaL it-- tun.iBg, leave the *teaUBtt.,at tai.u t.g at AIPHI . ! st T - *cl».- k P M , .»r or, t! r- srv.vsl 7 ^.jy,t trains froav West and North. Thrnusrh ti *,*. canbet.btr r e d a t ' h e ' -IT- V i ••\' Hi: WH.nO eleosl ttOI r- i tl'IlK" .1,1.:' -.livV',.. . No I CO. RT street. R-'clf.yn and bayjage cut .gen t, tie d e . it a l l on FreleM .ete:ved nntii ti.* !,'.ur ,f departare. KAikTsAliSETT STEAMSHIP CD. I ALL K I \ I U LIVE FOB BOSTON VIA JtEWPtlRT A FA I.L RIYh'f Dally '"enaev* exe-vMed *t?-fyip M.. from Pier *>, North H'eev. lo,tt Murray eueal The T trld-renowne-' sit I * 1 4» I;>T II JlliOWNKU- AT TIIK 1<M of O'.id »imeg. Mas fl, Ti. the h-.ty .,' en er.knowa man. »bont * feet 7 tnr-he* hash : f a-et ' «Tl*».i-le, had ' - » sh'.rt. »ivA cVc-h ooejt. idar* cloth r«*t»: on ne: beat a who* s-.irt. str-.rr leesee ',,.-. sod brown at- -t!Bg«, a ite> etln* een ie In hi. r*«kex On his left ».vn-l wa, the fovmpfalady drawn. wi*a a flag m h«» .. i *r,d eH"tS,ng-tn »n eg-eat pert Tie *t-e4» was * * •-. i Bstta tne water, and t,„n at tee M !d<-ntrt-.t J'i«s.TTf II JO'IBB, I. ' ttjl rEDII I. ntsroner* iw.ea.w..«^» ' .»- ^^^-^a» M . a n a a . B NIWIM. 11A4 fllirV . tua tsar J hoMFHTIf » ftikll rFWINOHAUHINK IPA UV. I RIM M.Y.% " I FT' P. a*! Pi;i,TON kTRPWT Hit MlatT POl'l LAM MAI UI«tVlN .AHM.! Pk< El.- I N I .,MT W'lRg ' AND PhAIS S I ! t s TBjB HI.AVlgst T IIKNRY P.ctlsTOW MatUare- w 0F.ELKR 4: H I L 8 0 * M H". StJsvWiiWtU >IACIII*4I;N •.*pvi*lta J<*fis.n a n e t . I. 1 , - 'KI.TW DPPtlK— ttl, I L L " t.W p g . „* tees" aaeair.e in »ee ButdOe e rn-rt ft. lav. rapR-- irrms ll» M i l IM'TIUM 4^e.,r. i, i uA CA!T. A ., -. . PROVIDENCE, * APT, r- M Pryewos The avv*« J reet itnte 11, Taairbm. - , , Pljmoi't f»st Rn f ,r,l, Martha', fuseyatd, sibrosl •lltoet street IVS'C Jt Mildlehoft,. icy^r.: , .. tainl,.-'.en point* on MI, rt«th Wens *ad< tp_ ^. ,1 .o?t*f Jc A!*a.. tl.r- ugh ti-let. ti, Hi., t v i l l , I > i.l MAINS. *nd sit pr,i.cip*l point* In New Fy. a'and ao6 the Province. toa Tti-atT" AVI. sertTanonita AefiT AT -«, BauAirWAT, *K BkoAi.t-A'. •'».. ci ",-n\ . BBOAt.WAT. c o n g i w sn> STHirr !•.,! i.w ffs ei•>-.. finmcgg.Mt BuOAitn-gr ANItSo Ititartl trait Ot. BFtOOELYN. ott AT IHg nmtt "* Ttrg PllB. , _ ., A. P. BArov. aaiwrlnr-ndeiit. H-_B^. liANCAn tienirral I'ttwi,; Aae«,t. S l O M X i T o N f.!.\'E." FOR Bfr>fiW»Vli PBOW1UEBI K The r.ew »pd e.esart stdewheer ft* - me-s sloNiSt.TViNaoe >ASgi'tANSi-g*; ?»K. Wm, M.J.,n.-. . / s a t . J a y Altea. Iri.rr. P>r.'.'. f . i . 1 J • - ' • N r h R, . !• M daily. IN BOSTON AftEADO? ALL OTnnR UNW Tlckeis sold *nd siatArotms secured et 5->. ', .. BrtwCway. eoraer of New Pawrl street, and at Wetted* sUpseee Co.Nv. TM Broadway, rentb street:Uat Broadway, envaser Thirte^ifts stnet. New York, and ... W.!s..»«,t, street, BrosaisB. , Frt.a-Bt always tt low tt my other lae. D. S BABCtPTf PTsaUewt Mvunstvea Me* tt boat Co. C 'Oni'f>t"fATI«X *4irTR't-IHSl"^ i . i •. . . r.p « mac; »'|i PA 'IT »teaben eareet :rr»«i lesfay »••*•» I*.'» . t . .eeaae T n Bt^.netr i *• oa .a* • i .ewe »»•• nn*; gcrrlawSn pi*ee, it •*» i. » « ,-a r *et- ..f '.lilt, i, ts. i t . f v r r - f . l -.: -i . stre-t. In ai.Pegawi * v Mrt a* e- , i , -, ieu es-.u, street •• ' - '"' • ' * Aedrew'e rd.'a>. f»"*B A' etre*n . ,-.i-..ttc sa* t< Pro***.'* Par* •' * w.,« seer,ire to Watswha . .. P..t'rtl«', ,| ttt* ABr.lYl-10 1 tn Mee*.- t-*t . Sll e-'th ee. . ' •.-..( I, wi BteA. :* Saca. tl easset, S"* -- ,» . laewts rrswse s. .^, ealt'JI • «it I,fit, i t H u . l l rta te t# AO- tic BVetrni p. re- i *"""*. t,** fr ***•„, : Lewi t, t*a• endti ' i, ttte-es i, - ..a the Pan d.j .,; \ • * --ngaaal Ai-asasaseat li»cu m u..t ,., ,.,.,— ,. . i, -..p,.,,.^, th< . , l«»e:-| a*'* «ra«-ii*'.a taw aafc g,, ot Apr,, .- eat, gjuea v ail parti-., tr,- tereesog.tatatbr aawiBr u.e*e eetera. aeaar~- t laiett*! Bt,rri,ws.C.g.e<-',,f o/Tageaaad ht*oMee is law ttty flafi WTM?, tMrt issfiirtiiet'allvery et said As.eei-a.ant B-.c* tv.hhr, they can pay tbe a a w * svSthsnrl Mtiiv,- tional "t.*rg*. AJl a»««n»u i a a* ax* •••• pand w|tj a* enPeeted ay htm or one etf his D-putt *adi'.is*a' t nsrg'-. theretai gverli Dated Brooglya. A t-.l i l i t a . DOBIN PALMKR V- M A FDWLIEB, R M. WRITING 7a^, r . ' S t i a : .r,*'s ai (lie Work*. Attest, b. L. hoanutu- * l ,. t. Ide.: by f.w. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Post on 06-Feb-2021




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  • M m perry •rm

    t l TTNIO* I* tbe I B I M I *nd bev i msnl tapea-.Raked la this cltj or ja Long lalaad, n o Three w i n B a l e e n N M M week, or • e Dollars per a u u u Payable vc the earner.

    AOVERTItU.Na RAlaM. M cants per Mwe Meant* per line ja .eott partlae iOdi.its oerticc

    . 'dr. each nouee Me. eaea oottee

    eacn nottee

    ' ta le aad To Let !Se.eae» MMM

    orrises* aad Deaths. HATBS o r DISCOUNT.

    w»ta (w • m i n i oaa) . . . . sperenai.ew' ainth* tor 73 iaaeruoos>.... ,...Mp*rcent-on" maths (or StInsertions! 4»Keree««.oS omta»(e»l«iaaertleaai .-»»«ro*tti»»a e m u : Caahtnedt lotaieg reckoned at leal than iII u o o w u o >n> T » • M u . i ' H i r is a eoaioifte OS A.NU JOB FKl.NTl Nt. gST ABLISHM »>' t.

    mst^ru.m woag .try and promts ly a e o e a t afcottBest** aad in ratsat style.

    .11 are invited to Nil) sad tea* oat tacQf He* tor •celiac aax sty te of pelnuae.

    BE.NRT I t BOWKS, Pob tehe'.

    [ F O B T u g BmoOKLrn Cs iow. )


    f a l f t f r O a r ( » a a ( n ' » D e f e n d e r * !


    ZVcl OS YAM 7A •a^ .vn-sV V^k\. t f tdf


    VOL. X. NO. 221 W-whtngton lee

    • JL*™ " * *-P"^™*"«.

    Report o."

    ST a n t u t i

    When Twaann rs iW Itelmploaa head. Jmpcniud this n e t t nauon'llife,

    A act, during i l l tons, bloody years. Our heroes baiHud la iMe alrttw-

    If th«»y should fai. la fxvettoan't glorious strife,

    Tmal we »rt>i«*taw ae-pita* ones— T ae ikMrrB Sad the wtf*.*

    Hundreds »/ thousands I M *l»'i> Ntaxii valley, bill aad plain ;

    Tory gav e tttetr It rea * eacrlftoe-Wracel out tbe cirseJ »«uit!

    All honcr to our pat not tone— Tbe aailant boy* la blue :

    For ape let them teiiti-uibere-'l D.-, Kurth t eoole one*- and true 1

    ' * « twentest flower* where sleep the

    Bedew each mound wtth t e n s ; Though »te«i UM. be tbeir memory jr ,,?a

    .i uugb all tbe corolog year*'.

    •Though d, a J. the sol J k r speeds to-day : HatelacaJarjeU o a t s a te o u i a ;

    Herat tabor tin ui. In fndor i i e s s . And sti ew b b i n t t with II iwew !

    Hay 30, lSTJ.

    r. j i

    Sitae p w -

    t a p t a l r i J a c k . In (taioamron, in ibf> your l«jt, a half-bf-o 1

    oy nan -• I Joan nir i'*. »•, w.i« employed on me of Carson A Oarrrtt's boats, whteb i*»«l b ply at that time rm tbe Ontonagon Rivor, a t i e pmeanger and ft vucut b .-iin .-*. aa* wcvn be **UKHilb" and tbe Minnesota litndior. earcety r t t b r m t ypars old. be was, nererHte-eef, oiatimrunbed lor a eerrain ax/n-wtvo tiavadosanal w*< looked upo i by Bat ie i low-rorkmen aa a daiwecoua i ers in . Doc proaii. i»eat scar on bit forehma was tbe record ut % J b w h e bad rr-ofiff,-1 from* tbe b foltKeeoer o f be firm be worked tot, on account of rut j i t - . it tbst eent letMn, to a»en.-e socao «ittbt or nuattnfd 1i»Jutr, wi 'h s dea>lrr wpspon, w% Ph X- Intendt (1 to « < • 11 he hadn't been knocker! rn*eiuw betoct" lie executed hto roilrdi-roiis kwtan. DeiHMte tbe«ar»gf of Joan's n s ' u r . \ ind albeit a terror ti> tbe etaM ae f » H t » t > J * i tb . tbtre was «ouictbSn« in bn bcai-soar tbat locotnwcndtd Sim to tbe attention of tbe peo-Hc above bis«tatlrrt. w h o recostnhred tn i tu of tbaracit-r a->t in tfctsiuiic a»U> hit ouUKlo and lerll isb fcremins;. Nature b-io done a teal f i r Sajwooo, Hti featu *» f n ll.i tad a mature that i>voutisea wareolean »orttone by tbe n m e be bad alsaftttd bis M : rrowlh. John's law leas prjolivltiai andebiv-Hroua and spasmodic iroaernatty reudarott aim l «.rna>;«>ou foaauatai!, and if a torsaar re^ij :.i s t Luke b u p e i i o r b a d n t run a e r o u btjs, in tlfb. as Ornton, t W ' i i i . N w n Klrer ba.f-

    t rt" o lad wowld. perhip*. iteyer luv.i b»»ei> tamiDifcan aajaya, Tbe i f r u i a m u , t» « b • i> w e u*e in M'bt' d tor ttiis bit of bt-uory, in a letter Just received by aa from bim. written to fftaJkt w a n e be is ao«aa>ed in uiiuin.. aasta: **Ilc-Bantboo—wo* «n< n ehief of tb>' trfb», and ai tb»,t tj:t>e areat p o w e r o v e r the l i -uiai a HtSKbaion 'o th« nolnt wbor i I m^t tuui, wiastoaew an aarni of :be Oqeemnsctnt. I st aii preacnt at one UMerriew, j n I t aoou dis-o o t e i e d ti.ut b b p*rv«:rston o t prloctpioand law was cons.ruinate; aiM' t * w not «urori*od ai subs.eo.uant reTemttonsla tbe rnatiM ebeirae-ter, which bawe shown him t o be a bloody and crafty freebooter, wh.iao personal o a i n w ^ s and those of bis followers arc dlscaaieJ tbrouabout th • wot Id to-day."

    Our readara will be a«ioiu»n d when lata; bear that the John fauaboo, ot this hastily written and imaarft-ct taotob. an'! Cantata Jack, of tbe Modoc tadians. are arte and the same person '. Our authority in tliu nutter is Mr. J o t o L Nk-hofc.. who i t s i l e d tar year* in Oatonaiioii and H o u s t e o oottntlw*. and U now llTlnu ut M l Lake- This a-eutleuaaa"* twtUal ooaevra iM how be dawossred who I aptaia l a c k wsa, together with other points dotailcd i n his letter, ImOj ns to believe ihat tbeoow-ard:y"a.-»h from o»er sea, m told at

    t f latrspuiaeoi a daninguished and estimable flnstof 3coti». It satins that a ttlnoar-Darty SBBBla Bvogress d u n u g a billitant display of northern Hwhrs. and this gent leman, stepping wWt taceaw ass i.urur « brow, was d amasod; theo, turnlna to tbe window, saw, witlna. bis wi fe , sitting •with rhe Indies wa!t>ns for the Br>ntleni«>n t.> end their Clares i ;>a ouran. Pushinir aside the tare curtains, be beckoned has wife Agoe» to cosae ottt. She complied, when be said to her, solemnly.

    "Wasmea, d'er sec any thin? e i i t r o u o r y n O W r "

    * Tesa. Dolly, I see you have bem drinking too much tine."

    " No. cor that, Wogm-s: I racan ojrstrooory rhomoraonumsin utmoapbcie."

    * Why, where, Dolly T™ "3JP yonder, Wsgnes." •' w by, dear me: vet, I d.>. indeed—the m-xit

    trilliaui aurora 1 c r t r s i * . ' * Waanea, are Iblags a-suootln' 1"

    ** Aa' a-fla you fen w.

    Itagoea-1 laean Arnes -wbcn'r' saw the Kelt ail*! phonnimontuns a-ascrain' upper yonder, Oleas me e*er luxln't think 1 was ia rtao serif -«*•."-Htirpct't Man •»»"*.

    tmms cousciu

    , romoany. H9.92, H U t ; Joha for bread, WT |J; »nd John Harrison, for ttwaana" Home. * H « fH.Sil, •S6.4K. i t S m ana SaVat. AaWaaaa.

    perto,* the Caaaasittee on Laadaaod Bail 1-inas-To pay to S V. Bash a rtoa tba «u.a of •too as, a* Brtt premiaai for alaos tor tke aaghth iTectntt Statlo»-hfn»e, and t o » B. r botll-ing the Ktghth Preclact Statleaf-hoasa la aeeorjr-aoee with plant and tpecttcatlons prepared by a. V. Bash A Son. Adopted.

    rr.aiUie luMBiUtae on Sappltaa. e t e . - Vward-iof contract to Jalias Pehank to furoisu h »se and pipe for the City Hall for the a im of »U».t>. Adopted. . _i -

    rrcan Committee on *!Viaat">>i and Truant Tinsel I iiai m» i ntatraot to Wat. A. Corr for famiaaana ttrjr aooda tor oss of "irusiit Hooia. ac-eorttlaa toproo.mai on pags i\* vt printed unuabo* i - l K i j i f i A d l . l . , J ,

    r r o w t t t v same c • u n > i t t « e - Awardina .:oalr;ict to J o h n D e l i a ; t o furn i sh gr iut»d.

    Proa* aaaia cotaaalstee—Awarding eoo trac t t o J o h a IieUuty for f a x e s a i n g p i lo t Dread f -r T r u v i l l i o a i e for l ite suoa of hH a s a t a per p o a o a . a l so :or faanlBbtaa bread fo i B B M h j ^ i ^ f o r t a e a a a i o l l > > • e a t s per BtnanB. Adapted

    Prom s a m e eamsait tee— D i r e c t i n g proper ofBcer to at l e a r e T a r l o B s n p e t l e a tor T r u a n t l l o m e ; e t -p e a a e n o t e s c e e h i a g ».»l. Adoptrd .

    J i t ui t h e I 'sramiUeo on PBJHBI U o c k s - A w * r d l a n e e a t r a e s t o Bernard Marttey t o b i l l l an e s t a n a l o a »nq c u l k h w t d a t t h e f o o t o f b o l d stre,;t :or t h e s u a « f l a J H . A d o p t e d .

    Froai t h e tarns commit tee—Awardina oontract to J o h n W . ITUhsrlT to n p a i r t u a u. «.-k loot ot t iortb d e c u o d s t ree t for t h e s u a o f » ' : ' • . Adopted .

    M o n o i t i A g n a a s o t m o s t s . B y Aid, Irwyer—Bssljmaiton of G. R. Rogers a s

    PsaawpaataBaw e f D e a d s . A c s s p t e d . a a d Q e o r g e

    B y * ld.« B o p e a - f h a t D e p a r t m e n t ' o f Car Work* s z p a o d pa> for d a s t for S w e e t Daoartm .-at. A d o p t s a .

    By t h e s a a n e - T h a t the Board »f 0 * p W o r M eresS a saatahle ataml o n Camber land s t ree t , o p -posts* WiUoav n h ; a r a n a e . at a a o x p e e s e of t l "u, to he used by Goraraor J o a a A. Dlx o n r e r l e w i o g t h e S e c o n d D l T l s i s a Nat ioaa l t iaard , W e d o e a d a y , J - . u s l . u r a . A d o p t e d .

    By t h e s a m e - T h a t t b e Board of City w irks t e n d t o t h e beard a s t a t e m e n t a t a n c o n t r a -is w h e r e c t r t r B e a t e s are i s s a e d In e x e s * * o f work performed; a l s o t h e a a n t e s o f e e a t r a e s o r s , a a d t h e a a n s s of haapsetors and — r-apata aa abatga o f t h e a a a i * . A d o p t e d .

    B j .be »»uio i h a t m e m b e r * o* .Vsie-noly a a d S a e a s e free* KiD2* r o u n t y h e r e q u e s t e d t o a s s t h e i r sBSxte to d a f s a t t h * a i a e a d i a a a t to t h e N e w t o r k Br idge Company h a v i n g t e r I ts o h i e e t t h e »«aepta»«a »y t h e e t l i e* of t h e s tock he ld ay pri-r a t e tti naaosaaae. A d o p t e d .

    B y Aid. B o d m a n - T h a t well and puaip coraer of fenry and W a r t e n s tree t* ha repaired; e x p e n s e

    * » A d o p t e d . B y Aid. « i u * — T h a t t h e Comptrol ler ho in-

    structed to la ta* a o atcre bond* t,t t h * . s v * V.irk Bridg,-Coaaprr.r i n r i t all other aahaerther* a a s e paid r. an equal ear atwttaai w l tn t h e c i ty , vdoptwl.

    By t h e saass—That J a m e s M a m * - b e anpo ln ted paaadataater of t h e s e v e n t h tVa* Ad- 'pteX

    Br t h e same— 1 bat Board ef t - I .tat B t*rd of Citv W o . k a

    > r > a t u p a a awnlu,- for t ' ,e K'gbth Prec inct Stat ion i h o u s e , expt n;»-Ion. A d o p t e d .

    By the s a m e - t hat f*i-»per .»foror* f u m l ' h o n e I \ n e n < » n >i j for t h e P i e h - h Prec lnot r sa t loa

    t i . !.... -t - • i \ t l op teo . By the mi.*—That towrd of City Works foralsh

    tt*e for the several station houses, at an expense of , ASovrmt'Orh. \ouatetl

    B s \ M . BTf-ftnatrfy- .bat Anilttar a i d foTip-I lroller par i.ii ,.t A. J. Stewart. asiouuUug to 1 t-Aum. Adopted. i

    • j the saaia - rhat B tard of C.ty Works furnish I lee for the City Hall at au expense ot t o uu per i i i i joath. Aditpied.

    B» Aid. Tr.»st ,r»l^e-!tesiimatlt»i) of Wllllt-n I McOaare as toinmi»si.n«r of Deed*. At-cepted, , aad Daaatt liti^ad asp-onted.

    Bytbesaitie n tar.l of City W D B A U C R S IN NKW

    .IKKSKV BBAJs t - T A T K , 6 P I N E ^ T B B B T ,

    will sel l at

    E N O L E W O O D , New Jersey's Favorite Suhnrb,

    ON f ML'KDAV, MAT 31, 1*3, At !M P. M-, OB the prem iscs. by order of Mrs. J.

    3. Cowan.

    The BrautifBl Estate of Hillside Park, ci'iif UI~I.NI; cnoiCR BUILDI-HO PLOTS

    in tbe centre oi the town, tv -n t ing on nag l e . Chest -nut , and FUUshie a v e n u e s , a n d

    h l 'KBOCNLlED BY OOBTtT IMPROVKMBNTS Only l o u r m i n u t e s ' walk f rom S t a t i o n .


    The Elegant Stone Mansion, With Convenient Outbuildings and tiraenhooaea


    rarties desiring to attend the tale take the 1:1 P. M train :roui foot of Chambers aad Twentv-third streets.

    Iter maps apnly to LH \ KLfc> i>. KKLXOGG.BNGLEWOJD,

    £Bd to A. D. i l ELi.11 K Ja- A 0110.1 Pine at.. K. T.

    Jcrp. Joba.soD, Jr., luciionoer,

    MatchleB8 BayBide. L a s t S e a s o n o f t h e

    i ck l e E s t a t e U S ISA AM P L E D SUCCESS.

    Only •J.-50 Lots Lif t .

    anV. / %

    1 • 1 • % ,e«ff .,:,-.


    '+ iw y**^1 ' •

    - -




    •utatiT—Js îrJI . - - ."si t>©s*bj9


    . r t i tsi tadaM: r—rti4 T B c t - r *

    - 1 1 . } . ' : : i

    IXJBBPgll- . -

    . * —~T

    1 — ' 1 gr!5


    • w

    A pot.ito patch.

    ( iOMPTKOLLER'8 OFFtCE—CITY J Hall, Brooklyn, May 33, UTS. Healed propoaala will be received at this office

    | until Tuesday, Junes, at % o'clock P, M, tor the ] purchase «f the whole or any part of the following ! Seven Per Cent. City Bonds, via.:

    flSftUOO Permanent Water Loan, da I9W and 1010. W K n Three-Tear Bonds, Proposal* must be Indorsed "Proposal* for

    Bonds," and state price offered, in addition t> ac-crued interest. The Comptroller reserve* the right to reject all bids not to the interest of the city. F. A. SCHROEDEtt, Comptroller.

    PROPOSALS — fJBA sals are Miletted and will


    POBT O m C B DlPABTaiLNT, ? j: W A s B r g s T o g . May t , vta. \ Proposa ls will be rece ived a t t h e Coutract OtHce

    o r t h ! s Department unti l 3 P . M.-tf J u n e 1«, IS7S t to be Uecioed nex t day), for convey ing the mails of the Uni ted S ta tes Iroiu A u g u s t i. W73, to J u n e 30, IsCT, In t h e c i ty of N e w Tortt, as here in sperlaad.

    T h e a t t e n t i o n of bidders is cal led t o t h e J »M sect ion Of the act of J u n e S, 1S7S. which requires that all b ids of t-VJHOand upward shall b e accompa-nied by a certtned check or draft , tin some s o l v e n t nat ional bunk, of not l e s s t h a n five per cent , on t b e a m o u n t of t h e annual pay for the serv ice at i ho t l o i e s n c h bid Is made—which. In this case . Is t l l o u t U l .

    1771. Prom N e w f o r k City P o s t office on Nassau s treet , by Stat ions A, C, H, r , D. and B, back to the P o s t Offlce A l s o , from t h e P o s t Oalee by t h e s ta t ions iu the fol lowing order, v i i : B. D, »', K, C, and A , back to t h e P o s t OtBce. s \ mi l e s , n i n e t imes a dav each way , e x c e p t s n n d a y , and t w o trips e a c h way on Sunday . Auto, from Stat ion w, by Stat ions H and G, to Stat ion K.3JW mile* , five t imes dally, e x c e p t Sunday, and two tr io* o n Sun-dsy; and from Station B. bv Stat ions G . a n d M . t o e u t l o a K. 3.91 mi les , t w i c e dai ly . Also , from S t a . ion B. by Sta t ions Q. H, and K, to Stat ion L, a a d - t u r n , i . a s mi les , t w i c e da l l r , e x c e p t Snoday ,

    a t foH - ~

    Bir teavat tbw Of Supervisors ,

    a t l tMandsvy , I . i o ciock M . a t

    be o p e n e d , ftt t e d

    o y t l l e T o a r d ' Coart Htoase. .

    Sf i&fL r ^ v c t V t ^ ^ v S . - ^ ^ ^ n e a T o x T s S t ^ thakSBd and Quantity ef seualsaBSadod and to be done, oan be seen on application at the office of

    F****^ eeeeast day

    . , at which time and r»r repairing » e lura-brtaasf ower Nwwtown

    T h e s t a t i o n * are I Stat ion A. S o .

    o l io we, vtau

    f t a t i o n B: .NO.SK."brand s t r e e t Station r, No . OT H u d s o n s t r e e t . Stat ion D, Bible H o u s e . Stat ion E. N o . *& K g n t h av<

    i P. No.34»Thrrd

    t B o , 7 & S * v e a „ . H o . m Third a v e n u e on P. N o . 343 Third a v e

    N o . 7U_Seventh a v e n u e .

    A . 8 . D 1 V R N . .Erie Rai lroad ofbes

    - A M t ' K l , ST.OAN, P r e s i d e n t IKtsware and Lack-

    a w a n n a Kai lroad , < JI ner Wil l iam a n d E x e n a n s e


    IUCHAKD ,-CDELL... "A Broad Sueet

    KBASTt 8 BRC>OKa..Publisher New York »\.-»rr«*

    ii. B. cwnnar. IS Nassau Street

    - t - l . By A I U . D o a a t t s

    r e e t l v e f r o m J- n t t ITS f rom Kings f o u n t * a n , reauaaated w a a e n v e i a a aaaaage •-• l a * h t l t b e w i t e t h e i egistatt ,re f t provi t e tor t h e re -• - e ' l - r i - t f ';r;tt re'srv.ft b e t w e e n Pni ion a v e n u e

    o.i t h . - R a s t Baser, bas t . By «!ti / I n t H — Toa* f.«ard of O t y W u-ks ho

    .'trert -tl I h a s ore* wel l corner i t e w o s s t r e e t »**a Kei i t i te t iaue . fXpeaat . tU.oa. AsVsatad.

    Bv Alii Brown Ceilt . n of J o h n U ,vor to onv t a x e s without (.'.-fault. T o A s u s s m e a t Gom-in l i t er

    B e p»n»e~-P.-titton o f A. C. Cvtper to p»v a w ses^nteut w i t h o u t de fau l t T o A s s e s s m e n t Com-mit tee ,

    By same—That prouer t .aicers fu -a i sh Colloctor • if f a x * * . e t e , with filanks, a t an e x p e n s e of s id l . T o Connui t l te on Supplit-!,. e te .

    By Basse—That proper oBtesTe furnl.rt t h e Col-lector of Taxe* . ete. ,1,an i»n rt-iurns, butal quarter t a x a-Kcsaaaent hill beads , e x p e n s e *10J, Atlorte.1.

    By AM. Brown That Baagat tit City W o r k s be d lree i ed t o adver t seo'-.r proposals ttur f urnlshirut prograsaiae a a d apeeiOcatioB., for a r e works , and suepiy the same ->n r'oarta of J u l y , k*T3. To t-o:n-ta i t tee on t h a t su"tje-t

    By Aid. W v l l r - P e t l t l p n o t P r e d e n c k ^c-hnlea T o . i t -relative to flasiclna on Bedford aveaae.

    sesantent Ctonntittee. Tbehnarrt ;h.>rt aliourned uatll M tnday, Jane 3,

    i < o . l l < , o l i - t ' t l». t l . WILLIAM t; BISHOP. CltyClsrk.

    B i s n t i v s \ o r i t E s .

    F.E. Smith & Co?s Crushed White Wheat,

    lu v*inis, una iseaerib. huajftebuiU u>e

    Superlative Graham Flour, B « B I ID HiMtsiei, * i * a y •< fresh s>ad pnre,

    Atlant ic and Hudson, Bvat Iran04 t»t

    Pastry & Fami ly F lour n i . M i l 1 'I.HIil MILLS,

    AH payToents (Bast b e m a d e by c h e c k pavahle to

    Iwji IlliiPl III t a p ( M a n Trust i«mp«i i» ,T3 Broad-

    v * y . The m o n e y s ar ts irg from the sale of t h e

    s t o c k h e r e b y sold are paid Into t h e Union Trust

    I ' . r .puny , and c a n n o t t e paid out by said C o m -

    t « n y etassat u p o n v o u c h , " * s h o w i n g that the

    m o n e y has b e e n a c t u u l l r a n d h o n e s t l y e x p e n d e d

    in the crrc i ion or aba Industrial alxhlhit ion

    Uni ld inc , or ia acquiring t i t le to iand.

    T h e taad of t b e Ccmpany i s e x e m p t fi-om u i x e s

    b o u n d e d as to l lows : tStb t o l iOl Street , and 3-1

    i o 4th A v e n u e . Compris ing 3iJ U-ii city lots , or

    about N a c r e s ,

    Shs res t it© each

    i f*»rt^onta to be m a d e * * fo'lrwa--

    F ive per cent , at t imo of subsc . ' iblrg , and tbe

    "' halance in i n s t a l m e n t s n o t e x c e e d i n g ton per cent . 1 a t any one i n s t a l m e n t .

    T h e r e can b e n o s a f e r i n v e s t m e n t t h a n t h i s . I t

    I t s a h o m e I n v e s t m e n t . It is the o w n e r s h i p o f land

    I on l i t * Vork Is land, a n d t h e erec t ion eg a perma-

    I n e n t H o l d i n g < • the s a m e .

    In a .--ei wi th t h e charter and by a r e s o l u -

    t ion o f t h e Board of l i t rer tors of the Industrial

    Kxhlbi t ien Ct mpuny. passed July i t . 1ST?, the fol-

    '.•»Irti r a r a i b t r « h l p « h a v e been created, and a o

    offered for sale—at t h e a b o v e - n a m e d places and

    by author i sed A g e n t * tUronshout tbe Uni ted

    ' ' ta lcs .

    T h e trr.per h o l d e r of s n y o f t h e s e i s e n t i t l e d t o

    f r e e I d m i * » l o n to t h e Industrial fSxhl l l t lon . t h e

    A •; Ii iery o f Statuary ar.d Pa in t ings , and t h e

    „art 'en o l P I t n t s . during the t ime it i s open , aud

    tin ;t< I only by tbe duration of the lneuiBer-tltlp.

    1 i iesc mcxahershlp* d o not ent i t l e the holder to

    a d m i s s i o n s t o a p e c i n l p laces ot a m u s e m e n t , e x -

    c e p t a s c o n d u c t e d by t h e Exhib i t ion Cump.iay.


    Come, o n c e more to B A f S I D d , t b e las t t i m e t o B A T S I D a -

    W l t h JOHNSON, a w a y f r o m l i f e , turmoi l , and •Jaffa,

    liny a home of your own In glorious BAT91DB, Brlt.g your friends young and old. bring jour

    children and wife. A home In fair it 4.YSIDB, Bright, beautiful BA YalDB, The only true re*t. peace and comfort in

    l i f e . IKtu'tttili away your lives lor landlords. Own a

    pretty h-.n.e.

    Tbe La>t (baucr to Buy at A-ii'iiu

    ZLO Peerless Lots UT

    8AYSIDE, Tuesday, June 3 , O N T H E P R E M I S E - .


    W I L L B K I N l i . Y O l t t A R E ~ U R E T O U A V K A JOLLY S U M -

    MER r j B T l T J X . (,'R.VPULI.A'S F A M O I H g r . V K N T H RRC.l-

    MP.NT B A N D will g i v e o n e , A »•» HAMILTON AVE.. Brooklya For sale at the mills and by all grocers. All order* promptl? filled fioads delivered In

    auy nan ul the city althout extra charge.

    K . W. N I C H O I a S , Hcuse-f urnisninnx CoocU.

    212. and 214 Fulton StTeet,,, C O R N ! K . P I N r . V i ' l ' L B

    MEWBtERSHIPS—Price and Kind.


    EatJ . jPPn M a r PL l

    n,;;ierr^^ Bt

    nt. e i o ai ttng ami

    iTteeet—J. M c: the BsessaawB ex. Btchsrt - •-. a*li?.?S""SB!! •" d * , h e ' " v Clerk's o«ce . May -'-'the ftahtwt >g sipeetai Ctanaattte -ml' i le > to-not B. et-nut-fr ,-;. 'utdio aVwka, Al-I Kotlman. 5i.r.V^' tao' SSBeatOawn, aad MiHir.-artv.

    e , r . , . M ' i s -btLt*. s««i» otutnt s i c a r t o v s , . . L r f * wSS^SPJT tomuiuolcation from tax-T o ^ S . o f w l ! . . ! " 4 "' «-*•»»«*««'otefeneed

    IxTsml^tLlL^?! 1 * w a •paropnated for slat ino-

    KranSMSL'that the Buaaxl of Health he author! .».i '" 'ZiZfZLir**^ *xam*t •nd^g^oaer'vnTt*? 1 e« < ding Sag, tor »•-* use ,,t the B, . .r i„f niait^ 1 . . t' . .mtnille,• ,.u l l . - i l b e " > « i " t ri^eit^.

    I') U l Broei.-P.-i.tiwi m S u . r . j . a - u k , , , f .r B**ra*l*a|t»t to *r*do snd pave w,i|oe*n6» ave* nua, between Tompk a* and Thr.K>o aveaa«.s i -> eoawnettoa AM. Erowa s n a M t h a fo l"«?oT' l a

    Beserred. That the prayer • f the petmoaar bo granted to grade and aa ,e WtlloaJhhT aviaaTaet tween Tompkins aud Throop svenujs. at hni.wn P l ? * * ^ ] . ? ? * * * 0 * PssstJeaiaa may be acceptable to the auihortUee Adopted. "ŵ wwwi

    By AM.Uroarty-Petiilan of Is.vac Henderaon. Renriette B, Tntnaans, and Julias E Myer, t . n.-refunded money paid on astawmenton error. Ca Bsstton,reierred to lansp I ta i l ! nuiuii ;ex i,jMI if f, und correct Adopted,

    By seme-Petit ion at B. B. HoffaaaB to pay an *s-ssaenwnt,wtthoatdefaaiL To Assessment Cue . mittee.

    By AM. Write—Communication from Peter It. •». or*tractor, for r u n g lots to Atlantisave-roe and I'setfic street, between ' l t ' ' injIH f* ibu yeare.ldiue A|,rn *>. ,r,i. To tho Coui.ttitiee on Water and lirainage.

    Krt.Bi the sauie-Caliiag the attention of the Bt.j.r.l to the coadttion of the srmory cttroer of _ E ? T * l : ' i Cranberry street*, the roof need'ng re-pairs, etc In connection. Aid Rope* offereJ the I*."((t.'Wil5|t • . J?*Sf??' ""*** '* ' • neeessary to have reef of said armewf renairf i . . . , t . r fl«oree therein, ex-^ • " * J ? ? i * Y , : •'•••!. m.\E?2£l£?"i< "! t " c s * - r s - t a k i n g for t e m -t r r s ^ ' T i T f f i : 0 * n t * •"> l " * t a t roll* Jor t h e y e a r

    t T o * a ^ i i * i l i S S * 5 J * S , m ^appllea. v s J C i y ^ J f i . * 2 f * f 5 * r ' i u , w * B « atteat lOB o f t h e **uaa-o toeeswrs a t v s r i e u s a a s a v , a s s u sn . t r a . e , . w b ^ Um^ tt^ ^^Jzll " • • w v i a e a i s , eats rw-

    aCSS".!^ ^ • a S * ^ * 1 . 1 0 ' 1 t u * f» l o w i n g : ^ g i T S J r . v . * • » • • » • • f d ' o w i t * antonnta h e e a n -

    n e n t s naiut-3 : Rcpaartng P la t -d f ard, p a g e 1, Block nr» H t e t i . bl >:k Tl

    nCT-a^^^SilnSS t i t e n t i ' - ^ i i s ^ ^ ' 5 5 ^

    Board of City *ork«-TransmttUna f?T_ !ea«*ng, Olliog tad d i *

    hush sveiiae, T i v a i j seca-d Jj ^ " i * P*.^"B»rina tfT.n J -a. M s n d ABA W b n sf i s , py ,


    Fluting Machines

    Table and Pocket Cutlery

    Meat Safes,

    Wood and Willow Ware, W i t h 8 lu l la^ tor . iuon i of


    C00K1N8 PTEWSIL3.


    __ HAS RKMOTRD From Ntw. 49 and i l Park Place

    To Nos. 29, 31, & 33 Park Place, CORNER OF CntP.Cn STREET

    rne sueeriorltf of their various steles of Starch. ? v r , v i ! l . , T , ? L H . V * .*3 ' IMPROVKO CORrl i l i o ( I } ^ » n a w UVEAS' SATIN GLOSS iT,;V.'., ,',h*'* ^reatt-d »> great a demand that the worisatt.ient_eve.Lvag Bttand, have been ne •T^i tL T V , JL. f£ i i r * f „ , i mating the satxbtl.b WORLD LARORST Of ITS Kl.\D IN THK

    Large and Small Rooms

    TO LET


    Soital/le for office or tight masuXactaring pap. poses,

    IN T U X

    ["!ass 1st. Ttirf $W. 30 aJmUsions

    Entitling the pnxehaset to thirty admissions to the

    Exhihiaoo. Not transferable. Price el".

    ihss 2d. fii't >.i0. So atiiaiahieis. V

    Ciit'.tllPi! the pnrch»»er te ninety admt>*io-.ii to

    th* Kxhibitlon. Kottronsleraijlc. PrleetSX,

    ritMJi. rrite*$IO. ¥\) admMioBs.

    Untitling tbe purchaser to three hundred and slg-

    tj ada-lssions. NottransforaWe. Price t\\^m

    Class itb. Price iiU. Life.

    Estlt.lng the pnroiiascr to adatltsioa at anytime

    doner l i fe ; the building being oi>«n to the pub-

    lic. Not txanslerslle. Pllco tlJU.

    il»M Ah. Family (or Life. Prirt |M|.

    Bntltllng the parehaser and his iramcaiate farui-

    y (ta rase at the time of snch porebasel or Bity of

    tbeas. .luring the lltetlmr of any of them to ad -

    mission to the Exlithitlon. when open t • the pub-

    lic. N t transfer, ie. F.-iee»3i*l.

    Class 6th. HIRED., .BY A>D Um

    FtlABLE. Mtt *M

    Eittitling the holder and owner to admlss!in li-

    tre Kxhibitlon, at any time when tUe bcildingis

    open to the public. Transferable by sale, gift, or

    devise, but enly to be used by the actual owner

    The holders of these memberships are to be re-

    tarded as honorary members of tbe Institution

    with snch additional privileges as may front time

    to time be gtanted them by tbe Board of Diree


    STEWART, SUTPHEM & CO., 1 7 4 F u l t o n s t r e e t


    53, BB, and 67 Henry street,



    O i l r i o t l i s ,

    Tpholstery Gootlts.

    ejnow openieg theii" j

    New Importations.

    Styles manufactured expresslytt'or lbs

    Spring Trade of Every Duality. Paper Hangings

    A T R E T A I L In their W H O L E S A L E D K P A R T -M E N T .

    CROSSLEYS Wholesale stock closing out at

    l i l t n i l J

    Station K. No. Ill K tst hugfaty-sixth street. _ Statltia L, Ko. 2277 Third avenue. The service la be performed with water-tight

    covered one horse package wagons, or style aad construction satlsJactory to the Postmaster s t New Tork. and at snch hoars as he may designate, and with the understanding that each trip from tbe Post Offos via Station* V and B is to be per formeo by twu wagons, starting at tnesanienme from tbe Post Office, one going west via Station A. and the other east via Station a. All ottbe wagons to be in charge of drivers above the aee ot sixteen years, of good moral character, who have taken the oath prescribed by law. and are able to read and write tbe Eugllsh language

    It Is to he understood and t-.greed any in-crease In the service whlrh may be rendered necessary by the removal to other localities of any ot the above named statt ns, or of the Poet • flee, or by any o.her cause, may be ordered by the Postmaster General.and Isto be paid for pro rata; and, also, that compensation pro rata Is It t-e deducted In case of a decrease In said service caused by any such removal or by the discontin-uance of any of said stations.

    In case of failure of the accented bidder to exe-cute a contraet. or of the abandonment of service tsnnneihc contract term,Wrti service will be re-advertiaed and relet at the expense of the falling bidder or contractor.

    Piopt'sals ithould be sealed, superscribed "PTO. j-otala for Mail Station Service, Sew York City," end adrtress-d "Second Assistant Postmaster General, Post Oltioe llopartment."

    JOHN A. J. ORES WELL Postmaster General.

    p R O P O S T u i - POR~ STEAM MA--*. chinery for sloops of war.

    N i V T ngTAUTHBM-, B r l t E A F Or STSAM ENtilNKKBtSO,

    WASHINGTON, D. C , May s,Wta. 1, Manufacturers of steam machinery are invited

    to send to this Bureau untlll noon of August I, IrCLI. proposals for the construction of steam ma-chinery lor one or more of three vessels of about t ,U tons, and propelled hy one screw.

    Tuere will be for each vessel one pair of engine* with surface condenser and horisontal cylinders, coupled to one crank shaft.

    The bolters to be of the very best charcoal Iron, with composition tubes, and of sufficient strength for a working presaare of ail pounds per square Inch above the atmosphere, alt to be below the vtater line in tee vessel labout B leet above base line

    Tbe screw i»> be of composition, copper and tin, about 11 feet ho diameter.

    There will no twoauvlliarv steam pumps of ap-proved type and siie.aad afresii water distiller oi

    ivetl tieetun. with sitet-lal pump.

    OrtrcB or LiGHTHoraa Igspgcroa, . ) _ T H I R D DijtrBtcT, } Tnarwiwavn.LB, N. r., Mvty IS, WW. 1

    clock noo . on 17th day o f •am lew a . and deVlveelng *ue* ns-• called TOT, for the light veeseta, and tenders, t M fir rook light i are or shall h e in t t l s dtetrteOor

    T Y e ^ l t & ^ b V o n f f d W w V l f Vav̂ Pa* BnfjB^n^ej eaaeB.v«a**a es^vtded

    ihdon or »*w


    H E W YORK. a l H j i *••»;* •*•• ••» Pssn***..

    YN B R A . t e n O F P I C * .

    ffips^KSBJC*"' •s?Arft> BTtSfctTBItl aVCO.

    . FAit« ianxrtijJiCE yTOMPASTjJ^ "

    fWTI\CSTll . LVa. CO. 2 6 C o u r t S t r e e t .

    Cash Capital. . .„. . . j . surplus, January LjStl

    Tital liabilities. .

    Net aaaeta, ^ A w m l - j n B t

    Capital - - -Assets, Jatt, 1 ,72

    $1,000,000 00 2,509,526 27

    SILVER and NICKEL P L i r i \ G ,

    snd tnanufaeturcrs o* Bnwnnia «nd Silver Plated Ware. OSS table ware repaired and re la ted , at coci-iraiiveiy IriQing cost, to look like new

    MOOR ti A BAXTER. efi and *s rOUTON au-eeL

    anal oiVidend of payaaas nn Ban

    « K O . py.

    '~-%$X8% — < - . JL. :


    F U R N I T U R E . a—-> *VJ|

    IRVING Court

    ALKl. m^rTlTXttoevseyjElTK.n

    H E N B Y K. PTtButpoy:* , M A B T I ~ D A X T B I

    • iTiiA.nsiHtrsi^ TO~BNOrLAA'D I^F.MlT'fAXCEH

    A N D I R E L A N D .

    . WBA."a*»ntRJl ,1>B..tw4»»**n>.B« W . eT^P^aT^WBBBB^^r-

    T A P 8 C O T T S

    K m l g T B U o n a n d K o p e x g r t t

    F x o l i n n g e f t f f i e f , 8« SOUTH S T R E E T , MBW YORK.

    Ftvr D r s t i s for Al and upwards , and P a s s a * . T t e t o t a b y Masais fc ip .aod Sailtoa Pl*cket«,at t h e lewei-t rates , applr t o

    TAPnCtrTT BROS. A CO , 86 South street . New York.

    V OHTJI GKUMAN'ttLjOTU ISTBATM-A l S K I P O O t t f A N t .

    l O R SOCTl lAMPlO. 'v A M I B R K M B S .

    T h e Steamship URHMt.N. Capt U . Scha lonbarg , win sap, evt f

    M K l l S K s n A X , May W. a t t P. M.

    I)It I.MEN 1'IER. P l H l f OP T l l l r t l l ST.. H U B J-

    tsntd to I L a i forty.

    - li isn't man that oppr«Pn» tbe feat-tie pr-x. it's ooreeit.

    —Tbe Whtiefaouseat Wsthingt en M tBe Ugp-PT ponM'stor of AM frettoDH-.

    - T b e Coonoc..out atatortoal ntxaety has re -ceiied a clock encased in a oootoai shell used by tbe Uermans at the steere of Pans.

    -Three old bells from "anlaniiaa. the oldeft ot wbleh tieare the dale of MtT, have been 5cnt to a New Tork arm to be te-esnt.

    - t >co;« Uo pretends to know, says ,>{ o o t w ship, that U is ludtcrous enough; be call* It * tbe skirmish before) the regular battle bo-gir iA"

    -'Tift now agjcl that William TeU sh;illored when be shot tbe anpscfront bts buy s heal• I, vaiiw. tbe dentr. cniW bad gucb ta arrow


    F . S . W W S W H . l ^ M e s l k

    4 i i f . r l i t ty-o ighi Mu-

    ttons o r Dollar*.

    BMHARD A. McfllRIrf,

    flce-Preslieit. J. M. BTTART, Secreiary.

    W, n , C BARTLETT. Actuarv.

    i | F f c l C E O F ( ' H K P l > r , l U t i l K l i 4 V f Ml I t 11 I.E. General Insurance Agency, No. 211 Montague tt. Nrw Yttjig. i;r. BTcatTw -

    . O t t t j e f a v b a n . *

    -. . TiSAJU R . Ann's'rjpntsasssM


    llep-uro.a Of Sne watche*. music toxos, and olocks a specialty I — 1 . I 1 A l . - l .LJ ' J iiLJJ. . . i.1

    VA I N K S . U t a t ^ O H B , Witt.

    If. J T E A C H i t OOv, GROCERS.

    desire to ea attentloa to tbeir T.

    Buy OK

    Phelps & Doremus,

    a ran T b e a usual i ia io ' ' i i o f ,.uj.

    i intstranji'uU r*a*iutre«l In s u t h INuval contracts arc totttl fumUhtHi.

    T h e machinery is to be of t h e r e r y host qualltT of mater ia ! an** rnqulred tiul, rfVitl thf gru»s» vveiieut of all t!io mil. hio,*ry, tnc lud-»r(tr»-at h•inker'*, shaf t a l ley , w a t e r in b o i l e r s e tc . . tj* n > ( f o e x c e e d H I tons .

    'I'be ue ta i l ed p lans , spceiOcattons nnd dr.iwtn^-. « »n be >vva D at 'p lkt . t ioa at this Bureau at any t ime on or a f t e r the fir • day of J u l y , URL

    T b e niurbiTittry lst*> be ervcte«l on nruird t h e Tes-f e l s a t a i y y o f t h e aeanorta of t h e At lant ic eoaat r o t tM.uth of Norfolk, Virginia, t\a t h e Secretary of t h e NaTT may e leet .

    T h e pi< ,->r--.ii.t H-iii Bfaie t h e nnme or nanjea of t h e i'Hnico in full, and the ir sure t i e s , t l ie *xr--,7, • um tor which they propose to furnUh the ma-chinery comnle te in t h e vesae l . and ready for •truii wit at seas which mus t be ful ly d o n e and c*'Oipleted in n i n e m e n t h s from t h e d a t e o i c o u -ruci . T h * props.a the Bureau, T h e sojeciricatioiiS wi l l stat-* rrhat will b-.» t h e m i x i m u r a e x p e n s e ol an indlcntei l horse-power in p*oin.ds fit gtHXl an thrac i i e coal per hont , during a wharf trial of n o t lest* t h a n Si c o n s e c u t i v e h o u r s a t maxi -mum power. For any des ign act epted as u whole , or any novo! f e a i o r e or »«iri of a iie-*iun a d o o f d , a reastmahle aura, in no t*a e exceedini? st' will ^e imid Ir ff unders tood that the Hutu is rusagffasl to u s e . o n t b e terms a b o v e su i ted , any des ign or any parts of any des ign offere*,, or to rej* et th em f u i e v a r e n o t cunstderod superior t o t h o s e pre-

    pared at the Bureau W M . W. W. WOOO, Chief o f Bureau .

    N K A & B & . A D W A V V ,

    (UBsVnVK**, OAR F1 I I at

    N E W YORK.

    KTC. payaicnt rooetved lou*-.-*i»oera supplied,

    ay thp week or month. DfcAf.Y 4 C U H I X r i l l A M ,

    3J*4 s a d S»«8:THlRi> Ave . , pear -.•stli at.. . f . Y .

    M V I M i t R I H H S

    M E C H « l C S ?

    SAVINGS BANK of Brooklyn,

    Genets wav,

    liutriON, l i Mate street. BaoOKLvS, May IB. Is:".

    n«sn Ptp • Owing to the rem.ival ot Wm. Pol-lcy,i a a g e d et tbe companies of which we are pent i tu>a.e. >clicttlcg a coiitinnaiice cf tm^ fnvers. we ure inoTsrespeetfnlly. I ' l lKI 'T . RCCIIRR ,i Ml'l,-Vl 1.1 .li, lieeond Manauets, 17ti Broadway. Hr.x-J A B U S LJCWlC Managcr.Jll Munugue street.

    A T1.ANT1G I N ML B A N C S P A N T . COM

    Omce*: A T L A N T I C A N b C L l S T O N STRKKTa'

    Brooklvn, in B R U A I l W A Y . N e w York.

    3 A 6 U C A P I T A L . . . . . . . . . . . . « . - tMCai

    H i l l R IJL CsKHS, JOHN T. M A R T I N . J . ^ T . r T I t A N A l l A . V , L i s , P . W A l . l . A C k . SEYMOI R I . . n i ' « T K b , PAM'L K H l i v r t l i U M - l i K M I A H k N l t . U l ' , HKMA> U A K M k N

    II NCTlt lN 0 1 H I L T O N a s OTKN II A l l

    Ftorn t A. M. to S P. M. ar MOKUAYS A M I HA'II t

    ImetTMst' per rent . on e and apward*. coaiweuoe* c_ April, July, and uetuber. i n | I'kPoarTB nanf. ON OH T n a s a ( U M H « W1I.LI1BAW I rings,


    t r o m t i o 7 1'. M IS TO I r\ M.

    »ms of one Dollar I p • - 1 st of J at ti i ar y, ch year; m T a 1.1. hRS T H t l.ii H o r

    IRkSl rUU-S TUB

    WM. 11. S L U ' L M . lt l?KVH W. CRKkNR, WM. L. l . tK.pW BJ J , I I ll'llci .NORLE. CHAR I ' l ' N M N e . , t t h t . kCVANB,

    K U. U. LYMAN, JOTTN I.-COTK*. t . « t . W. FAU.-tONsJ, WM. J . Tl.NtiLK. J. Rrt«':B«l MAXWLL1

    . . _ . ^ . „ . , o . JOHN McCOHSilCK, N A ' H I A M I X . I T . V A M , LYMAN S. BL'lCSIlAS. TflOMAg rorxrrAN, I A Mil B, I-...1 i.l-, liKI). A. JAKYTS. JOHN N. TAYLOR,

    rn u toMwt i .u K. W. CORLIKS, C. A . T O W N n K S n . . YY A L T Kit T. H A T C H ,

    : P v e * i d e n t ~ T H O M A a P BROOK?.


    V lee -Prtwi* JAMRB H W H R A T L B Y .

    Pecretary TlKKRY E Treasorcr—PILAS B l

    T r a a t i B .CI ,ArTJN

    M . h . k K s 1AI.L. ( . H N P R K " l i , .

    WM. p . A > .'Otrx, l A H . n . W ' . I A T I . P I'.YV. IV< IIIOH. P

    OlIN l-'UKM il )Tt'lU>iS-.)N. " 1 T H U R .

    H I T T R N D E N , -OOilMOW, C. B A i l K A U ,

    It. DUTI'HKR A * BRIHiRH, M W. H U N T ,

    P A L M E R , UPOItl l .

    IN T H E

    _ . r . l ' W A R T

    D ' S w f ^ n g R ^ ~A8e.svTa QV KR •.imii.itsi."

    .. nA)». !• * ' " o i -_ Mann it -3 r i ^ U K D 1 M K 8 A V I N O B B A . \ h O P • RROOKLYP',

    Nut, 3K and at' I Ul/rSN 8T11KKT.

    OPKN DAILY, f r o m t and

    MONDAYS AN_ from i l a t o'<

    M t.. - P . M .

    n SATrun.vY* . e lonk I".M. . f r e s l d e a t . SKY M i l l H 1 liAiiot-rt n e i - L s s n . t v , _ _ . . J O H X llAiKt-.v. f % iee-l*analdeiita.

    J w . t j i - M i K a , Secretary YV'.W. K U W A K D S , l r e a r -

    Amount or A s s e t s Jan 1,

    1% UK JLONO I S . 1 BANK OK B:

    PTJLTON ST., eomer O^en daily from 8 A. M

    »7.'J3'J,ei!JI» l> HAVJNOS

    KT.YN. Urterum plac»,

    Monduys and st t i irdayf lron. ' i l t t jSx' . M , •

    S -» i»gs D e p s r t n i p n t - i n t a f p s t *t_'i per s e n t -sr.iitim, eommenc ing on t h e 1st ot J a n n t r

    Ktfteen o . . i -

    per APri.

    allowed lor dc-lu.}. aud October. posita, eomoienctns each , . l»epo»lisslsti received .mlpnatal account, whlcn

    eiav Ve cheeked out at pleasSe. Inter >st at 4 nor cci.t. orr annum aliened oa eucii deposit* • n the laily balances.

    J A M B S M . S J l d l N S, MA]


    JOHN li.COCKS. President. S W n.ConivttlT, PeertHary.

    p i l E X I X " " i N S r U A N X K t ^ a i r ' A X ' Y O* BROOKLYN,

    No*. I4J s r d l 4 t f l ir tst :eeLS»4Hrt>adwse. 3rook-ly n , M. IL, N o . t » » Broutlwsy. New York.

    C A P I T A L : Cash Capital , t . iets borplai January l.HJfi....

    total Assets

    .UJTOM a .. L m i . ' . i i a

    .»:,0U!,113 01

    : l.r asaets Using larger lirnoklyn C« -nipuny. fl ca

    V\ J>Ja;fc» ami l . H v i l < » l t - 4

    for nuyt.'etnal ase, which, for cage aad p Ity ar ianequttUed.

    «S0 KCLTON, comer Moyt stroeu

    H 1 I L H O I O V

    A l .HANY A N i l TUOY, 1 J Y ~ I ) T V ling boats Q, YIBHARU aad DAN' El IillKW-ei-aimpiicIni? Mav.n. l»>ave Ti-strr street pier at s:»IA. M.aad Twenty-thud »treet, north ol Erie terry, at 615, landing ai VonWers, Tarry. town, and Neark fby ferry boat I. Pitiahkeepsle. astMsMk, t tviiii. CstarHI and lluas o: ( H I for oil .-•ints we-t and a -rUi. Trip tickets tt»\te*i P. int. C.rnwall and Newhurn. retBrnrag »aaieday,$l. Noticechange of apt,*w i landing.

    p K N N S V I . V A . M A K ULTtOAIr. Trains leave New Y't.rt, trom f-H>t ef Desbrosios

    ami Ctatrtiandt Strt>ett »s fofle. • • •apreaa le* Harrisbtire Pittsbnm, the Wag, and '

    r*,-uth, with l' I'aiace s'.tr-* s,"i. :.*...- i' A . M . , 5. f, and Mf P. M. Sunday h, :. - .1

    l't-r Baltimore, Wnslilngwia. and t -c Soath at o ] A.M. . l . » P . M K u n i l a r i l p M.

    Kii.rt-.~s tor P h i l * . < *. PJtl A. M.. l * » l 1.1,5. I ;, Up, siv, M„ anu Uulgiit. Miutiay o,7, b»fc,and J

    lor Phlia .via Kensington, a t ; A. M 2 and f-P. M. ! Kiitiurtuii and set,tail olaa* El' I' M. Per Newark .d n.C:ti,r,r;ii. sd'i. ?. in. it. tiriOA. M , '

    It , 1. 3, *m, 8, Bin, 3:10, fdil, l:BV I'M. it: Jrt, & « . r.:NI, • U ' . l o , t.ate ..•:>*!. ItlSiB, hi, IL- i P. M.. and II , night , Sunday ,VPItt;, ,Jp , ; t p » | .

    Per Kllxabt th, R, fthl. 7, ':*». S.M, 8. g), 11. IIH) A . M . . It M., IS:'«1.1.1, MB,«, *.-», :-U. t l " . c a t . ,V«1, V.:*>. r,;S r "

    To he t allowed by The sW»ar»*,lf If,


    trsr, ctpt K its

    . Otcrendorp.


    tm ai

    h To London. . . ^ , . , . . .« .... s?aisM«incel« or Us eaalvaleat la

    Pernod Cab hi...'.V.V..".'.'.'.'.",.. steet.ige ' **

    Por gretain _S MAIL S T L A M S t l l P S HI IWKK.N NKW YORK AN*n t f A r p . y ' Ct .L l . tNtI AT B « t e 5 r l i t e s n i e r o i d v e s s e l s o n t i n . tar wit* rouut/Jnr

    t b e C o n l i ' i t n t wMI sail from Pier N-t. SB, N v t ! , U i v e i . a a lulls, w a : VII I Ji p r PARPA ... . SSttirday, May SI. J . y . f A I ' i t - A I B t i , SarraooLpai i irdSp. Jexte II. P K R K I R R . D e a n ' . . . S a t u r d a y . J u n e ? 5 !

    PRICK O F F ASS AAla. I N t iv i l .u a n e l a d i n g w l n e i TOBP.S-STOR M A T R P . • " " * " '

    U r s t e a l a u 4124; s e e o n d eabtn. fta. Ifarur«ltin t i r t a t s at r e d u c e d r a t e .

    1 h e s e s t e r m e r e d o n o t carry s t eerage pavseo-Kers

    A i i e i l c a n u a v n l l e r s g o h i g t-'.or returning from I I . e t o a l i h e n t of Kuroee. by taking t i n , l ine . se . t l . l l ieth Qansi t by Pi ig l tsh railway and t h e i t e m . forts o f criM.sing the Channel , nevtides saving t ime , t ioul .«n„and e x p e n s e .

    •lit.I- MAt K K \ 2 1 i : , A g e n t , 5a HreaJw i s . i Railnmti •pukelat IK>IW. en IWrt» as

    -WLcusbikr-^Qsaire wrote about i-atieooe on a nsonUBK-nt, did Be mfer to donttra' patieotai No. lluW do j o u s n o w he didn't ! rtvMtiM> poa always Btxl them uttsk-r a n s p o j . went .

    —A etrnal ervnneestnap tae Black and Caaptao Seas te r o b e burn, by the RiasMant>o>veviia*ent. Although ft will l«r* o-t'.y a Oot iasu mile i s kngtb . il wo) lake tbe tabor of sr.ortj BJCD s ir J curt to ountolMt it-

    - YV,.rkitia-ns*n OVacre* and should receive tlie highest raayiecl and oonaiiVeralirMi front an othi t dtasas of people, txut how atdoota d j they receive it t

    —A a a n who had bis new hat exehaaarsw few an old one m a rsyrber • >hop adverttsee that u.ilt-** It it trturwM no will forward to fne wife of she p*vso*stn%o sank rt ton initer f own* ounces lea in the Hnanc-of the n*d one.

    i Pt ,


    i , ' Ronr

    octi* tnrnifhed at rcJucec rates.

    N KW "VOltK A N D S i F A M M i l P LINK SSXCl RSlL'N T R I P

    P O K H A M I I / T i l N a r d i^T t o H ' « s :

    ste; i i . .Hep l l A T T L I l t b . i s p i a e i Law ee , sr i i !*? . M a v M ,

    : iiiituMni. AiaiKMAKl.Y. . C a w . I t e * ' \ 1 h t t r dav, J u t t e t . ArrtvIng at l l trrcu la en t h e fo l lowing Monday A.

    M . t t a l e-iilfni: for iverrnnda on ret-.irn Tl urs di iysat I P . II Kxcursitm t t t t e t a Issued for t h e r.rund tr ip at

    e « i.olu l i r s t . r l a ^ s h n l e l scc^mTttftd..fl*"t« nt t h e ' v l v r 1 Per inssBite Imvtrot e l rgant aeeo«mu-si-i-i,t:i-.

    anplj t o H ' N I n w t i T I I H I P ,

    »• B U U T B f i l i a l M l . N, Y Issssgv-.BIIie-old

    • N M A N I . I N B - 1 ' o n Q r r F . N r v T O W N

    —A nrwlrtnoetf htrvl hitherto asshiajww in Texas. rcaeatbllBg a tparrow. has apnea red In tnnt bieie, and ia dosasj eaan utloo among tho giassbJi'iionv

    * •

    -Wnen horratet waatsgil hyaf.Kud that nl* judaos bad w-utettoad haul to death, be Mil: "Anions not 'a»ruie pamed t ie same sentence upon Ihem f**

    —I ogvc knows a **m«tiaauir of nan taste* talked* ahotit Imd men not k>>kjng you it: the t»vr, lsnnt tiust thai oimventittfynt idv.i. IMsbonesky will atare Honeste out of w .n • uauue nut 4a> iu the awek. ft Htere la any-Mug .o be ,tn by It. Wt

    -Vim's after though! ssas a happy one, when, after tolling Li dy bVeikedt) abe'lotoktd as bloomlnif A;- IM sp:1ng. lie remembered tae loaarsa was anviblnsr i-'M a brvs-ae one, and ao-tad, " 1 wish the spring* wouM look tike jeur laoy-L p.

    P A P K B M a . e | t S t N C . ! t , e tc .

    PAINTING IN A U . l f V B T t A M n L - S 1X1*1*: BY U .Tl. la. * H l . T t laXltD.

    :«>T r t l t T O S P T , near CCMBKRLAND' Neat, Qalck, Clieau, An w,.tx warraete.t.

    PAVi K H A N l . l N t i S . W I V P o W SHAPMS. *tS WAS. P l a l W I t P MATKB1AL".

    P i p n t t a i . .

    H ay al M al I Steamsrs are ,wv:

    .Saturday M n v t t . t A M

    .Toiir-Mlay. .tan,, ... 1 |» 'I . ftStur.tay.Jwn,- 7,*t». M . .Thin « lav , J u n e M, 7 A.M.

    " l u n e H tA .VI . J u n e i:i,*l'.M

    and |

    IBCItY. Pres ident , t A Y . T ~ J - ivrer,

    •pttOPOSALS X Buoys.


    FOR K E E P I N O -rrttK o r I . i cBTBorgy: tMspECToa.i

    TOMPKt.vsvii .LX N. Y., > May irt.ltl.1. S

    Sealed prooosn l s will h e rco -Ivetl at th i s office unti l It o'clock M.on I n e r d a y . t h e Clh da- or J u n e next , for raising, rertlaeing, and keeping In their proper posltltina, and in g o o d oraer , all tbe i noys n t ,* in t b e Fire Is land i n l e t , and s u c h others as n?ay be anther lxed , for o n e ye:ir, from the first dav o l July n e x t t o t h e suceeet i in« »ith tlay of J u n e , according to t h - r e g u l a t i o n s of t h e Lltththonse Board and t b e nri iued soec l f lcat lnns . . ep ic s e l wl-ich ean he oatl by applying a t t h i s op .ce .

    l.y order of tho U g h t h o u ' c Hoard. J . H. S I BONO, t ' . ia . , P p . w . .

    L ighthouse In?r*ector. Third i n . t r l e t . _ F O H _ 1> R O i n » S A l « Buoys,

    3£6 Broadway, W.Y., Prior ta n movai to oar NIS« STJRR.

    2SI Sixth Avenue, N. Y. SeBBAT rtARGAIN* in

    " E N G I . I - i l llt'IiY" l i n r S S E L I . at |lj A. M. aod « P M.

    PHOPOSAU A nassher of proposal, were recslved. opened,

    and ordered t a be adTertiaed agpoa-r* or COM grrraag.

    Proa* Assessment Commit: >e— Pavorably on pe-ttticn of t . W Adams to receive the tax on lot m. block I B o i Tweaueth Ward, wilhoat ttefauit. Auopten.

    Report of faaaee Comaul*ee-To pay Mil of

    "UNION" BUILDING, Conier of Fulton and Front streets.

    l ' o s s v c H i s l o n I m m e t l i a t e l a .

    A p p l y Rt •• T H E UNION ' Offlce.


    Ladies' Ice Cream Saloon, OPPOSITK A C Y B V M T OF ML'sIC

    HOW OPKN. M. M c N A M B I


    Ui.NU, E t c . . BY BSD.

    Weekly or Monthly Payments. S5 Auaatlc Avenae, asar Coart,

    rayment to belmade whenever called on by rneck pa: able to She order of the Vnlon Trust Com cany.

    A suitable Badge will be adopted for the * a n -

    il* and Herei'itarj members.

    Men-hcrshtps will co t be sold after the Bti. J:n<

    i > open to the public.

    Each purchaser of a membership will be jtivsa an

    t cgraving of the Building.

    Eonk*. Eanl-eT*, and *»w'it aftKOs are. to

    act aa Agents throughout the United State*.

    Forfurtl-er informalion please address

    Industrial Exhibition Company, »«, r u B B o A p W A i i K 8 W T(Wk a t T %

    Paper Han^in^s w^ofell to JOBBERS sad large tuyere In nearly e v e n t tv and psata In the Dnion-bavlngnow reiicheti i l ieen.l . f tbeir WHOLKSALK season. will Birr .Ut. from their IUH&N-'S STOCS, cm-hrsclne 'no h- «t cnods -if the Itest makersi-.- or..-e» a r b e l " tbnse i h.i.scd ay city dealers, tnassar-

    ir c buyers abiu: me-taa I ia the cu.-t ut tho!r g ' fds . l i t t y s i . ' - - ; » , a,- per r.-ll; Ti:i:el do. I-e.t YYhitt-uo. P. f - i.a ' .'^.: Salin do. Is t-.n:.; i .ntdo. Sic. to J . . . . vt ••• sis equally ehcao, rhoaewnodoahtUM ..- tcntt e »nd Manufactuier f t K tt. BAlLaTPS

    R a n d a l S-lnii- Parts.. yp Stair Carpet sh a:dbe's)ni

    I M P O R I M V T ,

    DR. MARSH'S Truss and Bandage Institute,

    K E K P I N O r t t c s o r L i o n T i o c s B I s s p t n o t , !

    TOMIKI.NSVll.LB, K. %. May l i IS7*. S

    Scaled rrf pt.sal-> wil l c c rece ived r-.t this -:fnco until 12 o r l o e k M . on Tuesday , the 11th day of J u n e n e s t , for rais ing, repr ic ing , and keeping In their proper pos i t ions , s n d in gitod order, all tho h n o y . now iu t h e Rockaway lnl--t. and s u c h others Bgaaay he antaat taed . for one veur, from t h e first day of July n e x t to the s u c c e e d i n g *lth day uf l o n e , according to the regulat ion* of the Light-house Board and the printed s p e d t cat ions , copies of which can be had by app ly ing at th i s oSice.

    By '..rdir of t h e 1 Iglit house J H. S T R U M S , Com . B . 8 . >".,

    Lightit- use inapccto i , I h i r a l j i s w i c t ,

    l>x l : "»POSAl .S~NOTICE TO O VS-1 ut ters a r d Plumbers.—Se-i led "n-uosa l s are '• Ic i t td and will he rece ived r-v the u"di raigned i m tat t le? of t h e Hoard of Rttbervlsoare. R o o m II, c . a n t y e n i t H o u s e , u n t i l t v * o 'c loe t , P M . o f Monday, the Jt! day o* J a n e . n e x t , at w h i c h t ime and ui i i i e t h e y will be opeiiu t. for the furntsh.oit and m u r g u p y f ali the n e v - » ' " r v *n* flt'.ure.t, •ncludmit rcfleet. rs . c h a n i l e i ' e t s , pen l i n t s , Snickets , etc. . that tnay b e te - imred at t ' a o n e -Arroory of t b e Sid R e g i m e n t . S . G.. s l t n . t e o n

    'lent or-, a v e n u e , noa: Myrtle. The number , f - n t l e l s . and t h e locat ion or each can h e as. 'er-:iini tl by a e l . i l to t h e huildlnit. or upon e l i m i n a -

    t ion ot t h e vdyns and s a e e l B e a t i o n a o n a t e a t t n e Bit a ••! Wm. A. Mundel l , ESQ , \ r c h l t c t . No. 3I»

    l i d t o n s trae i . K a f h b i d d e i : n n s t s p e c l f v Ir. full deta i l t h e kind

    :md s t e ' e o f ftxturcs, wi th a d iagram of oach , if Beastiule, whleh He p r o w s s t o furnish for e s ' h tittle . ai d lor t h e f u r o l s h H g . f arni racks .n said

    " m m . su f i i cen t f -,v s a d - i f l m e n t . h , d -, - to furnish d i s t i iam of t h e s ty le .

    i ' j " tdcr ot the l o a m « 8t nerv lsors . K i n g s County,

    E IL FO-YLI-B, W L H. STK t R S , GBOROR *V. R I C H A R D S , A»(>l P C r i i N K R . J Y M I S H i-TCIi l iB.

    Commit tee on Mtl t i . rv ABairs .

    SE A L E D l%OP6*iA-r> ~ WILL. I l l r .tc^ lTJ.n,ii!r at

    the! vatpany'sulhua, %'a Is iir tgdwai PtwBtneragePBi i gt*^ Broad »

    JOHN t>. vanrn. eg to I ' T o S j n . H f u . I'» . 1 , - ' - , « . - i t e e t . i ' a l -

    a i i - l rb l* . , M. - CRKAiiB. KB s l a t e s t reel . B'tstow, P . C • a t a w s . m sainth Merket .u-aet .Ctt lc u i W k . IgMAB, I j t cr i i ' i o i . t a t 'J R u e Sj ra i l : sj T.7 R. from . , e w York. Ir ttith full particulars, '.Testder.t. 'Jro iklyn : r e t i r e ; or B. H O \" street . N« w Y'ork.

    C OZ West Poi Win - - . l i ' - n S n n r d a v , J let, wl ih S atrtt in hote l , iwrl le* eo/asTtng rooms tu l irulats »Jdre t s E l lW A P j New Ytirx.

    81IKI .TFR I 8 L W D "IMl A S S - t f l YT.ON .mer resort f i r f a m i -

    all narii-alar.s t o d, and only | U h->u--s i eau ier J 3 . 8 C B C T .

    For clr „ , T , to J " « v r t t K N t d l l w , t . U s ' G . Jr. , S.-c-

    i n - a s u r e r , M CUff

    J. l l JONES. Presn'.cnt. C H A R L E S I'K.N NT*. Vics-.PTesl.lpnL YV. II, l i . MtKiRE A second Vlcc-PTesl"lent, I I . I I . a i t e ' t i r . , - e c - n o \ icc-i-rest' .»

    .. H K W L B T T T h i r d V l c s Pre-.i«eat

    . ii

    NS' tT Hotel . Tin cotts-; >:• t , ial terms offered to

    e soason. Pew pat-. ZZENS.,Westl\rtnt.

    The Tappan Zee House, • [ K YACK on the Hudson. N. Y. One hour from New V JUNK se, i w tnereoev'tli thf bmi rt-i'. Bsagra) preenred bv addressing

    L. It. >:

    pity, w.ii be opr.SKo f euests, .Thorut ,Y i l ' Cr't J C. froiith, Arch id lisTxter, s . B. Chi t tenden. John LYoarhaa Chas . P. l la ldwin, H Messena»*r. J o h n M. i i i c k s . Marc'as Maascy W. W . W l e t e * . Ai»x. Mei.ue, Jonat l ian Osden . C. Par--,, . s . Sanderson. J . p . Rohlntr.D, I j to . L^Ntr ' - . l s . A. f S o o d n ew,

    D W K i K T J t . H N S o V , Pre t ld . i i t . O. It. stsa.ebcr^cr. Secretare . E . B . Wot d. A s s i s t a n t s*ct*tarv»

    Conitueot itMi f o l l o a s :

    e . - twA.M. -Way Tra:n f a t BontaWiBt. , A. al -BUI I l»-milul li. Las lon . Iteth-ei.- o.

    Pain Mat i-li Cliunii.VYIIkestnrre, l-ittst'-n, Maha. ut.y f it i, MI. I eruutl, Haslet- n.'i'iini.Inn tinea, T,^ wauda, Wsvegly, etc with Hit- aghast* to wll-iiansioit , I'm,villi, ate, t onnects at Ju.ntion will. 1., i_. Lack. A Weettern H R.

    a A. M.-Mt.ruilif Lipitss, tlatlj loxca,. * •» . il.-'j? J. ft r Easton, Adentcwn, tlarr1"^ org and tn* West, Connect* at St»mervllle for Klemlniflor>: it lats t ' l l lor.VUattli I b n n k , WllSesharre. b i i a n -ti -i. Tt'WandA-Warni 'v. etc.

    in is A. M -Way Tm,n tor rtom- rvllle. li . l , . \t . -VYat Train fur tSomernllc. IS-'It 1' M.--For P'en.ln^ton. i;a«ton. Bath. ;

    Allevttowr, Msnnih t liurk etitaat.t^ fStf. Ilasle-n it. VUlkcsLaan, ekraiii' a, Rea-lina. tAiliuuhta, ' Li BI aster, Ephrsle. PottsvBle, Harvishnra. etc. '

    t:MI P. V.-For Pethleheui. ant AU*n-

    "itl'.P. M.-Per n t M f i H . till P. M - rer Hasten A!t"ntnwn. Maniic.h

    Chunk, t euneiU at Juuetiun » C. licl. laie-t.. i U t - i IU ft

    I - * P . M.- Fo- Sonwrvillssnd FlenungUin. 'i P M . - P o r i-ol l ieri . l 'e . 6:15 P M- For Plsinhcld

    I- M.- Mi.MM., for Raaton. Brthlt i ,m, AllmrtoBu.lluNdlug.lig: Ishsrt. t ill — nt.rK. t hit :•«" and Clni iitnu*...

    fc«iind'»i C-Js.-1'or?- marride. T< P . M tt-it-Itr-irtl— y-.-r H e ™ . ::• .,i.< II if P. M.-ruarrlaumoid. l o r Hirat .e l l i s t '• -»' ' to. "is- f l

    •-IJBB. 10:1.'.. 11, 11HS A. t t . , L»*J, 15*0. 1:15.1. 4,1... 1 : g , *}!'», i . . ,l:>,,..em 6.15. g iW.P-.w i, le-rti.IIVICKP.M.

    •In l e t s lor thB ""rsi can h* obtained at tl»e Central Ballr ad «f N>w Jersey. fo.g of 1.,1-it.y Stn rt, New Y^rk ; end *i theprlnclnai hotel* aid it oka l oBsaee ia New York City. _

    It E. IllcKEU.Superlnlaiicent. H P Ky rwiv.Cenert i Paesermr Area!.

    caocra SIDE P.. n. or 1*1. On ard after MAY It! lata, trains will de-

    part * ltd arrtv* lruiu Jvew York- Ruosuvtlt tod tirsr.d Stteit Parti - an f-dl'iwi • Deisrt. Arrive S:1UA.M.MKU P . f lii'tn* sntl R.tok.tway ','nv a b:*UAM.-lsnp Arcum. and Rockaway ...... 11' n

    ly-strp.-R.—nahylon Accom... ... JWHp.**—Ki.-P*tclirttuaandB«k»way I ' s lu . M 4:il 1- a.- t-aUuei-Ue Ace. and aWelnisag.JJsPj A..a '-.i'M-vt. Tl. nipstead Kvpress •-** A.M f:M>p.»i —l.itp ae»o*B. ang llnek.wvir aavi fc*u P .M.- lUoyl - .n Act .omnio . la l i ja •.:!', North River. New York,

    F V P f l Y w r i i N l s l i l Y ena S t T l l l U A V M . l l l ' H N l A S i ' . M . i f t l l t S H . C M U I A Wart.JUn H

    • i . i V K I x l K l A . W e J u n t VICTORIA S a t , I a n a 1 M U A s .' a .n. : A - s i ' i t i A '».•! I ti :

    | Ol \ M P I A . . . W f d J v u . l l , A M . U A .,.!)«• J u - i e l ! A l s T R A l IA .** ' . i n U I ' t s - r A I . I A tVeA .1 1,

    Tl.c paseeaaei ttc-ottittt-alationv on s t - s -uurs -tt

    i t h e * s e c u r i n g * t d l l a h t a i i d v e u u l a t l o a . B A T E OF PASPAUR TO

    C i . A r s . O W . L i t :.HI t . l l . o i l L u M N I N D B I l l t Y PSI. s tes juers . w a a . e t s n

    i , o ld . thayresyer, 1 Cabins B l t a u d f ' B $.-., ai, i V<

    Csl iu ri le i :i t'.eliins * ecrvtlingltest accottnt. .. i . - .a , . . . . . . t l * ' t i l l

    STrTFH \r,K, p t ' f C R U W V r V , Ttekel* for paaiutge tit or friatt an,- s.snort or

    rallvmy atstlnn :n Ureal Bt-talit, Irolaad.or the | t onlsttertt tssuod st lyeroat rala-s. I D R A F T S P o l l ANY AMOUNT at ••UIIU1..VT

    RA'i M < outpany's ofT'ees, N". . It .wlinc *lr'an. N. V.

    HKN'ItRL-^iN nnoTirmis . Aatent*. Brooklyn Agout, K. U. PL frKH. *> ' .«i t street,

    B r i*!v*l. N I! CALIFORNIA e-.ils I" A . M , May 81.

    EOEfS CARBOLIC TROCHES. A srertalty f,a etoRF TIIU'tAT. the C»ra>tl»e

    Acttl, , 'f watch l l e l n . h e , erw. twpart, rmni»,-.*4 a. Lit, as a >tr AI l»o t a u . aad . art on all form* «f l " i » s a i l n «t..l t v , awsi' ttw-iaew* ol the u n a ana epigiuwi..

    A sptH-ialtg'ore.-arseaess. the ci u i l i m . ptw-vt-f tli,- n

    4 HK T O l l l NKWKMlJf VX>H~i I agi ,.1- m i n t conta in ing£s list nt pr iperty t o ha ; ia to tor n a m e d t a x e s ,

    < » t - S l l ' t s *»s> w i s e s , « , , » « . . e»rvwtex*-s a s * . P Tea** . m l A n - a j a e n u K » u • a,:, and * | C H . I 'o' l . Brooklyn April n . 1-TJ , h l . l l l t I.Il l t i : P A V I N i . AMtNBMMIiNTg

    s W ' l l l ' l l INS I Al .MKNT 1 he tin e sli-iwiNl be law for the payment of the

    I se , ond instalutent of the fnflowtag ,*s*e,sm«nl« e i . inres on the S l e t d . y of Mar. pea, after whane data II sal i tnstftluieiii igraain* nuisald, the wb-de o. • t-.I of t h , asses -mei i i rentstnleg unpaid la* re gut d will H i ti ne* o ineOue

    Re iwving At tanue aires*. I r a n s- ,«th f*rry t o Bffl.. | e l r . i t


    a \

    T R A I N S I K A V E NKW T " R K . T n l - . for New Haven leave at r*iAcc*n1.«..'>*

    (Mt.l.ihftij.Tt f l )HJfi A .M. taU.K Ltan M.'A-c'ni. •J, P«1 and J:! ala-icai Jr. M.

    • t ' i ; ws«i 1>») t F.a./,ea* t hs-;, i l * T O V 4 I T V U O H K S .

    | T N H ' K r H B O C K K H

    JLelfe I i i s s t i r n n r e A M.. 1.V", •'•»' an! 4.1- i.mns-M wlli N'tiuaa; '-k R-1' - "i'1«-'" Bsfi A. M. r r ' ct

    ( i l NAHD L 1 M . . 1 II K H K i r i s l l A S H NORTH A M K R l ' A N

    UiiYAI M VII, S T K A M S I I I I V . B E T W E E N YORK A N D 1. IVEHP "H.

    I A l ' l . i . v l . A l ' i i l iK IIAHU'lR. I-ROM Nl 'W Yltl K

    • J A V A Weil .'•Uy'.st, l A l t l ' H A . .Sat M a ' A l " H i Wed. . I l i r i - l ' s . l M t R T t S a l J u : » : ".-4 " t l A i W c d Jin e I ABV I.MA t l l u , - U * I I I . ) tt l . t YV. .1 Jan. '- I I A I A T I A -VI .1 i . - 'I •R4 s-iA..'h'i"! ."-i-o . t AI. \HHIA slat Ja'aras

    Si- tditt-rs H.^rt' d thus • do not eaerv stee .,ai . i f«-«7 In. tea. itlah. • e i . l y b a n , had t ta h i s e t alwea-a r tau . IManaelot'i l el and i ia i . te whi le mien -h lr t , w i th a tda„ •• n. ahttetultoitdrawers, insiiie shi-t oi i.iu t

    • t o ; I.lut s' .^t, . . . . ;-*y btega ; heal lit" ! ut. , ! a i i „ n .,r - ti ld« ruin liati-:. an I it. b » t- • t . t e.-me tierasaa ettwnge: the b"d. w.- »s 'I r , t. r ai.,.jt two we#*i. saSjalrnoj I* now st n :i tfc-i«'IVr n»eiiisg.-n1'.r

    J " - g J I. . O N ' ? . ' ( • „ , n m , 1 A VVI I T K l l l l 1 . . - * ' ° * v

    ja^O' 9 a t '

    Taai rsi: Ir, V T . . s * »• i 'ows

    KKPSISYLVANIA. 1 . R i . l . M A ( , F t . R ( . l A ,

    A n d e v i r y . s t e r n . t e taking lasM-nrersat - ' throng*i^eteVlo a i '^ in- t . . ' f

    n .r fe . ent i t e r m ' n y I'rstt* f , . f i and up ,, 1 I . rea l Br l la iu and I r e U n n . No. way, Swed. i U e n -

    titl f e r m ' c y Draf t , f i r f l a " Fi r 1-relgr.t of Paasaae apoie l e

    A l M 1 N li v l . l . i t : - v CO., A . f i t s Ho, II Rr.t .dwae. N

    • leeragc latSKUie t'tbee, Nvt. II B r " * l » .

    P M. wltrTilnt,•**.»!•• R. B at Br,dg«port. Tho i »aitandi..dcuce U. Destiriatlon

    F,.r It rthtr informstloD ers at H"te's snd Depot.

    E, ,\i. I t ! h i t . i.en'I SnrS . Nnst U s e : n. JOH N T. Mf

    l . l 'R D. I.N'oitTIIK. P. Set t

    E P A R l l t f E N T

    A R T M E N T OF Br.okafn. April » .

    Bd pr • > .-Us will he re-lednesslay. the «l i day I., fur bui! ling woxalea

    Pisns aad speclflca-Is of propt'safs can be

    e Knrinecr's ofTlee, proDc,jtl> seoiTie re-

    fnrm. ac-^itn-vanled reepoositi.e ys?r.,ins

    ad funn th.-rela sot Ireseree t-' themselves

    •sals if ne-jossar-.- tt • city, TALMRR.Prcs'dent

    CASH CAPITAL *!> •« Icsurcs ai i n n kns t,r dsmage l y Are sort the

    ritk of inland navlgatior: and transportation. Orriciss-:

    No. tt-Ct't B T «TP.l.l--T N . U* B R O A D W A Y Li okxyn I New Yorh

    S V M M P B A R U A N f J E M P K T r,f tra ins t-tklng e f f e i t Maj 'J: I s ; . From Chamber* s tree t 3 ? ; ' t . i l • r T w e n t y - t h r d eireet see note belowl V. t i l l ' A . M . Cineiorat i »nd • Day Ex pre* e

    l ir .*che* to l in f a logrm Niagara •• silts, and r-lctplng C a c h e * to dest inat ion,

    1 1 . 0 0 A M . Express Mad |. ,r iiaftalu and N i s g -a r a F a d s . S!e.-, tag e-'Sch to Bulfal •

    T . O O . P . M . i l ioi lv t i n . innati and i h i e a a n Vix».t

    r.RiciKi m

    N I R l . H n o . t T I .

    1,'« and i - e t of Pete t-nr^el ea -e - .

    ir.»we elrtri w , d f r a w e r * of g t a r melp .a i iwh. « M a H e l d dannsa shirt , and a whi te sh rt. wtlfc l inen taie ien; l o t ca l ta t lo h o o t , end gray eo ektnes ; bad tn file t - c k e t *i* 'Hit, b , - | , »t,d" u t . r- rey,.n.i a Jcti^r.dated Ueerpn I. April I 1*7*,. ami a n t w - n b j >., „.., l U n . - . . . h s s b e e . - , » . t ' e

    ?>" * ,'„"r*-? ,rt,*?s. ,r'5*• ,• »he.h'aly t e e at w e Mtrgnt f i t Idept4*caliun. ]1

    J'S"PPtW B. jMSft; . • U A W I U T E U H | .

    _ _ _ _ ^ Co* oasts.

    P^otM* i»jA4itf>Tir -~vi lit'Blew Iiit e D . « k . t e a r a. nt Perry, May It l«Tt l - .e la . . . . o f a c . s r . o a c eeyeara t . f age . I f e e t i l n r h e » h i » 1 i ; Bad "n s gray o v e r . o a t . b lae* rum. urder p . ».«*'-k tb i th vewt. b r o a a str iped pant*

    ' • Skill rrev to, • r .h i ' l red D a r i n e r d ' a w t r i e t a y w. .Hit. ai id - e s v y | , » A S : had la h i t i e a - ' » . f f ; was a !>«*] Ua ie In t h e watwi T b e br^y uuw e l t . ' . e Morsrue for tdentMcaaitift

    I J o s L- A

    .'Il II J i ' N E -W K I T l . t f l l . l .

    Oar oners

    Exr.res*. Weeping Caches throagb to le tne world Off PBlIt. ( rcinnail, Iietrnt, a„d a T

    •tmafalfS'cct r ver steamers

    elth< ut



    \«?w »r-i (omHOdion-, Qaarters, 268 FULTON,


    rreguiar decned let thctntcrest ot'tbepubd-

    GEO C B E N ' S , i T , J l ' f l N M. P H E ! P9

    E. )i r n . ; EN. Committee on tappile..

    A . C . 8 „ May Kk l*ry

    OT F I C E O F T H E A. C. R„ W I I left's Pol-t N .T .H . Msy 10, im SosJed troot fa's .p. '.Liitcale, s i l l be reoarvad at this .ffire urtil il A.M...Tunc p . IS-., , o , fu. li'iiine the fresh beef retmlred by the Subsistence De? partntcnt, L. S. A„ at this slation, darinj six B)onthsc,mr.ienc.naJulvl. l«7l InfOTmasa^n'a. to coDOitions onaluy of beef, payments, etc.. oan be untamed by application to A. H.PAYrtON

    First Lieut. Corps oi Engineers, A. C.'S,

    hinott place, between J a r e n v e t

    R e s t i v c J . T h a t th i s 1 end ue-cidc to regradc bct sreen B e n s o n placet, e e h t le t tones , n r d . r aeesriaanewwilth the sp now t n nil- in this office. |

    Reserved , T h a i the regradinc snd rep.tvin_ Hanson pi.tcp ant! Atla • t e r e s , he s n d is h e r e b y ! in depth on each s ide of points above QAmed,bey , n ; e u i s s h a l ! be m a d e , such D i s t i l e t t f Asscas: n :edw! th the Cite Cit-r l i i d s y . V a . r P . 1-S3. Ad

    ItORX D. L. K O K T B T P . Seen

    T I T Y WORKS. iMay 1, laTi.-R la t rau

    place and .Ytiant.c

    I do herebv determine • repave Rllioit ptana,

    [Atlantic avenue, wl'h it! !,erlord Park snd Passaic,

    \,JrA UMA;iL-£i^ 1'>>:-iSt-'•'• •*"• '"-^'•>'• p,-n, »no nun P. M. For lulled*.e. Haekeasaek tnii Way. s,uut.|s an i

    «..lf. A. M. I.lsi. s.-jB. ta*. .'-alU.t.nd 6-dU p . !g aod u SMtiriiay nutbts only.

    1. r Sprinn \ auey and Way, ijti and M l A.M.. Ftr Fr'glewood.S. .*% 'fMkM-%MX& 4.1"

    4.4i. 5.Bc,6-Bsnd » PJt. . ana 1U esatnra.y -tuihts e n l j .

    lcrB Street oi e v e i . c r h a l l b ere l ca»e Twenty- th ird Street n tec-n m i n u t e s »at:ier D a n a b o r e t ime T h e y n A.M., 1 0 a r e IIAt P.M. and 1! midntgiit . n u n s s tart frc-m f l i m t s - r , eo-eist os i* .

    N. B — T. -ons o n t h e N o r t h T n • e n d N,-vt:.:s Branch tanvina C o t t a l e n i e n caarte ' ' e r s . l e a v e T w e t - t r . t . ,>sage and tor Apartments in Draw, asg-rtatm »oa Sleeping Cavebes ean he "b-j.tned a t d t . r d e i . ; O T t a e cheek in* aral tranet-r < ; baa

    ttUsnd RT Broadway: e n r - e r One H e - T e e . , . , ;

    S r X e n T . s V S S a ^ ^ K ' ' D " W M ' —

    . Dai ly . 4 e e n d a y * only

    JOfJM % ASBOTt, O t M l f i H T A i d i W

    T h e larges t and tr. T i e

    ST. JOHN D R E W , a n " D K A 1 •RI"eTM'»!fl» \ O n e of t h e a p o v e s t eamer* will ease* Pier B e . 41. i

    Nbl lh It!T« -. e v e r y afPcrao- it|.Su.-.--»je exc- / e d i . 1 at t io -e iock .arr iv iBH a t A l b s a y In Una* I . c i a n e t , with r e l l m s d tra in* w e s t . North e n d KaaL i t - -tun . iBg , l e a v e t h e *teaUBtt.,at tai.u t.g at AIPHI . ! s t T - *cl».- k P M , .»r or, t ! r- s r v . v s l 7 ^.jy,t • tra ins f r o a v *» W e s t and North . Thrnusrh ti * , * . c a n b e t . b t r r e d at ' h e ' -IT- V i ••\' Hi : W H . n O e l e o s l ttOI r- i t l ' I l K " . 1 , 1 . : ' - . l i v V ' , . . . N o I CO. R T street . R- 'c l f .yn and bayjage cut . g e n t , tie d e . it a l l on

    F r e l e M . e t e : v e d nnti i t i .* !,'.ur ,f departare .


    FOB BOSTON VIA JtEWPtlRT A FA I.L R I Y h ' f Dally '"enaev* exe-vMed *t?-fyip M..

    f r o m Pier *>, North H'eev. lo,tt Murray e u e a l The T trld-renowne-' s i t

    I*1 4» I;>T II J l l i O W N K U - A T T I I K 1 etln* een ie In hi . r*«kex On his left ».vn-l wa, the fovmpfalady drawn. wi*a a flag m h«» . . i *r,d eH"tS,ng-tn »n eg-eat pert T i e *t-e4» was * * •-. i Bstta tne water, and t,„n at tee M !d I A C I I I * 4 I ; N

    •.*pvi*lta J i . l MAINS. *nd sit pr,i.cip*l point* In New Fy. a'and ao6 the Province.

    t o a Tti-atT" AVI . sertTanonita Aef iT AT -«, BauAirWAT, *K BkoAi.t-A'. •'».. c i ",-n\ . BBOAt.WAT. cong iw sn> STHirr !•.,! i.w ffs ei•>-.. finmcgg.Mt BuOAitn-gr ANItSo I t i tart l t ra i t Ot. BFtOOELYN. ott AT I H g n m t t " * Ttrg P l l B . ,

    „ _ . , A. P. BArov. aaiwrlnr-ndeiit. H-_B .̂ liANCAn tienirral I'ttwi,; Aae«,t.

    Sl O M X i T o N f.!.\'E." FOR B f r > f i W » V l i PBOW1UEBI K T h e r.ew »pd e . e s a r t stdewheer f t * - m e - s s l o N i S t . T V i N a o e > A S g i ' t A N S i - g * ;

    ? » K . W m , M . J . , n . - . . / s a t . J a y Altea. Iri.rr. P>r.'.'. f . i . 1 J • - ' • N r h R, . •

    !• M dai ly . IN BOSTON A f t E A D O ? ALL O T n n R

    U N W T l c k e i s sold *nd s iatArotms secured et 5->. ', ..

    BrtwCway. eoraer of New Pawrl s treet , and at W e t t e d * sUpseee Co.Nv. TM Broadway, c tr- .er rentb s t r e e t : U a t Broadway, envaser T h i r t e ^ i f t s s t n e t . New York, and . . . W . ! s . . » « , t , s tree t , BrosaisB. ,

    Frt.a-Bt a lways t t l o w t t m y other l a e . D . S BABCtPTf PTsaUewt

    M v u n s t v e a Me* t t boat Co.

    C'Oni'f>t"fATI«X * 4 i r T R ' t - I H S l " ^ n. t t . i . i . i •. . . r.p « mac; » ' | i PA 'IT

    »teaben eareet :rr»«i lesfay »••*•» I*.'» . t . .eeaae T n Bt^.netr i *• oa .a* • i .ewe »»•• nn*; gcrrlawSn pi*ee, it •*» i. » « ,-a r *et- ..f ' . l i l t , i, ts. i t . f v r r - f . l - . : -i . s t r e - t . In ai.Pegawi * v Mrt a* e- , i , -, ieu es-.u, street •• ' - '"' • ' * Aedrew'e rd.'a>. f»"*B A' etre*n . , - . i - . . t t c s a * t< Pro***.'* Par* •' * w.,« seer,ire to Watswha

    . .. P..t'rtl«', , | t t t*

    A B r . l Y l - 1 0 1

    tn Mee*.-t-*t . Sll e-'th e e . .

    ' • . - . . ( I, wi B t e A . :* Saca. tl easset,

    S"* -- ,» . laewts r r s w s e s . .^, ea l t 'JI • « i t I , f i t , i t H u . l l rta

    • t e t# AO- tic BVetrni p. re- i *"""*. t,**fr * * * • „ , : Lewi t,

    t*a• sb . re endti ' i , ttte-es i, - ..a the Pan d . j .,; \ •

    * --ngaaal Ai-asasaseat li»cu m u..t , . , , . , . , — , . . i , - . . p , . , , . ^ , t h < . , l « » e : - | a*'* «ra«-ii*'.a taw aafc g , , ot Apr,,

    . - e a t , g j u e a v ail parti- . , tr,-tereesog . ta tatbr aawiBr u.e*e e e t e r a . aeaar~-t la iett*! Bt,rri,ws.C.g.e