crystal meditation

Want To Do A Crystal Meditation Using Programmed Crystals? Natural Honey Citrine Crystal ~ A Quartz Crystal For Meditation Crystal Meditation is about using your crystals to aid you to create a specific outcome during meditation. Any stone may be used ... but quartz crystals are especially good. As many crystals can be programmed, and this is especially true of quartz crystals, you may choose to program the crystal you are using to help you to unwind more easily during your meditation. Its easy to learn and may be beneficial to you to help you relax. You can really use any crystals for meditation... but the use of quartz crystals is helpful as it gives you the added advantage of being able to program them more easily than some other stones. By using a crystal to aid you while doing meditation, you may be enabled to stimulate a number of different gifts or talents, and this will depend on what it is you desire to be the outcome. There are a number of different outcomes you may want to achieve from this daily practice. Programming Your Crystal If you would like a programmed crystal to help you to maintain a deeper meditation... you must first program the crystal you wish to use for this purpose. It is best if you cleanse the crystal you are going to use before you start and you may use any method for cleansing crystals that is familiar to you.

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Page 1: Crystal Meditation

Want To Do A Crystal Meditation Using Programmed Crystals?

Natural Honey Citrine Crystal ~ A Quartz Crystal For Meditation

Crystal Meditation is about using your crystals to aid you to create a specific outcome during meditation. Any stone may be used ... but quartz crystals are especially good.

As many crystals can be programmed, and this is especially true of quartz crystals, you may choose to program the crystal you are using to help you to unwind more easily during your meditation. Its easy to learn and may be beneficial to you to help you relax.

You can really use any crystals for meditation... but the use of quartz crystals is helpful as it gives you the added advantage of being able to program them more easily than some other stones.

By using a crystal to aid you while doing meditation, you may be enabled to stimulate a number of different gifts or talents, and this will depend on what it is you desire to be the outcome. There are a number of different outcomes you may want to achieve from this daily practice.

Programming Your Crystal

If you would like a programmed crystal to help you to maintain a deeper meditation... you must first program the crystal you wish to use for this purpose. It is best if you cleanse the crystal you are going to use before you start and you may use any method for cleansing crystals that is familiar to you.

Choose a smooth stone that is comfortable to hold in your hand... like this lovely piece of Golden Rutilated Quartz. Once the crystal is cleansed... hold it in your hand and relax your mind completely.

Now imagine that you are stepping inside the crystal.

Allow yourself to immerse yourself in its energy and as you do, share with the crystal what your intentions are and what you desire that the outcome of this program will be.

It may help to write it out first... and it may work more powerfully if you do this in the form of a written affirmation.

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For example your affirmation may say....

I feel peaceful and relaxed. I allow myself to be relaxed during meditation

I focus my thoughts in a peaceful and harmonious way

I fill my mind with beautiful thoughts that make me feel happy

My relationships with others are peaceful and productive.

I choose for my day to be productive today

When writing affirmations use the words in the present tense, as this is the most powerful way to write affirmations. To help you to write the perfect affirmations to use to program your crystal... read my article on the power of positive affirmations.

Doing A Crystal Meditation

Using a guided meditation that is specifically written to aid you to relax during meditation may also be helpful.

This may aid you to relax more quickly and more easily. You might also like to listen to relaxation or meditation music.

Once your crystal is programmed... you may then do your crystal meditation with it. Seat yourself in a chair that supports your back when you meditate, as this may be helpful.

Sit fairly upright if possible... as this will allow the flow of energy to move more easily through the spine and through the chakras.

Make sure you are comfortable too... as you will not settle down to meditate if you feel discomfort or pain of any sort. Hold your crystal in your hands and allow yourself to relax completely. If you are using a quartz crystal this may create a more powerful and faster outcome, because quartz crystals have strong amplifying properties.

This is because when you use a programmed crystal in meditation, not only will your thoughts take on the positive values that the crystal itself gives to you, but you will also absorb the program as well. If you have chosen to be more peaceful, these thoughts will radiate out into the field of pure potentiality to become reality.

Now Be At Peace ... Doing Your Crystal Meditation

Relax... relax... Sit in your chair holding your crystals in your hands, which are in your lap. Close your eyes, and as you are sitting there, relaxed and at peace... take a nice slow deep breath in.

As you let it out allow yourself to deeply and completely relax. Take another nice slow deep breath in... and as you let it out, feel any tension in your body just drain away. Again, take another slow deep breath in and as let it out shift the focus of your attention to the crystals that you are holding.

Take the focus of your mind and place it onto the energy of the stones in your hand. Allow yourself to synchronize with this vibration.

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Rose Quartz Crystal brings peaceful loving feelings to your meditation

You may feel the energy of the stone... and the program you placed in it may fill your mind, if that is what you want. Just allow yourself to become one with this energy.

If you are using a high vibration may be aware of the energy within your higher chakras... and if you do, just shift your focus to where you are feeling this energy.

You may also feel energy in your lower chakras, if you need it to be there.

As you continue to breathe in and out, just release any tension anywhere you may feel it. Simply continue to be aware of any changes anywhere in your body, and take note of them, then let them go.

Depending on the purpose of the program you have placed in the crystal, you may feel a number of different responses in your body.... so just relax and flow with what is happening.

If you have programmed it for peace and harmony, feel the peace drift through your body... and allow it to take away any tension or stress that may be in any part of your body.

Stay with the energy following its path... until you are ready to finish. Give thanks at the end to the crystal for its help, and to the Great Divine Spirit for the results you have experienced.

Some Crystals To Use For Crystal Meditation

You can actually program most crystals... it is just that quartz crystals have strong properties that amplify whatever you place into the crystal. So here are a few quartz crystals that will work well in your crystal meditation, along with a few other stones.

Quartz crystals will program easily and have other excellent metaphysical attributes as well. Crystal meditation can be done with other stones that are not in the table... and most stones may be programmed for use in meditation.

Amegreen Amethyst Crystals Ametrine

Angel AuraAngel Phantom Quartzaka Amphibole Quartz

Aqua Aura Quartz

Aurora Quartzaka Anandalite

Citrine Crystals Chlorite Phantom Quartz

Clear Quartz Crystals Elestial Quartz Faden Quartz

Goethite Golden Rutilated Quartz Herkimer Diamonds

Lemurian Crystals Lithium Quartz Metamorphosis Quartz

Nirvana Quartz aka Pecos Diamond Prasiolite

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Himalayan Ice Quartz aka Green Amethyst

Rose Quartz Satyaloka Quartz Smokey Quartz

Spirit Quartz Star Hollandite Quartz Super Seven

Tibetan Black Quartz Tourmilated Quartz White Azeztulite

Whether you choose to do a third eye meditation, a psychic meditation, one for stress relief or a meditation to aid you to attract abundance... crystals are easily used... by the simple act of holding them in your hand during this important daily activity.

In Summary

It is an advantage to meditate regularly, and if you continue to do a crystal meditation every day this will be extremely beneficial to you. Read the page on easy meditation techniques to

give you other ideas for your daily meditation.

It doesn't need to be a long drawn out meditation... but may simply be a five minute short meditation if that is all you have time for.Alternatively if you are member of a meditation group... your meditation may continue for 30 minutes or more. Take your crystals with you... as any meditation can be a crystal meditation ... just by holding your special crystals in your hand.

"Meditation is the only means to the harmonious development of the mind, body and soul." Maharishi

Mahesh Yogi. Psychic Meditation... Daily Activity To Develop Psychic Abilities

White Magnesite Crystal

Psychic meditation will help you if you are working on developing any of your psychic abilities. By making a commitment to yourself that you will do it, you may find success.

There are many crystals that you can use in meditation, that have potent metaphysical properties to aid you to develop your psychic abilities.

The most important aspect to achieving this end is to make meditation a daily activity... which will aid you to achieve your aim.

This is another of the easy meditation techniques to use each day. During the time you spend in meditation, you will begin to make contact with spirit, and your guides... aiding you to develop genuine psychic gifts.

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Doing A Psychic Meditation

Doing a psychic meditation is perhaps a little different to normal meditation as you are looking for a particular outcome.

Choose a crystal to hold in your hand... like the white Magnesite in the image above, or even a combination of more than one crystal could be helpful.

By doing a specific psychic meditation every day you should soon make contact with your guides, the first step to developing these gifts.

Finding your spirit guide is a powerful aid to the process and is usually part of the development of these gifts. Like all types of meditation it is important that you allow yourself to deeply relax. If you are unsure of how to meditate start by learning the first of the easy meditation techniques.

How Does It Work

Once you are deeply relaxed and have brought through the golden light... as described in the page on easy meditation techniques... take your attention and place it up above eye level.

During this meditation you want to make contact with your higher self, and with any member of the spiritual realm who desires to make contact with you... including connecting with angels. So the next step is to connect to the higher realms.

Take your attention up above your crown chakra... then allow yourself to go even higher. I like to imagine that my chair is in an elevator or lift... going up!

Look down in your mind's eye and you will see your body down below... a long way below. Become aware of the silence... and allow yourself to resonate with it. This is the time when you may choose to reach out to your guides and ask them to contact you.

Use whatever method you are most comfortable with. If you resonate with sound listen for them to speak to you. If you are clairsentient you may feel the presence of your guides.

If you are visual look upwards... in a very relaxed way and you may see something there. Some people prefer to create a screen to look at... and you may do this if you want. Even though the way they choose to come to you may vary... Spirit, the angels or your guides will come through to you as some point... as they want you to know that they are present.

It is simply a matter of being aware of and recognizing that they are there. When they come through to you, acknowledge their presence, and let them know you are grateful for their help. You may also choose to ask them for assistance at this time.

How Will It Help You

There are a number of outcomes from doing a daily psychic meditation. The difference between a specific meditation to develop your psychic abilities is what you desire the outcome

to be.

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It is known as one of the ways to relieve stress, and just doing meditation generally helps you to feel more at peace and less anxious or stressed. It is a slow process though...and will not happen overnight... although many of you will have changes in the level of your abilities.

Using some of the high crystal energy stones or third eye chakra stones may move your progress along more quickly.

The third eye chakra contains the pineal gland and this has always been associated with 'the sight'... so you can see how these stone may benefit you. Once you have met your guides...allow them to guide you! Listen for their guidance... which may come to you via your intuition which may also be stimulated by this specific daily meditation.

Which Stones to Use

There are a very large number of stones in the following table and all of these will assist you to develop the psychic communication gift that is specific to you. If you read any of the articles on particular psychic gifts you may find that some stones are common to aid you with developing a number of different psychic abilities. For that reason, this table has only a limited number of the crystals that might possibly be used in your daily psychic meditation.

Amethyst Crystals Aqua Aura Quartz Ascension Stones

Azurite Stone Blue Apatite Blue Aragonite

Blue Hemimorphite Blue Topaz Cavansite

Clear Apophyllite Creedite Crocoite

Dumortierite Golden Rutilated Quartz Herderite

Iolite Stones Labradorite Crystal Lapis Lazuli Stones

Magnesite Moldavite Muscovite

Nirvana Quartz Phenacite Rainbow Moonstone

Sardonyx Selenite Crystals Shattuckite

Super Sevenaka Sacred Seven

Tiffany StoneYttrium Fluorite

aka Lavender Fluorite

What Psychic Abilities Can You Develop?

So which gifts are you looking to develop? There are quite a few psychic powers that can be developed using your daily psychic meditation... and some are more well known than others.

The commonest of the psychic powers are psychic visions usually known as clairvoyance or second sight, clairaudience or psychic hearing, clairsentience, psychometry, mediumship, automatic writing, channelling, psychic knowing, ESP and developing intuition.

You may already know which of your senses is your predominant you may choose to click on the link above for the article for the gift you believe you are most likely to develop first. Any of the psychic powers listed above... that has a link... has it an article about it on its own page, where there is a list of specific stones that you may use to help you to develop this gift.

Books and CD's For Developing Psychic Gifts

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Sonia Choquette books and CD's are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing psychic gifts.

I love the guided psychic meditation on her CD set... 'Attunement To Higher Vibrational Living'... seen on the left... which has excellent meditations for meeting with your guides and the angels.

Sonia has been working in psychic employment as a reader, and as a teacher in the development area for many years. In her book 'Diary of a Psychic'.. you can read the story of how Sonia developed her gifts, and how to develop yours.

To read reviews of Sonia Choquette's work including many of her books... Click Here.

In Summary

Doing a daily psychic meditation will help the process of developing your psychic abilities. The more consistent you are at doing this, the more likely that you will succeed with it. By adding psychic crystals to your meditation, their metaphysical properties will help you to move towards your goal faster.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to make meditation a daily activity. Once you have made this a daily habit you are on the way to achieving your intention. During your meditation each day it is highly likely that you will have contact with Spirit and your guides and even with angels... and from this may come genuine psychic gifts.

Developing Intuition and Perceptive Insight For Inner Wisdom

Green Prehnite Pendant ~ A Stone That Aids Intuition

Developing intuition can be a great benefit to you. Have you had the experience where you know or sense something for no valid reason... then later find out you were right?

Have you ever changed the way you drove to work, only to find out you had avoided a seven car pile-up on the freeway?

This is intuition or perceptive insight in operation. It is an immediate and intuitive recognition via your senses... and it utilizes the psychic senses and the sub-conscious mind.

Most people have heard of intuition and have experienced it, and it is not only women who have this gift. If you work with specific crystals you may begin cultivating intuition and also develop a deeper spiritual connection.

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Define Intuition

One way to define intuition is... that it is when you know or sense something, yet there is no valid reason for you to believe that what you 'know' is real.

The word intuition comes from the Latin word 'intueri', meaning to look inside or contemplate. You have this strong 'gut' feeling that what you are feeling is real.

The more you concentrate on developing intuition... then the more this knowing or belief in what is coming through will strengthen.

Another way to define intuition is that it is an instinctive and unconscious knowing. It is believed to be connected with the right hemisphere of the brain.

It is an automatic system in use, and it is a psychic ability that everyone has in varying degrees.

You may make choices for no valid reason other than you 'believe. that this is the thing to do. The intensity of this communication grows and its energy cannot be ignored, as it becomes totally automatic.

Develop Intuition By Trusting Your Intuition

Perceptive insight is a phrase used to describe intuition. This refers to immediate or intuitive recognition or understanding of what is happening as you use your senses. Part of it comes from your own sub-conscious... and many are not aware that the senses you are using are psychic senses. A lovely Amethyst Crystal cluster in the room may aid you to develop this sense.

As you continue developing intuition, you may find that ideas float into your head, and you know things you have no way of knowing. If you keep some of the crystals on the list in your vicinity, you may find your intuition begins to work more quickly and more accurately.

Trusting your intuition may aid you overall... and also help to develop your other psychic powers. Throughout the day thoughts flow into your head. As you feel these thoughts come... put your awareness deliberately onto the thought. Think about what it is about and if it is linked to any specific thing happening in your life.

Intuition Power, Create Deeper Spiritual Connections

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You all have intuition to a greater or lesser degree, but not all of you recognize that it is a psychic power. Many people think of psychic abilities as being something out of the ordinary. Few people know that there is an intuition power... and that some even call it psychic intuition. But can you learn how to develop your intuition further and really put it to work in your life?

One way is to take classes that may help you to learn to be psychic... and to develop any psychic gifts, including your intuition. This may assist you by also developing clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience as well as other psychic gifts.

Developing intuition is something that those of either sex can do, even though the phrase women's intuition is often used. For men this may be a bit off putting... but if you are a man and reading this, allow yourself to recognize that the intuition power is not exclusive to women and both men and women can develop a deeper spiritual connection.

Developing Intuition Using Crystals

Begin by sitting quietly in silence for a few minutes each day. Quieten your mind and just allow the thoughts in your head to slowly stop.

To help you with developing intuition, hold crystals in your hand as you meditate. For example a lovely piece of deep Blue Dumortierite is very powerful to aid you.

Allow your mind to see a blank screen in front of you. This stillness in your mind is the key to using intuition. As you sit in stillness you may find that ideas or thoughts float into your mind.

Once you have finished meditating continue to use these crystals throughout the day.

There are a few ways to use these stones... but just make sure that you keep them within your aura.

This is easy to achieve by either wearing them as crystal jewelry, putting one or more crystal stones in your pocket... or sitting a piece close to you during the day.

Which Stones to Use

The stones of the third eye chakra have the most impact when you are developing intuition. All of the stones in the following chart will be of assistance... to aid developing any psychic gifts.

Amegreen Amethyst Crystals Ametrine Gemstones

Anyolite Apophyllite Aquamarine Stones

Arfvedsonite Azurite Stone Baryte

Blizzard Stone aka Gabbro

Bloodstones Blue Aragonite

Blue Aventurine Blue Kyanite Blue Tourmaline

Cavansite, Celestite Celestial Quartz Charoite Stone

Chrysocolla Cinnabar Citrine Crystals

Conichalcite Crocoite Dumortierite

Page 10: Crystal Meditation

Eilat Stone Fuchsite Green Fluorite

Green Moss Agate Hackmanite Hessonite Garnet

Iolite Stones Iolite Sunstone Kunzite Crystal

Labradorite Crystal Lapis Lazuli Lavender Jade

Lepidocrocite Magnetite Malachite

Melody's Stone MerliniteMookaite Jasperaka Mook Jasper

Muscovite Neptunite, Nuummite Phenacite

Pietersite Prehnite Rainbow Moonstone

Shaman Stones Shattuckite Smithsonite

Sodalite Stone Sphene aka Titanite Sunstones

Super Sevenaka Sacred Seven

Tiffany Stoneaka Bertrandite

Tsavorite Garnet

Turquoise Ulexite White Topaz, Winchite

Vesuvianiteaka Idocrase

Yttrium Fluoriteaka Lavender Fluorite

Zircon Crystals

Amethyst crystals are one of the foremost stones for intuition. As they have many other excellent qualities they would be one of my first choices. Other powerful stones that will aid you in developing intuition are Super Seven, Ametrine, Blue Kyanite, Aquamarine, Celestite, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, and Blue Aventurine stones. If you use stones with strong crystal energy and those with a high vibration... many psychic gifts may potentially develop.

Accessing Your Intuition

Accessing your intuition is very simple, as once you begin to use it... the process happens automatically. As intuition is related to gut feelings, using solar plexus chakra and sacral chakra stones will also assist the process.

To fire the imagination, so that it may assist with developing imaginatively inspired thoughts via your intuition... use Citrine Crystals

As you continue developing intuition ... and the more that you notice what is happening within your body... the more these feeling will grow stronger. You will have that gut feeling about something more frequently.

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Simple recognition of these feelings, will allow the spirit guides who are working with you to know that you are open to continuous messages. As you begin regularly accessing your intuition this gift will begin to deliver clearer messages to you.

Listening To Your Intuition

Intuition is an inner voice that communicates with you and gives you knowledge that you have no way of knowing any other way. This gift is about "listening" to one of your senses... your feelings, and noticing what is being communicated by your spirit guides by using this method.

It is often during meditation that your guides will communicate with you. If you have not previously made contact with your guides... finding your spirit guides may help to develop this gift.

Tuning in to this small voice is part of the process of developing intuition and the frequency and clarity of the messages coming to you increase once you begin to work with this gift. To develop any of the psychic gifts, meditation is important.

During successful meditation your brain waves slow... as their rhythm changes from the beta wave... of normal day to day activities... to the slower alpha wave. Two specific areas of the brain.... the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex...are said to be connected with developing any psychic abilities.... including developing intuition.

Using Isochronic Tones is effective to aid the development of your intuition, because it works by encouraging these areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced. As your mind chatter stops, and you go deeper into the meditative state... you may find that these gifts develop more easily.

Inspiration Through Intuition

Albert Einstein was a great believer in intuition, and its power to aid discovery.

You stimulate inspiration through you allow the flow of your imagination that can be aroused through your intuition. During your daily meditation hold one of the crystals from the chart above in your hand. The addition of crystals like pieces of blue Aquamarine Stones... see photo on the left... may aid the process.

Most of you already use intuition... but you may not be aware that it has the capacity to stimulate inspiration within your daily activities.

As you become aware of its potential and begin enhancing your creativity... the simple belief and gratitude you feel may accelerate the process. Inspiring thoughts are believed to in many cases to come from your intuition.

How To Develop Your Intuition

As with developing many other psychic gifts... meditation is a very important part of the process. Psychic meditation on a regular basis has the capacity to develop intuition along with many other psychic powers.

Using a guided meditation may be helpful to help you to get started. Using a recorded meditation that guides you to relax... and that has beautiful background music, can aid you to relax deeply.

This may help you to learn how to get to the point where you can do in-depth meditation, aimed at developing intuition or other psychic abilities.

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Although this is a major part of the process of developing intuition... your method of thinking is also an important issue. The 7 Laws of Attraction have the ability to help you in this endeavor.

Not only can this process help you to develop psychic gifts... but it also has the potential to manifest desires. You need to have a confident expectation that you will achieve what it is you want. As you meditate on a daily basis, ensure that you keep what you want to achieve, clearly in your mind.

Concentrate on your goal of developing intuition to aid the process. The clearer you keep in your mind what it is you want... the more likely it is that you will achieve it. The stronger your belief is... the more likely it is that you get it.

Lastly... feel sincere gratitude that you have been given what you wanted! This attitude of gratitude is the final key that will unlock what you want.

Follow Your Intuition

We live in age where many of us travel regularly...and by different modes of transport. Often you hear of serious car, plane or train accidents that are fatal to the people involved.

If you follow your intuition... you may find that you take a different route than you intended to go... and later you discover you avoided some sort of serious accident.

Warnings may also be about a situation or a person... or about what this person may want you to do within a situation.

If you follow your intuition as often as possible it will assist you, as the road to intuition is a lot about being awake to and aware of the communications you are hearing.

If you would like some more information on how to develop your intuition... a website that may help you is Free Psychic Insight where they talk about how to develop psychic abilities.

In Summary

The result of developing intuition is such a benefit in your life that it is worth giving special effort to achieving this. Intuition exists in most of you already... and women in particular are aware that you are able to make use of it.

If you develop your intuition further you may be able to make your life more creative and happier. As you embrace this newly inspired way of thinking your life will be a richer for the experience.

Ways To Use Clairvoyance Crystals

There are two main ways to use crystals to aid you with your desire to develop clairvoyance. The first and most beneficial result for your overall health and emotional well-being is to use crystals... like Lapis Lazuli, Azurite Stone, Malachite or Labradorite... in your daily meditations. The other use is to keep crystals on your body throughout the day and close to you at night... under the pillow is good.

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If you wear jewelry made from crystals or carry crystal stones in your pocket... these will help your vibration to increase steadily. This gradual increase can be an easy way to aid you in developing your gifts more quickly.

Amethyst Crystals, Prasiolite... also known as Green Amethyst ... and Amegreen are all forms of Amethyst and have a similar vibration. They are some of the loveliest crystal jewelry sold and are among those on the list above.

All forms of the Amethyst Crystals are excellent both to wear and to have in your environment. If you would like a reasonably large piece to have in your environment... Amethyst geodes will resonate a powerful and beautiful energy into the area where they are located.

Having Psychic Visions?

Those who are having psychic visions will actually 'see' the communication from their spirit guides. Finding your spirit guide is an important first step to aid you in developing this psychic gift.

The term visions is a somewhat loose term... as it usually begins with very short periods where you actually see things. It is possible you may be able to see a 'picture' of some sort.

The more you develop the gift the greater will be both the amount of time you will 'see' and the more detailed the clairvoyant visions will be.

How To Awaken Psychic Visions

If you wish to learn how to awaken psychic visions and to stimulate clairvoyance it is a process, which starts with regular meditation. A powerful aid to this process is to have a crystal in your hand while you are meditating.

You may choose to use a white stone called Magnesite while you are meditating. The visions that this stone helps you to experience are likely to be more distinct... with exceptional clarity.

Another stone that also helps you to see clearer and more distinct visions is Yttrium Fluorite. This high crystal energy stone may be more difficult to find... and is sometimes sold as Lavender Fluorite.

Using this Lavender stone is a powerful aid to make spiritual connections and to see spiritually with more clarity. If you have not previously made contact with your spirit guide... meditation is also a process that may result in your finding your spirit guide.

Often finding your spirit guide may happen simultaneously with the development of clairvoyance. As you increase your time spent meditating... the length and strength of your clairvoyant visions may also increase.

Although some people who are having psychic visions did not use this method to develop their gift, it is a way that many find works. Once you have developed this gift, a powerful stone to bring your visions to a higher level is Arfvedsonite, and it is said to bring visions that will predict the future.

How Will Meditation Help You

Meditation is a great tool for all of us to use, and if you wish to learn to be psychic meditation is a great asset. If you have been having lots of difficulties in your life, it may solve some of your problems. It is known to be one of the most helpful ways to deal with stress, because during successful meditation your brain waves slow.

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During normal day to day activities your brain operates at what is called the beta state. During meditation the brain waves change from the beta wave... to the slower alpha wave. Two specific areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, are said to be connected with developing any psychic abilities, including clairvoyance.

Using Isochronic Tones encourages these areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced. As you go deeper into the meditative state you may find that psychic abilities develop more readily. In addition you may find you develop a sense of deep peace.

For many it is also a time when they learn how to be happy for the first time. Meditation just has so many benefits for everyone, and even if you are not looking to develop any psychic gifts it is extremely beneficial to your overall spirituality and health.

How To Stimulate Clairvoyance

Psychic meditation while holding crystals will elevate you to a higher vibration, as your vibration comes in alignment with the vibration of the crystal you are holding. A specific crystal that many people start with is Purple Amethyst crystals

During meditation you are making contact with your higher self and with any of the spiritual realm who desires to make contact with us. All of you have guardian angels, or guardian spirits, who are with you from the time you were born. Reach out to your guides and ask them to contact you. If you ask for their help they will respond.

It is common for both your guardian angels and your guides to contact you during meditation... and they like to be acknowledged. If you become aware of them... having an attitude of gratitude towards them is helpful. Gratitude is a most empowering action... as it creates a strong movement within the field of great allowingness that creates all that is.

How Does It Work

Clairvoyance is a gift that may be developed. There are also people who become aware that you have this ability. If you were born with this ability you may have been having psychic visions from a very young age.

Alternatively for many it may develop suddenly... and it may be after you have done some sort of spiritual development work. But its not always because you did specific actions aimed at increasing your clairvoyance, but it can be because you were wearing stones that can help the process.

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You can use specific stones in meditation or you may prefer to wear them. One well known stone that will help the process is the lovely blue Lapis Lazuli Stones, which is great worn as Lapis jewelry.

Many of you have seen psychics or spiritual mediums on television. Often they were shown in front of an audience and were making contact with relatives who had passed over.

Maybe you became interested in how it all worked... and wanted to know more. The psychic clairvoyants you saw were communicating with spirit guides... who gave them information. This information came through to the psychic in a particular way that they could understand.

The way spiritual mediums work is slightly different. These are people who have more highly developed gifts... and often they will make direct contact with spirits. They then were able to communicate the information they receive to the person with whom they were speaking in the audience.

How Will Clairvoyance Crystals Help You

Most if not all of the stones on the Clairvoyance Crystals list, are either third eye chakra stones or crown chakra stones. Any chakra stones for these two chakras will assist overall spirituality and health but the ones listed are known to specifically develop psychic visions.

The higher the vibration of the crystal you are using... the higher the resulting vibration within your energy field.

Keeping crystals within your auric field as long as possible is helpful. Wearing crystal jewelry made from clairvoyance crystals will be advantageous to move your gifts forward more quickly.

The benefits of this is, that the human energy field or aura changes quite quickly in response to both internal and outside influences and begins vibrating at a higher level.

This is a most important reason for keeping your thoughts positive. And this vibratory reaction is like a circle. If you think positively, or generally happy thoughts, you become more positive, and vibrate differently. Your vibration will become higher and in turn you may find yourself feeling even more positive. An overall excellent result.

Any high vibration stones may stimulate psychic gifts... and high crystal energy stones are recommended for your overall spirituality and health. Other psychic powers such as clairsentience, psychometry and clairaudience will also be stimulated by any of these stones.

The power of the stones listed in the table is quite strong. The soul star chakra stones are also very beneficial as they will take you to the higher spiritual realms. Both Iolite and Dumortierite have the specific energy that will work on aiding your psychic vision. To improve the clarity of your psychic vision meditate with Ascension Stones.

Another strong stone to use, but only if you have some experience with your psychic abilities, is the beautiful green Atacamite crystals shown in the image on right.

If you haven't done any previous psychic development, this is not a stone to start with... as it has the potential to forcefully open the third eye.

Page 16: Crystal Meditation

It is best to keep protection crystals on you when you are doing any spiritual work, as psychic protection is very important.

Amethyst Crystals, Black Tourmaline, Sugilite, Malachite, Black Obsidian and Moss Agate are some of the ones usually used.

Also use earth star chakra stones to aid you with spiritual grounding... as developing these gifts will often make you very ungrounded... so be sure to ground yourself afterwards.

In Summary

Developing your psychic gifts and being able to have psychic visions is desired by many people. If this is what you want it is possible to do... by using meditation and crystals. Keeping crystals within your environment and on your body will also help.

If you are willing to be of service and put back into the world what spirit gives to you... you will get the best results, and be able to share it with others. Once you begin to work with spirit to develop these gifts... expect your life to change, for the better.

Books That Aid Psychic Development

The books and the CD set shown below are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing psychic abilities... including psychic visions or clairvoyance. Sonia Choquette has been working as a psychic reader, and as a teacher in the development area for many years, so she brings this wealth of experience to her writing.

In her book 'Diary of a Psychic'.. you can read the story of how Sonia developed her gifts. Although her books cover a range of different aspects, they all take you through the processes that aid you to develop your psychic gifts... and they are all excellent books to help you to place your feet on the path that leads you to develop genuine psychic abilities.