cryptobank whitepaper v. 0 · • the integration of smart contracts and multiple opportunities to...

CryptoBank WHITEPAPER v. 0.1 CryptoBank is a decentralized global payment system based on blockchain technology and including СryptoYuan, СryptoDollar, СryptoEuro, СryptoRuble

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Page 1: CryptoBank WHITEPAPER v. 0 · • The integration of smart contracts and multiple opportunities to further improve the overall process of ensuring the security of transactions, confirmation

CryptoBank WHITEPAPER v. 0.1 CryptoBank is a decentralized global payment system based on blockchain technology and including

СryptoYuan, СryptoDollar, СryptoEuro, СryptoRuble

Page 2: CryptoBank WHITEPAPER v. 0 · • The integration of smart contracts and multiple opportunities to further improve the overall process of ensuring the security of transactions, confirmation

Introduction There are a huge number of different assets that people may use free to keep the value. Now there is the value of the traditional environment, or investment, but we believe that today the blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the best solution for the management, storage and accounting of these assets.

There are many different assumptions and analyses that published by the outsourcing companies. Based on the average provided data, we came to the conclusion that global wealth estimated at about 300 trillion dollars, but not as strange as most of these assets are owned by banks or similar financial institutions, which in most cases remain without motion, thereby causing unrest and issues.

Modern traditional financial system is outdated and extremely vulnerable. Banks and the state does not want to enter into the blockchain technology at the global level, because the officials will not be so easy to hide corruption schemes and various backstairs politics methods of struggle with public opinion, justice, democracy, etc.

In view of the foregoing, we may conclude that the inclusion of the world's assets on the blockchain is a necessity and has huge benefits that will appear in the process of this integration.

Cryptocurrency was created not so long ago as "an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof" which allows any two persons to interact directly with each other without using a trusted third party, and instead entrust your money to a central authority.

The very first chosen cryptocurrency is the bitcoin, it has created by a unknown developer or team of developers under the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto". Satoshi has created not only a new class of decentralized, digital currency or cryptocurrency, but in general, gave a life to financial sector through technology introduced to the world, and which have been widely used and studied. Now it is not possible for any state and every self-respecting finance company or any keeping up to date organization to ignore one.

There are some of the main cryptocurrencies advantages such as low transaction costs, international payments, wide distribution and easy conversion, asset ownership and exchange, pseudoanonymity, transactions transparency in real-time and immune to the problems that often occur in the traditional banking system.

However, there are a number of reasons why the use of cryptocurrency may create a inconvenience in possession of non-technical users. Also, if you wish to use cryptocurrencies in daily life to pay for petty purchases every day such attempts become less profitable and more risky because of uncontrolled cryptocurrencies mining, and speculations by large traders and holders of large market shares engrosses from the whole component of capitalization (total capitalization of about $ 300 billion). In addition, there is a theory that the total amount of lost bitcoins about $50 billion. Based on the above factors, there is often more of a misunderstanding or inadequate understanding of the market behavior of technology and sometimes the lack of usability for non-technical users. As a result, this often leads to panic and the market drops at a pace that no company has ever felt on traditional stock exchanges.

In this whitepaper we focus on the modification of the source code bitcoin core 0.12, proposed by CryptoBank team, created to parallel between the concept of fiat and

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cryptocurrency. This assumes that assets will be stored and transmitted using software based on bitcoin open-source code, cryptographically secure, and used the technology of distributed ledgers, as the true value of the cryptocurrency.

We offer the solution to all problems related to the cryptocurrency volatility through linking "CryptoBank Coins" to the fiat.

All CryptoBank Coins based on the blockchain protocol code already released in the first block and moved to cold storage wallet, which is administered by the independent Board analysts and consultants. After that, each CryptoBank Coin exists as a cryptocurrency and is under constant audit of the analytical Department.

Each CryptoBank Coin can be issued only after the ratio of its support will be one-to-one (i.e. 1 CBD - 1 USD, 1 EUR CBE -1, 1 CBR -1 RUR 1 CBY - CNY), i.e. corresponding to a fixed unit of currency held and diversifiable in various cryptocurrencies. CryptoBank Coins redeemable/exchangeable in ratio to the underlying fiat currencies in accordance with the policy CryptoBank. According to the preference of the holder can be ordered for the equivalent exchange value with subsequent withdrawal CryptoBank Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold. After the release of CryptoBank Coin in circulation immediately it can be attributed to the capitalization of this CryptoBank ticker * (CBD, CBE, CBR, CBY) and it can be tracked on the site (section blockexplorer) https: //

On this basis each CryptoBank Coin becomes liquid, based on the reserve obtained through exchange transactions between tickers CryptoBank and cryptocurrency in fiat to which they have linked.

Our implementation has the following advantages compared to other cryptocurrencies:

• CryptoBank Coins based on bitcoin core 0,12, and not on the less developed and tested crypto currency "altcoin", or in the software with closed source code, launched in centralized private database.

• The mechanism of transaction processing CryptoBank like bitcoin, it is running in p2p, pseudoanonymous, decentralized, cryptographically-encrypted environment, the security of which is an axiom.

СryptoBank Coins is a stable cryptocurrency which has no volatility and every coin can be issued only after the ratio of its support will be one-to-one corresponding fiat currency(i.e. 1 CBD - 1 USD, 1 EUR CBE -1, 1 CBR -1 RUR 1 CBY - CNY), i.e. corresponding to a fixed currency unit held and diversifiable in various cryptocurrencies CryptoBank.

• Traders, exchanges and wallet services can integrate CryptoBank Coins as easily as Bitcoin.

• Cryptobank inherits the properties of the bitcoin Protocol code version 0.12, which include: decentralized exchange transactions, open source, wallet encryption, transparency, a multiparty system and reporting functions, full ownership of the account without the involvement of a third party, the inability to cancel the transaction.

• 100% guarantee of protection against double-spending.

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• Cryptobank uses a simple but effective approach to the confirmation of reserves, which significantly reduces counterparty risk as the custodian of reserve assets.

• The issuance of CryptoBank tokens is limited, but its volume is enough to avoid deficiency, while the release of the coins will strictly relate to pricing or liquidity. Users can buy or sell as many coins as they want, rapidly and with low commissions.

• CryptoBank coins will not face market risks, such as the "The Black Swan" theory liquidity crises, etc., because reserves remain in the ratio of one to one and diversified in various cryptocurrencies, being under constant audit professionals.

• The interaction of audit with program without volatility and an authorised mining.

• Innovation created by CryptoBank simplified the access of non-technical users to the cryptocurrency, unlike the provisioning methods or derivative strategies.

• The technology of issuing certification for on the product of computation in the blockchain CryptoBank allows you to avoid various types of attacks on the blockchain CryptoBank.

• Decentralized and civilized approach to scalability through CBMT voting.

At any time the balance of cryptocurrency stored in our reserves will be equal to (or greater than) the amount of tokens CryptoBank that are in circulation. This simple configuration is most easily supports a robust process of "Proof of reserves and paying capacity" - a process that is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of pricing between channels in circulation and base currency, which is stored in reserves.

In this document we have already given examples show that today's services and wallet services (in their current state) are most often very unreliable (i.e., there are disadvantages in the methods of proof of paying capacity). Instead, we offer a variety of services and wallets to give us the storage means of the user via Cryptobank, providing our side with full visibility of audit issued CryptoBank Coins, reserves ensure each issued CryptoBank coins and even data about how much is available for issue into circulation CryptoBank coins.

Users will be able to purchase CryptoBank’s tokens on the websites of our supporters who have already chosen CryptoBank as a payment instrument ( or co-branding projects, created by a team CryptoBank such as, that CryptoBank supports. Users can also send and store CryptoBank coins in a light wallet and anonymous available on the website Other exchanges, wallets and retailers are invited to contact the server for the latest version of the wallet is temporarily available only at [email protected] if your github repositories listed on the official website access has been restricted or temporarily restricted.

We recognise that our implementation is not fully decentralized, because CryptoBank needs to act as the centralized custodian of the reserve assets. Despite this, all the CryptoBank tokens that have already come into circulation existed as a decentralized digital currency.

In addition, we believe that that due to our implementation of modifications we have created a base to build future innovation and for the development of the “CryptoBank” concept without volatile cryptoassets, which address the disadvantages, creating a strong platform for new products and services, supporting the growth and usefulness of blockchain technology in the long term.

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Some of these innovations include:

• Decentralized and mobile simplification of payments among customers and third parties, including other users and traders.

• Immediate and accurate transfer of a fixed value between decentralized parties (for example, mass exchanges), without involving third parties to the transaction.

• The integration of smart contracts and multiple opportunities to further improve the overall process of ensuring the security of transactions, confirmation of reserves and the inclusion of new features in each of the blockchain CryptoBank.

• The introduction of such concepts as a certified mining or permit miners on complex calculations in the blockchain network in order to avoid different types of attacks on network blockchain CryptoBank while maintaining indestructible, thus allowing the finding of new blocks only verified by an independent vote of the miners.

• The Mining algorithm includes an additional authorization function that relies on CBMT signals from the CryptoBank network and managed through a decentralized DNS database.

• Decentralized accounting of all types CryptoBank profits between the owners of CBMT (CryptoBank Master Token)

• Voting via CBMT platform and consensus-based voting by the CBMT owner for the stable development of the CryptoBank infrastructure.

CryptoBank is altcoins based on bitcoin not regulated by central authorities or other laws. Therefore, it is exactly the same, anonymous cryptocurrency that has essential differences such as non-volatility and multicurrency with reference to the world's fiat currencies.

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Abstraction CryptoBank: fiat, multicurrency, global payment system based on bitcoin.


We want to offer:

1. CryptoBank coin, which is backed by currency uses to store value and to purchase the services.

1.1 There are 4 types CryptoBank coins: CBD, CBE, CBR, CBY, that have individual blockchains which store CryptoBank coins.

2. A reliable and decentralized exchange method using familiar units of account such as dollar U.S., Euro, Russian Ruble and Chinese Yuan.

3. Wide opportunities its link to new, nonvolatile CryptoBank cryptocurrencies and smart contracts integration into each blockchain.

4. Blockchain is checked and cryptographically protected decentralized ledger in which everybody can exchange assets without the participation of third parties.

5. Verified and confirmed transactions that have been checked by the miners without the opportunity to change or cancel.

6. Decentralized exchange where customers can exchange assets between customers without participation of third parties.

7. Centralized cryptocurrency exchange

8. p2p loans, a program of trust levels, the social network for borrowers and lenders.

9. Independent consensus in the organization and management team CryptoBank for achieving the best result of the development. Decision-making is carried out by consensus through a vote among owners of CryptoBank Master Token, who have free distribution in cryptocurrency exchanges and private exchange websites.

9.1 CBMT (CryptoBank Master Token) is an altcoin that has distributed in pre-ico team of CryptoBank. Now you can to expect it listing on various exchanges, including the exchange and the p2p exchange platform

9.2 CBMT (CryptoBank Master Token) is a fully independent decentralized blockchain; mining algorithm PoW sha256. The issue is only 1000 coins, each gives the right to vote in the system and to obtain a share of the profit from the income of (0.1%)

10. CryptoBank has protection from various types of attacks possible in such networks as ethereum and bitcoin. Thanks to the anti-inflationary algorithm inherent in the production of new CryptoBank blocks, and in complex calculations, all types of attacks can stop at the vote of owners of CBMT tokens at the level permitting of issue new blocks to newcomers miners or mining pools. The authorization to administer such pools of CryptoBank involves issuing without any vote to well-known personalities who have made their huge contribution to the development of blockchain technology, for example, "theymos" administrator of or to individuals of his level and beliefs.

At the same time CBMT reaches the consensus in various important decisions on any actions of CryptoBank operation: it may be questions about adding new consultants or team members, excluding

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someone of a development team or consultants, and adopting various organizational, legal, political, economic and other issues related directly to the development of CryptoBank.

All of the above described operations and options will be available to owners CryptoBank coins.

CryptoBank coins (CBD, CBE, CBR, CBY) are linked to USD, EUR, RUR, CNY, and they also backed to CryptoBank assets, which an independent team of consultants and analysts will diversify in volatile cryptocurrencies.

CryptoBank coins (CBD, CBE, CBR, CBY) linked to USD, EUR, RUR, CNY may be used by other market participants who wants to take advantage of the benefits of blockchain technology without volatility, which is achieved thanks to the antiinflationary algorithm introduced by CryptoBank algorithms for mining CryptoBank, which directly depends on the decision by consensus vote of the holders of CBMT. All this in order to be in a familiar and stable environment acceptable for comfortable placement of assets in cryptocurrencies not having a volatility at very low commissions for the transfers.

In order to enable accountability and stability of the exchange rate of the price, we use a method of reserve cover ratio and diversifying funds, one to one among issued tokens of CryptoBank, and its associated resource in the traditional financial world, a fiat currency, but at the same time CryptoBank does not store reserves in traditional banks, but uses cryptocurrency cold wallets administered by independent consultants, adopted by consensus between the owners s CryptoBank Master Tokens.

We use blockchain technologies in this mechanism, through which all CryptoBank transactions are available to everyone for auditing, proving reserves and CryptoBank coin circulated and supported by volatile cryptocurrencies and fiat in reserve accounts for supporting and securing CryptoBank reserves and other methods of audit and protection to prove that the issued tokens are fully protected and reserved.

Note, that due to the proposed mining model, the CryptoBank core team, as a result of modifications of the open code bitcoin core version 0.12, it becomes impossible to conduct 51% attack, spam and other attacks on the СryptoBank network, and also to find new blocks in the blockchain without authorizing the central antiinflationary algorithm CryptoBank . Thus, CryptoBank's blockchain can provide a 100% guarantee that only it is able to issue assets to the market and control the price of the reverse exchange of CBD, CBE, CBR, CBY assets. At the same time, it is possible to conduct any central authorities audit and take the most of the benefits of cryptocurrency.

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Tech stacks and processes Each issued CryptoBank coin is supported in an equivalent amount, on a one-to-one ratio with the corresponding fiat currency (USD, EUR, RUR, CNY), stored in reserves CryptoBank.

A team of independent consultants and analysts CryptoBank acts as a third party responsible for maintaining these assets.

Decision-making, tasks that are important for the CryptoBank stable operation, including the employing of new consultants and analysts responsible for asset CryptoBank and decisions to determine the tactics of further development of the project or any other issues will adopt by consensus in the community in the process of independent and democratic voting of the CBMT owners.

In order to have the right to create organizational surveys related to the development of the CryptoBank system, the investor must own at least 0.1 CryptoBank Master Token.

We agree that this implementation is not fully decentralized, but this risk is ultimately mitigated by the modification of the source code bitcoin core version 0.12, which passed all stages of programming using control, in general, simplifying the process of auditing source code for security and transparency of CryptoBank actions. At the same time, an independent team, the ones responsible for stable manage assets CryptoBank constantly research market analysis and dynamics of the community, as well as demand CryptoBank among companies and individuals, the dynamics of growth number of transactions, controlling inflation, and, if necessary, makes decisions on support of other cryptocurrencies linked to national currencies, for example, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, or currencies of any other countries that an independent team of experts deem it expedient to issue, and, of course, if such currencies are approved in voting of the owners CryptoBank Master Token.

Thus, the community itself controls all processes within the company CryptoBank and makes decisions through the voting of the CBMT holders. Tokens CBMT can be purchased on cryptocurrency exchanges, and private services.

CryptoBank Master Token owners are not profitable to act contrary to the interests of the CryptoBank because each holder of CBMT is guaranteed a percentage of profits from Cryptobank, is calculated on the last day of each month.

1 CBMT = 0.1% of the platform’s income.

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Cryptobank Tech Stack The tech stack incluides 6 stages and 5 different blockchain hierarchies, each of which has unique functions that are the best shown in the chart.

Stage 1

It consists of 5 different blockchain algorithms: 4 fiat and 1 tech.

1.1 CBD Blockchain is an individual algorithm tied to the US dollar.

1.2 CBE Blockchain is an individual algorithm tied to the fiat currency EURO.

1.3 CBR Blockchain is an individual algorithm tied to the fiat currency the Russian ruble.

1.4 CBY Blockchain is an individual algorithm tied to the fiat currency Chinese Yuan.

1.5. CryptoBank Master Token Blockchain - a network with a limited number of coins, 1000 of which were distributed during the CryptoBank initial coin offerings at a price of $ 1000 per coin; at the moment the CBMT token is traded free on the trading platform, or exchange.

Stage 2

Decentralized administration consists of advisers, analysts, auditors, developer team and community that own CBMT. The main influence on the decision-making provided by the community owns 70% of the vote. At the same time, analysts, auditors and advisers accounts for 5% of the vote respectively. While the team of developers makes up the remaining 15%.

Stage 3

Reserves include:

1.1 CBD Blockchain aggregate reserve is 1.1 trillion coins, stored in the CryptoBank reserves.

1.2 CBE Blockchain aggregate reserve is 1 trillion coins, stored in the CryptoBank reserves.

1.3 CBR Blockchain aggregate reserve is 60 trillion coins, stored in the CryptoBank reserves.

1.4 CBY Blockchain aggregate reserve is 8 trillion coins, stored in the CryptoBank reserves.

Stage 4

Online Voting System (Decision-making democratic platform).

Stage 5

The official service, which operates according to instructions, issued by voting on the 4 stage created on the 2 stage. The service acts for management for the uninterrupted release and support of the exchange of CryptoBank in the blockchain network among private clients and companies that have made a deposit in a fiat equivalent.

Stage 6

It is a completely decentralized network that includes individuals and companies, where everyone may choose any convenient method of managing their own account and participate in a free, decentralized market, managing own funds without the involvement and interference of third parties.

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