crosby rutherford national - digifind-it. · pdf filecusimir gbral, hum (trial auociation and...

Pace Two .THE LKAUEH April 11, The LeGloB Parade B$ Ralph , Sr. ._ Cover's pin «t*ferf really got busted up last Wednesday, but 1 will say Grover was man enough W rail me up and admit it. Bar- ringer dropped 3 games to Leonia, thereby reducing nur to 10 frames with 12 more to go. Of the four more 3-Ramc series, we rii**cl Bogota and Ridge wood in succession, and they ain't no pushovers After that, we take on two apparently easy t^ams. ' I know how you feel, Grover. ;tnd would suggest that if improve ment is not forthcoming for the grand ft hale, that you st.irt negotia lions right now to turn the team over to the Mex Is-n^w That seem- nmdern these days, and it's an eavy.way out. Let's turn to something mure cheerful andtalk about our rum- mander. Al Ralph. You know he was quite chipper at the last meet ing, probably due to havinp his picture in the paper. You know thi with himself. County Command?] Csll&han and thi- three girls'* Anyhow, we had another capacity meeting, which seem.s to be the oid*r of the day. • ' County Vice C'omimmdei 'Ikil/hcri $dviited us that.;) boy from Atlantic City won .th< slate championship in th<- oratorical contest; also that ihe nert-^uUrfty nut-ting will I*- held fti RiriRvneld Park an'April 23rd He further npoitcd thai the nowly-f«rro«l Pt«<t m WuHinfiton was accepted'irib. the county, making LKv tnftl nuin bt'r.of Posts 61. with another one forming in. Moonachie. Service Officer Boekemann Have us the up Utjttie minute news on Vi'tcreUlM 1 housing. This commuter ha.- done ;. swell job and dc serve a lot of credit for what they have accomplishtd to dale. On liny State, he advised us :i \my hove been selected frors the junior yt-ai high school and the names have been turned rjverxlu <" w ii.niniittL-e for screening and selection. Comrade Wells reported more progress in membership and pie- seated our eoniniander with applicitlVins from the following. Allen Storm Uwis Tamke. William Bleicher, Joseph WitklewK-a Charles Costt-llo, Fred Lampe, Huth Gallagher, William Null, all of the army; und Frank Wage, of thi- navy. Nice going, membership com mittee. Y<»u fellows arc doing u nice job, hut 1 wondei howmany of the other im-mltcis have (nought in n\ leant one candidate Think it over. , On «-ntc!i.iintneiit. Chati man -Chits. Henrh and his committee wije given a FIMIU 1 . vote of thanks foi the .splendid report turned in nnThe IJinty Moon, suppet. The'next alTan on deck i.s the V-K dm HIT and daii'-i' to h> held al the Post next month. Further details Will bt: antntunit (i later, hut if you wunl icservations, you had Ixttt-i make them immediately- or else: Call Chorfn- onthe phone or Iravi- word at th<; Post. ' • ,. The Wcl<omc_H<,iiKv.Mcm«<! ijrl Commiltec has placed the tirne •and location for liol<hn<; the r-iguntu- welcome liom<- party for all service mc-n and women of LyndhurM It wilr be held at thi* high school field <mSeptember 8th. All you (il Joes irnd Janes will pleast- make a note of this xiate, as we expect to see yyw thcn-.-Fuithei de tails will be announced from time to time BObe on the lookout Al Piiatzky and his drum corps held then first dull at the high, school field last Sunday, and will make then first publir appearance of tht> season at the annual pilgrimage to Bergen Pint's "n Mav 5th *Si*i;.'iking of the drum corps, do you realize there is a drive <>n inifurrn: ' If you haven't donated youi Al PllH.Uky, as lie has to i;,ise close Id ipprenate anything vou can give him the only -corps in I.yndhuist and do<- s \vell as the Posl. So hop on the band hiirhard working cumrmtttv. [Dr. Laubach Will * j Speak Sun. Night The Rev Dr Frank C L-ubach. distinguished derifyman. aulho: and organizir Qf ttw* Campaign, lor World Literacy will addr**. Lyndhurst C h u r r t i . Stuyvesant «*nd Tontine svenuea O*v Lsul^pch is *•• 'mini? t.n the in- vitation of the Lyndhurat Mint*- 7 '«• p m- wiU rre*-t Pr><t<-?tanl& WML- will I 8 (10 p. m foi funds to purrhi TuK-fc" Sis yVt. please m*nd it In WOO by M;iv 15th ur\d wilt Please hear in mind this n rnuth to advertinc the town a •A ;ii'.'in and ituikc it easier, fu chins, so Commander Ralph h . to Stall; with n few HUM.- 1 \ njiincd rhii.ii pian, t'.iKt'Uwr wjl IT, Si.. Cusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow- ing church?! an* [tarticipatinK: Wi stminihU'i Pn-sbyh nun. St. ' Thnmas Rpnropal. the Rsrd - munul Prnbyttnan, and the M>ih«nii-i Church. Dr I.niibat h .'is kn'»'A'n mti'i nationally us "ihi- Apostle of Li- teracy," havtl)g.been instrumental in tfii<hiiiK tnilVions ttt ft* <>\i\< to read through .1 unphti. 1*. rnrttirtr] of ttiithirin Hi:- work bf-gan iu ;i' n.issionaiy t<> in*? warlike Mo- lem Mnros in the Philippine in 1930: Since itiat time. C%]fa for his sfi vicis have come from many lands. As j result he hus worked n> Sumatra, Singapore, Palestine.* Syrinj India, Ceylon, Afrua, Tur- key, CYnrol anit South America und 11a:, ht'lprd prepare some hundrvd und hfty .U-stboakii for liiitti.itts in eighty-Avv diflVn-nl Di L;IU*.;M II was educated at IN 1 nc<-tun University and Union ThcoloBicul Seminary, iiqd finalK tnofc hi». Ph. D degree rrorh Cot umbia University "He is the. auth- or {A ;i number of different books and p.amphli"W j n d u d m t T««w ard 3 LHM'atP Worm^^-Tiu' Si It'iit Billion Spcaki," "Letters or a Moilein Mystic," and ;i 1 H-ent honk just- (iff the press called "Prayer, the Mightieit Force in the W<-rid,"Thr public is cordial* April 14 9 45 a m. - Sunday school 11 OU a m • M'Tnmg wonhip. The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people Tnptc - "What do }U heve 1 Raymond H the leader. - Dr Frank Laubarh. hairman of the council for world literacy, will speak at the M«-th- tttlist rhurch. corner of Tonjine -and Stuyvesant avenues. Every - OW* is invited H>diirv4jy. April 17 Sunday -rhi«.! nifht Hi-cita- Mem by rfn-iiih* i:, tit the Sunday School and a play "In Joseph's Garden" 'Aill be given at B p. IB. ThHnday. April It— The Intermediate girls -will met-t at 7 p. m The dioir will meet at 8 p. m WriOxy. April 19 ilftttd Friday serviee at 8 p. m Reception of new members and i elihi .ti'.ii of the Lord's Suppei Topic - This is Jc-sus" Mat. 27 37 Aprif 21 - Ea*er Sunday There Kill be two services li a. m* and 1 1 a m . Friday. May 3 - I p. m. lAnd*air>t Council of church wmii.en May Fellowship Day Pmf»iin' and iefrei»hinents Irum dwrtrtictimi;" IP*. 1.3,4) Correlative passages, from Science- and Health With Key to the Scriptures by MSry Baker K<l<iy include "Sin, Mckness. and death must be deemed as devoid of reality as tl ey are of good God " (p. 525) tinguished clergymsn. author and organizer of tine campaign for world literacy, will speak at. the Methodist Church MasMjay, April IS— p.m.. Young Paople's Fellow- ship educational meeting at the parish halU- _ :_ . --._ "Every d»y and every hour, walk*round yourself and watch yourself and ate that your image in a seemly one." Dostoyevsfcy. rant CaMrdi of Ckriat, Sciaabsl la Knta«rl«rrit N. J. E. Fwrreponl At' Lincoln Av Memorial Day is rapidly uppr> appointed the following cummitlt rx- iiddrd later on Youis truly u; Comrades Bill Jarvis, Arnold ll<,l?,i Feldman and Harold Wells, Si. ' Since this will be the first pnit-war celebration, miu'h work will have to be done: It is urged thai the VFW and AMVKTtt lie! their committees togethet as quickly as possible so things can Rut undei _wa_y at the earliest possible date. Many cqminunitiea have- iUniiiUx County Commander Calluhan was so impressed .witli tht- per- Uls * l .'', ( ', ^hriBtial stwtir.n...ii an<! formance of the initiation iinH ritual teams ;it our mass initiation on wurld leader. March 30th. thiit he has asked Commander Italph to have ua perform ~ - at the installation of the new Wallingtnn Po*H on Monday evenin, 1 Mrs Etrthtr Bedrkk «.t 230 Apnl 29th So if any rjf you conuudes are iuv that night, I don't Stuyvrs.-int BvenUe t»as ;.- ht-i »* any reason why you cant romc alor>f:, s«i m;u k <lc-wn the dale KUi'st Miss Betty HtifTttiaiK ut Our next regular r/icctirig is Tuesd.iv. April Iti. wlum I hope to Trenton see you there with that new membfi And remmeber, the nanr- ^^^^^^^^^mm^^^^^^^^~ 1 L V l i r W .*,^.H.«.. kAHliLu. *,. ..It . . , * ." ' ^^^^^BaBaBBB»aB»Ba»aBB^BBBBaa^"aBpBaB>BBBBBBBBaaBBBaBBaBBBBmBBa»V -..I Ml Thu"4ity r«. iili.« lioni ? l« S w't lu. h. "Are Sin. Itivaw, and Dralh Real?" is thi- LMann-flcrtmni sul> jiiivfoi Sunday. April 14 (ialdrn tnl: Why Tut Uiul rasi down, (> my aoul* and wh> ait Ihmi .11 .IHH-I.-II within n:>-" hiitv-' in O<id fur I shall vet pralsi hrm. who is I'H h<-alth of my 1 inint«-n.inn-. ^ind mv God." (P. 43:5) Srrmon. Pas&aife^ from lit.- Kin« Jrfnu-s veraion uf th<« Bible "lUess the L4>rd, Omy soul «*d .ill that is within me. bless his holy name. Who forgtveth all thine iniquities; who healeth aTl thy diseases; (kh'i rertt*m«'th thy Reed Memorial Unit** 1 Pr«sM«ri*n tt A Sunday, April 14th— U 45. am . Bible school. 11 .1 ni . Morning worship. Ser- mon "The King Rejected." 7 p.m , Youth groups. 8 p.m.. Union worship service in the Meth<»dist Church. Guest speaker. Dr. Frank Laubach. Wednesday, April 17th '<', p.m., Mid week service, Let this be a time of earnest prepa/a- lum for Enster. Friday, April 19th— K p.m.. Oood Friday setjvice. This v ill be an hour of mcditii I ion on the t;i e;it s:iei itice of Christ Sunday, April 21st— 7 a ni . Easter sunrise service. Rev. Halph R. Scott of true New Fust Church, Jersey City, will be th< speaker. St. MMlhew". K*«ngWJc*I Lutheran Caurch Kuth. 2-2134 Valley. Brook «p4 Travars Place Lyajttarat N. J. Rev. George Muller PslM Sunday^ April 14th— . 9L15 a.m. Sunday school H» :WJ ii.m . 'Follow Me." Rc- (i phon of new members. M;i[inil.iv Thursday, April 'llth— H- p.m.. "The Feasts in the Shadow of the Cross" (iood Friday. April IMh— 9 a.m. and ft p.m.. 'And There They Crucified JJirn." i- union will *rn' cplpbraled. Fa tr Sunday. April 21st— 7 ;. m . Easter Dawn Service. 10 30 urn, Easter Festival ser- St. Thomaa' r-pilcopal Church Forfst andstuyveiant Avcanea llfv Idiwlund T. Nye, Rector Today. April llth— 5 1(1 In 7 3a_pjn, Publir dinni-i served by St. Mary's Cluild in th/' pafwh hall. irMav, April 12— v'uiish Lenten service. Sunday. April 14. Palm Sunday: •7:30 a.m., Holy communion. 9.3ft a m . Church schfHil. . 11 a.m.. MnrninH prayer . H p m . Di Frank Laubach. dis- 307 Toutina Avenua Ruth. 2-WU Obituaries iTiodmn Anockrtio* To Spomsor Fontm I 9:45a.m., Church school. The ; pastor will conduct a special ser- ] vice for members of the church Jschool at which holy communion j will be administered. i 11 a.m.. Sermon topic: 'The i Dream Which Made a Woman ; Famous." At this serviee a num | ber of infants will be dedicated ! in baptism at a special service for I this purpose. > =- Evening services, 8 p.m.. Dr. Fiank Laubach will speak, under sponsorship of the LyndTturst Ministerial Association. Cecelia Leppard Mi« Ctrelia M. Lrppard. 47, of 147 P»«* avenue, Lyndhurst. dwd Sunday in St. Boniface Hoipital, Newark. Mi» Leppard was born in Jer- sey City and lived.there until a few years ago when the moved to Lyndhurst. She u survived by two sisters. Adella and Marie. Miss Leppard was a member of Pauji^s Hook Council Catholic Daughters of America The funeral will be held to- | day from her home with a mass i of requiem at 10 o'clock in Sa- cred Heart R. C. Church, and burial in Holy Name Cemetery | Arrangements' are in charge of the McLaughlin Funeral Home, ! Jersey City. ' Mrs. Susan Knehr BAPTIST CHURCH PALM SUNDAY 8:45 a. m. - Church school. 11:00 a. m. - "Behold, Thy King Cometh." Music by 3 choirs and Dedication of Infants. 8:00 p. m. - Identification with ' Christ." (ordinance of Believer's Baptist) Holy Thursday R p. m. • Holy Communion. Good Friday 8 p m. - Cantata : "Si-von Words of Christ." Mrs Susan Knehr. 75, of HI I Valley Brook avenue, Lyndhurst, ' died at Hackensack Hospital Wednesday afternoon following a stroke suffered at home. a A funeral service was held Friday. Mrs. Knehr was born in Jersey City and was the wife of the late Michael Knehr. She cane | to Lyndhurst five years ago to i keep house- 4w her son-in-law, {Joseph Frambach after his wife. ! Henrietta died. Children Think of Bach Other,", at the high Aj»il». Mr.. Whlgfcld IPttMteaMT fc ihlllnilaav chiimum of the Daaiauatk dla- cusaion group <aT tha. New Jenay State Teacher*! asaociation, will be moderator. Parents who will take part in the diacuation are: Rev. Charlea Bayer. Hn. Samuel DeBonia, Ed- win Obon. teacher in the high school and Rev. Rowland F. Nye, pastor of the St. Thomas Episco- pal Church. High School students who will take part are: Grace Hkkey, Prances Giver and Richard Leiaer: Star of J. Morgan Reed Coun- cil, D. of A. will celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of its or- ganization at a meeting, April 27. Adroniram Court, Order of the i Amaranth, will meet April 20 I v nen Mm. Marion Nelson will be . -mulled as royal matron. She succeeds Miss Thora Freit, who j rerved in that capacity for the ! fjast year. John Jones | John Jones, 62. of 352 Huthcr- j ford uvenue. Hud last Monday i-niRht ;it his home-. He hud ln.-'i rill for several months. I Mr. Jonc& un employee of the | Lirk;iw;inh:i Railroad, was born in New York City and lived to ' Lyndhurst for eighteen years. He I was a mernber of the Everyman's . Bible Class, Rutherford. Surviving arc his wife. Mis Louise Jones, and a son, John. 1.F5T.ION mians »civin- to all vet In Mcmoriam 7.AMBEI.I.I: In loving nwmarv of my mother. Mrs Jennie 7,ambelli. who paused Way •>!! Apnl 9. 1928 Mis Lucille Di-'lnnt-y II .• i i l n I/mil, 1,.. .,... /„, .„„/,„» /„,,. I It. /..!</,. I,,- In: HiHiiltn,.. Ill- It-It In, hymr tttmrr In ,1 l.m.l I., ,/i,. ) 1111 nil. 11,a tut;.i>tlfn,> \,.i uill .„„ .-,,-, \,r .1. lam in lift- 11111/ iiii-iiinr\ Imt, » i- mil 1,1111 milt-, Ikrr. H r*»ii». II.II IKIII . our hfiiil, vr*> mirf IMil'l I Mt ami i 1. X--H: PIANO . . . HARMONY IMPROVISING . . COMPOSING PIANO ACCORDION POPULAR SINGINO V LESSONS GIVCN AT VOUR HOME OR MV STUDIO I .di Kl lT»rl..r.l .' .r... I ' Wt.ISS: 111 lovmc Til, 111.11, of 1,111 I,.1,1 I.,111,, v beloved son and brother IM mi- .... Robert Weiss. 2. r >lst Coast Ai ,./„,,• lilli-iy. Co U, who was kille I Molhi-i i.i Honolulu on AIJMI Hi, 11142 llmthi' 11 •'( till ti.ur niiiirif Dad and and Siate HAVE YOUR DOG GROOMED FOR SPRING! ANTISEPTIC BMIHING CLrPPING AND PLUCKING BARON'S WOOD KENNELS Lyndhurst, N. RUfh. 2-6434 (M*>TIW< Of Sinril [ A S H * UNOCKITOOO l«Ni.n»(.[ iNt Mlllnul IINIMIi tO NIIH Mi».i.i.«\ MIQrl'I bt IMIIII-IB UNDln SOCIAL Sftuftili I*N •«.>• »>-•»• William C. Collins I hr t >tlllll\ \}*llli>IHll S.-.3' STI'VVKSANT AVKNI'K I.VNIHirUST Kllh 1 IM of Oil Nutley-Lyndhurst-New York Bus Line WEEKDAYS SATURDAYS Sundays & Holidays l^ave Leave Leave Leave 'Leave Leave Nutley New Vurk Nutlry New York Nutley New York Trrminal Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal A.M. *M 7:15 lit -.lit - \t :M :•• inn Then Hourly T.. 3:15 PM 4 1. I «". 7 1.-. 1:1! II 1.1 »:I3 I*:LS Id I, 11:11 A.M. A.M. JLM. 7:4S A.M. 71 A.M. » III 13. 9:#5 Thru H.iurlv T. 1:4* PM 1 III 4:4a 1(III - '.» 1:4:. Then iiair- lluiirly Tu 11:15 PM AM. 1! 1. 1:15 1:11 HJ3 Then Half Huurlv" To 11:35 PM AM !•<:»•. I:*.*. Then Hourly 11:15 AM Then llalf- Kourly Ta 11:15 PM 12:1.-. AM Then Hourly To 12:t5 PM Then MaU.- llourly To uor. AM 1:0.1 i:I5 .'.:5a «•«•. ii : • ) 1111;. tai »:J5 I'MILS I Tax Imln.leil) llnr Hii llniiiul Trip It-trip Book 4«r 77e $!t.ZJ II ufa-A '/hit fur ^.Itnlnl,- Ch.mitr* I a-, AM I •;. Inter City Transportation Co. Inc. Vuiirt IJiihim I MAIN AVKNI'E, PASSAIC. N. J. r » Phone: PAmalc 3-1313 , /:,.,.,/. t,r,.,,. .,,,,1 H,.l.. /(..,./ I.».//,.,r./ TROUBLES TO US! -fnv Shane CRYSTAL FITTED 50c ( (luv Yrar - Expert Repairing 3 "AUKS MSLIVtmil ALL KKPAIRS CROSBY Jewlers Opficiant •-• 100 Park Avenue. Rutherford. \ . J. STOKES IN T U N T O N , MORRISTOWN. Bl RI.IN(iTON MONTCLAW ANB WOOIIBIRV, N. J. Next Store to Toum and Ttrred Shop THb COMFORT OF MUSIC . . . is a fiat tin- •>/ \m irr%. tit our Ittiuml Httmv. Our Organist i\ ftt mliihlf /«» /•/*••> \4»ttr wlvrtiatln tit *iW*' idiistr/*- of ttur lUfm- Orpum, I In i. is u,> rxtra thorp* for mit<i*\ JOHN D. CRANK jk SONS Funeral Home. Kearny Ave. at Berqen Avc, Kearny, N. J. 1'IIONK: 2-10.T1 In iuiilmliim \uti*>nal •SHE'S LOVELY! Sh<- has such beautiful waves on her hair!" Girls, do people say this about you? They will if you treat yourself to that mirade beauty creator—a DUART PERMANENT WAVE DUART PERMANENT is like- no other wave it has no stiff' permanented look, not even the first day. Your hair will be soft to the touch and so easy to manage . . . and it lasts and lasts . . . You can get a DUART TEKMATTCNT WAVE at "" ' . " LOUIS BEAUTY SALON 225 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst, N. J. (ALL TODAY RITIIKRI'ORB*: 7413 •iCMUf fit... «o sheer and fineAexturiftv it rrratn •n.aUuriiifc all-over finish. Cling* I .iijrrr. And in stwh ".UuuroiM tluifes! All r(u<> plua the unfor^rt a tile Heaven-Sent fragrance to -nrroun*. vour face with «n aura Levy's Pharmacy I.YMMIURST. NEWJERSEY KI'IIH rfuril 2-l*2» EVERY BANKING SERVICE NO PRIORITIES NECESSARY If yuii ni-i-il money fur ;mi wurlhy |ier-on;il |inr|Hi-r ' f;u lo a lianlv THIS Hank T«»e> ilmlor :n»l id iili-l hill. and many "tin r hill- nt a |H-fNiilMi ii.iitirr iiin^t IM- imiil. •Wr lia» iify I" I'-IHI for rvrry |HTMIIMI piir|MiM-. I nun- n u \ IM- made -Lining at S'III.IMI. low inter- r*l rah 1 * aiul an K«*il l'a|M*. MEMBER: BERGEN COUNTY CORPORATE FIDLTIARIES ASSOCIATION SK«VIN«. SOITH H M H rOB O V U MALT * « CWTUM- RUTHERFORD NATIONAL FIVE •ANKS IAST M I W 0 H »CA«tSTA»T.l' iH ISIUUSHtO Ilii

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Page 1: CROSBY RUTHERFORD NATIONAL - digifind-it. · PDF fileCusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an ... The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people

Pace Two . T H E L K A U E H April 11,

The LeGloB ParadeB$ Ralph , Sr. ._

Cover 's pin «t*ferf really got busted up last Wednesday, but 1will say Grover was man enough W rail me up and admit it. Bar-ringer dropped 3 games to Leonia, thereby reducing nur to 10frames with 12 more to go. Of the four more 3-Ramc series, we rii**clBogota and Ridge wood in succession, and they ain't no pushoversAfter that, we take on two apparently easy t^ams.

' I know how you feel, Grover. ;tnd would suggest that if improvement is not forthcoming for the grand ft hale, that you st.irt negotialions right now to turn the team over to the Mex Is-n^w That seem-nmdern these days, and it's an eavy.way out.

Let's turn to something mure cheerful and talk about our rum-mander. Al Ralph. You know he was quite chipper at the last meeting, probably due to havinp his picture in the paper. You know thiwith himself. County Command?] Csll&han and thi- three girls'*Anyhow, we had another capacity meeting, which seem.s to be theoid*r of the day. • '

County Vice C'omimmdei 'Ikil/hcri $dviited us that.;) boy fromAtlantic City won .th< slate championship in th<- oratorical contest;also that ihe nert-^uUrfty nut-ting will I*- held fti RiriRvneld Parkan'Apri l 23rd He further npoitcd thai the nowly-f«rro«l Pt«<tm WuHinfiton was accepted'irib. the county, making LKv tnftl nuinbt'r.of Posts 61. with another one forming in. Moonachie.

Service Officer Boekemann Have us the up Utjttie minute newson Vi'tcreUlM1 housing. This commuter ha.- done ;. swell job and dcserve a lot of credit for what they have accomplishtd to dale. Onliny State, he advised us :i \my hove been selected frors the junioryt-ai high school and the names have been turned rjverxlu <"w

ii.niniittL-e for screening and selection.Comrade Wells reported more progress in membership and pie-

seated our eoniniander with applicitlVins from the following. AllenStorm Uwis Tamke. William Bleicher, Joseph WitklewK-a CharlesCostt-llo, Fred Lampe, Huth Gallagher, William Null, all of thearmy; und Frank Wage, of thi- navy. Nice going, membership committee. Y<»u fellows arc doing u nice job, hut 1 wondei how manyof the other im-mltcis have (nought in n\ leant one candidate Thinkit over. ,

On «-ntc!i.iintneiit. Chati man -Chits. Henrh and his committeewije given a FIMIU1. vote of thanks foi the .splendid report turned innnThe IJinty Moon, suppet. The'next alTan on deck i.s the V-K dmHIT and daii'-i' to h> held al the Post next month. Further detailsWill bt: antntunit (i later, hut if you wunl icservations, you had Ixttt-imake them immediately- or else: Call Chorfn- on the phone or Iravi-word at th<; Post. ' • ,.

The Wcl<omc_H<,iiKv.Mcm«<! ijrl Commiltec has placed the tirne•and location for liol<hn<; the r-iguntu- welcome liom<- party for allservice mc-n and women of LyndhurM It wilr be held at thi* highschool field <m September 8th. All you (il Joes irnd Janes will pleast-make a note of this xiate, as we expect to see yyw thcn-.-Fuithei details will be announced from time to time BO be on the lookout

Al Piiatzky and his drum corps held then first dull at the high,school field last Sunday, and will make then first publir appearanceof tht> season at the annual pilgrimage to Bergen Pint's "n Mav 5th

*Si*i;.'iking of the drum corps, do you realize there is a drive <>ninifurrn: ' If you haven't donated youiAl PllH.Uky, as lie has to i;,ise close Idipprenate anything vou can give himthe only -corps in I.yndhuist and do<-s \vell as the Posl. So hop on the band

hiirhard working cumrmtttv.

[Dr. Laubach Will *j Speak Sun. Night

The Rev Dr Frank C L-ubach.distinguished derifyman. aulho:and organizir Qf ttw* Campaign,lor World Literacy w ill addr**.

Lyndhurst C h u r r t i .Stuyvesant «*nd Tontine svenueaO*v Lsul^pch is *•• 'mini? t.n the in-vitation of the Lyndhurat Mint*-

7 '«• p m-wiU rre*-tPr><t<-?tanl&WML- will I

8 (10 p. m

foi funds to purrhiTuK-fc" Sis yVt. please m*nd it InWOO by M;iv 15th ur\d wiltPlease hear in mind this nrnuth to advertinc the town a•A ;ii'.'in a n d i tu ikc it e a s i e r , fu

chins, so Commander Ralph h. to Stall; with n few HUM.- 1

\ njiincd rhii.ii pian, t'.iKt'Uwr wjlIT, Si.. Cusimir Gbral, HUM

(trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an* [tarticipatinK:Wi stminihU'i Pn-sbyh nun. St. 'Thnmas Rpnropal. the Rsrd M« -munul Prnbyttnan, and theM>ih«nii-i Church.

Dr I.niibat h .'is kn'»'A'n mti'inationally us "ihi- Apostle of Li-teracy," havtl)g.been instrumentalin tfii<hiiiK tnilVions ttt ft* <>\i\< toread through .1 unphti. 1*. rnrttirtr]of ttiithirin Hi:- work bf-gan iu;i' n.issionaiy t<> in*? warlike Mo-lem Mnros in the Philippine in1930: Since itiat time. C%]fa forhis sfi vicis have come from manylands. As j result he hus workedn> Sumatra, Singapore, Palestine.*Syrinj India, Ceylon, Afrua, Tur-key, CYnrol anit South Americaund 11 a:, ht'lprd prepare somehundrvd und hfty .U-stboakii forliiitti.itts in eighty-Avv diflVn-nl

Di L;IU*.;M II was educated atIN 1 nc<-tun University and UnionThcoloBicul Seminary, iiqd finalKtnofc hi». Ph. D degree rrorh Cotumbia University "He is the. auth-or {A ;i number of different booksand p.amphli"W j n d u d m t T««ward 3 LHM'atP Worm^^-Tiu' SiIt'iit Billion Spcaki," "Letters ora Moilein Mystic," and ;i 1 H-enthonk just- (iff the press called"Prayer, the Mightieit Force inthe W<-rid,"Thr public is cordial*

April 149 45 a m. - Sunday school11 OU a m • M'Tnmg wonhip.The First Assignment" Luke

21 12.13- The young people

Tnptc - "What do}U heve1 Raymond

H the leader.- Dr Frank Laubarh.

hairman of the council for worldliteracy, will speak at the M«-th-tttlist rhurch. corner of Tonjine

-and Stuyvesant avenues. Every- OW* is invitedH>diirv4jy. April 17

Sunday -rhi«.! nifht Hi-cita-Mem by rfn-iiih* i:, tit the SundaySchool and a play "In Joseph'sGarden" 'A ill be given at B p. IB.ThHnday. April It—

The Intermediate girls -willmet-t at 7 p. m

The dioir will meet at 8 p. mWriOxy. April 19

ilftttd Friday serviee at 8 p. mReception of new members andi elihi .ti'.ii of the Lord's SuppeiTopic - This is Jc-sus" Mat. 27 37Aprif 21 - Ea*er Sunday

There Kill be two services lia. m* and 1 1 a m .Friday. May 3 - I p. m.

lAnd*air>t Council of churchwmii.en May Fellowship DayPmf»iin' and iefrei»hinents

Irum dwrtrtictimi;" IP*.1.3,4) Correlative passages, fromScience- and Health With Key to

the Scriptures by MSry BakerK<l<iy include

"Sin, Mckness. and death mustbe deemed as devoid of reality astl ey are of good God " (p. 525)

tinguished clergymsn. author andorganizer of tine campaign forworld literacy, will speak at. theMethodist ChurchMasMjay, April IS—

• p.m.. Young Paople's Fellow-ship educational meeting at theparish halU- _ :_ . - - . _

"Every d»y and every hour,walk*round yourself and watchyourself and ate that your imagein a seemly one." Dostoyevsfcy.

rant CaMrdi ofCkriat, Sciaabsl

la Knta«rl«rrit N. J.E. Fwrreponl At' Lincoln Av

Memorial Day is rapidly uppr>appointed the following cummitltrx- iiddrd later on Youis truly u;Comrades Bill Jarvis, Arnold ll<,l?,iFeldman and Harold Wells, Si. '

Since this will be the first pnit-war celebration, miu'h work willhave to be done: It is urged thai the VFW and AMVKTtt lie! theircommittees togethet as quickly as possible so things can Rut undei

_wa_y at the earliest possible date. Many cqminunitiea have- iUniiiUx

County Commander Calluhan was so impressed .witli tht- per- Uls*l.'',(', ^hriBtial stwtir.n...ii an<!formance of the initiation iinH ritual teams ;it our mass initiation on wurld leader.March 30th. thiit he has asked Commander Italph to have ua perform ~ -at the installation of the new Wallingtnn Po*H on Monday evenin,1 M r s Etrthtr Bedrkk «.t 230Apnl 29th So if any rjf you conuudes are iuv that night, I don't Stuyvrs.-int BvenUe t»as ;.- ht-i» * any reason why you cant romc alor>f:, s«i m;u k <lc-wn the dale KUi'st Miss Betty HtifTttiaiK ut

Our next regular r/icctirig is Tuesd.iv. April Iti. wlum I hope to Trentonsee you there with that new membfi And remmeber, the nanr- ^^^^^^^^^mm^^^^^^^^~1 L V l i r W . * , ^ . H . « . . k A H l i L u . * , . . . I t . . , * — ." ' ^^^^^BaBaBBB»aB»Ba»aBB^BBBBaa^"aBpBaB>BBBBBBBBaaBBBaBBaBBBBmBBa»V

- . . I Ml Thu"4ity r«. iili.« lioni ? l« Sw't lu. h.

"Are Sin. I t ivaw, and DralhReal?" is thi- LMann-flcrtmni sul>jiiivfoi Sunday. April 14

(ialdrn t n l : Why Tut Uiulrasi down, (> my aoul* and wh>ait Ihmi .11 .IHH-I.-II within n:>-"hiitv-' in O<id fur I shall vet pralsihrm. who is I'H h<-alth of my1 inint«-n.inn-. ind mv God." (P.43:5)

Srrmon. Pas&aife^ from lit.-Kin« Jrfnu-s veraion uf th<« Bible

"lUess the L4>rd, O my soul «*d.ill that is within me. bless hisholy name. Who forgtveth allthine iniquities; who healeth aTlthy diseases; (kh'i rertt*m«'th thy

Reed Memorial Unit**1

Pr«sM«ri*nt t A

Sunday, April 14th—U 45. am . Bible school.11 .1 ni . Morning worship. Ser-

mon "The King Rejected."7 p.m , Youth groups.8 p.m.. Union worship service

in the Meth<»dist Church. Guestspeaker. Dr. Frank Laubach.Wednesday, April 17th —

'<', p.m., Mid week service, Letthis be a time of earnest prepa/a-lum for Enster.Friday, April 19th—

K p.m.. Oood Friday setjvice.This v ill be an hour of mcditiiI ion on the t;i e;it s:iei itice ofChristSunday, April 21st—

7 a ni . Easter sunrise service.Rev. Halph R. Scott of true NewFust Church, Jersey City, will beth< speaker.

St. MMlhew". K*«ngWJc*ILutheran Caurch

Kuth. 2-2134Valley. Brook «p4 Travars Place

Lyajttarat N. J.Rev. George Muller

PslM Sunday^ April 14th— .9L15 a.m. Sunday schoolH» :WJ ii.m . 'Follow Me." Rc-

(i phon of new members.M;i[inil.iv Thursday, April 'llth—

H- p.m.. "The Feasts in theShadow of the Cross"(iood Friday. April IMh—

9 a.m. and ft p.m.. 'And ThereThey Crucified JJirn." union will *rn' cplpbraled.Fa t r Sunday. April 21st—

7 ;. m . Easter Dawn Service.10 30 urn, Easter Festival ser-

St. Thomaa' r-pilcopalChurch

Forfst and stuyveiant Avcaneallfv Idiwlund T. Nye, Rector

Today. April llth—5 1(1 In 7 3a_pjn, Publir dinni-i

served by St. Mary's Cluild in th/'pafwh hall.irMav, April 12—

v'uiish Lenten service.Sunday. April 14. Palm Sunday:

•7:30 a.m., Holy communion.9.3ft a m . Church schfHil.

. 11 a.m.. MnrninH prayer. H p m . Di Frank Laubach. dis-

307 Toutina AvenuaRuth. 2-WU

ObituariesiTiodmn Anockrtio*

To Spomsor Fontm

I 9:45 a.m., Church school. The; pastor will conduct a special ser-] vice for members of the churchJ school at which holy communionj will be administered.i 11 a.m.. Sermon topic: 'Thei Dream Which Made a Woman; Famous." At this serviee a num| ber of infants will be dedicated! in baptism at a special service forI this purpose. >=-

Evening services, 8 p.m.. Dr.Fiank Laubach will speak, undersponsorship of the LyndTturstMinisterial Association.

Cecelia LeppardMi« Ctrelia M. Lrppard. 47, of

147 P»«* avenue, Lyndhurst. dwdSunday in St. Boniface Hoipital,Newark.

Mi» Leppard was born in Jer-sey City and lived.there until afew years ago when the moved toLyndhurst. She u survived bytwo sisters. Adella and Marie.Miss Leppard was a member ofPauji s Hook Council CatholicDaughters of America

The funeral will be held to-| day from her home with a massi of requiem at 10 o'clock in Sa-cred Heart R. C. Church, andburial in Holy Name Cemetery

| Arrangements' are in charge ofthe McLaughlin Funeral Home,

! Jersey City. '

Mrs. Susan Knehr


PALM SUNDAY8:45 a. m. - Church school.11:00 a. m. - "Behold, Thy King

Cometh." Music by 3 choirs andDedication of Infants.

8:00 p. m. - Identification with' Christ." (ordinance of Believer'sBaptist)

Holy Thursday R p. m. • HolyCommunion.Good Friday 8 p m. - Cantata

: "Si-von Words of Christ."

Mrs Susan Knehr. 75, of HII Valley Brook avenue, Lyndhurst,' died at Hackensack Hospital

Wednesday afternoon followinga stroke suffered at home. a Afuneral service was held Friday.

Mrs. Knehr was born in JerseyCity and was the wife of thelate Michael Knehr. She cane

| to Lyndhurst five years ago toi keep house- 4w her son-in-law,{Joseph Frambach after his wife.! Henrietta died.

C h i l d r e nThink of Bach Other,", at the high

A j » i l » . Mr..Whlgfcld IPttMteaMT fc ihlllnilaav

chiimum of the Daaiauatk dla-cusaion group <aT tha. New JenayState Teacher*! asaociation, willbe moderator.

Parents who will take part inthe diacuation are: Rev. CharleaBayer. Hn. Samuel DeBonia, Ed-win Obon. teacher in the highschool and Rev. Rowland F. Nye,pastor of the St. Thomas Episco-pal Church.

High School students who willtake part are: Grace Hkkey,Prances Giver and Richard Leiaer:

Star of J. Morgan Reed Coun-cil, D. of A. will celebrate thethirtieth anniversary of its or-ganization at a meeting, April 27.

Adroniram Court, Order of thei Amaranth, will meet April 20I v nen Mm. Marion Nelson will be. -mulled as royal matron. Shesucceeds Miss Thora Freit, who

j rerved in that capacity for the! fjast year.

John Jones| John Jones, 62. of 352 Huthcr-j ford uvenue. Hud last Mondayi-niRht ;it his home-. He hud ln.-'irill for several months.I Mr. Jonc& un employee of the| Lirk;iw;inh:i Railroad, was born

in New York City and lived to' Lyndhurst for eighteen years. HeI was a mernber of the Everyman's. Bible Class, Rutherford.

Surviving arc his wife. MisLouise Jones, and a son, John.

1.F5T.ION mians »civin- to all vet

In Mcmoriam

7.AMBEI.I.I: In loving nwmarvof my mother. Mrs Jennie7,ambelli. who paused Way •>!!Apnl 9. 1928

Mis Lucille Di-'lnnt-y

II .• i i l n I/mil, 1,.. .,... /„, .„„/,„» /„,,.I It. /..!</,. I,,- In: HiHiiltn,..

Ill- It-It In, hymr tttmrrIn ,1 l.m.l I., ,/i,.

) 1111 nil. 11,a tut;.i>tlfn,>\,.i uill .„„ .-,,-, \,r

. 1 . lam in lift- 11111/ iiii-iiinr\ Imt,» i- mil 1,1111 milt-, Ikrr.

H r*»ii». II.II IKIII . our hfiiil, vr*> mirf

IMil'l I Mt ami i 1. X--H:PIANO . . . HARMONY



Wt.ISS: 111 lovmc Til, 111.11, of 1,111 I,.1,1 I.,111,, v

beloved son and brother IM \» mi- ....Robert Weiss. 2.r>lst Coast Ai ,./„,,•lilli-iy. Co U, who was kille I Molhi-i

— i.i Honolulu on AIJMI Hi, 11142 llmthi'

11 •'( till ti.ur niiiirif

Dad andand Siate




Lyndhurst, N. RUfh. 2-6434

(M*>TIW< Of Sinri l [ASH* UNOCKITOOOl«Ni.n»(.[ iNt M l l l n u l I I N I M I i tO• N I I H M i » . i . i . « \ MIQrl'I bt IMII I I - IB

UNDln SOCIAL Sftuft i l i I * N •«.>• »>-•»•

William C. CollinsI hr t >tlllll\ \}*llli>IHll


of Oil

Nutley-Lyndhurst-New York Bus LineWEEKDAYS SATURDAYS Sundays & Holidays

l^ave Leave Leave Leave 'Leave LeaveNutley New Vurk Nutlry New York Nutley New YorkTrrminal Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal TerminalA.M.*M7:15lit-.lit- \t• :M• :••

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3:15 PM4 1.I «".

7 1.-.1:1!II 1.1»:I3

I*:LSId I ,11:11

A.M. A.M. JLM.7:4S

A.M.7 1


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- '.»1:4:.Theniiair-lluiirly

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ThenHourlyT»11:15 AMThenllalf-KourlyTa11:15 PM12:1.-. AM


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50c( (luv Yrar

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CROSBYJewlers — Opficiant •-•

100 Park Avenue. Rutherford. \ . J.STOKES IN TUNTON, MORRISTOWN. Bl RI.IN(iTON


• Next Store to Toum and Ttrred Shop


is a fiat tin- •>/ \m irr%. tit our Ittiuml Httmv. Our

Organist i\ ftt mliihlf /«» /•/*••> \4»ttr wlvrtiatln tit *iW*'

idiistr/*- of ttur lUfm- Orpum, I In i. is u,> rxtra thorp*

for mit<i*\

JOHN D. CRANK jk SONSF u n e r a l Home.

Kearny Ave. at Berqen Avc, Kearny, N. J.

1'IIONK: 2-10.T1

In iuiilmliim — \uti*>nal

•SHE'S LOVELY!Sh<- has such beautiful waves on herhair!" Girls, do people say this aboutyou? They will if you treat yourself tothat mirade beauty creator—a


DUART PERMANENT is like- no other wave it hasno stiff' permanented look, not even the first day. Yourhair will be soft to the touch and so easy to manage. . . and it lasts and lasts . . . You can get a DUARTTEKMATTCNT WAVE at " " ' . "

LOUIS BEAUTY SALON225 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst, N. J.


•iCMUf f i t . . . «o sheerand fineAexturiftv itrrratn •n.aUuriiifcall-over finish. Cling*I .iijrrr. And in stwh".UuuroiM tluifes! Allr(u<> plua the unfor^rta tile Heaven-Sentfragrance to -nrroun*.vour face with «n aura


l i - l r p h . n r K I ' I I H rfuril 2-l*2»



If yuii ni-i-il money fur ;mi wurlhy

|ier-on;il |inr|Hi-r ' f;u lo a lianlv

THIS Hank T«»e> ilmlor :n»l

id iili-l hill. and many "tin r hill-

nt a |H-fNiilMi ii.iitirr iiin^t IM- imiil.

•Wr lia» iify I" I'-IHI for rvrry

| H T M I I M I piir|MiM-. I nun- n u \ IM-

m a d e -L in ing at S'III.IMI. l o w inter-

• r*l rah1* aiul an K«*il l'a|M*.




IAST M I W 0 H »CA«tSTA»T.l'

i H ISIUUSHtO I l i i

Page 2: CROSBY RUTHERFORD NATIONAL - digifind-it. · PDF fileCusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an ... The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people

' . ' • , • - . . ' : • . • • • . •

11. T H E I. F \ O F R




Roy vuictolliParty Success

-WUBST tent!.',! Cornell University. H«M K Wurst. daughter o( was in the army lor w e n years

Mrs. Marir Wurst of 17 Ridge | and was duchai ged September,road. Lyndhuist. and CJeoi gc Car- IMS. having icvn aHtbn (or right-pentcr. ton of Mrs Marictte Car-' ten • months in the Europeanputter of Pen Yan. New York, theatre of war.were married .Saturday .at 3 p. m _at.the First Presbyterian Chuieh. i HrlMIB »Mr>B*Mr)ftrlCarUtadt. Rev. Lowell Hine. rec- j Miu Jeanne E Abrahamsun.tor. officiated. The bride was (iv- < daughter of Mr and Mrs. Alfreden in marriage by her uncle, Wij- Nelaonn of 396 Lyndhurst aye-liatn Wurst. ' nue. Lyndhurrt and William R . i

Miss Kathleen Wurst. sister of i Harris. sunWf Mr. and Mrs W R.UM bride, wal maid of honor and , Harris of Golden City, Mo. wereWarren Richards, cousin of the { married Saturday at • p. m. at St

Matthew's Lutheran Church, at a.candlelight c e r e m o n y . Rev-George F. Muller. rector, ufflciat«J.

Caufcy. i Mrs. Franklin Bylandt. sister ofUshers, were: Morris Lee Smith, j the bride, was matron of honor

Charles Bahery. Harold Rauscn- Robert Harris, brother of theberger and Walter Schmidt. bridegroom, of the U. S. Navy.

Carol Ann Richards was the \ was best man.flower girl. j Miss June Curtis of Lyndhurst.'

George Bahery of Roselle, sang, . was maid of honor. Bridesmaids"O Promise Me." "Because " and I were: Patricia Eustace and Doris

Heads G«th*r to HonorYouth Horn* After

Naval Service * j

K •> GuldetU KM; • \' ••- iff-deled .i >.jp.:« IU- .W partv las.Sunday at oil - Spot I • hi> paienls, Mr 'ir.i Mrs Alurit Gu.detli, ul 105 MUburr. avrnuc t.

Guivletti has seTvd ..* nrmtiuin the Navy and ha* Iftnlnadliom overseas aftt*r spending .most two years m thr Pav-itic uri



E5JTSS SSfeft £ Murphy Leading «-.Gu.rdi* P«rtyJ»rLoan Discussion local

•o I., tl , fifth Ma Ufc"i 1 It., l i . V+lr 1 IP I

~-- . ,* It. pi-11 M K M Murph>.hiMw l«*i mi«ith and ** th«- Boiling S i i i*r

bride, was bt'st man.Bridesmaids: were Betty and

Florence Wurst, cousin* of thebride. Betty Halpin and Eileen

"I Love You Truly" accompaniedby Miss Ruth Davis, organist.

The bride wore a white Ninondrt'sj* with a scalloped neckline,shirred with long sleeves, puffed

Cary uf Lyndhurst.Ushers were: Lester Nelson,

brother of the bride. CharlesStoehrmann and George Himsvl

Frank Curtis, sang "The Lord's

II •

. " " ' •

Mi« Rmk I . H I U A | < > « iVndtnit i* ,,i i<> w i n i *:. • bv . V*uc«ti * wtr

T ' n l -'Jk;- mwillWll I' WI Y>»K Cll> lVr\!- rrn-v .m Ilrnm \utlKh G**r*<r*« Oal. > 9^k;< . • ,t .i^M. ' H-t*'- ••.•••• Ill '. r urwtft) •«•* >•,.-»..% ; .. , ' [ M*u*tftt« ? r I > <•\QF i\ ^ ,- E t/huMrn I ApiU 11 «iivd 13 MWUfrfc ij i l l b \ ht.i-i \\n\ +n& J . M « | * C « l

%§ a* Fkvllfa P u r v " o*'Hi MS S' • •. i':. .• \ l >»n • • .k lh»" „-•' • * ik ill l\trt>nt >•' t*-liM««t* J.-*in N>!Mi m«l Mrs lit iij.imn Pairy ' u u ' >>'"n« P"-*'r aif «i«'!u U-.«nj»w ^ \ma> an* i - " *«• Man KtnMh* aad J i u a p i u i

Ml Ttmd i« :nuc . Ujixl'""*' i'" bynimum »!'»•»< !x-h.».l , u l » < i n u M | mha\«. aonounved th«- en«««finenl ^ H..nn»«^< i. rmpl.tyrd l» ilul tht-ir dauMht. i Pti>lli», t.> ' ** '/*^ Corp r»r^ . ( * *It .u i . D«\id C. Keuin>-na. »t>n •,( 4I l h'ttwuioo »•«• in Uif »rm>UaaMtrat< and Mia 'COarle* 0... j > v )**'> •'«• J""** " " ' * "

phuw Cwmalta «IU

. ^ W i n Auv'1*"

V a nUvt. " .'. AMI

/f?4th Knitm..


tH*.r* neBi i l l \m •*,« wn^kT < n i ->* : irn'i Mva.K • N i l — I , " •»» • rtt* fc»r*(»t

n u n v . K « %*IMI«

r»«l a . M ^ r . . U r f

.... . aunev '•* Cub Peck 5 Meets; »C"r'T».?,^*'thM,^*VZ

lira ; » hnhc cradit lor lh»Wat Brw. Bn^btun. SMiii l"Vrry if a sraduatr .-,

Ql«m SU.unu.1. Junior ColUii. " \ '-•l>•» u " k » « ' V*'1 h " l h

\<UI ' 'fHl

Qiwn Houu.n Junior 5 5 V \ ^and attended the Univcrvit) Hi 'CunnrttKUi S»u- rccentl> „ ! » V_. ' ' 'J-••**:»• Pi.-.».:.. .i t r a p t^-c Red P u c h s i • • < u " ' %-»' .

i.^ -tli. huit»in), »l»-|

mjining • - »...<! <• it-fIv .*

.1 Dm J »« "»•«'««t F, *nk Ahatr IVn ) T<•,..,• » . . . J .hn H . l l n ' ' ,,l (1I ami hr»l ln>i» w«. Alt.1',

* „ . r . . o 0 , •.!»'• ••( Urn J~.V.l' n.l '..u.l |,<«l . T 1 » * I H .

couSn ' ' _ — - Campaign Still Oh ^~h'" "*" * '.4 Brpuklyn P..l>tfrti and Col ' T n , J U l l l W U H . , , , , , , , , .,- (k,.,i „ „ ' t " , „ , , ; „ . » , ,.| ••.'••.-•

t>( ihf CuUunbu Cf%v and mini '_ , %fi . rrtvit I I I i wm .»•>I - . of IS, 1'u.ilui, f i . lemirj' Hr ,,;:,'•.,' \ ! • . k thanki I. B r \ ' C A i •', ' " " * ' • * " « '" "" >"»t»-' ''va» .«-rntl> vparatrd Irom th. ,,„„„', 4 'i „,„,,„. , , . ru .M ReUnlOn UanCe bat. ' , i [w»«i « « , • , . + , '•»»' «•">*- *•» *»*•" •—"' • " " „ ' » " »IMn|[ in- £""'K I), , , , ,.,, ,1,1! .I!, »-rrk. i..«o • Iv •"• .„ . , M. hi .Ir malf». M.. CN..kM.. R - _Ule Piulippin.i UIKI Jjpan. and . , , . ; , , „ „ . , , „ „ K m . | . . i , , , , h < > , u , , . ,,,«,i. , , , , , j i , , » m , , v l h . , „ . , , . , ! ••»••»•« u . n . o l l . . « « i . l * yis n.. . n-luining t,. Culunibu i , . ,^, , , , , , , . ^ i « J thit »«•» «,,,1 l\.»,.hm« l.~. h. • i « . . • . . . t i . , h » « « . . . . , . I . . . H.» >!••>*- .>Uw Jrtool. ,.,;„„• . , „ • . „ ! ,„ ,', , > - . I •' H. !•>, i !>,,.(,,>,.. , . .-!, . . " ; ^ 7 , ' ^ i , , «»"» r ^ T^ _ , A _ I afe . . M _ • - ^ ^ • ^^ .^ . . .& k . i . > k . . l i a . - V t _ LA I

vi . • » . .

Kl*» ,.»r« Maa l u . u k *»vn«».

tla \.»i(« I:, .,.

Mr* «*>

at the shoulder and a long train, j Prayer" and *'I Love You Truly"She wore a bonnet attached to and Mrs. James Tait, played theher three quarter length * veil! orgun.trimmed with lillies of the valley.She carried white gUdiuli andwhite orchids.

The maid of honor wort' a Nil*

The bride'wore a white slippersatin dress with a high necklinetrimmed with pearl embroidery,short cap sleeye> and old fash-

R marquisette di-yss with egg ium-d. bustle, a long train withshell slip, fitted rxidit-e. shirred • scalloped emtroiclery. The skirtbodice with a llin < quarWr length bodicf and sleeves were stal-s i tic \y and a rufft< d off Uu- loped. She wore I hi w quartetshoulder nccklinr trimmed with length g'luvc s and a finger tip veilillusion, hat to mutch and carru-d with a crown of pvail~'beadinga bouquet of spring flowers She carried white oichids and

The bridesmaids. Miss Bt-tty white swtt t peasWurst and Miss Bttty Halpin Th. maid of honor, and all thrwore yellow maiquisrtte diesses bridesmaids wort' while IIICSM^all made the came as the maid of with silk Jersey bodkV-» and pulnihonor, with matching hats and d 'espii it full ski its. They- worecarried b u u q u i - t n of sjn n»n _sjlk Jet -»ey ^and hats and purpleflowers- \ i^Us and earned cascade bou-

Th<* fluwer sitt wore' a Nile qui-ls uf spring fk>wers.grt-cn dress with van shell slip.. The imrfhci of the buck- woremade like that of the maid of a Nile green sti ret length dre^shonor and- short pufti-tl iJtMiivnf , with puak- aad black .H'IVWI u •,She dropped raw petals in the ' and a eiitsage of white tJtm lUa;*aixlc as she walked. : and pink >VM-I-I pejs.

The mother <>f the.bride wore a A reception was held after theprinted silk Jersey dress with ceremony at the American Legionviultit •rfHtiitf•'"*' and. u t'tirsjfc',' t Home whyre dinf>r wa»~-s**rwd-of violets. ; for sixty. Later in the evening

A reception was hold *ttc-i the i open house was held at whichceremony at Kucchenmeistci , time the bride cut the cake.Citt Istudt for 400 | The couple left for a stay at Mt.

The couple lift .on a trip to Pocono, afu>r which they will •>•Washington, O C. and Pen Van. at home at Golden Cuy M<.'%, Y. Upon their return they wilj The bi ide is J gra'duati- ofreside at lTRidgr road. Lyndhuist High School, and Fan

Tht*.'bridegroom is a graduate leigh Dickinson Junior College,of Pen Yan High School and at- Rutherford, when- she- was a

LST 752 M H autbPiu«.,l u>wrui th*' battle start «( I-mtavrrGulf, Lu/ur> Okinawa. '->- • libeiation ribbtm of the Philtpp;:u;.and thf.tx i uiKitinn r il>r> >n uf Japun Ht* wasdtHhjr.Y.' f .tni tht•BTVlc* at Lids lit . ' on "l •. .

Guests mcludrd Micrtarl 1..RUNM>. Mi and M Andrew U>Kyaao ..nd ton, J*v. M,i _-Tid M.sOeorgc Porto and daughter. Loutil:.. Mi and :»• Huward Lu»tiKi-iet Mr' and Mn Bugrnt !!•>>.•and sum EuKihr. Mi MMI. M .Thomas LARUMMI. Mi and Mr-James LaRusco, M u W ' l M -William Lustbader. H« m ,i Fern 'harh. Patrick Guide tt. I Tr sndMis B' njan m Guid* t* a i. '1da^ghttr Ann.. |f«> Mrs L*H>Guid«tti and daughUi G» raid in*Miv Angle CuKk'tU. Mi*. Qi«reLaino and Ili i Ann.. Ptifttn'.

Anlainrllr I • t t r lurnM, UIIJ M,-» i l u l u . l C«.U.

luctl. lf>l Hi u-nl m$, IMVI* minoHtwd th. , »|( in. nt uf IhndaMltlter, Anti . iwtlf . to Ri*yni..m1 \r . ianirk ava ajl Mi and Mii. R . i , , .

.IVliiTh ,\|.> l'h;f« In. t l U +4rt;ii; J7 VI M 1,1..

(••t:t Amit»»-h Kf«lw • lrv»lr»«

I t ^ t i , '"""'• • » • M " ' -» J

• • • * • • . • • • • ( , i «i • M . ' I . i * ' ! ' • ' * • • ' ' H . i t w I M « ^ i » * < . J'* j . * •

. t V w W w n %'i V-it li»'«* t . n i i i v 1" a t v t u t ' d * •' ' •' T * *•* } •** h » i f r !•*»**•«• l*t» l f * ***" » • * • * » • • • *** * * i 1 - » • •• • vR u d v r t c k ..1 R u t h f i f o i d N o d m . , ( l d J r t ; w . H . I J H U » » : .; . , K l l M 1 ^ , . n . .. • ,. • '•« J **t>h K ^ h . u i t » * . • ' " r w * l # ' ' " • " * » * « • • » * • • « * * •

I K . . U . « »,-• / « - *%»ir * * . « • M . - m , » r * , bj . t . tli« '1

« . , IIM 'i*>.» fed* 1 - ti ihat bi-vn M*I lt>i thf witldrng $ , , , t, 1, Wtm!. 1 -SJ )l«\ ttiomi k l t j ( # , i i - m , f,.»

Miss C u t r l u c c i ik H g.i»dual> H / t | . p t l , J;t k M ^ ; , . J t «rph b ., ^ h , H , | ,„ -,o r t y n d h u i * > H ^ h S t h . ^ l and 1 Wl i . l .n , W, In t V S » u > J«mre ' h l% h l ( p r , i „ i^,,,.•mpii'vrd u u dt-nlal jn»i»Unt Cn***n J.-liti K « i i i ^ n Hunn> v . i . , . . . ^ » » , , « r . , n . .w ,M. R*«teiick w • VtMtualr .ul B , h | J m h U . M , _ , i(Mfc M l , . " | ( i( (Rutherfm^' High School He » ' ; , , . , V I l R n - M K- nr. M ' k , * . , . , . !v»;in<it<-u with thf Wyma Kni[t ;>. \ Kiu;..1 ..if VI iM'i'.'«'itf>ii i * « « p . N i w Y t n k l i l y : I L . ji.i «! tl . \U 111V 1 ' '*

_ ^ — , ^ i ( , ( ( | ( i t U ( 1 ( . , , . t l , i n ,M t W k . i h . M . U r u h l . f , i . . ... (, , • 1. . . : i ' i , $ j -

Mi Mid M r s C r » r l « V W i u t h i 1..-1 S u i u u * 11.. ' . . - p « . » , •• ! Us.-.'*'1- MI- V* a n t i i i u m * ' tht- ul t d . h i n t , ' , . . . . *.<: 1 • .. r .r n f f A f A m m i •*( t i w u d n u a h i r i n -t • , ' 1 . ti 1 h. „ nK . l h \ i i i7i l . t A i l h m L W t t > . .p i> . , . ] Im 1 ) . . , - f i - 1 j , i i t . Mn . , i i n J i HID o f M i UH'l M l . - A . 1! t lit K. 1. I1 .!

ii»i»t> 4^3, K n n a v c r t u r

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i I > >(k anI I .

^ l u t n a l - l i n M Stxiet) UntilKi iriu.ti . ghc ! i -i » mfieli : urlposition in Ne» York C»t>'

Thfof Lamar High School. M>» trn iu t t d i i ' h c i l M i s * * - l i t 1 l * i . . \ . i - i > * t

C o l u m b i a M o . l i t v i . - a p d t H mtl ip . A r m y A i t Corp*. •••! w i l l nt u t n t o h i s ,'tu«i»'s .11 *M pi»'p t> 1

M i « W . i n h i a U m d r d T « m A q u « 1 1 , , . I ' n i u . t C h . t i . . >(> l». ( ••V.i H t k h ^ . h . N . i rfi)(i K u l r t o w r fc.,t,^.a,. n v o t i • • !• i ' i - i . t in i i « iS ' u t . T t m h r i h t * o l l « f r Sh«- .-n p n n i \ n M i i > .1 it 1. . - . . n , * . . ! . 1l t t l w l t n t h e W j i r y u , m ^ j j M S i ' » n . . V i l L i l i a l l l . u i l n , ! * n . t 11: LjtuL .

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<II B l n Novt-ntU-i I ' i t 'Lt Wrasituum «»*<< ti humLt Wrasituum «»*<< ti hu

L>»dhuist lli«h Irhbd in IMii-.' fi um Indiana Ltlllvi > Ml •

I K I l ie « ..11, ,| to a«-ti"V I. I

FRANK'S Telegraph Florist3.". VAI.I.KY 1IKOOK AVKMJK



RAVIOLIMode of fine Ricotta C/iet.e or Miol

50 for 55c 100 tor $1.10«*'; rutnuMi ' it mmiii

FREE DELIVER^H'NPAVB I'jrm, i: in MM K i u m t MI>N

RAVIOLI KING, Inc.126 Stuyvcvjnt Avenue Lyndhu'S'

RUtherford 2-6882

I ' M t . M I i l i t i 1 I , . 1 1 1 .

Dr. John PdffOftti . tn Ut*l titul

(),„„,.„• H I n I •

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PPLIAWCfS. ft.. ..I I M,.||,l.,-I Id III .'II I Ml

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FASHION SERVICtI I . l l l i . l ll.rt.ii •

ftiialiai HI t .,.

KIWIS). l>»t«l« »••»*»

t" >•••• • tmuw I I( M.I.,". ( l-ik- •

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t i tMi • i RiTKuna, N J.

PURE WOOLS,Pure Wonders at These Prices!


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We can't quote comparative pricci. . . but if you've been 'ooking aroundyou'll Vnow what valjcs tKete are!

• ) i . u Mu.i lluii' l h , . 1,1 II ,ili . . . I I

. •• . . / . A M . / , tpril '

Mm s lHTI \ M l «IH)1I mi « < H I | « u | t > I M > < . \ l l \ K I » I M * >IIDi W.H.I » u K - I H l « IU I I >Mm »<M»|. H \ V \ U « • .

• SMB* MSIUJ ilr.»-ii|iw ) ^ t r l l t r . 1 1 - | , ' » . < < t - . ,

# Mart Mi I- IK



< • / • • « I !>••• -It, t , . . . . , , t . -' 4 .

Page 3: CROSBY RUTHERFORD NATIONAL - digifind-it. · PDF fileCusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an ... The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people

Page Fuur T H E L E A D E R ThT»«Wy. April U , 19*6


Final Plan* laid for Softball LeagueAt aH-nei-tuiK of the Lyndhurst Municipal Softball League Tues-

ht. fin:,l plans were laid for the 148 softball season which


Lyndhurst Rec League

Roosevelt Rec League

Mixed Foursome

Rowe HasSports Plan

Local AtWetet Will TakePart in Propose^Town-wide Effort

Merkin AcceptsBedford Challenge

Tke apn challenxr is bitweek'> kwe hy Uw Bnlfonl


mi, Kr^nMrr.O n . - ,M". liitM I S t B t

MaleO n Mi-ni>» r tfuiv '

J tmtrucraTt iv M*lr


ATI.. «Mt I* CfeftaW *%«.M M — - mfr W J I M «T Wtsuta

day night.will ftet undc-i way un 'May fith. The postwar vt-rsion of the league [jam*hhnuld be'tmi "t it;, must successful in the history of Lyndhurst : j^1,"','.',],>. nh;.ll J L»*imnK (mm the attendance and support pledged al th*«ii,ci link;, it ran't rm».

OMMni^utm-i J.ime.- A Brcslin addressed the gathering of man- ,;av- •:>. ti*. mjnnunceti hi.s Department of Parks would provide two^ y\\"^\ K

playing field* f«-i tin- league and would also furnish the balls. N" f •'. " I | M

Iran than Mxtevn ttaiiis have been entered and all but one have fN l * n p

put up the n r H ^ , n \ iiiiui which is just another indication of howunMtiUK the hoys .ire to get started. The league \•_.i- spiil up into two divisions,'to be known as ,\ i..iu

tin Eastern division and the. Western Division-j j*. 'i"J|Ci.iiH': * ill, be ph.yed at the high school field and V rfjn,t MA' Hivt i io;.d field at the foot (,f Tontine ave- ! :

nui Winners of the first and second halves in eachrhvi.fin will meet in a one game playoff, and ! . , .titi playoff winners will meet in a two out of three I jii.nrt "''•.•.-inn -; , , ! . • ; to determine the champions. Com- i ' ^r:.!'-i"!ii i liiislm said his department-will furnisht:olvhiv> fm thr winners. " •

On hehalf- o. tbe Commercial Leader, this [< HI 11" pohdent will again award trophies to In • ' i-finU .

l.-.-.ding bat.MTirn in-i-aeh diviwun . . i'fi.The managers unanimously voted to require players to weai uni- >'<•>>••

forms. Between »mvi', and the fWJr that the umpiieVwill again •(><• in official gain, plum a will kept diamond and plenty of seals—spectator interest should be moused which should rival any hot base- j n . , i r i m

.Kill f m n Then l<io. th< biaijd of ball played will doubtless be fai | •';•".• •-•iupcnrn id itnyihuiL! V.T'VI had around for some time—another rea p.'s*,!!,'-,mn to gel the home sitters nut to rout for their favorite teams. In';,town thi' M/i- id oui l.iir city, it should be nothing to have four to jfive hundred peopli nut to watch a good ao ft ball name, ll is done in !many other commuoitie; and -certainly can be done here! 'iVwl'.'-r

Copies nl the league rules were prepared through the efforts, ' • • n*'inl board membi is W.ilUi Molloy and Sam Donald, and were passed j •M ;" l l l <

each division were drawn as* follows '

Mixed FoursomeW A S C O 4

p—The Lyndhuist 'sporting1 circle"'will g«-t a much needed "shot in

i !in- aim" in the near future ifgroup of returnedut

l « UX. IIB 131

!•,:> I H .. . . . I5t ISft

wm CM



!>7 1 !iO 1.12



J. M.I. -kiKHlXMFMri'.W. Krwfi

Lyndhurst RecL V N O H U R S T RKC (4)

Paint Co. far a bowling Mat, has been accepted by the mapleI mauler* of the local paint eon-1 cern.

Captain Mike Gaecione of theMerkln-ven has his boys in

. tip-top shape, as was evidentMonday night at Roosevelt Rec

j when they took three straightwar veterans ments with the ap- t n m e "boys in Woe" whop m v K " f the Parks and Play-: r e p r ^ , * the local post offlee.grounds Department when Walter : Roiling for the Painters will•"Hawk" Kowe. sports worker for! ^ j O B I U ,y Garofolo, Johhny

n the township introduces- Gag.ianli, Pat Maioney anda rhamm<iuth program in base- r>om Bonelli.ball. Rowe plans to organize a : « ta h«ped the match can bebaseball .school for br>ys in three j arranged tor a Saturday after-nge brackets, 10 to 13. 13 to 15j no©*.and IS to 17 years of age with, r.S.: B E D F O R D , PLEASEbaseball stars of yesteryear doing NOTE!

JJ (|j'J",i th* teaehing. I. ^7, ,« , ;»( , Rowe is hoping to ^ « ' t with ! t h e A c m e ^ ^ j f o r y e a r 8 a n d

Jack Boschen, the burly south-paw who pitched locally until

,i;t«-r «uterlr to pi•.•"•""•"•iT- *-, *iL- u t M-ffci- i run»u*rt* _lo th? provision* of Chap-; Plac*. Hit* Ioreas snop w me sn. s. J W ™ H . ,,..• ] ^ i ntm <,t mis all p*-rwm» rhri- • 4TMmf»-

*e.^r*bynntlflfd ih«t thi-y may<4Ai-+ of th* TfiwnahliiTown Hall daily from VO" • n[. m H M H M S«tu -t,n i:n- (pffic- in open

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Sr-hrdulc! tire tn hi [ii inied and will bo dintiwbuted ;it Jhe nex1 .mnnn'CtTh' meet in t; Apnl :,Oth ;.t the Town Hall. Additiunaf seme-keepers fire still nee<lid. Anyone desiring to volunteer should call

• WalUT MofloV ;.i HUthM'fuKl 2 2524 J.


going with*the strong Union CityRods.

The infield instructors * willbring back many memories withefforts <H>IMH made to contact the *',•-*/following: Dave Livelli, the ex r Ay*-.

»h*>-h t A T * . —i i l lml j to L-mke Av*.. wtHt-m to ! »riv tA LJTincMO* A*#.. • • • I h l l l j

R. R . «^at t*> »wtfttto DV<.(i-r>t who h«\-* -prevkHWl)- r»s>a-ti.uiK- of R«*itl»Jpn«-e" .ardt at th--

m w |.i.,'- and tw , { B*ctn«laa R B t k M t o 4 : A n . t t l t M -Voir-rx unut.l*- to f*f£«t*r durtnc «ft*M A v - 7 » u t l i l o LIUw Av« , W H I

daily f,fft<>.. hour*, may r-m^t. r at th. ! to L i i inp tom A T * . • • I l l to murthirtk'H nfflic. Towh Hall •'• th* . \ . - i\M «f D^ L I W H It.. w«ttt tclime* of Aon! l», 2:. » and S5th from I s t n r v o m i t Av*.. wmth to Toad

30 to »,M n m I A T ^ . « « « ! to ToBtteO AWfc r*—V;:' 'ir:! '•/• il i in?.'',, muirt firndura • "' . . _ •.

iti*.ii-hil> < • liiftratt-ft at tin •• of r. t

, A T * . w««t to ToAtteo Avo. t o « i . ^t Q riaaalr MTOT. north to •tihwford

lA f l j b P l l

i l l • ) * •

ELECTION DISTRICTSant AfM.. vouth to•WlniS Font Avo. p n

l*nllliiK 1'lai r-. 4*olutnb>and Sin

prn*lwr»4. M«t to w*Uit ofsij.h, .~ i . i r . ; i*«Bnmr Poltlntt Plae*. Franklin

ilt A V M ^ h o ^ - L*k« | Schv*. F - M . ard SrvrvtMnt A V . I M .SECOND DISTRICT DOKTNIfTC J. l i T S L L I .

."•:.».'UK (.'*- Av» . 1» I* * W. TOW»»IH» CMft.R line imuth to Vallry Brook • -\**tns* i* n . Oct. 15. >o». l.

fSmith gt.) l o Haokcnuck BIv- F*»: f." Muth to Marln Avt t'rodutt-d. ! DOMIN1CK J UVFH I.In RfdKf Kuad. north to F*rti Towiwhip Cleikw.-m to *'tia»tj Av» north i t i>rii I. II, i»4C

__ L^B¥ C JL*1 V t rl I I , M l ' " "^J i - . "'"," ' 1 \ I T l n" 1 3 " • « * " » "

Columbus Club first baseman [jn'cnln" School. Rilfc* itVKid und vai-( — ' — 1 : •—who was a stand-out afield and i*y Brook Av* i».joawith the stick; Otis "Oata" Whit- „,.,.,„uT^r-h. °'*I?eCT.i.d F T * t " • CHANCIKV OF NCW JERSEYman, the southpaw initial sackvr \-,,.. Bajuriy to Ride* itc«d. to Mar- i TO: WM.I.IAM noxAij> -.isix^Kit

of Young Mens U-ague fame; j",*™- feS7!X?i£^^A«%222,'la ttLAStSFiC h a r l e y "Ch ippy Chr i s t , said by mfly to linl*i. Road to Ktncttland llarr*, IMS. in a . .ri.,in rauw w!»-r-m-inv to he L vndhi i r« i t \ (iiitstnnd Av*-. lo •'\m>- Ave, north to point in .Vurl l^lltxn " . i -n« . r i«.lho p. n-m a n y 10 Dt L.ynanurs i s o u i s i a n a f f t i ( ,B l r i l i i r i l ( j . l A U l i r yi^ct.M (24 !•*«,• t i -n . r . and yw William i».n^M <;i-in^[ a l l - t i m e b u n t and base s t ea l - Ave. St Mi. ».•>!• Hall. tnr-r. * r . thV <tw.-iMfe.nt. vou »r* r i -ing nrtM wh,n in th, uniform of ,1,,,ll,,^

u'1,T,,>;..ol»T,51CJ,n..1.~l I S S ' , o > K S : S d H , r , ™thi' Columbus Club; Al 'Bear « , „ mm lo KHIB. lfu.d. n u i k w , « i-|.«» n... t lu oar or Ma>. i><«Fox who broke in with Iki- Ar- TH,, K>-I< * > . I -<« I . H»rl..™atk ; •>.,(. .* >„ .l.f.uli .i,,r«rf. .«.* «^r~

. . . . . . . . . n . . I'.ii.r s'.utli to Lyndhurst boundary, will I- tak~» a^alnft veil aa Ih-

rons Lyndhuist Athletu Club at « „ , ,,. K»lnt ! „ , KvnrK An. ,i h, i,.-.ll..r >hall think . nuilahl> andthe ace of 16 \\hen the local base- m-rth tu fnlon Ave. w*«t to nnii!jn«t.

ball games -were played a. Park &-.* . !» ,J"K « % S 5 » . I^?4rSl^?5u3tl!i Vt2J"and Lake avenues durmi; World li.tim« lia<-- Waahlnictm ^ chool.. n.g. M m sou and ih» >aid p«i-

youngest of the St. Peter baseball B^rinnir^, elan who played High Sclw»l. fe^i*.*111,^ Br tBt twS 1 T S

i j | * . ^ r . I i . u w i n rjtiH atttm T_rit-/> h n l l .»"•/! u-Krk tk"liLaiklur,.l A v . •• ' fbttTlV OH Ulirh I In**th to Jaunccy '

Ni. h..|..« A. Car^llaS - . ' i - i f ' . . r o f i « t i i K . n < - r

W » S i i A

CommijisionVithis week to work out arrange- J u s t r ( l t u r n e d f r o m E u r n f K . . A 1

gKiun and semi-pro ball and who

d A

t i ' 'I • I M . . h i C.:. 17'.\ VVidnir i ) 1 1 1 1 : M :

i - Nf .w. - i" . ao*> !•.••H It. t«.i.i. vr ZZ1 IT'

!.|K v :,:•HELLMICH'S PAINTS ('»

M11. k.l ]'<7 iv.Knm.iu«-.t. i . . l«4 14»ivrt. no n M'l -'•«

" " • " * " ' " ' " " • oyn«Wp U) SPOB- C l l m t i M l k l . M a l T o n i . w n o are ' • — —••11 t h i affa i r U l t h a f a t u t v m a d e . ,• , , „ , . „,;*•, ,L, . . w r - « i . « I M I t s I A N T T n I! s I- I - : Th- rnllowlog ^ i . m r n l t« a i>uiiimar> or, , , 1 H. , . . . nt ,.,lMni...,,B Th.. " a t t l v l w l t h t h l *—** Coun- »,I,OI»I« i.i ih. I I , . I , . , I ludM I T O . M |K ih. M r ., ..I i: ..r,t of <'on,inl.-

,.,,.,1 l imp., , , m M h n t e e , ? Th, t y ^ , n d ,_,,,.„.,. s h < r l d i , n .i „ , , . .,„.- h'»> Winvolved will tooand lad who i-ould perform at

.. position while in Coluuibustngitirs attend- C I u b a n d Y M , L u n i f l > r n i s , w i U

round out the infield sUff.The outfield fatuity will in-

nty ex()»-n,i!ic puli hilsihats with th<inK the nchViciKlnvrs. ,

The tentative program calls for ( l u e | e g u c f i s t a r g y s C ; i e s a wrrk course A'artjng, € u - , d t , l t l ^ o - p r ^ a w ^ . hr t- thp-

, their own

Httst'hnll UftsMtke S H I -

B;if=ehall Club i' Hi

nnnunrcH, thni his Lyndhurst>II 114 iili'liji in f ine s h . i p e . H e i>

anH"Sunday ;ii the hifh M*1HH)1 field, and reports that

• all positions on the te*tm huv* not yrt been i linehed.He invites any and aJK prospective pliiyers to try• .ut. Th.- L-lub V. .nt< red in thi ' 'major North J r rseyLeague wln.h w ill fiunisli. plenty of oppositionHomes (jjimen will ..I o hi< played .it tin- Rivi-r roa<1fi( Id, slartjny with y.>';:> WHtei r»n April 28th at ;t o'clock Mike HIS.iinnount-ed tfmt u M-hvduU- will be ava^table shortly.


iurday. May 11 ynd tontinuinn,til June 2!|I Wittl 'srSsmns held t h i r U . e n " y ( . a r s a K O " w h n , , a y i n g M«gi«

v !>utuida> afternoon from f o f t h ) l ,fo,uniblls C l u b ; i n r t t h ( , . , " ' '



• 'iir- nl Tru>r «'«^l< 'Jill 4"t ;.» t 3.*liT |.i | 33", 1»* t

7j lH.|t.H> j . _ .__.12.47"* w. ; ) . ; » • .:t">.l">l' *.' 1 " I * Hi

4KM | i .

-" ' ^ UJ f> |». ni. A t thi;c, . . . . j l ing l i i n

hi—urf tanuedstiii t ing J u l y

umJusion.ot'vHtwsVr'bMrth7«,"KddnV"aIiH"rVtr; ^I^T* .V*"^''"' "leagues will w n o ; w e w , stand-out Legion r>od- *!n."«;*- iiVehedule

(> an<l runningII,,,., * ^••JUIHAnyone interested in thi* tnm- Wat

•OGLE ACCNCV (4)palgn ta "Wake. UpTvr

•r lr.'

Moil's (nrfthn Pins Starts This ll crk

The annuaby (hi- fierjien Kviruiw. !(«•

en Cms bowling torn n&fTteflt sponfioiedwill get tinder way yt Keibel's Rec

ruiter, Teaneck. tomorrow n.Rht. The


114-! . ' •







M l

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W '!fMolt.Mult

W i i«W'n.iK»\S<1IISliiK




Howe n:.w busy i ontaeting stars a a s k ( , d ( Q t , ) n t a c t M a v t k R o w enf years ago, on the local scene u . U ( , r s w m b l . s , . n l , i u , , h , s w e e kto help put over the program to, t o a U m i . M l u u [ l a s p r o b able m-

I..T "wake Lyndhurst up and retain s t r u c t o r s c a l l i n tog,.,,,,.,. f o r ,!1M the slate-wide-standint the town- u«'" s h r p h e l d toi m a n y y e a r s <>n t h e

A t h l e t i c lit'Id F o r m a n y w e e k s, in. n o w ;i l a m e g r o u p of " t o c a U " N O T I C E

|';:; !"'/; i"[ h a v e b«-«>n f a l k i n u of t h e "o ld , J-^-- ' " " v - •;• - j ^ •••f^- *y»»^**>.- ' i ?»»» .' n t d a $ V v\tircn L y n d h u r s t had t h e Stl',,\\ i"V,'i ii'i" fi.*iif"i'ii'»i"\.\ i.VitniWil!!! _ i i l -ifl! C o l n m b u . s C l u b . Y o u n g M e n ' s N«I» Jer»- y tu n.m-r.-i • ^ji.hnmm •»:::, n'm ! L e a g u e a n d Po l i sh A m e r i c a n a i n ^ p , ' ' . , ' , "^ , [OJ./I'MI \\ :\l V;,.iL-- " K'.*,*iV

t h e h e a v y n e m i - p m b r a c k e t . Co l - i .yndhurn N .1 i ; - i - Si • -•-• UmbUH O n o t f B a n d C a r d i r m l s in |!!('tl""*r*.«*""tti-"*"**•*«*- ""'-•-"!<« ' n ^ . i' .11

t h e f l ight s f r h i - p r o c lass ; a n d b e - nid*.' Koart, jMni inn- t \ iT • f i de s a s ix to e i g h t t e a m S p o r t s -

LrCBgUE1 c o n d u c t e d b y J i m m y hi. iy. in, uupK-ipul « I . I K I

J I 4.•>«..• ^ « (

«.*? •'•* s i :-i.<i.-' *

z ?*~ n , t.iu •

i \< • ) : ! • :ASKSS U M M A R Y O F Y E A R S O P E R A T I O N S

- ff. ifiittnn rcn t i i . T-'iineck. tomorrow m«ht. The ji-Mt.!-il?r" "" \\i \*l \u r>'»«>-IU •« :'1" -"• U-nnue conducted by Jimmy "Uyin, uupK-iimi <Vrh I.IsC*J '""'("t'ln-n will continue through Sunday eve j \\......«,.,, i «x \n\ ~ t "\-\ :.,, Breslin. Now. today, it is impos- v Vl ' " - , , , I I N V V M

^k^ X ' - ' J y J"n>- Vheie j n e many Lyndhurst entries in th* ..... ~ — -^7 - . Uible u> fields 100 per crnt Lynd- . an Ann si,r^^J|J I •' whiTh is one of the best m thesv parts • -1 ' ' TOM-J SHELL ,3, h m M ( | m ) | p t h | , h ; , l a s s » ; ^

^ } L J * W T 1 ' " ' ' round :md out of 720 bowl moouois rjj ( „ , ; ,, ,, v M i h ( ) ] ( | M i , p r ( ( v V n h y M [ k r ' •*lB0F**J£.^l'+r*nvhm*itn " v r i the weekend, just 72 will rearh , - . -n :•..-< V - Jj;.1;;;;'11 , ., .'. ' Simon* mananei tit thi Pleasure I C / l A I N D 1w ^ ^ - « P ^ tin M-1-..n.l round, to be rolled next we'ek !U'n»."," 'ni !;'•' '1 ' &""1"' ='•' ' " " : Cjub who is havini hi* problems ^ L t l 3 A L N U '

It is lust-two years a«o thi.t Sam ,Vilota. man- ii.itji..,.; wi IT« " j " ^ , , r . >",, ^ 1 g e t t i n g 1(K-;»1 boys 'n h is l i n e - u p;.••»•! o( Ihe Lymlhtiisl f!i t n at iort-4'enter, went ul\ the. way tn Ou- *» —*~ —* —~ ' I whiKh' « ill rvl«v finnHnv nf**»r. • I llWIttilliP »I I AT

x>l T a * K. A

ajiei «M the Iftnalj.. only I*.- ln.vframes. We alrvadhuliU the woman1;u 1!. thioufih ui il

t lit 11 iatuirt-4'**ptet, went all Ihe. way to the 'nut 1-. Stixie MdTu-k of Nutley Hi the (lomnKhiivc one champ in Lyndhurst- Ollie Pt*Zi*t whoKiwn Who knows? Maybe ttnothci Lyndhurstile j h*»



- NV.> A lilt.fur Al - "iitil


: " IfarWn' • • I I I . I . U I

I Ki

Thinl in Imitation TnurnryJ,i(k Bosehrn'H (".-lUyiate. rhwed th«- curtain "ii iheii 1'145-46

basketball si-dsrm lust Sutuiduy when they w<.und up in third plaee ! I!,';",;'in th. Notth Jeisey ln\-it.itnui Tournament held .it Xhi- Orange Y 'sim«Th< ( ollei-iaU'S did themselveh proud in then i . t u i n to the basket ' " l l> !

h..ll Wain*. RiyuiB .1 "(iood account «>i thtmsely.-s while phiymg tin-Ix-st comfMtitu.n thrtiuKhnui .the season • lloh Mtfiht'iKi>n.and V-ic-.!rtll(l,(. . . .moei tuok Stiil'tUB homiis aftd played in muni "f the name MJUI.VI 1 the n.utr l ^ "

A list of M"i« s and the final tournament name is shown on this \V.'Mpain The C'ollemaU-fi lust ;i tough nne in the senn 651nr H gainst ' " K

the Abboli*. win. wpfti J.I takr the title.Jiick Bo* hen tind the tt-Hm want t«i make it known they appre- J

t iati- tb«- nttendanrp and support given the club throughout tlu- H>a- ! ruiinS4in T iny untu ipate a yt-ni even more iucr#M(u) in IM6-4.7 l ' " " 1

II HirtfHxJ . . .. . Dropped m lo 'w. nui cohort from acroim.thr bprdiT, Al Leader.who d w i a lot i.r*|>iuis writing foi the Rutherford "Republican"1 andin the "not that w.<. bianfiin'"' department, his bosses felt prettyproud of the Laird Johnson bowling team which won the BergenCounty class A chitrnpionship two weeks ago They-pouted the wholewrite-up siiuii k on the U.-m dit«i where you gotta look in urdei toget out not a hifd id. ii'

, Heai that Al ...iTi"nn.. )-<>*•<. been named to Supervise play-grounds and if-,. .,ti<.n in town for the summer months . . somecomment .11 1«> \\\,\ .< I-^ndliiiist j. t'sidcnt wiisn'l n;iitu-ii to the ixtst

Heard from U-U St-ri+msTnow a private in Uncle Sam > army-ex r»f ihe Lyndhuist High, .tmek t e a m . Asks for more informationabfnit the men nl thi i mdeppaths and Mian writes that he is out fnrthe t**<V t-^ii. i»l Ihe Army An Kmces at Keesler field, Miss Bohis winciircth-; shot [iul a mere 4^ l*el and hopes to hit 4:"i within avery khoii tun. piuij K.MHI. v.* wz\ 1

jBcmvwhaLfliiKipiitfmiit.. when the Yankees were play ing'Atlanta jj*1'1

-Chmlif dock that series lust week v[,t





• 1 • ,l£«

I.'.,:,1111 .11 . . 11

I I . . . . ' I .

l l , •

I A * C o ( 1 1

•J.I V



ft iliili''


. i Ri"1

winch u ill play Sunday after-.,,, , 6 | noi-ns at River Road.1 ' . I oral Teaching staff•<•; -l ] ' It i> expected to have a "tcafck-'.['•]' in«-staff" of al least twenty and. '-; it is hop*»d the programs-will at-

1 *,.', tract at least 300 to 4l)U local boys.. . ••"• .from 10 to 17.-

• ' ' Howe hopes to have u staffruadt- up of Mike Sjmnne. veteran j

I caU-hci und manager; ^ n y St ;„ 1 Peter. n-K-nily discharged from !

the Army who was a stand-outcatcher for Ihe High School, CubJuniors and Amii i< an Legion:nnd Edgar "ERRS" Whit, hurst thefnrmer Acme receiver, to handlethe catchers. The pitching *taffv. ill li'i'k something- like this,lycy Mileski, the former C» Club See ri*;hl hsnder EddieLicitri, "LyndhursWftoy Wonder"Who went 1 i(jht fi-orn AmericanLegion ball to heavy semi-prohall with tl>« Columbus Club; 'Ma\ BroJne, Pop Rusftell's Braves;n r who hurled r i|£hl up to TtuEastern.Shore League,,where heN-at the rRiTadciphu Athleticsm im exhibition game; Bill-Bello,


Township of I \ntHiiir-iNOTICE OF ELECTION\,.r\.. i - hi r*hs I I V P I I H i s t l h i

HiDtrda .<( f a # . l i n n w i n in< . i in i h .ji i l t iK i i l i . - ..! t h . .i r i M j ' . t v - «tl»-

PRIMARY Kl.W T l o \on Tuesday. June I, I'Md

»• . teat- 'i

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w We're keeping 'em Hotto speed your service!"

ST. MICHAEL'S V. M. CLUS .it fIWlMkl Ut 171 19* I

M i k - K i * ?::. |<4l 173 ii*l. >i-h. l " . f 16'i \W

Mil . - k . l i S Hi) I IS 1

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24May 4


1 1 *

14] « '22

- ^ «28

. 30JUNE 1 -

TRACK SCHEDULE „.North Arlington • .Lodi .Wood-Ridfe _^Newark Invitation Meet ...Easl Rutht'i-fuid .. ...JJiKgaic

3Umg Branch Relays .__.Kast Rutherford -_. '•Bergen Passaic League Meet...

1 llwbrouik HeiRhts




..„. „. hdine.*..•_ . UU'IIV

aWayat y.iu'l.iVM

away- z.-. away

Tn Bon. invitation Meet at Wood-RidaeStaU- M M . . at Montclair

AN6VS rtvi (0)


1 \'* !*'


HI Mb-taH »* V r^f' " luh

I •••Limit. - I ' lU .Vla

•ft t« >«« m

1 SO

S 2! I. s * * 1w «



l/.»n it (unjplrtr-lMir of

Baseball,"" Softball,

Tennis, .Golf,

Guns & Ammunition


RutherfordSporting Goods Co.

Evmrythinf in S/wrrinn (,'.»«/«13 SYLVAN STREKT R l THKRKORD. N. JIOC JOB PIMM KVTsUUOKO t-TM*

• nU lhf>rr krpt hoi, lhn> .in« •mil., on a bi( jolt Ihr | uh u | a,<-lin« Irlrphunr amH-r lo t•till wailing. ana1 nukin* m i g t hrl-

" » ' " " " " " • to pto>iaV for m-o trlr-phonr in>lalUlUHi> mni IraadVn.

»hifc- .rr ,r«p.ndin«th, , nyslrm. >»u ran hrlp «prrdIbr %»ork by u»ing your trlipliaiii

New Jrmrv Bell Trk-phonr Company'


Page 4: CROSBY RUTHERFORD NATIONAL - digifind-it. · PDF fileCusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an ... The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people

Thur*Uy, April II. 1916 T H > : I. K V l t K K

AMVETmOTn* following letter was taken from the Herald-News feature,

"letter* to Editor from Our Readers." READ THIS LETTER CARE-FULLY. Then ask yourself: have you forgotten them? You can helpthem now—just a little time and a piece of paper and a three centstamp. Do at thii veteran asks you to do. Here is the letter, and itis printed in full: _ __

"Editor, Herald-News: It" seems tragic that the American peoplehave forgotten so quickly the wounded of this war Loss of limbs.paralysis and blindness have weakened our bodies, but.not our spirit

"Yet, we do not complain. We consider ourselves fortunate to bealive. And we are doing our best to readjust ourselves to a normal,active, civilian life But our progress will be impaired if the armycloses Thomas M. England General Hospital in Atlantic City

"Comint to Atlantic City has been the best deal offered by thearmy since we have been hospitalized Atlantic City is the play-ground and health center of the world. The ocean, the boardwalk,and the fact that we can mingle with civilians has helped our re-habilitation. A patient in a wheel-chair, if he was confined to anarmy hospital in another section, could not go out on pas*: and enjoyall the wonderful privileges offered to normal people. He can goout on a date and enjoy a civilian meal. Sun decks and beach chairsare provided for patients so that they may enjoy the ultra vioU-t raysof the sun, which helps heal then- war-torn bodies.

"The army medics at the hospital here have done wonders »o *help us regain our strength. Morale is the highest in the countryBut it will be lowered if this installation closes as scheduled

"We ask you as private citizens to write your congressmen,senators, and the surgeon general's office, asking them to keep thishospital open.If enough public pressure is expressed, we can stay. '•

•PFC SALVATORE NICHOLAS"A patient at Thomas M England General Hospital

Again, all AMVETS, VFW and American Legion meoibers are }urged to write as soon as possible. Cittern, here is your opportunityto help—write, write and write They are not asking for anything 'but a quicker chance to recover.*

The V-E Dance committee reports that the subscriptions arecoming in at a pretty good rate of speed but there are still more toget. Forms of contracts were mailed, along with an explanation, toall merchants in town and also to the surrounding towns. Sinre thisis the first social undertaking by the Veterans of World W J I I I . theAMVETS. we are asking for the cooperation of the townspeople andmerchants. Won't you help us? We arc taking boosters and ads for :the souvenir journal. The boorters are being solicited by AMVETS ior you can mail them in to Vice Commander James Merwig, 164 .Forest avenue. Lyndhurst. The cost is from 50 cents up and all •donations from "friends" will be gratefully acknowledged Th« adsare $5, $10 and $20 and can also be had in the same manner as theboosters. Tickets arc 85c; the place, St. Michael's Auditorium; tju1

date. May 10. Tickets may be obtained from any AMVET. or at thePost headquarters, 292 Chase avenue. Duke Collins, one of the nut-standing band-masters of northern. New Jersey, will furnish the'music. Master of ceremonies will be Irving Traegei, formerly of theNew York stage and belter known as Miss Bobby Lee Mr Traeger,who is a vet of the second .World War, promises an evening of funand entertainment that will be long remembered in Lyttdhtint—*»tyour money back.

The Softball team has been working out every Sunday :it thehigh srhool field. The team looks promising and is shaping up nicelyPractiiV is at 10 a.m. Sunday. All veteians are urgently requested tosee the managers,-Ray Guidrtti and Danny DcWmo, oi report tothe high school Arid Sunday morning at 10

Services oh Memorial Day will be the biggest yi-t ii'ni) the AMVETS will be participants A parade anrl set vices will he held mconjunction with other local veteran* organizations

A new holiday ui in the offing and at tho tinie u is a hill'beforethe Congress, ready to be passed upon The name of the holidaywill be "Liberty Day." Liberty Day will commemorate V-J D.*v-—the day of Japan's surrender This holiday will be on Septembt-r 2r .1of every year It will be your holiday—you, the veteran of WorldWar II At least we are getting something. We wonder if this willbe the bonus. We hope not. HA HA and a HEH!GMrCA AND GROANS DKPARTMENN . . .

Aftei thejk^i W'.rlrt War. no bmr ifter WotM Wai II 30 per•cent n-duetionTh beer, causing black maikrt racttetmring allreport:,. l**ei tan. !>• had - <•' a price Hv the way. d<> >ou likeHOLLAND BEER" Anotht-i imnm item all of a sudden -butter It.too. can be bought—for 80c to $100 per pound How ..ihnut a nicegitbaidine suit, fellers'* $40- actual value about *$33 White shirtsare also being held bark, waiting for the OPA to die SO th* pricesare more to the liking of another racket Wait, there is more Wanta car4 You can buy a used car for about $1150. Yet the -.••',.* dealerwill give you a trade-in allowance on the same car (for * new cat —$1,550) of only $750 Pretty detent of them How about th»- Vets'priority on building matenatU" It isn't available for thr vets, yetothers are getting it with ho trouble' Got any «r *•;*• * Joe" out who you give deposits to «m orders (qr electrical apparatus, etc. There are many people who are .starting on your rmmry inbusiness and paying the rent and buying stork At' of a sudden, theygo kaput, and you are out your, money Where is the state bonus'Will it be ht Id till next year or some future year' What hdptM*ncdto the national bonus'' 6. well, such is life One thing we tan *Xit\do is to gripe

Newly chartered posts in New Jersey ire the Nuil<*y Post No :*QNewark Post No. 31 ami the Bayorine Post No. 32. Anothci post i.*being organized in Atlantic City This makes a fiiand total of 33posts in New Jersey. Membership is increasing by Irani an>! bound*All veterans are mvited to attend our n< *t meeting, Tuesday, April23, at 292 Chase avenue. Thi' timeis 8 p.m All members are urgently requested to bi me 8 new membei. Every day is membM ship <1J\

Peter Curcio, re<-ently returned vet. is now one of us an AMVET, Pete had a service station before he left and is Retttf c !t inshape again Good luck to you.-Pete, we are with you 100 per cent

AM vrta" wis)ung information on thr purchases of hor\i< * uDUSincases, rnntart tJie local AMVETS foi assistance and adviceVets arc not taking full advanUigc of In** opportunitien accordedthem. Now is the'time to hent-nt by your GI Bill ol Might

Remember, your best bet—THE AMVET

Driscoi toKeep ControlSay* State Must Keep

Rents Down Even IfOPA End*

State control of residentialrents and establishment of ceil-ings on commercial rentals in theevent that OPA regulations arrabolished, have been advocatedby Alfred E Driscuit. Republicancandidate for Governor.

"So long as the war-bprh hous-ing shortage remains, the stalemust be ready to protect its cm-

Bocks NurseProqramHere ;


| n u

whether t'.< ehuddiedin Washington will enn'rgt- fromits OPA tangle with adequatecontrol uver rentjf "

Unset)11 said that State controlof commema) i rnta. in the .abtence o( F e d e r a l regulation*-\ •. ,.!.! be ol frval u d * • returningveterans -<«>. nu1 locations 16**b u s i ri i s * e>Uibl:»hrmnl» amiwould .ilx' help tht- *.m..!l bu-ineasmiui lie added

"Now that all 'non-essentialcommercial construction has brenhatted bv Fedeuil order it willbecome even m*»rr tiiffti ult fm

ness • •' -M- !.•• • r.t al * fair pricrA SUte* program vl n'nt control

on privfate. dwt-litres, but . i>napartment houses . nd all mulli-

Ritchings Chosen

I.\m1huiit fhe fhar'ifed Iwurmlhei n-.

v t*>-uit24. »«•


Chatter from Lyndhurst Hi

tvrtjrit^rhvot*Thf pul'U« l\l>r»r

Ci S .MU100.000 a» n>m

i i thi State(•.'•. l l tal lh N

I • i t w \ ••- . •

O f H i ^ . . o f t h e ( - . ( ; • - • > . . : • •

he..ltt> S<h.Ht|, Child hygiene an*1\ uiting nuiaea also work th

Civic League

Mrs Renebertet and Mi's* Lea-nore Ralph., i .U i> t.4 Troop 10,I .> ndh urvt G irl Srottts. assistedby V - Glenn Goral and K MBetty Co: belt i4 Senior Troop\e Ttv^p 10 a very ttne da) of

They vwwed! the cek-*tial di»-pifcy *t th«* Hvytkn Planetarium,then a *o>>urn through Ihe Mu-.-..,- c | Natural HttUir). nextc*me tune *»ut loi lunch li>Ho%nsiby a m*r to StMM Uland on theilun.vipal f.rr>

Tr*>- p 10 hopes for more such<da>s oi activity m the nrar futare

Th*- following G.:l Smuts attend«t.1 J«*«n C*«"k. IV>ris. Fow4<*».tV«is K.»*. Carolyn Halm. CarolAnn M->\ kud, Carol Arkrrstm.H. -n i : \ . - H...I - i . . 1\ •-..•:lMarion Ptowell, Harbata Planti. ., • • Cram Dorothy ftmna,Joycr '-" •• -.'i.i l ; . . ! . • WunJ-lmg

Vet DivorceIs Decreed

Dwyer Says Wife W «Unfaithful While He

Served Oversees

Ypwr Pu6!u- Health Nun- i . - that the ftajorrtTl:i, uted to Ihe (*.;(•:«Nursing S f n u t i »»f theby thr etflploywwm «.4 tubrtCU! IM» foUi'Vk -op nurse*, who lastyear \ mied T 45* iv t"> i> '•1J-- . <•- and i . t ! « t »

1 • .--. nur«)-t vi*it in ail thrRamsiumtwa of the nnintv -withthr c-kivptton of Hack«'ni*sKt . v .- i and W. «t A • .tXiu va- rwntminitlM. Public HraltrtNMHW-». employed by ihr Bt>ai>1of It* .,;•!•. imlude this work fnti .i cwmiminu abl«' ilise«>e pit*

Thr> do l! , ti . • •.* M|> t-lhesl clinic* rundut'ted b)n Ptewa, industrial aurwya,ruloala , < i i i n i - .m.t *famil

bypnyate i i h t u i M m and health dtpat t men U.

In an .au • Ui dweuvtr allirl> tut rrvul

osu Ihe nunut t V f ) on a i- I.. . ut rriucAtitm. ai i .in*;. fillprii.-d rhe«i X ta> vaamukatiuna,.n • >JI .irk to !•** .-!•• .il! c«intta>t>til 1.,1 -rt ul •>« ..!>••

IM r. iialvd that t' > raw-ful prt>frgfn M fatten up, » h u hin\o!\tk thr t"•tpfralmn »>I «li

! Camphi*tWUv

Herbert A Ritchmga p.rt <-oLo..,n.i'i of the HvrgerCimntV A m i Iran Leglun, It.. -hren appointed , l i H supers***'.in cham of Veterans' Berviee^olthe Department nf/Krunomie I>-

with Jufnces in thru n t ) 'Adnimistiation

ell in Chanr* Helrn Dwv--

at 195 Holly-st i» <!.».•. • -<<\

d N,.vemh#M 1 1«5 He wtid4 ^b*yn "mTrrya* frugv.Qcto-9. IMS' until" "SecvnArr 4.Th.- P« \» i> were muiited25 )»4i

granted for deE.

Mition wen> Mis Emma Tochetl•t Kegal Paik. L I from Mark

T Tqrbrtt. 4' 24 Monona ivcnur,Rutherford Thrv *^rr married»> . . . • • u u . :-2t.

v Anite Lindsav, in Per»hm«"place, - N.trth At line ton fr«njiThumw Lindsay, t i " * in thi I * SNavy

probltill be ha

___•«:, AH! IVil<-l i . Riti h

"in*!* *""! hi- \si-tant' For th-presenl he hxi one atvtstani amiin Julv then mai i- more helpHis app<>in!m«-nl u:.« Bithounreid,hv Col. Warren Hood, dnrcfew ..ithe State I >• |>. Imefil at Kronatnw Developnienl

Captain William PhoroHonorably Discharged

Ktbamv .rue

. ' . [ > • • :

• • >n

•i . - „


H i

Dnuclst,<; Pt:,r.1 F Phl.vndhui

•<i for H1 4thiptuin !»»•;a;(. in AI:h-- j.t..U si *V- Am.



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Henry• I I I t MMIMII

Politi. M M K M lull

SI V. (nllk VI I I H U I M N -\M> Ill

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I'IKiNt Kl \IIV> . Ix.l

. 1 HIM. I I * iNull I I I »l.ll>

• •I) IHIIM '..I.IN N J

Vacuum Cleaner Speciall . l t l » « l l > 1 I I . M i l A l i l l - I I I

I I M I M l l i t I I I > I U i . . \ 3.49ill U ,.il. L'unrunl.f,! Ih,. \ , „ /

m i f l* * l u i i M j n iii.ui, m, .•..!•.••'


554 V«IUy Brook Av«nu« Lyndhunt




Our Charge* Are theDAV OR NIGHT

25c One Person

f l l Atiywhor* in LyndhurftOno Stop

Ki- . i t •• 11 •• M , t . , Out

of Town

t H . e n t i>r,

Coll RUtherford 2-8989A Col, ut M,*r W,H Sa»» foa

Sgt Frank Or'efic*1. »<m of Mr.pnd Mrs D.IMICI Oreficp of th* LVS Marines, who has twrn in theF'aciffc th^atrr of war for thirty-"five months lias returned to his

Ladies' Auxilur\ . LyndhH i I 11 •.. A ^ - i t u . t i ' i t i , M i l l

April")T at th.M(<hhcis.r (.[

h.nirT^f Mr« L*

S14* Vail, v Br.

Above A I - A Good RoofShelter - Protection • Appearance


TU» N-ni»\liu»Mll

HaroldJ.Cameletl*<wt Otlll 1 III IIJNM.

loom »>.T. N..J.III .1.. ,f,,.l ;«.-»

KINGSBURy ROORNG COMPANY248 Clinton Terrace: RLth. 21368 l.»ndbur.t. N j



r o n omBtm — WE DCUVKKMTSBaWOU t DM

OPEN EVKRY DAY 4:30 in .VJO P. M 1~


216 Ridg* Ro*d Lyndhunt. N. J.

ALLEN'SCut-Up PouKry


12' . \mr» \\rtm. 'Hutbrrl..rH

i Krai I* Waatrra I tkn,

WITH A f i l l . I 1ST <»r.t*t.%H MLLCD U I M J 1 I


FRESH" EGGS...._• " ( atrt lo I'utlf t.U nUiitft an,I

GAULRUTH. 2-8778


C H A•

, . 9°* ' • . • ]

. <~MAMr IUt>

I h o Fl . rrwn. . . j , . . . j>.


MP.»»!!• v ... IV

in fhr WMIK Mi thr if

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Zinnniei' man sm ci

«\»\l I• • I . S I

Page 5: CROSBY RUTHERFORD NATIONAL - digifind-it. · PDF fileCusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an ... The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people

' • fc

P«gtSlx T H E L E A D E R Tfcnrrfay. April H,194<T.


A -joint meeting »>f Guidetti RogaUki-Wwe Post and Auxiliarywas held last Friday, with Commundei Ct-incgha presiding. PIVNI-denV Mrs. lula was the1 hunmcci nui-sl.- .

During tin1 mcftiiiR it wus announced t lu t jmnt installation «»fPost and Auxiliiiiy officers will be held Sunday .it 3 p.m. SlitciMCCNMI-I will be . thu installing atfictt for the Aux.Jii.ry and Comladt1 Vincent Grazzi will !*• installing officer for tin1 Post.

Jtihn Peltx w;«s appointed as chairman of tin- hardball and w)ftball teams. He is anxious to start a" junior learn to compete withthose representing OUIPI veterans*,urbanizations.

Chairman 'John Bella rcporled the -Post dance will be held onMay 25 at the hall. . •

Highlights of tho VFW legislative p'ibjjiani which was presentedU» Congress recently by the VFW legislative representatives inW;i."hinL'.iiin Was uuthm-d by Commander CCIIHUIIH

The program, according to the commander, was laid before Con-gress in a prepared statement by Omar B* KeU-hum, VFW len.sluUve lepiescniativiv C'onimandei-in*Chief Joseph M. Stack «f PittsbUTfthj was alfo present when the House Committee on World WuiVeterans' Legislation opened formal hearings.

AmonK the 'items discussed at length before the eommittee werethe following proposals. Which are among the piincipal objectives*ojfIhe Veterans of Foreign Wars:

1—Adjusted service pay for World War II vetreans on the basisof $3.00 a day foi service in the United States, and $4.00 a day for iservice overseas, with an additional Mat $500 for a combat disability. [

2—pensions for World War I veterans in the same amounts and.Junder the tome conditions as now granted to Spanish War and Phil-ippine Insurrection veterans.

A- -Amendments to the National Service Life Insurance Act toprovide,, among other things, (a> lump sum settlements, (b) widermn&c at beneficiaries, (o) payments for permanent and total dis-ability, and ><\i guaranteed number of monthly payments.

4- Continuation of existing hospital privileges, regardless ofwhether illness or disability can be proved to be service-connected.

5— Increased compensation and pension payments.•"'*-•''• •' ute the highlights of the legislative program sought

if Foreign Wars, the organization also is giving itsattention to other matters of vital interest to veterans," CommanderCcrneglia said, *

"For instance, the Vetoi ans. of Foreign Wars has presented toCongress proposals which would make surplus properly items muiereadily available to veterans, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars wa:;"the first lo propose housing legislation along the lines followed in

datKn ude to Congress by Wilson W. Wyutl, nation^r"

New OfficersTo Be Named

Winne Moves fo Ad-vance Two Defectives

in County


• While tlvby the Vetera


/ ' l i i said, "that aftei the Veterans WprupuKal to incWase compensation and

wage policy,hi

the rec"omtnandatal housing iidminislrat v ^

W'n-.n from •W..shiii;,tu;i. ;n< 01 dinji t<> the commundei, is iliaUie House CommitU-L' alteud> hii.s opened hearing:ol these measures

"It i.s ultftiificunl In notforeign Wars pwsenled iheipcfiMdn payrmnts in hnf with the (.'.oviinment's new . ,ilrti i liH-mltci.s of tiif House Committee*—including Chairman Kankm introduced ideniical hill, culling for a 20 per cent increase."

It was Bpnuunted that <iutfnj< the past week tin- Post shufllrbojud U*Mn jr'ifit-ifi B;ininu' 'r f*nst, Anif iuan Legion, by (Muuli, ii&thf VFW ilif! n.ot li.ive enough p l a y e r on hand for the match:

A ri'RUlm ui'ttiiif. of t.n Post will be held tomorrow tujtht. Thejoin I install:, titin will l>- Snnit.,v al ;i p.m. Both meetinR; will in- heldal the i v i in-. :»:r; Valley BifHik avenue Sunday uftci n.HirVwjIIbe open h'#tiw I-M ;<ll veteruns .mil then lui-ml..

jugl i' taUje 11 •uiiti'lt t < JiiL'.aiiii AI half millinll>f WorlH W.n ITVm Ti"iiu men. l - i . of ihr Veteians i.f Fim-mii War.s.

! thi- muiim/tition f"t YOU". Th VFW

Cliff side Girl Is Winner

of thi ee pi'usc>cutor'sinVtitUgutora to detectives IK ex,pec ted soon U the result of anew law which permits BergenCounty to raise its detective forcefrom MX to nine members.

Slated for promotion are In-vest i(ia tot:; Charles De Lisle ofHackcnsack, Carl DeMarcu ofLodi. and James Millington ofMidland Park. The recommenda-tions, to be made by ProsecutorWalter G. Winnc, arc subject tothe approval of the Board ofFreeholders.

Salary of investigate! s at pres-ent is $2,500 a year, plus a $230cost of living bonus- Detectivesreceive from $2,5dO lo $3,000 peryear.

The law authorizing three ad-ditional detectives was passed bythe legislature about 2 weeks ago.The bill, introduced by Assem-blyman William B Widnall ofSaddle River Borough, applies tocounties with populations from300,000 to 500.000. Bel Ren's popu1st ion is approximately 400,000.

Prosecutor Winne's current de-tective staff includes Chief Mich-ael Orrechjo. of Fail view; Cap-tain John DucofT, of Hackcnsack;Lieutenants Nathan Allyn. ofHackcnsack and John Guidetli ofLyndhurst; Mrs Ann Terhuneand Walter Fiaser, detectives.The latter is now on sick leave.

DeMuico. a former motorcyclepoliceman in the county policedepartment, la Itepubhcan leaderof Lodi Borough. Jic won theBci'Kcn County Grand Jurors '1945 medal for outstanding policework last year. His citation cov-i i ed . hi:; alertness in capturingthieves in the uct of breaking intoa l.ixh lavctn. V

Millin^ton -wax iecently CIIIII-mended by Assistant ProsecutoiWallace S. DePuy Wld Common

Ipleaa Judge Ikrman Vanderwarl; fur his work in netting corrVicI tions ;agBtnisT a «an« of -Passaitund Brif.rn County l>ui g)stn<

; most fil -whom aie nuw servingtei his in htatc prisor*.

DeLisle in chief invevtigutor.



Scout Camp Rates Seek LowerBuy S«-«iiit: of Tamarack C'oun-

ril. nuniU-iine 1500 in SouthBV'rKen niunicipalttics, were informed la&l wu-k ntlek will V « T

Contract Bids

depend on whether troops providetheir own food, Kniajte, and leade n , or use the facilities there, theCouncil said. -*•

The boys will use Camp Tam-arack, the 17S-acre I. art at Oakland. The camp is COO feet abovesea level and boasts its own 10-

Jr. CoitgeWill ExpendTo hw*y the pn-M'nt tmcr-

wn'-y. Kyirl'ich Dickinson JuniorCollege will make di-fiaitc pro-vision (or 300 extra students in

V T 6 ni iui i - working time andt« admit mure contractors to thecompetition,. State Highway Com-missioner Spencer Miller, Jr. , di-vided into four sections the mod-ernization of Route 25 between! September and flexible provisionNewark and-Elizabeth. He will« for 200 more, according to a un-receive bids in the State House ' animuus votp of the board of cdu-Annex at noon. Friday, April 26. ' cational directors last week.

The rebuilding will give eight ; The board also decided to csifulead of the present four traf- \ tablish bus service to the north-

acre lake It is 3 miles from ih.- -f«c-tan« on the 3.2 miles passing f-«ra parts of Bergen County be-nearest town, and is situated in t h e Newark Airport, the world ' . I cause transporUtion from cerUinthe h**art nf th^ i b m a t n M™ -T most heavily traveled artery. For r communities u now difficult Thew e n e a n oi w e t tamapo Moun t ^fely w h w e a c c i d e n l f d l a I i t i e s | deUiU of the new service wUl be

have occurred five new bridges j worked out by a committee conwill be included to eliminate

tains.11 was expected b y the Coun-

cil'that more than 125 boys wiltuse the property from June 20to August 25. Tim McCoy.

crossing of lines of vehicles .atgrade. When the work is com-

tant Scout executive!'will' direct P l c t e d t u r o s w i l 1 separate theIhe camp. two roadways of two lanes each

for north-bound cars and two forsouth-bound The centre areas

I will be for "express" or "through"Layman HeadOf Hospital

Dr. Alexander SuggestsAppointment for

Bergen Pines

Bergen Pines Hospital will haviu laynijin us its superintendentinstead of a medical man, if Gov.Walter E. Edge signs assemblybill 178, which reached his dt-sklust week

The BeiKen County BfMird ofFreeholders i equi'&tcil the Icgis-,'uttun and it was mtnjduccd byAssemblyman William B Widn^llof Saddle River BoruuKh Th<ficeholdeis want to separate thesuperintendent and medical dlrectur posls whit-h were hel<ljointly since OH- hospital 's fi*unding in 1916 by Dr. Joseph K Uuirow, until tm reliremenl l.i.tyear.

In \)i Morrow'K place as meriical dncctor the h«\ boardo( gnvcrnora M'l"""'1 (1 '*' KufuLyttlc. fuinifi director of th<-N i w Hani|)stnn' TuhciruTnstsffmpitut. It is said he has no di

I i.\vv tt> M-t ;il>" «• . supvi intend*-ntof the institution

and will t e flanked by the 'lo-cal" roadways.

The bidding will be on fiveprojects as follows:

1. Paving of .709 mile forcifcht traffic lams, from Portstreet. Newark, to the junctionwith Routts 21-29.

2 Paving of 667 mile or~eight.traffic lanes, from the Routes 21-

tisting of Charles L. Steel of Teuneck: Burt Johnson, Tenafly;George Geier, Hawthorne; andEllsworth Tompkins, Paterson.

Once a year, a joint meeting ofthe Fairleigh Dickinson board ofeducation and the high schoolguidance directors will be heldat the college, .it was decided. Inthis way, the directors will helpdetermine policies and curricula.

Board members suggested thaithe exchange students now at-tending Fairleigh Dickinson beasked to speak at the foreignlanguage clubs in the high schoolshereabouts.

Other matters which the board29 Junction to Hayne» avenue approved were a forum and mus-and the building of four bridges- ic series to serve the communitie*throe at the junction with Routes in the area; the correlation of th-21 29 and one at Hayrues avenue.

3. Paving of .852 mile of•ighl lanes from Haymes avenue

photography course with journal-i d i i d i lUm. advertising and art curricula,

„ „ and the plans for Becton Hall, asNewark to Carnegie avenue Submitted by Edgar 'I. Williams,

and bridge at Carnegie avenue. | architect.of 1.051+ mile for

Um Leas Bn—naii at 4S | Chaa* <avenue, Lyndhurst and Zigmund 'Kammski of 4 » Kmgslmd ave- .nuc. will be marrird April 2f atSacred Heart i t C. Church " :

B I T ZLVNOHUHT — HUTH. f«MtAT*, at 1 »<• ; I V I l at T SMKitaMar M *

SAT! Bl> W


rmiis. i u.i ii., i APRIL 11


«ilh I.M. I ollift. Jr.. Uark.rKiu»> knishl

— CO-imiCIIDII -

"Captain TugboatAnnie"

xilli Jaiir l larorll

Pavingright traffic lanes from Carnegieavenue, Newark, to North avenue,Elizabeth

5 Demolition of the ElizabethHome for Indigents' buildingsnear North avenue.

Rids .foi the roadway construc-tion were taken by the HighwayCommissioner February 18, butthe low figure of $3,231,516 ex-ecvdrd pre-war costs by too widea margin and was rejected.

Under the. plans for the ghort-j i links more contractois will h*~iliUihte to bid under the pre-qual-iftcation laws relating to financialir-p.,ns(l ility and equipment.

Play Accordionas a vocationfor your enjoymentus a i

6 Ames Ave.. Rutherford, N.J.

KUdi. 2-7323

Miss II..n u t Srhniidt, .i Ktudcnlut Clifrsulr Park High Si I,,,.,I Listweek" was ijci iarrrt the winner itithe Juni'*i Town Meeting M-ntlfinal . t)•.•!..i .t.11> tr«Bd«ists, lu-ldat Ihi- CIlAsictr Hark H|Kh School,and In-ni i i l i . i - l r StationWA.Vr.

r pariipi|>iiting student*l t Cyphers', "I Hidge

Richard Lvncr', ofLyiidluirst. und Miss I.ucy ItufJ o i n s . <if Rutherford Tlu-nubjertwas "Sl.iiJI SelectiContinued?"

Miss Schmidt, ulwCliffsidc Park, wirn. n the firstbroadcast last -Octubvi Hi. uverWAAT. when the subjirt was"BctU-r Sportsniunship in Intn-•cholsstii Conti'sU." The CUffsi<k

-.Othewin- R'rfield Ha

S e B e

epiesentini<in the first


|Wil) Carry All Kindsof Easier FlowersM-OHKKS BY WIRE


ren Cemetery2-ll,-»72-2 H4

Puik girl IIHS been couched by JMb* Vein;. M. Kennedy. £ngluh l

teucher, head <>f (he social studiesdepartment ,ut ClifTsidc Park.

The listemny judges at theNewark radiu station were Henry is. Puder, Arthur F. llup|M>r andPhilip HoeJutt'in, Dr. FrederickL Hipp served as moderator; iJerry Kobertii was announcer.and Dr. Robert L, Burns, princi- 1pal of the ChfTsidc Puik IIIKII 'School, welcomed the guestN and |later tonmatu l i t ed Miw. Schmidt |for her achievement-

Before and after the broadcast. 'educational moving pictures wereihown.

The program \v as preceded by :

a dinner at the lu^ii Hchoul, at-• It-ndeit by 35 niKvt;:. including the; partieipunts in fchc Junior Town

M i T l i n j i , school officials undworkers for the radio station

After . the program a punelquestion period was conducted byGeorge CeMa. Miss Durutliy lie

I hern. Wallace Pearson and Mu>s| Joan Cadlen, who quizzed thei students in the audience.

Announcement was madi- ofcumintf school broudeasU as fol-lows: April 12 Wecquahic IJIUIISchool of Newark. Api il HI

1 (Good Friday) at the WAAT| studio; April J6, Dover Mtgh

School; May 3, Emerson HighSchool in Unmn City. May lu.SUBenedict!. Prep in Newaik. May17 Summit High School, and May24, St. Mary's Mrgh School inElizabeth








I Thi ficch'.MeiK i\, it is ;i|must llitponihle to In.

a medwal man who is alautrained admtntstratai and bu»inr;s 4'Xeeutlve. .unl foi this leamm (••'sue to separate the twix .Ml ions. P ie^o l law the supei inl< M'l< lit of Idliereuloius .ind eummuiitcaofr di>"eiisv tWiSpitahi "be-it ln.eliw«l phyt>l Jtwan. The Widnall bill wuuHeliminate this in|Uit<inrnt *

Ce.itgr Movihv of Ituthet frird.1 who has been biisiimM manac#r• of heij*eii i*iiM"s fm twelve vears,1 is now on leave >>f ahvnti and' is expected to rein*.' soonI governor Edge recentl) Mcnedanother Widnall bill n ^ - l n l bvthe Bergen freehoMt i> whichplaced the Beigcn Pines -u|« nn-teiidenl in unHaKtilietl m i l ser-vice.




2 Shuffleboards . . . fcrfc/e Tennis, etc.



Phone RUtherford 2-1390(Regular raeetiiifs 1st ami 3rd Tuesdays of each month)



In ihr Thrill Fmktd W>M<r>PMSH*


with KrM Smith. RbumJU t imiiniElsa l.aiita-liT

- - ro-trratcTiONl.EII.N KKRIII.

In Ih, Mini. ,•( -Shmu ftufCMHV



I . >;( .«• IWnitirolar W«i.<..(Saudi.' V


will. j,,l.n ||n.|iak,R«> B e W ,AnirU I .j»ii-lnir>. Prrp>tfHi K>>«lfr,

M-rj-.rif Main. krnn> lUki rr ( im«va toN —




In Hn M T M "•>


Iril Al ' 2:t» T:l«l HIMSvilunla) 1:19 t : | i lil:lhl



Sun-el I ;II-»,I in "Orrawti Trail"l l

"S<»Ufr.T. i . aara I2W. .li.i» uan> I

i HAYS MUD. TIIRt; Tllr.S.

Louis MionTile Contrurter

"QumlUi VtnHurrd InMuntrr Mtrhinii.i" ,


Plume Kl'thrrford 2-5M5

M m l i r n I ' l a i i i i l n - l r i i < l i i i i i r

l l Th l

• ana M

NOKMA M A R K x . i i dJ M SECOND A V I W l


/*»MM> al your home »r m* ttujm

Write IM, Information

For Sale and RentWU.% I-Al'r. MODUS


- B E R G E NTypowriter Service

aAl I M \KK> M.« AMI I M.I)

RENTED, KDPAIKKUh.usy Payment SidetI tuJr iVA«f .N*li>/iH IMMI

53: Mai II St.. 1 Urkrnta, kIIV.t.M.a.k UMI

To People who are Asking the Question: *


A StMttnmnt o4 Facto by ffc* Lmckmwmnnm Rtulromd...


garm. abonUng coal, hauling

•aadiag mmblas.A Daico-Haat OO

will hea t toa r Ia t arioo. Il will prowda a«aaaV.mrmm room waraaiat—ftgiilaiail

• DURING THE FIVE YEARS of1941 through 1945 total revenue de-rived by the Lackawanna Railroadtrom all passengers handled on itssuburban trains in the entire State ofNew Jersey amounted to



. M,,,i,l,> i

"Up Goes Maitit"aba

"She Went to theRaces"

Kttn, Sal. MiiliW Onlyl.a>l I :l,apler

I M R || | klMTulur I,-

SIN. i,, SAT.-ONE K i l l WKKK.M'RII I.I i» 20

Sunday show starts at II:!)HIM. i HUSKY

IM.HII) IfMli.M \NIn l.m HcCvrr'i

'The B ellt of St. Mary's1

S.T1-.II I i , , , . .

Sim. UM*. . ' : lu ' , ! ( ( 7-J-, ] . (

M..H. I,, l-ri 2:11-, : ; 2 n t, ,()••Jl 1:00 M j T:2li » \\

Ihr MaWlgTIMMil a/ Ihr ItrfrmlIhralir u ( m mammrr ihrbHkt tfWwJ/.ili.m ol Ihr pn4.Ut,rHI \ lilt.II HI'l ' l iTi ><>l M)


H.ll I I 'MKNT

• rnlmo lh« B t S T .,. SOUND "t^o

IVu-nbd al 12:3a i:9 !:«• IO:MMun. t i n , - . 3:im 7:im 10:111

RING T H O S E S A M E F I V ES. the Larkuwanna Rt i lroad

paid to trie State of New Jersey:Current tuxes

amounting to $15,568,033llurk taxes ami intcrnt

an mm it lilt to $15,606,215TOTAL. TAXES.I441.19-IS

anoaudcallf by D'lco-HaM$31474,248

' Star la and and o«c Wow aDako-Haal Oil l m « n a balaaoJM aaailf awl iaaajaaa-s in l j ia m praatm bmlar or


mid ACCOUNTS* . ( OL KSKSlimy mm4 t W i " c Sthm»l

Rutherford Se«?r»t«srial SchoolI FKANKUN PLACK. •UI1BPITII - m la 2 111:, iti'

Keller Engineering; Co.I \MHII RM

And bMr In mind W i H*tk* lact.. .OUT OF THE %:~ VW.MI o# pnawnt-niiu*> rrrfivni during Ih« I n l—r Dtwi

, . . l o nwintam tu psUsMity, . . to pay iu crvwi *od lid. . . lo mMOUin lit p i l l I

••In In. I $\j JM jw «ad it?

. . ID pay for ttw r\cItu- jwrnrr and cvat itu*wl to haul in paawnf r trains

, . . t « upatat* and- tnaiulain •(• fern** amjfwryUjliont

a its track*, ctoar Uw u n m l n m

Lackawapna Raaroad.„!_:.


n,..t- ».,i \t.rii i l l :

H\KH\II\ M \N»vi K

l..»r«r llr,'nu » j , , i r i AnaVc



J. l l l - < . f l r r , •>(, 111

"The Notorious

Lor* Wolf"

"«" » " l Apnl 1*17

t l HY l . t H I A M Il«lm ll.,.l..k. Ra, H*l,,r

THE HARVEY .(URLS'Kb. - . . •

•ASH.' KUHHoM. N.ail l^-urr. Ill .-. l.>c.rr>

"Terror by NioM"

»..« TW>M. -Ayril IMS

"Tokyo Rote"•Because of Him"

2:20 i HI 'I IHII I I X "ill


Ift Rtdimmlmilh l.nt...all/lLolrUrUt

Vtnmt LAKESoMy TtlTTS • Joan C M IHU1)

~4 Ukm (JKH

RIVIERA PARKRoller SWiiig Rink


tlKS.. TaWW, Ftl . SAT.AND UK.

IMP. M to II r Mt v m MM. AjpnotNooN

irailnuiiM A T I N U UKATTNGtnmt+m bltm

Emrk \igkt

Cub Rack Rst and Boy ScoutTtnop No. S will M4d a minatrrl,hay 1. '

Page 6: CROSBY RUTHERFORD NATIONAL - digifind-it. · PDF fileCusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an ... The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people

11M**T, April ILWU THE LEADER • • § • St • # •

THE LEADER'S PAGE OF ALL SERVICESTHE BARGAIN COUNTERTkaoiMtaV have tommi that tfceae T*~*ft a j i iu

rornu are the UMM eagerly read is Bergen Ceoaty.

Convince youraelf by buying tbrm. Through lh»m

rent, buy or nrrmanay; find the bargain for which-you

have been t rwrWf Telephoae or write your cbui-

fi«J aJvuiiMWili to ear eficea: 2SS RIDCE ROAD,


The trlephoae numhen are ROTIIERFOUD 2-1031 ami

KRAMNT 2.1904.

• One insertion it fifty cents.

Two hmrlioan are aeveaty-five crnm.

Three iaaertions are one dollar.

The Leader

•HICK Sow* ayMcM **4 r*>iti«a. (ilT punt** «IMI fancci.

<«II HI II. M«M. VKRV RKA8ON-AUI.K. U7 F*ra »<

lf o d ,• uugaV with MIIIBII Anu-rk-

I;-J<«1 hMtitioii. tn-jir all iranVVnt. li..x K - i l


i <••!. Mali-. April I. \ »• >

ASTTH1NU M itwt«i lut»* k M i Mro#Aaf r**f aVlrn. I * • * • • • • • • •••; Bhitt* ra,

bulM ur ronf* with «r «nk>«i •**«KatMialt* «"fci • ! fully tlvra Ar'.nct.tnMkfwi n*>nt Worka. i t f U i r « l •»* -Sa, North ArUactotk KE I U I I


Ni W



MH-J Al IfcrKritto ff


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Rf-IMlr- (Mi • • f h i ' i r >"-»• h'li- - i*

CAM. Rl Tf l 'Vj t t^-KK.- :-*»« M(••It l-HUMIT stttttVhK

'MHii nrar Imth Prtvati-lilntk H*<llfVill« Turnnlh.-

d N l h A l i t C

t 'Alt (1ARAAK, --uitsililf for I.IIHI-llfHH pill | - ^ . H. Mi I.IIX irln ilV.-IIUi .

l.widlinr*! tf

l.HKl.- lloun.l 1". m;il. | : . .niiiK luunr' |*l«i•- Y . l i . . * t'r<-rk 'K.i. I.. I- ' It I:\ \ A I U . A. W tYaakklutwIt u I h I-IIIM 4 11


Young womiin d. Mr.--, ..m. •• or dt.rrfwork I or », d»y» n»-r wfri l , Kx

1,-iti;. mrnlwhHl front rixmi. for rtin<;. ml. tmtii ctity. :;|i iKontu nv«nu..

l.iii.ii.nifi. 4-ll

muul ' i : \ Y I 'KN •>» Wlif'.i4. TnlitliiK I ' a t l i . r

i..r;li|..r HMKHHI turriMK*'. «>nl l«r|t.-liK rA I:I i i Al

Uli-T-llJTK twin ('Mine <-«rrlktMid ...iirtiti.iK. itfi, itu. 2-r>3«» *

G«n*r«lWindow CUaninq Co.

lU-nm ttirrxrja. I'.i.

tIMNit H U M V .

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H~l,.. rJ K-r. fef ««••*/.

l ' r i \a l r M«Mffi« a *>!»«•. i«lI>

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ReidHE- ;





RUtherford 2-6575


Vicinity of LyndhurstNear Railroad

WANTED BY VETERAN(Business Couple)

Address Box 30THE LEADER


I a, «.»<• I » -« • > - - - »•• * l *

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~ Kl«rir|f !*•«- h o i w , U M w , I coins utid ttiump i-oUrTtlutW, He. T*l".-i-omii. rx. i « l M tiTn". HfRH1 | phon«> 1'Amtuir-. - W i l l , tf

l l k pi>t | 'pan* and njjiinroun utht-r xr.<ll w<vk in u m. to 4 v «*•

l A l y T01 Wmdidy- Amily 70'

• •M.h Wto fartinfw. * viiHin -.1 ': |il..v iri.-ml anil. itri.l MIMC. fun.Hurt.Rlilh. I - » H M

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ril> i: MININU KOOkl .tt£T. <'«ll

fitiiiM * • ri •* aiot n.\1NU lnitMn<*ll*-

| It

Baby Grands, Players

Small Uprights.



Mr. Alestit f

First Grade


KEARNy 2-3898

ftuq Cleaning

$3.95, IM



HI iiiiniai. Mill


Stanley C. SohoShfrt WvUil Vrtntm 1\

M S|iiyve*ahl Avrmir

- It I ilorl.u.l JT'.MJI



"WVHWI I..|I w'ril«li r»n IM- »*.d JI» t j , ' P Carpentry ft-patm of HII ktlMla4rn> liixxi "iiitlii Itutn. • pronasily HllrnaWd is. lu*l drup < <i<l

«-Il to W. R i-«Mi«'i-H. 113 UK1S* RONHKulh-rford -BIMH f-M»S It

• •I.I.V. ptAlr r. frltcriin.r In .-»*•• -Iletit• -.Mlit t '• rttfl'ut-' for r-'.'oiiv. i -

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WILLIAM HARTIM Tontln*- Avmv, l.\ndhur>t

RCtrwrord I-2S17



O«i 1*1 tn-f^nBf t'ounoll



MiilltiK "'id lt«l" rltiinit'iK.r.K<un»il.l> KBllnwtrt | l \ i '.«-«rd lr. Itniwrr I'ugtti I 11





(for 5-day w«*k)

N.,>»pr.iHir» n^ded. PAIHTIR.

KARNINOS AFTER 3 MONTHS ] •*<¥••*:g?«y»-_»g* . ^ i ; ' ; ^

IUI. |.»"-nllTI»il«l

u«ANoiNii * . . , . i^ .«.«r


l(.~«ular salary inrrravs

;i-.fiu•• hinhiT ikrnincs

I Rmh I-Utf

Plrauint uM n l winkmB cnnditioni.

Start K I W on a rarr»r in

an "expanding busunrai.

A.I Nnw -Call "Ch*f Op^raUr"

Al Any Time

• >H APIM.T:Mrt-CliVV THftr KIllltAT

.« » « T!> i . f MRATtmilAT. • A «.*TQ 1« SOON




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John Bonanno


HI 11111(1 iiHH 7 *4.R

For Spring

Riverside RefrigeratorService

Commercial & Domestic Repairing & Installing

I ntl Kvfriprratitr* Itnuuhi. SiJ«/ nml Krntril


I . {MIVMHWI HIIONK. Rl I'll. 2:il! ' .



pi AKANTTI ni p

Nascb's Service StationPage & Stuyv*Mir» Avet. LyndSwrst

O K N rvr t r DAT m m t A M TO t M r m

«l>. llaw. l.!.,*.l...«. Ill I I I M«n


$75 and upOpen evenings imfil 10 o'clock for •tUmattt

10 Y O I I E E D




ami Peaaivt

* Mr* I'aini JakT


Amy «-«<•. r « r ar

PM a GOqP prtaa «• tmmr ear

•ad « I U PAV IT. W»

Taa. '

Modem Mofort, Inc.tM p*KK AVEXH:

tmn me •aaa>^




\'f> Pitrnw \n>nM» E M H..1I..r(...l \ 1

' »../ tuiinlurr lltmthi nml S<Jil

Telephone. RUfh. 2-1149 M—2 8971

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»fr..M- V.W .» fWl ll.l.».l

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HARRY BACKERSONInirritw /V«-*iri?#nr

1 212 JmN AvrM *

1.1 M U M RVT

L^L^B^M P ^^ •L^aaaaaaaal


a»a»a» EA ' ^ ^ B




Rearny 2-1689

58 Allan Drive

A. P. MUZZIOElectrical ContractorE\iimair\ Cheerfully Gi*rn

North Arlington I

K I l K M .'Ml ' I







No Eiperience Needed '

LiqM Machine and Attembly Wort

an Writing Inttrumentt

horn PAV—kii »u> •)<»•« orrtiativii*

tlwi ur imiM in _


Aero Precision InstrumentCOMPANY

!>,> . - . * , .4 A <; N—. IV,, I •

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<ijr It...I... A I Ir. in. jl

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Npr. irt/io in

, Mercury, Lincoln ZephyrH,,m,,. ,m til II..4. . mf f'mt

\ ..It K>^t'.f - A * . . . . . r « i . r f . H ' | . * . . - . l

U l l l / « AMhri •>'«./ M / • • • / I f i fMM' Ml

tn Avenue ly*.4fcurtt N J.

NUiUy 7 ?400 1 - ^


Cement Brictt Pipei 8l<xii ! , l ~ " Slone. Athet. lath I It

CUy. Top Soil. Agricultural L>me


WACHTERS DELICATESSENMKriiit list t# IK11 »•* alsio a ••»•»

r . . , » - . - . , . . . • • • . . .

r.. ik. MaS*aM »• •> ' • - • • •• • • - - - w ••' ' ' • " • ' « ' • ' "

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I ' lHiM III I.MI ll» 1 Hill 1-ttT,

1. . I I law« H.. .b I • >Mt. a.1 > J.

Page 7: CROSBY RUTHERFORD NATIONAL - digifind-it. · PDF fileCusimir Gbral, HUM (trial Auociation and the follow-ing church?! an ... The First Assignment" Luke 21 12.13 - The young people

Page EigHt THE LEADER TWrfay. April 11.IHt


E>tobli*hed 1121

Know Your Public Health Nurse L i b r a r i e sTo Expand"Know Your Public Health Nurae Week" i. being eel. - j throughout the nation April 7th to 13th.Today, it in especially important for all citizens to! The postwar expansion of li-

b ""< i : ith«_..•• t .i ^_ Today, it i p y p l c h n s lei potw p s i oJPublished ever, Thursday by The Cornmemal Leader j k |1<m l l l e health facilities of their csmmunity and to u » . b«™* b5- "•"< cooperation: withtinjCojnp.ny at 255 R.dge Road, Lyndhur.t. Telephone „„.,„ ,„ „„. lmA **«&*. Urifor.un.tely no/enough pec \*»££fe%£?ST£%

lh i i d hEditor Carmine Savino, Jr.Business Manager •.. Ernest J . Dabinett

Entered as second class matter April 7, 1938, at the PostOffice at Rutherford. N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Margaret Glasbr of -the .VwonaPublic Library. Treasure? of theAssociation.

Those present from Lyndhurtfincluded: Miss Edith >nnin«s.Children's librarian of the Ljrnd-hurst Public Library and Mrs.May W. Stuart, librarian. — —.

Subscription $2.00 Per Year Five Cents Per Copi

L y m r h u r r t . N . J . . T l m r M l a v . A p r i l I I . l<>1<>

Nobody Does Anything About ItEVERYBODY TAI K> al.oul tin- rvrr ilHTeahiny rn*t of |<education. But nol>ody «f<»c* anything al.oul it. ^ <ui won'tfind many argument* over tli<- f;<< i ilii.t llie irmjorit) ofour teacher* are tii..liT|>;ii.l an.I tln.t llie phy*irj|l |»l;!tii- ofmost erlui'ali.Kial .li-trirt- are run flown. To (jive (lit- leaeli-ef*« decent income un.l to givp^lhe chiMrcii (leceiil if argued, vtoul.l raiw ili.- ro-t of education to inipo.^il.leheight*.

We don't think MI. I'll.' Iri.iil.lpressive though sonic think it i- itprogressed actually al.out a- f;.r a* lll.iiiinoiK. We're r-till doing tiling- ill

pie understand public health nursing service and how it I Secretary of tin: Carnegie Cor-ran help in >ieknea« and in health. , . • poratiim of New York, one of thef-

Day in and day out, the year round, the Maternal and ^ T S ^ ' 5 ° , % " ^Child Health nurxea employed by the Board of Education Association held at Thi Inn hireand Board of Health .arc busy in Lyndhum endeavoring to D l- J"n n C a r r D u f T "'tht s^""01

keep ..xpectun, mother* pre-school and « hool children well [ t ^ ^ Z ^ Z ^ t ^lurai.UKI IHMIIJIV. - aspects of library service must

IIM- Visiting Nur»«i from the Central Bergen VisitingNur-r SIT vice at HackviiMirk. render public health service*in llii' humr by giving bedside care to the trick.

I In- fullow-up nurses from the Bergen County TIIIXT-euliihijj & Health Association, and venereal diHea»e niir-i"-from li" District Health Department at Hackenuck are nl-o hen pharpiiwal Company, told of

t be forgotten as ths demandson the technical resourtes (jf li-braries increase. The topic ofMiss Ella V AWnch of the LfflWU-nna State -University, was 'TheLibrary in Action" and Mr Rob-

f L. Lund, director of the Lam-

t f c e


,n L dhurrt ,„ maiDtain he,,ln ;„

nilli 'duration pro-- ;i |»rnf< thitt li;t• bu i ld ing I'onMftictinii- hiiiiie o ld. <o>| | \ was •

in both education and construction.The trouble with ('duration liit- you ri^hl in \\w <•>*•

but you fail to take note of it heraUM* lli*- trouble it. MI oldit bah. taken on tbe color of respectability.

Hul look along IIM- ridge and realise: from Ma^brmirkHeights to \orlli Arlin^lon \\t- haw -»\<n -cliool ili-trhl*.

his work with the ' J i i i u mI Achievement, a statt- K><*up to «-p-

. . . . . , . •courage the. spirit of .enterprise-p. Kalute these public health nunei ibis "Know Your : in the young under guidance ofHealth Nurttc Week." j 1«BI lilwwM,

—_ ! Prctident Ethel M. Fair, dlrecV, 8 mNO MOTHER $"££ ^ . ^ ^ ^

Brunswick! presided :*1 thi- busi-ness meetings of the ionfi-n-n«t.In charge of apt*aker« and prcvid-

Miperv IMIIJ:

7e»- of MI|MIn, nix hi^h . Lynof tin- mid "" l


I ntiinl) >ii|><Tiiili'in|fnl

(•even school plants, wv*1

M-hooln and dozen- andthat.

Tlie i ) . Ill HackrlWH Iv. W<of M'liool> with a -hilt iind a bi

I- it any "wonder educaticin i- »o eostK when it i- dupli-cated in aliiM.-t c\»r\ t|epartm«>nt?

TIic original intention **t cdncjtlur-. uppurentlyi WMH todivide tbe *tatc into ^cliwol districts wlinli would be sep*nrale from municipuliiii>. IiiKlead. jn nio.-t ratten tin* schooli list net correspond- to inunii ip;il boundarieH. Instead ofhaving repoiiul operation of school- we liuvc operationdrawn mricily according to bouudar) (in:*-.

TluV ii- expensive and untmviiwry.One e<luc«itor rrctinK fdtiutuled thai if llie entire edu-

cational f*y»»iein of our stale were n\rr4jiiiiled. lightened.6trenglh«*Jiei|— with tln|»lirn)i«>n< etituiluitcil. with di-lriribudgets compressed into a hillgle budget and w ill) the MCIIOOIMin one niuuicipiilily operated on the same lui-U us KCIIOOIMin another we would bave belter education al lew e\pen-e.

'I hie i- Hot a daring thought. Il i- n seit*>ible thou^hl.Are we ^oiug to let education fatter and r*licJ«* ilown to lowlevels hecau-e of useless tnnlilioii-.;* Or artachieve sound, eflieieni education thai we vu

The i|i(<-^tioii -IKHIM be aUoweredi

March 30 1946Okinawa Shima

Kadena Air FieldCk-ai Editor:

I am writing tu ask you toterminate my subscription to the

[••Commercial Leader. You see, Ijusl arxmt ready tu come back

. rr I started from, Good old

Dr. Lee K. oyer, prof of mathat Millcrsvillc Teacher's College,Millersville, Pa., Is visaing hismother, Mrs. Carrie M. Buyer,who is recuperating from pneu -monia at the home of her sister,Mrs. John S. Latsha of 273 Liv-ingston avenue, Lyndhurst.

Local Man BurnedIn Taxi Explosion

New York. — Six members ofthe crew of a water taxi, includ-ing Nicholas Perpiegnam, 52, of637 Third avenue, Lyndhurat,were injured last Tuesday after-noon when'a flre of unknown ori-gin swtpt the boat while it wasdocked at Pier A, North River.

PrrpU'gnam .was released aftertreatment at Bcekman StreetHospital for first, second, and

".•mil tlc H«* burns. Another ere1

mrjnber. Rudolph B«k. of Woocside. L. 1., was seriously injured.Robert Newell of Hoboken was5litihtly injured and went homekfter treatment at DowntownHospital.

The men are members of thecrew of the motor launch "In-Kiid." owned- by the CoatelloLaunch Co., of New York. Theiri-ih la to firry longshoremen totn.ji. in midstream and, on oc-tauoft, Jr. w«s the case last week.

ing at the s[» cMiss Manun C Manfry of theNewark' Business Library MissHazel K. Lev inn <-f the EastOrange Public Library served asCo h

j ,

was ' to d«'hv«r their salaries to them.A.toidingly. there was a $10,000pj\ roll Aboard the water taxiwhen the first broke out andpread to the gasoline tanks, spat

I h ith fli f lublic Library served as spread g , ptor together with Miss tet Ing the crew with flaming fuel.



ibt. Our boat will be heon tht: 120i of April, and I imag-

. inc I will have a very happyI birthday If tin- boat conies in onschedule, we' will load on mybirthday,- which is April 14th.That's us Kood a present as afellow could get don't you think?

I would have been on my wayhome now on (he last boat whichleft March. 24, but at the lastminute our quota was cut, and Iwas one of the unlucky ones, af-ft-cted by it. I have'waited thislong, so a few more days won'tmatte

_Wt are having the rainy seasonhere now, and I want to get away.from here more than ever now.The mud is leiriffic We have hadrain for five straight days thisweek, and believe me, I'm notfiijtivlmi it. After tins t ;*iny MM*ami cttines the. typhoon season,and I have no desire to see aniilhcr one of those. .Two wereenirtiftli!

1 will tako this opportunity tothank you for sending the Loaderuhtng to' me. I really enjoyedreading it So long for now gnn .I'll be seeing you along aboutthe first week in May.


The Fisherman's Dream( i H Montlay morning, and tin- ili>t'i|ilm of Uuak Walton will IH*

II|> hrixlri und curly, ^lii|»|iin^ llie Iron! Nlrrams . . . . softlyIrradinp the Iwiik* HIIHIK the kHifl rurrent in a fatorilr mrmloM, orranting in nome ?*»*CTH |NM»I half a mile ili*wn slrrura. Even now, -thr fifthermiin in toying with rod mid rr«*l, Mirting out flies — anddreaming of a l»ig firnt day's ratrh!

Mnhing liringM hark the t»piril of youth — It iwts a nimnV MIUI (andbia imagination) trw. li hring* him rlot«r lo Nature, to l>ani»h rjirr.. . . . What uninixtit j«* in lli«* fi*hermuu*t>!

May wr Hiiggrtt. *liwrrt-ily, that ihr finlirrman MIIO hu* a (*a*'i* '• or-rounI in lUitt mutual. *a« Ing** inntiluliun grU a double i»or io.i of•alisfaction out of his da/ ulf ? •


23 Park Avenue, Rutherford, N. J.




219 Stii>\»iiiil AM-IIII.-. l.yii.lliursl, N. J. ig£


Dry Cleaning

9 Days Left To EasterI>OI\T IIESI'I vn

EASTKU is almost hi ic . NOW Is tin- L.inr V, liavf \"MI Clotl"nnovatod anil put m onkr l^r ll« "EASTKR PARADE".

» CASrURNlSHES AUTOMATIC HOI «UTEK SEIVICtIt's a must in the New Freedom Kitchen. The modern-minded home-maker wants hot water on tap—plenty of it-—ready jor householdchore*—for a quick shower—(or a- luxurious relaxing bath. Consultui about automatic gas water heaten, sizes, prices and installation,or see your plumber or local dealer.






Sole Agents For






E T C .




Friday, Saturday. Sunday, April 12-13-14NOTE:-YOU MUST CUT <MT C0UPU.N TO GET


We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities

CUT RATE DRUG STORE88 Park Ave. Rutherford