croeserw community and enterprise centre · jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming...

ity E n n u t m e r m p o r i C s e w C r e e s n e t o r r e C Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre Newsletter August 2013 Construction of the new Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre is almost complete and will be opening its doors to the public during the first week of September. The centre is a brand new purpose built, easily accessible facility, which has been part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government and is situated in an outstanding natural environment with beautiful views of the Upper Afan Valley. The centre aims to provide traditional community activities alongside opportunities for enterprise and entrepreneurship and seeks to act as a catalyst for the further regeneration of the community. A state of the art building offering multiple activities for use by community groups, individuals, voluntary organisations, public and private sector organisations the centre is the perfect location for meetings, exhibitions, training sessions, seminars and conferences. Facilities include: Ÿ A Hairdressing Training Facility - a fully equipped and stocked salon available for training and/or hire by professionals Ÿ Construction and DIY training room Ÿ 2 IT suites, one fully equipped Ÿ Training kitchen Ÿ 2 dedicated Youth Rooms Ÿ Main Hall Ÿ Café and Catering Service Ÿ Multi Use Games Area Ÿ 4 Meeting/Training Rooms Ÿ 3 Enterprise Units – Enterprise and Entrepreneurship opportunities For further information contact: Claire Roach 01639 686427 or Jill Healy 01639 853020 Croeserw Community Enterprise Centre

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Page 1: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25

ity En nu tm erm po riC s e w Cre es ne to rr e C

Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre Newsletter

August 2013

Construction of the new Croeserw

Community and Enterprise Centre

is almost complete and will be

opening its doors to the public

during the first week of


The centre is a brand new purpose built, easily

accessible facility, which has been part funded by

the European Regional Development Fund through

the Welsh Government and is situated in an

outstanding natural environment with beautiful

views of the Upper Afan Valley.

The centre aims to provide traditional community

activities alongside opportunities for enterprise and

entrepreneurship and seeks to act as a catalyst for

the further regeneration of the community. A state

of the art building offering multiple activities for

use by community groups, individuals, voluntary

organisations, public and private sector

organisations the centre is the perfect location for

meetings, exhibitions, training sessions, seminars

and conferences. Facilities include:

Ÿ A Hairdressing Training Facility - a fully equipped

and stocked salon available for training and/or

hire by professionals

Ÿ Construction and DIY training room

Ÿ 2 IT suites, one fully equipped

Ÿ Training kitchen

Ÿ 2 dedicated Youth Rooms

Ÿ Main Hall

Ÿ Café and Catering Service

Ÿ Multi Use Games Area

Ÿ 4 Meeting/Training Rooms

Ÿ 3 Enterprise Units – Enterprise and

Entrepreneurship opportunities

For further information contact:

Claire Roach 01639 686427 or

Jill Healy 01639 853020

Croeserw Community Enterprise Centre

Page 2: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25

voluntary organisations, training providers, small

businesses and local government agencies and there

were plenty of activities to get the children involved,

including animation workshops, storytelling and

craft activities. This was the last ever event at the

centre, which has stood for 48 years and has been

well used by the community and Councillor Scott

Jones remembered previous events, as well as

welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then

presented the centre caretaker of over 25 years,

Irona Rees with a bouquet of flowers as a thank you

from the Community Development team.

Croeserw Primary School Visit

Andrew Scott Ltd invited pupils from Croeserw

Primary School along with their Head Teacher, Mr

Alan Clifford, to join them for a sneak preview of

the nearly completed Croeserw Community Centre.

Under the watchful eye of 'Ivor Goodsite' (Industry

Mascot of the Considerate Construction Scheme),

Andrew Scott Ltd Project Manager Jamie Costain

gave the pupils a guided tour of the new

Community Centre along with the excellent external

playing area that has been incorporated within the

project. The children were very excited at the

prospect of using the facilities and were quite taken

by Ivor the mascot.

During the tour, Jamie took time out to explain to

the young children about the dangers of playing

near construction sites, making them aware of the

everyday hazards that they may come across and

the need to play safe over the school holidays.

Photographer: Holli Abraham

Croeserw Community and

Enterprise Centre Information Day

There has been lots of activity happening in

Croeserw and residents got involved when the

Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre

Information Event was held on July 11th to promote

the new centre and its activities, as well as saying a

fond farewell to the current centre which was

closing its doors for good the next day .

As always in Croeserw the community turned out in

force, on what was a very hot day, to support the

event and it was extremely busy as soon as the

doors opened at 3 o'clock. There were some 25

organisations that attended which included

Community bids farewell to the old Community Centre

Page 3: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25


Events And Activities

Macmillan Coffee Morning –

September 27th 9-11am. Come along to the world's

biggest coffee morning, enjoy some scrumptious

cakes with a nice cup of tea and coffee, have a natter

with your friends and raise money at the same time

for a great organisation.

Enterprise Clubs –

Thinking of self employment? Then come along to

the monthly enterprise clubs for professional support

and advice on starting your own business. Starting

17th September 10am-12. Contact Claire Roach on

01639 686427 for more info.

Credit Union Workshops –

Free money management event October 8th 1-3pm.

Free Energy Saving Workshop –

November 5th 1-3pm

Health and Wellbeing Event –

lots of activities and fun to make you feel good about

yourself. 29th October, all day event.

Weekly job clubs –

get support to find a job, write a cv, completing

application forms, writing covering letters, interview

techniques. Every Monday 1-5pm

Free Introduction to Internet Marketing Seminar

October 21st 9-1pm (limited spaces available so book


Christmas Event – come along to the centre for a fun

engagement event with lots of information and

activities. December 19th, time tbc.

Regular film screenings – keep an eye out for the

first one at the end of September.


Page 4: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25

The centre will open for business from the first week who designed the centre logo with a certificate and of September. Council Leader Ali Thomas will a small gift before giving everyone a tour of the officially open the Centre on Sept 16th at 10.30 and building. Croeserw Primary school have been invited along for a guided tour of the building. Interested community members are invited to the

centre in the afternoon for a guided tour of the There will also be a presentation to the children building.

Come along for a guided tour on September 16th

Page 5: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25

ity En nu tm erm po riC s e w Cre es ne to rr e C

Canolfan Menter Gymunedol CroeserwTaflen Newyddion

Awst 2013

Mae gwaith adeiladu Canolfan

Fenter Gymunedol Croeserw bron

wedi'i gwblhau a bydd yn agor ei

drysau i'r cyhoedd yn ystod

wythnos gyntaf mis Medi.

Mae'r ganolfan yn gyfleuster newydd at y diben,

hygyrch, newydd sydd wedi'i hariannu'n rhannol

gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop trwy

Lywodraeth Cymru ac mae mewn amgylchedd

naturiol rhagorol gyda golygfeydd hyfryd o Gwm

Afan Uchaf.

Nod y ganolfan yw darparu gweithgareddau

cymunedol traddodiadol yn ogystal â chyfleoedd

menter ac entrepreneuriaeth a bydd yn ceisio

gweithredu fel catalydd ar gyfer adfywio'r gymuned

ymhellach. Mae'n adeilad o'r radd flaenaf, sy'n

cynnig nifer o weithgareddau i grwpiau cymunedol,

unigolion, sefydliadau gwirfoddol a sefydliadau'r

sector preifat, mewn lleoliad perffaith ar gyfer

cyfarfodydd, arddangosiadau, sesiynau hyfforddi,

seminarau a chynadleddau. Mae'r cyfleusterau'n


Ÿ Cyfleuster Hyfforddiant Trin Gwallt - salon sy'n

cynnwys yr holl gyfarpar a stoc sydd ar gael ar

gyfer hyfforddiant a/neu i'w logi gan weithwyr


Ÿ Ystafell hyfforddi adeiladu a DIY

Ÿ 2 ystafell TG, un sy'n cynnwys yr holl gyfarpar.

Ÿ Cegin Hyfforddi

Ÿ 2 Ystafell Ieuenctid arbennig

Ÿ Prif Neuadd

Ÿ Caffi a Gwasanaeth Arlwyo

Ÿ Ardal Gemau Aml-bwrpas

Ÿ 4 Ystafell Gyfarfod/Hyfforddi

Ÿ 3 Uned Fenter - Cyfleoedd Menter ac


Am ragor o wybodaeth, ffoniwch

Claire Roach ar 01639 686427 neu

Jill Healy ar 01639 853020

Croeserw Community Enterprise Centre

Page 6: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25

busnesau bach ac asiantaethau llywodraeth leol ac

roedd digon o weithgareddau i gynnwys plant, gan

gynnwys gweithdai animeiddio, adrodd straeon a

gweithgareddau crefft. Dyma oedd y digwyddiad

olaf yn y ganolfan, sydd wedi bodoli ers 48 mlynedd

ac sydd wedi cael ei defnyddio cryn dipyn gan y

gymuned. Cofiodd y Cynghorydd Scott Jones am

ddigwyddiadau o'r gorffennol, yn ogystal â

chroesawu'r ganolfan newydd yn ei araith. Yna

cyflwynodd tusw o flodau i ofalwr y ganolfan ers 25

mlynedd, Irona Rees, fel diolch oddi wrth y Tîm

Datblygu Cymunedol.

Ymweliad Ysgol Gynradd Croeserw

Gwahoddodd Andrew Scott Cyf ddisgyblion o Ysgol

Gynradd Croeserw gyda'u Pennaeth, Mr Alan

Clifford, i ymuno â nhw i gael cipolwg ar Ganolfan

Gymunedol Croeserw sydd bron wedi'i chwblhau.

O dan lygad barcud 'Ivor Goodsite' (Masgot

Diwydiant y Cynllun Adeiladu Ystyriol), rhoddodd

Jamie Costain, Rheolwr Prosiect Andrew Scott Cyf

daith dywys i'r disgyblion o amgylch y Ganolfan

Gymunedol yn ogystal â'r lle chwarae awyr agored

sy'n rhan o'r prosiect. Roedd y plant yn gyffrous

iawn am y syniad o ddefnyddio'r cyfleusterau ac yn

hoff iawn o Ivor y Masgot.

Yn ystod y daith, esboniodd Jamie i'r disgyblion

ifanc am beryglon chwarae ger safleoedd adeiladu,

a'u gwneud yn ymwybodol o beryglon pob dydd y

gallant ddod ar eu traws, yn ogystal â'r angen i

chwarae'n ddiogel dros wyliau'r ysgol.

ffotograffydd: Holli Abraham

Diwrnod Gwybodaeth Canolfan

Fenter Gymunedol Croeserw

Mae llawer o weithgareddau wedi digwydd yng

Nghroeserw ac roedd preswylwyr yn rhan o

Ddigwyddiad Gwybodaeth Canolfan Fenter

Gymunedol Croeserw ar 11 Gorffennaf i hyrwyddo'r

ganolfan newydd a'i gweithgareddau, yn ogystal â

dweud hwyl fawr i'r ganolfan bresennol a oedd yn

cau ei drysau am byth y diwrnod canlynol.

Fel arfer yng Nghroeserw, daeth llu o drigolion y

gymuned at ei gilydd, ar ddiwrnod poeth iawn, i

gefnogi'r digwyddiad ac roedd hi'n brysur iawn cyn

gynted ag agorwyd y drysau am 3 o'r gloch.

Mynychodd oddeutu 25 sefydliad gan gynnwys

sefydliadau gwirfoddol, darparwyr hyfforddiant,

Mae'r gymuned yn ffarwelio'r hen Ganolfan Cymunedol

Page 7: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25


Digwyddiadau a Gweithgareddau

Bore Coffi Macmillan -

27 Medi 9-11am Dewch yn llu i fore coffi mwyaf y

byd, mwynhewch gacennau blasus gyda chwpanaid

o de a choffi, sgwrsio â'ch ffrindiau a chodi arian ar

yr un pryd ar gyfer sefydliad gwych.

Clybiau Menter -

Meddwl am hunangyflogaeth? Yna dewch i'n

clybiau menter misol i gael cefnogaeth broffesiynol

ar ddechrau eich busnes eich hunain. Dechrau ar

17 Medi 10am-12pm. Ffoniwch Claire Roach ar

01639 686427 am fwy o wybodaeth.

Gweithdai Undeb Credyd -

Digwyddiad rheoli arian am ddim 8 Hydref 1-3pm.

Gweithdy Arbed Ynni Am Ddim -

5 Tachwedd 1-3pm

Digwyddiad Iechyd a Lles -

llawer o weithgareddau a hwyl i wneud i chi

deimlo'n dda am eich hunain. 26 Hydref,

digwyddiad trwy'r dydd.

Clybiau swydd wythnosol -

cyfle i gael cymorth i ddod o hyd i swydd, ysgrifennu

CV, cwblhau ffurflenni cais, ysgrifennu llythyrau

eglurhaol a thechnegau cyfweliad. Bob dydd Llun


Seminar Marchnata Cyflwyniad i'r Rhyngrwyd

Am Ddim -

21 Hydref 9-1pm (lleoedd yn brin felly cadw'ch eich

lle'n gynnar)

Digwyddiad Nadolig -

dewch i'r ganolfan ar gyfer digwyddiad llawn hwyl

gyda llawer o wybodaeth a gweithgareddau. 19

Rhagfyr, amser i'w gadarnhau.

Dangos ffilm yn rheolaidd -

cadwch lygad am yr un gyntaf ddiwedd mis Medi.


Page 8: Croeserw Community and Enterprise Centre · Jones remembered previous events, as well as welcoming the new centre in his speech. He then presented the centre caretaker of over 25

Bydd y ganolfan ar agor ar gyfer busnes o wythnos Bydd tystygrif ac anrheg fach yn cael eu rhoi i'r

gyntaf mis Medi; a bydd Arweinydd y Cyngor Ali plent a ddyluniodd logo'r ganolfan cyn rhoi taith

Thomas yn agor y Ganolfan yn swyddogol ar ddydd dywys i bawb i'r adeilad. Gwahoddir aelodau'r

Llun 16 Medi am 10:30. gymuned sydd a diddordeb yn y ganolfan i'r

prynhawn ar gyfer taith dywys o'r adeilad.

Anfonwyd gwahoddiad i Ysgol Gynradd Croeserw i

gael taith dywys yr adeilad a mynychu'r sesiwn


Dewch i'r ganolfan i gael taith dywys are 16 Medi