crm rfp requirements

Appendix 2 - Functional Requirements FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS MODULE 1: SERVICE Functionality Searchable Knowledge Base 3. Ability to have varied search creteria for quick referencing from the Knowledge base 1. Ability to capture customer data as well as contacts 2. Ability to capture contact restrictions (e.g do not call, do not e-mail, etc) 6. Ability to capture organizations as well as persons in the customer data model. Customer Self Service 3. Ability for customers to submit account or loan applications via the self service portal. 2. Provide a view listing of all previous customer interractions with the Bank 3. Ability to create tasks and assign them to other employees/resources 4. Send e-mails directly from the system, set alerts and reminders during request resolutions 5. Automatically generate case reference numbers to tasks/requests 6. Enable assignment of created requests to other resource (s) 7. Automatically launch a workflow for service request management 12. Ability to trigger an escalation once an SLA has been violated 13. Ability to link a customer's case to all activities that relate to this case 14. Ability to load scanned documents as attachments to customer cases and activities MODULE 2: MARKETING AND CAMPAIGN Fully Supported Partially Supported Requires Modificatio n Not Supported Specification 1. Ability to have an inbuilt knowledge base where refence materials can be stored and easily updated. information 360 - Degree view of customer information 1. Ability to view customer information drawn from all systems so as to understand their interraction with the bank Customer Information Management etc 4. Ability to search for customer information using advanced search creteria e.g Account number/date/time of transaction 5. Ability to maintain flexible definition of customer relationship e.g Relationship of customer to his business/employer/family or competitor and other trading as well as personal relationships. case number. resolution. Customer Support and Service Management 1. Ability to support a visual dashboard with summarized customer information to different levels 8. Ability to support automatic assignment of Service requests resources based on Predetermined 9. Ability to notify assignees of work assignments electronically e.g mail, sms, or any other mechanisms that the bank 10. Enable the assignees to update the status of the tasks/requests assigned to them including details of time and 11. The system should be able to set resolution and response time, SLAs, Priorities and auto escalation parameters 15. Ability to convert incoming customer requests from E-mail, SMS, Telephone, Letters, webrequests into trackable customer cases with unique reference numbers.

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Page 1: Crm Rfp Requirements

Appendix 2 - Functional RequirementsFUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS

CommentsMODULE 1:SERVICEFunctionality

Searchable Knowledge Base 1. Ability to have an inbuilt knowledge base where refence materials can be stored and easily updated.2. Ability to support the dynamic knowledge base with capability to hold varied customer service information3. Ability to have varied search creteria for quick referencing from the Knowledge base

1. Ability to capture customer data as well as contacts2. Ability to capture contact restrictions (e.g do not call, do not e-mail, etc)3. Ability to search for customer information using simple search creteria e.g Name, ID No, Contacts etc

4. Ability to search for customer information using advanced search creteria e.g Account number/date/time of transaction

6. Ability to capture organizations as well as persons in the customer data model.Customer Self Service

1. Ability to for customers to submit service requests via a self service portal and get a reference case number.2. Ability for the self service cases to be automatically routed to the concerned business unit for resolution.3. Ability for customers to submit account or loan applications via the self service portal.

1. Ability to support a visual dashboard with summarized customer information to different levels within the Bank

2. Provide a view listing of all previous customer interractions with the Bank

3. Ability to create tasks and assign them to other employees/resources

4. Send e-mails directly from the system, set alerts and reminders during request resolutions

5. Automatically generate case reference numbers to tasks/requests

6. Enable assignment of created requests to other resource (s)7. Automatically launch a workflow for service request management

8. Ability to support automatic assignment of Service requests resources based on Predetermined Creteria

11. The system should be able to set resolution and response time, SLAs, Priorities and auto escalation parameters

12. Ability to trigger an escalation once an SLA has been violated

13. Ability to link a customer's case to all activities that relate to this case

14. Ability to load scanned documents as attachments to customer cases and activities


Fully Supported

Partially Supported

Requires Modification

Not Supported


360 - Degree view of customerinformation

1. Ability to view customer information drawn from all systems so as to understand their interraction with the bank

Customer Information Management

5. Ability to maintain flexible definition of customer relationship e.g Relationship of customer to his business/employer/family or competitor and other trading as well as personal relationships.

Customer Support and Service Management

9. Ability to notify assignees of work assignments electronically e.g mail, sms, or any other mechanisms that the bankmay advise on from time to time

10. Enable the assignees to update the status of the tasks/requests assigned to them including details of time and materials used.

15. Ability to convert incoming customer requests from E-mail, SMS, Telephone, Letters, webrequests into trackablecustomer cases with unique reference numbers.

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Campaign Management 1. Integrate with Contact Centre's system for telemarketing campaigns2. The system must have the ability to handle different kinds of campaigns

4. Ability to do Customer Profiling/Modeling/Scoring/Segmentation5. Tailor Contact Centre services and scripting6. Identify cross sell and up-sell opportunities7. Manage customer attrition8. Perform customer valuations9. Identify top prospects for targeted marketing campaigns10. Increase efficiency of direct sales efforts by improving on Lead qualifications

Pre-Campaign Analysis 1. Identify the Market Segment for the Campaign2. Ability to assign a budget to a campaign or an event3. Define Selection Creterion4. Define Market segment5. Assign target segment6. Define business objectives

1. Ability to create marketing campaigns2. Ability to create programs and link campaigns to programs3. Ability to assign metrics to a campaign4. Ability to assign a resources/team to a campaign5. Ability to create events6. Attach notes and attachments to a campaign/events7. Ability to support list managment including import/export of prospective customer data.

Campaign Execution 1. Ability to capture costs incurred in a campaign2. Ability to automatically execute campaigns through multiple channels e.g telephone, web, e-mail etc.3. Ability to carry out Website surveys as a standard feature4. Ability to support dynamic content generation of emails for customized new letters, promotions

7. Ability to route leads to internal groups/individuals

9. Ability to enable trigger of personalized greetings/offers based on website logging.10. Ability to send personalized e-mails for order confirmations, promotions, enquiries etc

1. Monitor funds availability against budget 2. Monitor lead generation

4. Ability to measire results against goals established in campaign planning5. Ability to group campaigns for analysis at different levels6. Ability to provide real time counts

8. Ability to monitor campaigns success based on the response rate


3. Must be able to produce campaign reports e.g:-Response Rate of the campaign-Effectiveness of the campaign-Lead generation reports

Campaign Planning and Marketing Management

5. Ability to show the status of campaign execution at any time

6. Ability to support events such as trade shows/conferences(planning and execution via bar code readers etc.

8. Ability to provide realtime offer optimizations

11. Ability to customize campaigns by regions/territories/branches etc.

Campaign Measurement/Results Analysis

3. Calculate ROI for the campaign

7. Ability to track individual results from a particular campaign

9. Ability to buid queries graphically or from pull down menus.

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SALES MODULE Forecasting

1. Report revenues by account, opportunity, product, product line, employee, partner, division, organization or project2. Create snapshots of revenue information over time for historical analysis3. Perform realtime analysis fo revenues using charts and reports

5. Ability to use multiple currencies and multiple organizations6. Perform auto-forecasts for absentee employees when apppropriate

Activity Management 1. Manage all sales activities 2. Manage customer visits; synchronize with e-mail and calendars

Opportunity Management 1. Track, qualify and distribute leads2. Monitor the conversion of opportunities into revenue3. Identify stalled deals, monitor quota attainment4. Configurable sales process5. Enable sales via handheld and mobile devices

Quotation and OrderManagment1. Guide Sales teams to ensure that complex product and service recommendations fully meet customer requirements2. Ensure consistent, accurate and upto date pricing - irrespective of the sales channel3. Generate accurate quotes, capture customer orders, confirm product availability and track orders to the end


1. Enquiries received through E-mail/Calls/SMS etc2. Escalation tracking reports3. Case per service type4. Case per Agent and Resolution time5. Case per category report (Open,Assigned to, Pending, Closed6. Aging Analysis report7. Segmentation reports8. Profiling

4. Access projected margins, cost, best case, and worst case

7. Create recurring revenues by account, project etc.

Ability to generate a broad spectrum of reports as listed herebelow and any other reports that users nay require from a crm system

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Appendix 3- IT RequirementsCRM RFP REQUIREMENTS

CommentsData Management

1. Must have a dedicated CRM Data mart provided for the application

2. Inbuilt data management capabilities including query accelerators, data cleansing tools, semantic transformations3. Have an integrated ETL Engine4. Ability to relate and consolidate customer files from different systems 5. Report on duplication by using defined matching keys for identification

3. Ability to Integrate with IVR Systems4. Ability to do Screen-pop on business application based on CLI/ANI or based on IVR data.

6. Ability to support multi routing methods like skill based, intelligent routing and customer information based routing

8. Ability to have a single Universal Work queue for all media as well as non media interactions.

10. Ability to support routing accross multiple sites

11. Ability to support warm transfer i.e when a call is transferred the data is also simulteneously transferred to the other Agent.

13. Ability to store the information/update the database based on information captured in a script.14. Ability to support web surveys

16. Ability to record contact outcomes, results and reason codes

17. Ability to integrate with voice recognition units for detecting special tones like answering machine, fax, busy tone

Systems Integration

1. Integration with Temenos T24

2. Contact Centre System (CIC Interactive Intelligence) which has Multi Media Capabilities e.g email, sms, webchat3. Prime (Credit Card Management System)4. Credit Quest (Loan Application System)5. MIS Reporting Tool (Data Warehouse Solution)6. Internet Banking

Fully Supported

Partially Supported

Requires Modification

Not Supported

Integration with Contact Centre System

1. Support Multi-Channel Interaction centre including outbound/inbound telephony, E-mails, Web, Fax, SMS.

2. Support Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) with leading 'switches' (PBX/ACD)/CTI middleware/other Banksystems

5. Option to support 'switch based' or 'application based' routing i.e call routing either based on the ACD/PBX or basedon the routing engine as may be advised by the Contact Centre.

7. The system should have a built in soft phone functionality with basic telephony features e.g answering a call, dialing, transfer, conference, warm transer and should support notification (CLI, Customer name and other basic information.

9. Ability to support multi -site Contact Centre

12. Should have a built in scripting tool for call scripts.

15. Support interaction blending across media types e.g moving agents between inbound and outbound calls, e-mails,webchats etc

18. Ability to attach documents from the knowledge base while composing responses to customer e-mails

19. Ability to update interaction history for inbound e-mails

20. Ability to integrate to a fax server for sending and receiving faxes

Must have the ability to link the CRM to and push/pull information from the following systems: The information displayed in CRM should match the data held in the Corebanking systems

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7. ATM switch-bankworld8.Oracle Financials9.Sybrin-Clearing system10. E-mail/Exchange11. Any other systems that the bank may wish to integrate to.

Technology KCB needs to implement a CRM solution that supports the following technologies1. Virtualised environments2. Server infrastructure running either Unix/Linux/Windows operating systems. 3. Storage Area Network4. Web Based5. A tightly integrated systems environment, bringing data from disparate sources/systems.

The proposed solution and services should meet the following minimum requirements:1. Scalability: Highly scalable solution that would accommodate growth in data2. Availability: The solution should be able to support high availability 3. Flexibility: Ability of the architecture to accommodate additional interfaces running on standard technologies.4. Reliability: Both system and data reliability5. Data populated automatically in real-time basis(preferred) 6. Clear technology roadmap including versions,patches and releases management7. After sales service with support structure that includes levels of escalations and response times.

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Appendix 4 - Reference Sites

Appendix 4 - Reference Sites 3 References - Each to be filled on a separate Excel sheet.

A Company Name

B Company Address:

C Contact Name:

D Contact Telephone Number:

E Contact Email Address:


G Number of Consultants Deployed

H Modules Implemented Indicate Yes or No Implementation Dates Number of End Users

Complaints Management Module

Sales Force Management Module

Marketing Campaign Management Module

Knowledge Management Module

Operational Reports

Management Dashboards

I Any other Modules Implemented Indicate Yes or No Implementation Dates Number of End Users

J Integration Points through Middleware Indicate Yes or No Implementation Dates Number of End Users

T24 (Core Banking System)

Prime (Credit Card System)

Credit Quest (Loan Application Sys.)

MIS Reporting Tool (Data Warehouse)

Email/Exchange Server

CIC Contact Ctr. System

K Other Integrations Indicate Yes or No Implementation Dates Number of End Users

L Additional Comments:

Dates of Implementation (Start and End Dates):

Customer Service Request Management Module

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Appendix 5 - Critical Issues

Critical Issues

8. Describe the proposed hardware specifications

1.Describe how your system will support the various subsidiary organizations within KCB and why you have selected this method.

2. The main system that the customer facing staff use at the bank is T24. Describe how the implementation of the CRM will change/not change this.

3. Describe how you plan to integrate with the core banking system (T24) and why you have selected this method.

4. Describe how you plan to integrate with the Contact Centre System (CIC) and why you have selected this method.

5. Describe any alternative approaches that may be considered to deliver the proposed solution

6. Describe the proposed implementation mode (hosted, cloud, etc) and why you have selected this method.

7. Describe the proposed data migration method and why you have selected this method.

9. Describe the proposed solution implementation model - onsite, offshore, etc and why you have selected this method.

10. Describe the proposed change management methodology and why you have selected this method.

11. Describe the proposed risk management methodology and why you have selected this method.

12. Describe the proposed implementation approach - phased, big-bang, etc and the reasons for the proposed approach.

13. Describe the proposed post go-live support model and attach a sample support agreement. Describe why you have selected this method.

14. Describe the project team composition that is proposed for this implementation. Include their role and duration on the project.

15. Describe the proposed training model and why you have selected this method. Include the training for the different system users.

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KCB CRM SYSTEM PRICING (to be quoted in USD)

1 HARDWARE (List all the required hardware and give a quote for each item )Please note that KCB hardware preference is HP(a) Development Environment Product Code Description/Specification Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

(b) Test Environment Product Code Description/Specification Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

(c)Data Migration EnvironmentProduct Code Description/Specification Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

(d) Production Environment Product Code Description/Specification Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Sub Total Hardware costsVAT 16%Total Hardware costs (inclusive VAT)

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2 SOFTWARE (List all the required software including the software licenses)

Software Description Quantity Unit Cost Total CostService ModuleCustomer Web Self Service ModuleMarketing and Campaigns ModuleSales ModuleSub Total Software costsVAT 16%Total Software costs (inclusive VAT)

3 MIDDLEWAREa Middleware (please specify proposed middleware and quote for all requirements)

Product Code Description/Specification Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Sub Total Software costsVAT 16%Total Middleware costs (inclusive VAT)

4 IMPLEMENTATION (must include all flights, accomodation and local conveyance costs)List all required sub components under each module.Must quote for all project phases for each module.Product Code Description Quantity Unit Cost Total CostService ModuleCustomer Web Self Service ModuleMarketing and Campaigns ModuleSales Module

List all required sub components under each module; refer to module reqs worksheet for guidance on minimum functionality required for each module

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End User Training (20 TOT)Go-live support (4 weeks)PMO Services (if applicable)Sub Total Implementation CostVAT 16%Total Implementation costs (inclusive VAT)

5 INTEGRATIONA two way integration should be achieved as follows:

a CRM to Middle Ware Integration(list all requirements and quote each unit cost )Product Code Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Sub Total CRM to Middle Ware IntegrationVAT 16%Total CRM to Middle Ware costs (inclusive VAT)

b Middle Ware to Source Systems/CRM Integration(list all requirements and quote each unit cost )Current Source systems are: Prime, T24, Credit Quest, CIC Interactive Intelligence, Exchange Server/MIS Reporting - Data Warehouse(see source systems worksheet for specific system functionalities)Product Code Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Sub Total Middle Ware to Source Systems/CRM IntegrationsVAT 16%

Technical Training from the principal (minimum 4 KCB Staff)

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Total Middle Ware to Source Systems/CRM Integrations(inclusive VAT)

c Source Systems to Middle Ware Product Code Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Sub Total Source Systems to MiddleWare IntegrationsVAT 16%Total Source Systems to MiddleWare Integrations(inclusive VAT)

Total Integration Costs (inclusive VAT)

6 ANNUAL SUPPORTList all the annual support costs Product Code Description Quantity Unit Cost Total CostLicences (from year 2)One year vendor support after go-live

Total Annual Support FeeVAT 16%Total Annual Support Costs (inclusive VA

7 ADDITIONAL COSTS List any other costs not listed above

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Module Total Number of Users

Service Module 2500

Customer Web Self Service Module Unlimited

Marketing and Campaigns Module 25

Sales Module 25

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Number of concurrent sessions