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  • 7/25/2019 Critics tradition


  • 7/25/2019 Critics tradition



    preface v

    introduction 1

    Part One


    Plato 25

    Republic, Book X 30

    Ion 38From Phaedrus 46

    dialogue with plato 50

    Leo Tolstoy: From What Is Art? 52

    Aristotle 55

    Poetics 59

    Horace 82

    The Art of Poetry 84

    Longinus 95From On the Sublime 97

    Plotinus 109

    On the Intellectual Beauty 111

    Dante Alighieri 120

    From theLetter to Can Grande della Scala 121

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    Christine de Pisan 124

    From the Querelle de la Rose 126

    Sir Philip Sidney 132

    An Apology for Poetry 135

    John Dryden 160

    An Essay of Dramatic Poesy 163

    Aphra Behn 189

    An Epistle to the Readerfrom The Dutch Lover 192Preface to The Lucky Chance 195

    Alexander Pope 198

    An Essay on Criticism 199

    Samuel Johnson 210

    The Rambler, No. 4 212

    Rasselas, Chapter 10 215

    From Preface to Shakespeare 216

    David Hume 231Of the Standard of Taste 234

    dialogue with david hume 245

    Barbara Herrnstein Smith: From Contingencies of Value 245

    Immanuel Kant 247

    From Critique of Judgment 251

    Mary Wollstonecraft 275

    FromA Vindication of the Rights of Woman 277

    Germaine de Stal 285Essay on Fictions 287

    On Women Writers 293

    Friedrich von Schiller 298

    From On Nave and Sentimental Poetry 300

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    William Wordsworth 304

    Preface toLyrical Ballads 306

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge 319

    Shakespeares Judgment Equal to His Genius 323

    FromBiographia Literaria 325

    John Keats 330

    From aLetter to Benjamin Bailey 331

    From aLetter to George and Thomas Keats 333

    Thomas Love Peacock 334

    The Four Ages of Poetry 336

    Percy Bysshe Shelley 344

    A Defence of Poetry 346

    dialogue with percy bysshe shelley 364

    Raymond Williams: The Romantic Artistfrom Culture and Society 364

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 369

    Introduction to the Philosophy of Art 373

    Ralph Waldo Emerson 384

    The Poet 385

    Karl Marx 397

    The Alienation of LaborfromEconomic and Philosophic Manuscripts of1844 400

    Consciousness Derived from Material Conditions from The GermanIdeology 406

    On Greek Art in Its Time fromA Contribution to the Critique of PoliticalEconomy 410

    Matthew Arnold 412

    The Function of Criticism at the Present Time 415

    From The Study of Poetry 429

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    Friedrich Nietzsche 435

    From The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music 439

    On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense 452

    From Twilight of the Idols 459

    Henry James 462

    The Art of Fiction 464

    Oscar Wilde 476

    The Decay of Lying 478

    Sigmund Freud 497

    From The Interpretation of Dreams 500

    Creative Writers and Daydreaming 509

    The Uncanny 514

    Medusas Head 533

    T. S. Eliot 534

    Tradition and the Individual Talent 537

    Carl Gustav Jung 542

    On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry 544

    The Principal Archetypes 554

    W. E. B. Du Bois 565

    On Double Consciousness from The Souls of Black Folk 567

    Criteria of Negro Art 569

    Mikhail Bakhtin 575

    FromDiscourse in the Novel Heteroglossia in the Novel 578From Problems in Dostoevskys Poetics 594

    Virginia Woolf 596

    Shakespeares SisterfromA Room of Ones Own 599

    Austen Bront EliotfromA Room of Ones Own 602

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    Zora Neale Hurston 611

    What White Publishers Wont Print 613

    Martin Heidegger 617

    Hlderlin and the Essence of Poetry 620

    Edmund Wilson 628

    FromDickens: The Two Scrooges from The Wound and the Bow 630

    Kenneth Burke 639

    Symbolic Action in a Poem by Keats 642Literature as Equipment for Living 651

    F. R. Leavis 656

    From The Great Tradition 658

    Jean-Paul Sartre 665

    Why Write? 668

    Simone de Beauvoir 679

    Myths: Of Women in Five Authors 682

    J. L. Austin 685

    Constatives and Performatives and Speech Acts: Locutionary, Illocutionary, PerlocutionaryfromHow to Do Things with Words 687

    Northrop Frye 697

    The Archetypes of Literature 699

    Erich Auerbach 708

    Odysseuss Scar 710

    Hans-Georg Gadamer 724The Elevation of the Historicality of Understanding to the Status of Hermeneutical

    Principle from Truth and Method 727

    Susan Sontag 744

    Against Interpretation 746

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    Part Two


    1. Formalisms: Russian Formalism, New Criticism,Neo-Aristotelianism _________________________________________________ 755

    I. A. Richards 769

    The Two Uses of Language and Poetry and Beliefs from Principles of Literary

    Criticism 770

    Victor Shklovsky 780

    Art as Technique 781

    Vladimir Propp 791

    Transformations of the Wondertale from The Morphology of the Folktale 791

    Cleanth Brooks 803

    FromMy Credo: Formalist Criticism 804

    Irony as a Principle of Structure 805

    dialogue with cleanth brooks 813

    R. S. Crane: From The Critical Monism of Cleanth Brooks 813

    W. K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley 816

    The Intentional Fallacy 817

    2. Structuralism and Deconstruction ________________________________ 825

    Ferdinand de Saussure 847

    Nature of the Linguistic Sign 848

    Binary Oppositions 851

    Roman Jacobson 858

    FromLinguistics and Poetics 858

    Claude Lvi-Strauss 865

    The Structural Study of Myth 866

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    Roland Barthes 874

    From Work to Text 875

    Striptease fromMythologies 879

    The Structuralist Activity 881

    The Death of the Author 885

    Paul de Man 888

    Semiology and Rhetoric 888

    dialogue with paul de man 899

    Lawrence Lipking: The Practice of Theory 899

    Michel Foucault 910

    What Is an Author? 910

    Jacques Derrida 920

    Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences 921

    The Father of Logos from Platos Pharmacy 932

    Diffrance 938

    Umberto Eco 956

    The Myth of Superman 956

    3. Reader-Response Theory __________________________________________ 968

    Hans Robert Jauss 987

    Horizons for Reading 988

    Wayne C. Booth 995

    Control of Distance in Jane Austens Emma 995

    Wolfgang Iser 1007

    The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach 1008

    Norman N. Holland 1020

    The Question: Who Reads What How? 1021

    Stanley Fish 1028

    How to Recognize a Poem When You See One 1029

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    dialogue with stanley fish 1037

    James Phelan: FromData, Danda, and Disagreement 1037

    Judith Fetterley 1041

    Introduction to The Resisting Reader 1041

    Peter Rabinowitz 1048

    FromBefore Reading 1049

    Elaine Scarry 1063

    On Vivacity: The Difference Between Daydreaming and Imagining-Under-Authorial-Instruction fromRepresentations 1064

    Mark Turner 1082

    Poetry: Metaphor and the Conceptual Context of Invention 1083

    Lisa Zunshine 1094

    Theory of Mind and Experimental Representations of FictionalConsciousness 1094

    4. Psychoanalytic Theory And Criticism _____________________________ 1112

    Jacques Lacan 1128

    The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in PsychoanalyticExperience 1129

    The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason since Freud 1135

    The Meaning of the Phallus 1155

    Harold Bloom 1161

    A Meditation upon Priority 1162

    Peter Brooks 1167

    Freuds Masterplot 1167

    Laura Mulvey 1178

    Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema 1178

    Slavoj Z izek 1186

    Courtly Love, or, Woman as Thing 1187

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    contents xxv

    5. Marxist Criticism ________________________________________________ 1204

    Georg Lukcs 1223

    The Ideology of Modernism 1224

    Walter Benjamin 1238

    The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction 1239

    Bertolt Brecht 1255

    The Popular and the Realistic 1256

    Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer 1260

    From The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception fromDialectic ofEnlightenment 1261

    Louis Althusser 1269

    FromIdeology and Ideological State Apparatuses 1270

    Raymond Williams 1278

    FromMarxism and Literature 1278

    Fredric Jameson 1296

    From The Political Unconscious 1297

    Terry Eagleton 1313

    Categories for a Materialist Criticism 1314

    6. New Historicism and Cultural Studies ____________________________ 1326

    Michel de Certeau 1348

    Walking in the City from The Practice of Everyday Life 1349

    Michel Foucault 1363

    Las Meninas from The Order of Things 1363

    Clifford Geertz 1372

    Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture 1373

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    Hayden White 1389

    The Historical Text as Literary Artifact 1390

    Pierre Bourdieu 1404

    The Market in Symbolic Goods 1404

    Stuart Hall 1410

    Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms 1410

    Nancy Armstrong 1424

    Some Call It Fiction: On the Politics of Domesticity 1425

    Lawrence Buell 1438

    The Ecocritical Insurgency 1439

    Stephen Greenblatt 1448

    Introduction to The Power of Forms in the English Renaissance 1449

    King Lear and Harsnetts Devil-Fiction 1451

    dialogue with stephen greenblatt 1454

    Frank Lentricchia: FromAriel and the Police 1454

    Meaghau Morris 1458

    Things to Do with Shopping Centres 1458

    John Guillory 1477

    From Cultural Capital: The Problem of Literary Canon Formation 1478

    Laura Kipnis 1490

    (Male) Desire and (Female) Disgust: Reading Hustler 1491

    7. Feminist Criticism ________________________________________________ 1508

    Nina Baym 1525

    Melodramas of Beset Manhood 1526

    Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar 1537

    FromInfection in the Sentence: The Woman Writer and the Anxiety of Authorship 1538

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    dialogue with sandra m. gilbert and susan gubar 1551

    Toril Moi: From Sexual/ Textual Politics 1551

    Annette Kolodny 1556

    Dancing Through the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Practice, and Politicsof a Feminist Literary Criticism 1556

    Julia Kristeva 1569

    Womans Time 1569

    Jonathan Culler 1585Reading as a Woman 1585

    dialogue between elaine showalter and terry eagleton 1597

    Elaine Showalter: From Critical Crossdressing; Male Feminists and the Woman of theYear 1598

    Terry Eagleton:A Response to Elaine Showalter 1604

    Elaine Showalter:In Reply 1605

    Barbara Smith 1606

    Toward a Black Feminist Criticism 1606

    8. Gender Studies and Queer Theory ________________________________ 1617

    Michel Foucault 1633

    From The History of Sexuality 1633

    Monique Wittig 1643

    One Is Not Born a Woman 1643

    Hlne Cixous 1649

    Laugh of the Medusa 1649

    Guy Hocquenghem 1662

    FromHomosexual Desire 1662

    Gayle Rubin 1669

    The Traffic in Women: Etc 1670

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    Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 1689

    FromBetween Men 1690

    FromEpistemology of the Closet 1693

    Steven Kruger 1697

    Claiming the Pardoner: Toward a Gay Reading of Chaucers Pardoners Tale 1698

    Judith Butler 1713

    Imitation and Gender Insubordination 1713

    dialogue with judith butler 1713

    Martha Nussbaum: From The Professor of Parody 1725

    Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner 1727

    Sex in Public 1728

    Judith Halberstam 1740

    An Introduction to Female Masculinity 1741

    9. Postcolonialism and Ethnic Studies _______________________________ 1759

    Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari 1783

    What is a Minor Literature? 1783

    Chinua Achebe 1789

    An Image of Africa 1789

    Toni Morrison 1797

    Black Matter(s) 1797

    Edward W. Said 1807

    From the Introduction to Orientalism 1807

    Benedict Anderson 1820

    The Origins of National Consciousness 1821

    Ngugi wa Thiongo 1826

    Europhonism, Universities, and the Magic Fountain: The Future of African Literature andScholarship 1827

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    dialogue between fredric jameson and aijaz ahmad 1835

    Fredric Jameson: From Third World Literature in the Era of Multi-NationalCapitalism 1836

    Aijaz Ahmad: FromJamesons Rhetoric of Otherness and the National Allegory 1837

    Fredric Jameson:A Brief Response 1840

    Gayatri Spivak 1842

    Three Womens Texts and a Critique of Imperialism 1843

    Gloria Anzaldua 1856

    La conciencia de la mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness 1856

    Barbara Christian 1864

    The Race for Theory 1865

    dialogue with barbara christian 1872

    Michael Awkward: FromAppropriative Gestures: Theory and Afro-American LiteraryCriticism 1873

    Deborah McDowell: FromRecycling: Race, Gender, and the Practice ofTheory 1876

    Homi K. Bhabha 1881

    Signs Taken for Wonders: Questions of Ambivalence and Authority under a Tree OutsideDelhi, May 1817 1881

    Henry Louis Gates Jr. 1896

    Writing, Race, and the Difference It Makes 1897

    dialogue with henry louis gates jr. and houston a baker jr. 1909

    Henry Louis Gates Jr.: From Preface to Blackness: Test and Pretext 1910

    Houston A. Baker Jr.: FromBlues, Ideology, and Afro-American Literature 1912

    Rey Chow 1915

    The Interruption of Referentiality: Poststructuralism and the Conundrum of CriticalMulticulturalism 1916

    10. Theorizing Postmodernism _______________________________________ 1927

    Jean-Francois Lyotard 1940

    Defining the Postmodern 1940

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    Jean Baudrillard 1942

    From The Precession of Simulacra 1943

    Jrgen Habermas 1953

    Modernity versus Postmodernity 1954

    Fredric Jameson 1962

    Postmodernism and Consumer Society 1963

    Donna Haraway 1973

    A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late TwentiethCentury 1974

    Linda Hutcheon 1998

    Theorizing the Postmodern: Toward a Poetics 1999

    Bell Hooks 2015

    Postmodern Blackness 2016

    Cornel West 2021

    Postmodernism and Black America 2021

    alternative contents 00

    index 00

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