critical response

SOCIAL NETWORKING DESTROYS US. What would it feel like to have a good socially established friendship? With all the newly advanced technology it is not an impossible thing to make friends via the web.. With the creation of various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and others it is a like making friends is only at your fingertips. But, spending lots of time in front of the computer will not going to get you any true friends unless you spend time with them and getting to know each other well. There are many bad-effects of excessive use of this social networking in our daily life. Let’s take a look at the first one, excessive use of this social networking will degrade in terms of school’s performance. For students school’s performance is the main thing that will separate from failure to successor. I agree to this given point why? Because the excessive use of social networking has somehow change the verbal language that we usually speak and write. In social network world we often use simple word to express our thoughts and idea but what we can see happening right now is that the simple word that was use sometimes being brought up in student’s work. This is not a good sign as it destroys the essence of the language. So relating it all up, social networking cause students mark to be degraded and that can be seen in student’s work nowadays.

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critical essay response


Page 1: Critical Response


What would it feel like to have a good socially established friendship? With all the

newly advanced technology it is not an impossible thing to make friends via the web..

With the creation of various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace

and others it is a like making friends is only at your fingertips. But, spending lots of time

in front of the computer will not going to get you any true friends unless you spend time

with them and getting to know each other well. There are many bad-effects of excessive

use of this social networking in our daily life.

Let’s take a look at the first one, excessive use of this social networking will

degrade in terms of school’s performance. For students school’s performance is the

main thing that will separate from failure to successor. I agree to this given point why?

Because the excessive use of social networking has somehow change the verbal

language that we usually speak and write. In social network world we often use simple

word to express our thoughts and idea but what we can see happening right now is that

the simple word that was use sometimes being brought up in student’s work. This is not

a good sign as it destroys the essence of the language. So relating it all up, social

networking cause students mark to be degraded and that can be seen in student’s work


For those employees, if you want to keep on to your job you better not be doing

any social networking when you are working. The consequences of you social

networking in work time can get you fired. A study has been carried out recently

regarding how workers spend their working hour. The results show that 72% employees

in every company spend 1 – 1.5 hours doing social networking. Can you imagine it? I

strongly agree with the fact that that we should not do any social networking on this one

because, when we were given a secured job why not we do it honestly and with a lot of

dedicative. Unless you like to go on a job hunt, you can keep on doing your social

networking thing until you received a pink slip with a big “FIRED” in it.

Page 2: Critical Response

Next up, it also affects our social bonding with other people. For example, if you

are celebrating your friend’s birthday or your wedding anniversary is it worth it just only

posting greetings on their social network profile rather than go and celebrate with them.

Or in a case if someone was admitted into the hospital, is it appropriate for you to just

send a get-well note on their profile rather than go visit them to ask about them. Which

one is the best you think? For me, I agree in the sense that our bonding with other will

be affected if we only cooped up ourselves by facing the computer screen everyday

only to say “hi” to your friends.

Believe it or not, over usage of social networking may lead to an unhealthy

lifestyle. To explain this last point, I will relate this phenomenon to an epidemic that

somehow in recent years has gotten everyone in the world to be affected by it. It does

not affect in term of disease spread or not. The epidemic here refers to the users having

a hard time getting enough sleep. This is a bad thing especially for students, with the

excitement of social networking with other it has caused them to somehow lost track of

the time. After they had finished, they realised it is already early in the morning so with

little time to sleep this will make them unfocussed when they are in the class. Same also

goes to them who are working, problems such as late top go to work, sleeping during

work and also stress of not getting much sleep will be experienced by them.

Social networking is not a bad thing actually, but with the stated effects it had

caused it to be something very terrible that leave behind very bad effects to us. I would

agree to that, and I would say that we should think about spending our time with it. Bear

with it that not by advancement in technology only that enables us to find friends but

there are also other way that can be used to be socialized rather than facing the

computer all the time.

Page 3: Critical Response


Hall, S. H. (n.d.). Problems With Social Networking and Teens. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from Life123:

Narang, R. (2010, September 18). Five Most Deadly Side Effects of Social Networking. Retrieved April 17, 2011, from WJ Tech:

Ralston, K. (2010, March 23). Facebook Affects Student Writing. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from the battalion online:

Raphael, D. (2010, November 19). The Effect of Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc) For Children. Retrieved April 17, 2011, from newstodaynews: