criteria for preparation and evaluation of radiological ... · the nuclear regulatory commission...

NUREG-0654 FEMA-REP-1 Rev. 1 Supp. 2 Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants Criteria for Emergency Planning in an Early Site Permit Application Draft Report for Comment Manuscript Completed: March 1996 Date Published: April 1996 Prepared by F. Kantor, E. F. Fox, Jr./NRC V. L Wingert, W. F. McNut/FEMA U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, DC 20472

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Page 1: Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological ... · The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have added Supplement 2 to

NUREG-0654FEMA-REP-1Rev. 1Supp. 2

Criteria for Preparation andEvaluation of RadiologicalEmergency Response Plans andPreparedness in Support of NuclearPower Plants

Criteria for Emergency Planning in an Early Site Permit Application

Draft Report for Comment

Manuscript Completed: March 1996Date Published: April 1996

Prepared byF. Kantor, E. F. Fox, Jr./NRCV. L Wingert, W. F. McNut/FEMA

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-0001

Federal Emergency Management AgencyWashington, DC 20472

Page 2: Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological ... · The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have added Supplement 2 to


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency (FEMA) have added Supplement 2 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, toprovide guidance for the development, review, and approval of radiologicalemergency information and plans submitted with an early site permitapplication under Subpart A of 10 CFR Part 52.

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.. .......... . 1A. Purpose and Use of Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B. Authorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1. Early site permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Significant impediment . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 23. Emergency plans. 24. Major features of the emergency plans 25. Combined license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

E. Emergency Planning Provisions of the Rule . . . . . . . . . . . 3

II. EARLY SITE PERMITS - IDENTIFICATION OF PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS . . 4A. Evacuation Time Estimate Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4B. Contacts and Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

III. EARLY SITE PERMITS - MAJOR FEATURES OF THE EMERGENCY PLANS . . . . 5A. Emergency Planning Zones .5... . . . 5B. Planning Standards and Evaluation Criteria . 5C. Contacts'and Arrangements ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

IV. EARLY SITE PERMITS - COMPLETE AND INTEGRATED PLANS. . 6A. Planning Standards and Evaluation Criteria . . . 6B. Certifications from Governmental Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . 7C. Non-Participation of Government Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . 7


A. Assignment of Responsibility (Organization Control) . . . . . . . 9B. Onsite Emergency Organizations ...... . . . . . . . .. . 10C. Emergency Response Support and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . 11D. Emergency Classification System ...... . . . . . . . .. . . 12E. Notification Methods and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13F. Emergency Communications .......... ... .. ... . 14G. Public Education and Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15H. Emergency Facilities and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 16I. Accident Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17J. Protective Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18K. Radiological Exposure Control ...... .. . . . .. . . . . 21L. Medical and Public Health Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23M. Recovery and Reentry Planning and Postaccident Operations . . . 24N. Exercises and Drills .. . . . 240. Radiological Emergency Response Training . . . . . . . . . . . 24P. Responsibility for the Planning Effort: Development, Periodic

Review and Distribution of Emergency Plans . . . . . . . . . . 25

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A. Puroose and Use of Document

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency (FEMA) have added Supplement 2 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, toprovide guidance for the development, review, and approval of radiologicalemergency preparedness information and plans submitted with an early sitepermit (ESP) application under Subpart A of 10 CFR Part 52. Because thisdocument is a companion to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision I and Supplement 1,only those changes relevant to an ESP application have been made. The extentof the use of this document, as well as the existing NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Revision 1, will depend on the extent of emergency planning information in theESP application. In the absence of State and local participation, anapplicant may use this document in conjunction with Supplement 1 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, to prepare a utility offsite emergency plan aspart of its ESP application.

B. Authorities

This document facilitates the implementation of Subpart A of 10 CFR Part 52(Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations), effective May 18, 1989 (54 FR15372), for ESPs. Section 52.18 of that rule describes standards for reviewof ESP applications and provides for NRC consultation with FEMA in the revieweffort.

This document is consistent with the provisions of the FEMA/NRC Memorandum ofUnderstanding dated June 17, 1993 (58 FR 47996), wherein the parties agreedthat they would cooperate in radiological emergency planning matters includingESP applications and that FEMA would review available offsite plans andprovide its findings and determinations.'

C. Scope

This document provides guidance for ESP applicants and NRC and FEMA reviewersin the preparation and evaluation of emergency planning aspects of ESPapplications under Subpart A of 10 CFR Part 52. Subpart A includes provisionsfor addressing emergency planning issues solely as part of an ESP applicationbefore any combined license proceeding. An application for a combined licenseunder Subpart C of 10 CFR Part 52 may incorporate by reference emergencyplans, or major features of emergency plans, approved in conjunction with theissuance of an ESP. However, before a combined license is issued, the NRCmust find, in consultation with FEMA, that the emergency plans submitted insupport of a combined license application, including those incorporated byreference, meet the existing emergency planning standards and requirements of10 CFR 50.47 and Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50.

'Assessments of offsite plans may be based on State and local governmentplans submitted to FEMA under its rule (44 CFR Part 350) and, as noted in 44CFR 350.3(f), may also be based on plans currently available to FEMA orfurnished to FEMA through the NRC/FEMA Steering Committee.

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This document recommends an approach for an ESP applicant to identify physicalcharacteristics that are unique to a proposed site that could pose significantimpediments to the development of emergency plans. It also assists theapplicant for an ESP determine the exact sizes of the emergency planning zones(EPZs) for the proposed site. Section II of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revi-sion 1, has been revised to provide selected planning standards and evaluationcriteria applicable to the major features of the emergency plans. The revisedstandards and criteria reflect the particular conditions of the ESP phase ofthe licensing process. The document references other sources of guidance forpreparing complete and integrated plans. Finally, this document emphasizesthe need for an applicant under 10 CFR 52.17(b)(3) to make contacts andarrangements with local, State, and Federal agencies with emergency planningresponsibilities and, in some circumstances, to obtain certifications fromthese agencies.

D. Definitions

The following definitions apply to the use of this document:

1. Early site Dermit. Commission approval issued pursuant to Subpart Aof 10 CFR Part 52 for a site or sites for one or more nuclear powerfacilities.

2. Significant impediment. A physical characteristic or combination ofphysical characteristics that would pose major difficulties for anevacuation or the taking of other protective actions as addressed inSection II of this document.

3. Emergency plans. The radiological emergency response plans of theapplicant, State, and local governments or, in the absence ofparticipation by State and local governments, an applicant (utility)only plan.

4. Major features of the emergency plans. These include the exactsizes of the EPZs and other features as described in Section V ofthis document.

5. Combined license. A combined construction permit and conditionaloperating license for a nuclear power facility issued pursuant toSubpart C of 10 CFR Part 52.

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E. Emercencv Plannina Provisions of the Rule

The Commission promulgated 10 CFR Part 52 to provide for the issuance of ESPs,standard design certifications, and combined licenses for nuclear powerreactors. Subpart A of the rule sets out the requirements and proceduresapplicable to Commission issuance of ESPs for approval of a site or sites forone or more nuclear power facilities separate from the filing of anapplication for a construction permit or combined license for such a facility.Subpart A includes provisions for addressing emergency planning issues beforeany construction permit or combined license proceeding. These provisionsfollow.

An ESP application must identify physical-characteristics unique to theproposed site, such as egress limitations from the area surrounding the site,that could pose a significant impediment to the development of emergencyplans. The Commission shall determine, after consultation with FEMA, whetherthe information required of the applicant shows that there is no significantimpediment to the development of emergency plans.

After meeting this mandatory requirement, the applicant may also exercise oneof the two following options: (1) Propose major features of the emergencyplans such as the exact sizes of the EPZs, for review and approval by NRC inconsultation with FEMA in the absence of complete and integrated emergencyplans or (2) propose complete and integrated plans for review and approval bythe NRC in consultation with FEMA in accordance with the applicable provisionsof 10 CFR 50.47. The Commission shall determine after consultation with FEMAif any major features of emergency plans submitted by the applicant underOption 1 are acceptable, and whether any emergency plans submitted by theapplicant under Option 2 provide reasonable assurance that adequate protectivemeasures can and will be taken in the event of a radiological emergency.

For the mandatory requirement and Option 1, the application must include adescription of contacts and arrangements made with local, State, and Federalagencies with emergency planning responsibilities. Under Option 2, theapplicant shall make good faith efforts to obtain from the same governmentagencies certifications that (1) the proposed emergency plans are practicable;(2) these agencies are committed to participating in any further developmentof the plans, including any required field demonstrations; and (3) that theseagencies are committed to executing their responsibilities under the plans inthe event of an emergency. The application must contain any certificationsthat have been obtained. If these certifications cannot be obtained, theapplication must contain information, including a utility plan, sufficient toshow that the proposed plans provide reasonable assurance that adequateprotective measures can and will be taken in the event of a radiologicalemergency at the site.

Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 52 addresses the requirements and procedures applica-ble to standard design certifications. Emergency planning requirements underSubpart B are limited primarily to the specification of an onsite TechnicalSupport Center and an onsite Operational Support Center within the designbases of the standard plant design. Subpart C of the rule addresses therequirements and procedures applicable to the issuance of a combined licensefor a nuclear power facility. Under Subpart C, the application must containemergency plans which meet the emergency planning standards of 10 CFR 50.47and the requirements of Appendix E to Part 50 and thus provide reasonable

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assurance that adequate protective measures can and will be taken in the eventof a radiological emergency at the site. If the application for a combinedlicense references an ESP, the application may incorporate by referenceemergency plans, or major features of emergency plans, approved in conjunctionwith the issuance of the permit.

Guidance for the preparation and evaluation of emergency plans submitted insupport of an ESP under Subpart A of 10 CFR 52 is provided in this document.


The ESP application must identify physical characteristics unique to theproposed site, such as egress limitations from the area surrounding the site,that could pose a significant impediment to the development of emergencyplans. An ESP applicant may identify such unique physical characteristics byperforming a preliminary analysis of the time required to evacuate varioussectors and distances within the plume exposure pathway EPZ for transient andpermanent populations, noting major impediments to the evacuation or thetaking of other protective actions.

A. Evacuation Time Estimate Analysis

The evacuation time estimate (ETE) analysis is an emergency planning tool thatcan be used to assess, in an organized and systematic fashion, the feasibilityof developing emergency plans for a site. Guidance on performing an ETEanalysis is given in Appendix 4 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1. The ETEanalysis should include a map showing the proposed site and plume exposurepathway EPZ. The map should identify transportation networks, topographicalfeatures, and political boundaries. The boundaries of the EPZ, as well as theevacuation sub-areas within the EPZ, should be based on factors such ascurrent and projected demography, topography, land characteristics, accessroutes, and Jurisdictional boundaries.

The ETE analysis should include an estimate of the number of people to beevacuated. Permanent residents, transients, and persons in special facilitiesshould be considered in the population estimate. Special facility residentsinclude those confined to institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, andprisons. The school population also should be evaluated in the specialfacility segment. The ETE analysis should include a complete review anddescription of the road network in the proposed site area. The assumptionsfor determining the number of vehicles should be provided as well as themethodology for determining the transport-dependent population. Travel timesand potential locations for serious congestion along the evacuation routesshould be analyzed. Normal and adverse weather conditions, such as flooding,snow, ice, fog, or rain, should be considered in the ETE analysis. Additionalguidance on performing an ETE analysis is given in NUREG/CR-4831, "State ofthe Art in Evacuation Time Estimate Studies for Nuclear Power Plants," March1992.

Such an ETE analysis would serve to demonstrate if any physical character-istics or combination of physical characteristics of the site, in particularegress limitations, could pose impediments to the development of emergencyplans. It is important to note that the value of the ETE analysis is in themethodology required to perform the analysis rather than in the calculated ETEtimes. While lower ETEs may reflect favorable site characteristics from an

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emergency planning standpoint, there is no minimum required evacuation time inthe regulations which a licensee or an applicant has to meet. The Commissionconfirmed this in CLI-86-13, 24 NRC 22 (1986), when it stated that "ouremergency planning requirements do not require that an adequate plan achieve apreset....minimum evacuation time for the plume exposure pathway emergencyplanning zone in the event of a serious accident." Accordingly, the ETEanalysis should not focus on the numerical time estimates but on the sitefactors that are considered to be impediments to emergency planning andpreparedness. The reasons should be given for ETEs that appear unduly high.Any major difficulties for an evacuation or the taking of other protectiveactions such as sheltering in the plume EPZ should be discussed.

B. Contacts and Arrangements

The ESP application must include a description of contacts and arrangementsmade with local, State, and Federal agencies with emergency planningresponsibilities. The descriptions should include the name and location ofthe organization contacted, the title and/or position of the person(s)contacted, and the role of the organization in emergency planning.


In addition to the mandatory requirement of identifying the physicalcharacteristics unique to the proposed site that could pose impediments to thedevelopment of emergency plans, the ESP applicant may include proposed majorfeatures of the emergency plans, such as the exact sizes of the emergencyplanning zones (EPZs), for review and approval by the NRC in consultation withFEMA in the absence of complete and integrated plans.

A. Emergency Planning Zones

An ESP applicant that chooses the option of proposing major features of theemergency plans (i.e., applicant, local and state plans), should give specialemphasis to the exact sizes of the EPZs. Generally, the plume exposurepathway EPZ for nuclear power plants with an authorized power level greaterthan 250 MW thermal consists of an area about 10 miles in radius, and theingestion pathway EPZ consists area about 50 miles in radius. The exactsize and configuration of the EPZs surrounding a particular nuclear powerreactor should be determined in relation to local emergency response needs andcapabilities as they are affected by such conditions as demography,topography, land characteristics, access routes, and jurisdictional boundaries[10 CFR 50.47 (c)(2)]. Plume exposure pathway EPZ boundaries that run throughthe middle of schools or hospitals, or that arbitrarily carve out smallportions of governmental jurisdictions should be avoided [CLI 89-12, 26 NRC383 (1987)]. Additional information concerning EPZs is contained in SectionI.D.2 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, and 44 CFR 350.7(b).

B. Planning Standards and Evaluation Criteria

An ESP application that includes the major features of emergency plans will beevaluated against the selected and modified emergency planning standards andevaluation criteria from Section II of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1.These standards and criteria are specified in Section V of this document andhave been selected to

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* highlight the need for cooperation among the applicant, local,State, and Federal agencies required by 10 CFR 52.17(b)(3)

* address potential emergency planning issues early in the licensingprocess before large commitments of resources are made

* reflect sensitivity to the fact that an ESP applicant will not haveinformation and resources, or should not be expected to expend largeresources, on aspects of emergency planning and preparedness thatwill be required, and best addressed, at the combined license stage

* reflect sensitivity to the relatively long time (10 to 20 years)that could elapse between the granting of an ESP and the applicationfor a combined license

In addition, the standards and criteria referring to facilities, systems, andequipment have been modified to require only descriptions rather than in-placecapability.

The modifications to the emergency planning standards and evaluation criteriain Section V of this document apply only to an early site permit application.All of the planning standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b), as supported in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, will have to be met before the issuance of an opera-ting license under 10 CFR 50.57 or a combined license under Subpart C of 10CFR Part 52. In addition, for the first reactor at a site, Appendix E of 10CFR Part 50 requires that a full-participation exercise be conducted within 2years before the NRC issues an operating license for full power (authorizingoperation above 5 percent of rated power). Since this exercise would beincluded in the inspections, tests, and analyses required for a combinedlicense; it would have to be satisfied before fuel loading for a combinedlicense.

C. Contacts and Arrangements

The ESP application under this option of the rule must include a descriptionof contacts and arrangements made with local, State, and Federal agencies withemergency planning responsibilities. The descriptions should include the nameand location of the organization contacted, the title and/or position of theperson(s) contacted, and the role of the organization in emergency planning.Additional guidance concerning contacts and arrangements for this option ofthe rule are specified in the evaluation criteria in Section V of thisdocument.


A. Planning Standards and Evaluation Criteria

An applicant for an ESP may propose complete and integrated emergency plansfor review and approval by the NRC, in consultation with FEMA, in accordancewith the applicable provisions of 10 CFR 50.47. The planning standards andevaluation criteria for the preparation and evaluation of these plans are asshown in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1.

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B. Certifications from Governmental Agencies

The ESP applicant proposing complete and integrated emergency plans shouldmake good faith efforts to obtain certifications from the local, State, andFederal agencies with emergency planning responsibilities. The certificationsshould state

* the agencies' acceptance of the proposed emergency plans aspracticable

the agencies' commitment to participate in any further developmentof the plan, including any required field demonstrations

* the agencies' commitment to execute their responsibilities under theplans in the event of an emergency

C. Non-Participation of Government Agencies

If the ESP applicant is unable to obtain certifications from local, State andFederal agencies with emergency planning responsibilities, it should preparean offsite plan which will be evaluated using NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Revision 1, Supplement 1.


An ESP applicant may use the planning standards and evaluation criteria givenin this section if it chooses the option of proposing major features of theemergency plans. The standards and criteria have been developed to reflectthe particular conditions of an ESP based on the planning standards andevaluation criteria of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1.

Comparisons to the planning standards and evaluation criteria of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, are given below.

1. The following planning standards and related evaluation criteria ofNUREG-0654 were deemed inappropriate for the ESP application phase:

M. Recovery and Reentry Planning and Postaccident OperationsN. Exercises and Drills

2. The following planning standards are comparable to those in NUREG-0654 but are more relevant to the ESP application phase, withcertain evaluation criteria (EC) not included as shown in the secondcolumn.

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A. Assignment of Responsibility lb, c, d, e, and 4(Organization Control) l

B. Onsite Emergency Organization 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8

C. Emergency Response Support la, b, c, 2a, and band Resources

D. Emergency Classification'System 2 and 4

E. Notification Methods and 3, 4, 5, and 7Procedures ____I

F. Emergenc Communications la, Id, If, and 3

G. Public Education and Information 2, 3, and 4

H. Emergency Facilities and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,Equipment and 12

I. Accident Assessment 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10

J. Protective Response 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11f,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a n d 1 1

K. Radiological Exposure Control 3b, 6, and 7

L. Medical and Public Health 2 and 4Support

0. Radiological Emergency Response 1, 2, 3, 4e, 4i, and 5Training

P. Responsibility for the Planning 6, 7, 9, and 10Effort __

3. The retained evaluation criteria have been modified to make themconsistent with changes in related planning standards and moreappropriate to the ESP application phase.

4. A new evaluation criterion has been added: EC 4, under PlanningStandard C, Emergency Response Support and Resources.

5. Under Applicability and Cross Reference to Plans, the term "ESPApplicant" has been substituted for the term "Licensee."

The planning standards and evaluation criteria as modified are as follows.

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A. Assignment of ResDonsibilitv (Organization Control)

Planning Standard

Primary responsibilities are identified for emergency response by theEarly Site Permit (ESP) applicant and by State and local organizationswithin the Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs).

Evaluation CriterionApplicability and Cross

Reference to Plans

ESPApplicant State Local

1. Each application shall identify the State,local, Federal and private sector organi-zations (including utilities) that areintended to be part of the overallresponse organization for EPZs.

2. a. Each organization shall identifythe functions and responsibilitiesfor major elements of emergencyresponse, such as Command and Control,Alerting and Notification, Communica-tions, Public Information, AccidentAssessment, Public Health and Sanita-'tion, Social Services, Fire and Rescue,Traffic Control, Emergency MedicalServices, Law Enforcement, Transpor-tation, Protective Response, andRadiological Exposure Control. Thedescription of these functions may beshown in a table of primary and supportresponsibilities.

x x x


b. Each application shall contain (byreference to specific acts, codes orstatutes) the legal basis for suchauthorities.

3. Each application shall include a des-cription of contacts and arrangementspertaining to the concept of opera-tions developed between Federal, State,and local agencies and other supportorganizations having an emergencyresponse role within the EPZs. Anywritten letters of agreement shouldbe included. A signature page in theapplication may be appropriate forsome organizations to signify theiragreement. x _ _ X

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B. Onsite Emergency Organizations

Planning Standard

Interfaces among various onsite response activities and offsite supportand response activities are identified.

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPApplicant State Local

1. Each applicant shall identifythe interfaces between and amongthe onsite functional areas ofemergency activity, local servicessupport, and State and local govern-ment response organization. Thismay be illustrated in a block diagram.

2. Each applicant shall identify theservices to be provided by localagencies for handling emergencies(e.g., police, ambulance, medical,hospital, and fire-fightingorganizations). A description ofthe arrangements involving theseservices shall be included in theplan. Any written letters of agree-ment should also be included. X

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C. Emergencv Response SupDort and Resources

Planning Standard

Arrangements for requesting assistance resources are described, andorganizations capable of augmenting the planned response are identified.

Applicability and Crossifinn Criterinn Reference to lia

ESPApplicant State Local

1. The Federal Government maintains in-depthcapability to assist licensees, States andlocal governments through the FederalRadiological Emergency Response Plan. EachState and ESP applicant shall make provisionsfor requesting Federal assistance. x x

2. Each organization shall identify radio-logical laboratories and their generalcapabilities and expected availabilityto provide radiological monitoring andanalyses services during an emergency.

3. Each organization shall identify nuclearand other facilities and organizationsthat can be relied on to provide assis-tance in an emergency.



x x

x x

4. Each application shall include adescription of the contacts and arrange-ments made with the response organiza-tions identified above.

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D. Emergencv Classification System

Planning Standard

A standard emergency classification scheme is specified.

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPApDlicant State Local

1. An emergency classification schemeas set forth in Appendix 1 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, or Reg-ulatory Guide 1.101, Revision 3, mustbe established by the ESP applicantbut need not include plant-specificinitiating conditions.

2. Each State and local organizationshall establish an emergency classifica-tion level scheme consistent with thatestablished by the ESP applicant.


x x



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E. Notification Methods and Procedures

Planning Standard

The means are described for notification by the ESP applicant of Stateand local response organizations, and for notification of emergencypersonnel and the populace within the plume exposure pathway EPZ.

Applicability and Crosstion Criterion Reference to PlansEvalua

, . , . z .

> ESPAPDplicant State Local

1. Each organization shall describemutually agreeable bases for notifica-tion of response organizations consis-tent with the emergency classificationscheme set forth in Appendix 1 ofNUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1. x x x

2. Each organization shall describe amethod for alerting, notifying, andmobilizing emergency response personnel. X x x

3. Each organization shall describe theadministrative and physical meansfor notifying and promptly instruc-ting the public within the plumeexposure pathway EPZ.

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F. EmergencY Communications

Planning Standard

Provisions are described for prompt communications among principalresponse organizations to emergency personnel and to the public.

Applicability and Crossition Criterion Reference to PlansvA l ia

., A, MM A, I,, _,, __ . . _ .._ ._ ._ .._ _ _ ., _ .._

ESPApplicant State Local

1. The communication plans for emergenciesshall describe:

a. provision for communications withcontiguous State/local governmentswithin the EPZ

b. provision for communications asneeded with Federal emergencyresponse organizations

c. provision for alerting andactivating emergency personnelin each response organization

2. The communication arrangement forfixed and mobile medical supportfacilities shall be described.





x x

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G. Public Education and Information

Planning Standard

An emergency information program for the public and news media isdescribed to address: (1) the provision of information to the public,on a periodic basis, on how they will be notified and what initialactions should be taken in an emergency and (2) the means foracquainting the news media with emergency information.

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPApplicant State Local

1. Each organization shall describe aprogram to provide a coordinateddissemination of information to thepublic on a periodic basis (at leastannually) regarding how they will benotified and what their actions shouldbe in an emergency. This programshould include information on:

* educational information on radiation* contact for additional information* protective measures, e.g., evacuation

routes and relocation centers,sheltering, respiratory protection,radioprotective drugs

* special needs of the handicapped andthe transient population

Means for accomplishing this disseminationmay include, but are not necessarilylimited to: information in the telephonebook, periodic information in utilitybills, posting in public areas, andpublications distributed on an annualbasis.

2. Each organization shall describe aprogram for acquainting news mediaon a periodic basis (at least annually)with the emergency plans, informationconcerning radiation, and points ofcontact for release of public informa-tion in an emergency.

xLX _x


x x x

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H. Emergencv Facilities and Equipment

Planning Standard

Adequate emergency facilities and equipment toresponse are described.

support the emergency

Applicability and CrossReference to PlansEvaluation Criterion

ESPApplicant State Local

1. Each applicant shall describe atechnical support center and anonsite operations support center inaccordance with NUREG-0696.2

2. Each applicant shall describe anemergency operations facility fromwhich evaluation and coordination ofall licensee activities related toan emergency is to be carried outand from which the licensee shall pro-vide information to Federal, State andlocal authorities responding to radio-logical emergencies in accordance withNUREG-0696.


x3. Each offsite

an emergencyin directingfunctions.

organization shall describeoperations center for useand controlling response

X x

2 NUREG-0696, "Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities,"February 1981.

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I. Accident Assessment

Planning Standard

Adequate methods, systems and equipment are described for assessing andmonitoring actual or potential offsite consequences of a radiologicalemergency condition.

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPADp icant State Local

1. Each applicant shall provide adescription of the contacts andarrangements made with offsite organizationsfor acquiring and evaluating meteorologicalinformation. The applicant shall des-cribe how suitable meteorological datawill be made available to the State.

2. Each organization shall describe thecontacts and arrangements made for fieldmonitoring within the plume exposureEPZ.

3. Contacts and arrangements to locateand track the airborne radioactiveplume, using either or both Federaland State resources, shall bedescribed.


x x x

x x

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J. Protective Response

Planning Standard

A range of protective actions is described for the plume exposurepathway EPZ for the public and emergency workers. Guidelines for thechoice of protective actions during an emergency, consistent withFederal guidance, and protective actions for the ingestion exposurepathway EPZ appropriate to the locale are described.

Applicability and CrossEval uation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPADplicant State Local

1. Each applicant shall describe theevacuation routes and transportation foronsite individuals to some suitable off-site location, including alternatives forinclement weather, high traffic density,and specific radiological conditions.

2. Each applicant shall describe amechanism for recommending protectiveactions to the appropriate State and localauthorities in accordance with the Manualof Protective Action Guides and ProtectiveActions for Nuclear Incidents (EPA 400-R-92-001).

3. Each applicant must prepare time estimatesfor evacuation within the plume exposureEPZ (see Section II of this document).These shall be in accordance withAppendix 4 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Revision 1.




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J. Protective Response (continued)

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPApplicant State Local

4. Each organization's concept for imple-menting protective measures for theplume exposure pathway shall bedescribed including items such as thoselisted below, if available. Whereappropriate, a description of contactsand arrangements made with offsiteagencies with emergency planningresponsibilities must be included.

a. maps showing evacuation routes, evacu-ation areas, shelter areas, and re-location centers in host areas

b. maps showing population distributionaround the site This shall be byevacuation areas. (Each applicantshall also present the informationin a sector format)

c. proposed means for notifying allsegments of the transient andresident population



x x

x xd. proposed means for protecting

those persons whose mobility may beimpaired (e.g. institution or otherconfinement)

e. proposed means for the use of radio-protective drugs for emergency workersand institutionalized persons withinthe plume exposure EPZ whose immediateevacuation may be infeasible or verydifficult

x x

f. proposed means of relocation x x

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J. Protective Response (continued)

Applicability and CrossReference to PlansEvaluation Criterion

ESPApDlicant State Local

g. potential relocation centers in hostareas which are at least 5 miles,and preferably 10 miles, beyond theboundaries of the plume exposureemergency planning zone

h. projected traffic capacities of evacua-tion routes under emergency conditions

i. control of access to evacuated areasand organization responsibilitiesfor such control

j. identification of and means fordealing with potential impediments(e.g., seasonal impassability ofroads) to use of evacuation routesand contingency measures

k. time estimates for evacuation ofvarious sectors and distances basedon a dynamic analysis (time-motionstudy under various conditions) forthe plume exposure pathway EPZ (SeeAppendix 4 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Revision 1, and Section II of thisdocument)

1. the bases for the choice of recommendedprotective actions from the plume exposurepathway during emergency conditions. Thisshall include expected local protectionafforded in residential units or othershelter for direct and inhalation exposure,as well as evacuation time estimates

5. Each organization shall describe the meansfor registering and monitoring evacueesat reception centers in host areas.

L X _


x x

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K. Radiological Exposure Control

Planning Standard

Means are described for controlling radiological exposures to emergencyworkers in an emergency.

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPADplicant State Local

1. Each applicant shall describe guidelineson dose limits for

a. removal of injured persons

b. undertaking corrective actions

c. performing assessment actions

d. performing field radiologicalmeasurements in the plume EPZ


e. providing first aid

f. performing personnel decontam-ination

g. providing ambulance service



h. providing medical treatmentservices

2. Each applicant shall describe anonsite radiation protection programto be implemented during emergencies,including methods to implement doselimits. General guidance on dose limitsfor workers performing emergency iservicescan be found in EPA 400-R-92-001.

3. a. Each organization shall describehow they would determine the dosesreceived by emergency personnel in-volved in any nuclear accident,including volunteers.



3 EPA 400-R-92-001, 'Manual of Protective Action Guides andActions for Nuclear Incidents," May 1992.


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K. Radiological Exposure Control (continued)

Applicability and CrossReference to PlansEvaluation Criterion

ESPApplicant State Local

b. Each organization shall describehow they would acquire and distributedosimeters, both direct-reading andpermanent record devices. X

4. Each organization shall describe adecision chain for authorizing emer-gency workers to incur exposures inexcess of the EPA dose limits forworkers performing emergency services. x x x

5. a. Each organization, as appropriate,shall specify action levels fordetermining the need for decontam-ination of emergency workers, equip-ment and vehicles, and the generalpublic and their possessions.

b. Each organization, as appropriate,shall describe a means for radio-logical decontamination of emergencypersonnel wounds, supplies, instru-ments, and equipment.


I x x

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L. Medical and Public Health SuDport

Planning Standard

Contacts and arrangements are described for medical services forcontaminated injured individuals.

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans-

ESPADDlicant State Local

1. Each organization shall describe thecontacts and arrangements made forlocal and backup hospital and medicalservices having the capability forevaluation of radiation exposure anduptake.

2. Each State shall develop listsindicating the location of public,private, and military hospitals andother emergency medical servicesfacilities within the State orcontiguous States considered capableof providing medical support forany contaminated injured individual.The listing shall include the name,location, type of facility andcapacity, and any special radiologicalcapabilities. Contacts and arrange-ments made in developing this listshould be described.

x x x

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M. Recovery and Reentry Planning and Postaccident Operations (Notapplicable to ESPs)

N. Exercises and Drills (Not applicable to ESPs)

0. Radiological Emergency Response Training

Planning Standard

A radiological emergency response trainingthose who may be called on to assist in an

program is described foremergency.

Evaluation CriterionApplicability and Cross

Reference to Plans

ESPADDlicant State Local

1. Each organization shall describe atraining program for instructing andqualifying personnel who will implementradiological emergency response plans.Specialized initial training and periodicretraining shall be provided in the fol-lowing categories:

a. directors or coordinators of theresponse organizations

b. personnel responsible for accidentassessment

c. radiological monitoring teams andradiological analysis personnel


xd. police, security and fire fighting


f. first aid and rescue personnel

g. local support services personnelincluding civil defense/emergencyservice personnel



x xx x

x xh. medical support personnel

i. personnel responsible for transmis-sion of emergency information andinstructions

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P. Responsibilitv for the Planning Effort: Development. Periodic Reviewand Distribution of Emergencv Plans

Planning Standard

Responsibilities are established for plan development and review and fordistribution of emergency plans, and training is described for planners.

Applicability and CrossEvaluation Criterion Reference to Plans

ESPApD1 icant State Local

1. Each organization shall provide forthe training of individuals responsiblefor the planning effort. x x x

2. Each organization shall identify bytitle the individual with the overallauthority and responsibility for radio-logical emergency response planning. x

3. Each organization shall designate anEmergency Planning Coordinator withresponsibility for the development andupdating of emergency plans and coordina-tion of these plans with other responseorganizations. x .x x

4. Each organization shall update its planand agreements as needed. x

5. The emergency response plans andapproved changes to the plans shall beforwarded to all organizations and appro-priate individuals with responsibilityfor implementation of the plans. Revisedpages shall be dated and marked to showwhere changes have been made.

6. Each plan shall contain a specific tableof contents. Plans submitted for reviewshould be cross-referenced to the criteriain this supplement.



x x

L X _

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NRC FORM 335 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 1. REPORT NUMBER(2-89) (Assigned by NRC, Add Vol.,NRCM 1102, Supp., Rev., and Addendum Num-3201, 3202 BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET bers, it any.)

(See Instructions on the reverse) NUREG-06542. TITLE AND SUBTITLE FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1

Supp. 2Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans 3. DATE REPORT PUBLISHED

and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants MONTH YEAR

Criteria for Emergency Planning in an Early Site Permit Application April 19964. FIN OR GRANT NUMBER

Draft Report for Comment


E Kantor, E. F. Fox, Jr./NRC TechnicalV. L Wingert, W. F. McNuttIFEMA 7. PERIOD COVERED (Inclusive Dates)

8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (I! NRC, provide Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, andmailing address; If contractor, provide name and mailing address.)

Division of Reactor Program Management Federal Emergency Management AgencyOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 500 C Street, S.W.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20472Washington, DC 20555-001

S. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (If NRC, type Same as above'; If contractor, provide NRC Division, Office or Region,U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address.)

Same as 8. above


11. ABSTRACT (200 words or less)

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have addedSupplement 2 NUREG-0654IFEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, to provide guidance for the development, review, and ap-proval of radiological emergency information and plans submitted with an early site permit application under SubpartA of 10 CFR Part 52.

12. KEY WORDS/DESCRIPTORS (List words or phrases that will assist researchers In locating the report.) 13. AVAILABILITY STATEMENTUnlimited

14. SECURITY CLASSIFICATIONEmergency planning '(This Page)Emergency preparedness Unclasedradiological emergency planning Unclassified

([This Report)radiological emergency preparednessradiological emergency response plans Unclassifiedemergency plans 15. NUMBER OF PAGES

emergency planning for early site permitearly site permit 16. PRICE

NRC FORM 335 (2-89)

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Federal Recycling Program

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NUREG-0654, Rev. 1, Supp. 2Draft


APRIL 1996


WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001