crime drama

It all begins in a dark wet alleyway in the middle of Chelsea in contemporary New York City. Muffled sounds of the city’s nightlife echo through the narrow gap between the two sets of buildings. Suddenly, we hear a series of loud swooshing rustles. A group of seven individuals walk into frame, all wearing long leather trench coats and tall boots. We hear one of them whisper “This way.” They all start running. We see the group’s blurry shadows as they race through the dim alleys. After a few seconds they slow down as they enter what appears to be a large courtyard surrounded by buildings. A single streetlamp lights the patio. A male body lies immobile near the center. Violet, a short dark haired woman and leader of the group, walks towards the body; the group follows. Another woman, Millie, quickly races past Violet and kneels down to take a closer look at the body. She then turns to Violet. “This is not a regular binding spell. This is dark magic.” Violet begins to walk across the space as the rest of the group disperses. She notices that the patio has no entrance other than the one they just came through. She then hears a soft crackle coming from the corner of the patio. She turns to face what looks like an old worn-out couch sitting still, next to a couple of other hoary pieces of furniture. She quietly alerts the rest of the group, who immediately draws out their wooden wands and stand in formation behind her. She also readies her own aspen wood wand. The group starts to slowly approach the couch, ready for any sort of reaction. The couch lies motionless, yet Violet is still suspicious. Suddenly, we see the couches’ arm transform into a human arm holding a wand, aiming at the group. A voice inside the couch yells “Stupefy!”

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Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Crime Drama

It all begins in a dark wet alleyway in the middle of Chelsea in contemporary New York City. Muffled sounds of the city’s nightlife echo through the narrow gap between the two sets of buildings. Suddenly, we hear a series of loud swooshing rustles. A group of seven individuals walk into frame, all wearing long leather trench coats and tall boots. We hear one of them whisper “This way.” They all start running.

We see the group’s blurry shadows as they race through the dim alleys. After a few seconds they slow down as they enter what appears to be a large courtyard surrounded by buildings. A single streetlamp lights the patio. A male body lies immobile near the center. Violet, a short dark haired woman and leader of the group, walks towards the body; the group follows. Another woman, Millie, quickly races past Violet and kneels down to take a closer look at the body. She then turns to Violet.

“This is not a regular binding spell. This is dark magic.”

Violet begins to walk across the space as the rest of the group disperses. She notices that the patio has no entrance other than the one they just came through. She then hears a soft crackle coming from the corner of the patio. She turns to face what looks like an old worn-out couch sitting still, next to a couple of other hoary pieces of furniture. She quietly alerts the rest of the group, who immediately draws out their wooden wands and stand in formation behind her. She also readies her own aspen wood wand.

The group starts to slowly approach the couch, ready for any sort of reaction. The couch lies motionless, yet Violet is still suspicious. Suddenly, we see the couches’ arm transform into a human arm holding a wand, aiming at the group. A voice inside the couch yells “Stupefy!”

Violet preemptively parries the spell with her own wand. The couch and two other pieces of furniture begin to transform into human beings, striding towards the entrance of the patio while firing spells at the group of Aurors. The Aurors attempt to cover from the attacks, however two of them are quickly knocked unconscious. The fugitive wizards manage to make it to the entrance and start running away. Violet and the remaining standing Aurors begin their pursuit.

Throughout the chase, the Aurors attempt to knockout the fugitives using their spells, however they are unsuccessful. The fugitives use anything they find on their way out to block their chasers and delay them. One of the Aurors takes a shortcut and flanks the fugitives, however one of them takes out a weirdly shaped artifact from under his tunic and aims it at the Auror. A blast comes out the artifact and the Auror instantly falls to the ground, petrified. After a long chance the Aurors manage to corner the fugitives into a pitch-black alley. Violet aims her wand at the darkness.

Page 2: Crime Drama

“We are members of the United States Auror Office Investigation Department, you are under arrest. Lay down your wands or we’ll be forced---“

A Ford Explorer model 1994 suddenly lights up the scene. The truck quickly begins to speed towards the Aurors who instantly try to get out of the way. Violet aims her wand at the truck and yells “Reducto!” The spell manages to hit the front of the truck, but it merely damages the front hood. “Confringo!” A blast of fire impacts again, but the truck continues moving forward as it starts to glide above the ground. One of the other Aurors grabs Violet from her arm and pulls her down to the side, missing the truck by inches. The truck flies away into the dark night while Violet stands up. She stares frustrated at the fleeing vehicle, slowly contemplating the gravity of the situation.