creo extrude tutorial2

Creo Extrude Tutorial Part 1: Setup and Initial Extrude 1. Open Creo Parametric 2.0 2. 3. Setting Working Directory (Optional): Automatically saves all work in the folder user has chosen a. Click on the Icon Select Working Directory b. Navigate to the folder you wish to save in > Select folder > HOLD Right Mouse Button > Select Set Working Directory Dialogue Box: Provides instructions on what software would like you to select or shows error messages Built-In Internet/Computer Navigator Window: This will show the user files on the computer/external hard drives and browse the internet. Standard Window Menus: I.E New, Open, Minimize, Maximize, ETC

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Page 1: Creo Extrude Tutorial2

Creo Extrude Tutorial

Part 1: Setup and Initial Extrude

1. Open Creo Parametric 2.0


3. Setting Working Directory (Optional): Automatically saves all work in the folder user has chosen

a. Click on the Icon Select Working Directory

b. Navigate to the folder you wish to save in > Select folder > HOLD Right Mouse Button > Select Set

Working Directory

Dialogue Box: Provides instructions on what software would

like you to select or shows error messages

Built-In Internet/Computer

Navigator Window: This

will show the user files on

the computer/external

hard drives and browse the


Standard Window Menus: I.E New, Open,

Minimize, Maximize, ETC

Page 2: Creo Extrude Tutorial2

4. Select New

a. A pop window will open and show different types of drawings the user can create. Listed are the

types of drawings can be created in Creo.

5. We will be creating a 3D part.

a. Select Part

b. Name the file extrudetutorial

i. File names need to be one string of characters. (NO SPACES)

ii. It is important to provide a consistent filing system for your file names in order to keep

drawings and folders organized. I.E DWG01, DWG02, DWG03, etc. Each assignment will have

two files, it is important to have a filing system in order to keep these files together because

they are dependent upon each other and it is just easier to find them.

c. Click OK (if an error comes up you check your file name. Remember NO SPACES)

Types of Drawings

1. Sketch: Allows the user to create 2D


2. Part: Allows the user to create 3D shapes

(we will be using this a lot)

3. Assembly: Allows users to put multiple

Part files together to create a larger


4. Drawing: Allows users to layout Part files

in orthographic form

5. Format: Allows users to create forms that

can be used multiple times. I.E Title Blocks

6. Other Drawing Types we will not be using

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6. The following screen should appear.

7. Creo Part Basics

a. Datums: Imaginery defined planes, edges, axis, points in space to help define location of a solid model

i. Each part starts with 3 Default Datums (Note: Each datum has 2 dimensons)

1. Right (Dimensions: Height and Depth)

2. Top (Dimensions: Length and Depth)

3. Front (Dimensions: Length and Height)

ii. All parts are predefined in inch scale

8. Solid Model Navigation Tools

a. Mouse

i. Left Mouse Button: Selects objects

ii. Roll Bar: Zooms in and out on the model screen.

iii. Hold Down Roll Bar (Middle Mouse Button): Rotates Model

iv. Hold Right Mouse Button Down: Gives pop out menu based on the design tab.

b. Hotkeys

i. a= Autoscale

ii. i= Isometric

iii. d= Turns Datums on and off

File Name Tabs for various operations on the solid model

Model Tree: Shows all of the operations you

have created on the solid model. Workspace: Where the model is being built.

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9. Various ways to create Solid Models (Note all processes can ADD and Subtract material)

a. Extrusion: Elongating a 2D Closed Profile in a linear distance (Length, Height, or Depth depending on the

orientation of the 2D Closed Profile)

b. Revolve: Rotating a 2D Closed Profile around an axis

c. Sweep: Elongating of a 2D Closed Profile along a user defined path

d. Blend: Connection of multiple profiles that are on parallel datum’s

10. Creating an Extruded Model

a. First step is to create a 2D Closed Profile this is called a Sketch. There are two types to create a Sketch

i. External Sketch: This seperates the Sketch and the Extrude operations. We will be avoiding this


ii. Internal Sketch: This embeds the Sketch into the Extrude operation. Keeping the Sketch and Extrude

linked. Also called the Parent/Child Relationship.

b. On the Info bar at the top of the screen select the Tab Model > Select the Extrude icon.

c. The Extrude Info Bar

Solid Model:

Extrudes model

as a solid entity.

Surface: Extrudes profile

as surface. Makes inside


Extrusion Types and Distance

1. Blind: User Defined

Distance in one

direction of the datum

2. Symmetric About

Datum: Extrudes

model on both sides on

datum based on user

defined distance

3. Extrude to Surface,

Datum, Point, and

Edge: User selects a

predefined entity to

extrude too.

User Defined Distance

Flips Extrusion from one side of

the datum to the other

Red X: Cancel


Green Check: Finish





Changes to

subtraction of


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d. In the work area (black background) HOLD your Right Mouse Button down > select Define Internal Sketch

e. The Sketch Pop Window will appear

f. Select the Front Datum by either selecting it in the Workspace or in the Model Tree. The information the

Sketch Menu will fill in. (Do not worry about what the rest of it means)

g. Press Sketch in the Sketch Pop Window

h. The screen should rotate so the datum is perpendiculiar to your view

i. Info Bar will change to the sketching window. These are the tools you will use to draw your 2D Closed Profile

j. Select the Line Tool > starting at the Origin (center of the screen) > Left Click once to start the line. To set the

line Left Click at the endpoint of the line. Draw the following shape do not worry about the length of the lines.

Avoid making lines the same length. The Software will place an L next to a lines that are equal length.

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k. Once the shape is closed click the Middle Mouse Button to exit out of the line tool. The profile should be

shaded in creating a Closed Profile.

a. Types of Profiles

i. Closed Profile: Shaded informing on solid shape of geometry. Can be Extruded

ii. Open Profile: Non-Shaded form of geometry. Collection of lines that do not

form a shape or have intersecting lines. Cannot be Extruded

If not then you must add an extra line to complete the shape or if you have to many lines use the Delete

Segement Icon under Editing. You can either click Left Mouse Key on the line or hold the Left Mouse Key and

drag over the line(s) you want to delete.

l. Press the letter A to autoscale the screen. This should center and zoom in your part. This wil ltake you from

the Sketch Tab to Model Tab. Reclick on the Sketch Tab

m. To place your own dimensiong click on the Normal Icon.

There are two ways to place the linear dimension

1. Left Click once on the line you want to place a dimension on and Middle Mouse Button

2. Left Click once on one line then Left Click on a parallel dimension then Middle Mouse Button

to place. Note: If you select two non-parallel lines then an angle dimension will appear.

If you place to many dimensions than error menu will appear. This means you are Over Constrained. Select

one of the options, the option will highlight on the part and hit delete.

DO NOT worry about the values. They do not

need to be the same as the tutorial yet. The

software will automatically place dimensions.

These are Weak Dimensions and appear in

Blue. If you double click on the dimension and

change the value it will become a Strong

Dimension and appear in Red

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n. Place and change the dimensions as you see below. Rule of thumb is to change the smaller dimensions first

and work out to the larger ones. The screen should rezoom as the part gets smaller. If not use the Hotkey a

to autoscale.

o. Click the Green Check button to accept the sketch profile. (Red X will cancel the profile and delete everything

you have created.)

p. Place cursor on the part > Hold the Middle Mouse Button down > move the mouse to rotate the part.

q. Press i to rotate the part into an Isometric

r. Press a to Autoscale the part

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s. In the User Defined Distance in the info bar type in the distance of 4

t. Click the Green Check to complete the Extrude. (Red X will delete the part)

11. Change the View State

a. Click on the Tab View > Click on Display Style Icon > A list will appear >

i. Shading with Edges= Shades objects and makes edges thick so they standout

ii. Shading with Reflections= Gives a rendered image as if a light was shining on the part

iii. Shading = Default, Colors the image and provides minor shading of surfaces to help define orientation

iv. Hidden Line= Shows object lines and hidden lines without solid color

v. No Hidden= Only shows object lines without solid color

vi. Wireframe= Shows all lines object and hidden as solid lines

Try a few of these types out to see what they look like. Rotate the part to see the differences on the object

Hotkey d= Click Letter d to turn off and on datum planes, axis, points, etc.

When finished hit Letter i (Isometric) and a (Autoscale) to reset the object.

Save File

Part 2: Adding a Cut

12. Goto Model Tab > Click on Extrude Icon > Hold Right Mouse Button in Work Area > Select Define Internal Sketch >

Select the Surface shown below > Click Sketch > View will rotate surface perpendiculiar to your view

13. Goto View Tab > Display Style > Hidden Line

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14. Setup References > Refernces allow the user to select known edges to snap to

a. Goto Sketch Tab > Click on the References Icon under Setup ( First column on the info bar)

Pop up menu should appear. This will list all of the edges selected. User can select

as many edges as they need (We are adding more than needed here).

Select all of the edges of the part.

A Datum Line (Dashed Blue Line) Will appear on top of each of the edges

User can add Reference lines at any time.

Image Should look as follows

15. Use Sketching Tool > Rectangle and draw a rectangle starting from the top edge. Cursor should snap to the top edge

because of the reference line. Without the reference line the cursor would not snap to the top edge. Simliar to what

is shown > Click Middle Mouse Button to exit out of the Rectangle Tool. Remember the dimensions do not need to be

the same as the tutorials yet. Software will automatically dimension and the profile will shade in. The sketch will not

shade in if it is an open profile

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16. Change the dimension using the Normal Tool to what is shown and change the values to the same as what is shown.

Middle Mouse Button will exit out of the Normal Tool. Note the dimensions you are changing to are not the only set

that will work for this part. Remember this is practice.

17. Click the Green Check to Exit Out of the Extrude > Press Letter i and a

18. If the Extrude Preview dissappears click on the Extrude Tab to reshow it.

19. Change the View Display back to Shaded. View > Display Style > Shading

20. The Profile is shown as adding material. Click the Subtract Material Icon on the Extrude Info Bar and Flip on Datum to

place the cut into the part. Change the Extrude Value to 1.00

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21. Part should look as follows

22. Modifying Sketch Size while in the Extrude Menu Bar

a. Click on Placement Tab > Edit > This will place you back into the sketch. Change the values as follows

Subtract Icon

Flip on Datum Extrude Value 1.00

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23. Click Green Check to exit out of the Sketch. Part should automatically update

24. Hotkeys i and a > Click on Extrude Tab

25. Click Green Check to exit and finish the Extrude Cut.

26. Modfying and existing extrude and/or sketch

a. Option 1: Right Mouse Button on Extrude 2 in the Model Tree > Edit Defination > This will place you back

into the Extrude Info Box > Here you can adjust the extrusion distance or goto Placement > Edit > Edit Part >

Click Green Check or Red X to exit out of the sketch > > Click on Green Check to approve or Red X to cancel

when finished; this will complete the modification

b. Option 2: Click the Arrow next to Extrude 2 in the Model Tree > Select Section 1 by clicking Left Mouse

Button > Right Mouse Button Down > Select Edit Defination > This will take you directly into the sketch. You

will be able to modify the sketch, but not the extrude distance > Click on Green Check to approve or Red X to

cancel when finished; this will complete the modification

Option 1 Option 2

.500 .500

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Try each Option. Adjust the model as seen below. Note Modifactions can be made at any time.Extrude Distance= 5.00

Model Change=

Save File

Part 3 Adding Material to an Existing Model

27. Model Tab > Extrude Icon > Hold Right Mouse Button Down > Define Internal Sketch > Select the surface shown




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28. Change View Style

a. View Tab > Display Style > Hidden Line

29. Set References

a. Sketch Tab > Reference Icon (Setup, Second Icon)

30. Place a 1.00 x 1.00 Square in the bottom right corner

31. Green Check > Extrude Distance 1.00 > Green Check

32. Rotate and check out part



A. Add at least one more extrusion that adds material

B. Add at least one more extrusion that subtracts material

Part 4 Changing Model Color and Surface Color

33. Changing Model Color

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a. Goto the View Tab

b. Select the part in the Model Tree. For this model it should say EXTRUDETUTORIAL. This will highlight the

whole part

c. Select Appearance Gallery Icon

d. Choose your color

34. Changing Surface Colors

a. Select you color from the Appearance Gallery

b. Select your surface > Click Ok from the floating Select Menu

Save File

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Part 5 File Cleanup

35. Everytime the save button is pressed the software will create a new file. For example if I have saved this file 3 times on

in my Working Directory I will have




We only want to keep the most recent. There are two ways to clean this up

Option 1: Exiting Creo 2.0 > Navigate to the working directory in the C: Drive or External Folder > Select all of the files

except for the most recent one and delete. Be careful not to delete everything

Option 2: While in Creo 2.0 > Goto the File Tab > Manage Files > Delete Old Versions > Type in the file name if it does

not apear > Click Green Check to accept or Red X to Cancel

36. We also need to cleanup the Temp Folder. Doing this will help the software and computer run better.

a. While in Creo 2.0 > Goto File Tab > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed > A pop-up window will appear >

Click Ok. (If nothing appears there is nothing to erase you are fine.)

Note: Both of these steps should be completed on a regular basis (Once or

Twice a week). Not doing this will use up harddrive space making it so you

cannot save and will slow the computer down.