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PPfPPPpiW*'!'. ?' «!"»'¥"-*'! K*•*S^:?^ 1 *;? !*<?' THE DAILY AMU), SATUSSAT, FEBSTTABT 89,1MB. TBE CHRISTIANS PLACE IN THE COMMUNITY Tbb Week's Samoa in the Series by Rw. Robert P. Krritler, Rector o the Church of the Ascension "To stnearve Ufa."—Oanaaia «8:5. . _ tciety. but each Christian haa the re- Not physical Rf« only, but the;«ponslbllity. ot aiding ia the strengthening and deepening of the moral, spiritual tout* ot a commu- nity In all Its work and life. moral, spiritual sod religious Ufa of a community. A CttriatSan'a place in reference to these is toy theme, because of the bigness of his incen- tive. He has opportunity to live un- der the inspiration of the deepest motive. He is to urge own to see the beautiful, that they may live It, aad to know the love of Ood, that they may show it. A Christian 18 sot a man without imperfections nor a man without ehor comings. He is one who is struggling; toward J> high- er aad a better ideal of. justice, of mercy, of futn, of reverence. He must uot be satisfied with prayer and praise as outward evidences of his faith, but seeking to know God's law in relation to the commonwealth in which he lives, he endeavors to Incorporate them into its life. It is a serious responsibility. Yet one easily shirked and that too, by Belf-satisfied, respectable, religious people. CarlyP? was right when he talked about the duty nearest our doors, being so full of po&sibiities! For those duties Include very many chances for helping the community in matters appertaining to health, to cleanliness, to common interests. A Christian is not such per se. If he forgets then and only attends to what are sometimes called "reli- gious" duties. That is only one-half of bis business in life. It has been suspected in many quarters that It was all he had to do. We may each have our particular panacea for the auaemic body of so-with Christly motives, pledged to spread and deepen the common in- terests, hopes aad purposes of their fellow dttoea*. may do much to make some ideals livable. There is always a series ot questions in every city that demand a high order of Christian cltisenshlp. They must be met fairly and squarely. City Im- provement*, the city beau iful. viu* lrclou* of the child labor law, Sun- day theatre^, the sanitary conditions j cf our stores aud ahops. a publie common ,the buying of goods made t*u sweat shopi», are questions that rr.ay not nwjet us prominently every day, but as men and women Influ- enced by the finest Inspiration the \*or)d knows), we should have no dciibt as to where we stand, when face to face with them. Life is a tig word—so inclusive MOTHER CATERER*. We do not want our Interests "TralM-"g oft" into eternal silence." leather, it is out* business to see, that the legitimate results of our profes- sions are showt, in the life about ua; io preserve it by making it better, sweeter, purer. In a word more iiv- uHe. It gets intolerable in thought and in actual life to find that there are conditions our own neglect and Ignorance have permitted to exist. No Christian has the right to alt quietly in snug satisfaction and think there aro no claims other than those of home and church. If he is a man. he must do more thau vote. If she Is a woman, she must know the claims and interests of her neighborhood. Experience shows frequently, more frequently than one likes to admit, that there is a serious disproportion between those who do and those who do not take a continual Interest in the uplift of a community. True in a community like ours, there is notable division of interests. So many doing business lu one place and living in another, the attention i* taken away from what are Important civic affairs. But —the forces of unrighteousness never sleep. Why should those that make for uplift take such frequent rests? Counsels of perfection never vital- ise our activities. Unachievable ideals sometimes discourage. But practical men and women, saturated B. LAURICELLA Late with P. Maresi CATERER 71 South 4th Avenue. L.D.Tel. 1474. fit. Vernon PAINTERS AND OBCORATORa. W. E.GR0SS, CATERER a>*i«ra*«i eat •». n rm AVBJ. KatntttUaird la ••«* Vork Cltl, IST4. | SKV4 YORK ANO MOIST TORNON. ' U**dlsa«. Ul .arrs. OulUL.ns. rto. ra*- ai«us« wlta •very c*«ut«it*. How many American women iu : lonely homes to-day long - for this so broad. Whenever we use tt^lte | bl^sin^to coine into theif HveR, ami immensity and breadth should bring home the privilege we have In pre- serving it, in sll its many relations. We may not know what the end will TERHUNE CATERING COMPANY. ReeMeiMMi Telephone 7*Sil. tobsaote to"utter toelw^rords, o'iit Weddiagf, Dinner* and Be* becatiw of some organic &™W- Ceptioni Supplied. ment this happ ness is demed them vwif **««• »* F1 fu«u. Every woman interested in this CHINA. GLASS AND SILVERWARE be of the part.we play in the king- gttbjeot should know that prepara- LOANED, dom of Ood on earth, but let us pHy Hon for healthy maternity Is .»—^„—... ^ M - M -. it wen. we know it i* made out of accomplished by the use of 112 WASHINGTON STREET, human materials; its business, poll- - m «*-•».•« gen •%•*.••«•• * •>•«*• tics, society, family, church l 'h LYDIA E. PINK H A M S Christian's particular task Is to pre- serve all that best In them Httd bring them under the big Incentive ;•< tuating him. It is of great mo- ment to him how he. be he a lawyer, a merchant, n manufacturer, or of any trade, how he, may so vote, speak, act, work, write, to bring righteousness, peace, mercy, love to every individual ia the town in which he lives. ROBERT P. KREITLKR The present registration at Mount Vernon high school U 001. There was a meeting at the high school building lsst night of the com- mittee of the' High School Alumnae Association. Miss Bertha Brown, of the faculty at Mount Vernon high school, re- sumed her duties on Wednesday She had been called sway by her mother's death. In addition to those already announc- ed, the following three scholars from the seventh year first term at School No. t were also perfect In attendance at that school during the term which ended January 31: Ada Morris, Don- ald Boyd sad Herbert Melcher. Teats hare been made during the week of the heating appsratus at School N o 2 to satisfy those In charge that the apparatus is doing, its work properly. Little, If anything, was found out of the way with the appara- Principal Half, of the Waverly School at Tuckahoe, was a welcome visitor on Thursday at School No. 1. Recent visitors at this school were also Miss Estelle ConeoHoy, of Tren> ton, and Miss Cornelia Consolloy, of New Rochelle, both school teachers. Regular reports at Mount Vernon high school are Issued at the end ot each ten weeks. By a new arrange- ment, taking effect next week, weekly reports to parents will be issued on Fridays, In all eases in which students are oeing aub-standaru work likely to end In failure. These reports are to be returned every Monday morning at room No. 12, and will be* continued until conditions are changed. It Is hoped under this arrangement that parents will be fully informed and will earnestly co-operate with the respec- tive teachers. A new rule has just been announced st Mount Vernon high school, under which Intended absences are to oe re- ported In advance, or. If this Is not possible, the absence must be Imme- diately reported at the time at its occurrence, either by telephone or note. If pupils are absent for two FAIRFAX CLUB HAS RECEPTION A pleasing social success was scored by the members of the recently or- ganised Fairfax Club, of which Mr*. Harry B. Eastty is. the president, at their .first reception mil rtince 1 <*H on Thursday evening "at City Club bail. The new club derivas its mi|fte from having among Its members tiiaiiy ot those who formerly attended the dances given In Fairfax, ball, ami al- ready it has become a very popular orgsnizstlon. Halght's orchestra fur- nished the music for the occasion, and smong the guests w»r> several from New RocbeHe and vlela'ty. The patronesses were follows: Mrs. Green. Mrs- lee, Mrs. Ooutt-er, Miss M. May, Mrs. r---i-m.m. Mr*. B. Holler, Mrs., Cory Wain, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Harry B. EaUtty. Among those present were: Misses Eardman, Mr. Eardman. Mr. and Mrs. S. Holler. Miss M. Holler, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cory Walz, Miss C. Sanborn, Hawkes, Miss J. Green, Mrs. VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West! Union, S. G,write8 to Mis. Pinkham:; •• I was greatly run-down Jin health from a weakness peculiar to my sex. when Lydia B. Pinkham' a Vegetable Compound was recommended to toe. It not only restored me to perfect healths but to my delight I am a mother." Mrs. Josephine Flail,of Bardstown, Ky., writ en: "I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham* Vege- table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud j mother," FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty ye*rs_ Lydia E. Pink- ALCAZAR «48 NORTH PULTON AVE. CITY CLUB HALL PROSPECT AVENUE. Plnset hall* la Mount Vernon. To rent for balls, receptions, whists, ate. Catering dene In ail Its branches. Pull satisfaction guaranteed. Afternoons open far Ladles' Rowl- ing Clubs. THOMAS P. TIERNEY, Tslaphons tOt. UPHOLSTERERS. fc?^tf^ te h.^rt e n ra ^!steain Carpet Cleaning- Worto standard remedy for female ills. Parlor Furnitures Upholster* and has positively cured thousands of i , . -» , , p *, . women who have been troubled with I «<• «* KeasonaDIO rriceB displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- 'ng-down feeling, flatulency, indigea-,. _. „,. — —. _ ^ -.-~- tion,di Z zines8orr^rvousprostra^oh.i ,roa old < * rpeto * "P** 1 * 11 *- Why don't you try it* Mrs. Pinkham invites all sfok women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. The Mount Vernon CREDIT Protective Association FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLJRJ., days and no explanation is given the - Mr. faculty, a note will be sent to the par ferlggs, of New Rochelle; Misses B. ents, commenting thereon, and If pu'Slsson, A. Sswin, L. Sawln, Miss pils are absent three days without e*>i Gregg, Miss Hesse, H. Olendenning.i planatlon, it will be understood that A. Wlnans, R. Turner, M. Blenvenuc, r i > p m T nppnnrv TO MIMIM-HS they have left the school, and their Clarice Oordner, Jennie Brlgham. c,,En,T ««!«»"» TO MEMBERS names will be dropped from the roll., Lillian Freeman, E. Bryant, A. Bird, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. . I Miss Davidson, Miss LiiHsen, Miss |. _,„„„„„„ At the Commercial School, on Haggenbuckle, Clara Haigbt. Belle jM*MiifcKHU*l». Good work gnaraataed; also mm- tresses renovated. Weavers of rug* 0A8TBAM 4 COlTPAirr, AT BAST SIXTH STRKKT. Tsl. I4SS. VtlM Vrrmom, *. TEH PER TEAR. DOLLAR* Visitors durlag the past week at School No, % have included Mrs. H. D. Piper, Mrs. E. J. Willyoung, Mrs. J. M. Goodwin, Mrs. H. J. Linder, Miss A. Allerton. Mrs. Harry Hudler and Miss Julia Brandt, ef Mount Kisco. MIBS Brandt spent a day at the local school. The Westchester County Teachers' Association will hold its next meet- ing St Yon Iters on Saturday. March 14, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Thej Tn all the schools last week patriot session wtil be held in the library'h? exercises were held on Friday in building. Announcement of the pro-1 commemoration of the birthday on Thursday, afternoon, the students held Halght, Carrie Haight, F. Starr, Helen I a meeting and exercises In commemo | Wlldey, Irene Fountain, Miss Haih-j ration of Lincoln's and Washington's away, Miss Low, H. Leo-Wolf. A. Volk, DArrD H IMMI.EV, Pres. birthdays Jointly. The program open-1 Messrs Judson Wilde. Mr. Potter, Mr. ed with the singing by the school of, Eager, H. Schuler, Joseph Higgins, UPHOLSTERING Steam Carpet Cleaning Mattresses and Window Shades Made to Order. * TELEPHONE. 642 W. M. G. P E T E R S 116 80 FOURTH AVENUE. SOMEHTING NEW IN MOUNT VERNOH. YOUR PAINTINO, DECORATINR, UPHOLSTER I NO, DRAPER I NO and WINDOW SHADI WORK csn all be done by one house un- der One contract. Ws will •• glad to sstlmats for you. LACE CURTAIN* HUNO, Call and see eu*- beautiful Uns ef Lses Curtains. Carpets oieanad, ••«•« and laid. George H. Hay nor, «• West first St., Mount Varnen. Telephone 14T0. Lste ef Haynor A Osgood, #71 Broadway, New York City. FOR SALE! Apples and Potatoes Hargraves & Mager 182 ft 194 Stevens Ave. TELEPHONE 1683-L. WAX YAVELOW & SON 11-13 KORTH VotltTU AW. w TO naTC Clothing &. Furnishings Boots and Shoes King &, Harkness Painting and Paper Hanging All the latest designs ef Interior decorating of 1908. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Phone 15S2 Mount Vernon. Office 252 South Third Avenue, Mount Vernon. Pointing, Paperhanging and Decorating If you want good work, try ALEX. W. PETRICK, 22 s. Twelfth Are., Mt. Vernon. Telephone 11 t-K. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HOLLAND B. AKCHEE, Atterney and OonttaeOee 1 at IsM»« HomsT TO MMU* oar BOND AJfi» suirruiea GARDNKK BLOG., aft. Vernon, M.S* OWN Third Ave. saS S«n« St. M«unt vernon, P. T. INSURANCE- 'S DUNCAN S. CAMPBELL, ias sours Tsara* Avaanns, 'TEL. 742J, MOUNT VERNON. J. BLUSTEIN, Painting and Decorating General Jobbing 456 W. Lincoln Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. PLUMBKH8. UPHOLSTERING. The Star Spangled Banner," follow lng which Eleanor Ritter delivered ar essay on "Abraham Lincoln," and Harry Hull, Edwin Blenvenue. Malt- land Ponton, Arthur Bryant, Harry Bird, Fred RoeMCher. Chris Roescher, | G. ItIMIti i: n«i.i;i. See. * Tr«>«s. J. I.HW M«II u i i v \ . Csnmael. Telephone 2772. MsttPMSM SMI OsSIWM, Portiere. Cnrtslna enrt Draperies ineile >n order window ehades to onuarc, trass SStt. JOSEPH HTJBm 1ST ITKVBHI AVKJfUS, Trlei»hot»e IMft-R. Maud Herring played a piano solo, j Walter Rooscher. Mr. Hlldebrand, After a patriotic, song by the, school, Holland Lee, Walter Lee, Mr. Post,, Wilbur Peard gave a reading on Lin-1 Mr. Von Heyn, Mr. Cochrane, Mr. I Mt VINO VANS. coin, followed by a piano solo by Eleanor PuthiU. John Casey gave a resding on George Washington. A patriotic chorus hy the school closed the exercises. gram, which Is now being printed, will he made later. Manual training work in the differ- ent schools during the last two weeks has consisted of small hstcbets, cherry trees sod other reminders of Wash- ington'r birthday. The children have shown a marked interest In the work and have produced some very good results tinder Mrt. Bartholow's direc- The Mount Vernon High School Congress has a meeting schedule to teste place on Thursday afternoon, March 6, at 3:15 o'clock, at which the following interesting subject will be debated on: "Resolved, That the free- dom of the American press should be further restricted." On the affirmative will appear atone, Erskine and Bchede, while the negstlve will be de- fended by WUde, Cart snd Wller. At a class neetiBC «f &« ffradua a class at School No. 3, recently Bthel Mites was elected clssa a e n t and Francis Closter class tar. The committee on class ptas at this class has selected a hand- some ptn. which the class nas adopt ed. The committee consisted of Dor othea Kluge, AKa Dedell, Ruland Lea aad Harold Whitney, with the elate plStaiSPI Over fine hundred ana fifty girls aad boys are stow wearing the crimson sad black pin of Mchool No. 3. Saturday of the father of his country. At School No 4 half an hour wss de- voted to a pstrlotlc program hearing on Waflhingtoa's life and work, while at School No. 3 pretty exercises took place, consisting of songs, recitations snd readings. Each scholar of the school wore a red, white and blue badge, and the school's lsrge picture of Washington wss draped in honor of the occasion. Similar exercises were held st Schools No. 7, 9, 6 and 2, in all of which the school children Smith, Mr. Weatherby, Mr. Treband.i Mr. Phlpps, Perclval Young, Mr. P o w ! ell, Samuel Sheridan. Mr. Hathaway, Frank Matz, Robert Levle, W. Slsson. NEW HAVKV llM'i:\is|-.its Go Over the Land- In Mount Vernon This W«fS. While the mission Is not knows, It is a fact that officials of the New Haven road were in Mount Vernon this week and appraised the value of the lands upon which the railroad property is located, and also on the values along the tracks. Local real estate men were asked for their opinion and the officials who did the work were supplied with maps and Good Groeeries Good Bargains Good Service CHAS. ROCKWELL 4 CO. Choice Groceries NO. 1. Mount Vernon Ave It you want Competent Men ant Firstf-Class Work TELEPHONE 1494 ••SnitBBSSS»»JBSW^"W»eei»eennnaeaeeaeeeeeaeeeeene»eneeeneneBnn»»se^aW Daniel W. Collins, 105 East Third Street* Plumbing, Steai... Hot-Water & Hof-Air Healing. Roofing, Leaders. Gutters, Furnace & Range Repairs A. X. C0LVIN, INSURANCE AGENCY. IS MOUTH NINTH AVBOnTH. at. T. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER H. F. M0KTENSEN, "4DDI.B aiTD HARNESS StSSUBaV Hraslrtaa of AR aftais IVumpllr 4tteaS«a Ta. s-OtmTH AVB. an* DEPOT cXA**, Moaat raraoa. H. V. A. B. MARSH. Jr., OsaJet la Harneaji. <Mtw. Hoap» Hruahaa. S SOtrTB tHIHO aflBXVsa, I. •» Tat. t a . Hflaat VsaWSsa. a I %faaW for Or A • Marsh's •••4. tat Harass sad Cattl* Tjfffir auSNlTURB. CHARLES SUBITZKY, rsi. 141 S. rorRTH AVENUSL waspsst . ssay—a^^sa|B2a>>.aaai .,,,BBB> .v.^aaBB^aar>B>SBsa . •srasa. • . f. BUILDING MATERIAL. ... . ii iiM.i •• ••a—t si. i ••— •.•i-i-i.i.— ii ii i • Mnaaaaaaaasa Tile and Wood Mantel W o r U i 1 lower UusB Is Do You Contemplate Moving This Spring? IF •©, CONSULT „„„„,„„„ _ 11MiltllttlB1 up your house this mosth. NORTHRUP 6 ASHWORTH We can m** *. Paim and tell you who will put it on properly plsns of all the property. They de- 111'* SEtT^ZSr ^^,7."^* •hT'srs'tiellned to state whst the Intention paid their yearly tribute to the nrst'^, iha mmmM lm ailil lf im „, ,.f..< great American general School Trustee Robert J. Jennings, of the First ward, visited at School No. 9 early la the weak. Mount Vernon high school's mus sum contains many Interesting speci- mens and has been sccumulatnd through many years' work. The speel of the road is, and it Is surmised that It has to do wttb either deter- mining the value of the property for the purpose of issuing; more bonds, or else to show upon Whst values the present securities sre bssed. Qiva os a trial. Wa havs suited others and will try to salt you, Pianos snd Furniture packed, boxed snd moved to all parts of city or country. EXPRESS & TRUCKING TELEPHONE 1B36-R. J. ASHWORTH E. H. NORTHRUP SS Union Ae*. I W W . Lincoln Av MOUNT VERNON, N. V. The price of fourth week renewal of Argus wsnt sds. Is 50c. Advert!* mens" have "been carefully arranged ers are requested to remember this JAMES T. HAVEY, •S STBV ENS AVKRTEt Licensed Farrier. snd lsbeted snd the collection is one that will cause a great deal of inter- est to devolve upon a casual examina- tion. The latest sddttions to the mus earn come from Harry V, Morgan, who generously gave a lsrge sad val- uable collection of corals from the Bahama Islands; from H J- Faulhs- ber, who gave a fragment of s Chi aeee into the city of Tien Tain during fact in sending renewals. LIN0NINE ITMIOM PRACTICAL AHD a^aarKFMl 4DVIOB OfVE* OR ALL KAMKri OF THR FOOT Washington's birthday eier- cfssa st School No. 1 last week were given over entirely to the graduating CISBS. ssfjick conducted exercises In conuBemoration of the day during the mortis* assembly. Principal Grimes turned over the platform to the class, which took tbelr places on the diss, ssd with one of the scholars scting an a master of eeremontes, enterts'n- ed the senool very sceeptsbly with songs and wsretsas. Rach member of the class ware s sssall button picture of WMWngtou s s d s patriotic decora. Uon. REMOVES COLDS Marjoriu B. Souter, Graduate :h-ti , ,h™« ir ^ m tr«\ n .„r~n't!. JS ' a " e . 208 Kearney avenue, Newark Bsu*aVsftf saafSS s S f a S 0' Llnonlne for throst snd lung dls- Rover outbreak snd from MUsI^ura restoring strength. The Saunders who hsa given a •P« c > m «» * Newark physicians prescribe It gen- of a isijtwjiittEsf taken itm*ZZZ; and y Ml8JJ \££ h w!tne)Ml . reptile killed In the Hoeky Mountains., ^ ^ rtmarkab | e ^oyeries due to Llnonlne's effecUreness. In«a com- munication sh" cited a number of .LinoaJne cures that seemed marvel- Should begin life In Mount Vernon j oaa , nn d so fsr beyond what other hy subscriitlng for the Argus. All the medicines were capable of that It at- news of home snd of the night and day j tracted wide attention snd coming will be found in these columns. The {from such a recognised sutharity as L PEYSER. Furrier, ass UBMOS avsw Ss«* leo a. r n u a a c a seBk, Telephone 14B-L. STOBAOsL GENERAL DIG. JOHN K0EPPER, Furniture and Pianos Removed. Wtth Caws ta ORf or Country plane* ho«ed, heistes] asxl shlnv pM a «p.^laliy Ul R. KAII.KOAH AVS Mn«SI R. V . WILLIAMS* FULLER 52&S4 E. THIRD STREET Phons 1418. Mt. Vernon, N Y ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED. W* saeet bnllders, ,.ro|»ertjp owners trith the idete line possible In Bad of goods. Prices New York. Everything the Fireplace, rooms. Agents for Htean Heater. SHANNON & FAEREIX, 41B-1S W. LINCOLN AVEL, f orasr Twslfth Avaa* Trlrafcaas t, . Blaaat •SSSn TEE WIXLS0N ADAM! CO. LUMRRlt " wa, • rl.i •ash, HHrnls, MonKtlnl-s, NaUa, Wsd all kinds at Sanders' TS*. or*. gaso TKRHAOK AVB.. RHAB SOUTH ST. •maCEt-LANEOUS. PLUMBING McN AM A R A A PELL. Jsaaiaaj JWSBjsaf Ant—Sag Ta. 11 HOUTB TBaHO AvJNXTH. NEWCOMERS HERS Argus to delivered to your home for M onto per Month. , - . ..-• ' ON EVERY FAOE You will dad local snd vicinity items Miss Souter, resulted In much good to the afflicted whose confidence in the medicine was established hy her recommendation In a recast latter 11 s friend Miss Souter ssys that her fsith la Llnonino grows stronger of interest on every page. The Argua'a^ery day as she witnesses the great ts not a one page paper. News noted j good It is doing, especially tn con* appear on every page. valescence. . * •EAL. PERSIAN AND SROAO TAIL COATS *UJf TO OPOER AH two Latsst Stytse, Papainos and rWflrSdOllrafl St fSSBWA sals prtoan. sSsnirfsetiir* Wur Aafts ansl Drtetsg of all kinds. MOVIHO VAH8. r«KM JOHNSON * -w .. O.n.f.l Tracllaa IBS W LIIOOLH AVKNrB Vawsea. * * - f t TelaakatM STORAGE AND VANS. T»l-sh..«-. 194 WllHasasSfida-si IS7S Maaat V* CHARLES J. RKINHARfrT,* HraaaaeS Ta 411 Parts * lty *t Caaatri-. Ul.Hr l'i-in. Ave., aad S4Sa4 era* Vark < IIF- ON EVERY PAGE You will find local snd vicinity tt»ms of iqterest on every page. The Argus Is not a one page paper. News notes appear on every page. m _ Daily local express set line between Mount Vernon snd New York. Light snd heavy trucking. Furniture re- moved to city or country. r it 'nilJUL 140 If. Fifth Ave. Tot. 11S0.R TOUR ROOF la the aaoat Imaortaat aart of roar hoaae, aa« kn ususlly tn* anaat ae«- aSVlaSi PEAR DELAi'S It sMSSt east anaeS to fcee» y«ar reef la rraalr. Ha the "Irttlaa; It a»" tkst easts. «-E CAN HEtP YOU, If yon nrrd the "stltrli la tlraa," fw la say root trnwbles thn< vsa fcav*. Tlsslnc. Plnnablac aad Jobalae Stv sis» la our Haw. & E. GUION Tal COR- 222 So'Cm Ave ETSCH A GLEACHER. PtVMHINO ANT) TINN1NO kaaky StoaSa. Sattata aad i»a«»f Piwnaatly aad Praeetiy , Rrpsirrd first « ISM SVevn. nsasaaabir Prises Raaatss aad Paraasas Pat la OeSev. is arnvnas avau. tor a. rifts ***. Vrlrphon* |B1aW» Spring Novelty Suitings Now Ready Lsdisi' and Gentlemenn Imits mads to order. Steam Cleaning and Dyeing. Telephone 126-L, CHESTER HOI TAILORING CO. FRED B0SCHEINE1. PROPRIETOR. 112 Prospect Ave* Near Park Ave. CARPENTERING. Rasa work, altsvatlaa sad JeSt ? r«mp<tr attradrst ta. All worm aa«ta>* nri.irx Kiatlaiatas taral«krS P A I ADIASJ i ara«ir», Jaaa«*f SI7 S ^IINTH AVKNIE, fat. .47t»-H Saaal fmw* UNDERTAKERS AND LIVERVMBN VAN ARSDALES Undertaker and Livery. Ass* TsLOtW New Music Store All tha latest Shaat Must* at p e s .lat prtcea Bdlaon A Vletoi Rae- >rda and Phonographs Vlulla, Mardolla snd Qullar leeaons, at res,- «>naeto terms Write or aall for In urmatlun. Trtrphonr 1S1S-BL NICOLA T\TRTTJRR0, Director. Oi »g«pp«* Verdi Mu- BtosiOfub, A1 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Argna want ads. are payable 1a ad- vance. This rule has siwsys obtained and no exception ts made, when sending wsnt adu to the Argaa keep this fact In mind. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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TBE CHRISTIANS PLACE IN THE COMMUNITY Tbb Week's Samoa in the Series by Rw. Robert P. Krritler, Rector o

the Church of the Ascension "To stnearve Ufa."—Oanaaia «8:5. „ . _ tciety. but each Christian haa the re-Not physical Rf« only, but the;«ponslbllity. ot aiding i a the

strengthening and deepening of the moral, spiritual tout* ot a commu­nity In all Its work and life.

moral, spiritual sod religious Ufa of a community. A CttriatSan'a place in reference to these is toy theme, because of the bigness of his incen­tive. He has opportunity to live un­der the inspiration of the deepest motive. He is to urge o w n to see the beautiful, that they may live It, aad to know the love of Ood, that they may show it. A Christian 18 s o t a man without imperfections nor a man without ehor comings. He is one who is struggling; toward J> high­er aad a better ideal of. justice, of mercy, of f u t n , of reverence. He must uot be satisfied with prayer and praise as outward evidences of his faith, but seeking to know God's law in relation to the commonwealth in which he lives, he endeavors to Incorporate them into its life.

It is a serious responsibility. Yet one easily shirked and that too, by Belf-satisfied, respectable, religious people. CarlyP? was right when he talked about the duty nearest our doors, being so full of po&sibiities! For those duties Include very many chances for helping the community in matters appertaining to health, to cleanliness, to common interests. A Christian is not such per se . If he forgets then and only attends to what are sometimes called "reli­gious" duties. That is only one-half of bis business in life. It has been suspected in many quarters that It was all he had to do.

W e may each have our particular

panacea for the auaemic body of s o - w i t h Christly motives, pledged to spread and deepen the common in­terests, hopes aad purposes of their fellow dttoea*. may do much to make some ideals livable. There is always a series ot questions in every city that demand a high order of Christian cltisenshlp. They must be met fairly and squarely. City Im­provement*, the city beau iful. viu* lrclou* of the child labor law, Sun­day theatre^, the sanitary conditions j cf our stores aud ahops. a publie common ,the buying of goods made t*u sweat shopi», are questions that rr.ay not nwjet us prominently every day, but as men and women Influ­enced by the finest Inspiration the \*or)d knows), we should have no dciibt as to where we stand, when face to face with them.

Life is a t i g word—so inclusive



W e do not want our Interests "TralM-"g oft" into eternal silence." leather, it is out* business to see, that the legitimate results of our profes­sions are showt, in the life about ua; io preserve it by making it better, sweeter, purer. In a word more iiv-uHe. It gets intolerable in thought and in actual life to find that there are conditions our own neglect and Ignorance have permitted to exist.

No Christian has the right to alt quietly in snug satisfaction and think there aro no claims other than those of home and church. If he is a man. he must do more thau vote. If she Is a woman, she must know the claims and interests of her neighborhood. Experience shows frequently, more frequently than one likes to admit, that there is a serious disproportion between those who do and those who do not take a continual Interest in the uplift of a community. True in a community like ours, there is notable division of interests. So many doing business lu one place and living in another, the attention i* taken away from what are Important civic affairs. But —the forces of unrighteousness never sleep. Why should those that make for uplift take such frequent rests?

Counsels of perfection never vital­ise our activities. Unachievable ideals sometimes discourage. But practical men and women, saturated

B. L A U R I C E L L A Late with P . Maresi

CATERER 7 1 South 4th Avenue.

L.D.Tel. 1474. fit. Vernon



a>*i«ra*«i eat •». n r m AVBJ. KatntttUaird l a • • « * Vork C l t l , IST4. |

SKV4 YORK ANO M O I S T TORNON. ' U * * d l s a « . Ul . a r r s . O u l U L . n s . rto. ra*-

ai«us« wlta •very c*«ut«it*.

How many American women iu : lonely homes to-day long- for this

so broad. Whenever we use tt^lte | b l^s in^to coine into the i f HveR, ami immensity and breadth should bring home the privilege we have In pre­serving it, in sll its many relations. We may not know what the end will


ReeMeiMMi Telephone 7*Sil.

tobsaote to"utter toelw^rords, o'iit W e d d i a g f , D i n n e r * a n d B e * becatiw of some organic &™W- C e p t i o n i S u p p l i e d . ment this happ ness is demed t h e m vwif **««• » * F 1 f u « u .

Every woman interested in this CHINA. GLASS AND SILVERWARE be of the part.we play in the king- gttbjeot should know that prepara- LOANED, dom of Ood on earth, but let us pHy Hon for healthy maternity Is „ . » — ^ „ — . . . ^ M - M - . it wen. we know it i* made out of accomplished by the use of 112 WASHINGTON STREET, human materials; its business, poll- - m «*-•».•« gen • % • * . • • « • • * •>•«*• tics, society, family, church l 'h L Y D I A E . P I N K H A M S Christian's particular task Is to pre­serve all that i« best In them Httd bring them under the big Incentive ;•< tuating him. It is of great mo­ment to him how he. be he a lawyer, a merchant, n manufacturer, or of any trade, how he, may so vote, speak, act, work, write, to bring righteousness, peace, mercy, love to every individual ia the town in which he lives.


The present registration at Mount Vernon high school U 001.

There was a meeting at the high school building lsst night of the com­mittee of the' High School Alumnae Association.

Miss Bertha Brown, of the faculty at Mount Vernon high school, re­sumed her duties on Wednesday She had been called sway by her mother's death.

In addition to those already announc­ed, the following three scholars from the seventh year first term at School No. t were also perfect In attendance at that school during the term which ended January 31: Ada Morris, Don­ald Boyd sad Herbert Melcher.

Teats hare been made during the week of the heating appsratus at School N o 2 to satisfy those In charge that the apparatus is doing, its work properly. Little, If anything, was found out of the way with the appara-

Principal Half, of the Waverly School at Tuckahoe, was a welcome visitor on Thursday at School No. 1. Recent visitors at this school were also Miss Estelle ConeoHoy, of Tren> ton, and Miss Cornelia Consolloy, of New Rochelle, both school teachers.

Regular reports at Mount Vernon high school are Issued at the end ot each ten weeks. By a new arrange­ment, taking effect next week, weekly reports to parents will be issued on Fridays, In all eases in which students are oeing aub-standaru work likely to end In failure. These reports are to be returned every Monday morning at room No. 12, and will be* continued until conditions are changed. It Is hoped under this arrangement that parents will be fully informed and will earnestly co-operate with the respec­tive teachers.

A new rule has just been announced st Mount Vernon high school, under which Intended absences are to oe re­ported In advance, or. If this Is not possible, the absence must be Imme­diately reported at the time at its occurrence, either by telephone or note. If pupils are absent for two

FAIRFAX CLUB HAS RECEPTION A pleasing social success was scored

by the members of the recently or­ganised Fairfax Club, of which Mr*. Harry B. Eastty is . the president, at their .first reception mi l rtince 1 <*H on Thursday evening "at City Club bail. The new club derivas its mi|fte from having among Its members tiiaiiy ot those who formerly attended the dances given In Fairfax, ball, ami al­ready it has become a very popular orgsnizstlon. Halght's orchestra fur­nished the music for the occasion, and smong the guests w»r> several from New RocbeHe and vlela'ty.

The patronesses were a« follows: Mrs. Green. Mrs- l e e , Mrs. Ooutt-er, Miss M. May, Mrs. r---i-m.m. Mr*. B. Holler, Mrs., Cory Wain, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Harry B. EaUtty.

Among those present were: Misses Eardman, Mr. Eardman. Mr. and Mrs. S . Holler. Miss M. Holler, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cory Walz, Miss C. Sanborn,

Hawkes, Miss J. Green, Mrs.

VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West!

Union, S. G,write8 to Mis. Pinkham:; •• I was greatly run-down Jin health

from a weakness peculiar to my sex. when Lydia B. Pinkham' a Vegetable Compound was recommended to toe. It not only restored me to perfect healths but to my delight I am a mother."

Mrs. Josephine Flail,of Bardstown, Ky., writ en:

" I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham* Vege­table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud j mother,"

FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty ye*rs_ Lydia E. Pink-



Plnset hall* la Mount Vernon. To rent for balls, receptions, whists, ate.

Catering dene In ail Its branches. Pull satisfaction guaranteed.

Afternoons open far Ladles' Rowl­ing Clubs.

THOMAS P. TIERNEY, Tslaphons tOt.


fc?^tf^teh.^rtenra^!steain Carpet Cleaning- Worto

standard remedy for female ills. P a r l o r F u r n i t u r e s U p h o l s t e r * and has positively cured thousands of i , . -» , , p *, . women who have been troubled with I «<• «* K e a s o n a D I O r r i c e B displacements, inflammation, ulcera­tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear-'ng-down feeling, flatulency, indigea-, . _. „ , . — —. _ ^ -.-~-t ion,diZzines8orr^rvousprostra^oh.i , r o a o l d < * r p e t o * "P**1*11*-Why don't you try i t*

Mrs . P i n k h a m invites a l l sfok w o m e n t o w r i t e her for adv ice . S h e has guided thous ands t o hea l th . Address , Lynn , Mass .

T h e M o u n t V e r n o n

CREDIT Protective Association


days and no explanation is given the - Mr. faculty, a note will be sent to the par ferlggs, of New Rochelle; Misses B. ents, commenting thereon, and If p u ' S l s s o n , A. Sswin, L. Sawln, Miss pils are absent three days without e*>i Gregg, Miss Hesse, H. Olendenning.i — planatlon, it will be understood that A. Wlnans, R. Turner, M. Blenvenuc, r i > p m T n p p n n r v T O M I M I M - H S they have left the school, and their Clarice Oordner, Jennie Brlgham. c , , E n , T « « ! « » " » TO MEMBERS names will be dropped from the roll., Lillian Freeman, E. Bryant, A. Bird, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE.

. I Miss Davidson, Miss LiiHsen, Miss | . _ , „ „ „ „ „ „ „ At the Commercial School, on Haggenbuckle, Clara Haigbt. Belle jM*MiifcKHU*l».

Good work gnaraataed; also mm-tresses renovated. Weavers of rug*


Tsl. I4SS. V t l M Vrrmom, * .



Visitors durlag the past week at School No, % have included Mrs. H. D. Piper, Mrs. E. J. Willyoung, Mrs. J. M. Goodwin, Mrs. H. J. Linder, Miss A. Allerton. Mrs. Harry Hudler and Miss Julia Brandt, ef Mount Kisco. MIBS Brandt spent a day at the local school.

The Westchester County Teachers' Association will hold its next meet­ing St Yon Iters on Saturday. March 14, a t 10 o'clock in the morning. Thej Tn all the schools last week patriot session wtil be held in the library'h? exercises were held on Friday in building. Announcement of the pro-1 commemoration of the birthday on

Thursday, afternoon, the students held Halght, Carrie Haight, F. Starr, Helen I a meeting and exercises In commemo | Wlldey, Irene Fountain, Miss Haih-j ration of Lincoln's and Washington's away, Miss Low, H. Leo-Wolf. A. Volk, D A r r D H IMMI.EV, Pres. birthdays Jointly. The program open-1 Messrs Judson Wilde. Mr. Potter, Mr. ed with the singing by the school of, Eager, H. Schuler, Joseph Higgins,

UPHOLSTERING Steam Carpet Cleaning

Mattresses and Window Shades Made to Order.


M. G. P E T E R S 116 8 0 FOURTH AVENUE.




WINDOW S H A D I WORK csn all be done by one house un­der One contract. Ws will • • glad to sstlmats for you.

LACE CURTAIN* HUNO, Call and see eu*- beautiful Uns

ef Lses Curtains. Carpets oieanad, • • « • « and laid.

George H. H a y nor, «• West f irst St., Mount Varnen.

Telephone 14T0. Lste ef Haynor A Osgood, #71 •

Broadway, New York City.

FOR S A L E ! Apples and Potatoes

Hargraves & Mager 182 ft 194 Stevens Ave.



w TO naTC Cloth ing &. Furn i sh ings

B o o t s a n d S h o e s

King &, Harkness Painting and Paper Hanging All the latest designs ef Interior

decorating of 1908. ESTIMATES GIVEN.

Phone 15S2 Mount Vernon. Office 252 South Third Avenue,

Mount Vernon.

P o i n t i n g , P a p e r h a n g i n g a n d D e c o r a t i n g

If you want good work, try

ALEX. W. P E T R I C K , 2 2 s. Twelfth Are. , Mt. Vernon.

Telephone 11 t-K.


HOLLAND B. AKCHEE, Atterney and OonttaeOee1 a t IsM»«

HomsT TO MMU* oar BOND AJfi» s u i r r u i e a

GARDNKK BLOG., aft. Vernon, M.S* OWN Third Ave. saS S«n« S t .

M«unt vernon, P . T.



ias sours Tsara* Avaanns,


J. BLUSTEIN, Painting and Decorating

General Jobbing 456 W. Lincoln Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.



The Star Spangled Banner," follow lng which Eleanor Ritter delivered ar essay on "Abraham Lincoln," and

Harry Hull, Edwin Blenvenue. Malt-land Ponton, Arthur Bryant, Harry Bird, Fred RoeMCher. Chris Roescher, |

G. ItIMIti i: n « i . i ; i . See. * Tr«>«s. J. I .HW M«II u i i v \ . Csnmael.

Telephone 2772.

MsttPMSM SMI OsSIWM, Portiere. Cnrtslna enrt Draperies ineile >n order window ehades to o n u a r c , trass SStt.


Trlei»hot»e IMft-R.

Maud Herring played a piano solo, j Walter Rooscher. Mr. Hlldebrand, After a patriotic, song by the, school, Holland Lee, Walter Lee, Mr. Post,, Wilbur Peard gave a reading on Lin-1 Mr. Von Heyn, Mr. Cochrane, Mr. I


coin, followed by a piano solo by Eleanor PuthiU. John Casey gave a resding on George Washington. A patriotic chorus hy the school closed the exercises.

gram, which Is now being printed, will he made later.

„ Manual training work in the differ­

ent schools during the last two weeks has consisted of small hstcbets, cherry trees sod other reminders of Wash-ington'r birthday. The children have shown a marked interest In the work and have produced some very good results tinder Mrt. Bartholow's direc-

The Mount Vernon High School Congress has a meeting schedule to teste place on Thursday afternoon, March 6, at 3:15 o'clock, at which the following interesting subject will be debated on: "Resolved, That the free­dom of the American press should be further restricted." On the affirmative will appear atone, Erskine and Bchede, while the negstlve will be de­fended by WUde, Cart snd Wller.

At a class neetiBC «f & « ffradua aclass at School No. 3, recently Bthel Mites was elected clssa

a e n t and Francis Closter class tar. The committee on class

ptas a t this class has selected a hand-some ptn. which the class nas adopt ed. The committee consisted of Dor othea Kluge, AKa Dedell, Ruland Lea aad Harold Whitney, with the elate plStaiSPI Over fine hundred ana fifty girls aad boys are stow wearing the crimson sad black pin of Mchool No. 3.

Saturday of the father of his country. At School No 4 half an hour wss de­voted to a pstrlotlc program hearing on Waflhingtoa's life and work, while at School No. 3 pretty exercises took place, consisting of songs, recitations snd readings. Each scholar of the school wore a red, white and blue badge, and the school's lsrge picture of Washington wss draped in honor of the occasion. Similar exercises were held s t Schools No. 7, 9, 6 and 2, in all of which the school children

Smith, Mr. Weatherby, Mr. Treband.i Mr. Phlpps, Perclval Young, Mr. P o w ! ell, Samuel Sheridan. Mr. Hathaway, Frank Matz, Robert Levle, W. Slsson.

NEW HAVKV l l M ' i : \ i s | - . i t s

Go Over the Land- In Mount Vernon This W«fS.

While the mission Is not knows , It is a fact that officials of the New Haven road were in Mount Vernon this week and appraised the value of the lands upon which the railroad property is located, and also on the values along the tracks. Local real estate men were asked for their opinion and the officials who did the work were supplied with maps and

Good Groeeries Good Bargains

Good Service CHAS. ROCKWELL 4 CO.

Choice Groceries NO. 1. Mount Vernon Ave

It you want Competent Men ant

Firstf-Class Work TELEPHONE 1494


Daniel W. Collins, 105 East Third Street*

Plumbing, Steai... Hot-Water & Hof-Air Healing.

Roofing, Leaders. Gutters, Furnace & Range






Hras l r taa of AR a f t a i s IVumpllr 4 t teaS«a Ta.

s-OtmTH AVB. a n * DEPOT c X A * * , Moaat r a r a o a . H. V.

A. B. MARSH. Jr., • OsaJet la

Harneaji. <Mtw. Hoap» Hruahaa. S SOtrTB t H I H O aflBXVsa,

I . •» Tat. t a . Hflaat VsaWSsa. a


%faaW for Or A • Marsh's •••4. tat Harass sad Catt l *




rsi. 141 S. r o r R T H AVENUSL waspsst . ssay—a^^sa|B2a>>.aaai .,,,BBB> .v.^aaBB^aar>B>SBsa .

• srasa . • . f.

BUILDING MATERIAL. ... . ii iiM.i • • • •• ••a—t • si. i ••— • . • i - i - i . i . — i i • ii i • Mnaaaaaaaasa

Tile and Wood Mantel W o r U i 1

lower UusB I s

Do You Contemplate Moving This Spring?


„„„„,„„„ _ 1 1 M i l t l l t t l B 1 up your house this mosth. NORTHRUP 6 ASHWORTH We can m** * . Paim

and tell you who will put i t o n p r o p e r l y

plsns of all the property. They de-111'* SEtT^ZSr ^ ^ , 7 . " ^ * •hT'srs'tiellned to state whst the Intention paid their yearly tribute to the nrst'^, iha mmmM lm a i l i l l f im „ , , . f . .< great American general School Trustee Robert J. Jennings, of the First ward, visited at School No. 9 early la the weak. •

Mount Vernon high school's mus sum contains many Interesting speci­mens and has been sccumulatnd through many years' work. The speel

of the road is, and it Is surmised that It has to do wttb either deter­mining the value of the property for the purpose of issuing; more bonds, or else to show upon Whst values the present securities sre bssed.

Qiva os a trial. Wa havs suited others and will try to salt you,

Pianos snd Furniture packed, boxed snd moved to all parts of city or country.


J. ASHWORTH E. H. NORTHRUP SS Union Ae*. I W W. Lincoln Av


The price of fourth week renewal of Argus wsnt sds. Is 50c. Advert!*

mens" have "been carefully arranged ers are requested to remember this


Licensed Farrier. snd lsbeted snd the collection is one that will cause a great deal of inter­est to devolve upon a casual examina­tion. The latest sddttions to the mus earn come from Harry V, Morgan, who generously gave a lsrge sad val­uable collection of corals from the Bahama Islands; from H J- Faulhs-ber, who gave a fragment of s Chi aeee into the city of Tien Tain during

fact in sending renewals.




Washington's birthday eier-cfssa s t School No. 1 last week were given over entirely to the graduating CISBS. ssfjick conducted exercises In conuBemoration of the day during the m o r t i s * assembly. Principal Grimes turned over the platform to the class, which took tbelr places on the diss, s s d with one of the scholars scting an a master of eeremontes, enterts'n-ed the senool very sceeptsbly with songs and wsretsas . Rach member of the class ware s sssall button picture of WMWngtou s s d s patriotic decora. Uon.

REMOVES COLDS Marjoriu B. Souter, Graduate

: h - t i , , h ™ « i r ^ m t r « \ n . „ r ~ n ' t ! . J S ' a " e . 2 0 8 Kearney avenue, Newark

B s u * a V s f t f s a a f S S s S f a S 0 ' Llnonlne for throst snd lung dls-Rover outbreak snd from MUsI^ura restoring strength. The Saunders who hsa given a •P«c>m«» * Newark physicians prescribe It gen-

of a isijtwjiittEsf taken itm*ZZZ; andyMl8JJ \££ h „ w!tne)Ml.

reptile killed In the Hoeky Mountains., ^ ^ rtmarkab|e ^ o y e r i e s due to Llnonlne's effecUreness. In«a com­munication sh" cited a number of

.LinoaJne cures that seemed marvel-Should begin life In Mount Vernon j o a a , n n d so f sr beyond what other

hy subscriitlng for the Argus. All the medicines were capable of that It at-news of home snd of the night and day j tracted wide attention snd coming will be found in these columns. The {from such a recognised sutharity as

L PEYSER. Furrier, ass UBMOS avsw Ss«*

leo a. r n u a a c a seBk,



JOHN K0EPPER, Furniture and

Pianos Removed. Wtth Caws ta ORf or Country

plane* ho«ed, heistes] asxl shlnv pM a «p.^laliy



Phons 1418. Mt. Vernon, N Y ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED.

W* saeet bnllders, ,.ro|»ertjp owners trith the idete l ine possible In Bad of goods. Prices New York. Everything the Fireplace, rooms. Agents for Htean Heater.


f orasr Twslfth Avaa* Trlrafcaas t, . Blaaat •SSSn


" wa, • r l . i •ash, HHrnls, MonKtlnl-s, NaUa, Wsd all kinds at Sanders'




Jsaaiaaj JWSBjsaf Ant—Sag Ta. 11 HOUTB TBaHO AvJNXTH.


Argus to delivered to your home for M o n t o per Month.

— , — • • — — - . . . - • ' —


You will dad local snd vicinity items

Miss Souter, resulted In much good to the afflicted whose confidence in the medicine was established hy her recommendation In a recast latter 11 s friend Miss Souter s s y s that her fs i th la Llnonino grows stronger

of interest on every page. The Argua'a^ery day as she witnesses the great ts not a one page paper. News noted j good It is doing, especially tn con* appear on every page. valescence. . *


AH two Latsst Stytse,

Papainos and rWflrSdOllrafl St fSSBWA sa ls prtoan.

sSsnirfsetiir* Wur Aafts ansl Drtetsg of all kinds.


O . n . f . l T r a c l l a a IBS W LIIOOLH AVKNrB

Vawsea. * * - f t TelaakatM

STORAGE AND VANS. T»l-sh..«-. 194 WllHasasSfida-si

IS7S Maaat V* CHARLES J. RKINHARfrT,* HraaaaeS Ta 411 Parts * lty *t Caaatri-.

Ul.Hr l ' i - in. Ave., aad S4Sa4 era* Vark < IIF-


You will find local snd vicinity tt»ms of iqterest on every page. The Argus Is not a one page paper. News notes appear on every page. m _

Daily local express set line between Mount Vernon snd New York. Light snd heavy trucking. Furniture re­moved to city or country.

r it 'nilJUL 140 If. Fifth Ave. • Tot. 11S0.R

TOUR ROOF la the aaoat Imaortaat aart of roar

hoaae, aa« kn ususlly tn* anaat ae«-aSVlaSi

PEAR DELAi'S I t sMSSt east anaeS to fcee» y«ar

reef la rraalr. Ha the "Irttlaa; It a»" tkst easts.

«-E CAN H E t P YOU, I f yon nrrd the "stltrli la tlraa," fw

la say root trnwbles thn< vsa fcav*. Tlsslnc. Plnnablac aad Jobalae Stv

sis» la our Haw.

& E. GUION Tal COR- 2 2 2 S o ' C m Ave


kaaky StoaSa. Sattata aad i»a«»f Piwnaatly aad Praeetiy , Rrpsirrd first « ISM SVevn. nsasaaabir Prises Raaatss aad Paraasas Pat la OeSev. is arnvnas avau. tor a. rifts ***.

Vrlrphon* |B1aW»

Spring Novelty Suitings Now Ready

Lsdisi' and Gentlemenn Imits mads to order.

Steam Cleaning and Dyeing. Telephone 126-L,


PROPRIETOR. 112 Prospect Ave* Near Park Ave.

CARPENTERING. Rasa work, altsvatlaa sad JeSt

? r«mp<tr attradrst ta. All worm aa«ta>* nri.irx Kiatlaiatas taral«krS

P A I A D I A S J i a r a « i r » , Jaaa«*f

SI7 S ^IINTH AVKNIE, fat. .47t»-H Saaal f m w *


VAN ARSDALES Undertaker and Livery.

Ass* T s L O t W

New Music Store All tha latest Shaat Must* at pes

.lat prtcea Bdlaon A Vletoi Rae->rda and Phonographs Vlulla, Mardolla snd Qullar leeaons, at res,-«>naeto terms Write or aall for In urmatlun.

Trtrphonr 1S1S-BL

NICOLA T\TRTTJRR0, Director. Oi »g«pp«* Verdi Mu-

BtosiOfub, A1


Argna want ads. are payable 1a ad­vance. This rule has s iwsys obtained and no exception ts made, w h e n sending wsnt adu to the Argaa keep this fact In mind.

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069