credit info center's credit repair guide 2017

Credit Repair Guide 2017 Presented by: Credit Info Center

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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Credit Repair Guide 2017

Credit Repair Guide 2017Presented by: Credit Info

Whether bad credit is new to you or its been dragging you down for years, 2017 can be the year you turn things around.

There is nothing a credit repair company can do that you cannot do yourself.

As long as you have the motivation, we can guide you through the process every step of the way.

Step 1: Request your credit reports.Helpful Resource:

Read our article on how to Get Free Credit Reports from AnnualCreditReport.comVisit our site for more info!

Knowing your credit score wont do you much good when it comes to credit repair. What you need to know are the things affecting your credit score, and that means looking at your credit reports.

Visit our site for more info!

Step 2: Identify errors in your credit reports.Helpful Resource:

Read our article on How to Interpret Your Credit ReportsVisit our site for more info!

Go through your credit reports listing-by-listing. If anything looks wrong to you, make a note of it. Its challenging enough having negative listings on your reports that are accurate.

Visit our site for more info!

Step 3: Write credit repair letters.

Some Helpful Resources:

Credit Disputes 101 Our Free Credit Repair LettersVisit our site for more info!

If and when you discover errors in your credit reports, let the appropriate agencies know about it by writing dispute letters to the credit bureaus. The most important thing is exhausting every possibility for having erroneous listings corrected.

Visit our site for more info!

Step 4: Negotiate old debts, as necessary.Some Helpful Resources:

When Is Debt Settlement a Good Idea?

DIY Debt Settlement: Proven Techniques Anyone Can DoVisit our site for more info!

During the letter-writing phase of the credit repair process, you may be able to have old debts removed from your credit reports. If not, you may want to consider debt settlement. See if you can settle for less than you owe.

Visit our site for more info!

Step 5: Build positive credit history.Some Helpful Resources:

How to Build Positive Credit Secured Credit Cards 101Visit our site for more info!

Taking care of negatives on your credit reports can only take you so far in the credit repair process. At some point, youre going to need new (positive) credit history to boost your score.

Visit our site for more info!

Step 6: Monitor your credit.Helpful Resource:

Free Credit Monitoring Sites Visit our site for more info!

Just because you take care of existing problems on your credit reports is no reason to assume its a done deal. New information is added all the time, meaning you need to keep an eye on things indefinitely.

Visit our site for more info!

As overwhelming as the credit repair process might seem, its easier than it looks. Its also well worth whatever effort it takes to get your credit back on track.

The sooner you start, the sooner its done, so why not start right now?