creative visualizations: napoleon’s march

Creative Visualizations: Napoleon’s March

Upload: audra

Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Creative Visualizations: Napoleon’s March. Detecting Spatial Patterns: Snow’s Cholera Map. Tobler’s First Law of Geography. “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.”. Neighborhood Effects. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Creative Visualizations: Napoleon’s March

Page 2: Creative Visualizations:  Napoleon’s March

Detecting Spatial Patterns: Snow’s Cholera Map

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Tobler’s First Law of Geography“Everything is related to

everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.”

Page 4: Creative Visualizations:  Napoleon’s March

Neighborhood Effects- Even if we don’t care about spatial

effects, we have to control for them otherwise we can’t trust parameter estimates on the variables we do care about!

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Types of spatial autocorrelation

POSITIVE NEGATIVE Near Zero (Randomness)

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Choice of spatial scale: Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)

Moran’s I = -1.00 Moran’s I = 0.33

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Red States and Blue States?

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pProjections/projections.htmlUsing this website, find the

answer to the questions: Why are there so many different

projections?What is the ‘best’ projection?What is the problematic about

the popular Mercator projection?

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Great Circle RoutesWhy, when flying to Europe from

the US, do you go way up and over Greenland and then back down? Why do we fly so far out of the way?

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Satellite Imagery, Aerial Imagery and Remote Sensing

Who are the possible “customers” for these kind of data?

What are the possible uses?

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Satelliteshttp://www.n2yo.comFind out where the satellite called

GeoEye 1 is right now? Is it in daylight? Find out all of its passes for the next 5 days. At what time on what day will it next fly by closest to Cleveland?

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Satellites for Human Rights & conflict prevention?

http://www.eyesondarfur.orgPress the “satellite evidence” tab. Select a

village and examine before and after pictures. What conclusions can you draw about what took place on the ground?

Scroll to the bottom of this page:

What type of human rights violation is being documented here? By whom? Where is this taking place?

Can you think of any other uses of satellite imagery for conflict prevention and human rights?

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The UN CharterUnder what conditions should the UN

Charter be activated, releasing the latest satellite imagery for free to disaster relief agencies?

What are the steps one must take to activate the charter? How can the UN charter be activated during a disaster? Who can initiate the activation of the charter?

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George Clooney and Sudan we find any evidence of N.

Sudanese troop movements/mobilizations in toward the southern border?

Will the eyes of the international community “watching” what is taking place in repressive regimes have a deterrent effect or change behavior?