creative sound presentation notes

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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  • Daniel Hare 21209019!The thunder and lighting and swirling wind sounds at the beginning are examples of establishing sounds. These are there to create a mood and atmosphere, in this case danger when the police officer is inspecting the hole in the fence.I noticed that there is only the distant sound of one car going over the bridge in the first scene. This made me think that it was definitely put there to highlight that it was a secluded place, for example, suddenly hearing one car suggests that there werent many there before or afterwards.The quiet soundscape and use of space exaggerates the killing of the officer.Everytime the terminator (Robert Patrick) is present, the low musical non-diagetic sound plays. This is a sound motif, designed to condition the audience into feeling unease about his character. This sound subverts what is seen onscreen at times as the seemingly friendly police officer can suddenly seem sinister when the sound plays.!!The above is accompanied by low frequency notes. The emotional sound equation says that this suggests a threat or impending doom.The Schwarzenegger terminator has his own sound motif throughout (the rhythmic metal clanging).All of the above is the same for the Schwarzenegger scene!!Example of null extension when you see from his perspective (computing noises, bleeps and typing sounds)!This transports you into his world. Note how the sound is filtered and slowed down to achieve an underwater type of effect.Along with a low frequency drone, this is used to create tension as he enters the bar. The sudden snap into the bar scene with the country song suggests life as usual elsewhere, with people oblivious to the presence of the terminator. This change in tempo is an example of external logic.!Note the use of the lyrics show me how this town, shatters dreams when the terminator enters the bar. Negative connotations.!!Final scene Reference watching Blue Velvet in the lecture, for example the idyllic american suburban street, good weathercalm. Subverted by the sound motif of the officer.!!Dog barking in the background during the dialogue - acousmatic sound used to subtly suggest that all is not well, despite the apparently pleasant surroundings.!!!All other sounds are basic examples of syncresis EG footsteps, pool balls, door knock, gun cocking. (not massively worth saying, but maybe using the word once will gain respect).These are just things that really stand out to me. What I suggest is that if anybody comes up with something that nobody else does, then they say it in the presentation. Im obviously happy to do the introduction on film choice etc.!!!!

  • Daniel Hare 21209019!!!!!!!