creative prompts how to jump start your daily journal entries

Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

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Page 1: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Creative prompts

How to jump start your daily journal entries

Page 2: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

What does a journal entry look like?

• Short text and/or photo - capturing a moment. Post FB with nickname.

• Bump up a typical FB post - avoid AWESOME, OMG, LOL, YOLO, !!!!!!!!!!

• Process more than product - learning “how to,” not a polished masterpiece

Page 3: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Eugene Atget, photographer, 1857-1927

Atget captured street scenes of Paris. And a series of shop windows--as if looking into another world.

Take a photo of a street scene or close-up detail. Develop a caption that includes fact and imagination.

On Place de Vosges. Her voice like a child’s and his squeezebox half-broken. Together, they made music for coins. -Agatha

Page 4: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Mavis Gallant, American writer, 29 yrs old, Paris-Rome-Madrid diaries, 1952.

“Grey stone houses, balconies, trolley lines, dust. Like a bourgeois Paris suddenly deserted, disappearing under grit and sand.”

As an emerging writer, she practiced keen observation, jotting down first impressions of streets, people, scenes.

1 Record what your mind’s eye sees in the moment. “I am a camera.”

2 Record your emotion or random association with what you see.

Page 5: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

FOUND LANGUAGE:Signs, menus, graffiti, trash, a phrase from your guidebook or English-French dictionary. In English & Bengali, East London.

Take-out curry is just as English as fish and chips. -Christopher

Page 6: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Brighton Beach, England, July 4, 2012. 91F (32C), ticking up. -Penelope

Note: For dramatic or surprising juxtapositions, merely stating the facts is more evocative than trying to interpret or explain it.

Juxtapose opposites or an unexpected combination.

Look for young/old, large/small, traditional/modern--opposites that suggest a story.

Page 7: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Novels in Three Lines by Felix Feneon

“He had bet he could drink 15 absinthes in succession while eating a kilo of beef. After the ninth, Theophile Pain, of Ivry, collapsed.”

Like Feneon, look over the day’s news for an odd-ball or shocking item. Copy no more than 3 lines. Cite source. Let the reader fill in the rest.

Page 8: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

What if? Anne Bernays and Pamela Painter

What = what is there in reality.What if = what we see in imagination.

You are sitting in a café. What if that man across the room is a spy?

In 1 or 2 lines, describe a mundane situation. Then, add a “what if.” And then, add another line or two to that imagined scene.

In his crumpled suit and fedora, he seemed to be impersonating a man of the boulevard, a cigarette-smoking flaneur just above the skids. But I knew better. Quickly jotting down my own secret code on a napkin, I dropped it on his lap, blowing him a farewell kiss. -Charlotte aka Cha-cha

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"The noise, the crowd, the glare of the shops agreeably confused me."

By 22-yr old James Boswell on why he loved London, 1763.

What is pleasing about travel? Confusing? Or, does the contradiction lie elsewhere—your expectation v. your experience?

Page 10: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

“My Darling, I hope you will forgive me if I tell you something that I feel you ought to know…You are not so kind as you used to be…your loving devoted & watchful Clemie”

Letter from wife Clementine to prime minister Winston Churchill, 1940.

Tweet or text a London or Paris celebrity.

To Beckham, Queen Elizabeth, Shakespeare, Mick Jagger, Billy Idol, Napoleon,Voltaire, Marquis de Sade, Princess Di, Brigitte Bardot…

To: BillyFrom: Roger OutGod save the Queen. I still adore ye olde rockers.

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“I go out every day. When I get depressed at the office, I go out, and as soon as I'm on the street and see people, I feel better. But I never go out with a preconceived idea. I let the street speak to me.”

“The best fashion show is definitely on the street. Always has been, and always will be.”

—Bill Cunningham, New York Times

Page 12: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Curious Behavior: Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping, and Beyond (Belching, Farting) by Robert Provine. “Everyday life is teeming with the important and unexpected, if you know where to look and how to see.”

Apply the “small science” of keen observation (requiring no special knowledge).

Using your eyes and ears as scientific instruments, describe what you observe in one person or a pattern among a group. Photo optional.

Page 13: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot) kept a notebook of words & doodles.

What’s a doodle? Something you sketch while doing something else, such as drawing a cartoon or pattern while talking on the phone.

There’s no such thing as a mistake with a doodle. A doodle is a doodle.

It is not necessary for the words and doodle to match or to make sense.

Then, snap a photo of your doodle and post.

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Packing. Your pet. Your doorstep. View from your house window. View from your hotel window.

Passport, keys, money, sunglasses, airport.

Facts: date, time, place.

Wall Street Journal, What’s in Your Bag?

Page 15: Creative prompts How to jump start your daily journal entries

Documentary = record in words and pictures exactly what you observe and do. Getting ready. Travel. Back home.

Documentary series = a series of pictures and captions of one thing, such as menus or signs or shoes or hands or windows. Here, reading on the New York subway.

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Take a picture with your eyes. Eavesdrop with your ears. Mix it up: see with your heart.

Let’s play like an absorbed, drooling 2-yr old. Like an aging rocker. Like the queen. Like a spy on vacation. Like paparazzi. Like your dog watching you go out the door.

We’re in this together...Salman Rushdie, QE, Zadie Smith...all of us. C'est si bon!

Salman Rushdie, QE, Zadie Smith