creative information product ideas

1 - No Fluff Reports -

Upload: eirik-vold

Post on 30-Mar-2016




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Creating and selling information products is one of the best ways to earn an income online. Unlike service providers who are trading hours for dollars, information product sellers work once and get paid over and over and over again. If passive income is your goal, creating information products should be high on your list of things to do. The question is, where do you start? In this short report, we'll cover seven of the most common types of information products, learn the pros and cons of each, and touch on which markets each format works best in.


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"Learn to Quickly and Easily Create Your Own Information Product"

This quick-read, step-by-step plan gives you all the everything you need to know to start

creating your own infomration products in just a few days. It covers things like:

Choosing a subject - Never assume you know what

your audience wants. I'll show you how to find out

for sure!

Choosing the format - and what to do when

your market demands a format you hate!

5 ways to get your product finished - including two

that won't cost you a thing!

3 information product business models -

knowing which type you are can mean the

difference between profit and failure.

How to herd cats, er, freelancers - and the simple

technique that will keep you from tearing your hair


You'll also quickly learn the technical side of information products, including:

Selecting a distribution method - Not all shopping carts are created equal, so be careful!

Managing affiliates - and why some affilate programs might actually cost you


How to have total control over every aspect of distribution - and why you might not want


Click here to check it out for yourself today

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Product Ideas

About the author

Eirik Vold started his first business with a partner in 1996 and

sold it five years later for millions. He used some of the cash to start a second business, with services aimed for Media & IR

Contacts, during a period of 3 years served more than one hundred thousands clients, and Eirik ultimately sold that

business to a larger international media company.

After working as a consultant and marketing strategist for small and medium businesses on four continents, Eirik realized his

passion and talent was helping other entrepreneurs be super-successful (online & offline) and in 2005 coined the term

Marketing Coaching to describe his work.

Internationally recognized as a business advisor and author, Eirik has worked with

thousands of small and medium businesses whose names you’ll never know, but whose entrepreneurial owners have pocketed a substantial sum in increased income

and proceeds from sales. (50% year over year client growth is typical, and 100% sales increases are not uncommon) Thousands more have read Eirik’s publications,

cources and reports, including his wildly successful website “No Fluff Reports” has hot little reports with topics and some of the best strategies for marketing your business online as well as offline, to make more profits and serve

your customers better. These reports is a must read for anyone in the "biz".

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Why Create Information Products?

Whether you’re new to online marketing or it’s old hat, Information Products

offer a significant business growth potential.

Regardless of your business model, niche or size, you can use information

products to achieve a number of significant business boosting goals.

These goals include:

Increasing traffic

Increasing your audience/reach

Boosting your opt in list

Increasing exposure – viral

Strengthening your brand

Offering value – increasing reciprocity, authority and a number of

other buying triggers

And of course increasing your profits.

Information products have a very solid place in the sales funnel of any

business. In fact, you can create an entire sales funnel beginning to end with

information products.

From freebie giveaways to premier online education – information is what

the internet is all about and Information products are what consumers are


The Biggest Challenge

Many internet marketers are already aware of the demand for information

products and of the tremendous business building value they offer. This

means there’s an influx of information products available online.

And like other online trends, consumers are getting smarter. They don’t

want a few pages of fluff slapped together and called a “special report.”

They’re demanding solid, valuable, problem solving information.

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They’re demanding quality.

That makes your information product strategy a bit challenging. Not only do

you have to come up with a good topic, you have to deliver it in the right

format to best meet your customer’s needs.

That’s what this report is designed to help you with.

In this report we’ll take a look at the reasons why people buy information

products – namely the seven most common topic categories. Then we’ll take

a look at seven types of information products. We’ll explore the pros and

cons of each and explore they type of information they may be best suited


This report is going to provide you with an abundance of brainstorming

information and ideas. Grab a pen and paper to capture those ideas as you

read through the next five pages. That way, you’ll be sure to keep them. As

you know, money likes speed. Write down those ideas and get to work

making them a reality.

Okay, let’s get started!

Solving Your Audience’s Problems

The first step to finding a great information product idea is to look at your

audience. What problems do they have and how can you solve them?

Generally, most people want the same things; to be:

1. Happier

2. Smarter

3. More attractive

4. Liked

5. Respected

6. Healthier

7. Richer

These can be broken into sub-categories based on one's individual ideas. For

example, one person may think having a better job would make them

happier, another person may feel losing weight is the key to more


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As you examine your niche's problems & solutions, see if it fits into one of

the categories above. Further, you can explore and see if your topic or topic

ideas may fit into the following examples or formats discussed in the

remainder of this report.

Okay, we’ve taken a look at the basics about solving a problem for your

audience and we’ve covered a few examples, the rest of this report is

devoted to seven different information product types.

We’ll look at the pros and cons of each and cite a few examples. Keep in

mind as you read through each type, what your audience’s primary problems

or desires are and how they might fit into the information product format

being discussed.

The first of the seven types of information products is...

1. How-To Reports and Ebooks

EBooks and reports are the most common type of information product. The

New York Times Bestseller’s

List is full of How-To books.

Take a look at these:

They’re extremely popular and

profitable because they imply

an immediate value.

They also fit just about any

industry and niche imaginable.

From organizing a home to

mastering auto repair, how to

books can cover the gamut.

That being said, they’re not for everyone. Let’s take a look at the pros and

cons of creating how to reports and ebooks as information products.

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How-To ebooks & reports are easy to fulfill. All you need is a download


How-To ebooks & reports are easy to profit from. In addition to

charging a fee for the book or report, you can place affiliate and cross

promotion links in the content and make more money on the back end.

How-To ebooks & reports don’t cost much to create. They’re generally

cost effective to create. You can write them yourself or hire a

ghostwriter. While the range for ghostwriters varies drastically, the

general price is $20-$50/page. That includes all your research, writing,

editing and often the formatting and packaging too.

You can also use public domain, PLR and content other industry

experts have created to put together an ebook or information product.

Ebooks and reports are widely accepted as valuable resources.

Customers buy them by the dozens. Ebooks have currently taken over

print as the most common book format. This popularity is largely due

to ebook readers like the Kindle and the availability of information.


It takes time to create an ebook or report. Many ghostwriters require

three months or more to finish an ebook, though reports take less

time. Also, if you’re working hard to build your business you may not

feel you have the time to create an ebook. The truth is, with

commitment and a good idea you could write an ebook in two weeks.

Competition. It may seem as if everyone and their brother are offering

an ebook. They might be and that competition may be a turn off. This

is particularly true if your competition has inundated the market with

ebooks. That being said, an original idea and a valuable solution will

always be in demand.

Money. If you don’t have time to write a book then a ghostwriter may

be your next best option however even at the lower end of the scale

$20/page may not be in your budget. There are creative solutions to

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this dilemma and we’ll explore a few when we discuss some of the

other information product formats.

2. Workbooks and Action Guides

Workbooks differ from ebooks and reports in that they require action on the

part of the reader and customer. Workbooks offer an additional degree of

value. They can be packaged with a report or ebook or as a completely

separate product.

Unlike ebooks and reports which can fit just about any niche or topic,

workbooks do not. Workbooks are designed to be specific problem solvers.

For example, you probably don’t want to read a workbook on how to knit.

That would better fit a how to book type format. However, a workbook on

how to find your life’s purpose or how to start a business does make sense.

If personal action steps are required, then a workbook may be the perfect

information product. But once again, take a look at your niche topic and the

problem you’re solving. Does a workbook format provide added value?


Workbooks are often easier to create than an ebook or a report

because they require surveys, action steps, quizzes, exercises and

thought on the part of your audience. Content is required, however it’s

often less involved than writing a full ebook or report.

Workbooks offer unique value.

Workbooks are cost effective to create. In fact, you can often pull

together existing content to create a workbook. Add an introduction

and formatting and you’re good to go.

Workbooks offer added value to an existing ebook or report as a bonus

or add on item.

They’re easy to fulfill and distribute. One download page or link is all

you need.


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Workbooks don’t fit every niche or industry.

3. Teleseminars & Webinars

There’s a growing trend to offer teleseminars both online and off. They offer

a whole different experience for both you as a business owner and also for

your prospects and customers.


Teleseminars and webinars offer a unique opportunity to actually

interact with your prospects and customers. This helps strengthen

your brand, credibility, likeability and authority.

Teleseminars can be recorded and transcribed to create additional

information products.

Teleseminars are incredibly cost effective. You create the seminar and

pay for the seminar hosting – that’s it.

Teleseminars are a one-time event, adding scarcity to your marketing



Teleseminars don’t fit every niche or solve every problem.

Teleseminars and webinars can be tricky to get people to sign up for.

Marketing can be tough.

If you don’t like to talk in public, teleseminars and webinars may not

be right for you.

4. Audio and Video

Audio and video products are great because they appeal to a different

learning style. They’re also easy to share which gives them a viral quality

unparalleled by any other type of information product.

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Easy to create. You can sit down to record a how to or have someone

else record it for a quick and easy information product.

Easy to download. One download page or link and you’re done

Easy to share – viral!

Great for a how to type format. Makes them almost as diverse a

format as an ebook or report.

Can be inexpensive to create

Builds likeability, branding and authority because your prospects get to

hear and/or see you.


Limited potential for interaction.

Can be costly to create depending on your scope.

A little trickier to create a compelling audio or video than a compelling

book. Some people struggle when they’re in front of a camera and it

may be more difficult to be yourself.

5. Interviews

Interviews are an exceptional information format. With the right contacts

they can be easy to create and cost next to nothing. They fit a lot of

different niche types and can be formatted to fit just about any topic. For

example, a website about fiction writing can interview an agent or a

successful writer. A website about parenting or photography can interview

an expert in the field.


Easy & inexpensive to create. Simply need an expert to interview and

recording equipment. Audacity is free.

Offers tremendous value to your audience.

Can be turned into additional information products. You can sell or

giveaway the recording and the transcript. Additionally, you can use

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the transcript to create articles, blog posts, Tweets and Facebook

posts. You can even use it to create reports or workbooks.

Use a collection of interviews to create an ebook or report.


Generally doesn’t sell for a high price in your product funnel. Best used

as a giveaway or bonus products.

May be tough to get an “expert” to agree to be interviewed.

6. Online Lessons and Courses

Online education is another growing trend. People are busy, and despite

technological advances, we’re just getting busier. That means turning to the

internet to learn. Now you don’t have to offer a degree to offer value. You

can teach a lot online. We’ve already discussed teleseminars and workshops.

You can deliver lessons and an online course via autoresponder, forum or a

combination of both. This can be a freebie product or a high end product.

Some experts charge thousands of dollars for access to their limited

availability courses. You can use online lessons and courses to increase

credibility and authority, to provide value and to boost profits.


Offers tremendous value to prospect, positioning you well in your


Opens your business up to loyal customers and lifelong relationships

Boosts credibility and authority

Can be a high level, pricey, product in your sales funnel


Takes a commitment to creating top notch products and the

commitment to creating valuable content. Takes the same degree of

time and energy as writing a book.

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Can be expensive to create.

Can be time consuming to create and may require an ongoing

commitment from you. To review homework or be available to answer


Delivery. It’s not a one-time download. An online course requires a

delivery system or an open communication system.

7. Blueprints, Mindmaps, Templates & Other Downloads

There are countless smaller information products you can offer to provide

value to your audience. The pros for these types of downloads are that

they’re easy and accessible for your audience, they provide immediate value

and they’re easy for you to create. They boost traffic and exposure.

However, because templates, checklists and mindmaps don’t offer a ton of

cash per purchase, they’re often single page products; however they don’t

cost much, if anything to create, so it’s 100% profit.

When it comes to creating information products the sky is the limit. Focus on

solving your prospect’s problems first. How can you offer value? Then focus

on the best format to meet their needs.

To your success!

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"Learn to Quickly and Easily Create Your Own Information Product"

This quick-read, step-by-step plan gives you all the everything you need to know to start

creating your own infomration products in just a few days. It covers things like:

Choosing a subject - Never assume you know what

your audience wants. I'll show you how to find out

for sure!

Choosing the format - and what to do when

your market demands a format you hate!

5 ways to get your product finished - including two

that won't cost you a thing!

3 information product business models -

knowing which type you are can mean the

difference between profit and failure.

How to herd cats, er, freelancers - and the simple

technique that will keep you from tearing your hair


You'll also quickly learn the technical side of information products, including:

Selecting a distribution method - Not all shopping carts are created equal, so be careful!

Managing affiliates - and why some affilate programs might actually cost you


How to have total control over every aspect of distribution - and why you might not want


Click here to check it out for yourself today

Page 15: Creative Information Product Ideas

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Success Strategies for Marketing Your Online Business Offline

If you're ready to go offline in a big way, be sure to grab a copy of my new report, "Success

Strategies for Marketing Your Online Business Offline." It covers everything you need to get

started with offline marketing, no matter what business you're in.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Breakout SEO - Powerful Strategies That Get YOU Organic


Search Engine Optimization is an important part of growing a successful business. “Breakout

SEO – Powerful Strategies That Get YOU Organic Traffic” takes the guesswork out and shows

you how to get the job done for serious results.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Link Building Battle Plan

Speaking of saving precious time, I’m a big fan of shortcuts. Why re-invent the wheel and

research facts I’ve already spent weeks putting together? Just download the complete battle plan


Click here to check it out for yourself today

Keyword Treasury - Discover The Hidden Gold In Your


Want to know even more about conducting keyword research and using keywords to build a

sustainable, profitable online business? Be sure to grab a copy of Keyword Treasury today. It's

packed full of valuable information about researching and using keywords, including the five

places your keywords must appear if you want your site to rank well.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

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Business Advertising in a Social Media World

If you need more information – instantly – on exactly what services each Social Media platform

offers, you can find mini-reviews on 18 of the most popular in my Special Report.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Business Blogger’s Manual - How To Increase Your Business


The Business Blogger’s Manual: “How To Increase Your Business Income With A Blog” is a

20 page informative report that will get you blogging, or improve what you are already doing

with your blog. This report is designed to help you increase the bottom line of your business. It

helps you by showing you exactly what you need to do to get you blog of the ground the right

way. Everything you need to know is packed into this report that was created to help your blog attract quality traffic.

You may not have another chance to grab a report this valuable.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Passive Income Blueprint - Strategies For Earning Big With

Info Products

Once you make the decision to start an information marketing business and a passive income

stream there are a number of questions you’ll want to answer. You’ll want to choose and

research a profitable niche – one you’re interested and/or passionate about. You’ll need to

decide on the who’s, what’s, where’s, when’s and why’s of your first information product.

You need a plan …a blueprint!

Click here to check it out for yourself today

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Marketing With Content

If you want to learn how to create and market your business with content, this report is really a

must read. It will help you learn how to use content to build your business for long-term

success. If you want real results, marketing with content is the best way to get it.

Grabbing this report is the best way to go to learn all you need to know to get your content marketing campaign

started today. Don’t miss this chance to learn and grow your business with the power of content.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Membership Sites Roadmap

Not sure a membership site is right for you? Don't worry! A membership site can work in any

niche from weight loss to real estate to gardening. Anything people want or need to learn

about a topic, there's room for a membership site, because the truth is, people will pay for

quality information. If you can fulfill that need, then you owe it to yourself to grab a copy of

Membership Site Roadmap.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Niche Marketing - Busting the Saturation Myth

Did you know that most new businesses fail? Don’t be a statistic. Do your research, find a

great niche, and in no time at all you’ll be one of those marketers who only work a few hours

a day. Go get your copy of “Niche Marketing: Busting the Saturation Myth” and get started

right away.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

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Online Membership Site Manual

So many people are looking for ways to either start their own online business or increase the

profits of their current Internet business. One way to create more money for you is to start a

membership website. The benefits of owning a membership site are numerous.

If you're looking for a way to increase your online business profits or even start your very first

business on the web, I recommend you take a look at this in-depth report all about

membership sites. You'll learn what they are, how they work and even get ideas for starting your own quickly and


Click here to check it out for yourself today

The Essential Guide To Outsourcing Online

You can't afford not to look at how outsourcing can have a positive impact on the profits of

your business. So, hurry over and get your copy of this informative and business changing

report right now.

You'll learn how to quickly implement outsourcing in your business so you can start increasing your profits without

wasting any precious time.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Product Launch Wealth - How To Successfully Launch Your

New Product

Have Them Begging to Buy Your Info Product. Info product creators everywhere are missing

out on something by quickly throwing together a product and sales avenue online. They're

missing out on a whole lot of money that COULD be in their pocket if they would just do one

thing before they rush to get their product up and selling.

With info products, it's all about the pre-launch! You've got to get your prospects excited about what you're going to

offer. Make them really anticipate the launch and want your product before it ever even hits the web.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

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Sales Funnel Strategies

Starting your online business with sales funnels is an important process. The best way to open

the door to success is by starting at the beginning. “Sales Funnel Strategies: How to Work

Your Sales Funnel for Bigger Profits” can walk you through the entire process, step by step to

optimize every chance you have for success.

You and your business deserve the very best in order to get your online venture running and profiting as quickly as

possible. Why wait any longer?

Click here to check it out for yourself today

StumbleUpon Unmasked

In “StumbleUpon Unmasked”, I’ll be sharing not only simple yet effective strategies, but also

some surprising statistics and facts about Facebook. Yes, I did say “Facebook”; and yes, it is

still the # 1 social networking site – but that’s exactly *why* StumbleUpon is even more

important to use!

If you’re interested, take a look at all the other benefits my “StumbleUpon Unmasked” offers.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

Twitter Marketing Guide

Using Twitter for marketing is cheap and effective. But in order to make the most of it, you need

to know what Twitter users respond to. Check out my “Twitter Marketing Guide: How to Use

Twitter as a Marketing Tool” today, and learn how you can “tweet” your way to success!

Click here to check it out for yourself today

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Upsell Profit Tactics

You can use the information provided in my report; Upsell Profit Tactics, and start using

what you learn right away to start making more money. This is not something that you want

to miss out on. It is a great ebook waiting for you to grab it, read it, learn, and grow your

business as a result.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

YouTube Marketing Uncovered

Many tips you can really use and implement – even if video marketing is brand new to you.

Put all tips together, and you’ve got something more useful than a step-by-step manual that’s

out of date the moment you download it: You’ve got a report that quickly teaches you how

to adapt even as YouTube changes itself – because it focuses on universal techniques that

always work, as well as YouTube specifics that don’t change.

Click here to check it out for yourself today

How To Host Successful Money Making Webinars

Are you dreaming of building a responsive, profitable list? Are you looking for another way to

connect with your target market while establishing your expertise in your niche? Do you want

to give your potential customers a way to learn about you and your products or services in real

time on an interactive platform?

Webinars are the answer you've been searching for.

Click here to check it out for yourself today
