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Disruptive Meet Up - Inspiring Inquisitive Minds

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Disruptive Meet Up - Inspiring Inquisitive Minds

the common e2

work, coffee, work, my life in the common

the common e2

an idea for fulton trotter and partners architects 2001 - a hybrid bar and architectural practice in a socially active part of brisbane’s inner north - spring hill.

the common e2

2001 - it was in my final year of architecture and we were incredibly scared of practicing architecture the way we were experiencing employment as students. we all dreamed of doing things differently. my school of architecture (like no other in brisbane)encouraged this.

the common e2

2001 - my final year architectural design lecturer - (a true inspiration) the late dr paula whitman, always encouraged us to practice architecture in a way that was true to our values and to never give up on achieving this. she spoke of future practices being more collaborative - greater creative output through unique hybrids

the common e2

2004 - testing this idea of a hybrid architectural practice, I began an architectural studio and events management, band management business as a way of promoting my band ‘evergreen giant. ‘metrick an unframed production’ was this very gig.

the common e2

2004 - my first project began with an art and architecture collaborative - my band as artists and myself as the architect (although my band crew were all landscape architects)

the common e2

2004 - we chose a site - under the disused undercroft of an overpass on the edges of brisbane city - we created a new use (our urban design idea) create a new music venue which started with our event ‘turbot city limits’

the common e2

2004 - a full stage, sound and lighting set up with backdrops and a fully insured event with the support of brisbane city council... all infrastructure and insurance cover was provided by sponsorship, donations or equipment in kind...

the common e2

october 1st 2004 - and at the peak of our event ‘turbot city limits’ we reached 750 patrons

the common e2

2004 - a solid first experiment into collaborating with other creative disciplines to achieve a new public space - and i realised at this point that i would never gain this type of knowledge by working within an established practice!!!!

the common e2

2012 - moving forward - employed in london for 6 years - and trying not to forget my ambition and way of practicing architecture in line with first thoughts back in 2001.

26 April 2012Page 3 of 5

TwistInArchitecture LLPUnit GL - Concept organiza on sketch1:100 @ A4

the common e2

embarking on my first uk limited co - i took the time while working on independent projects to write a business plan. 1st stop... investigate where i wanted to position myself. north east london of course. independent cafe and architecture studio. and north east london is the right place!

26 April 2012Page 5 of 5

TwistInArchitecture LLPLeroy House - Proposed eleva� on and coff ee shop entrances

the common e2


Coffee:Espresso £1.60 £2.00Flat White £2.20 £2.50Cappucino £2.20 £2.50Latte £2.20 £2.50MacchiatoFilterTea

Breakfast:Pastry £1.20 £2.20 £1.20 £2.20Fresh Fruit MuesliFruit SaladToast, Butter, Jam & Spreads £2.40 £4.20 £2.40 £4.20Savory Rolls £3.20 £4.20 £3.20 £4.20

Morning Tea:Specialty Biscuits £2.20 £3.00 £2.20 £3.20Specialty Cakes £2.50 £3.20 £2.80 £4.50Pastry £1.20 £2.20 £1.20 £2.20

Lunch:Full Meal Salad £5.50 £8.00 £6.00 £9.00Open Type Sandwich £4.50 £6.50 £4.80 £7.00

Afternoon Tea:Specialty Biscuits £2.20 £3.20 £2.20 £3.20Specialty Cakes £2.50 £3.20 £2.80 £4.50

Supper:Tapas‐Style Selection £4.20 £8.50Platter‐Style Selection £6.50 £12.50 £7.50 £12.50Specialty Cakes £2.50 £4.50 £2.80 £5.50

Bar:Bottled Beer (0.33L) £3.00 £4.50 £3.50 £5.50Imported Wine (0.25L) £3.50 £6.50 £4.20 £7.50Imported Liquer (0.05L) £2.00 £4.50 £2.50 £4.50

Healthy, tasty and filling. Various flavours and creative presentation with ingredients sourced from local groceries for dine in or takeaway

Healthy and tasty, rich in nutritions and vitamins with Mediterranean inspiration 

High quality and fairtrade bean from independent roaster using unique / seasonal blends 

Small plate or Tapas style arrangement of food, suitable as to accompany a selection of wines

Selected liquors, wines and beers from across the world. Staying away from the ‘pub’ template offering a less known and ordinary selection and taste

Providing a much needed ‘wake up’ feeling to commuters and patrons with an independent, carefully sourced & fairtrade coffee for the ultimate guilt‐free experience

Put customers in a positive, confident frame of mind with healthy food that is tasty as a pre work experience.

Light and healthy refreshment 

Our lunch needs to challenge the sandwich and the burger. We will offer a healthy alternative for a standard pub / bar food equally filling

Light and healthy refreshment 

Attract the after dinner market or pre‐event outing. The food offer will not be heavy; however, will serve a light completion to the evening

More unique experience attracting people from other districts as well as the local for a elegant, relaxed and comfortable night out









most of 2012 and the early parts of 2013 were taken up with site investigations, lease negotiations , proposal writing, finance and business planning and never loosing hope when landlords and agents would say ‘what experience do you have in running previous businesses like the one you are proposing’...

the common e2

2014... totally solo, a new limited company no business partner - i decided to begin looking once again... on the 1st august i visited this site, 53 old bethnal green rd and submitted my proposal to the agent / freeholder on the same day.

the common e2

my proposal was accepted 2 weeks later with negotiations on rent free period. lease signed and i had the keys by the end of the last week of august. job done... or not........................................................................................................................................................

the common e2

with a 10 week rent free period, a business trip to brisbane for 3 of those weeks and builders available to begin work at the beginning of september... the pressure hit... the only answer... throw your heart into this idea with the knowledge that you cannot make any design mistakes

the common e2

the design - ‘the big idea’to create a design studio / a creative environment - which is - most importantly not pretentious - which welcomes everyone to come in and enjoy - sit all day and work - come for meetings come to socialise or just come for a great coffee....

the common e2

there were so many burning ideas and passionate interests (how would i roll this into one space)

the common e2

how do you design a space that feels like a cafe, encourages concentration and design creativity and yet doesn’t appear pretentious or ostracise parts of your neighbouring community?

the common e2

november 2014 ‘the common e2’ was born..... first came setting an over arching vision that holds the design together and second, was to bring in a manager who would translate the initial vision into a food and beverage offer

the common e2

the design brief... a transparent design studio and public cafe with a line down the middle which divides the two but rather than divide.... it kind of blurs this... i wanted to make people welcome... most importantly cafe patrons who would come in and socialise and not feel like they are intruding within someone’s private office.

the common e2

this blurred divide could only be idealised through one device - a very long common or co-working table. mainly for cafe patrons to use, but also for architects to hold design reviews and client meetings.

Client:Mark Sciberras

Project:5. mete table

Status:Initial thoughts

Date:Oct 14

the common e2 Client:Mark Sciberras

Project:5. mete table

Status:Initial thoughts

Date:Oct 14

realisation of this came when an amazing ‘future cafe patron’ visited me while working on the shop, visited my design brief with an industrial design contact who was interested in designing and building me a 5.5m long table on only 4 legs. this would be ‘the common’ table. the designer... mr jack snell.

the common e2

jack carried on to help me complete the detail construction of this very space... his unique design skills and unconditional passion and help pushed this build forward to part completion for a soft launch on christmas day 2014 and on track for completion for an end of january 2015 opening.

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

once the romance and excitement of building the space came to an end... the next stage or challenge came with cashflow management..... the most important area of the business to manage, and currently the most time consuming.

the common e2

stock flow management and staff cost management all important matters to get in place from the beginning - and monitored throughout.

the common e2

profit & loss spreadsheets which i analyse at the end of each month, as well as an innovative cash up spread sheet, which as taught as as passing advice by another cafe owner / operator who witnessed our lengthy count of 10 & 20p coins...

the common e2

my manager and i, but mainly my manager jossi polini worked on creating a tasty and healthy menu, one which would work within our a1 planning class use... (no restaurant cooked food) and a menu which could be adapted to customer needs and would change seasonally

the common e2

we decided at the very beginning to work with independent suppliers which we either knew or met along the way.

the common e2

january 26th 2015 ‘the common e2’ opens at 8am

the common e2

‘the common e2’ a new cafe in bethnal green

the common e2

the common e2

‘the common e2’ a new architectural studio space in bethnal green

the common e2

the common e2

‘the common e2’ a new co-working and common community meeting space in bethnal green

the common e2

the common e2

so what have we accomplished in the first 6 months? what are the lessons - what is working and what is really not? who have we met? is business picking up? is this business model sustainable? can architects actually practice in a truly open and transparent studio?

the common e2

the common e2

the hope is that the common will act as a gateway for future collaborations and community gatherings and meet ups. the london festival of architecture - open studio on the 4th june 2015 was the first attempt at this. the day event - talks and exhibitions followed by an evening barbeque proved successful.

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

the common e2

so how can you imagine an idea and turn it into something which will (hopefully) succeed..... ??

can this be done alone....??

the common e2

from what I have experienced in the last year.. this comes from the people that join you for the journey... this outfit.... business... space ... is not something that I have or could have created alone...

its really due to - and a result of putting together a solid team of f&*$ing great people!!!!!

Thanks, from the &&& Creative team!

If you want to continue the dialogue, hit us up on twitter @andandandltd

To get involved email [email protected]

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