creating the title

Creating The Title

Upload: mmmillie13

Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Creating the title

Creating The Title

Page 2: Creating the title

When it came to creating the title we looked for inspiration from existing media products. With in our genre titles were very bold, simple an yet stylized. We wanted ours to have more of a sterile feel and to also more futuristic so it represented our film well.

Page 3: Creating the title

We decided that the blue worked best as it also matched with our billing block and company logo we created. We then looked at existing movie titles for inspiration. We decided following 'Divergent' we would make the first letter of our movie title bigger than the rest. We then decided upon a text which was similar to the one used in the 'Divergent' movie title. Even though the blue was our favourite we decided to try a number of effects within our movie title to make our final decision, they are shown below;

We decided to look at possible ideas for our movie title. To do this we started with a letter 'D' and trialed different effects and colours on this to see which one we felt worked best.

Page 4: Creating the title

After trying all of these we still felt the blue looked best and would fit in with the themes we had created so far. So our final decision was to use the blue title. We decided to create a word within our title being 'Die' so that we could create mystery among our audience, we also felt it would help our title to stand out more on a poster and on the trailer. Our decision to take the line away from the 'A' came from the Maze Runner movie title, we felt that it looked more aesthetically pleasing and would fit in with the sci-fi part of our genre.