creating the conditions for social business

Creating The Conditions For Social Business CBI Conference Centre, London 25th April 2011 Steve Dale Thursday, 26 April 2012

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Everyone is talking about “Social Business” – but what does it mean and is it just the latest fad? Greater customer satisfaction, more innovation, faster access to knowledge; agile processes delivered via a people-centred organisation. These are just some of the benefits being tantalising promised by the advocates. Why wouldn’t every organisation flock to this vision of an agile, connected, transparent, people-centred and more efficient business? Hesitation is natural but every day counts in a world where social technology trends develop over weeks. Those at the forefront will gain most. There is only so long a business can wait before it is left behind. Competitors and customers will move on. Attracting new talent will become more difficult; employees become moribund. So maybe doing nothing is the new business risk?


Page 1: Creating the conditions for social business

Creating The Conditions For Social Business

CBI Conference Centre, London25th April 2011

Steve Dale

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 2: Creating the conditions for social business

What is “Social Business”

The term “social business” will become more ubiquitous as organisations of all types and sizes start to think of social technologies more strategically as business tools, not just marketing channels. And then it will eventually become a meaningless phrase as we come to realize that all business is, at its core, social.Jen McClure, Thomson Reuters

Thursday, 26 April 2012

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The world is changing.People are empowered like never


Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 4: Creating the conditions for social business

Enterprise Social Networks - what should they deliver?

Enable discovery of new information.


Honest and ethical behaviour through openness.


Access to data anytime,

anywhere, any device


Source: BroadVision Inc.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 5: Creating the conditions for social business

The Emerging Transition to Social Business Models

20th Century 21st Century

•Non-social Interaction•Value in Transactions•Business Stability•Well-defined Industries•One-way Markets•Limited Information•Resource Abundance

•Pervasive Social Interaction•Value in Relationships•Business Flux•Industry Transformation•Two-way Markets•Information Abundance•Resource Constraints


Forces•Ambient Communications•Global Information Flows•Social Computing•Market Discontinuity

Source: Dion Hinchcliffe 2010

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 6: Creating the conditions for social business

The Power Of Social

Source: IBM and S Mcrae

You will need to know this sometime so I

will send it to you now.

You will need to know this sometime so I

will send it to you now.

You will need to know this sometime so I will send it to you


Email Model

We share what we know

We share what we knowWe share what

we know

Social Media Model

I know I can find what I need when I need it.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 7: Creating the conditions for social business

Social Business Dynamics









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Thursday, 26 April 2012A Social Business is like an organism that adapts to its environment and is thus able to consciously and frequently re-calibrate itself and the experience provided to its constituents based on intercepted stimuli.

Page 8: Creating the conditions for social business

Social Business Maturity Model

Island Channel CommunitySocial


Culture Isolated Inside-out Permeable People-centric


InformalDefined roles &

processesIntegrated roles &



None Push Engagement Co-creation


Unaware Organic Process-driven Experience-driven

SocialTechnology None Experimental Social CRM

Social Intelligence

Enterprise Social Software +

Integrated Web Tools

Based on an original by Emanuele Quintareli

Thursday, 26 April 2012

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...but technology

can influence human


Thursday, 26 April 2012

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What are the obstacles?

What are the challenges?

Thursday, 26 April 2012

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Seven Challenges To Effective Social Business Implementation

1. Fear of change. 2.Command-and-control. 3.Profusion of tools. 4.Lack of integration. 5.Competition from free public social networks. 6.Compliance requirements. 7.Fit with business processes and workflows.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 12: Creating the conditions for social business

In order for collaboration tools to really take hold, a cultural shift must take


Enterprise, collaboration tools can be viewed as a

threat to individual power, managerial

control, company tradition and privacy.

1. Fear of Change

2. Power & Control

Thursday, 26 April 2012Kim Jung Un - North Korea

Fear of change. People are generally risk-averse. Organisations more so, after all they are accountable to shareholders and other stakeholders. “Donʼt fix it if it isnʼt broken” is the usual mantra.Command-and-control. Who says every organisation wants to be transparent and flexible and invite participation from every quarter? What if senior management do not want a pluralist organisation where democracy rules?

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In a creative economy it is only the self-selection

of the best tools that more productive work

can be assured. Source: Harold Jarche

3. Profusion of tools

Thursday, 26 April 2012Profusion of tools. The explosion of social software tools is a source of great innovation, but also a lot of confusion. Organisations can easily end up with several enterprise social networks used by different teams or departments, or for different purposes, along with social applications for purposes such as project management or employee recognition, each coming with their own user profiles and activity steams and notions of how connections are formed.

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Static intranets and e-mail are not effective for helping employees find the information

they are looking for.

Knowledge workers spend up to 30% of their time each day looking for data. Source: Butler Group

50% of employee searches for specific data fail to find the data. Source: IDC

4. Lack of Integration

Thursday, 26 April 2012Lack of integration. A legacy patchwork of IT solutions that have only ever been superficially integrated and where every application has a threshold of “good enough” integration to make the system usable but never quite perfect.

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More than a third of enterprise employees are working outside the firewall and need tools that keep them connected with their peers and business applications.Source: Forrester

5. Competition from free public social networks

Thursday, 26 April 2012Competition from free public social networks. Staff will inevitably compare their experience on an enterprise social network with the one they enjoy on consumer sites such as Facebook. This can be a problem if the enterprise experience suffers by comparison by being awkward to navigate, frustrating to use, or missing important features.

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6. Compliance Requirements

Social technology tools are being used in the workplace which lack the security and integration an enterprise requires.

Source: tibbr

Organisations must incorporate collaboration platforms holistically, as a long-term, strategic investment. They must meet the security standards and integrate within

the corporate environment.

Thursday, 26 April 2012Compliance requirements. Regulated industries such as financial services and healthcare must pay particular attention to whether an enterprise social network meets compliance requirements such as data archiving. Moreover, they might tend to see more risk than benefit in a technology that makes it easy to share information widely when they have a responsibility to keep some categories of information under tight control.

Different people within the organisation have access to different kinds of information. Companies need the ability to grant access appropriately, creating information hierarchies if necessary. Collaboration technology must provide administrative control over the network, including user and group management.

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7. Fit with business processes and workflows

There is a growing need for applications that are always “in sync” and available anytime,

anywhere, any device. Thursday, 26 April 2012Fit with business processes and workflows. Enterprise social software should ultimately make business and work processes more efficient and adaptable to a fast-changing environment (internal or external).  How will improved knowledge flows and opportunities for collaboration and co-production be channelled into the existing business/work processes?

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The Reality

Despite significant and ongoing investment in

enterprise social technologies, there has only been 12% adoption with the overall workforce.

Source: Gartner

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 19: Creating the conditions for social business

What can we learn?Enterprise organisations will pay increased

attention to the people who make collaboration possible and profitable.

“We’ve really underinvested in support of these knowledge workers that drive 80% of the intellectual property and innovation in a lot of companies”. Craig Le Clair, Forrester.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Page 20: Creating the conditions for social business

1. Make your workforce the centre of your organisation.An enterprise social network takes an organisation of talented individuals and gives them tools to work as one.

2. Create one space for all. Bringing your internal activity into a social workplace is a great way to keep everyone in your company connected.

3. Identify the pinch points and blockages - and work around them.Don’t waste time and effort on people and processes that can’t or won’t change.

4. Encourage consumer/customer participationBuild direct relationships. Co-design products and services.

5. Measure the right things.But remember - not everything that counts can be counted.

6. Agile is the new blackDigital Dawinism is the evolution of consumer behaviour when society and technology evolve faster than your ability to adapt. (Brian Solis)

...and finally, how to avoid that “Kodak” moment

Thursday, 26 April 2012Make your workforce the centre of your organisation.An enterprise social network takes an organisation of talented individuals and gives them tools to work as one. The companyʼs success is fuelled by employee interaction, conversations, and collaborative work. Thanks to enterprise social software, you can build a company where employees work as one, using transparency and collaboration.Create one space for all.Bringing your internal activity into a social workplace is a great way to keep everyone in your company connected. Often the enterprise social network is the one place where Sales and Marketing can live in harmony. A company or private social network provides a place where teams share important information, identify company experts, and collaborate on projects. It becomes an all-in-one collaborative workspace for your companyy.Intranets, on the other hand, lack the social networking tools such as activity streams, messaging, and quick posting that are critical to collaborative work. Even if companies want and push teams or departments to collaborate, ultimately they find that their Intranet is not conducive to building a company-wide community.

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Thursday, 26 April 2012