creating style…

Show don’t tell…. CREATING STYLE…

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Creating Style…. Show don’t tell…. Look at the following paragraph. How can this writing be summed up in ONE word?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Creating Style…

Show don’t tell….CREATING STYLE…

Page 2: Creating Style…

Look at the following paragraph. How can this writing be summed up in ONE word?•Sweat dripped and dribbled down my face. My legs trembled so much that I was scared I would violently collapse. I hid behind the enveloping shadows of the red, colossal curtain in the wings of the stage. Panic began to creep into my mind and build a fortress of doubt. I knew I was on next…would I remember my lines?

Page 3: Creating Style…

Sum this writing up in ONE word:

•Walking through the hallway, I felt the thousands of eyes of my peers burning holes into my back as I trudged through this never-ending sea of judgment. Their stares were like heated, steel rods being thrust through my body. The thought of what I had done weighed heavy on my mind; however, it hardly compared to the sorrow I held in my heart for committing the unspeakable act. Turning back time will never happen, but perhaps forgiveness will. I hope.

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Your ticket to the library:•Decide on a word that you would like to SHOW me using strong word choice. Remember to appeal to the 5 SENSES (imagery) and create figurative language in your description.

•Write the word on the side of the card with NO LINES.•Show me the word on the side with lines.

• Turn in to me when finished.