creating quality remarketing lists - #sfgettingsmarter

Getting Smarter Session Creating Quality Remarketing Lists by Milos Mrkaja SEM Manager

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Getting Smarter Session

Creating Quality Remarketing Lists


Milos Mrkaja

SEM Manager

The Agenda.

1. What is Remarketing?

2. Uses for Remarketing.

4. How we can create Remarketing Lists.


3. What are Remarketing Lists?

5. 5 Types of Analysis To Use For Quality Remarketing Lists.


What is Remarketing?


Remarketing Explained.

• Remarketing allows us to target users who have visited a website by showing

them tailored ads as they browse across the Google Display Network in a bid

to re-engage with them and complete a desire action.

• To use remarketing, a small snippet of tracking code is implemented across all

pages on a website.

• Once applied, this code places cookies in the computer of the users visiting a

website allowing advertisers to serve them targeted ads.

• Remarketing ads can consist of image ads, animations, videos and text ads.

The Agenda.


1. What is Remarketing?

2. Uses for for Remarketing.

4. How we can create Remarketing Lists.

3. What are Remarketing Lists?

5. 5 Types of Analysis To Use For Quality Remarketing Lists.


How can we use



Typical Examples of Remarketing Strategies.

1. Reach all the visitors to your website through a paid search ad.

1. Showcase different product categories.

2. Appeal to visitors who didn't convert.

3. Re-engage visitors with abandoned shopping baskets.

4. Up-sell or cross-sell to existing customers.

5. Reach customers within a certain time period after they completed a


The Agenda.


1. What is Remarketing?

2. Uses for Remarketing.

4. How we can create Remarketing Lists.

3. What are Remarketing Lists?

5. 5 Types of Analysis To Use For Quality Remarketing Lists.


What are Remarketing Lists?

If you want to run a remarketing campaign to show ads to people who have

previously visited your site, you'll need a remarketing list.

• A remarketing list is a collection of cookies from people who visited your site.

• Creating the list is one of the most important steps in setting up a remarketing

campaign because you'd use this list to target your ads.

• You can start creating lists at anytime, but they'll only start getting visitors after

you've placed the remarketing tag on the website.

The Agenda.


1. What is Remarketing?

2. Uses for Remarketing.

4. How we can create Remarketing Lists.

3. What are Remarketing Lists?

5. 5 Types of Analysis To Use For Quality Remarketing Lists.

11How We Can Create Remarketing Lists

Google AdWords – Standard AdWords Remarketing

Tag users who come to your website

• To begin, you’ll need a collection of cookies from people who visited your site, also

called a remarketing list.

• Your remarketing list can include people who visited a certain page on your site, and

you can also create more advanced lists using various rules.

• At first, your list might not have any cookie IDs associated with it. Once you've added

the remarketing tag to your website, as visitors come to your website, your list will begin

to populate.

• For the Display Network, ads will show to your list when there are at least 100 cookie

IDs within the last 30 days. For Google search, ads will show to your list when there are

at least 1000 cookie IDs.

12How We Can Create Remarketing Lists

Google Analytics – Remarketing Audience

Create highly targeted lists of users segmented by user behaviour and performance

through Google Analytics Remarketing

• Remarketing with Google Analytics you can create remarketing lists based on Google

Analytics data.

• Build audiences from Google Analytics metrics and dimensions (e.g. Session

Duration, City, and Goal Completions).

• Target users who perform a specific sequence of actions on a website.

• A Remarketing Audience is a list of cookies that represent a set of users to which you

want to show one or more targeted ads.

• You create Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics based on user behaviour, and

then use those audiences as the basis for remarketing campaigns in your other ad

accounts like AdWords.


What’s The Difference?

The big differences between placing the code from your Analytics account versus your

AdWords account are:

• How you place the code and where you manage it

• Analytics code requires you to change a snippet of your existing Analytics code

• AdWords code requires you to place a code, in addition to your Analytics tracking

code (if you have one) across all pages that you want included with your remarketing


You can use your Google Analytics tracking code instead of the AdWords

remarketing tag to create your remarketing lists. Doing so provides the following


• Maintain a single tag on your site.

• Create lists based on over 250 Google Analytics metrics like time on site and total


• Import your Google Analytics custom segment definitions.

The Agenda.


1. What is Remarketing?

2. Uses for Remarketing.

4. How we can create Remarketing Lists.

3. What are Remarketing Lists?

5. 5 Types of Analysis To Use For Quality Remarketing Lists.


Tips for Creating Quality Remarketing Lists

1. Landing page bounce rate analysis

2. Return users low bounce rate pages

3. Return users high converting landing pages

4. Time lag to determine cookie length

5. Page depth analysis



1. What is Remarketing?

2. Uses for Remarketing.

4. How we can create Remarketing Lists.

3. What are Remarketing Lists?

5. 5 Types of Analysis To Use For Quality Remarketing Lists.