creating my contents page

Creating my Contents Page On Quark Xpress 8

Upload: laurensmedia

Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Creating my Contents Page

On Quark Xpress 8

This is my very first draft on paper which I altered a lot when I started creating it on Quark.

This was just a rough outline of what I wanted it too look like after looking at some other contents pages such as NME and Q.

Starting to create on Quark.This is how I started to create my double page spread on Quark. I started off by using lots of excess boxes for pictures as I thought this would look quite messy in a good way, however overall I think it looks a bit untidy and I will probably cut down on the amount of pictures. I also put in the

green grids to help me make sure that my text is all equally laid out.

Second attempt.I added the pictures onto it and I also cut them down so there was only 5 images instead of the original 8. I think this made it look more tidy. I also

added the music note logo onto the top near the contents as I thought this would tie it in with the general magazine.

Final Contents.This is my final contents page. I decided to include relating page

numbers onto the pictures like on my original plan. I also kept the small writing underneath a white text so it would be in keeping with the colour

scheme. I also added the text into my right hand note from the editor column as well as my name which adds a more personal touch. Over all I

am pleased with how it has developed from my first draft.