creating groups and groupings

Creating Groups and Groupings Sloodle tutorial

Upload: jglazebrook1981

Post on 09-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Creating groups and groupings

Creating Groups and Groupings

Sloodle tutorial

Page 2: Creating groups and groupings

Why add groups and groupings?

• Groups and groupings allow teachers across an entire cohort to post resources and activities to a course that can only be seen by their own students

• Groups and groupings also allow teachers to select particular students in a list of the entire cohort when marking a quiz, activity or assignment

• This may also be useful for classes in the same subject where students are covering different material (i.e. texts in English)

• It may also be useful for differentiating content without unduly drawing focus to students who require additional scaffolding, instructions or other support.

Page 3: Creating groups and groupings

1. Go to your course, under the settings box, click Users, and select groups

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2. Click create group, under the GROUPS box, then type the group name and click save changes.

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3. Two ways to add students.First way - with your group highlighted, click add/remove users under MEMBERS OF: box

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4. Type the name of the student, select the student, add the student

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5. Select any other students and click back to groups

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6. Second way - After creating the group – click on SETTINGS BOX> USERS> ENROLLED USERS

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7. Go through the list of enrolled users, and select the + symbol under the groups column to add them to your group.

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8. Adding groupings after you have established your groups – this will allow you to restrict resources and activities to particular classes.

• Click on SETTINGS>USERS>GROUPS and click on the Groupings TAB at the top of the page

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9. Click create grouping

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10. Add a name for your group and click save changes

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11. Click the icon of the people in the EDIT box under the GROUPINGS screen, then select the group you want to add to the grouping and click add.

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• You now have the ability to group resources and activities – this will be an option when you are setting up the activity.

• This may seem like a long process, but if each teacher looks after their own group and grouping set up, it will not take a long time.