creating a wave of interest in your business

Social Media Woman |14 Every business online desires to attract new clients and ultimately to make sales. After all, we are in business to make money, right? So how do we create a wave of interest in our business that will generate real sales? Also, what do we need to consider before we even begin to stir up interest in our business? Here are five strategies for creating a wave of interest in your business products or services... A happy customer provides an incredible opportunity for you to demonstrate the value of your product. Speak to your loyal customers who are enjoying the benefits of the product or service and ask them to share through a written testimonial, video or audio. Ask them to talk about how the product has benefited them and the level of customer service they have received from you. For example, I recently was on the receiving end of a makeover by a fashion stylist. As a gesture of reciprocity and because I genuinely was going through an exciting transition because of their work with me, I decided to share my experience with my friends. I video blogged the whole transition and that led to a wave of interest in that stylist’s products and services. 1 Share great testimonials from happy customers 2 Share the story of your product or service Does the creation of your product or service have a story that is interesting? Have you taken your product or service and shared it a public event? Images and videos from events that feature feedback from those who have attended and the story of the event are fabulous for generating interest from others in what you are doing. Always remember to get permission from others before sharing their images. For example, in editing Finally at 40 Life Magazine I did a photo shoot for the cover in Perth recently. By sharing the progress of the photo shoot, from the very first moment, to the final product, I engaged my friends in the story of the magazine and many have purchased copies or are supporters as a direct result. by Hayley Solich How to Create a Wave of Interest in YOUR Business

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Hayley Solich shares how to create a wave of interest in your business, as published in the Social Media Woman Magazine, May 2011


Social Media Woman |14

Every business online desires to attract new clients and ultimately to make sales. After all, we are in business to make money, right?

So how do we create a wave of interest in our business that will generate real sales?

Also, what do we need to consider before we even begin to stir up interest in our business?

Here are five strategies for creating a wave of interest in your business products or services...

A happy customer provides an incredible opportunity for you to demonstrate the value of your product. Speak to your loyal customers who are enjoying the benefits of the product or service and ask them to share through a written testimonial, video or audio. Ask them to talk about how the product has benefited them and the level of customer service they have received from you. For example, I recently was on the receiving end of a makeover by a fashion stylist. As a gesture of reciprocity and because I genuinely was going through an exciting transition because of their work with me, I decided to share my experience with my friends. I video blogged the whole transition and that led to a wave of interest in that stylist’s products and services.

1 Share great testimonials from happy customers 2 Share the story of your

product or serviceDoes the creation of your product or service

have a story that is interesting? Have you taken your product or service and shared it a public event? Images and videos from events that feature feedback from those who have attended and the story of the event are fabulous for generating interest from others in what you are doing. Always remember to get permission from others before sharing their images. For example, in editing Finally at 40 Life Magazine I did a photo shoot for the cover in Perth recently. By sharing the progress of the photo shoot, from the very first moment, to the final product, I engaged my friends in the story of the magazine and many have purchased copies or are supporters as a direct result.

by Hayley Solich

How to Create a Wave of Interest

in YOUR Business

Social Media Woman |15

3 Share your personal excitement about the

product or service

4 Share the opportunity for people to trial the

product or service, review it and give you feedback

Are you excited about the product or service? Share that excitement with others. Do a video or write blog posts expressing how you feel about the product or service and why. Excitement and enthusiasm really is attractive to others and contagious. For example, for the latest issue of Finally at 40 Life Begins magazine, I decided to put together a quick promo video as I was very excited about the content. I put that video up on and posted it to my Facebook page. I have had some great comments back, saying that my enthusiasm really was contagious and they had actually subscribed to the magazine after viewing the video.

5 Share your product/ service in conjunction

with other’s complimentary products/services

Invite your client base to trial your product or service at a reduced rate and ask them to share their feedback about it. This will generate interest in the product and provide you with a pool of testimonials for future promotions. You can also ask those that try the product to do a review on their own blog site. For example, when I created the e-book “The Employee Whisperer”, an e-book on leadership, I invited Chris Lucas to review the book, as Chris was an award winning small business centre manager and I valued her opinion. Chris then gave me her feedback, which helped me to improve the e-book and her comments are used on the sales page for the e-book.

A great way to improve the social standing of your product is to align it with other brands that are well known and already have a good market share. Locate within your sphere complimentary products or services that you can cross promote in conjunction with your product or service. For example, a few years ago I was invited to participate in a joint venture with sales legend, Chet Holmes. Chet was launching his daughter’s first CD Track and one of his own books in the process. Although I was a joint venture partner, I felt compelled to purchase his book, as he had offered a special deal for the book and the Track together, saying you would be supporting his daughter by buying the book. I’m sure I was not the only one. Had his daughter come to me independently and asked me to buy her track I probably wouldn’t have responded.

These are just some small ways of creating a wave of interest in your business. Remember that once you have generated a wave of interest you also need to have in place the systems to support the influx of clients and also know how to convert that interest into real sales. Like the foundations of a house, you need to put in place solid business systems that will help you to make the most of the opportunity and ensure that with every ripple you make using the above five tips, you also need to add a call to action. Visit my me...ask me how... Ask your potential customer to take action. It’s all good and well to grab attention but you need to know what to do what that attention so that it converts into sales.

For more tips, SMW