create mdi application using vb

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  • 8/6/2019 Create Mdi Application Using Vb


    MDI Overview

    This document introduces you to the concept of Multiple Document Interface (MDI) and how to

    create menus within an MDI application. You will learn to create an MDI application inMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET and learn why you might want to use this type of interface. You

    will learn about child forms that are contained within the MDI application, and learn to createshortcut, or context-sensitive, menus.

    MDI is a popular interface because it allows you to have multiple documents (or forms) open inone application. Examples of MDI applications include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,

    Microsoft PowerPoint, and even the Visual Studio integrated development environment itself.

    Each application consists of one (or more) parent windows, each containing an MDI client area

    the area where the child forms (or documents) will be displayed. Code you write displays asmany instances of each of the child forms that you want displayed, and each child form can only

    be displayed within the confines of the parent windowthis means you can't drag the child

    forms outside the MDI container. Figure 1 shows a basic MDI application in use.

    Figure 1. Use MDI to open multiple windows and have them all contained within the

    parent area

    Single Document Interface

    Don't be misled: MDI is only one of several possible paradigms for creating a user interface. You

    can also create applications that display just a single form. They're easier to create, in fact. Those

    applications are called Single Document Interface (SDI) applications. Microsoft WindowsNotepad is an SDI application, and you can only open a single document at a time. (If you want

    multiple documents open, you simply run Notepad multiple times.) You are under no obligation

    to create your applications using the MDI paradigm. Even if you have multiple forms in your

    project, you can simply have each one as a stand-alone form, not contained by any parent form.

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    Uses of MDI

    You'll use MDI most often in applications where the user might like to have multiple forms or

    documents open concurrently. Word processing applications (like Microsoft Word), spreadsheetapplications (like Microsoft Excel), and project manager applications (like Microsoft Project) are

    all good candidates for MDI applications. MDI is also handy when you have a large application,and you want to provide a simple mechanism for closing all the child forms when the user exits

    the application.

    Creating an MDI Parent Form

    To create an MDI parent form, you can simply take one of your existing forms and set its

    IsMDIContainer property to True. This form will now be able to contain other forms as child

    forms. You may have one or many container forms within your application.

    Tip Note the difference here between Visual Studio .NET and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

    behavior. In Visual Basic 6.0, you could only have a single MDI parent form per application, andyou had to use the Project menu to add that one special form. In Visual Studio .NET, you can

    turn any form into an MDI parent form by simply modifying a property, and you can have asmany MDI parent forms as you require within the same project.

    You may have as many different child forms (the forms that remain contained within the parent

    form) as you want in your project. A child form is nothing more than a regular form for which

    you dynamically set the MdiParent property to refer to the MDI container form.

    Note The user interface objects you've designed within the Visual Studio environment are

    really templates for forms. That is, they don't actually become real Form objects until you

    instantiate them at run time. Therefore, your project can contain as many different templates forMDI child forms as you like. You can instantiate and then show as many instances of as manydifferent templates as you need, while your applications are running.

    Run-time Features of MDI Child Forms

    At run time, the MDI parent form and the MDI child forms take on special features:

    All child forms are displayed within the MDI parent's clientarea. The client area is the

    area below the MDI parent's title bar, any menus, and any tool bars. Child forms can be moved and sized only within the MDI parent's client area.

    Child forms can be minimized and their icon will be displayed within the parent's clientarea.

    Child forms can be maximized within the parent's client area and the caption of the child

    form is appended to the caption of the MDI form.

    Windows automatically gives child forms that have theirFormBorderStyle property setto a sizable border a default size. This size is based on the size of the MDI parent's client

    area. You can override this by setting the FormBorderStyle property of the child form to

    any of the fixed type of borders.

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    Child forms cannot be displayed modally.

    The MDI form can be minimized and only one icon will be displayed on the desktop

    representing the MDI form and all of its children.

    If the MDI form is unloaded, all of the loaded children will also be unloaded.

    Note The client area includes any usable area on the MDI form minus any toolbars or statusbars that you may have added to the MDI form.

    Create an MDI Project

    In this section, you will walk through the steps of creating a simple MDI application usingVisual Studio .NET. To do this, you will create a new form that will be the MDI parent form.

    You will add some menus to this new form, and then you will load the product form from a

    menu as a child form.

    Create the MDI Parent Form

    To create the MDI parent form

    1. Open Visual Studio .NET

    2. Create a new Windows application project.

    3. Set the name of the project to MDI.sln.

    4. Rename the form that is created automatically to frmMain.vb.

    5. With the frmMain selected, set the form's IsMdiContainerproperty to True.

    6. Set the WindowStateproperty to Maximized.

    That's all there is to it: you've created an MDI parent form.

    Creating Menus

    Your main form will require menus so that you can perform actions such as opening child forms,

    copying and pasting data, and arranging windows. Visual Studio .NET includes a new menu

    designer that makes creating and modifying menus a snap.

    To add menus to your MDI parent form

    1. Double-click the MainMenu tool in the Toolbox window to add a new object named

    MainMenu1 to the form tray.

    Note Unlike the form designer in Visual Basic 6.0, the Visual Studio .NET form

    designer places controls that don't have a user interface at run time into a special area onthe form designer: the form "tray". They're out of the way, and don't get buried

    underneath other controls. This is a real improvement!

    2. At the top of the MDI parent form, click the box with Type Here in it and type &File.

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    Tip Just as in Visual Basic 6.0, inserting an ampersand (&) into a menu caption displays

    the caption with an underscore under the following letter. Pressing Alt+ acts

    as a hotkey, activating the menu item. One thing to note: if you're using Windows 2000or later, it's possible that the hotkeys won't show up underlined until you press the Altkey. This setting is buried in the Display applet within Control Panel. In the Display

    Properties dialog box, check the Effects page: the Hide keyboard navigationindicators until I use the Alt key option controls this behavior.

    3. Press Enter to move to the next menu item and type &Products.

    4. Press Enter to move to the next menu item and type a hyphen (-).

    Tip Rather than using the "-" to indicate a divider in the menu, you can insert the next

    menu item (Exit, in this case), and then right-click the new item. Select "Insert Separator"from the context menu, and Visual Studio .NET will insert a separator above the current

    item for you.

    5.Press Enter and type E&xit.

    You have now created the first drop-down menu on your main form. You should have somethingthat looks like Figure 2.

    Figure 2. The menu designer allows you to type your menu structure in a WYSIWYG


    To the right of the File menu and at the same level, you'll see another small box with the text,

    Type Here. Click it and type the following menu items by pressing Enter after each one.



    &Copy &Paste

    Once more to the right of the Edit menu and at the same level, add the following menu items inthe same manner.



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    Tile &Horizontal

    Tile &Vertical

    &Arrange Icons

    Creating Names for Each Menu

    After creating all the menu items, you'll need to set the Name property for each. (Because you'll

    refer to the name of each menu item from any code you write concerning that menu item, it's

    important to choose a name you can understand from within your code.) Instead of clicking eachmenu item one at a time and then moving over to the Properties window to set the Nameproperty, Visual Studio provides a shortcut: Right-click an item in the menu, then select EditNames from the context menu. Now you can simply click each menu item and set the name

    property directly on each menu. This is certainly quicker than using the Properties window toaccomplish the same task.

    Use the following names for your menu items:









    mnuWCasade mnuWHorizontal

    mnuWVertical mnuWArrange

    Test out your application: Press F5 and you should see your main MDI window appear with your

    menu system in place.

    Display a Child Form

    To add the code that displays the child form, frmProducts, make sure the main form is open in

    Design view, and on the File menu, double-clickProducts. Visual Studio .NET will create thestub of the menu item's Click event handler for you. Modify the procedure so that it looks like

    the following:

    Private Sub mnuFProducts_Click( _

    ByVal sender As System.Object, _ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuFProducts.Click

    Dim frm As New frmProducts()

    frm.MdiParent = Me

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    End Sub

    This code declares a variable, frm, which refers to a new instance of the frmProducts form in the

    sample project. Then, you set the MdiParent property of the new form, indicating that its parentshould be the current form (using the Me keyword). Finally, the code calls the Show method of

    the child form, making it appear on the screen.

    Some interesting things to note:

    Me is a built-in keyword in Visual Basic .NETjust as in Visual Basic 6.0, this keyword

    refers to the class whose code is currently running. In this case, that's the MDI parent

    form, whose menu item you just clicked.

    You don't have to set the MdiParent property of the new child form. If you don't, the

    form will simply load as a new normal form, outside the MDI parent. As a matter of fact,

    you can set the MDI parent to be a different MDI container if you like. If you don't call the Show method, the child form won't ever display.

    Differentiating Between Child Windows

    You'll note that each instance of the Products form looks identical. You'll most likely need some

    way to differentiate the windows. One alternative is to modify the caption of the window as you

    load each instance. In the sample, you can create a static variable to contain a counter, incrementthat variable each time you open a form, and then assign that value into the Text property of the


    To uniquely identify each child form

    1. Modify the mnuFProducts_Click procedure so that it looks like this:2. Private Sub mnuFProducts_Click( _

    3. ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    4. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

    5. Handles mnuFProducts.Click6. Dim frm As frmProducts

    7. Static intCount As Integer

    8.9. frm = New frmProducts()

    10.11. ' Increment the caption counter.12. intCount += 1


    14. ' Set the caption to be unique.15. frm.Text = frm.Text & " " & intCount.ToString()


    17. frm.MdiParent = Me

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    18. frm.Show()

    19. End Sub

    20. Run the project, create a few Products forms, and note that the caption of each formincludes a different number.

    Note What's that Statickeyword? Using Static, rather than Dim, to declare a variableinside a procedure creates a variable that maintains its value from one invocation of the

    procedure to the next. When you declare a variable using Dim, that variable getsreinitialized each time the procedure is called. When you use Static, the variable

    maintains its value. That's what you want, in this caseyou want intCount to maintain its

    value, so that it continues to increment each time you create a new instance offrmProducts.

    Child Menus in MDI Applications

    What if a child form has its own set of menus? How do those menus interact with the menus of

    the parent form? In previous versions of Visual Basic you really didn't have much control overthe behaviorthe menus of the currently active child simply replaced the menus of its parent. In

    Visual Studio .NET, however, you can control how the menus interact, using the MergeOrderand MergeType properties of the individual menu items.

    The MergeOrderpropertycontrols the relative position of the menu item when its menustructure gets merged with the parent form's menus. The default value for this property is 0,

    indicating that this menu item will be added at the end of the existing menu items. The

    MergeTypeproperty controls how the menu item behaves when it has the same merge order as

    another menu item being merged. Table 1 shows a list of the possible values you can assign tothe MergeType property.

    Table 1. The MergeType property allows you to specify what happens when menu items


    Value Description

    Add The MenuItem is added to the collection of existing MenuItem objects in a

    merged menu. (Default)

    MergeItems All submenu items of this MenuItem are merged with those of existingMenuItem objects at the same position in a merged menu.

    Remove The MenuItem is not included in a merged menu.

    Replace The MenuItem replaces an existing MenuItem at the same position in a

    merged menu.

    By default, a menu item's MergeOrder property is set to 0. The MergeType property is set to

    Add by default. This means that if you create a child form with a menu on it, the menu will be

    added at the end of the main menu. Consider Figure 3, which shows a child form called from the

    parent form's main menu. This form has a Maintenance menu on it (and the parent form doesnot). All of the items on the parent's main menu have theirMergeOrder properties set to 0 and

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    this menu's MergeOrder property is set to 0, so this menu will be added at the end of the main

    menu on the MDI parent form.

    Figure 3. A child form that has menus will by default be added to the end of the main menu

    To create the form in Figure 3

    1. On the Project menu, clickAdd Windows Form.2. Set the new form's name to frmChildWithMenus.vb.

    3. Add a MainMenu control to this form.

    4. Set the Name property for the MainMenu control to mnuMainMaint.

    5. Add the following menus as shown in Table 2.

    Table 2. Windows Form menus

    Menu Name

    &Maintenance mnuMaint

    &Suppliers mnuMSuppliers

    &Categories mnuMCategories

    If you were to call this form exactly like you did the Products form in the previous section you

    will see that your main form looks like Figure 4. You can see that by default, the menu is added

    to the end of this form.

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    Figure 4. Menus are added to the end of the main menu by default

    Call this form by adding a new menu item under the File menu:

    1. Open frmMain.vb in Design view.

    2. Click on the separator after the Products menu item and press the Insert key to add a

    new menu item.

    3. Type Child form with Menus as the text of this new menu item.4. Set the Name property of this new menu item to mnuFChild.

    5. Double click this new menu item and modify its Click event handler so that it looks like

    this:6. Private Sub mnuFChildMenus_Click( _

    7. ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    8. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _9. Handles mnuFChildMenus.Click

    10. Dim frm As New frmChildWithMenus()

    11. frm.MdiParent = Me

    12. frm.Show()13. End Sub

    Note If you wish to merge the Maintenance menu in between the Edit and

    Window menus, you could set the MergeOrder property on the Edit menu itemto 1, and the MergeOrder property on the Window menu to a 2. Then on the

    Maintenance menu item on frmChildWithMenus, set the MergeOrder propertyto 1 and leave the MergeType with its default value, Add. Taking these steps will

    add the Maintenance menu after the menu on the main form with the same

    MergeOrder number as it has (that is, after the Edit menu, but before the

    Window menu).

    Working with MDI Child Forms

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    If you have multiple child forms open, you may want to have them arrange themselves, much as

    you can do in Word or Excel, choosing options under the Window menu. Table 3 lists the

    available options when arranging child windows.

    Table 3. Choose one of these values when arranging child windows

    Menu Item Enumerated Value

    Tile Horizontal MdlLayout.TileHorizontal

    Tile Vertical MdiLayout.TileVertical

    Cascade MdiLayout.Cascade

    Arrange Icons MdiLayout.ArrangeIcons

    Add some menus to your main form for each of these options:

    1. Open frmMain.vb in Design view.

    2. On the Window menu, double-clickCascade.

    3. For the Cascade menu item, modify the Click event handler so that it looks like thefollowing:

    4. Private Sub mnuWCascade_Click( _

    5. ByVal sender As System.Object, _6. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

    7. Handles mnuWCascade.Click

    8. Me.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.Cascade)9. End Sub

    On the Window menu, double-click each menu item and add the appropriate code.

    Tip The LayoutMDI method replaces the Arrange method you may have usedin Visual Basic 6.0.

    What If There's No Active Child Form?

    If there's no active child form, attempting to work with the ActiveMdiChild property of theparent form will trigger a run-time error. To avoid this situation, you can check the value of the

    property in the Click event handler for the Window menu item, and enable or disable the Center

    Child Form menu item accordingly. To add this feature, follow these steps:

    1. With frmMain open in Design view, press F7 to edit the form's code module.

    2. Select mnuWindow from the Class Name combo box (the list on the top left of the editorwindow), and then select Select from the Method Name combo box (the list on the right).

    3. Modify the Select event handler, so that it looks like this:4. Private Sub mnuWindow_Popup( _

    5. ByVal sender As Object, _

    6. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _7. Handles mnuWindow.Popup

    8. mnuWCenterChild.Enabled = _

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    9. Not (Me.ActiveMdiChild Is Nothing)

    10. End Sub

    11. 4.Run the project, and verify that if you have child windows displayed, the Center ChildForm menu item is enabled. If there isn't a child form open, verify that the menu item is


    How does this work? Here are some things to consider:

    The Popup event occurs when you select a menu item that includes sub-items. (You can'tuse the Click event, since that event doesn't occur for menu items that contain sub-items.)

    The Is operator allows you to compare values to the built-in value Nothing. In this case,

    the ActiveMdiChild property returns this special value if it doesn't refer to a form, and

    you must use the Is operator to check for this. (The = operator checks values for equality:the Is operator checks references to objects for equality.)

    The syntax of the procedure may be confusing. The value in parentheses (Me,

    ActiveChild, Is, Nothing) returns a Boolean value: it's eitherTrue orFalse. The Not

    operator toggles the returned value to be the opposite Boolean value. The whole line ofcode assigns the return value from the expression in parentheses to the Enabled property

    of the menu item. In this case, if it's not true that the ActiveChild is Nothing, you'llenable the menu item. If it's True, you'll disable the menu item.

    Tracking Child Windows

    Visual Basic .NET will keep track of all child forms that you create, and it's easy to create a

    window list menu to manage the child windows. If you wish to see a list of all of the child forms

    and be able to give a specific child form focus, follow these steps:

    1. Load frmMain in Design view.2. Select frmMain's Window menu.

    3. In the Properties window, set the MdiList to True.4. Run the project, open a couple of Products forms, and then click the Window drop-down

    menu. You should see each instance of the Product form that you opened displayed in the

    window list.

    Creating Shortcut Menus

    In most modern Windows applications, you can click the right mouse button and see a context-sensitive, or shortcut (pop-up), menu. These menus give you the ability to perform actions based

    on the current contextthat is, changing depending on the current situation.

    Visual Studio provides the ContextMenu control, making it just as easy to create context menus

    as it was to create main menus. Once you've dropped one of these controls on your form (it willappear in the tray area, just like the MainMenu control did), you can edit the menu items to be

    displayed by this context menu.

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    Note The design of your context menu won't display on the form until you've clicked the

    ContextMenu control. This makes it possible for one form to contain both MainMenu and

    ContextMenu controls.

    Tip You can place as many ContextMenu controls as you need on your forms.

    To add a context menu to the Products form:

    1. Open frmProducts in Design view.

    2. In the Toolbox, find the ContextMenu control.3. Double-click this control to add it to the tray area of the form.

    4. Click the ContextMenu control to give it focus.

    5. Change the Nameproperty to cmnuProdID.6. Add the menu items (shown in Table 4) to this control, and set the Name properties as

    shown. When you add to a context menu, you start with the first menu item under the

    top-level menu. Figure 5 shows the finished context menu.

    Table 4. Context menu items

    Menu Name

    &Lookup mnuPLookUp

    &Copy mnuPCopy

    &Paste mnuPPaste

    Figure 5. When adding items to the ContextMenu control, create a top-level item

    that won't ever be displayed as the parent for your items

    7. Click the Product ID text box.

    8. In the Properties window, set the ContextMenuproperty to the ContextMenu control

    you just created, cmnuProdID.

    9. Run the project. On the File menu, clickProducts to create a child form, and righ-click

    on the Product ID text box to see the context menu appear.

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    If you were completing this form, you could now add code to respond to the Click events on

    each of these menus.

    Manipulating Menus at Run Time

    You may need to modify the behavior of menu items while your application is running. In thissection, you'll see how to check and uncheck, and add and remove menu items


    To set up for the following sections, you will need to add three new menu items under the File

    menu on your MDI form.

    1. Open frmMain.vb in Design view.

    2. Click the File menu to display its sub-items.

    3. Add three menu items, as described in Table 5.

    Table 5. File menu items

    Menu Name

    &Add Menus mnuFAddMenus

    &Remove Menus mnuFRemoveMenus

    &Add &New Menu mnuFAddNew

    Checking and Unchecking Menu Items

    Visually selecting a menu item programmatically is easy: simply set the menu item's Checkedproperty to True orFalse, as necessary. For example, you might want to indicate that you've

    added new menu items by adding a check to the Add Menus item, and remove it once you'veremoved the items. You'll add and remove the menu items in the next section, but for now, addand remove the check by following these steps:

    1. On the File menu, double-clickAdd Menus to view the Click event procedure.

    2. Modify the event procedure, so that it looks like this:

    3. Private Sub mnuFAddMenus_Click( _4. ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    5. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

    6. Handles mnuFAddMenus.Click7. If Not mnuFAddMenus.Checked Then

    8. mnuFAddMenus.Checked = True9. End If

    10. End Sub11.To repeat the previous two steps, on the File menu, double-clickRemove Menus and

    modify its Click event procedure so that it looks like this:

    12. Private Sub mnuFRemoveMenus_Click( _13. ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    14. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

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    15. Handles mnuFRemoveMenus.Click

    16. If mnuFAddMenus.Checked Then

    17. mnuFAddMenus.Checked = False18. End If

    19. End Sub

    20.Run the project, and on the File menu, double-clickAdd Menus. Verify that you see acheck next to the item. To repeat, on the File menu, clickRemove Menus to verify that

    the check has been removed.

    Adding and Removing Menus

    Windows Forms allows you to add and remove menus programmatically at run time. Using the

    Add and Remove (or RemoveAt) methods of the MenuItems collection, you can create newmenus at run time, and delete any menu items.

    Note In Visual Basic 6.0, you could only delete menu items that you created dynamically, at

    run time. That is, you couldn't delete static menu items. In Visual Studio .NET, you can deleteany menu item.

    Adding Menus Programmatically

    To add a menu item, call the Add method of a particular menu item. For example, you might

    want to add two new menu items on the File menu. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. On the on the File menu, double-clickAdd Menus to view its Click event handler.2. Modify the event procedure so that it looks like this:

    3. Private Sub mnuFAddMenus_Click( _

    4. ByVal sender As System.Object, _5. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _6. Handles mnuFAddMenus.Click

    7. If Not mnuFAddMenus.Checked Then

    8. mnuFAddMenus.Checked = True9. ' Adds these menus to the end of the File menu

    10. With mnuFile.MenuItems

    11. .Add("New Menu 1")12. .Add("New Menu 2")

    13. End With

    14. End If

    15. End Sub

    Each menu item contained within the MainMenu (orContextMenu) control is itself a

    MenuItem object, and just as with any other object, you refer to the menu items using the Name

    property you assigned to each. If a menu item contains other menu items (as each top-level menuitem does), you can use its MenuItemsproperty to refer to the collection of menu items it

    contains. In this case, you called the Add method of a MenuItem object (mnuFile) to add menu

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    items to the collection of items. (In this example, mnuFile was the name you assigned to the Filemenu item.)

    Removing Menus Programmatically

    To remove menu items programmatically, you can either call the MenuItem collection's RemoveorRemoveAt method. Remove requires you to provide a MenuItem object; if you instead want

    to remove items by their position within the menu, call the RemoveAt method.

    In this example, the simplest way to remove the menu items you created in the previous steps is

    to specify their position within the menu. You'll call the RemoveAt method to do the work.Because menu items are numbered starting at 0 (as are all collections and arrays in Visual

    Basic .NET), you need to take that into account when removing menu items.

    To handle removing the two menu items you've just added, modify the Click event procedure for

    the Remove Menus items on the File menu, so that the procedure looks like this:

    Private Sub mnuFRemoveMenus_Click( _

    ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

    Handles mnuFRemoveMenus.ClickIf mnuFAddMenus.Checked Then

    With mnuFile.MenuItems

    ' Remove the last two items.RemoveAt(.Count - 1)

    .RemoveAt(.Count - 1)

    End With

    mnuFAddMenus.Checked = FalseEnd If

    End Sub

    Run the project to verify that choosing the Add and Remove Menus menu items correctly addsand removes the two extra items.

    Using Menu Groups

    When you add a check to a menu item, you're indicating the state of that menu itemit's either

    selected, or it's not. Normal checked menus work individually, and are independent of other

    menu items.

    You may have a need to treat a group of menu items as a dependent set. In this case, selecting

    one item from the group forces all the other items in the group to be deselected. Although Visual

    Studio .NET doesn't provide a way to make this happen for you, it does supply the RadioCheckproperty of menu items that at least provides a visual indication. Rather than seeing a normal

    check, menu items with theirRadioCheckproperty set to True display a dot when they're

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    selected. It's still up to your code to deselect all the other items in your menu group, once the

    user selects a menu item.

    To demonstrate this behavior, modify properties and add code so that the four windowmanagement menu items (Cascade, Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, Arrange Icons) work as a

    group. To do that, follow these steps:

    1. With frmMain open in Design view, select the Window>Center Child Form menu item.

    2. Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, clickInsert Separator, which inserts a separatoritem above the selected item.

    3. Click on the Window>Cascade menu item, then at the same time, press Ctrl and click

    the other four window management items on the menu, selecting all four.

    4. In the Properties window, set the RadioCheckproperty for the four selected menu itemsto True.

    5. Add the following procedure to the frmMain class:

    6. Private Sub RadioCheck_Click( _

    7. ByVal sender As System.Object, _8. ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

    9. Handles mnuWArrange.Click, mnuWCascade.Click, _

    10. mnuWHorizontal.Click, mnuWVertical.Click

    11. mnuWArrange.Checked = False

    12. mnuWCascade.Checked = False

    13. mnuWHorizontal.Checked = False

    14. mnuWVertical.Checked = False

    15. CType(sender, MenuItem).Checked = True

    16. End Sub

    17.Run the project, create some Product forms, and use the Window menu items to arrange

    the children. As you use the Cascade, Tile Horizontal, and other menu items, youshould see a circle next to the most recently selected item. Figure 6 shows the results ofadding this new feature.

  • 8/6/2019 Create Mdi Application Using Vb


    Figure 6. Setting a menu item's RadioCheck property to True shows a dot, rather

    than a check, next to selected items

    How Did the Code Work?

    It may seem odd that you managed to add new functionality to four menu items without

    modifying their event procedures at all. This example took advantage of a new feature in VisualBasic .NETyou can hook up as many event handlers to a specific event as you need, using the

    Handles clause on a procedure. Here, you provided a new procedure (RadioCheck_Click) that

    handles Click events for each of the four menu items you want to have work together.

    Here are the important issues:

    The procedure you want to call must match the procedure signature of the standard Click

    event for menu items. That is, it must receive two parameters (one as System.Object, the

    other as System.EventArgs) and return nothing at all. (It must be a Sub, in other words.)

    You must add a Handles clause for each event you want to handle. In this case, you're

    handling the Click event of four different menu items. Within the procedure, you can use the first parameter (namedsender, in this example) to

    figure out which object triggered the event. This example first sets each of the four items

    to be unchecked, and then checks the item that triggered the event.

    It's also interesting to note how the RadioCheck_Clickprocedure set the RadioCheckproperty

    of the object it received as its first parameter. To convert the Object variable into a MenuItem

  • 8/6/2019 Create Mdi Application Using Vb


    type, the code calls the CType function, indicating the variable to convert, and the result type


    CType(sender, MenuItem).Checked = True

    You'll use CType a lot in Visual Basic .NET. This important function allows you to convertvariables from one type to another. Because Visual Basic .NET is so strictly typed (it's always

    careful about the specific data types you're working with, unlike Visual Basic 6.0), you'll often

    need to use this function to convert variables into a specific data type.

    Note It's important to note that when you use the Handles clause as you did here to add eventhandlers, you cannot control the order in which those events get handled. Visual Basic .NET

    does supply a different mechanism, the AddHandler statement, which gives you more control.

    Using the Handles clause is simpler, however, and if you don't care about the order in which theprocedures handle the event (in this case, you don't), it's an easier way to add extra functionality.


    In this document you have learned to build an MDI application using several techniques that you

    find in professional Windows applications. You also learned to create and manipulate menus.

    Whether or not you choose to use the MDI paradigm will depend on the complexity of yourapplication and how many forms will need to be displayed at one time.