crazy catapults

Team Chica Ryan Horbal Corey Willis Austin Sheridan Paul Meindl Crazy Catapults

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Page 1: Crazy Catapults

Team Chica

Ryan HorbalCorey Willis

Austin SheridanPaul Meindl

Crazy Catapults

Page 2: Crazy Catapults

Designers Intent● Fun for casual to hardcore gamers, ages 13 and up.● Perfect for 3-5 players.● Designed for mobile/tablet platforms.● Offers various levels of strategy for beginners or advanced players.● Can played in a relatively short amount of time.● Include resource management, without forcing players to “farm” materials.● Select various levels of risk for wagers, and reward high risk with high reward.● To have a game with meaningful decisions.

Page 3: Crazy Catapults

Betting/WageringThe player must make a wager of

between 1 and 3 resources before they draw from the Jewel pile. If their wager

successfully predicted the outcome of the draw, they are then rewarded with extra

resources to those they wagered.

Page 4: Crazy Catapults

Betting/Wagering Storyboard

In this example the player WAGERS 2 Stone tokens. When the player draws their jewels they pull out 1 Sapphire and 2 Diamonds. Because the Diamonds are traded for Stone Tokens, the player

wagered correctly and is rewarded an additional 2 Stone Tokens.

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ConsumePlayers must consume resources in order

to create Catapult pieces.

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Consume Storyboard

In this example, the player CONSUMES some of their resources in exchange for a piece of their catapult. The player taps on one of their remaining catapult pieces that still needs to be created which

brings up the information/build screen. If the player has enough resource tokens the “build” button will be highlighted. The player can then build their catapult. Once the piece has been built, the

resources used in making the piece are removed from the player’s inventory.

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CollectDuring each player’s turn, they must draw 3 resource jewels from the Jewel pile. Once they have drawn all three,

they collect the respective resources from the Farm, Quarry, and Logging Camp.

The game then returns the jewels to the Jewel pile.They can also offer up one

jewel per collect phase in an attempt to gain a token of a different type.

Page 8: Crazy Catapults

Collect Storyboard

In this example, the player taps on the Jewel pile to “draw” their jewels. They drew 1 Sapphire, 1 Obsidian, and 1 Ruby. The player chooses to trade their Sapphire (Log), and Obsidian (Steal) to their respective Nodes. The player chooses to wager their Ruby (Food) in a chance to gain a Stone token

instead. The player successfully collects one Stone. Those tokens are then added to the players inventory.

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StealIf a player uses a Steal token, they can

select a resource that another player has, and then steal it from them.

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Steal Storyboard

In this example, the player uses their Steal token to STEAL an opponent’s resources. The player taps on their Steal token which then allows the player to tap on a players name in the upper left hand

corner. This brings up that player’s(Player 3) information. The player then taps on the token they want to steal which then allows the player to tap the “Steal” button and steal the other players token.

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CreateIf the player has enough of the required resources to create an upgrade for their

catapult, they can use those resources to make that upgrade.

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Create Storyboard

In this example the player uses up some of their resources to CREATE one of the six catapult pieces required to complete the game. The player taps on the catapult piece they want to create. If they

have enough resources the “build” button will be highlighted. Once the player taps the button they will CREATE that piece and add it to their inventory. When the piece is created a green circle will

appear around it signifying it is completed.

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Related GamesRoulette

Players in both games must try to guess the outcome of a random event. Players can either bet one number, multiple numbers , odds, evens, colors or a combination.

In Roulette and Crazy Catapults players get rewarded if they wager correctly and the greater the wager the greater the reward.

In Crazy Catapults, guessing the outcome of the “draw” doesn’t win you the game like it does in Roulette. It does however, give the player additional tokens to use to build more pieces to their catapult.

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Related Games Cont.Civilization

Players of both games can win by assembling various components to form a larger construct.

In Civilization, this is only one avenue towards victory, where as it is the only win condition in Crazy Catapults.

Civilization is a long, drawn out game, that requires a large investment of time, while Crazy Catapults is meant to be played quickly.

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Related Games Cont. Wits & Wagers

In both games, players can place bets on the expected outcome of an event, and use their winnings to increase their advantage against their opponents.

In Wits & Wagers, the goal of the game is to score the most points, with everyone competing at once. In Crazy Catapults, players take turns and hoard their resources to be the first to build their catapult.

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Resource Pagen.a. (n.d.). Tavern [Electronic Image]. Retrieved on March 21, 2015, from

AntonioAlberti. (n.d.). Elf Saw Mill [Electronic Image]. Retrieved on March 20, 2015 from

Aquariagirl1970. (n.d.) Royalty Free Stock Image: Pile of gems. [Electronic Image]. Retrieved on March 25, 2015 from

Crapuchettes, D. (2005). Wits & Wagers. Retrieved March 25, 2015, from

Edwards, B. (2007, July 18). The History of Civilization. Retrieved March 26, 2015, from

Francis, Rob. (2004). Ride Furrow [Electronic Image]. Retrieved on March 21, 2015, from

Ocal. (2011). Pointer Finger Clip Art. [Electronic Image]. Retrieved on March 25, 2015 from

Pillsbury, J. (2001). Nuthin’ But Net. [Electronic image]. Retrieved on March 8, 2015, from

Page 17: Crazy Catapults

Resource Page cont.Stabile, B. (n.d.). Lesson 1: What are Mechanics? [Online Article] Retrieved from

Stabile, B. ((n.d.). Lesson 2: Breaking Down Concepts [Online Article] Retrieved from

Stabile, B. (n.d.). Lesson 3: Affordances and Natural Mapping [Online Article] Retrieved from

Stabile, B. (n.d.). Lesson 4: Designer’s Intent [Online Article] Retrieved from

Stabile, B. (n.d.). Lesson 5: Bottom-Up, Top-Down Methods [Online Article] Retrieved from

Stabile, B. (n.d.). Lesson 6: Adaptation [Online Article] Retrieved from

The History Blog. (2010, August 1). human-powered-wheel [Electronic Image]. Retrieved on March 21, 2015, from

[Untitled illustration of a catapult being operated]. (n.d.). Retrieved on March 25, 2015 from

[Untitled image of an iPad]. Retrieved on March 25, 2015 from