crash course world history

Crash Course World History Learning history online

Upload: amelia-payne

Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Crash Course World HistoryLearning history online

Crash course

• A series of educational videos on YouTube Taught by John Green

• Consults with AP history teacher Raoul Meyer on script

• Partnered with Kahn Academy and PBS Digital Studios

• Watched: World History I-II

Note takingI gained note taking skills. My notebooks will be handed out

What I did

• Watched 69 10 – 15 minute videos on world history

• Took extensive notes

• Made a infographic about each video

InfographicsWill be handed out


• Made infographics using Pictochart

• Used a variety of themes

• Fitting info you have into restrictive format difficult

• Learned to complete work quickly

• Spelling and editing suffered

• Use fonts colors and design to grab readers

• Avoid too much text

• Include data visualization

• Use great images and graphics

• Cites sources

A infographic should:


Includes data visualization

Uses graphics

Uses images

Cites sources

Uses some text but not too much

Uses colors and fonts

Tell Us One interesting thing you learned from your Infographic

Thanks to Jim, Shirley, Stan and Matt who helped me edit my Infographics

What I learned

• History

• Note taking skills

• Infographics making

• Graphic design skills

• To work quickly and efficiently

• To avoid YouTube comment fights

• Using pictochart

• Work ethic