cpl air law atc chapter 4. aim to review operational requirements for commercial flights/ops

CPL Air Law ATC Chapter 4

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Page 1: CPL Air Law ATC Chapter 4. Aim To review operational requirements for commercial flights/ops

CPL Air LawATC Chapter 4

Page 2: CPL Air Law ATC Chapter 4. Aim To review operational requirements for commercial flights/ops


To review operational requirements for commercial flights/ops

Page 3: CPL Air Law ATC Chapter 4. Aim To review operational requirements for commercial flights/ops

Objectives1.Specify minimum radio/navaid requirements 2.List minimum survival equipment required3.Discuss refuelling operations 4.Passenger requirements & limitations 5.Discuss requirements for carriage of cargo6.Loading & PIC responsibility

Page 4: CPL Air Law ATC Chapter 4. Aim To review operational requirements for commercial flights/ops

1. Minimum radios & nav aids

CAO 20.18 appendix 1 Minimum VFR instrumentation is as follows: • Airspeed indicator • Altimeter • Compass • Time keeping piece

If AWK/CHR , additional instruments are required: • Slip/skid indicator • Outside Air Temperature (OAT) gauge

Instruments required must be serviceable and, a VFR Altimeter must read +-100ft of the aerodrome elevation (ENR 1.7)

Minimum instruments?

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1. Minimum radios & nav aids

AIP GEN 1.5 para 1

Minimum radios required


RPT A,C,D,E,G VHF + HF, or 2x VHF

CHTR A,C,D,E,G VHF or HF HF required if outside of VHF


IFR A,C,D,E,G VHF or HFHF required if outside of VHF




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1. Minimum radios & nav aids

AIP GEN 1.5 para 1

Minimum radios required (cont.)


VFR G 5000ft & above VHF Gliders N/A

VFR G at CTAFS requiring radio VHF

VFRG below 3000ft AMSL or below

1000 AGLVHF In reduced VMC

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1. Minimum radios & nav aids

AIP GEN 1.5 para 1.4

At least one radio must be able to maintain continuous communication with ATC services at all stages of flight (ie- from start up to shutdown).

Where continuous VHF can be maintained but not guaranteed the pilot may use a SATCOM rather than HF – provided CASA approved

CAR 243A pilot during flight must maintain a listening watch from start up to shutdown

Minimum radios required (cont.)

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1. Minimum radios & nav aids

How can a pilot determine/guarantee radio coverage?

The PCA planning chart depicts VHF coverage/range airborne.

Minimum radios required (cont.)

VHF at 10’000ft (dark shade)

VHF at 5000ft (lighter shade)

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1. Minimum radios & nav aids

AIP GEN 1.5 para 2

Minimum nav-aids required




RPT2 and ADF or VOR or TSO145/146

GPSAny combination with at least 1 being an ADF

or VOR1 DME or GPS

CHTR/AWK >5700kg

2 and ADF or VOR or TSO145/146 GPS

Any combination with at least 1 being an ADF

or VOR1 DME or GPS

CHTR/AWK <5700kg & PVT CTA

2 or ADF or VOR or DME or GPS Applicable to ops in CTA, combination incl at least 1 VOR or ADF1 TSO145/146 GPS

CHTR/AWK <5700kg & PVT

OCTA1 x ADF or VOR or TSO145/146 GPS Applicable to ops in


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2. Survival equipment

CAR 258 A pilot must not fly over water at a distance from which the aircraft could reach should the critical engine fail.


• If CHTR, not greater than 25nm • If Cargo CHTR, PVT, AWK, then they are exempt • Each occupant wears a life jacket (in accordance with CAO 20.11)• A forecast is obtained • A SARTIME is submitted

• Aircraft may opt to designate reporting schedules/points for the overwater segment of flight AND

• If not equipped with radios, than carries an ELT

Water Ops

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2. Survival equipment

Water Ops – Life jackets CAO 20.11 para 5

Aircraft will be supplied with 1 life jacket for each occupant if:

• Outside of gliding distance for a single engine • Greater than 50 nm for a multi engine

CHTR/RPT will supply a life jacket or floatation device (raft) if the takeoff/landing is over water and a ditching would be likely if in a mishap

Above 2000ft life jackets need not be worn • Below 2000ft and beyond gliding distance life

jackets MUST be worn

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2. Survival equipment

Water Ops – Rafts CAO 20.11 para 5

An aircraft flown over water outside permitted distance must carry life rafts

4 engine, 3 engine turbine, 2 engine turbine aircraft is beyond >120minutes or 400nm (which ever is less) from land must have rafts

• Other aircraft is greater than 30minutes or 100nm (which ever is less)

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2. Survival equipment

Designated Remote Areas (DRA) Vast areas of Australia are remote from significant population

If VHF coverage is limited HF is required

No HF? Then an ELT (Emergency Location Transmitter) must be carried

CAR 252 – all aircraft in Australia departing greater than 50nm MUST carry an ELT

A flight in DRA with a HF radio is permitted to fly without ELT so long as journey is no greater than 50nm

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2. Survival equipment

Designated Remote Areas (DRA)

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2. Survival equipment

Signalling equipmentCAO 20.11 para 6

6.1 – Aircraft required to carry life rafts shall carry an ELT for each life raft.

6.2 – An single engine aircraft must be fitted or carry with an ELT if:• Flying over water • Does not have a life raft on board • Not equipped with radio comm equipment • Not capable of continuous 2 way communication

6.3 – If the ELT is portable then is must be• Carried by a crew member, or• In a life raft, or • Adjacent to an emergency exit

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3. Fuel operations

Refuelling operationsCAO 20.9 – no refuelling equipment within:

5m sealed building

6m aircraft

15m exposed public area

9m unsealed building <5.7tonne, otherwise 15m

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3. Fuel operations

Refuelling operations (cont.)CAO 20.9 para

Sealed building: A building with a part lying within 15m of refuelling equipment and is non-flammable with no openings or all openings closed (eg: closed windows/doors).

Para – Limited fuelling ops may be conducted in certain hangers provided: • Re/de-fuelling of widecut turbine fuel is not permitted • Overwing fuelling not permitted • The hanger occupied by no more than 2 people • The operator has CASA approval

Para 4.1.2 – Where fuelling equipment is not mobile, the aircraft shall be placed so it can be moved in the event of a fire hazard

• How do we ensure this with our Cessna’s?

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3. Fuel operations

Refuelling operations with paxCAO 20.9 para 4.2

• Aircraft with less than 20 pax must not refuel with pax on board, or whilst in the process of leaving the aircraft.

• An operator with an aircraft less than 20 pax may allow pax to remain on board IF:

• Fuel is not avgas or,• Fuel is turbine fuel containing anti-static additive AND,• The passengers’ medical condition is such that he/she cannot be


• Should these be satisfied but vapour, leak, or any other breach of safety occurs fuelling must stop immediately!

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3. Fuel operations

Aircraft safetyCAO 20.9 para 4.3

4.3.1 – All engines, and auxiliary power supplies shall be turned off with ignition in ‘OFF’ position, unless CASA has approved otherwise.

4.3.2 – Where external power is used, it shall be secured to and not removed from the aircraft until refuelling has ceased.

4.3.3 – no maintenance shall be carried out on aircraft radar or electrical equipment, nor shall they be operated during refuelling procedures.

- This however does not apply to kerosene based fuels.

4.3.4 – The aircraft shall be connected to fuelling equipment to provide equal potential across all equipment involved

4.3.5 – footwear worn by refueller’s and pilots shall not be of sparking type, with matches or cigarette lighters kept not to present a fire hazard

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3. Fuel operations

Aircraft safetyCAO 20.9 para 4.4

4.4.1 – no smoking is permitted within 15m and a placard shall show this

4.4.4 – at least 2 fire extinguishers shall be within 6m -15m and carried on the refuelling equipment

4.4.6 – permitted fire extinguishers are:• 2x 60B dry• 1x 80B dry + 1x 20B foam

4.5.1 – in the event of a fire hazard is spilled within 15m refuelling shall cease.

• All passengers and occupants shall remain beyond 15m and• Any equipment within 15m shall be shutdown

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3. Fuel operations

Starting of AircraftCAO 20.9 para 5

5.1.4 – an aircraft will not be started within:

5m sealed building

8m aircraft

15m exposed public area

8m unsealed building <5.7tonne, otherwise 15m

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3. Fuel operations

Precautions after refuelling CAO 20.2 para 5

5.1 a(i) – aircraft fuel shall be checked for contaminants/drained at the start of each day, after each refuel, or any other time specified by CASA or flight manual

5.2 – should water be found the pilot/operator shall ensure all traces be drained & removed from the fuel system prior to commencing flight

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4. Carriage of passengersAuthority of the pilot

CAR 224

1 – The operator shall designate one pilot to act as pilot in command 2 – The PIC is responsible for start, stop, cruise, and safe operation of aircraft and well being of crew members3 – The PIC shall have final authority as to the disposition of the aircraft and to maintain discipline by all persons on board

CAR 309

1 – The PIC may with assistance remove of restrain under custody any passengers/crew on board 2 – A person found in breach of civil aviation regulations may be arrested by the by PIC without warrant in the same manner as a person found committing a felony in common law.

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4. Carriage of passengersAuthority of the pilot

CAR 226

A person may only occupy a seat with dual controls if: - The person holds an appropriate license (SPL, PPL, CPL, ATPL)

CAR 228

A person shall not manipulate controls unless: - A qualified pilot - A student undertaking flight instruction

However, a passenger MAY occupy a seat in accordance with CAO 20.16.3- Where the passenger has been briefed appropriately to not manipulate

the controls at any time.

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4. Carriage of passengersRestrictions for carriage of pax

CAR 249

1. A pilot must not conduct the following with passengers on boarda) Flight training with a pax who does not hold a GFPT or equivalent b) Emergency procedures c) Low level flying d) Test of aircraft components

3. The above regulation does not apply who the carriage of maintenance personnel

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4. Carriage of passengersPassenger briefings

CAO 20.11 para 14 – Passenger are to be briefed on the following: • Smoking • Adjustment of seatbelts • Location of emergency exits• Use of oxygen masks • Use of floatation devices • Stowage of luggage • Use of on board survival equipment

14.1.2 – The operator shall ensure handicapped are given separate briefing appropriate to their needs in the event of an emergency

14.1.3 – The operator of an CHTR/RPT aircraft with more than 6 seats (incl crew) shall supplement oral briefing with printed cards detailinga) Emergency exits & operation b) Use of emergency equipment c) Brace position

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4. Carriage of passengersPassenger briefings (cont.)

CAO 20.11 para 14.2

14.2.1 – In addition to the previous, if required to carry life jackets/rafts passengers shall be briefed on their operation , and if RPT/CHTR a demonstration shall be provided

14.2.2 – If CHTR/RPT the above operation of jackets/rafts shall be detailed in the ops manual/aircraft manual

14.2.3 – Where an aircraft departs directly overwater after take-off the briefing above shall be done before take-off. Eg: Merimbula

14.2.4 – Should the aircraft not depart directly over water the briefing may be completed at a later time but before reaching the water segment

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4. Carriage of passengersPassenger seating

CAO 20.16.1 para 7 A CHTR/RPT operator shall provide a passenger list and leave it at departure aerodrome. The list shall contain rego, names of pax, date, time of departure, and places of embarkation & destination

CAR 251 1. Seatbelts shall be worn by all crew members/pax during

• Takeoff &landings • During an instrument approach • Flying below 1000ft AGL• Turbulent conditions or as directed by PIC

2. The above does not apply for authorized CASA examiners 4. A seatbelt will be worn by at least 1 crew member

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4. Carriage of passengersCarriage of infants & children

CAO 20.16.3 para 13

1. Where the combined weight of 2 children does not exceed 77kg both may be seated side by side, with a lap strap

2. An infant may:1. an infant may be carried in the arms/lap of an adult passenger, in a

bassinet, providing the infant is restrained to prevent movement under maximum accelerations

2. An infant carried by an adult shall have the seatbelt fastened around the adult, but not the infant.

3. Infants carried shall have their named bracketed on the manifest with the adult passenger

4. Infants may not be carried in emergency seating

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4. Carriage of passengersCarriage of sick, injured, disabled

CAO 20.16.3 para 14

1. The operator must identify any passengers with disabilities 2. Sick, injured, disabled shall not be seated at emergency exits 3. Passengers requiring assistance shall not pose a hazard to passengers,

and measures shall be put in place to provide assistance in the event of emergency

4. Passengers in stretchers shall have the stretcher restrained and be secured to the stretcher

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4. Carriage of passengersCarriage of parachutists

CAO 20.16.3 para 15

1. Parachutists who cannot be seated shall be provided with a position where they can be safely seated

2. Prior to jumping & during phases of flight a parachutist shall: • Occupy a seat or seating position • Wear a seat belt, or• A safety harness, or• A parachute connected to an approved single point restraint

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5. Carriage of cargo

Stowage of loose articles CAO 20.16.3 para 9

1. Loose articles of pax & crew shall be stowed to avoid injury during turbulence/accelerations of aircraft

2. Passageways & exits shall be clear of cargo if passenger are on board and below 1000ft AGL, except when embarking/disembarking on ground.

3. When seat belts are required to be warn cargo shall be stowed 4. Approved stowage includes:

• Under a seat • Overhead locker • Any other locker/compartment/rack (other than overhead

racks)designed to contain solid articles.

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5. Carriage of cargo

Restraint & stowage of cargoCAO 20.16.3 para 31. Cargo stowed on/above the floor with pax shall be restrained to prevent

movement. 2. If stored in other areas/compartments articles must be restrained to

prevent movement in the event of excessive accelerations 4. Cargo restraints shall be flame proof

CAO 20.16.3 para 45. Cargo shall not be stowed in a place where damage to controls, wiring,

structure, equipment can be damaged 6. Cargo may obstruct an emergency exit if there are sufficient alternative

exits 7. Cargo will not obstruct an aisle

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5. Carriage of cargo

Special cases of stowage CAO 20.16.3 para 51. Cargo may be carried on an unoccupied pax seat if less than 77kg.

• The weight of 77kg may be increase with CASA approval 2. Cargo carried on a pax seat shall be restrained in accordance with para 3.

CAO 20.1.3 para 63. Cargo in pilot compartments is only permitted in aircraft <5700kg MTOW4. Cargo on control seats shall not exceed 77kg unless CASA approved 5. Cargo on a control seat shall not obstruct movement of controls

• If so, the controls may be removed

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5. Carriage of cargo

Dangerous Goods CAO 20.16.1 para 6 Where dangerous goods are carried the PIC shall be informed of the nature and stowage location of such cargo, and any precautions/instructors to be followed in handling the cargo should it leak/fire.

CAA 23An aircraft must not carry & a person must not consign carriage of dangerous good, unless in accordance with regulations or written permission of CASA

• Explosives • Gases• Flammable materials • Oxidising materials • Poisonous substances • Radioactive material • Corrosives • Carbon dioxide

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5. Carriage of cargo

Animals CAR 256A

1. Animals may only be carried if in a container or with permission of CASA2. The above does not apply for the blind/hearing impaired and,

• May be carried in the pax compartment, and • Be placed on a moisture absorbent mat near to the person, and • Be restrained to prevent the dog from moving

3. More than one animal must not be in the same compartment is there is a safety risk

4. Containers must be able to contain the animal (no escaping), its excrements, and any damage that may occur

5. An animal container shall not be carried in the pax cabin 6. If movement of the animal in the container will affect the loading the

animal shall be restrained 9. The word ‘animal’ refers to a member of the animal kingdom another

than man

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6. Loading & ResponsibilityLoading

CAO 20.16.1 para 3

Where an aircraft has an approved loading system the operator & pilot shall use that system

CAO 20.16.1 para 5 1. The following applies to RPT operations 2. The operator and pilot shall ensure a loading sheet is completed prior to

takeoff & for each stage of the flight 3. Where a flight contains a number of stages the supplementary load

sheet may be used so long as it accounts for all changes in that 1 day 4. Where a standard load is carried on numerous stages in that 1 day, a

supplementary load sheet may be used (eg: cargo ops)

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6. Loading & ResponsibilityLoading

CAO 20.16.1 para 5.3

A load sheet shall include: a) Name of PICb) Datec) Aircraft regod) Departure/destination e) Empty weight f) Weights of occupants g) Weights of cargo h) Removable equipment i) Fuel, oil, and consumablesj) Evidence that the CoG is within limits • the pilot & operator shall ensure the load sheet is carried in the aircraft

and if RPT a copy remains at the departure aerodrome • If RPT the operator shall retain a copy for 3 months

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6. Loading & ResponsibilityPIC responsibility

CAR 235

4. The PIC must not depart of gross weight exceed MTOW 5. The PIC must not depart if the flight fuel will not allow the aircraft gross

weight to be below the MLW 6. The PIC must not land unless the gross weight is less than MLW 9. The PIC shall ensure the aircraft CoG is within safe operating limits

determined by the cert of airworthiness or flight manual

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