cover letter 1-27-17


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Cover Letter 1-27-17

To whom it may concern,

For as long as I can remember I have been telling people that "I am going to change the world." It is an

ongoing saga that has been playing out before my eyes. I focus on maintaining an objective perspective

by constantly contemplating the key forces, mechanisms, involved in every interactions, whether it is on

the molecular scale, planetary scale, from person to person, cell to cell, etc. Regardless if it is a group

project in academia, a routine in the workplace, or a hindrance in my family, I always find a way to

inquire more about, and eventually improve, some aspect of the system. I focus on efficiency when

dealing with time, and effectiveness when dealing with people. From the time that I was a young child, I

have always dreamt of the highest aspirations. I am going bring world peace, build clean transportation,

and cure cancer, these are topics that I have been pondering since before I was five. I have always

sought to push the bar just one notch higher; 99% is never "good enough" for me. I always choose to

take on the steepest, and most difficult slopes, and by conquering my ultimate challenges, I manage to

improve upon my former self to such an extent as would be impossible on any other path. Private

victory before public victory. I want to bring such a deep understanding of the universe, to all individuals,

that we are able to live together as one, and together find solutions to the world's greatest problems.

Throughout my life I have faced some major setbacks. I have lost many close family members, including

my mom at age 13 and my youngest sister in 2012, to a variety of different cancers. There is a rare

genetic disorder in my family that drastically increases its prevalence throughout all ages. In reflection, I

have noticed that it is after these tragic events that I manage to emerge stronger and more refined than

ever before. Alexis Carrel, French surgeon and biologist, once said, "Man cannot remake himself without

suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." We are all born a blank stone tablet and

throughout the course of our lives, we attempt to develop our character as we see fit. Sometimes we

cut a little too far, sometimes not far enough. The point is that change is hard, and although extremely

painful, it can create never before seen opportunities. Like a good sculptor, if a mistake is made, he does

not throw away his life's work; Instead, he works with the flaws and develops them into something even

more unique and beautiful than ever before.

I seek the highest level of understanding, in as many fields as possible, so that I am confident in my

ability to lead and make tough decisions. I don't relish in the thoughts of fortune and fame, I want to

make the greatest positive impact on the world possible. I believe that my inner character, as a

consequence of the unfortunate events of my past, in addition to the deep passion and desires instilled

in me by my mom at a young age, is rare in today's society. Einstein once said, "The intuitive mind is a

sacred gift and the rational mind is faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant

and has forgotten the gift." I am in the process of unearthing this sacred gift of which he speaks. It has

guided me through various hardships and difficult times in my life. I know that as I continue to tune into

this intuition, and convolve it with my mathematical reasoning, that I am going to change the world.

Nothing has and nothing will stop me because I will never give up on doing what is just. I am no longer

afraid, but instead ready to embrace my Personal Legend and fulfill my lifelong purpose.


Gerard Trimberger