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2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090 2016 Puget Sound ASSE Professional Development Conference May 13, 2016 Central Washington University, Student Union Building Ellensburg, WA 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Welcome / Introductions / Opening Keynote Speaker Always Ready: Mental and Emotional Preparedness Michelle Hansen In her presentation “Always Ready: Mental and Emotional Preparedness,” Michelle will share some of her own experiences and show how your internal preparation may be the key to saving the lives of those around you. Michelle A. Hansen learned emergency preparedness from first- hand experience. She was the daughter of a county undersheriff who taught her to shoot a pistol and drive when she was eleven years old. As an adult, Michelle found a passion for educating adults and teens. She is currently employed at the Volpentest HAMMER Federal Training Center in Emergency Services Training and Programs. A confident and dynamic speaker, Michelle has presented at various groups and conferences around the western United States. In 2001, Michelle and her class of high school students were held hostage by a teen gunman. This experience transformed her from an average teacher into a passionate advocate for her students, a committed mentor, author and life coach. Michelle is the author of two books. Last year she and her husband Nathan gave up the gravel roads and horrendous winds of Mattawa, WA, to move to the Tri-Cities. They currently reside in Richland with their four bright and opinionated children.

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2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

2016 Puget Sound ASSE Professional Development Conference

May 13, 2016 Central Washington University, Student Union Building

Ellensburg, WA

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Welcome / Introductions / Opening Keynote Speaker Always Ready: Mental and Emotional Preparedness Michelle Hansen In her presentation “Always Ready: Mental and Emotional Preparedness,” Michelle will share some of her own experiences and show how your internal preparation may be the key to saving the lives of those around you. Michelle A. Hansen learned emergency preparedness from first-hand experience. She was the daughter of a county undersheriff who taught her to shoot a pistol and drive when she was eleven years old. As an adult, Michelle found a passion for educating adults and teens. She is currently employed at the Volpentest HAMMER Federal Training Center in Emergency Services Training and Programs. A confident and dynamic speaker, Michelle has presented at various groups and conferences around the western United States.

In 2001, Michelle and her class of high school students were held hostage by a teen gunman. This experience transformed her from an average teacher into a passionate advocate for her students, a committed mentor, author and life coach. Michelle is the author of two books. Last year she and her husband Nathan gave up the gravel roads and horrendous winds of Mattawa, WA, to move to

the Tri-Cities. They currently reside in Richland with their four bright and opinionated children.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

11:45 AM - 1:15 PM Lunch & Keynote Speaker Race to Alaska by the Northwest Maritime Center Daniel Evans It takes more than ten grand and a tree to nail it to, to pull off the Race to Alaska, and Daniel Evans is one of around three people on the planet who has the personal and professional experience to wrangle the exponential chaos potential of more than one hundred free thinking racers hurling themselves and their engineless watercraft against the wilds of the inside passage. He's in charge of all of the details, makes the hard calls on safety and keeps the R2AK on the rails until everyone either finishes or drops out. They call him the Race Boss because Supreme Leader was already taken.

Before becoming the Race Boss for the R2AK, Daniel's tailor made resume started in his Alaskan upbringing, decades of teaching and training for Outward Bound and others, mountain climber, professional mariner, schooner captain, and even runs a volunteer tugboat crew for Port Townsend's annual Wooden Boat Festival. As a cherry on top of his risky resume, he is also the father of a 3-year-old. Evergreen State College grad.

Race Boss at NW Maritime Center and Center for Wooden Boats Foundation Daniel Evans is In charge of the first ever Race to Alaska, A 750 mile engineless, unsupported race from Washington to Alaska through the inside passage. Think smallish highly engineered vessels crewed by seasoned adventurers traveling through international waters. Think, coordination, communication, risk management development and a lot of joy. Attendees will:

See an effective example of utilizing existing events to better train crews and hone response strategies for a fraction of the cost multi-agency training scenarios.

Have a better understanding of FEMA’s ICS (Incident command system) and use with non-governmental organizations

See a rare example of multi-agency collaboration effectively employed over a risk management nightmare.

Learn how we broke down the risk management nightmare into digestible and manageable concepts.

See some cool behind the scene footage of this first ever race. Learn to laugh in the face of danger … likely because it’s my danger not theirs.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #1A - 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Ride the Ducks of Seattle - Safety Investigation Wayne Gilber & Dave Pratt After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Understand Pros and Cons of involving multiple jurisdictions in an investigation,

Respond to media and public records requests Understand the importance of handling political and public perceptions during

an investigation. Understand the safety investigation process and how it relates to the incident

being investigated

Wayne Gilbert, Motor Carrier Safety Special Investigator with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission since March 2015 has more than 24 years of Transportation safety related experience. Wayne is certified by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety

Administration in General Hazardous Materials, Investigative Safety Analysis, and New Entrant Safety Audits. He is also certified in the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance North American Standard courses of Part A, B, and Passenger Vehicle Inspection. He has a Transportation background that includes 23 years in the United States Air Force where he served in various roles as a vehicle operator and a vehicle control investigator for as many as 1,000 plus size vehicle fleets. He conducted safety analysis that ensured the fleet was maintained Wayne holds an Associate of Applied Science in Transportation along with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership.

Dave Pratt – Utilities and Transportation Commission Assistant Director, Transportation Safety Dave has been a safety professional for over 28 years with the State of WA. He spent 18 years with Labor and Industries focusing on worker safety and has been with the UTC almost 11 years working on transportation

safety issues. Dave currently manages the motor carrier and rail safety programs at the UTC and also manages the agency’s licensing program. Dave has a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from The Evergreen State College.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #1B - 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Green Chemistry meets Occupational Health and Safety Dave Kalman After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Understand the scope, goal and principal behind Green Chemistry Discuss the elements of a formalized chemical alternative assessment

process Identify the roles involved, Understand the incentives and obstacles faced by businesses when

implementing Green Chemistry activities.

David A. Kalman, Ph.D. Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences University of Washington David Kalman is a professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences program. He is a chemist by training, earning his doctorate from the University of Washington in 1978. He joined the faculty in that year and has held numerous positions including department chair, director of the

Environmental Health Laboratory and director of one graduate degree program and director of undergraduate degree education. He is the author of over 90 peer-reviewed research publications. His research and teaching focuses on chemical issues, such as hazardous properties of materials, environmental fate and transport, environmental quality assessment, hazard management, and occupational and community exposure assessment, especially using biomarkers of exposure. He has participated in several national peer reviews of biomarker related issues, most recently regarding dioxins and Vietnam War veterans. Active research areas include assessment of exposures and effects of arsenic in drinking water, diet, and soil. Dr. Kalman serves on the Washington Department of Ecology Green Chemistry Center Advisory Committee and the Washington Department of Ecology Alternatives Assessment Advisory Group, as well as on one advisory committee for the Washington Department of Labor and Industries.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #1C - 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Hearing Conservation Denise Pitts After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Discuss best practices for an effective Hearing Conservation Program Understand correct compliance measures for a Hearing Conservation plan Techniques to protect workers when involved with high noise activities

Denise A. Pitts CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC) Denise A. Pitts, MS, CSP, CIH, works for CHPRC as a project Industrial Hygienist/Occupational Safety Professional. She has served as President Elect, President and Secretary for the Lower Columbia Basin Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers and is currently the President of LCB-ASSE and Past President of the Pacific Northwest Section of the American

Industrial Hygiene Association (PNS-AIHA). She earned her CIH in 2007, her Master of Science in Online Industrial Hygiene from Montana Tech of the University of Montana in 2008, and her CSP in 2009. She is currently providing IH and safety support to the Canister Storage Building (CSB) project and the Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility (WESF) on the Hanford Site.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #1D - 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Gaining Leadership Through Influence, Respect and Knowledge James Boretti After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Determine the appropriate knowledge needed that is important to the operational group, including possible metrics

Gain the respect of the operational level through engagement Use techniques and communication to influence direction to deliver on safety

results Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. As SH&E professionals, we rely on our technical knowledge and skill to resolve safety challenges. It is just as important that we set direction, build an inspiring vision, and map out where you and the operational team needs to go for successful safety results. To be successful requires leadership. In this session, you will learn leadership skills that will help you gain respect, obtain the appropriate knowledge, and how to influence the operational team.

James Boretti, CSP, President, Boretti, Inc. With over 30 years of experience, James has an extensive background in the field of Safety & Health. James is currently President of Boretti, Inc., a SH&E professional firm that designs, develops and implements safety, health and environmental solutions. He has successfully consulted with a wide range of clients and industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, television, construction and agricultural environments.

James is a frequent speaker for organizations such as the American Society of Safety Engineers. He is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), a Professional Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), Past-President of the Central Valley & Orange County Chapters, Region 1 ARVP of Finance, a member of the ASSE Finance and Business of Safety Committees.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #2A - 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Creating Effective Safety Training Materials Jeff Dalto After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Discuss and understand ANSI Z490.1 (ANSI & ASSE’s National Standard for EHS Training), Introduction and Overview

Create a Training Needs Analysis for EHS Training Write Learning Objectives for EHS Training Match Type of Training to Training Need for EHS Training Use Adult Learning Principles for EHS Training Create Assessments for EHS Training

Jeff Dalto Senior Learning & Development Specialist Convergence Training Jeff Dalto is the Senior Learning & Development Specialist at Convergence Training, a training provider with a strong EHS offering that’s located in Vancouver, WA. Jeff has more than twenty years of experience in learning & development, including working as an instructional designer, content writer, and e-learning

designer, and has worked in safety/EHS training for more than ten years.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #2B - 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Decoding Safety Sign Requirements Richard Zimmerman After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Identify when and where signage is required Discuss what makes an ANSI Z535.2 compliant sign Understand latest sign interpretations and how to find additional information

"SafetyRick" Zimmerman helps those stuck on ways to reduce their workplace hazards by identifying options based on codes, standards, and best practices. Dr. Rick Zimmerman’s safety career has spanned nearly 40 years. His first job was as a Safety Coordinator for a Beef Slaughter/Packing plant where a good week was only one ambulance run to the hospital. The majority of his career has been at the Hanford Site, the location where 2/3’s of the nations’ nuclear weapons material was produced. His current task is supporting the safe storage and preparation to

transfer liquefied radioactive chemical waste to a treatment plant that is under construction. Dr. Zimmerman has been an Adjunct Professor for Central Washington University’s Safety & Health Management bachelor’s degree program and for Tulane University’s Industrial Hygiene Master’s degree program. He has been deeply involved in the OSHA and Department of Energy’s Voluntary Protection Program. His efforts earned him the OSHA Region X Special Government Employee of The Year and a finalist for the OSHA National Special Government Employee of the Year in 2012. Safety Rick, as he likes to be called, was the Subject Matter Expert for safety signage for many years and is eager to share his knowledge with others.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #2C - 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Accident & Incident Investigation Rick Gleason After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Understanding the process for Accident Investigation How to conduct a Root Cause Analysis How to act on the recommendations for preventing future accidents

Rick has been a Safety Lecturer at the University of Washington in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences for the last 20 years. He is also the Course Director for the UW Region X OSHA Training Center. He has worked as a compliance safety and health officer for both Federal OSHA and State L & I DOSH WISHA. He has been

involved in Safety and Health in Washington for the last 37 years He is both a CIH and CSP

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #2D - 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Mobile Technology to improve workplace safety and efficiency - an EH&S Investment for Maximum return Shourya Basu This presentation is tailored for safety leadership and will focus on the results of a case studies conducted over several years of mobile technology based solutions being applied to critical safety program functions such as chemical asset tracking, inspections, LOTO, and job hazard analysis. The lessons learned will provide rich examples and data points to safety leaders evaluating the potential use and value of mobile technology as a tool to support their safety program objectives. After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Conduct a case study analysis of mobile technology applied to several different critical EH&S processes

Discuss a quantitative look at the impact of utilizing mobile technology in EH&S

Understand key mobile technology concepts in order to help safety leaders build well- - structured business cases, evaluate potential solutions, and drive successful implementation

Shourya Basu Chief Executive Officer Simple But Needed, Inc. Shourya is an enterprise technology veteran that has led the creation and implementation of tools that address critical challenges in the management of EH&S enterprise programs.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #3A - 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Incident Case Reviews Covering the FACTS Anne Soiza Each year workers in Washington State are exposed to hazards such as falls, struck by objects, mechanical moving parts, toxic chemicals, and heavy lifting that can lead to serious injuries or death? This is why the Division of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) goal is to Focus on FACTS, which represents the five main categories of hazards that are the most frequent causes of workplace injuries, occupational diseases, and death. (F) Falls (A) Assaults/Struck By Objects (C) Caught In/Between (T) Toxins/Chemicals (S) Sprains/Strains After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Discuss the DOSH based FACTS program Become aware of recent WA case reviews and where to find them on the

DOSH website Understand the lessons learned from recent accident investigations.

Anne Soiza was appointed assistant director for the Division of Occupational Safety & Health in March of 2012 after a lengthy career in public health and safety. She also currently serves as chair of the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety & Health, which advises the U. S. Secretaries of Labor and Health and Human Services. Anne started with Labor & Industries in 1987 in what is now the Division of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH). While at L&I, she held several industrial hygienist field and technical policy positions. She held the senior management positions for Training and

Outreach and Statewide Compliance from 1998 – 2008. Anne was appointed Washington's director of pipeline safety in 2008 at the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. She returned to L&I late in 2009 as the deputy assistant director for L&I DOSH. Anne has a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Willamette University and worked in the chemical industry in the Midwest and the DOH (formally DSHS) Radiation Control Program before joining L&I.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #3B - 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Canaries and Commitment Daren Schwartz After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Discuss the desire that each person has to follow through on commitment to reduce workplace incidents.

Minimize major incidents by obtaining commitment prior to the incident occurring

Understand why a commitment must be realistic and specific to be effective In August 1997, Scott Dominguez, a young man working in Soda Springs, Idaho suffered a permanent brain injury in a confined space entry that went wrong. Daren Schwartz led the rescue effort to save Scott that day. The events of that day are a topic of the book titled “The Cyanide Canary”. The owner of the facility was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison as a result. The most severe environmental crimes punishment hand down in United States history at that time. Daren will discuss how “commitment” prevented further injury that day and how commitment can play a role in preventing future incidents.

Daren Schwartz has over 20 years of safety and health experience. He began his career working for Monsanto as an operator in their elemental phosphorus plant in Soda Springs, Idaho. While working for Monsanto he began his safety career when he accepted a position as a safety trainer, then plant fire chief, and finally as a safety specialist. He has also worked for Western States Caterpillar as a Safety and Environmental Manager with responsibilities for safety and environmental compliance at 13 locations across 5 states. He is currently working as a safety and health professional on the Hanford Site. Daren also spent 15 years in the fire service with his last

3 years as chief of the Caribou County Volunteer Fire Department.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #3C - 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Field Observation Technology - Can it entice Behavioral Based Safety? Ken-Yu Lin After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Understand the capability and applications of field observation technology used for influencing worker behavior

Discuss the drives and challenges behind behavioral based safety Understand and discuss cases were field observation technology was adopted

to influence behavioral based safety.

Ken-Yu Lin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Construction Management University of Washington

Research Interest • Proactive Construction Health and Safety • Serious Gaming and Visualization for Construction Education and Training • Construction Data, Information and Knowledge Management • Sustainable Practices

Teaching CM333 Construction Safety CM331 Cost Estimating (I) CM535 Research Methods in Construction CM565 Managing International Projects

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #3D - 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Safety Leadership for Supervisors Kurt Stranne After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Discuss the impact supervisors have on creating attitudes toward safety Teach the importance of establishing and enforcing safety expectations to

your workforce Effectively communicate safety expectations Establish a plan for enforcing your safety expectations

Kurt Stranne is a registered Professional Engineer and a Certified Safety Professional. Mr. Stranne is the President of Apex Safety, Inc., providing regulatory compliance consultation, OSHA and specialized safety training, accident investigation and recreation, and expert witness testimony. He is a course director and instructor at the OSHA Region X Education Center through the University of Washington since 1999. He has taught safety

classes in twenty-five states and other countries. Kurt has extensive experience working on large heavy civil projects and served as the Safety Director at a large Union contractor. As a safety consultant and trainer, Kurt has worked in manufacturing, food production, power generation, construction and in the Canadian and Alaskan oil fields. Kurt retired from the United States Air Force Reserve in 2003. He has developed a passion for workplace safety and a strong desire to see each worker home safely at the end of each workday.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #4A - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Workplace Violence Reduction & Terrorism Marcus Mann After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Find and use updated tools used for reducing the risk of workplace violence in the field and office

Discuss the terror threat as it relates to industry Understand the basics of predictability Understanding pre-attack indicators and other lifesaving cues of potential

violence and effective intervention

Marcus Mann is a team trainer & performance coach for the Financial Sector, Educational Community, Aerospace, Construction, Engineering, and Legal Community. Marcus has a solid history of team-training, complex problem-solving and executive level leadership. He assist clients in rapid employee and safety development, high impact team training, maximizing business partnerships, and with difficult projects and clients. Private & public success includes work in Eastern Europe, Mexico,

Columbia, and the UK. His work experience includes Team Assessments / Conflict Reduction Manager, Operations and Community Training Chief, Media Spokesperson, Hostage Negotiations Team Leader. He assisted the public/private learning communities in re-engineering human development and community training from ineffective lecture-based to a sustainable and inclusive problem-solving approach. Marcus led a large teaching cadre in training 2000+ Peace Officers, Managers and Executives. Marcus was also the recipient of the Arts & Entertainment (A&E Channel) Educational Excellence Award. His publications include; Risk: Profiles, Predictions, and Prevention (Prentice-Pearson, 2005), and Compelling Change; The Missing Element is You! (Oct. 2010, Amazon).

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #4B - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Strategic Collaboration - Doing More Together Kathy Hagler & Kathy Opp After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Understand the Strategic DoingTM process Discuss the four key questions that guide the process Practice looking fist at the assets within the group, then link and leverage those into

opportunities How to craft opportunities into SMART goals and metrics How to catalog activity and action plans and gain public commitment to implement actions by

using the 30/30 plan

KATHY J. HAGLER, PhD, President Dr. Kathy Hagler is nationally recognized as an authority on continuous improvement, quality, planning, and organizational coaching. She recognizes that theory without action is useless. Action without theory is costly. Kathy has the rare combination of theory that she learned directly from working and traveling with W. Edwards Deming and from Peter Drucker, her major professor at the Claremont Graduate School. Kathy possesses undergraduate degrees in math, piano, and psychology. She has a masters degree in counseling and a PhD in Higher Educational Administration and a Certificate of Business Administration from the Drucker School of Business Administration. Kathy founded the Technology Exchange Center in Orange County,

California. This center assisted over 1,000 organizations in the implementation of quality management principles and continuous improvement. In Idaho, Kathy served as the primary consultant in creating the Boise State University Long Range Plan (Metropolitan Research University of Distinction), as well as specific plans for each of the colleges at Boise State, Boise School District’s plans, the statewide Association of General Contractors, the Idaho Association of REALTORS®, the statewide Diocese of the Catholic Church, the Boise Art Museum, the Basque Museum, and many other local and statewide companies and organizations. Kathy has also worked with the Veterans Administration in Ohio to provide mentoring training and train-the-trainer workshops to all VA hospital supervisors in their eight hospital network.

KATHY J. OPP Kathy Opp holds a B.A. in accounting and an M.B.A. from Northwest Nazarene University. She is a seasoned business executive providing strategic planning, facilitation and process improvement services. Kathy Hagler & Associates are the only North American providers certified as a master facilitators using Team AlchemyTM, a system well known and respected throughout Europe and Asia-Pacific used to drive organizational success through developing and sustain high performance team work. Kathy is the past president and current executive director of the Western States Land Commissioners Association (, an

organization of 23 western states who represent the second largest land owner in the U.S. after the federal government. She came to this organization through the Idaho Department of Lands where she served nearly 10 years as the Deputy Director for the agency. Over the past 27 years, she has gained significant experience in other areas of state government as a commissioned bank examiner, a financial officer and a division administrator. Kathy also worked for five years with Boise Cascade Corporation, a Fortune 500 timber and wood products company. She held several positions including Idaho Region Accounting Manager, Senior Planning Associate and Business Unit Controller.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #4C - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Creating a positive culture change through compliance based focus audits in both Construction and General Industries Ashlee Conner After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Complete a successful focused workplace audit Connect the dots by showing how focus audits drive safety compliance in the

workforce for both construction and general industry Utilize focused audits to drive a positive culture change

Ashlee Conner Ms. Conner brings to BSI EHS Services and Solutions a focus on general industry and construction safety as an Associate Consultant. She is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) with over five years of construction and general industry safety experience. She specializes in general industry manufacturing, general contractor support, and heavy civil and mechanical construction. Ms. Conner has over three years of experience supporting EHS at semiconductor facilities where she’s performed industrial hygiene (IH) surveys such as ventilation, noise, and confined space audits. Ms. Conner has

updated corporate control of a hazardous energy program by updating client-specific energy isolation procedures for industry-specific systems. She has directly supported manufacturing in renewable energies, in wind resources. Ms. Conner also has experience in supporting general contractors and owners for new construction and heavy civil construction, with a focus on light rail. Her manufacturing and general industry facilities experience includes enforcing OSHA 1926 and 1910 regulations, delivering site-specific trainings, and performing various health and safety assessments. Ms. Conner’s specialized training in construction consists of OSHA 30, OSHA 10, OSHA 510, and OSHA 40-Hour HAZWOPER trainings.

2016 Puget Sound PDC, Mailing Address - 14427 232nd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA. 98077 Phone: 661-472-6591 Fax: 866-751-2090

Breakout Session #4D - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Fatality at Work? Working with the Coroner Dan Blasdel & Candice Hermanson After completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

Understand what to expect when working with a coroner Discuss what a coroner does Understand what to do when involved with a death in an industrial setting

Dan Blasdel - Coroner Franklin County Elected as Franklin County’s First Coroner in 1994 Current VP, Former President Washington Association of Coroners and

Medical Examiners (WACME) Former President of the International Association of Coroners & Medical

Examiners (IACME) Dan is community oriented and involved as either a chair person or

board member for the following: Substance Abuse Coalition

County Fair and Rodeo Hanford Safety Expo People learning about drugged driving Lourdes Hospital Foundation Washington Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation (former) Washington Association of Elected Officials (former) Dan is passionate about traffic fatality prevention and related community

education/outreach Dan participates in High School Every 15 minutes program Dan has been a Franklin County resident since 1980, is married with four children and has

every kitchen gadget known to man. Candice Hermanson – Chief Deputy Coroner Appointed Franklin County Chief Deputy Coroner 2015 Former Human Resource Employee Investigation Specialist at Boeing 2007-

2014 REID Federal Interview and Interrogation Certificate, 2013 Professional of Human Resources (PHR) Certified, Seattle Pacific University,

2010 MBA University of Phoenix, Strategic and Risk Management Emphasis, 2009 BSBA CWU emphasis Human Resources and Spanish Language Minor, 2007 Former Volunteer for the Richland Police Department Former Volunteer for the WA State Liquor Control Board Born in Sunnyside and raised in Richland, Candice is single and has a unique bark-less

dog. She spends all her spare time backpacking or in dance studios studying various genres of Latin and African dance.