covenant part 4

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  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    Covenant of Blood

    PART 4Strangers to the Covenant Series

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    Steps In A Covenant 1.Exchange of Coats

    2. Exchange of Weapon Belts

    3. Exchange of Vows in walk of Blood

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    4. The two parties pass between the sain a FIGURE 8.(Infinity or eternal signifi

    5. Pledge is made and curse is pronoun

    upon the one who would break covena

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    6. Accounting of possessions 7. Exchange of names.

    8. Covenant meal. One loaf of bread pla

    each others mouth. Cup of wine indicatblood is one.

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    At end they are now called friends This relationship, by this union, is now

    governed by an attitude towards each o

    calledlovingkindnesshesed in Heb

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    Without an understanding ofHESED, yocannot understand the covenant.

    Words are used interchangeably throug

    the Old Testament approx. 250 times

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    HESED is the working out of the expreslove in the covenant commitment.

    It is the covenant in ACTION! It speaks o

    lovingkindness in the context of DOINGSHOWING, and KEEPING covenant whe

    word is put to the test.

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    2. Steadfastness

    3. Love

    Each to be understood in the context of a cohaving been made. Only one or even just twloses its meaning.

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    Thy mercy(hesed), O Lord, is in the heaand thy faithfulness reacheth unto the


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    It is a good thing to give thanks unto thand to sing praises unto thy name, O M

    High: To shew forth thy lovingkindness(

    in the morning, and thy faithfulness eve

    night, Ps.92:1-2

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    I have not hid thy righteousness within myI have declared thy faithfulness and thy sa

    I have not concealed thy lovingkindness a

    truth from the great congregation. Withho

    thou thy tender mercies from me, O Lord:lovingkindness(hesed) and thy truth conti

    preserve me Ps.40:10-11

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    When we make a covenant it is in ordercreate the bond of lovingkindness and

    in place. (i.e. marriage)

    When God makes a covenantit is to SHE IS lovingkindness!

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    A covenant is a binding, unbreakableobligation between two parties, based

    unconditional love sealed by blood and

    oath that creates a relationship in whic

    party is to take up each others underta

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    And the Lord passed by before him, andproclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, m

    and gracious, longsuffering, and abund

    goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for

    thousands, forgiving iniquity and transg

    and sin Ex.34:6-7a

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    The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow anger, and plenteous in mercy. Ps.103:8

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    O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is gohis mercy endureth for ever Ps.136

    The entire Psalm is summed up in this w

    His Mercy endureth forever!

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    This coming from a man who under theshould have been killed!

    His dual sin of murder and adultery und

    law meant DEATH!

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    Have mercy upon me, O God, accordinglovingkindness: according unto the mu

    of thy tender mercies blot out my

    transgressions. Ps. 51:1

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    David was a man who knew covenant. His covenant with Jonathon is rich with


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    Now when he had finished speaking to the soul of Jonathan was knit to the sou

    David, and Jonathan loved him as his ow

    soul. Saul took him that day, and would

    let him go home to his fathers house


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    Then Jonathan and David made a covenbecause he loved him as his own soul. A

    Jonathan took off the robe that was on

    and gave it to David, with his armor, ev

    his sword and his bow and his belt.

    1 Sam.18:1-4

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    Therefore you shall deal kindly with youservant, for you have brought your serv

    into a covenant of the Lord with you.

    Nevertheless, if there is iniquity in me,

    yourself, for why should you bring me t

    father?1 Sam.20:8

  • 7/30/2019 Covenant Part 4


    And you shall not only show me the kinof the Lord while I still live, that I may n

    but you shall not cut off your kindness

    my house forever, no, not when the Lor

    cut off every one of the enemies of Dav

    from the face of the earth.

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    So Jonathan made a covenant with the

    of David, saying, Let the Lord require i

    hand of Davids enemies. Now Jonatha

    caused David to vow, because he loved

    for he loved him as he loved his own so


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    And he said to him, Do not fear, for th

    of Saul my father shall not find you. You

    be king over Israel, and I shall be next t

    Even my father Saul knows that. So the

    of them made a covenant before the Lo

    And David stayed in the woods, and Jon

    went to his own house. 1 Sam.23:17-18

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    Now David said, Is there still anyone w

    left of the house of Saul, that I may sho

    kindness for Jonathans sake? 2 Sam.9

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    So David said to him, Do not fear, for I

    surely show you kindness for Jonathan

    fathers sake, and will restore to you all

    land of Saul your grandfather; and you

    eat bread at my table continually. 2 Sa