courtsider xl installation

©2006 LSI Industries Inc75356 Rev. 7/02 P 1/2 INST ALLATION AND ASSEMBL Y INSTRUCTI ONS COURTSIDER  ® XL SERIES WAR NING: Risk of fire or electri cal shock. Disconnect power before installing or servicing. WARNING: Verify the existing input voltage and choose matching voltage on Multi-tap ballast before wiring. POLE FOUNDATION The width and depth of the pole foundations for specific installations can best be furnished by consulting engineers familiar with local soil conditions. Note: The concrete foundation should be reinforced for the full depth below grade. Concrete should be poured in undisturbed soil; soil should not be fresh fill. 1. See char t below . Ancho r bolts prov ided shou ld be set into the fou ndatio n on an 11" bo lt circle dia meter . Bolts sh ould be posit ioned so they are square with court edge. See Figur e 1. 2. Bolts s hould pr oject ab ove top of f oundat ion. T wo sets o f nuts ar e provid ed for eac h bolt for p ole level ing. Stand p ole on ancho r bolts and plumb using nuts and washers provi ded. See Figur e 2. 3. For dire ct burial pol es, pole shaf t should be set to a dept h of 4' into found ation. A 3" x 6" handh ole and 3/4" cou pling are provi ded for wiring pur poses. See Figur e 3. Anchor Anchor Bolt Base Plate Base Plate Configuration Bolt Size Projection Dimensions Thickness Single, D70, D180 (4" O.D.) 3/4" x 30" 3-1/4" 10-1/8" square 3/4" Quad (5" O.D.) 1" x 36" 4" 10-1/8" square 1" MOUNTING BRACKET TO POLE 1. Slip br acket ov er teno n on pole top . Posit ion brac ket squ are with court ed ge and tigh ten (8) s et scre ws on brac ket. See Figure 4. MOUNTING LUMINAIRE TO BRACKET 1. Lumin aire is supplied wit h mounting stu ds project ing from the rear of hous ing (see Figur e 5). Posit ion luminaire near brack et. Feed supplie d pigtail wiring from luminair e to brack et. 2. Position luminaire so studs sli de throu gh holes in brack et plate . Studs are able to "float" on luminaire for level ing. Secur e luminaire to bracket with stainless nuts and washers provided. 3. Relea sing lens doo r fasten ers, ope n door frame. Open ball ast cove r lid to gain access to ba llast compartment. Note: Field mounting connections are to be made in such a manner as to exclude water from wireway. WIRING CONNECTIONS WARN ING: Risk of electr ical shock . High tempe ratur e inside lumina ire. Make certa in that supply wiri ng is not “hot” befor e wiring. Lumin aire may be equipped with a multi- tap ballas t. It may be necessary to change ballas t primary lead to match supply voltage . All unused ballas t leads must be indiv idual ly capped. NOTE: Suppl ied pigtai l wiring is rated 150 C! 1. Conne ct wiring acc ording to loca l code and National Ele ctric al Code. 2. Sec ure bal last li d. 3. Clean surface of reflector and inside/outside of door lens with soft cloth and non-ammonia, non-s tatic cleane r. 4. Locat e loosely- shipped lamp. Check to ma ke sure lamp type and watt age are the same as shown on luminaire label. 5. To ensur e best contact in sock et, tight en, loosen, and re-tighten lamp. Wipe lamp with a soft , dry, clean cloth. 6. Close door fr ame and s ecure faste ners. 7. Loose n (8) set scre ws on bracke t. Adjust or ientat ion of of lumina ire and arm to pro per align ment wit h court. Retig hten (8) set screws. 8. Field-drill th rough ten on and secur e bracke t with suppl ied throu gh-bo lt. See Figu re 6. 9. Install bas e cove r if suppli ed. LSI Courts ider Sports Li ghti ng 10000 Al li ance Road Ci ncinnati , Ohio 45242 (800) 794- 3448 Fax (800) 373- 9998 www. lsi- indust ri Listed for wet locations.

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8/8/2019 Courtsider XL Installation 1/2©2006 LSI Industries 75356 Rev. 7/02 P 1/2




WARNING: Risk of fire or electrical shock. Disconnect power before installing or servicing.

WARNING: Verify the existing input voltage and choose matching voltage on Multi-tap ballast before wiring.


he width and depth of the pole foundations for specific installations can best be furnished by consulting engineers familiar witocal soil conditions. Note: The concrete foundation should be reinforced for the full depth below grade. Concrete

hould be poured in undisturbed soil; soil should not be fresh fill.

. See chart below. Anchor bolts provided should be set into the foundation on an 11" bolt circle diameter. Bolts should be

positioned so they are square with court edge. See Figure 1.

. Bolts should project above top of foundation. Two sets of nuts are provided for each bolt for pole leveling. Stand pole on

anchor bolts and plumb using nuts and washers provided. See Figure 2.

. For direct burial poles, pole shaft should be set to a depth of 4' into foundation. A 3" x 6" handhole and 3/4" coupling are

provided for wiring purposes. See Figure 3.

Anchor Anchor Bolt Base Plate Base PlateConfiguration Bolt Size Projection Dimensions Thickness

Single, D70, D180 (4" O.D.) 3/4" x 30" 3-1/4" 10-1/8" square 3/4"Quad (5" O.D.) 1" x 36" 4" 10-1/8" square 1"

MOUNTING BRACKET TO POLE. Slip bracket over tenon on pole top. Position bracket square with court edge and tighten (8) set screws on bracket. See

Figure 4.

MOUNTING LUMINAIRE TO BRACKET. Luminaire is supplied with mounting studs projecting from the rear of housing (see Figure 5). Position luminaire near 

bracket. Feed supplied pigtail wiring from luminaire to bracket.

. Position luminaire so studs slide through holes in bracket plate. Studs are able to "float" on luminaire for leveling. Secure

luminaire to bracket with stainless nuts and washers provided.

. Releasing lens door fasteners, open door frame. Open ballast cover lid to gain access to ballast compartment.

Note: Field mounting connections are to be made in such a manner as to exclude water from wireway.


WARNING: Risk of electrical shock. High temperature inside luminaire. Make certain that supply wiring is not “hot”

efore wiring. Luminaire may be equipped with a multi-tap ballast. It may be necessary to change ballast primary lea

o match supply voltage. All unused ballast leads must be individually capped.

NOTE: Supplied pigtail wiring is rated 150 C!

. Connect wiring according to local code and National Electrical Code.

. Secure ballast lid.

. Clean surface of reflector and inside/outside of door lens with soft cloth and non-ammonia, non-static cleaner.

. Locate loosely-shipped lamp. Check to make sure lamp type and wattage are the same as shown on luminaire label.

. To ensure best contact in socket, tighten, loosen, and re-tighten lamp. Wipe lamp with a soft, dry, clean cloth.

. Close door frame and secure fasteners.

. Loosen (8) set screws on bracket. Adjust orientation of of luminaire and arm to proper alignment with court. Retighten (8)

set screws.

. Field-drill through tenon and secure bracket with supplied through-bolt. See Figure 6.

. Install base cover if supplied.

LSI Courtsider Sports Lighting 10000 Alliance Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 (800) 794-3448 Fax (800) 373-9998

Listed for wet locations.

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Installation Questions?

Call LSI Field Service Department at:

1-800-436-7800 Ext. 3300 Fax: 1-877-861-1368




©2006 LSI Industrie75356 Rev. 7/02 P 2/2LSI Courtsider Sports Lighting 10000 Alliance Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 (800) 794-3448 Fax (800) 373-9998 www.lsi-industries