course_contents of phonetics

Return to Title page Contents Errata Language Index The IPA chart Part I: Intoductory concepts 1. Articulatory Phonetics 2. Phonology and Phonetic Transcription Part II: English phonetics 3. The Consonants of English 4. English Vowels 5. English Words and Sentences Part III: General phonetics 6. Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types 7. Place and Manner of Articulation Untitled Document (1 of 2) [23/11/2001 08:40:38]

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Language Index

The IPA chart

Part I: Intoductory concepts

1. Articulatory Phonetics

2. Phonology and Phonetic Transcription

Part II: English phonetics

3. The Consonants of English

4. English Vowels

5. English Words and Sentences

Part III: General phonetics

6. Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types

7. Place and Manner of Articulation

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8. Acoustic Phonetics

9. Vowels and Vowel-like Articulations

10. Syllables and Suprasegmental Features

11. Linguistic Phonetics

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ErrataUnfortunately there were some errors in the first printing of the 4th. edition of A Course in Phonetics. Onthe IPA chart on the inside of the cover page, in the consonant chart, the symbol for a retroflex plosive iswrong, and should be as shown below:

The vowel chart also had a number of errors as shown below: The red circle items were wrong or omitted,the blue circle items were badly shaped.

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 In Chapter 5, Table 5.5 has been printed with 5 columnsinstead of four. It should be as follows:

Table 5.5. (1) Optional pre-nuclear pitch accents on stressedsyllables (2)Nuclear pitch accents (3)Phrase accents(4)Boundary tones.

1 2 3 4

H* H*

L* L*

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L + H* L + H* L- H%

L* + H L* + H

H + !H* H + !H* H- L%

(!H*) (!H*)

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Language Index 

!Xóõ Clicks Chapter 6

British Americanunstressed vowels

Chapter 2

Burmese Chapter 11

EweChapter 7

Chapter 11





Chapter 6

French vowels


Chapter 9

Chapter 11


French uvulars Chapter 7  


German vowels


Chapter 11 

Greek Chapter 11  

Hausa Chapter 6

Hindi Chapter 6

Italian Chapter 7

Lakhota Chapter 6

Malayalam Chapter 7

Nama Chapter 6

Navajo Chapter 11

Polish Chapter 7

Quechua Chapter 7

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Sindhi Chapter 6

 Swedish Chapter 11  

Thai Chapter 6

V'enen Taut Chapter 7

Vietnamese  Chapter 11  

Xhosa Chapter 6

Zulu clicks


Chapter 6

Chapter 11

Zulu laterals


Chapter 7

Chapter 11

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Table 2.2

General American and British English Vowels

Click on a word to hear it pronounced in a General American accent.


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Click on a word to hear it pronounced in a British English accent.

British English Vowels

Back to Chapter 2 contents

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Return to Performance exercises Chapter 11

Performance Exercises 11 G French

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Return to Performance exercisesChapter 11

Performance Exercises 11 H German

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Hausa implosives, ejectivesand laryngealizedconsonants

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Table 6.7 Hindi

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Table 6.1 Lakhota ejectives

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Nama Clicks 

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Performance Exercises 11 A Navajo

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Performance Exercises 11 I Swedish

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Table 6.3 Xhosa

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Return to the IPA chart

This is half the consonant chart.To hear the sounds before a vowel press onthe left side of thesymbol; to hear the sounds between two vowels press on the


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Return to the IPA chart

This is half theconsonant chart. To hear the sounds before a vowel press ontheleft side of the symbol; to hear the sounds between two vowelspress on the



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Return to the IPA chart

This is the vowel chart. To hear the sounds click on a symbol.


Primary Cardinal Vowels ............................SecondaryCardinal Vowels

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Return to the IPA chart

This is the 'clicks' chart. Click on symbol to hear the sound.

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Return to the IPA ipachart


This is the 'other symbols' chart. To hear the sounds clickon the symbol.


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1 Articulatory Phonetics

The Vocal Organs


Places of ArticulationThe Oro-Nasal ProcessManners of ArticulationThe Articulation of Vowel Sounds

SuprasegmentalsStress variations and pitch variationsExercises

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Vocal OrgansClick on the [ffffvvvvvfffffvvvvv]to hear the voicing contrasts and then say ityourself



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Sress Variation

Click on a word to hear it.

Click on an arrow to hear the row or column.

Pitch Variation"That'sa cat"

"That's a cat?"

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2 Phonology and Phonetic Transcription

The Transcription of Consonants

Table 2.1The Transcription of Vowels

Table 2.2

Unstressed vowelsExercisesConsonant and Vowel ChartsPhonologyExercisesPerformance Exercises

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Table 2.1

Click on a word in red to hear it pronounced in a GeneralAmerican accent.

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Unstressed Vowels

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Performance Exercises A Chapter 2

Click on the symbols to hear them pronounced.

Performance Exercises B Chapter 2

Performance Exercises C Chapter 2

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Performance Exercises D Chapter 2

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3 The Consonants of English

Stop Consonants

Table 3.1 Stop allophones

Stops following'S'

London Cockney

Glottal stops

Nasals and lateral plosion

FricativesAffricatesApproximantsRules for English Consonant AllophonesDiacriticsExercisesPerformance Exercises

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Words illustrating allophones of English stop consonants.

Click on a word or arrow to hear the sounds.

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Stops following [s]

Click on either the words or arrows to hear the words or rowsprounounced.

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London Cockney

Click on the transcription tohear the word pronounced

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Glottal Stops

Click on the symbols or arrows to hear thewords pronounced

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Nasal and Lateral Plosion

Click on the symbols to hear the words pronounced

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Performance Exercises for Chapter 3

Click on the symbols to hear the words pronounced




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4 English VowelsAmerican and British vowels (Chapter 2)

English Phonetic DictionariesVowel QualityUnstressed SyllablesTense and Lax VowelsRules for English Vowel AllophonesExercisesPerformance Exercises

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Performance Exercises Chapter 4




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5 English Wordsand Sentences

Strong and Weak FormsTable 5.11

StressDegrees of StressSentence StressIntonation

Examples 17-19,20-24Target TonesExercises


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6 Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation TypesAirstream MechanismsHausa ejective and laryngealized sounds

Table 6.1 -Lakhota

Table 6.2 - Sindhi

Table 6.3 - Xhosa

Zulu clicks

Nama Clicks

!Xóõ Clicks

States of the Glottis

Table 6.5- Gujarati

Table 6.6 Thai

Voice onset time

Table 6.7 Hindi



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Table 6.2 Sindhi stops

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Chapter 6 Performance exercisesA and B



F and G

H and I

J,K and L





S and T



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7 Place and Manner of Articulation 


V'enen Taut





French Uvulars


Performance Exercises

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Return to contents page

Return to chapter 7 page

Performance Exercises Chapter7

A, B, C

D &E

F &G

H & I

J, K & L


N & O



S & T



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Diagrams for Chapter8

Figure 8.1  The waveform duringa short period (a little over two vocal fold vibrations) in mypronunciation of [A], as in "caught."

Figure 8.2  Acoustic recordsof the phrase "Jane, Pat and John" The upper part ofthe figure shows the fundamental frequency (pitch). Thewaveform,with a narrow phonetic transcription, is below it. At the bottomthere is a time scale.

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Figure 8.3  The waveformof the phrase "We saw three dogs" and underneath ita record of the intensity in dB.


Figure 8.4  Waveforms of "Saypat now; say pad now; say bad now; say spat now." Only thefirst of these phrases has been segmented. Youshould try to segmentthe other three phrases yourself.


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Figure 8.5  Waveform and pitchrecords of "Bonny told Peter she'd plans to leave,"said in two different ways.


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Figure8.7  Aspectrogram of the words "heed, hid,head, had, hod, hawed, hood, who'd" as spoken by a male speakerof American English. The locationsof the first three formantsare shown be arrows.


Figure 8.8  A spectrogram ofthe words "heed, hid, head, had, hod, hawed, hood, who’d"as spoken in a British accent. The locations of thefirst threeformants are shown be arrows.


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Figure 8.9  A formant chartshowing the frequency of the first formant on the ordinate (thevertical axis) plotted against second formant onthe abscissa(the horizontal axis) for eight American English vowels. The scalesare marked in Hz, arranged at Bark scale intervals.

Figure 8.10  A blank formantchart for showing the relation between vowels. Using the informationin Figures 8.7 and 8.8, plot the frequencyof the first formanton the ordinate (the vertical axis) and the second formant onthe abscissa (the horizontal axis).


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Figure 8.11  A spectrogramof the words "a bab, a dad, a gag".


Figure 8.12  A spectrogramof "a Pam, a tan, a kang". The arrows indicate the oralclosures forming the nasal consonants.


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Figure 8.13  A spectrogramof "fie, thigh, sigh, shy". The frequency scale goesup to 8,000 Hz in this figure. The arrows mark the onsets ofthesecond formant transitions. Only the first word is shown in full.The second part of the diphthong has been deleted for the otherwords.


Figure 8.14  A spectrogramof "ever, weather, fizzer, pleasure".


Figure 8.15  A spectrogramof "led, red, wed, yell".



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Figure 8.16  A spectrogramof "She came back and started again".


Figure 8.17  A spectrogramof "I should have thought spectrograms were unreadable."Spoken in a normal, but rapid, conversational style(British English).


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Figure 8.18  A spectrogramof "He left here three days ago".



Figure 8.19  A spectrogramof an ordinary English sentence containing no names (British accent).


Figure 8.20 Wide-band (upper partof the figure) and narrow-band (lower part) spectrogram of thequestion "Is Pat sad, or mad?" The 5tth,10tth and 15thharmonics have been marked by white squares in two of the vowels.


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Figure 8.21  A spectrogramof the words "heed, hid, head, had, hod, hawed, hood, who'd"as spoken by a female speaker of AmericanEnglish. The locationsof the first three formants are shown be arrows.



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Figure 8.22  A formant chartshowing some of the vowels of two speakers of Californian English.The frequency of the first formant is plottedon the ordinate(the vertical axis), and the difference between the frequenciesof the second and first formants is plotted on the abscissa(thehorizontal axis).



Exercise A




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8. Exercise B




8. Exercise C

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Chapter 9 

Cardinal Vowels

Secondary Cardinal Vowels

Vowels in Other Languages




Russian palatization

Advanced Tongue Root (ATR) AkanRhotacized Vowels American EnglishNasalization FrenchVowelsSummary of Vowel QualitySemivowels French ApproximantsSecondary ArticulationExercisesPerformance Exercises 

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Performance Exercises Chapter 9

A & B












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Chapter 10

SyllablesStressLength Danish VowelsPitch Thai Tones, Chinese(standard) tonesStress, Tone and Pitch Accent Languages JapaneseExercises

Performance Exercises

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Return to Contents Chapter 10

Chinese(Standard) tones

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11 LinguisticPhoneticsControlling articulatory movementsThe Balance between Phonetic ForcesThe International PhoneticAlphabetFeature Hierarchy

Performance Exercises Chapter 11

A Navajo

B Zulu clicks

C Burmese

D Greek

E Ewe

F Zulu laterals

G French

       French semivowels

H German

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I  Swedish

J Vietnamese

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