course offerings 2015-2016. courses to get you started along your career path:

Business Education Course Offerings 2015-2016 siness. It’s Everywher

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Business Education

Course Offerings2015-2016

Business. It’s Everywhere!

Courses to Get You Started Along Your

Career Path:

Information ProcessingGrades 9-12

Computer Applications 1Grades 9-12LTC Credit offered

Computer Applications 2Grades 9-12LTC Credit offered

Business AdministrationBusiness Administration AccountingAccounting Information TechnologyInformation Technology

Principles of BusinessGrades 9 – 12

Business LawGrades 10 – 12LTC Credit offered

Personal FinanceGrade 11 – 12*requirement

The Global Marketplace Grades 9 - 12

Accounting 1Grades 10, 11 or 12LTC Credit offered

Accounting 2Grades 11 or 12LTC Credit offered

Accounting 3Grade 12







Principles of MarketingGrades 10 - 12LTC Credit offered

Courses for Freshmen

Principles of Business

Global Marketplace

Computer Applications


Computer Applications


Information Processing

This class will open your eyes to the world of business.

During the course you will be introduced to some of the major areas of business administration (marketing, management, and finance) through fun, real world projects.

Principles of Business

In this course students will explore their role in our global economy. Students will examine the business culture in regions throughout the world with project-based learning activities.

This course meets one of the requirements for the Global Studies Certificate.

Global Marketplace

• This course is designed to expose freshmen to business communications and document production techniques which they can apply in courses throughout the curriculum.

• Topics covered include:– Word processing documents– Publishing documents– Spreadsheets– Presentations– Databases– Integration activities

Information Processing

– In depth study of software packages chosen by students (2 per semester)• MS Word• MS Excel• MS PowerPoint• MS Access• MS Publisher

– Independent working environment

Computer Applications

Computer Applications 1 Computer Applications 2

• Advanced Standing at LTC is available for earning a B or better

• Word—2 credits• Excel—1 credit• Access—1 credit• PowerPoint—1 credit

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Questions?Please contact:

Mrs. June WinkelMr. Todd Williams

We hope to see you in the Business Education
