course 1 learning plan security overview and patching public vulnerability databases and resources...

Course 1 Learning Plan Security overview and patching Public vulnerability databases and resources Secure software engineering Security assessment and testing Resource management Trust management

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Page 1: Course 1 Learning Plan  Security overview and patching  Public vulnerability databases and resources  Secure software engineering  Security assessment

Course 1 Learning Plan Security overview and patching Public vulnerability databases and resources Secure software engineering Security assessment and testing Resource management Trust management

Page 2: Course 1 Learning Plan  Security overview and patching  Public vulnerability databases and resources  Secure software engineering  Security assessment

Overarching Goals Understand the security mindset

Understand security definitions

Understand the risk and impact on industry of insecure software products

Understand patching costs

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Understanding the Security MindsetSecurity as…

an enablera processrisk managementa puzzlea multidisciplinary science

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Security as an Enabler Common perspective: Security is an

inconvenient obstacle that forbids actions

Correct perspective: Security enables projects and enterprises that would otherwise be impractical, by lowering risks

Analogy: Are the tracks that a train must follow a restriction, or an


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Question Provide another example where

something that can be seen as an inconvenience or a restriction makes something else practical by lowering risks

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Question Sample Answers Provide another example where

something that can be seen as an inconvenience or a restriction makes something else practical by lowering risksRestraints in amusement park ridesSeat beltsDual-signature checks

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Security as a Process “I got software X so I’m safe”

What would you think of a railroad company that laid railroads without checking and maintaining their integrity?

"Old software never dies; it just becomes insecure.“ (Author unknown)

Need design, configuration, inspection, maintenance, management, updates Provide assurance that track quality is acceptable Basis for trust

Processes can provide guarantees

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Security as a Process Exercise Discuss why old software can become insecure

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Security as a Process Exercise Sample Answers Discuss why old software can become insecure

Security objectives or policies have changed Laws have changed Business model changed Company processes changed

Environment has changed Configuration is out of date Operating system has changed Risks are different Protections have changed (e.g., firewall rules) Employees, units responsibilities have changed

Vulnerabilities have been found Exploits, worms, viruses exploit them

Input has changed e.g., old application made to work online (with a wrapper) Protocol changed

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Security as Risk Management How much is an asset worth? How vulnerable is the asset? What are the risks?

Financial costs (contracts, sales, remediation, etc...) Reputation (that alone killed the Arthur Anderson

accounting firm in the Enron scandal) Part of building trust is building secure software

Employee loyalty, productivity and well-being Morale, self-respect

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Security as Risk Management Question You maintain a customer credit card database for

your business. Which security questions would you ask to help you manage the risks to the database?

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Security as Risk Management Possible Answers You maintain a customer credit card database for your business.

Which security questions would you ask to help you manage the risks to the database? How valuable is the database to an attacker, to your

customers, and to you? Who (and what) has access to the database? How is the database protected?

Is it on a shared or dedicated host? Is there a path to the internet from the database? How well is the software kept up-to-date with patches? Are there applicable risk mitigation strategies?

How long is credit card information kept? Do customers have the option of re-entering their credit

card information every time instead of having it stored?

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Security as a Puzzle What can a skilled attacker contrive?

Which assumptions are being made? Are they always true? What guarantees the

assumptions? Is indirect evidence relied upon?

Who and what can be trusted? Who controls, controlled or could control it?

What logic flaws exist? Are all cases handled? (a single hole may sink the

ship) Is there a transformation that makes all the pieces

fall apart? What resources are exposed?

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Security as a Puzzle Exercise Give an example of an incorrect assumption

made by an application that inhibits security Example: some email clients assume that the standard

ports for IMAP, POP and SMTP protocols will always be used, and so it rejects server specifications with a port number: is rejected Consequence: the use of encryption through ssh

tunneling is discouraged

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Security as a Puzzle Exercise Answers Give an example of an incorrect security

assumption made by an application. Assuming that the file extension and the MIME type are

the same Decide to download something using the file

extension, but the file is processed according to another mime type

IE 5, 6 CAN-2001-0712

Decide how to handle an email attachment based on the MIME type, but the attachment really is an executable that gets launched!

IE 5 CAN-2001-0154

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Security as a Multidisciplinary ScienceSocial Engineering Social engineering is used to exploit human trust

through deception Poor user interface design may facilitate social

engineering Example: In some email programs, someone could be fooled

into thinking that an attachment was a safe file, and open it. What appeared as "resume.txt" was in reality

"resume.txt .exe" User interface design affects the security of


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Security as a Multidisciplinary Science Social Engineering You get a phone call from the CFO, on a trip, "I

can't remember the VPN password, and I need a document now!"

Your account will be terminated tomorrow unless you take action, as described in this attachment!

Please help me get my money out of this crazy country!

Oh, no, I forgot my key/badge/token! Please, hold the door, I have my hands full!


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Security as a Multidisciplinary ScienceSocial Engineering Most problems are related to identification

without authentication By phone Online

Identification by impression and persuasion Social mechanisms

Helpfulness Ingratiation (a.k.a. "brown-nosing") Conformity, peer pressure Diffusion of responsibility Friendliness

Employees can do it even if they know they shouldn't!

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Security as a Multidisciplinary ScienceSocial Engineering (continued) Physical Security

Dumpster diving Recon for attack

Phone books, calendars, etc... Backdoors, tailing someone through a door Stealing documents...

Reverse Social Engineering Instead of asking for information and help, you provide it

initially Of course they need help because of something the

attacker did Read more: Granger S. (2001, 2002) Security Focus

"Infocus" articles

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Security as a Multidisciplinary ScienceExercise: Social Engineering Team up in groups of 2 or 3 and make up a skit to

demonstrate a social engineering technique; your "victim" will be another student in the audience who will "fall for it". Follow it up with a second version showing the correct response. Do try to obtain the most outrageous results possible (while being convincing). After the skit, explain the preparation you would have needed to conduct the attack. You can get inspiration from the table of correct

responses (Granger 2002):

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Security as a Multidisciplinary SciencePsychological Effects Security features (or the lack thereof) have

psychological effects SPAM: loss of value and control over an important

communication medium Panoptical effects (feeling of being watched)

Can affect motivation, focus People perform differently

Intellectual performance is typically lower under surveillance

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Exercises Identify a user interface limitation that may allow

social engineering

Identify a security mechanism that may cause users to feel that they are being watched

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Example Answers Identify a user interface limitation that may allow

social engineering Phishing email scams

Look-alike web sites that capture passwords

Identify a security mechanism that may cause users to feel that they are being watched Windows login banners "Possibly" recorded phone calls to help centers

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Overarching Goals Understand the security mindset

Understand security definitions

Understand the risk and impact on industry of insecure software products

Understand patching costs

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Vulnerability A flaw in a system that allows a policy to be

violated Example policy: the content on a web site is

restricted to authenticated users. Vulnerability: the web site relies on JavaScript to

be executed on the client browser for access control

Exploit: Disable JavaScript An abundance of vulnerable sites exist

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Exploit An exploit is the act of exercising a vulnerability Also used to refer to an actual program, binary or script

that automates an attack

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Latent Vulnerabilities Sometimes, a vulnerability can be protected by a

change that leaves the vulnerable code in place: some change external to the application (firewall) a configuration change (disabling an option) a code wrapper that blocks exploit attempts

A vulnerability that is not exploitable at the moment is a latent vulnerability

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Potential Vulnerabilities Bad practices, quality defects and other flaws

that could result in vulnerabilities in a different code context are potential vulnerabilities

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Exploitability Difficult to establish whether a vulnerability is exploitable, latent or potential in complex systems

A latent or potential vulnerability can become exploitable when The software is used in a different context sometime

after its design The configuration is changed The code is changed Someone thinks of something you didn't

Is a memory leak exploitable? It depends!

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Exercise Evaluate your security stance and risk tolerance.

For each potential, latent and exploitable vulnerability you find, would you:

a) Ignore the problem to save money and development time

b) Add a "REVISIT" type of comment in the code or create an entry in the bug tracking database

c) Bring immediate attention to the problem

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Exercise Typical Answera) Ignore the problem to save money and

development time

b) Add a "REVISIT" type of comment in the code or create an entry in the bug tracking database

c) Bring immediate attention to the problem Option c) should be done first and serves as an

assessment step. Then, both b) and a) may also be done for the same issue. Ignoring the problem (temporarily?) can be justified depending on its severity and business circumstances (e.g., support for an end-of-life product ends sooner than the time required for a fix).

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Exposure An exposure is an information leak that may

assist an attacker. Examples:

Software identification and version number released when connecting to a service, which may be used to select the most effective attack.

When web pages display SQL error messages When an IT person is having trouble (e.g., with their

firewall) and posts questions to public mailing lists with their company's email address

Sun's "tar" utility disclosed part of the password file

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Exercise Identify other examples of information leaks that

may assist an attacker

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Exercise Sample Answers Identify other examples of information leaks that

may assist an attacker Finger may release information about who is online, e.g.,

administrators Source code leaks (if the code contains vulnerabilities) Directory listings Wireless networks that broadcast their existence

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Security Objective A security objective is a high-level description of

what the program or system must accomplish. Federal regulations drive many of these objectives

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

etc... Examples:

all money transfers must be legal the system must pass EAL4 Common Criteria


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Policy Policies specify which activities, states and

processes are allowed. Examples:

All users must be authenticated Money transfers can only be requested by the

account owner Also refers to security models that specify rules Famous policies (e.g., see Bishop 2002):

The Bell-LaPadula confidentiality model The Biba integrity model The Clark-Wilson integrity model

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Risks to Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability Confidentiality is threatened when information

can be revealed in violation of a policy Examples: eavesdropping and inadequate access control

Integrity is threatened when information can be manipulated by an attacker. Example: "man-in-the-middle" attack

Availability is threatened when a resource can be disabled or made unavailable.

Assets can be classified according to these

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Example An FTP server is read-only. If passwords are sent

in clear text, what is threatened if transmissions are captured? Confidentiality of the passwords

Confidentiality of the documents on the FTP server Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of other

resources that use the same password!

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Question Privacy fits best into which category?a) Confidentialityb) Integrityc) Availability

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Question Privacy fits best into which category?a) Confidentiality (not a perfect fit)b) Integrityc) Availability

Note that some organizations prefer to put emphasis on privacy separately from CIA (e.g., Purdue University's Security and Privacy office). Also, privacy advocates consider it important to be able to verify the integrity of personal information, especially when that information can be used against them (e.g., credit reports).

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Overarching Goals Understand the security mindset

Understand security definitions

Understand the risk and impact on industry of insecure software products

Understand patching costs

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Security Organizations Security companies and organizations are held to

a higher standard of security


Would you buy from an HVAC company that has broken A/C equipment in their offices?

Employees are responsible to protect the credibility of the company

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Exercise Name an industry sector, and something that

would make you avoid a company working in that sector.

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People Want Software That: Is produced with security assurance

Analogy: some applications exposed to the internet are like disguised cartons of eggs on the sidewalk

Lowers security risks To comply with laws mandating low security risks

HIPAA GLBA (Gramm-Leach Bliley) FERPA

To protect trade secrets and other valuable company information

Has fewer maintenance headaches (patching) and costs

Protects their reputation

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Exercise Identify risks that would cause you to stop using

a product. Be specific.

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Exercise Example Answers Frequencies of vulnerabilities and patches Absence of patches (or slow turnover) for known

issues Severity of vulnerabilities Criticality of the application Unreliability of patches

Patches that break previous fixes Patches that are incompatible with other software Downtime while applying patches

Unreliable file systems (non-journaled) Which matter most (for whom)?

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Your motivation as a participant in software development How important is quality?

Quality assurance is inclusive of secure programming techniques

How much design?

Information assurance happens by design

How risk-averse?

Security problems in your projects and code can hurt your reputation as well as your employer's

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Overarching Goals Understand the security mindset

Understand security definitions

Understand the risk and impact on Symantec of insecure software products

Understand patching costs

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Cost of Patching Cost of evaluating vulnerability claims Cost of patch development and testing Cost of patch notification and download system NIST recommendation on applying patches (s.p.

800-40) Patch and Vulnerability Group (customer's cost)

test patches notify administrators monitor application of patches by system

administrators Vulnerability scanning to verify or enforce

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Question Patches incur costs to?a) the vendorb) the customerc) both

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Question Patches incur costs to?a) the vendorb) the customerc) both

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Cost of Patching vs Preventing Flaws Security bugs are introduced at 3 different

stages: Design and architecture



Fixing security bugs with a patch costs 60 times more than catching them at design time*

*: IBM System Sciences Institute statistics, cited by Kevin Soo Hoo, Andrew W. Sudbury and Andrew R. Jaquith in "Tangible ROI through Secure Software Engineering," Secure Business Quarterly, Volume 1, Issue 2.

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Question If it costs $100,000 to issue each security patch,

approximately how much could have been saved by correcting the problem at design time?

a) $9,800b) $98,000c) $980

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Question If it costs $100,000 to issue each security patch,

approximately how much could have been saved by correcting the problem at design time?

a) $9,800b) $98,000c) $980

• Note: It isn’t possible to catch all security flaws at design time.

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Results from Current Software Engineering Methods >1000 reported vulnerabilities each year

About 50% of vulnerabilities are commonly repeated mistakes

About 25% of vulnerabilities could be avoided by applying secure design principles at design time

Need new methods

Patches created using the same development methods that created the buggy software, are likely buggy themselves!

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” (Albert Einstein)

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Question Approximately what percentage of documented

vulnerabilities are common repeated mistakes?a) 25%b) 50%c) 75%

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Question Approximately what percentage of documented

vulnerabilities are common repeated mistakes?a) 25%b) 50%c) 75%

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Question (guess) How much money does a developer for a large

software project typically save a company when catching and fixing a vulnerability during development instead of patching?

a) $1,000b) $10,000c) $100,000

A vulnerability fixed before release may take one hour, compared to weeks of several people's time to fix it after release.

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Answer c) $100,000

Without counting 1) costs to customers

Especially if revenue-generating activities are interrupted!

2) intangible costs

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Motivation and Definitions: End

Scrabble copyright Hasbro

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About These Slides You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work;

and to make derivative works, under the following conditions. You must give the original author and other contributors credit The work will be used for personal or non-commercial educational uses

only, and not for commercial activities and purposes For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the terms

of use for this work Derivative works must retain and be subject to the same conditions,

and contain a note identifying the new contributor(s) and date of modification

For other uses please contact the Purdue Office of Technology Commercialization.

Developed thanks to the support of Symantec Corporation

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Pascal [email protected]

Contributors: Jared Robinson, Alan Krassowski, Craig

Ozancin, Tim Brown, Wes Higaki, Melissa Dark, Chris Clifton, Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera