council tax leaflet 2013 14

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  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14


    Your council tax

    explained 2013/14

  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14


    The Council Budget for 2013/14Delivering in difficult timesHerefordshire Council is responsiblefor delivering many different servicesto our local communities, such as

    childrens education, support tovulnerable and elderly residents,maintenance of parks and openspaces, highway repairs, domesticwaste collection, libraries and tradingstandards.The councils budget for 2013/14 hasbeen set in the most challengingfinancial circumstances faced by local

    government in recent times.

    The councils two main priorities areto support the development of asuccessful economy and to improvethe quality of life for the people of

    Herefordshire, with particularemphasis on ensuring our mostvulnerable residents stay safe.

    Reducing CostsIn recent years the governmentsausterity measures have meant thatthe council has faced unprecedentedcuts in the grants it receives to fund

    local services.The council has already made savingsof approximately 21 million over thelast two years by significantly reducingoperating costs to focus on front lineservices. The challenge we now face isto make further significant savingsover the next three years in light of

    our reduced funding, while stillproviding good quality services andvalue for money across the county.The council is continuing to look atboth how it operates and whatservices it provides. We want to bemore businesslike in the way we workand to be able to say clearly what

    core services we will provide in thefuture. For those core services we willbe looking at how they can best beprovided to meet the needs of the

    customer.The council is also considering howwe can work with parish councils andcommunities to enable them todeliver services for themselves.

    Increasing IncomeFuture growth in resources to enableus to continue to provide core services

    is unlikely to come from governmentgrants. Therefore the council needs toattract new businesses into thecounty, along with increasing thenumber of council tax payers throughnew housing. From 2013/14 there willbe significant changes to the waylocal government is funded with the

    council being able to retain aproportion of new business rates.This makes economic regeneration aneven more important priority for thecouncil.During 2012 work started on theretail development located on the siteof the old cattle market in Hereford.


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    This has attracted interest andcommitment from major retailers. Wehave also attracted strong interestfrom potential investors in theHereford Enterprise Zone at Rotherwasand are supporting the development

    of a high tech employment park atModel Farm near Ross-on-Wye. Thedevelopment of these sites will helpprovide our young people with theskills they need to obtain work and beable to stay in the county.

    To support local businesses, whereverpossible we look to procure goodsand services from within the county.

    Budget PressuresThe budget pressures facing

    Herefordshire Council will come fromthe following areas:n Adult social care continues to face

    significant growing pressures dueto increased life expectancy andgreater demand for services.

    n The budget is also under pressure fromthe increasing number of childrenrequiring protection or care, coupledwith the ongoing shortage of qualifiedand experienced social workers.

    n Our road network continues to require

    considerable investment and we seethis as one of our priorities in thefuture.

    n Herefordshire is one of the mostsparsely populated counties in Englandand the costs associated withdelivering services in rural areas are notadequately funded through thecurrent national formula for

    government grant allocation.n The weak economy continues to have

    a direct impact on our income and onthe level of demand for some councilservices.

    Listening to your viewsHerefordshire Council has sought the

    views of local residents (Your CommunityYour Say), businesses and parish councilsto find out what is important to thoseliving and working in Herefordshire. Theinformation gathered not only helped usidentify our priorities but willcontinue to be used as we takedecisions over the coming year.


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    The following pages show how yourCouncil Tax for 2013/14 is calculatedand how it will be used to supportthe many services the council

    provides. Also included areexplanatory notes for the Council Taxdemand notice.

    n Your Council Tax makes animportant contribution to thefunding of Herefordshire Council,your Town or Parish Council andthe Police and Fire Authorities, all

    of whom provide services to thepeople of Herefordshire.

    n The way councils are funded hasfundamentally changed for2013/14. For the first time 50% ofnew business rates will be retainedlocally.

    n The councils net budget for2013/14 is 150,295,800 andchanges from last years budgetare shown in the table below.

    n The net budget has increased by6.9 million compared to last year.This is because of changes to theway that government support isprovided.

    n However a better measure of ourspending power is that our grossbudget (including funding forschools) is 330.57m.

    n Last year the council received 11million of specific grants fromcentral government which wereoffset against the relatedexpenditure and reduced thecouncils net budget. This year theequivalent figure is 9.4 millionbut the grants are now paid aspart of central funding.

    n Comparing like for like, it isestimated that governmentfunding this year has reduced by5.45 million or nearly 7%.

    n This years budget includesplanned efficiency savings of 9.1million.

    n The savings are part ofwidespread changes aimed atachieving 20% savings over thecoming years.

    n The budget has recognised theincreasing pressures in social care

    and included an additional 3.15million (2.50 million relating toadults and 0.65 million forsafeguarding children).

    n For the third year running thegovernment offered a council taxfreeze grant (equivalent to a 1%increase in council tax) to thosecouncils not increasing counciltax bills in 2013/14. However,due to budget pressures andbecause the grant is only payablefor two years, the council hasincreased council tax this year by1.90% (or 22.90 for a Band Dproperty).


    About your council taxBudget Changes

    2012/13 Net Budget



    Inflation 2.6

    Adjustment for Grants paidthrough Central Funding 9.4

    Capital Financing Costs (0.7)

    Net Service Pressures 4.9

    Management of ChangeProvision


    Efficiencies and Savings (9.1)

    General Grants (2.7)

    Reserves Movement 1.5

    2013/14 Net Budget 150.3

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    How will the money be spent?

    Gross NetExpenditure Income Expenditure

    2013/14 Service Requirements: '000 '000 '000

    Adult Social Care 66,491 17,850 48,641Children & Young People's Services 109,411 80,601 28,810

    Waste Collection and Disposal 15,746 2,327 13,419

    Community Services (including Leisure,Parks & Libraries) 7,382 2,084 5,298

    Highways & Transportation 16,511 5,979 10,532

    Environmental Health & Trading Standards 9,929 8,636 1,293

    Planning 3,590 2,128 1,462

    Housing Related Services 4,275 721 3,554Economic & Community Regeneration 2,342 106 2,236

    Corporate (including Support Services 26,827 7,586 19,241& Property)

    Costs of Council Tax & Benefit Administration 48,622 48,097 525

    Capital Financing Costs 15,411 449 14,962

    Contingency and Centrally Held Budgets 2,033 0 2,033

    Reserves Movement 2,000 0 2,000

    General Grants 0 3,710 (3,710)Total Net Expenditure 330,570 180,274 150,296

    Parish Council's Requirements 2,499

    Total Budget Requirement 152,795



    Met from % 000

    HerefordshireCouncils 51.6.. 78,911Council Tax Charge

    Collection Fund(0.5) (761)


    Business Rates and19.2.. 29,285

    Rates Top-up

    Revenue Support28.1.. 42,861

    GrantParish and TownCouncils 1.6.. 2,499Council Tax Charge

    2013/14 Net Budget 100.0.. 152,795

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    The net expenditure is divided by the tax base of 64,260 (the number of chargeable homes in Herefordshire calculated as if allwere in Band D). This gives a basic charge of 1,227.99. The amount of the bill will vary once the Police and Fire authoritycharges are added and also when the individual parish or town council charge is added; these amounts are shown on your bill.It will also vary if your home is other than Band D. If its Band A you need to multiply the total by 6/9; Band B by 7/9; Band C by8/9; Band E by 11/9; Band F by 13/9; Band G by 15/9 and Band H by 2. The population base used to calculate the cost per personwas 185,400 (a population forecast for mid-2013).

    The introduction of a new localisedcouncil tax reduction scheme toreplace council tax benefit haschanged the way the tax base iscalculated. The reason for this is thatthe cost of funding benefit was notpreviously included in the tax basecalculation. This change has resultedin a reduction in the tax base for2013/14 but the amount required bypreceptors has also reduced due togovernment funding and otherchanges made to council tax charges.

    Overall the level of funding receivedtowards council tax support is lessthat the amount received for counciltax benefit but the council has takensteps to mitigate the impact of thesechanges.

    2012/13 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14

    Amount Amountper Band D per

    Total Total Property Person

    000s 000s Total Budget Requirement 143,359 150,296 2,338.86 810.66

    (before parish or town councils)


    Collection Fund Deficit - ,761 11.84 4.10


    Business Rates - (22,726) (353.65) (122.58)

    Business Rates Top-up - (6,559) (102.06) (35.38)

    Formula Grant (56,615) (42,861) (667.00) (231.18)Herefordshire Councils Charge 86,744 78,911 1,227.99 425.62


    Parish and Town Councils Charge 2,697 2,499 38.89 13.48

    Hereford & Worcester Fire andRescue Authority 5,301 4,732 73.64 25.52

    Police Authority to the Office ofThe Police and Crime

    Commissioner for West MerciaCouncil Tax

    12,865 11,485 178.72 61.94107,607 97,627 1,519.24 526.56

    How is the Council Tax bill calculated?

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    Where the money goes (2013/14)

    Gross Expenditure Total Gross Expenditure is funded by:

    Capital financing Transfer tocosts 5% reserves 1%

    Transfer payments(eg benefits andconcessionarytravel) 15%




    Contractedservices 34% Supplies and

    Transportrelated 2%

    services 7%

    Business rates Government

    plus top-up grants 34%9%

    Counciltax 24%

    Other grants,reimbursements


    Dedicated schoolsgrant 23% Rent

    1%Sales,fees andcharges6%

  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14


    PARISH 2013/14 2013/14 2012/13Precept Band D Band D

    Equiv. Equiv.

    Abbeydore & Bacton Group 6,991 46.01 29.37Aconbury 115 3.37 2.70Acton Beauchamp Group 2,698 16.01 15.72Allensmore 1,947 8.09 5.87Almeley 7,001 29.24 27.59Ashperton 3,048 26.82 26.19Aston Ingham 2,440 12.06 10.35Avenbury 3,379 32.34 31.26Aymestrey 2,737 18.06 16.57Ballingham, Bolstone &Hentland Group

    3,883 13.96 13.94

    Bartestree & LugwardineGroup

    22,960 28.15 27.28

    Belmont Rural 46,956 35.37 31.00Birley with Upper Hill 1,907 15.14 14.41Bishops Frome 20,340 67.24 59.76Bishopstone & District Group 3,900 20.72 20.18Bodenham 9,473 21.48 20.86Border Group 7,052 24.15 23.89Bosbury and Coddington 9,209 26.71 25.51Brampton Abbots & Foy Group 1,900 8.85 9.10Bredenbury & District Group 5,165 33.55 25.14Breinton 7,917 20.31 17.54Bridstow 4,925 12.86 12.55Bril ley 4,604 38.91 32.33Brimfield and Little HerefordGroup

    8,936 18.59 18.20

    Brockhampton 3,549 39.37 39.38Brockhampton Group 7,525 23.33 26.27Bromyard & Winslow Town 144,919 111.20 106.79Burghill 13,478 20.16 14.30Callow & Haywood Group 5,297 26.11 26.19Clehonger 10,828 23.36 20.85Clif ford 3,881 15.54 15.33Colwall 53,844 49.23 48.12}

    Malvern Hills Conservators(Colwall )

    31,349 28.66 27.96}

    PARISH 2013/14 2013/14 2012/13Precept Band D Band D

    Equiv. Equiv.

    Leintwardine Group 13,851 32.05 32.93Leominster Town 202,450 59.84 54.98Linton 5,784 12.89 12.84Little Birch 2,647 28.15 27.50Little Dewchurch 6,774 41.82 41.62Llangarron 4,844 10.56 10.50Llanwarne & District Group 1,934 7.46 5.08Longtown Group 5,402 13.21 13.19Lower Bullingham 17,927 30.68 16.21Luston Group 9,463 26.84 23.73Lyonshall 9,744 35.87 17.23Madley 8,133 20.80 20.34Marden 16,411 32.17 31.79

    Marstow 5,218 32.41 29.09Mathon 6,415 41.01 41.07 }Malvern Hills Conservators(Mathon) 4,482 28.66 28.27 }

    Middleton-on-the-Hill &Leysters Group

    3,383 20.26 20.06

    Monkland and Stretford 3,326 41.63 33.59Moreton on Lugg 13,203 47.36 36.27Much Birch 5,583 15.10 14.66Much Cowarne Group 3,437 17.14 16.79Much Dewchurch 3,267 13.17 12.87Much Marcle 4,671 16.29 15.37North Bromyard Group 3,840 12.50 12.35Ocle Pychard 2,673 10.70 10.54

    Orcop 6,707 41.08 28.30Orleton 14,616 42.89 39.19Pembridge 16,861 38.13 38.31Pencombe Group 8,207 43.60 32.37Peterchurch 12,257 32.37 32.01Peterstow 3,359 18.49 18.20Pipe and Lyde 2,268 16.02 15.95Pixley & District 5,267 23.93 21.20Putley 4,544 47.08 39.22Pyons Group 5,897 17.53 16.45Richard's Castle 3,060 25.10 23.34

    Spending by parish and town councilsThe parish councils' requirement for 2013/14 totals 2,788,087 (compared to 2,696,917 for 2012/13). This year the requirement ismet partly by government grant totalling 289,006 with the remaining 2,499,081 being a precept on the parishes. The table belowshows the precept for each parish for 2013/14 (after deducting the government grant).


    Administration 97,292Park & open spaces 28,472Public works 1,000Grants 5,750Burial committee 3,528Mayor's allowance 2,750Members' Expenses/Training -Audit Fees/Insurance/Subscriptions -Civic Centre 10,588Youth fund 2,850Closed churchyard 3,920

    Elections -Jubilee Gifts 3,300Floral decorations / Christmas lights 5 ,050Town signs / promotions 3,500Net Requirement 168,000Government Grant -Precept 168,000Band D Equivalent Properties 1,573.18Council Tax Charge 106.79..


    Administration 188,320City centre management 199,493

    Other specific expenditure 89,230Civic and ceremonial events 145,062Grants and donations 116,000Allotments 18,275Total Expenditure 756,380Interest received (6,420)Contributions to reserves (15,000)Net Requirement 734,960Government Grant -Precept 734,960Band D Equivalent Properties 17,755.10Council Tax Charge 41.39..

    2013/14 104,05716,824








    2013/14 187,613195,635





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  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14


    Flood defence and land drainageThe Herefordshire Council budget includes a provision tomeet the special levies of the Environment Agency andInternal Drainage Boards (IDBs).

    Net requirements (special levy)2012/13 2013/14

    000s 000sEnvironment Agency - West Midlands 73 79River Lugg IDB 110 110Lower Wye IDB 4Lower Severn IDB 8Total 195 201Total per Head 1.06 1.08Total per Band D Equivalent 2.71 3.13

    The Environment Agency is the leading public body for

    protecting and improving the environment in England

    and Wales. Their job is to make sure that air, land and

    water are looked after by everyone in order to create a

    cleaner and healthier environment.

    Internal Drainage Boards manage water levels and land

    drainage and undertake flood risk management workson ordinary watercourses (other than 'main rivers'). This

    involves the maintenance of rivers, drainage channels

    and pumping stations, facilitating drainage of new

    developments and advising on planning applications.

    IDBs also look after Sites of Special Scientific Interest

    plus other designated environmental areas.




    2012/13 2013/14

    Environment Agency Precept 15,914 -

    Board Costs/Salaries/Admin 58,811 66,357

    Maintenance of Watercourses 130,000 134,000(Including Conservation Costs)

    Total expenditure 204,725 200,357

    Drainage Rates and Other Income (94,929) (90,561)

    Levy payable by the Council 109,796 109,796

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    Capital investment

    Herefordshire Council forecasts it will

    spend 58 million on capital projects

    during 2013/14. Capital expenditure

    creates new community assets and

    improves existing assets.

    Capital expenditure is funded from

    capital grants, capital receipts from

    the sale of assets and borrowing to

    fund specific projects if appropriate

    and prudent to do so.

    The main capital schemes over the

    next three years are:n Hereford Link Road

    n Hereford Local Transport Plan

    n Borders Broadband Pilot

    n Corporate Accommodation Projects

    Planned Capital Investment 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Total

    '000 '000 '000 '000

    Investment by directorate: -

    People's Services 9,732 3,287 - 13,019

    Places & Communities 36,645 30,111 13,199 79,955

    Corporate Services 11,159 3,346 980 15,485

    Other 540 319 667 1,52658,076 37,063 14,846 109,985

    Which is funded by:-

    Government Grants and Contributions 26,487 18,471 2,600 47,558

    Capital Receipts Reserve 1,569 355 - 1,924

    Prudential Borrowing 30,020 18,237 12,246 60,503

    58,076 37,063 14,846 109,985


  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14




    There will only be one council tax bill

    per dwelling and it will be payable by

    the first person who fits thedescription when looking down the

    list below:

    a) a resident freeholder (owner)

    b) a resident leaseholder

    c) a resident statutory or secure


    d) a resident with a contractuallicence to occupy

    e) a resident who is not included in

    any of the above

    f) the owner (this applies where the

    property is unoccupied)

    If two or more people fit the same

    description they will be jointly andseverally liable for the whole charge.

    Joint and several liability also applies

    to married couples, unmarried

    couples and civil partners.


    The council tax band for your

    property is shown on your council tax

    bill. It is based upon its estimatedopen market value at 1st April 1991.

    All properties are placed in one of the

    eight bands listed below. The amount

    of council tax payable will depend

    upon the band in which the property

    is placed, e.g. a property in Band A

    would pay two thirds (6/9ths) of the

    amount of the property in Band D(9/9ths).

    Valuation bands & range charge factor

    A Up to 40,000 6/9

    B 40,001 to 52,000 7/9

    C 52,001 to 68,000 8/9

    D 68,001 to 88,000 9/9

    E 88,001 to 120,000 11/9

    F 120,001 to 160,000 13/9

    G 160,001 to 320,000 15/9

    H Over 320,000 18/9

    Please note that all council tax

    banding assessments are available on

    the Valuation Office Agency Website



    Some dwellings are exempt from

    council tax. The classes of exemption

    are listed below:

    n Unoccupied and owned by a charity

    (exempt for up to six months)

    n Left empty by someone who has

    gone to prison

    Council tax demand notice - explanatory notes

  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14


    n Left empty by long stay patients in

    care homes and hospitals

    n Left empty following the death of

    the taxpayer

    n Left empty because occupation is

    prohibited by law

    n Empty and awaiting occupation by

    a minister of religion

    n Left empty by someone who has

    moved in order to receive or provide

    personal care for another person

    n Left empty by students


    Repossessed by the mortgageen Halls of Residence

    n Properties occupied by students or

    school leavers

    n Armed Forces accommodation such

    as barracks

    n Properties occupied by members of

    visiting forcesn Properties left empty by bankrupts

    n Unoccupied caravan pitches and

    houseboat moorings

    n Properties occupied by persons

    under 18

    n Unoccupied annexes which form

    part of a single property and may

    not be let separately without a

    breach of planning consent

    n Properties occupied by persons who

    are severely mentally impaired

    n Property where at least one person

    who would otherwise be liable is a


    n Annexes and similar

    accommodation occupied by an

    elderly or disabled relative

    Evidence will be required to support a

    claim for exemption.With effect from 1 April 2013 the

    exemption classes for unoccupied and

    unfurnished properties have been

    removed and replaced by discounts.

    The Government has given local

    authorities discretion to determine

    the levels of discount. Please see the

    section on discounts below.


    If you, or someone who lives with you,

    need a room, or an extra bedroom, or

    kitchen, or extra space in your property

    to meet special needs arising from a

    disability, you may be entitled to a

    reduced council tax bill. The bill may bereduced to that of the property in the

    band immediately below the band

    shown on the valuation list. If your

    home is in Band A, the regulations

    allow for a reduction of 1/9th of the

    Band D charge.


    The full council tax bill assumes that

    there are two adults living in a

    dwelling. If only one adult lives in a

    dwelling (as their main home), the

    council tax bill will be reduced by a

    quarter (25%). People in the following


  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14



    groups do not count towards the

    number of adults resident in adwelling:

    n Full time students, student nurses,

    apprentices and youth training


    n Patients resident in a hospital or a

    care home.


    People who are severely mentallyimpaired.

    n People staying in certain hostels

    or night shelters.

    n 18 or 19 year olds who are at or

    have just left school.

    n Certain care-workers working at

    home, for low pay.n People caring for someone with a

    disability who is not a spouse,

    partner, or child under 18.

    n Members of visiting forces and

    certain international institutions.

    n Members of religious communities

    n People in prison (except those inprison for non-payment of council

    tax or fines).

    With effect from 1st April 2013 the

    exemption classes for unoccupied

    and unfurnished properties have

    been removed and local authorities

    have been given discretion to

    determine the levels of discount.

    From 1st April 2013 the following

    discounts are applicable:

    n Unoccupied and unfurnished

    dwellings that require or are

    undergoing major repair work or

    structural alterations - a discount

    of 25% for a maximum of 12


    n Unoccupied and unfurnished

    dwellings a discount of 25% for

    a maximum of 6 months.The council also has discretion to set

    the level of discount for second

    homes (furnished, unoccupied

    properties). The discount up to 31st

    March 2013 was set at 10% but this

    will change from 1st April 2013 when

    there will be no discount applicable

    to second homes so the council taxwill be charged at the full rate.

    Where your council tax bill indicates

    that a discount or an exemption has

    been allowed, you must tell the

    council tax office of any changes of

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    If you wish to see the service standards for the collection of council tax please visit the council's website at contact the council tax office by one of the methods above.

    circumstances, which affects your

    entitlement. This must be done

    within 21 days of you becoming

    aware of the change and if you fail

    to do so you may be required to pay

    a penalty of 70.


    The grounds for appeal against your

    propertys valuation band are

    restricted to the following:

    n Where you became the Council

    Taxpayer in respect of a property

    for the first time and you thinkyour valuation band is incorrect -

    your appeal must be made within

    6 months

    n You believe that the banding

    should be changed because there

    has been a reduction in the

    dwellings value - for example part

    of it has been demolished

    n The Listing Officer has altered the

    band without a proposal being

    made by the tax payer. This may

    occur when the property is sold

    and the previous owner had added

    an extension

    n You start or stop using your

    property for business or the

    balance between domestic and

    business use changesAppeals against valuation bandings

    must be made in writing to The

    Listing Officer, Block A Government

    Buildings, Whittington Road,

    Worcester WR5 2LB. Telephone 03000

    501501 Email: [email protected]

    You may also appeal if you consider

    that you are not liable to pay council

    tax, for example:

    n Because you are not the resident

    or owner

    n You consider your property should

    be exempt

    n A mistake has been made in

    calculating your bill.

    Your appeal should be in writing but

    making an appeal does not allow you

    to withhold payment of council tax

    owing in the meantime. If your

    appeal is successful you will be

    entitled to a refund of any

    overpayment. If you are not satisfied

    with our response you have a further

    right of appeal to the ValuationTribunal


    By post: Send to the council tax section, PO Box 224,Hereford, HR1 2XW

    By telephone: 01432 260360By visiting: a customer service centre - the locations are shown

    on the back pageBy Email to: [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 Council Tax Leaflet 2013 14


    If you need help to understand this document, or would like it in

    another format or language, please call 01432 260360 or send anemail to: [email protected]

    Further help and advice is available from:

    Ross Library & Customer Service CentreCantilupe Road, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 7ANTel: 01432 260500

    Opening hoursMonday 8.45am - 5.15pmTuesday 8.45am - 5.15pmWednesday 8.45am - 5.15pmThursday 8.45am - 5.15pmFriday 8.45am - 4.45pmSaturday 9.30am - 1.00pmSunday Closed

    the Bromyard Centre1 Cruxwell Street, Bromyard, HR7 4EBTel: 01432 260280

    Opening hoursMonday 8.15am - 9.30pmTuesday 9.00am - 9.30pmWednesday 8.15am - 9.30pmThursday 9.00am - 9.30pmFriday 8.15am - 9.30pmSaturday 9.00am - 4.00pmSunday 9.00am - 4.00pm

    The Hereford CentreFranklin House, 4 Commercial Road,Hereford, HR1 2BB Tel: 01432 260500

    Opening hoursMonday 8.45am - 5.15pm

    Tuesday 8.45am - 5.15pmWednesday 8.45am - 5.15pmThursday 8.45am - 5.15pmFriday 8.45am - 4.45pmSaturday 9am - 1pmSunday Closed

    Leominster Customer Service Centre11 Corn Square, Leominster, HR6 8YPTel: 01432 260500

    Opening hoursMonday 8.45am - 5.15pmTuesday 8.45am - 5.15pmWednesday 8.45am - 5.15pmThursday 8.45am - 5.15pmFriday 8.45am - 4.45pmSaturday ClosedSunday Closed

    Ledbury Customer Service CentreThe Masters House, St Katherines, HighStreet, Ledbury, HR8 1EA Tel: 01432 260500

    Opening hoursMonday 8.45am - 5.15pmTuesday 8.45am - 5.15pmWednesday 8.45am - 5.15pmThursday 8.45am - 5.15pmFriday 8.45am - 4.45pmSaturday ClosedSunday Closed

    the Kington Centre64 Bridge Street, Kington, HR5 3DJTel: 01432 260600

    Opening hoursMonday 9am - 4pmTuesday 9am - 6pmWednesday 9am - 12pmThursday 9pm - 4pmFriday 9am - 4pmSaturday 9am - 12pmSunday Closed


