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COT 5611 Operating Systems Design Principles Spring 2010 Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 439 B Office hours: M-Wd 1:00-2:00 PM

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Page 1: COT 5611 Operating Systems Design Principles Spring 2010 Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 439 B Office hours: M-Wd 1:00-2:00 PM

COT 5611 Operating SystemsDesign Principles Spring 2010

Dan C. Marinescu

Office: HEC 439 B

Office hours: M-Wd 1:00-2:00 PM

Page 2: COT 5611 Operating Systems Design Principles Spring 2010 Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 439 B Office hours: M-Wd 1:00-2:00 PM


Names and the three basic abstractions

Memory stores named objects write(name, value) value READ(name) file system: /dcm/classes/Fall09/Lectures/Lecture5.ppt

Interpreters manipulates named objects machine instructions ADD R1,R2 modules Variables call sort(table)

Communication Links connect named objects HTTP protocol used by the Web and file systems


put /dcm/classes/Fall09/Lectures/Lecture5.ppt

get /dcm/classes/Fall09/Lectures/Lecture5.ppt

Page 3: COT 5611 Operating Systems Design Principles Spring 2010 Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 439 B Office hours: M-Wd 1:00-2:00 PM


Memory Hardware memory:

Devices RAM (Random Access Memory) chip Flash memory non-volatile memory that can be erased and

reprogrammed Magnetic tape Magnetic Disk CD and DVD

Systems RAID File systems DBMS (Data Base management Systems)

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Attributes of the storage medium/system

Durability the time it remembers Stability whether or not the data is changed during the

storage Persistence property of data storage system, it keeps

trying to preserve the data

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Critical properties of a storage medium/system

Read/Write Coherence the result of a READ of a memory cell should be the same as the most recent WRITE to that cell.

Before-or-after atomicity the result of every READ or WRITE is as if that READ or WRITE occurred either completely before or completely after any other READ or WRITE

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WRITE item A in cell M


READ from cell M



Read/Write Coherence è the result of a READ of a memory cell should be the same as the most recent WRITE to that cell.

Before-or-after atomicity è the result of every READ or WRITE is as if that READ or WRITE occurred either completely before or completely after any other READ or WRITE




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Why it is hard to guarantee the critical properties?

Concurrency multiple threads could READ/WRITE to the same cell

Remote storage The delay to reach the physical storage may not guarantee FIFO operation

Optimizations data may be buffered to increase I/O efficiency

Cell size may be different than data size data may be written to multiple cells.

Replicated storage difficult to maintain consistency.

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Access type; access time

Sequential access Tapes CD/DVD

Random access devices Disk

Seek Search time Read/Write time


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Physical memory organization

RAM two dimensional array. To select a flip-flop provide the x and y coordinates.

Tapes blocks of a given length and gaps (special combination of bits.

Disk: Multiple platters Cylinders correspond to a particular position of the moving arm Track circular pattern of bits on a given platter and cylinder Record multiple records on a track


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Names and physical addresses

Location addressed memory the hardware maps the physical coordinates to consecutive integers, addresses

Associative memory unrestricted mapping; the hardware does not impose any constraints in mapping the physical coordinates


Figure 2.2 from textrbook

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RAID – Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

The abstraction put to work to increase performance and durability.

Raid 0 allows concurrent reading and writing. Increases performance but does not improve reliability.

Raid 1 increases durability by replication the block of data on multiple disks (mirroring)

Raid 2 Disks are synchronized and striped in very small stripes, often in single bytes/words. Error correction calculated across corresponding bits on disks,

and is stored on multiple parity disks (Hamming codes).


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RAID (cont’d)

Raid 3 Striped set with dedicated parity or bit interleaved parity or byte level parity.

Raid 4 improves reliability, it adds error correction


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RAID (cont’d) Raid 5 striped disks with parity combines three or more

disks to protect data against loss of any one disk. The storage capacity of the array is reduced by one disk

Raid 6 striped disks with dual parity combines four or more disks to protect against loss of any two disks.  Makes larger RAID groups more practical. Large-capacity drives lengthen the time needed to recover from

the failure of a single drive. Single parity RAID levels are vulnerable to data loss until the failed drive is rebuilt: the larger the drive, the longer the rebuild will take. Dual parity gives time to rebuild the array without the data being at risk if a (single) additional drive fails before the rebuild is complete.


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Interpreters The active elements of a computer system Diverse

Hardware Processor, Disk Controller, Display controller Software

script language: Javascropt, Pearl, Python text processing systems: Latex, Tex, Word browser : Safari, Google Chrome,Thunderbird

All share three major abstractions/components: Instruction reference tells the system where to find the next

instruction Repertoire the set of actions (instructions) the interpreter is

able to perform Environment reference tells the interpreter where to find the its

environment, the state in which it should be to execute the next instruction


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An abstract interpreter

The three elements allow us to describe the functioning of an interpreter regardless of its physical realization.

Interrupt mechanism allowing an interpreter to deal with the transfer of control. Once an instruction is executed the control is passed to an interrupt handler which may change the environment for the next instruction.

More than a single interpreter may be present.


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Figure 2.5 from the textbook

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Processors Can execute instructions from a specific instruction set Architecture

PC, IR, SP, GPR, ALU, FPR, FPU State is saved on a stack by the interrupt handler to transfer

control to a different virtual processor, thread.


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Interpreters are organized in layers

Each layer issues instructions/requests for the next. A lower layer generally carries out multiple instruction for

each request from the upper layer.


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Communication Links Two operations

SEND (link_name, outgoing_message_Buffer) RECEIVE (link_name, incoming_message_Buffer)

Message an array of bits Physical implementation in hardware

Wires Networks

Ethernet Internet The phone system


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The Internet – an extreme example of what hides behind the communication link abstraction

Internet Core and Edge The hardware

Router Network adaptor

Hourglass communication model Protocol stack It’s along way to Tipperary – the way a message squizes

through protocol layers

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Naming The tree abstractions manipulate objects identified by

name. How could object A access object B:

Make a copy of object B and include it in A use by value Safe there is a single copy of B How to implement sharing of object B?

Pass to A the means to access B using its name use by reference Not inherently safe both A and C may attempt to modify B at the

same time. Need some form of concurrency control.

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Binding and indirection Indirection decoupling objects from their physical

realization through names. Names allow the system designer to:

1. organize the modules of a system and to define communication patterns among them

2. defer for a later time to create object B referred to by object A select the specific object A wishes to use

Binding linking the object to names. Examples: A compiler constructs

a table of variables and their relative address in the data section of the memory map of the process

a list of unsatisfied external references A linker binds the external references to modules from libraries

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Generic naming model

Naming scheme strategy for naming. Consists of: Name space the set of acceptable names; the alphabet used

to select the symbols from and the syntax rules. Universe of values set of objects/values to be named Name mapping algorithm resolves the names, establishes a

correspondence between a name and an object/value Context the environment in which the model operates.

Example: searching for John Smith in the White Pages in Orlando (one context) or in Tampa (another context).

Sometimes there is only one context universal name space; e.g., the SSNs.

Default context

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Figure 2.10 from the textbook

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Operations on names in the abstract model Simple models: value RESOLVE (name, context)

The interpreter: Determines the version of the RESOLVE (which naming scheme is used) Identifies the context Locates the object

Example: the processor Complex models support:

creation of new bindings: status BIND(name, value, context) deletion of old bindings: status UNBIND(name, value) enumeration of name space: list ENUMERATE(context) comparing names status: result COMPARE(name1,name2)

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Name mapping

Name to value mapping One-to-One the name identifies a single object Many-to-One multiple names identify one objects (aliasing) One-to-Many multiple objects have the same name even in the

same context. Stable bindings the mapping never change. Examples:

Social Security Numbers CustomerId for customer billing systems

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Name-mapping algorithms

1. Table lookup1. Phone book

2. Port numbers a port the end point of a network connection

2. Recursive lookup:1. File systems – path names

2. Host names – DNS (Domain Name Server)

3. Names for Web objects - URL – (Universal Resource Locator)

3. Multiple lookup searching through multiple contexts1. Libraries

2. Example: the classpath is the path that the Java runtime environment searches for classes and other resource files

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1. Table lookup

Figure 2.11 from the textbook

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How to determine the context Context references:

Default supplied by the name resolver Constant built-in by the name resolver

Processor registers (hardwired) Virtual memory (the page table register of an address space)

Variable supplied by the current environment File name (the working directory)

Explicit supplied by the object requesting the name resolution Per object

Looking up a name in the phone book Per name each name is loaded with its own context reference

(qualified name). URL Host names used by DNS

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Dynamic and multiple contexts Context reference static/dynamic.

Example: the context of the “help” command is dynamic, it depends where you are the time of the command.

A message is encapsulated (added a new header, ) as flows down the protocol stack: Application layer (application header understood only in application context) Transport layer (transport header understood only in the transport context) Network layer (network header understood only in the network context) Data link layer (data link header understood only in the data link context)

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2. Recursive name resolution Contexts are structured and a recursion is needed for name

resolution. Root a special context reference - a universal name space Path name name which includes an explicit reference to the

context in which the name is to be resolved. Example: first paragraph of page 3 in part 4 of section 10 of chapter 1 of

book “Alice in Wonderland.” The path name includes multiple components known to the user of the

name and to name solver The least element of the path name must be an explicit context

reference Absolute path name the recursion ends at the root context. Relative path name path name that is resolved by looking up its

mot significant component of the path name

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Most significant Least significant

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3. Multiple lookup

Search path a list of contexts to be searched Example: the classpath is the path that the Java runtime

environment searches for classes and other resource files User-specfic search paths user-specific binding The contexts can be in concentric layers. If the resolver

fails in a inner layer it moves automatically to the outer layer.

Scope of a name the range of layers in which a name is bound to the same object.

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Comparing names

Questions Are two names the same? easy to answer Are two names referring to the same object (bound to the same

value)? harder; we need the contexts of the two names. If the objects are memory cells are the contents of these cells the


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Name discovery

Two actors: The exporter advertizes the existence of the name. The prospective user searches for the proper advertisement.

Example: the creator of a math library advertizes the functions. Methods

Well-known names Broadcasting Directed query Broadcast query Introduction Physical randezvoue

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Computer System Organization

Operating Systems (OS) software used to Control the allocation of resources (hardware and software) Support user applications Sandwiched between the hardware layer and the application

layer OS-bypass: the OS does not hide completely the

hardware from applications. It only hides dangerous functions such as I/O operations Management function

Names modularization


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Figure 2.16 from the textbook

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The hardware layer

Modules representing each of the three abstractions (memory, interpreter, communication link) are interconnected by a bus.

The bus a broadcast communication channel, each module hears every transmission. Control lines Data lines Address lines

Each module is identified by a unique address has a bus interface

Modules other than processors need a controller.


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Figure 2.17 from the textbook

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Bus sharing and optimization Communication broadcast Arbitration protocol decide which module has the control of the bus.

Supported by hardware: a bus arbiter circuit distributed among interfaces – each module has a priority daisy chaining

Split-transaction a module uses the arbitration protocol to acquire control of the bus

Optimization: hide the latency of I/O devices

Channels dedicated processors capable to execute a channel program (IBM) DMA (Direct Memory Access)

Support transparent access to files: Memory Mapped I/O

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Direct Memory Access (DMA): supports direct communication between processor and memory; the

processor provides the disk address of a block in memory where data is to be read into or written from.

hides the disk latency; it allows the processor to execute a process while data is transferred

Memory Mapped I/O: LOAD and STORE instructions access the registers and buffers of an I/O

module bus addresses are assigned to control registers and buffers of the I/O module the processor maps bus addresses to its own address space (registers)

Supports software functions such as UNIX mmap which map an entire file. Swap area: disk image of the virtual memory of a process.

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DMA Transfer


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B. The software layer: the file abstraction File: memory abstraction used by the application and OS layers

linear array of bits/bytes properties:

durable information will not be changed in time has a name allows access to individual bits/bytes has a cursor which defines the

current position in the file. The OS provides an API (Application Programming Interface)

supporting a range of file manipulation operations. A user must first OPEN a file before accessing it and CLOSE it after

it has finished with it. This strategy: allows different access rights (READ, WRITE, READ-WRITE) coordinate concurrent access to the file

Some file systems use OPEN and CLOSE to enforce before-or-after atomicity support all-or-nothing atomicity e.g., ensure that if the system

crashes before a CLOSE either all or none of WRITEs are carried out

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Open and Read operations