costume ideas

Costume Ideas These are my original idea’s for my main artist Daniel - a pop solo artist. Daniel’s costume aims to reflect and highlight that he is a young, fashionable and confident male artists. Also, the colours used are masculine colours, like brown and blue as well as classic colours such as blacks and whites to indicate that he wants to make and impact and a grand statement - that he is going to be in the pop industry for a long time. Daniel will embrace modern day trends, wearing skinny jeans, short sleeved shirts, dessert or boat shoes. This outfit idea gives him a casual but sophisticated look, highlighting his age, as well as maturity to be so young in such a serious business. These costume ideas do not just apply to Daniel, but also to the boy band that is to feature in my magazine also - “Triple Alliance”. This portrays that trends are infact the same for the young generation, and these trends can easily make an impact of those who see images and music videos of the boys.

Upload: shauna-mullen

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Costume Ideas

These are my original idea’s for my main artist Daniel - a pop solo

artist. Daniel’s costume aims to reflect and highlight that he is a young, fashionable and confident male artists. Also, the colours used are masculine colours, like brown and blue as well as classic colours such as blacks and whites to indicate that he wants to make and impact and a grand statement - that he is going to be in the pop industry for a long time.

Daniel will embrace modern day trends, wearing skinny jeans, short sleeved shirts, dessert or boat shoes. This outfit idea gives him a casual but sophisticated look, highlighting his age, as well as maturity to be so young in such a serious business.

These costume ideas do not just apply to Daniel, but also to the boy band that is to feature in my magazine also - “Triple Alliance”. This portrays that trends are infact the same for the young generation, and these trends can easily make an impact of those who see images and music videos of the boys.

Black skinny jeans can be used for a casual costume, or for a smart costume to, which is why I picked them. Blue jeans can also have the same effect. However, black jeans tend to be more popular in this day and age, as does boys wearing skinny jeans!

A short sleeve shirt has the same effect - it can be both smart and casual, depending on how you accessorize it. It could therefore be apart of Daniel’s

performing wear or his casual going out wear - as they are also comfortable clothing, not just nice looking clothing!

The navy jumper is for a more formal occasion and is often wore with a shirt underneath it with a pair of jeans and smart shoes. As is the harrington jacket - the jacket is also only limited to certain weathers - it is not something he would wear in the summer!

The dessert boots and the boat shoes are shoes that will be worn on more formal occasssions also. Unlike the trainers that will be worn on an average day to day.

None of these outfits are relevant to any of my artists when they will be attending important awards and premiers - their outfits will be upgraded and a lot more formal - like a suit and Oxford shoes.