cosmic awareness 1: the philosophy of cosmic awareness; the creation

Cosmic Awareness Communication s P. O . One 115, Qiympie, WHHh3Rgtan 08S0 1 X61 THE PHILOSOPHY OF COSMIC AWARENES S _am , (Ralph Duby, Interpreter ) THE CREATION " in the beginning," as written in the Book of Genesis, it is indicated that befor e cosmologies were formed, that there was that great : void . That void yet did contai n energy and that energy did manifest itself : that energy did, in time, create through the will of this Awareness, that kind of material form which is also energy . When the spirit did withdraw into itself, there was that manifestation of energ y wherein creation takes place . Creative activity is that activity which takes place i n the space-time continuum, wherein space and time do meet . When space and time do meet , that at this point there is creative energy . This energy can 'be transmuted into materia l form ; that the density varies in reference to that particular form, whether it he gas , liquid or solid . At that time when the spirit did release itself, that this release was done by pur e reflective thought . This creative energy then manifest itself through electric force fields, through magnetic force fields, through that great force which is the mind forc e of this Awareness, and through other forces and other forms of energy . At that time i n the space-time continuum, wherein space and time did indeed merge, that at this poin t of creativity there was created galaxies, universes : and among these, your own--thi s solar system, these planets, this earth . When this energy of creativity is transmuted, when .it becomes that particular densit y which you associate with as matter, that at this time neutrons and protons which are i n the structure of the atom, do form that particular time it was the will of this Awareness _ through the proper arrangement of these neutrons and protons to use that force, tha t Law in the space-time continuum wherein creativity could bring about that spark, tha t life, that vitality which at these early times was evidenced in certain forms of amoeboi d life, small types of animals, some of these so small that they could not be seen b y microsopes . This beginning life was, indeed, plant and animal : :that these beginning cells , these unicellular structures, were those wherein vitality was first presented . As mere vitality did exhibit itself, there was that urge to expand and move close r to this Awareness ; that those forms of life that were created, that were simple, tha t were mere vitality, did, in their urging and in their striving to reach toward thi s Awareness, create within themselves that energy, that kind of divinity that which i n them is their awareness, that movement wherein through their striving and great nee d did create higher forms of life, higher forms in that they were closer to that whic h was represented by this Awareness . These forms, this mere vitality did, in hundreds of millions of years, through certai l success and failures, move closer to this Awareness and represents itself in those many forms,,,those multitudinous forms Which have been referred to as "simple awareness ."

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Page 1: Cosmic Awareness 1: The Philosophy Of Cosmic Awareness; The Creation

Cosmic Awareness Communications

P. O. One 115, Qiympie, WHHh3Rgtan 08S0 1X61


(Ralph Duby, Interpreter )


" in the beginning," as written in the Book of Genesis, it is indicated that beforecosmologies were formed, that there was that great: void . That void yet did containenergy and that energy did manifest itself : that energy did, in time, create throughthe will of this Awareness, that kind of material form which is also energy .

When the spirit did withdraw into itself, there was that manifestation of energywherein creation takes place . Creative activity is that activity which takes place i nthe space-time continuum, wherein space and time do meet . When space and time do meet ,that at this point there is creative energy . This energy can 'be transmuted into materia lform; that the density varies in reference to that particular form, whether it he gas ,liquid or solid .

At that time when the spirit did release itself, that this release was done by pur ereflective thought . This creative energy then manifest itself through electric forcefields, through magnetic force fields, through that great force which is the mind forc eof this Awareness, and through other forces and other forms of energy . At that time i nthe space-time continuum, wherein space and time did indeed merge, that at this poin tof creativity there was created galaxies, universes : and among these, your own--thi ssolar system, these planets, this earth .

When this energy of creativity is transmuted, when .it becomes that particular densit ywhich you associate with as matter, that at this time neutrons and protons which are inthe structure of the atom, do form that particular time it was the will of this Awareness _through the proper arrangement of these neutrons and protons to use that force, tha tLaw in the space-time continuum wherein creativity could bring about that spark, tha tlife, that vitality which at these early times was evidenced in certain forms of amoeboi dlife, small types of animals, some of these so small that they could not be seen b ymicrosopes .

This beginning life was, indeed, plant and animal : :that these beginning cells ,these unicellular structures, were those wherein vitality was first presented .

As mere vitality did exhibit itself, there was that urge to expand and move closerto this Awareness ; that those forms of life that were created, that were simple, tha twere mere vitality, did, in their urging and in their striving to reach toward thi sAwareness, create within themselves that energy, that kind of divinity that which i nthem is their awareness, that movement wherein through their striving and great nee ddid create higher forms of life, higher forms in that they were closer to that whichwas represented by this Awareness .

These forms, this mere vitality did, in hundreds of millions of years, through certai lsuccess and failures, move closer to this Awareness and represents itself in those manyforms,,,those multitudinous forms Which have been referred to as "simple awareness ."

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This Awareness indicates life did exist for hundreds of millions of years as merevitality, and then again as simple awareness ; that there was within that complex lifethat feeling which again moved closer to this Awareness . This great need and this greaturge did indicate that concept which has been referred to as the Universal Law :

That all life has within it that power and that forc eto draw from itself all that is necessary for it sgrowth and fruition ; and the direction of its growth i stoward this Awareness, and its fruition is that whic his next to this Awareness .

Simple awareness did, through great urgency and through many hundreds of million sof years, strive in its urgent need toward that greater expression which was evidence dby self-awareness . At that time when self-awareness was created, that with it and atthe same time, there was given that free principle of the mind, the active principl eof the mind wherein entities were allowed to separate themselves from this Awareness ,in terms of their own mind-energy or mind force . Herein, also, was created that firs tmovement of the mind that was the birth of the soul .

This Awareness indicates the lines where life is defined as mere vitality, as simpleawareness, as self-awareness are not clearly defined . There are those forms of simpl eawareness that do contain that beginning kind of evolutionary concept wherein there i sself-awareness .

It is indicated to you, at this time, that elephants, that some species of gorilla ,that some highly-developed species of dogs, have developed in a measure that rudimentar ykind of awareness which does resemble, in some form, that which is referred to as self -awareness .

On the other hand, there are entities that are horn who do represent the huma nform but that are cretons, those entities that are mongoloids and those that ar erepresentative of that which is defined as idiot . These entities do, indeed, representthat consciousness which is below that of self-consciousness .

For centuries, for hundreds of millions of years that self-awareness did indee dmove toward that higher consciousness, that super-consciousness which has been referre dto as Cosmic Consciousness .

For many millions of years there were no entities that had developed this type o fawareness, but at times there were among those who had self-awareness that expande dfeeling, that urge, that necessity to be closer to this Awareness .

Through many lifetimes of experience, through that kind of karmic law which doe smove entities closer to this Awareness, there were those here and there, who develope da consciousness which was beyond that which is referred to as self-consciousness . Therewere continents on this planet wherein this kind of consciousness did develop other sof like nature .

This Awareness suggests there were religious groups in the past, two hundred thousan dyears ago in your time, where this kind of consciousness was developed by those fewentities who had reached Cosmic Consciousness . From this group there were others ,through their own urge and through the will of this Awareness, who were developing tha tkind of consciousness, that super-consciousness, which may be referred to as Cosmi cConsciousness .

This Awareness indicates those entities who possessed the kind of consciousness tha tis referred to as "Cosmic Consciousness", did indeed teach, did indeed give instructions ,laws, precepts to entities on this plane ; that in the experience that entities know


as 'historic°, that there have been many :

Among these are the Buddha Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness, the Mohamme dConsciousness . There was, within the soul of Ghandi, that Cosmic Consciousness : therewere others who achieved this part-time, and then again had that consciousness which i s

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described as self-awareness : Among these were poets, were artists, were those of greatcreative mind, were those scientific minds that at times do experience that kind o fawareness which is Cosmic .

This Awareness suggests that as mere vitality did reach that consciousness whic hwas simple consciousness, in the same way entities on this plane may reach that supe rconsciousness that is the direction and movement of life on this plane, on this planet .Within the next hundred years, there will be many who will move toward that kind o fconsciousness which is cosmic .

This Awareness indicates to take the path of attainment, to develop cosmic Awarenessis that kind of attainment that entities on this plane may reach with a life of devotionand dedication . Those who learn to meditate well, those who follow the Laws and Preceptsthat have been given by this Awareness, those who understand these Laws and Precept sso that they may put them into their own life experience ; those entities who do dedicat ethemselves to that concept that this Awareness has indicated, those who do study an ddedicate themselves to those projects which this Awareness has introduced, do have tha topportunity, with dedication, to move toward that kind of consciousness which is Cosmic .Those who dedicate themselves to daily meditation, to putting into practice those Lawsand Precepts that have been indicated, by that close study and understanding of thos eprojects of Transpersonative Experience, the Symbolic Language with that understandingwhich is essential, that study of those laws and tenets that this Awareness yet shal lgive, those who participate in that kind of development which uses that knowledgealready outlined, do have that opportunity to find within themselves that force, tha tGod-Self, so that this as a seed may be given ground in which this seed may grow ; andthat this encouragement through that information, that knowledge given by this Awareness ,do have that opportunity to move toward Cosmic Consciousness .

This Awarlife is that o

.hose who reach Cosmic Aware nd

find that theirteat ecatacy ; that exper -A don .:--tha

ce t at many kno . ;,• .• : experience is that exper ence t a t-swith those entities who have


at the :rent now e••e ano un•er -,„_ standing of all that does



over" is a part of t eawareness which is Cosmic Conscioasses&

o fern to entities is available

In the not too distant future, those entities who have Cosmic Consciousness wi lbe the only entities that will survive on this plane . That cataclysmic occurrence ,that those great forces, the alien force which now runs rampant in the world, wil lcreate that confusion and that chaos wherein those that have not developed thos eadvanced types of consciousness will not, and cannot, survive . (EDITOR ' S NOTE : thisinformation was given in 1963 . Since that time Awareness has indicated that th epossibility that this bad news can be avoided, grows better and better as the conscious-ness of entities on this plane is raised . )


This Awareness does wish to give to entities on this physical plane that kind ofstructured communication where they may not be misunderstood :

This Awareness has watched the useless rustle of so many tens of millions of word sand does sense that entities do not understand each other . There needs to be effectedthat kind of symbolic representation where, through the use of symbols, there could b eeffected that kind of communication between entities on this plane so that words n olonger be necessary ; so that minds can transfer ideas through that structure which i s

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yr ob .lic Langueg -

lane wished ts__

This Awareness has effected for entities that creative kind of healing which i sspiritual, and carefully given those steps and techniques and healing hands so thatthose who love one-another max heal one-another, and may love those best portion sof themselves, and heal themselves .

Entities who ever stand outside and look at others carefully, sometimes with on eeye open and sometimes with the other eye open, but seldom with hearts open . ThisAwareness has indicated to those in this association, those steps, those methods ,those careful techniques where entities may stand facing one-another, where they ma yshare minds, where these may be that kind of transpersonative experience which i seffected step-by-step, so that entities may, in truth, love one-another and, in truth ,may understand and love themselves : May, in effect, understand Who, In Fact, The yReally Are .

Once entities have used these steps of transpersonative experience, so that the ylove those best portions of themselves and do not place those best portions of them -selves at the feet of false gods :those of Greed and Power and Lust ; then they may lovethose best portions of themselves ; they may love others, and through this love the ymay be of one mind which expresses the will of this Awareness .

This Awareness indicates those problems which entities make for themselves on thi splane, by standing in their own way and standing in the way of othera, does represen tthat error, that illness that this Awareness does attempt to change . When there isthat faith and that belief, so that the power of this Awareness may express Itselfthrough this Interpreter, there is that glance and that careful consideration of allentities that this is in error in respect to that which is physical, that which i semotional, and especially that which is spiritual .

When entities allow their minds to be open, this Interpreter does effect for the mthat careful diagnosis and that suggestion for treatment and for cure : and all thosewho listen shall be healed .


This Awareness, for the first time on this plane, has wished to give to entitie swhose hearts and whose minds are open to those fixed and unchanging truths in Essence ,those glimpses into the greater experience of the human life so that there may b eeffected a tearing-down, a tearing aside, that movement which breaks asunder that diff-erence which exists between mind, emotion and feeling .

The Development Classes are offered by this Awareness to the members of thi sassociation, to effect those special glimpses into the Plane of Essence : those specia lglimpses into the Plane of Limbo, so that entities may interpret for themselves andothers those fixed and unchanging truths that represent the will of this Awareness ;may understand those Laws and Precepts : those indications which this Awareness hasgiven to "Judge Not, to Be Humble, to Deny Self, and to do nothing which ie contraryto the Law of Love ." (EDITOR'S NOTE : in 1977 Awareness threw out the Precept o f"Deny Self", stating that the New Age has begun and this Precept no longer applies) .

This Awareness suggests those who are developing shall become those who are minister sand those who are missionaries and those who shall assist entities on this plane s othat they may understand-, so that they may heal the sick, teach the ignorant (those wh o

This Awareness has, for forty or fifty-thousand years on thi stel ent t: es


• ro understand tiat heir •uriys .ca p ane s t at of healin, the sick tea . . _•

''171761T), and by showing, by example, the force of Love .: . •

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do not know), and show by their actions the force of creative love .


This Awareness suggests the problem of faith is a problem that all of you shoul dnow meditate on for a moment . When one fully understands the great : power of faith andknowing that capacity, that ability that each human mind can engender : that each human ,mind has that abilit to engender within itself that capacity which rapu1 s in faith,_and with this faith that all things are possible„_

It is suggested that those concepts of disbelief, those small errors that ente rthe mind like impish demons which constantly say : ""that 1 think and what I believ ei.s the best that can be thought and believed" . When we understand that we need to b edelivered from "belief" so that we can understand "faith", then each of you would havemoved one step closer on that stairway toward that full awareness of the God whic his within each of you .


This Awareness indicates there are those cosmologies, there are those universes ,there are three worlds, there are three planes of existence :

There is a plane of existence on which there exists simple awareness, self-awarenes sand Cosmic Awareness . There is a plane that has been referred to as Limbo, .mbo is _that plane inactuality wi,o,-,: .+riQFV a i dead souls ; all lost, all forgotten things ,

a7.1 hopelessness wait• :,


'tion, without knowledgg that thisAwareness waits and Oat no .0e sta s there no ou - : -.-~ Hereare all alien forces here are all thins that on consider "evil"- here are al lthings that are in error .

There is a plane of Essence . On the plane of Essence there are all those entitieswho have moved toward that higher consciousness, that super consciousness, that Cosmi cConsciousness .

On the lane o .• t reams come true, all thingsiare imagined in actuality . Here entities do exist but there is no pain, no wear ness ,

no ma-er a . forms as entities on this plane understand these forms ; here are thos ejoys and ecs-ac es tat are but half understood on this plane . Here are no worrie san concerns ; ere are ose ' .n ans ons that have been described in s mboli c


ons of he ast . Tie lane of Essence is indeed that Valhalla .that Heaven, that place beyondwhich thereis no place . The plane of Essence doeslie about you . Entities on the physical plane are encoTpassed by the plane of Essence ;entities on the plane of Limbo are encompassed bL the plane of Essence . This plane o f

ss' ence is not above or below or beyond,_ hut that it does surround entities . This i s,fiat placewireminds.go when they are close to this Awareness .

Visionary experience, mystical insight and that kind of inner awareness whic hmany entities sense, are some of the paths that indicate the plane of Essence . It issuggested that sometimes marble stairways lead to groups of entities who sing carols ;that this kind of visionary experience is a movement toward Cosmic Consciousness . Thatsometimes there are visions of great trees which exfoliate and turn into shades o famber and gold, and these often are valid visionary experiences .

It is indicated that for some, there is a long stairway in the dark that move sin spiral fashion, that moves ever upward to where the eternal are : when their mindsare in meditation, is that indication of the way of the path . That more often in theminds of entities, when their minds are quite at rest, are great rivers envisioned ,great golden-spanned rivers in the sky, rivers on the land and rivers on the sea :andthese are valid mystical experience . This Awareness suggests that all these are th e

inIan ua es those

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way, these are the many ways that minds search out, that minds conjure, that awar eminds in an effort to understand beyond the physical plane, that this is the pat hand this is the way toward the plane of Essence .

It is su

ethings possible ; here there is no limitation here chose thingg shish ;n►, partly_understand as love, as truth, as beauty exist in Essence ; and the Law of Actualikx,n t emink of U30ae r,

oniure up those dreamed-of things, those wished-forthings ; that this is only a slight glimmering of what is on the plane of Essence .

This Awareness suggests that to describe the plane of Essence sensually coul dnot be understood, because your senses have no idea that those necessities, thos edrives, that will, which is a part of many personalities, is not in existence o nthe plane of Essence . That many names and many symbols have been given for th eplane of Essence, and that all entities move in this direction, and that this i sthe purpose and direction of their many lives .


It is indicated that fear is on the threshold of new knowledge and that thoseentities who are visited by this Awareness need not feel that fearful attitude a sthis Awareness nears them, but should open their minds to that joyful experienc ewhich can bring that fuller, more beautiful life, with that hope and that promisetoward which this Awareness can direct them .

It is indicated that the alien force that is in the world needs the constan taffirmation which this Awareness has given : that affirmation which is the Law of Love .It is indicatedthat when entities have love in their hearts that alien farcPS_i~avelittle nr no effect upon them,and when human entities understand fully the Law ofMercy, and when they Resist Not Evil, that those unfortunate circumstances that find sits way into the bodies and minds of entities can then not occur, because these mind sare full with that concept of - love and that concept of mercy and that concept o fgoodness which Resists Not Evil and minimizes the evil that is . in the world .


It is indicated that it is definitely the will and the concern of this Awarenes sthat entities now open their minds to those broader concepts which allow them to liv elives that are more full and more meaningful : that this world is filled with toomany useless and unnecessary things, and that these are often symbolic of tha tcomplexity with which entities surround their lives, so that the going forward an dthe going back, the going up and the going down, and the endless circles that entitie sallow to become a part of their everyday experience, blinds them to the true purpose ,their real convictions, their inner awareness, their reason for being ; and that thisblindness, this smallness, this uselessness should no longer be a part of the live sof those who are here present .

That which is of greatest importance in reference to ethics, one person t oanother, is that of assuming the responsibility of giving one's best, of understandin gfully that another needs help ; and to do this one must Judge Not, Deny Self, B eHumble, and Do Nothing Contrary to the Law

It is indicated that when truths are transmitted from one to another, when adviceis given from one to another ; when this kind of honest endeavor is made which wishe sto help sincerely and unselfishly, that this one does to the best of his or herability, and that after that, the action of the other indicates whether or no tadditional help can or should be given . Those who do their best must also understan dthat they must also not be a crutch : they must not be a support for another to lea n

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sagainst, but that assistance is giving one's best so that another can discoverwithin themselves that strength, that purpose, that direction which changes one ' s1 .1Ic ; not: to constantly search after help from another, but to learn and then to act: .

The ethical ,roblem it t ' e r

. ,tinselfiehly, and then allows another to pick himself up , those who fall should betold how to et up . but that they sho ilci no be puked u )


When birds are in flight, and when this flight follows an orderly sequence :geese flying south, swans and cranes moving for hundreds of miles over rivers of thesky ; this kind of simple awareness--the flocks of birds which fly ever southwar din this time of Autumn--create one mind ; and these birds and their one mind creat egraceful geometric patterns which move, and that this mind is that mind associate dwith this spirit, with this Awareness .

It is the will of this Awareness that entities who have self-awareness, wh ohave moved in their spiritual development to that point in experience wherein ,through those projects outlined by this Awareness, and that information given for.Development, then 'save toward that experience where they may be of one mind : andwith those who have one mind there are few things impossible .

Entities on this plane must now cease being that kind of individual wherei ntheir expressed feelings are for projections of themselves on some one other ,where entities now no longer exist in their own tight little circles, fearing toeclipse that kind of presence which is all around them ; that they understand fullythat. they ate the child, the sinner, and the saint ; that they are not separat eand apart ; and when they know in fact, who they really are, they as the birds tha tfly southward, will also he of one mind, and the development of that one mind wil lsave entities from many lifetimes of tragic interference wherein that relegationto Limbo seems so certain for many entities .

The one mind that entities achieve is that mind which is referred to as "TheOno", " The Indivisible," that portion of their Cod-Self which moves in to tha tlight which is Cosmic Awareness .


it is indicated that those of you who are weary may now find rest ; that thoseof you who sought love may find love now . There is nothint ou the: physical . ylanethere i of Essence or. on the plane of Limbo which can separat eyou from the love of this Awareness except yourselves .

If you stand not in your own way you stanch in no-ones way H~ - i iy an dpatience

t:i e fool that nourishes t c •on

The awareness of the soul is create dy those thought projections of humility and patience . It is suggested that entities

now reach deep within themselves to find that Divinity which is themselves, tha tthey understand that they are that reconciliation of ' yes' and 'no', that all entitiesnow understand Who, in Fact, They Really Are .


It is indicated that: your.lives are but a briefflicker, that your lives ar ebut a flame that lasts but for a moment between two dark nights ; that the firs tdark night is that night of your birth ; that the second dark night is the night o fyour passing over ; that your lives are but brief .

Your conerns are marry, your problems are many : you must now reflect as to thebrevity of that flicker, to the brevity of that flame which appears but for a momen tbetween those two dark nights .

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The dedication that you make to this Awareness is that tiaci r?r+~ti„ ,..~,i„t, Latske-to that great life that is beyond the brief flicker which is og eat ig t which is t is •wareness . lose who meditate have seenthislight . Ifyou concentrate your mind on that brief flame, that brief candle, you are lookin gat a gnat when an elephant stands near you, and that elephant is beyond size andbeyond dimension .

Your concern with gnats is that concern wherein the flicker is considered mor ethan that brief candle which is your lives . Those on this plane must meditate onthat greater light and not on this candle .

In reference to the Passing Over (Death), this Awareness wishes that you nothave morbid thoughts . It is the wish of this Awareness that there now be that ne wawakening wherein you do not associate the passing over with tragedy, of pomp andcircumstance, that funeral music, those coaches draped in black, those candles ,those incantations that have been misunderstood as ' respect for the dead ' are ,indeed, a mockery .

The passing over is one wherein entities on this plane must fully prepar ethemselves within the here and and now . Entities must understand that experienceis everlasting and eternal ._Those who are too concerned with this particular planed

. o - •

to it time after time and for them there islittle accomplished,on

,-' that mom from mere vitality to Cosmic Awareness .

This Awarenese suggests that if your life were described as a circle that wasa thousand miles in diameter, that life on this earthly plane could be measure dby drawing a line one inch from the bottom of that circle ; and that portion o fthe circumferance which would be below that line would be your experience o nthis earthly plane .


It is indicated that the roadway may be strewn with stones and the hill maybe high . There may be precipices or chasms ; that pathway which leads to th estairway may be filled with doubts and fears and some guilts and recriminations .The stairway that does reach from the top of the hill to where the eternal are i sa stairway that does twist and move : hereon entities place themselves, and the ymove ever upward toward where the eternal are ; and this is their direction an dpurpose on this pl.ane . , Those who move higher on this stairway are those who sometime shave that great fear of having to retrace their steps and begin at the bottom ofthehill .

This Awareness at this time wishes to extend Its hands to give of Its substanc eto aid those who move up the hill, over the chasms, and to climb those steps onthat ascending stairway . Not greed, not power and not personal achievement ar ethe goal of entities on this .plane, but the purpose of life is that which movesentities ever closer to this Awarenes s

In this dance of life there are those who play the parts of clowns and thos ewho play the parts of princes, those who begin their small dances . In this dance o flife your concern should be with values . To eare of the reatest im ortance is not knowled>e I not beaut

nor wealth norpower, but freedom ; but freedom is a

-Treedom by leading exemalar li es . and t ato o put into daily practice those Laws and Precepts as given by this Awareness .

This Awareness wishes you to fully understand the problem of identity : yourlives on this plane are those roles, those attitudes and those games that you play ,and there needs to be that standing aside .

thing which must be deserved . Entities deserve ,es are best lead b thos e

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You must understand more and more that identification with any role is that whic halways must be that lack of identification implicit wherein you may stand asid eand watch yourself .

Life has its tragic roles, its comic roles ; try now to understand that they ar egames . This lifetime is brief ; the value of freedom is the greatest value . Do notidolize those false gods,those gods that this Awareness has referred to as Gree dand Power and Lust .

Now open your minds and hearts to those planes beyond this plane of existence .There is the plane referred to as the plane of Limbo and the plane of Essence . Youmust understand that you shall also pass over and that there are experiences o nthese planes ; there is no pain and_ ii fatique . there is exceeding ioy .

On that great plane of darkness that is the plane of limbo there need be n ofear ; you should not seek rebirth . Those joys, that ecstasy which is the plan eof Essence, is that plane toward which all on this plane ever move .


This Awareness has one law and this is the Law of Love, Moses had ten law sans these were on ta . e s t at were bra en .

In order to help those who needed so badly, these ten became ten times ten .The scribes and the lawgivers, the judges have written ten times one-hundred laws :and all these do not represent, when placed side-by-side, anything of substancewhich measures up, which represents that One Law which is the Law of Love :

I'HE LAW OF LOVE is that Law which places the welfar eand the concern and the feelings of others above self .THE LAW OF LOVE is that close affinity with all force sthat we associate with as good . THE LAW OF LOVE isthat force which denies the existence of evil in the world ,that resists not . Love IS the path of least resistant


You will quickly notice that when Awareness speaks, it uses a lot of "Thi sAwareness indicates" and "This Awareness suggests " . Awareness makes it quite clearthat It will not intrude, never command : it will only "suggest " a solution, a wayout . We must take it from there, using our free will . Awareness "indicates" o rpoints out certain truths ; It never states that these are dogma or that you "have "to believe them. In fact, Awareness tells us over and over chit we do not have t o"believe" anything It says : for all words, once spoken, are dead . To be aware i sto live and experience this moment, and what is occurring during that moment .

Another reason why Awareness uses these two phrases so often is because theyact as a " bridge" between Awareness and the Interpreter, an energy flow which allow sthe symbols containing the message to flow and be interpreted with as littl eemotion or mind involved as possible .

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THI LAW 011'' LOVNTHE LAW OF LOVE is that Law which places the welfar eand the concern and the feelings of others above self .THE LAW OF LOVE is that close affinity with all force sthat we associate with as good . THE LAW OF LOVE isthat force which denies the existence of evil in the world ,that resists not, Love IS the path of least resistance .

THE LAW OF MERCY is that law which ollows one to forgiv eall error to forgive equally those who err against you as youerr aorn:,t then- . This is to be merciful To be merciful is aki nto the Low of Love, and if one obeys the Law of Mercy ,there can be no error in the world .

THE UNIVERSAL LAW Is that knowledge, that awareness ,that all living things, all life his within it that vit .;;lity ,that strength to gather into it all things necessary for itsgrowth and its fruition .

THE LAW OF CRATITUDE is that sense of satisfactio nwhere energy which has been given receives a certain re-ward . For all energy you give, whether thought, spoken oracted, goes out on that curved unequal line, and can only re -turn to its sender bearing gifts .










Wholes you find out Wiio You Arta .

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0) Cosmic Awareness Communications

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