cosmetic dentistry | serenity international dental clinic vietnam

Want to Improve Your Smile? See what braces, crowns, veneers, teeth whitening, bridges, implants, gum reshaping - or even a complete dental makeover - can do for your smile.

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Post on 07-May-2015



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Through a combination of modern dental science and artistry a dental makeover can help you achieve the smile you've always wanted. At Serenity International Dental Clinic, we aim to provide individualized smile enhancement solutions that are long lasting, in terms of aesthetics, comfort and function. Serenity International Dental Clinic is an ISO 9001 accredited, North America standard dental clinic running by elite team of Western-trained dentists in Hanoi.


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Dental Bonding

Bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin is applied and hardened with a special light, ultimately "bonding" the material to the tooth to improve a person's smile. Among the easiest and least expensive of cosmetic dental procedures, bonding can repair chipped or cracked teeth, close gaps, change the shape of teeth, or be used as a cosmetic alternative to silver amalgam fillings.

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Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells that cover the front surface of teeth. Bonded

to the front of the teeth, changing their color, shape, size or length. Veneers offer a conservative approach

to changing a tooth's color or shape compared to crowns, but the process is not reversible.

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A crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" that's placed over a weak or damaged tooth to improve its shape, size, strength, or appearance. Most crowns last five to 15 years and can be

made of metal, porcelain fused to metal, resin, or ceramic. Before a crown is seated, the existing tooth is filed down;

then the crown is cemented over it, fully encasing the tooth.

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Orthodontics (Braces)

Braces can correct crooked or misaligned teeth, and can improve the health and appearance of anyone's smile - adult or child. Braces work by applying steady

pressure over time to slowly move teeth into alignment. As the teeth move, the bony tooth socket

changes shape as pressure is applied.

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Types of Braces

While metal braces are still used, braces can be as inconspicuous as you like. Brackets - the part that attach to each tooth - can be clear, tooth-colored, or multi-colored.

They can even be attached to the back of the tooth so they are out of view. There are even "invisible" braces -

Invisalign which use a series of clear, plastic molds to gradually move the teeth into alignment.

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Teeth Whitening

An assortment of teeth-whitening systems is available, including toothpastes, over-the-counter gels, strips and trays, and whitening agents obtained from a dentist. But

whitening isn't for everyone. It's ideal for people who have healthy, unrestored teeth and gums. Individuals with yellow tones to their teeth respond best. Talk to your

dentist to find out if whitening is right for you.

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Composite Fillings

Existing fillings sometimes need to be replaced due to wear, chipping, or cracking. Many people use this opportunity to

replace their silver amalgam fillings with natural, tooth-colored composites. Their reasons may be aesthetic, or concern over

the safety of amalgam fillings, which contain mercury. Composite fillings tend to wear out sooner than silver fillings in larger cavities, although they hold up as well in small cavities.

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Gum Reshaping

Gum reshaping can improve a "gummy" smile in which teeth appear too short, or where the gum line appears

uneven. A small amount of gum tissue -- and excess bone tissue if necessary -- is removed and contoured to expose

more of the teeth. This procedure can be done to one tooth to even the gum line, or to several teeth to expose a

natural, broad smile.

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Dental Implants

Millions of people suffer tooth loss, mostly due to tooth decay, gum disease, or injury. Dental implants - replacement tooth

roots which are made of titanium (shown at far left) - provide a strong foundation for the attachment of permanent or

removable artificial teeth (crowns). Instead of individual crowns, some patients may have attachments on their implant

that support a removable denture.

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A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue. There are two types of dentures - complete and partial. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial

dentures are used when some of the natural teeth remain.

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A fixed (permanent) bridge replaces one or more teeth by placing crowns on the teeth either side of the gap, and attaching artificial teeth to them. The "bridge" is then cemented into place. A cantilever

bridge is used when there are teeth on only one side of the open space.

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Smile Makeovers

A combination of dental techniques can be used to achieve a great smile. Here, porcelain veneers and crowns correct

crooked teeth, an uneven gum line, and other chipped, worn, and discolored dentistry. While cosmetic dentists can make a

dramatic difference in a person's smile and overall oral health, the work must be carefully planned - though for many the

elaborate and costly production is worth it in the end.