corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned ...the construction of post-tensioned...

Corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned concrete bridges Prepared for Civil Engineering Division, Highways Agency R J Woodward and N E Anderson TRL Report TRL554

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Page 1: Corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned ...the construction of post-tensioned bridges with internal bonded tendons as a result of problems associated with grouting

Corrosion protection of external tendonsin post-tensioned concrete bridges

Prepared for Civil Engineering Division, Highways Agency

R J Woodward and N E Anderson

TRL Report TRL554

Page 2: Corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned ...the construction of post-tensioned bridges with internal bonded tendons as a result of problems associated with grouting

First Published 2002ISSN 0968-4107Copyright TRL Limited 2002.

This report has been produced by TRL Limited, under/as partof a contract placed by the Highways Agency. Any viewsexpressed in it are not necessarily those of the Agency.

TRL is committed to optimising energy efficiency, reducingwaste and promoting recycling and re-use. In support of theseenvironmental goals, this report has been printed on recycledpaper, comprising 100% post-consumer waste, manufacturedusing a TCF (totally chlorine free) process.

Page 3: Corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned ...the construction of post-tensioned bridges with internal bonded tendons as a result of problems associated with grouting



Executive Summary 1

1 Introduction 3

2 Structures monitored 3

2.1 Botley Flyover 3

2.2 River Camel Viaduct 4

3 Description of monitoring systems 5

4 Results 6

4.1 Strand samples and weight loss coupons 6

4.1.1 Botley Flyover 6

4.1.2 River Camel Viaduct 10

4.2 Temperature and humidity 13

4.3 Time-of-wetness measurements 13

5 Discussion 16

5.6 Corrosion rates 16

5.7 Corrosion protection systems 17

5.8 De-humidification 17

6 Conclusions 18

7 Acknowledgements 18

8 References 18

Abstract 19

Related publications 19


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Page 5: Corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned ...the construction of post-tensioned bridges with internal bonded tendons as a result of problems associated with grouting


Executive Summary

There has been renewed interest in the UK over the last tenyears in the design and construction of post-tensionedconcrete bridges with external unbonded tendons. Thisresulted from the moratorium that was placed on theconstruction of post-tensioned bridges with internalbonded tendons in 1992. The moratorium was placedfollowing problems associated with grouting of the post-tensioning ducts and the difficulty of determining thecondition of the tendons. It was envisaged that externalpost-tensioning would facilitate the inspection andreplacement of the prestressing system.

During the period 1994 to 2000, TRL undertook a majorproject for the Highways Agency to investigate all aspectsof the design and construction of post-tensioned concretebridges with external unbonded tendons. This included aninvestigation of the environment inside the concrete boxsection in which the tendons are housed. The objective wasto determine the corrosivity of the environment and thusthe degree of corrosion protection required by the tendons.

To provide data on the environment inside concrete boxsections a number of lengths of stressed post-tensioningstrand, unstressed wires from post-tensioning strand andsteel coupons were exposed in two externally post-tensioned concrete bridges. Samples were also exposedoutside the structures. The temperature and humidity bothinside the box sections, adjacent to the stressed samples,and outside the structures were also monitored.

To investigate variations in condensation along thelength of a bridge and the risk that corrosion could varywithin different parts of a structure, a second set ofcoupons was positioned nearer the end of one of thestructures where condensation was more likely to occur. Inaddition a number of time-of-wetness probes wereinstalled along the length of the structure to give anindication of when condensation occurred.

This report describes the results obtained over a five-year period and considers the implications for the degreeof corrosion protection required, and the frequency anddetail of the inspection of tendons in these structures.

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Page 7: Corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned ...the construction of post-tensioned bridges with internal bonded tendons as a result of problems associated with grouting


1 Introduction

There has been increasing interest in the UK in recentyears in the design and construction of post-tensionedconcrete bridges with external unbonded tendons. This wasgiven a significant boost in 1992 with the moratorium onthe construction of post-tensioned bridges with internalbonded tendons as a result of problems associated withgrouting of the post-tensioning ducts. It was envisaged thatexternal post-tensioning would facilitate the inspection andreplacement of the prestressing system.

To assist in the design of these structures the HighwaysAgency issued a Standard, BD 58 (Design Manual for Roadsand Bridges 1994a) and an accompanying Advice Note, BA 58(Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 1994b). Thesedocuments were based on a review of existing knowledge thatincluded recommendations on where further research wasrequired.

During the period 1994 to 2000, TRL undertook a majorproject for the Highways Agency to investigate all aspectsof the design and construction of post-tensioned concretebridges with external unbonded tendons. This included aninvestigation of the environment inside the concrete boxsection in which tendons are housed. The objective was todetermine the corrosivity of the environment and thus thedegree of corrosion protection required by the tendons.

To provide information on the environment inside aconcrete box, stressed samples of post-tensioning strand,unstressed wires from post-tensioning strand and steelcoupons were placed in the box sections of two bridges. Inaddition temperatures and relative humidities both insideand outside the box sections were monitored.

Monitoring started at the end of 1995 and continued forfive years. The results obtained during the first few yearsshowed that there could be considerable variation incondensation along the length of a bridge and that the riskof corrosion could vary within different parts of astructure. To investigate this further another set of steelcoupons was exposed in one of the structures during 1998,at a location where condensation was more likely to occur.In addition a number of time-of-wetness probes wereinstalled along the length of the structure to give anindication of when condensation occurred. The resultsobtained during the five years of monitoring, theconclusions drawn and their implications for structures ofthis type, are presented in the following sections.

2 Structures monitored

A description of the two structures monitored is given below.

2.1 Botley Flyover

The bridge is situated at the interchange of the A34 withthe A420 on the west side of Oxford. There are twostructures and they share a similar form of construction.Both are three span continuous overbridges with spans of12.7m, 29m and 10.75m. The test samples and monitoringequipment were placed in the south bridge (Figure 1).

The bridges, which were built in 1972 and designed byE W H Gifford & Partners, are a combination of in situ andprecast elements subsequently stressed together. The centralsection of the main span (approximately 60 %) comprisesfour precast box beams with an in situ deck slab. The

Figure 1 Botley flyover

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remaining end sections of this span and the two side spansconsist of multicell box construction. Cross beams arepositioned directly above each pier and diaphragms separatethe precast beams from the multicell boxes.

A total of eight external unbonded tendons consisting of19 no. 18mm diameter strands run the full length of thethree spans between anchorages positioned at the deckends. The tendons are located within the deck voids andare deflected by deviators within the cross beams,diaphragms and intermediate web stiffeners.

Strands within each tendon are individually sheathedexcept at the anchorages where the tendons are enclosed inplastic ducting. Tendon deflection at the deviators isachieved by saddles cut from lengths of rolled circularhollow section lined with PVC pipe. Corrosion protectionis provided by a combination of grout and grease. At theanchorages the void between the duct and the cable isfilled with grout. At the web stiffeners the voids are filledwith grease. At the pier cross beams structural gradeconcrete was used. Drawings provided indicate that at thediaphragms grout was used to fill voids on the north bridgewhereas grease was used on the south bridge.

Entry into each of the cells in both the in situ and precastsections of the bridge is through 600mm diameter accessholes positioned in the soffit, on the side of the diaphragmor the side of beam. There is no physical access betweencells and beams. The access points also act as vents andhave lockable steel grilles. All access points except those forthe end spans are positioned over the carriageway and laneclosures are required in order to gain access.

Because of the access restrictions only two of the endspan cells were inspected. There was no evidence of water

leakage into either of the cells inspected. The surface ofseveral intermediate web stiffeners had been painted with abituminous coating. Only stiffeners on the outer edges ofthe structures seemed to have been treated in such amanner. The reason for this is not known. A grease treatedwrapping tape has been extensively used at the ends of theanchorage ducting, presumably to seal the duct forgrouting. The wrapping has also been used to sealsheathing where individual strands have been inspected.

2.2 River Camel Viaduct

The River Camel Viaduct is a single box that carries theA39 over the river Camel to the north of Wadebridge. Itcomprises nine spans, the outer spans being 37.5m and42.5m, respectively and the inner ones 54m. It wasdesigned by Gifford and Partners and opened to traffic inJuly 1993 (Figure 2).

The bridge is of in situ construction and was built spanby span, the construction being from the approximate fifthpoint in one span to the fifth point in the following span.Each span was cast in ten pours with the anchor blockbeing cast first.

The deck is post-tensioned with the VSL system, eachtendon comprising 23-25 no. 15.7mm diameter strands in140mm diameter HDPE ducts with a wall thickness of8mm. The ducts are joined by heat shrink connections andwere temporarily supported during construction to theapproximate cable profile by suspension from the top slab.There are sixteen tendons over the piers and fourteen alongthe remainder of each span with ten in the end spans. Thetendons were stressed ten days after the last pour.

Figure 2 River Camel Viaduct

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The strands, which were designed to be replaceable,protrude approximately 1.5m at the live end anchorages toenable the tendons to be de-stressed. The protrudingtendons are covered with an anchorage cap that is filledwith Denso void filler. This is also used to protect thetendons where they pass through the anchorages andanchor block. The concentric tubes through the anchorageblock enable the cable and anchorage assembly to beremoved after the cables have been de-stressed.

3 Description of monitoring systems

Stressed strand samples, wires from free lengths of strandand weight loss coupons, were exposed within the boxsections (Figure 3). Weight loss coupons were also placedoutside the structures.

The stressed strand samples were loaded to 70% of theirultimate tensile strength and some were instrumented withload cells to record the load in the strand. Deflectors, witha radius of curvature of 2.5m, similar to the deviatorsfound in typical bridges, were incorporated into some ofthe stressing rigs. HDPE pipe was placed between thestrand and the deviator to simulate the actual interaction ofstrand and duct (Figure 4). This was to provideinformation on the performance of HDPE ducting understress for typical environmental conditions.

The wires from lengths of strand and the weight losscoupons were used to give a measure of corrosion rates.Corrosion was monitored visually and the coupons werealso used to provide quantitative data on corrosion rates.Unfortunately the weight loss coupons placed outside theRiver Camel Viaduct were stolen.

The temperature and humidity both inside and outside thetwo structures were recorded every hour. Within eachstructure, the air temperature, the surface temperature of theconcrete and the humidity were recorded local to the samples.

The samples in the River Camel Viaduct werepositioned towards the centre of the bridge. Howeverfollowing the observation of condensation in one of theend spans it was decided to extend the monitoring todetermine whether corrosion rates would be higher in areaswhere condensation had been observed. This was done byinstalling the following during August 1998:

� another set of coupons and unstressed wires was placedin the end span at the west end of the bridge;

� four time-of-wetness probes were positioned at thefollowing locations: span 1 (west end of bridge)adjacent to the end diaphragm (TW1), span 2 near theoriginal exposed specimens adjacent to north web(TW2N), span 2 near the original exposed specimensadjacent to south web (TW2S) and span 3 adjacent tointermediate diaphragm (TW3).

The time-of-wetness probes were constructed of twointerlinked comb-shaped electrodes made of stainless steel.The interlinking teeth of the combs were maintained afixed distance apart (<1mm) by bedding them in a layer ofelectrically insulating epoxy resin flush to their topsurface. The overall probe dimensions were approximately45mm×25mm×1.5mm. The presence of moisture on theprobe was detected by measuring the electrical resistancebetween the two electrodes across the surface of the epoxylayer; when there was no moisture on the surface of theprobe the resistance was high, but when moisture waspresent the resistance was low.

Figure 3 Weight loss coupons and unstressed wires at River Camel Viaduct

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By using thermally conductive epoxy resin in both theconstruction of the probe and as the fixing method, theprobe was maintained at the same temperature as theelement on which it was fixed. Therefore if theenvironmental conditions were suitable for condensation toform on the element, it was mirrored on the probe anddetected by the change in resistance.

The probes were mounted on top of the metal tubewhere it protruded from the diaphragms (TW1) and on endcaps of anchorages (TW2N, TW2S and TW3), these being‘mechanically’ and thermally connected to the tendons(Figure 5). During installation, a small ‘tank’ wastemporarily formed on the top surface, filled with morethermally conductive epoxy resin and the probes placed inthe top. When the epoxy had set, the result was a smallblock of epoxy, attached to the metal, with the probe at thetop in a position as close to horizontal as possible.

The probes were connected to a constant voltage supply,with the logger measuring current. When the probesbecame wet, the resistance would fall and the current rise,hence small values represent dry conditions, and largervalues wet.

4 Results

4.1 Strand samples and weight loss coupons

The loads in the strands on both structures remained stableafter an initial settling-in period. The small fluctuationsthat occurred subsequently were probably caused by thecomponents of the test rigs expanding and contracting dueto the temperature variation (Figure 6). Monitoring of thestrands in the River Camel Viaduct was discontinued in

August 1998 to enable the time-of-wetness probes to bemonitored.

The steel coupons and strands were visually inspectedduring each visit to the structures. Some of the weight losscoupons and wires from lengths of strand wereperiodically removed and returned to TRL where any rustthat had formed was removed. This was done byimmersion in Clarke’s solution (concentrated hydrochloricacid inhibited with stannous chloride and antimonytrioxide to prevent attack on the underlying steel). Thesamples were then weighed to give the weight loss that hadoccurred during the exposure period. The corrosion wasexpressed as an equivalent loss in thickness and the resultsobtained after each exposure period are shown in Figure 7.

4.1.1 Botley FlyoverSpots of corrosion started to develop on both the samplesof wire and the coupons exposed in the boxes fairly soonafter installation, although it was much less pronouncedthan on the samples exposed outside. The horizontalcoupons were more severely corroded than the verticalones and corrosion was more pronounced on the topsurface than underneath. After a year the top of thehorizontal coupons had a light coating of rust speckledover the surface whereas the bottom surface and the twosurfaces (front and back) of the vertical coupons only hada few spots of light surface rust on them. The amount ofrust continued to increase and the corrosion on the twosurfaces (front and back) of the vertical coupons remainedsimilar over the five years of exposure. The condition ofthe samples after almost five years exposure is shown inFigure 8 and a comparison of the coupons at different agesis shown in Figures 9 and 10.

Figure 4 Rig containing deflected stressed strand

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Figure 5 River Camel Viaduct: Time of wetness probe










27-Nov-95 06-Mar-96 14-Jun-96 22-Sep-96 31-Dec-96 10-Apr-97 19-Jul-97 27-Oct-97















re (


Load (kN) Load (kN) Internal temperature

Figure 6 River Camel Viaduct: Loads in strands

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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5



in th





) Botley int horiz Botley int vert

Botley ext horizBotley ext vertCamel int horiz

Camel int vert

Figure 7 Weight loss measurements


Figure 8 Botley Flyover: Internal and external weight loss coupons after 58 months exposure



ExternalVertical coupons

Underside of horizontal coupons

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Figure 10 Botley Flyover: Internal vertical coupons after different periods of exposure

11 months 22 months 34 months 46 months 58 months

Figure 9 Botley Flyover: Top surface of internal horizontal coupons after different periods of exposure

11 months

22 months

34 months

46 months

58 months

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These observations were confirmed by the results fromthe weight loss coupons that showed that corrosion in thebox was low compared to that outside.

After five years the stressed strands were still generallyclean with a few small specks of surface rust whichcovered about 10 to 15% of the surface. The rust wasoccasionally more developed in crevices between thewires. Condensation was sometimes observed on thestrands in the test rigs during the visits to the structure.

4.1.2 River Camel ViaductObservations made at the River Camel Viaduct suggestedthat a similar pattern of corrosion had developed. Initially itappeared visually to be occurring at a slightly faster ratethan at Botley although there was little to choose betweenthe two sites after five years exposure. A comparison of thecoupons at different ages is shown in Figures 11 and 12.

Small areas of localised rust staining were evident onthe wires of the stressed strands and, as at Botley Flyover,it was occasionally more developed in the crevicesbetween the wires. This may have been due to moisturefrom condensation collecting in the troughs between thewires. There was no evidence of pitting corrosion after five

years exposure. The condition of a stressed strand afterfour years exposure is shown in Figure 13.

Samples of unstressed wire after four years exposure areshown in Figures 14, 15 and 16 at a magnification ofapproximately seven. Figures 14 and 15 show unstressedwires after the rust had been cleaned off. The former hadbeen exposed outside Botley Flyover for 46 months andthe latter had been exposed in the River Camel Viaduct for48 months. The wire exposed inside the box appears in as-new condition whereas there is surface pitting on the wireexposed outside. Figure 16 shows the wire from Figure 15before the rust had been removed.

During the visit to Wadebridge in December 1998, theend span at the east end of the structure was found to bedamp with condensation on the soffit of the top slab, thewalls of the box and the ducting. The visit was madeduring a period of heavy rain and there was a considerableleakage of water through the expansion joints into theanchorage chamber that created a very damp environment.The condensation reduced away from the end of thestructure. The sections where the monitoring system andcoupons had been installed, and the end span at the westend of the bridge were dry. No condensation was observedduring the visits made in 1999 and 2000.

13 months

24 months

36 months

48 months

60 months

Figure 11 River Camel Viaduct: Top surface of internal horizontal coupons after different periods of exposure

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Figure 13 River Camel Viaduct: Corrosion on stressed strand after 48 month exposure

Figure 12 River Camel Viaduct: Internal vertical coupons after different periods of exposure

13 months 24 months 36 months 48 months 60 months

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Figure 14 Botley Flyover: Unstressed wire with rust removed after 46 months exposure outside

Figure 15 River Camel Viaduct: Unstressed internal wire with rust removed after 48 months exposure

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The coupons installed in the end span in August 1998showed a similar pattern of corrosion to the couponsinstalled in 1995. There was light corrosion with lightsurface rust on the top surface of the horizontal couponsand a few spots of rust on the vertical coupons and on theunderside of the horizontal coupons. Vertical andhorizontal coupons were removed after 12, 24 and 28months for weight loss measurements and the averageannual thickness losses were 0.3µm for the verticalcoupons and in the range 1.0µm to 1.3µm for thehorizontal coupons. The results for the vertical couponswere similar to those measured for the first set of samples(Figure 7) but the results for the horizontal coupons wereover 50% higher. It is not possible to state whether this is asignificant difference as the absolute values of corrosionrate are extremely low.

4.2 Temperature and humidity

Figures 17 to 19 show the internal and externaltemperatures and humidities recorded at the two structures.They show that the environment within the structures ismore stable than that outside and that the internaltemperature and humidity followed the general trend of theambient atmospheric conditions although values were lessextreme. Figure 17 shows that it was usually warmer insidethe boxes than outside.

The external daily temperature cycles and fluctuations inrelative humidity were generally more extreme at the RiverCamel Viaduct than at Botley Flyover possibly because itwas in a more exposed environment.

Figure 19 shows the temperatures and humiditiesmeasured at the River Camel Viaduct during the second

half of 1998, both external to the box section and adjacentto the two sets of coupons ie those installed originally andthose installed near the end of the structure. The internaltemperatures at the two locations are virtually identical butthe humidities measured in the end span are generally, butnot always, higher than those measured nearer the centreof the bridge.

4.3 Time-of-wetness measurements

The time-of-wetness probes were installed in September1999 and the results from the first three months monitoringare shown in Figure 20.

Readings taken from the probes indicate the degree ofwetness and are related to the electric current flowingthrough the probe. As described in Section 3, when theprobes are dry the currents are low but when condensationoccurs the current increases and higher readings areobtained. The results in Figure 20 show that highercurrents were measured during periods when the relativehumidity was high. The relative humidities greater than100% are due to calibration errors.

Figure 21 shows time-of-wetness and relative humidityreadings plotted over a shorter period. The individual time-of-wetness readings can be seen more clearly with thehighest readings corresponding to the sensor nearest theend of the bridge (TW1).

However the actual time-of-wetness is likely to be abetter indicator of condensation than the absolute valuesmeasured. Table 1 gives the number of hours the probesgave readings greater than 0.05. This is an arbitrary valuetaken after inspection of Figures 20 and 21 as beingrepresentative of the transition from low (dry) to high

Figure 16 River Camel Viaduct: Unstressed internal wire after 48 months exposure

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27-Nov-95 14-Jun-96 31-Dec-96 19-Jul-97 04-Feb-98 23-Aug-98






Internal 1Internal 2










24-Jul-98 03-Aug-98



















e hu


ity (


External temperature Internal temperature External RH Internal RH












12-Sep-98 22-Sep-98 02-Oct-98 12-Oct-98 22-Oct-98 01-Nov-98



















e hu


ity (


External temperature Internal temperature original Internal temperature new

External RH Internal RH original Internal RH new

Figure 17 Botley Flyover: Average daily temperatures

Figure 18 Botley flyover: Hourly temperatures and humidities

Figure 19 River Camel Viaduct: Hourly temperatures and relative humidities at original and new locations

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30-Sep-99 10-Oct-99 20-Oct-99 30-Oct-99 9-Nov-99 19-Nov-99 29-Nov-99
















e hu


ity (


TW1 TW2N TW2S TW3 RH (%)










7-Oct-99 8-Oct-99 9-Oct-99 10-Oct-99 11-Oct-99 12-Oct-99 13-Oct-99 14-Oct-99
















e hu


ity (



Figure 20 River Camel Viaduct: Results from time-of-wetness and humidity probes over a three month period

Figure 21 River Camel Viaduct: Results from time-of-wetness and humidity probes over a seven day period

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Table 1 Hours during which time-of-wetnessmeasurements were greater than cut-off

Time-of-wetnessNumber probe (hours)of hours

Date Cut-off monitored TW1 TW2 TW3 TW4

Sept – Dec 1999 0.05 1357 130 1 12 35Dec 1999 – Jan 2000 0.05 1393 116 3 48 15Feb – June 2000 0.004 3382 528 0 17 6Aug – Dec 2000 0.002 2712 153 0 12 20

(damp) conditions. They show that the time-of-wetnesswas greatest in span one (TW1) but that the probe in spanthree (TW3) was subjected to condensation for longer thanthose in span two (TW2N, TW2S).

The results obtained over the subsequent 12 monthsshowed a similar pattern although the relationship betweenhigher currents and high relative humidity was less clearlydefined. In general higher readings also coincided withrising air temperatures. It was noted that spots of corrosionwere present on the probes and this may have affected thereadings. The number of hours during which higherreadings were recorded is shown in Table 1. The resultsshowed the same pattern as previously although a lowercut-off was used than during the first period. Thisreduction may have been due to the corrosion that wasobserved on the probes which may have increased theirresistance and thus reduced the current.

5 Discussion

5.6 Corrosion rates

It has been found that corrosion rates on composite steelbridges are considerably reduced if the steel beams areenclosed (Mckenzie 1991). Table 2 shows the corrosionrates measured on a number of bridges, both inside andoutside the enclosure. It can be seen that even thoughcorrosion rates inside the enclosure are considerably lessthan those outside they are still higher than those measuredinside the concrete boxes at Botley Flyover and the RiverCamel Viaduct. The results obtained indicate that thecorrosivity of the environments at the positions monitoredinside the two box sections is two to ten times lower thanin an enclosed bridge.

The corrosion rate measured outside Botley Flyover wasalso comparatively low. This was probably because thecoupons were placed on the bearing shelf (to provide someprotection from vandals) and thus they were not fullyexposed to the wind and rain.

Although corrosion rates were low, the top surface of thehorizontal coupons in the box sections was almostcompletely covered with light surface corrosion after twoyears and there were also spots of corrosion on the wiresand strands. The increased severity of the corrosion on thetop surface of the coupons was probably due to dustparticles settling on the surface of the steel. The amount ofcorrosion observed has continued to increase during thesubsequent years of exposure, although there are indicationsthat the average annual rate is decreasing (Figure 7).

During the first three years of monitoring, informationon condensation was limited to observations made duringthe occasional visit to the structures. The time-of-wetnessprobes installed during September 1999 have provided abetter indication of the amount of condensation that occursat the River Camel Viaduct. The results indicate that thereis a reduction in condensation away from the end of thestructure. The probe in the end span was wet for about10% of the time whereas the probes in the second and thirdspans from the end were wet for about 1% of the time.However these results need to be treated with caution asthe characteristics of the probe changed over themonitoring period and this requires further investigation.

The additional weight loss coupons installed nearer thewest end of the River Camel Viaduct in August 1998, in anarea where condensation was more likely to occur,provided information on whether corrosion rates variedalong the length of the structure. The corrosion rate on thehorizontal coupon after 12 months was higher than thatrecorded on the original samples and the rate of corrosionafter 28 months was about 50% higher. It is possible thatthe increased condensation nearer the end of the structurecaused the higher corrosion rate but the difference betweenthe two sets of coupons in absolute terms is very small andit is not possible to draw firm conclusions.

While the results obtained to-date show that thecorrosivity inside a concrete box is relatively low, thespots of rust observed on unprotected steel strands indicatethat some form of corrosion protection is necessary andthat bare wires are not an option. However, indications arethat simple corrosion protection measures are all that isrequired. The only prerequisites are that the tendons areinspectable and the box is designed to prevent the ingressof contaminants.

Table 2 Typical corrosion rates in various environments

AnnualPeriod of corrosion

Location of exposure rateBridge coupons (months) (µm)

Externally post-tensioned concrete structuresBotley In concrete box 58 0.5

Exterior 58 5-6

River Camel In concrete box 60 0.5

Structures with enclosed steel beamsConon Enclosure 17 2 – 3

Exterior 17 18

Tees Enclosure 17 2-3Exterior 17 49

Second Severn crossing approach roadsEnclosure 12 1 – 6Exterior 12 35 – 90

County bridges1 Enclosure 12 3 – 8Enclosure 12 3 – 9Enclosure 12 3 – 7

1These bridges were monitored by TRL for a local authority.

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5.7 Corrosion protection systems

The most common methods of corrosion protection incurrent use are to house the tendons in wax or grout filledducts. This has the disadvantage that tendons cannot beinspected directly. For grouted systems it is necessary tolocally remove the sheathing and expose the tendons. Forwax filled ducts strands have to be withdrawn andexamined external to the duct. However the lowcorrosivity found in the concrete box sections that weremonitored shows that as long as there is no evidence ofleakage of deleterious materials into the box then thefrequency and detail of tendon inspection can be kept to aminimum.

Coating systems that provide corrosion protectionwithout requiring the tendons to be housed in a duct offerthe ideal solution. The strands can be examined along mostof their length for corrosion and wire fractures, while thecoating provides protection against the limited corrosionthat takes place in the box. At locations where strands arenot visible ie where they pass through deviators and atanchorages, the unwinding of fractured wires wouldprovide evidence of corrosion.

Coating systems available include:

� galvanising;

� paint;

� epoxy coating.

All these systems have their limitations. Galvanising hasthe advantage that it is not easily damaged in handling andinstallation, and BA 58 states that ‘Unducted galvanisedtendons have the advantage of being easily inspectablethroughout their length’. However it has not been used inbridges in the UK and it is believed that there are severalreasons for this:

� it is a sacrificial coating and is consumable with time ina corrosive environment;

� concern among engineers about the risk of hydrogenembrittlement;

� cost; an unpublished whole life cost study has shownthat of four options considered for protecting externaltendons (galvanising, tendons in wax filled ducts,tendons in grout filled ducts with wax at the anchorages,and individually sheathed strands in wax filled ducts),galvanising was the most expensive.

Paint systems would be at risk of damage duringinstallation and be difficult to apply after installation, as itwould only be possible to coat the exposed surfaces of theouter wires. Any subsequent relative movement ofindividual wires would lead to a risk of ingress of moisturebetween wires and corrosion of unprotected steel. Epoxycoated strands have been used in the USA but there isconcern about pinholes and local damage to the coatingduring installation and problems such as poor adhesionthat cast doubt on its use.

An alternative solution would be to use individuallysheathed strands in grease filled sleeves. This system hasthe advantage that the strands are protected againstcorrosion yet fractures of individual wires can be detected

by looking for deformations in the sheath caused bymovement of the wires when they fail. This has been donepreviously on structures where wire failures have occurred,by shining a torch focused to a pencil beam along thesurface of each strand to cast shadows behind anyirregularity in the sheathing (Brooman and Robson 1996).The limitation of the method is that it is not possible todetect fractures within the anchor block and at deviators.

The first eight externally post-tensioned bridges built inthe UK all used individually sheathed strands and wirefractures were found in two of them. In one instance thestrands were protected by Bridon’s Metal A - analuminium resin - and individually sheathed within a38mm diameter PVC sleeve. Failures were attributed to thepresence of aluminium in the resin although the exactcause was never unambiguously determined (Porter 1985).In the second instance failures were attributed to problemsduring construction. On both bridges the strands were inPVC sleeves and this was also considered to be acontributory factor although this was not conclusivelyproven. No problems have occurred in the remaining sixbridges. Strands were housed in PVC sleeves in one, andpolypropylene sleeves in the remainder.

Another advantage of individually sleeved strands is thatthe corrosion protection is applied under factory controlledconditions, before delivery to site. Thus site operations arelimited to ensuring that the tendons are properly storedbefore construction and not damaged during installation.However care is required where strands are protected atanchorages and where they pass through deviators. Theuse of plastic lined deviators should reduce the risk ofdamage during installation.

Strands in grease filled polypropylene sleeves arecurrently commercially available. One system uses a multi-layer protection whereby the sleeved strands are themselveshoused in wax or grout filled HDPE ducts. The use of groutor wax filled ducts increases the cost, and makes the strandsdifficult to inspect. Given the low corrosivity of theenvironment it is questionable whether this additionalprotection is really necessary.

Of the currently available corrosion protection systems,individually sheathed strands appear to offer the bestcompromise between providing some corrosion protectionwhilst allowing the strands to remain inspectable.

5.8 De-humidification

Another possible corrosion protection option that could beconsidered is de-humidification. There is little doubt that itcould further reduce corrosion subject to dealing with someof the problems outlined below (eg leakage). This wouldallow the tendons to remain unprotected and thus enablethem to be visually inspected although there would still beproblems of inspecting them adjacent to the anchorage andwhere they passed though deviators and diaphragms.

However it is likely that the cost of installing andmaintaining a system would far outweigh any savings incorrosion protection. Another concern is that the greatestrisk of corrosion is due to leakage of water and de-icingsalts into the box. This would present a local problem and

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a de-humidification system may not be able to preventcorrosion occurring on tendons subjected to leakage. Otherconcerns are listed below:

� would it cope with sudden changes in temperature?

� does the environment need to be sealed from theatmosphere? If not how much leakage can be allowed?

� does it completely prevent condensation?

� does it prevent corrosion completely or reduce the rate -if the latter then by how much?

� would it dry out the concrete and increase the risk ofcarbonation?

It would appear that the capital and running costs,coupled with the doubts about its effectiveness,particularly where leakage is present, mean that it isunlikely to provide a cost effective solution.

It is understood that it is planned to install a de-humidification system in the steel box sections of theOresund bridges in Denmark (Gedge 1999). It has alsobeen used on other bridges in Denmark. Furtherinformation is required; in particular on the costs ofinstalling and maintaining the system and whether theyoutweigh any savings in corrosion protection.

6 Conclusions

The results obtained during the five years of monitoringhave shown that:

� conditions inside the two bridges are more stable andless extreme than the outside environment;

� the corrosion on samples inside the structures is muchless than outside;

� the corrosivity of the environment inside concrete boxgirder bridges is very low, less than that inside a bridgeenclosure.

Initial findings from the coupons installed near the endsof the structure in the River Camel Viaduct show highercorrosion rates on the horizontal coupons and the time-of-wetness probes indicate that condensation is more frequentnearer the end of the structure. However there isinsufficient data to draw firm conclusions but the resultsindicate that corrosion rates can vary along the length of astructure and that they are higher at locations wherecondensation occurs.

It is considered that, despite the low corrosion rates, baretendons are not an option and that some form of corrosionprotection is required. However the research demonstratesthat the risk of tendon corrosion is low if the interior of thebox remains sealed from de-icing salts. Inspection of thesestructures should therefore focus on looking for evidence ofthe ingress of de-icing salts and maintenance should focuson ensuring that this does not occur.

The most common methods of corrosion protection incurrent use are to house the tendons in wax or grout filledHDPE ducts. The findings indicate that there is little risk ofcorrosion of the tendons as long as the concrete boxsections remain dry and free of contamination. Therefore,

where this is the case, direct inspection of the tendons canbe limited to a small number of spot checks.

Of the corrosion protection systems available,individually sleeved strands have the advantage that thecorrosion protection is applied under factory controlledconditions, before delivery to site, and the performance ofindividual strands in polypropylene sleeves has a goodtrack record in the UK. In addition, it is possible to inspectthe strands along most of their length and to detectindividual wire failures.

The installation of de-humidification systems to furtherreduce the risk of corrosion is likely to be difficult tojustify on economic grounds. There is also doubt as towhether it would be effective in areas where it is mostneeded ie where leakage occurs.

7 Acknowledgements

The work described in this report was carried out in theInfrastructure Division of the TRL Limited. The authorswould like to acknowledge all the staff who were involvedin the project, in particular Mr M Mckenzie and Mr A Frost.The authors are also grateful to Cornwall County Counciland Oxfordshire County Council for permission to installthe monitoring systems in the structures.

8 References

Brooman H and Robson A (1996). A3/A31 Flyover -Case history of an externally post-tensioned bridge.International Conference on Bridge Management.University of Surrey. April.

Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (1994a). Thedesign of concrete highway bridges and structures withexternal and unbonded prestressing. BD58. (DRMB 1.3.9).London: The Stationery Office.

Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (1994b). Thedesign of concrete highway bridges and structures withexternal and unbonded prestressing. BA58 (DRMB 1.3.10).London: The Stationery Office.

Gedge G (1999). Corrosion protection of the OresundCrossing Bridges. Fourth International Symposium onSteel Bridges. Congress Centre – Leipzig. 17 – 19 May.

McKenzie M (1991). Corrosion protection: theenvironment created by bridge enclosure. Research ReportRR293. Crowthorne: TRL Limited.

Porter M G (1985). Repair of post-tensioned concretestructures. Concrete Bridges Investigation, maintenanceand repair. Proceedings of a one-day symposium, London25 September.

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A number of lengths of stressed post-tensioning strand, unstressed wires from post-tensioning strand and steelcoupons, were exposed in the box sections of two externally post-tensioned concrete bridges. Samples were alsoexposed outside the structures. The temperature and humidity both inside the box sections, adjacent to the stressedsamples, and outside the structures were also monitored. Time-of-wetness probes were positioned along the lengthof one of the structures. The objective was to determine the corrosivity inside the box sections and thus the degreeof corrosion protection required by externally post-tensioned tendons. Results over five years indicate that althoughthe corrosivity within a concrete box section is much lower than outside, bare tendons are not an option and someform of corrosion protection is required.

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