correction of typical mistakes table of contents...correction of mistakes 5lm1 short 1 correction of...

Correction of mistakes 5LM1 short 1 CORRECTION OF TYPICAL MISTAKES Table of contents 1/ The articles 2/ all-every-each-whole 3/ aussi (que) 4/ assez expressing degree 5/ assez suffisamment 6/ très - beaucoup 7/ say and tell 8/ pour/afin de - afin que 9/ word order 10/ comparison 11/ prepositions 12/ relative pronouns 13/ auxiliaries and functions 14/ notes on the present perfect 15/ pendant (que) 16/ jusque 17/ un peu - beaucoup 18/ trop 19/ encore 20/ vocabulary a- vouloir que b- voyage c- uncountables d- laisser e- be/have in expressions f- aimer/préférer g- reflexivity-reciprocity h- do and make i- oui et non j- tellement, aussi + adj k- malgré, cependant l- comme 21/ correct the mistakes 22/ translate

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1/ The articles

2/ all-every-each-whole

3/ aussi (que)

4/ assez expressing degree

5/ assez suffisamment

6/ très - beaucoup

7/ say and tell

8/ pour/afin de - afin que

9/ word order

10/ comparison

11/ prepositions

12/ relative pronouns

13/ auxiliaries and functions

14/ notes on the present perfect

15/ pendant (que)

16/ jusque

17/ un peu - beaucoup

18/ trop

19/ encore

20/ vocabulary

a- vouloir que

b- voyage

c- uncountables

d- laisser

e- be/have in expressions

f- aimer/préférer

g- reflexivity-reciprocity

h- do and make

i- oui et non

j- tellement, aussi + adj

k- malgré, cependant

l- comme

21/ correct the mistakes

22/ translate

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1) The articles Indefinite singular

She is expecting … baby.

I think he is … doctor (jobs).

He works as …. waiter.

Use of the definite article ”the”

a-Names of seas, oceans, mountains

We spent our holidays near … Atlantic.

We stayed in … Alps for 2 weeks.

…….. Mediterranean sea is invaded in the summer.

B”-one and only” things.

More still has to be discovered about …. sun and …. moon.

….. earth goes round …. sun.

….. sky is blue today.

c-Public places.

Are you coming to …. theatre with me? I am going to …. bank/ station/ post office/ cinema.

d- names of streets, institutions, public buildings etc., starting with a proper name

Turn right into ….. Oxford Street, then straight on as far as ….. Victoria Station.

….. Picadilly Circus is as famous as ….. Grand Place.

….. Tom’s parents are very nice.

….. most people have TV at home.


….. Belgians drink less wine than ….. French.

….. Japanese travel more than ….Spanish.


…… Ireland is a beautiful country. I have never been to …… Netherlands. …... China has got

the most inhabitants. I love …….. Italy. I am going to visit….. USA/UK.


…… breakfast is ready!

We will have ….. lunch at 1 p.m.

…... dinner they served yesterday was the best I can remember.

I don’t generally have ………. breakfast in the morning.

Do you want ……. breakfast?

……..lunch you can buy from the takeaway tastes awful.

h-Musical instruments.

He plays …… piano very well.


….. football is more exciting than …….. chess.

…… swimming is boring.

….. football that Manchester United played yesterday was very good.

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j-The + adjective.

Do you think the rich should pay more taxes?

It’s an organization which helps the blind, the deaf and the mute.

It’s a movie for young and old/ for the young

k-General( no "the") or definite ("the")?

k.1 : With uncountables.

The book that I am reading is all about ….. emancipation of women.

….. money is the root of all evil. / Put ….. money on the table.

….. love conquers all. / ….. love I have for you will last forever.

….. coffee is produced in South America. / (at table) Could I have …. coffee, please? / Do you

like ….. strong black coffee?

….. life he is leading won’t last forever. / …… night life in New-York is very busy.

I love ….. nature.

I don’t like ….. Dutch literature.

….. tolerance and ….. democracy are what these countries need.

….. physics is even more difficult than ….. biology.

k.2 : Countables in the plural.

….. oranges are cheaper than ….. bananas at this time of the year.

….. oranges I bought yesterday taste awful.

….. parents are supposed to look after ….. children.

There are ….. eggs in the fridge.

k.3 : school/university-hospital-prison-church

Children go to ….. school everyday. / The Police went to ….. school to investigate the theft.

They go to ….. church on Sundays. / The firemen went to ….. church to put out the fire.

He was rushed to ….. hospital after the accident. / I am going to ….. hospital to visit him.

They went to ….. prison to repair the roof. / They will go to ….. prison if they are arrested.


Il aime beaucoup la vie.

Il a beaucoup de travail pour l’école.

Les parents de Tom sont sympas.

La police n'est pas là.

La plupart des gens ont Internet à la maison.

Il travaille le dimanche.

Les profs de l’école sont sympas.

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2) French "tout(e), tous, toutes : all – every – each – whole-

…..... my life. / My …..... life. / …..... day = the …..... day.

He plays hockey …..... Saturday. / …..... three weeks. / …..... ten minutes.

...….. seat in the theatre was taken. / I invited …..... of my colleagues in turn.

Il travaille tous les samedis

Il travaille tout le samedi

Il a vu tous les élèves un par un

3) French “aussi (que)” : also – too - as well – as …. as

She not only sings; she plays the piano …..... .

John teaches skiing …..... . (intonation!)

I like pop music but I …..... like jazz.

A 2 CV is not ...….. expensive …..... a BMW.

4) French “assez” expressing degree : fairly(+-) – quite(+) – pretty(++)

He has written a new book; it’s …………. interesting but certainly not his best.

………….. a nice day, isn’t it?.

Did you enjoy the show? - I did very much, it was …………. good.

I …………… agree with you.

I am ………… sure.

5) French “assez” (suffisamment) : enough

Je n’ai pas assez d’argent.

Ce film n'est pas assez intéressant.

6) Very/much/many (trés/beaucoup +adj/adverb)

I am ….. tired.

It is ….. late.

Britain’s economy has been ……. weakened by inflation.

I have got ……. / ……. more friends now than some years ago.

There is ……. / ……. less water in the river than usual.

She is ……. / ……. happier now.

7) Say and tell

-Dire qq chose / Dire que : SAY.

C’est ce qu’il dit.

Elle a dit qu’elle ne pourrait pas venir.

Je ne peux rien dire.

On dit / raconte qu’il a eu un accident.

-Dire qq chose à qq/ dire à qq que : TELL / SAY TO.

Elle m’a dit qu’elle avait vu l’accident.

On m’a dit qu’il allait vendre sa maison.

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8) French" pour / afin de / afin que" : for/in order to/so as to/so (that)/as for

Ce cadeau est pour eux.

Cette machine sert à nettoyer les tapis (est pour…).

Je veux me lever tôt afin de ne pas arriver en retard.

Pour aller là-bas, il est plus facile de prendre le métro.

Pour moi, ce projet est trop moderne.

Aide-le afin qu’il puisse terminer à temps.

9) Word Order

- Adjective + noun

- Adverbs of frequency come just before the main verb (except "to be")

- Indirect / direct / manner / place / time

- If direct object = pronoun → just after the verb and the indirect object is preceded by "to"

C’est une fille très sympathique.

Je n’avais jamais vu un film aussi intéressant.

J’aime beaucoup le basket.

Je ne sais plus quelle heure il est.

Ils utilisent beaucoup le téléphone.

Nous l’avons attendu pendant 2 heures devant la gare.

Il a prudemment conduit la voiture jusqu’au garage.

Il ne parle pas bien le français.

Je connais bien son caractère.

Je demanderai à mes parents si je peux sortir samedi à la soirée à Ciney

Nous avons offert un nouveau poste TV à nos parents. Nous leur avons offert un poste TV. Nous

l’avons offert à nos parents. Le vendeur le leur a apporté.

J’ai raconté cette histoire au voisin. / Je l’ai racontée au voisin. / Je lui ai raconté l’histoire. / Je la

lui ai racontée.

Nous n’allons pas souvent au cinéma./Je ne l’aurais jamais rencontrée si je n’étais pas venu ici. /

Il est souvent malade.

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10) Comparison: equality, superiority, inferiority./ superlatives


Aussi rapide que

plus rapide que Le plus rapide

plus heureux que le plus heureux

Plus prudent que Le plus prudent

Moins facile que Le moins facile

-Adverbs :

Aussi vite (rapidement) que

Plus prudemment que Le plus prudemment

Plus vite que Le plus vite (rapidement)

Moins facilement que Le moins facilement

-Nouns :

Autant de pluie que l’an passé

Autant d'élèves que l’an passé

Plus d’argent Le plus d’argent

Moins d’élèves que Le moins d’élèves

Moins de pluie que Le moins de pluie







Essaye de prendre le moins de temps possible (as ………………………… as possible).

Travaille le plus rapidement et le mieux possible.

Plus il y aura de gens, mieux ce sera.

Plus tu travailles dur, plus tu auras d'argent.

Essaye d’économiser le plus d’énergie possible.

Plus je réfléchis, moins je trouve de solutions.

C’est lui qui a le plus de capacités.

Il y a deux fois plus de gens qu’hier.

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11) Prepositions

I go …. my grandfather’s …. Sundays.

My job will be finished …. next Saturday.

I never work …. the evenings. / …. week-ends. / …. night.

…. Christmas / Easter we usually have a party.

We are visiting our grand-parents …. Christmas day.

I spend a lot of money …. clothes.

Your problem is different …. mine.

Let’s try to agree …. a date.

I must apologize …. him …. what happened.

His house is made …. stone.

He is searching / looking …. his umbrella.

I phoned …. him yesterday.

We will have to discuss …. these things.

She felt nervous as she entered …. the room.

She likes looking …. children.

He had some difficulty …. fixing that all right.

Think …. me when you are back home.

We went …. holiday last year.

I am tired ….. / fed up ….. / bored ….. / pleased ….. / worried ….. his attitude.

I am not interested ….. horror films.

I prefer watching TV ….. going to the cinema.

Wait ….. me here ….. a few minutes.

We stayed there ….a few days.

It depends ….. what you want.

His car is the same …../different ……. mine.

I am sorry ….. that. / I am sorry ….. you.

I am scared ….. dogs.

Could you help me ….. my homework?

I must be back ….. 7 p.m.

This music sounds ….. R&R.

We usually have lunch from 12 ….. 13 p.m.

Ask him ….. this question.

She was late ……. ….. the traffic.

Congratulations ….. your new job!

Your party prevented everybody ……. sleeping last night.

She reminds me ….. her mother.

I am not responsible ….. what happened.

To shoot / to shout / to throw/to laugh/aim (aggressively) …… .

I hope he will succeed ….. convincing his wife.

He suffers …… bad pains: we hope he won’t die ….. cancer.

Il est chez ses grands-parents.

Il va chez ses grands-parents la semaine prochaine.

Il est à la mer.

Il va bientôt à la mer en voiture.

Merci d’être venu.

Il est bon en anglais.

Il est marié / fiancé à une Américaine.

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12) Relative pronouns

I don’t like the people …….... / …...…. lose their tempers easily.

This music is the sort of music …….... / …….... really excites me.

I don’t know the person …….... / …….... / …...…. you can see there.

I have lost the things …...…. / …...…. / …...…. I bought yesterday.

The man ……. / ……. / …….. you are talking about is dead now.

Where are the things ...……. / …...…. / ……..... I paid for?

→ When can you leave out the relative pronoun ? ...........................................................................


.................................................................................................................................................... ........

You can't use THAT in the following cases :

Jenny, ….....…. lives in New-York now, was a brilliant student.

The Eiffel Tower, ….....…. I visited last year, is a great monument.

This is Jane, ……...... sister you met last week.

It was a meeting …….... importance ……...…………I didn’t realize.

It was a meeting ……...... importance I didn't realize.

She spent the evening talking about her life, ….....…. wasn’t interesting at all.

13) Some functions and auxiliaries

CAPACITY could / can / to be able to

PERMISSION could / can / may / to be allowed to / to be permitted to

OBLIGATION have to (don't have to) / must /

ADVICE should + inf. / ought to + inf.

(regrets, criticism) should have + pp.

POSSIBILITY may / might / could + inf. présent ou passé

IMPOSSIBILITY can’t + inf. présent ou passé

It is impossible that…

DEDUCTION must + infinitif présent ou passé

PROHIBITION mustn’t / not allowed to

HABIT in the past : used to

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Translate :

Après quelques leçons, il pourra nager.

Cela fait 10 ans que je sais nager.

Je dois faire mon lit depuis que j’ai 10 ans.

Je n’aurai pas la permission de sortir avec vous.

Tu devrais travailler plus dur.

Tu aurais dû venir la semaine dernière.

Tom m'a dit qu'il devrait (allait devoir) travailler plus dur.

Il se pourrait qu’il pleuve demain.

Il se peut qu’il ait eu un problème.

Il doit avoir (eu) un problème.

14) Some notes on the present perfect

He has gone to Italy. / He has been to Italy. / He went to Italy.

I met him this morning/ I have met him this morning.

15) French "pendant (que)" : during / for / while

We stayed there …...… a while.

We stayed in England ….....… 2 weeks ….....…. the holidays.

Our house was broken into .....……. we were abroad.

16) French “jusque” : till/until/to/up to/down to/as far as

O.K. then, I will wait for you ….....…. midnight. After that I'll leave.

I will wait …….... I hear from you.

We walked ……...………..the edge of the forest.

Our minibus can hold ……..... 13 people.

Walk ……….... the traffic lights.

I will stay here from 4 …...…. 6 p.m.

17) French "(un) peu (de) / beaucoup (de)

Je suis un peu fatigué.

J’ai peu de temps / de jouets.

J’ai un peu de temps pour toi.

J'ai un peu de (= quelques) bonbons.

J’ai beaucoup de temps / d’amis.

Je n’ai pas beaucoup d’espoir / de problèmes.

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18) French "trop"

………… old / quickly.

………… water / time.

………… mistakes / times

19) French "encore" : again, still, left, even, (not) yet

Il vit encore en Afrique.

Dis ça encore (une fois) !

Il est encore plus grand que je ne le pensais.

Je n'ai pas encore fini ma lettre.

Il y a encore du lait au frigo.

20) Vocabulary

a- VOULOIR QUE : Je voudrais que tu m’aides.

Il veut que les gens soient là avant 8 heures.

J’aimerais qu’ils ne restent pas trop tard.

b- VOYAGE : a trip / a journey / a voyage / travel

il parle souvent de ses voyages.

il est parti en voyage en Italie.

As- tu fait bon voyage ?

c- UNCOUNTABLES : plural in French, singular in English : Information / advice / news /

luggage / baggage / weather / health / sugar / bread / homework …

Tes bagages sont lourds.

Les nouvelles sont bonnes.

J’ai beaucoup de devoirs.

Achète deux pains.

Suis mes conseils.

J’ai quelques informations pour toi.


Laisse moi travailler.

Laisse ton vélo contre la mur.

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e- To BE / HAVE in expressions

Nous sommes mercredi.

J’ai soif / froid.

Il aura 20 ans bientôt.

Tu as raison.

Je suis d’accord.


I prefer …...…. to …….... my homework. / I would prefer to …...…. / I would rather …...…./

I like …...…. / I would like …...…. .

Je préfère les frites aux pdt.

Je préfère rester à la maison plutôt que d’aller danser.

Je préférerais rester à la maison.


Ils se sont regardés (eux-mêmes) dans le miroir.

Ils se sont regardés (l'un l'autre) et commencèrent à rire.

h- FAIRE : do and make

……… something!

Did you ……… your homework?

Let’s get someone to ……… all the boring jobs.

I have just ……… a cake.

Let’s ……… a plan.

Il fait du vélo le week-end.

Elle fait de la danse classique.

Faire faire qqch par qq : to have sth. done by so. / Faire + infinitive (with object) : to make (so) do

Il a fait souffrir ma soeur.

Je ferai peindre le mur par un spécialiste.

Ce film m’a fait pleurer.

J’ai fait réparer ma montre par un ami.

i- OUI et NON

He got the job, didn’t he? I think …………… (je pense que oui).

Est-il allé en France ? Je pense bien que non.

Je voudrais voyager. - Moi, non !

Elle n’aime pas le chocolat. Moi, oui !

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j- UN TEL / TELLEMENT/AUSSI + ADJ : such or so

* SUCH A (+ adj) + noun singular SO + adj.

* SUCH (+ adj) + noun plural

I have never met ……...….. a delightful person.

I am ……...….. happy to be here.

She made …...………….. a good meal that we ate far too much.

It’s …………….… a shame!

Je n’avais jamais rencontré des gens aussi chouettes.

k- MALGRÉ, CEPENDANT : in spite of/despite/although/though

………….…/………….. his age he can run very quickly

…………………. he is quite old, he can run very quickly

He is old. He can run quickly, ..……………..

l- COMME : like/as

He can play the piano, ………. his father

He is a good singer, ……….. his father used to be

………. you know, we will buy a new car.

21) Correct the mistakes

The Jodi’s father didn’t like her nose.

She had the same nose than her father’s.

I don’t want that my parents get angry.

I generally ask money at my parents.

I would like to travel farer than England.

We didn’t know how was the weather.

English, and particularly his grammar, is difficult.

I speak English easier than I write it.

I didn’t take the plane but my friends yes.

I am a person very friendly.

I wear classic clothes in summer and eccentric in winter.

Close TV, please.

There isn’t nothing in this room.

I can’t sing and I can’t play the piano too.

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When I will be 20, I will get a car.

He stayed there during two weeks.

I take a coke, please.

Mister, can I go to the toilet ?

Open the light, please.

He works good at school.

You should work with your parents at the moment !

22) Translate

C’est encore plus cher que dans l’autre magasin.

Tu as fait beaucoup trop de fautes.

Demande lui quelques conseils.

Je n’avais jamais entendu une histoire aussi bizarre.

Cours le plus vite possible.

La plupart des gens rêvent d’avoir beaucoup d’argent.

On raconte qu’elle a joué dans un film.

On dit qu’il habite à la mer pour le moment.

Téléphone à ton oncle afin qu’il puisse préparer la machine.

Qui as-tu vu au concert ?

Qui t’a vu au concert ?

Il n’y plus de beurre dans le frigo.