correct use of essential oils

By Anita Hales, Chartered Herbalist How To Safely Use Essential Oils

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Page 1: Correct use of essential oils

By Anita Hales, Chartered Herbalist

How To Safely Use Essential Oils

Page 2: Correct use of essential oils

Essential oils are made by distillation.It takes about 256 pounds of peppermint leaf to create one pound of peppermint essential oil.150 pounds of lavender flowers will make about a pound of lavender essential oil.And you wonder why rose essential oil is so expensive? It takes over 1000 pounds of roses to make 1 pound of rose essential oil.What you end up with is a pharmaceutical grade herbal.

What Are Essential Oils?

Page 3: Correct use of essential oils

Essential Oils Are Extremely Concentrated› One drop of peppermint oil is essentially equivalent to almost

30 cups of peppermint tea.› More isn’t always better.› People have been known to poison themselves to death by

ingesting too much water. › Using herbs for healing does not require large amounts. › Frequency is better than quantity. › Too frequent use of some herbs can result in allergic reactions.

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› Aromatherapy› Carrier oils› Never ingested

Essential Oils Should Always Be Diluted› There are some exceptions

but a novice should always dilute the oil in a carrier oil or water or other food.

› Lotions, creams, salves and massage oils can contain small amounts of Essential oils.

› Essential oils can be administered in the following ways:

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› Many Essential Oils, particularly citrus, can burn the skin.

› Many Essential Oils are powerful anti-microbials and can destroy even beneficial gut bacteria.

› Essential Oils enter the blood stream extremely rapidly even when administered externally so internal administration is not necessary in most cases.

Why You Should Never Ingest Essential Oils› Most people that use

Essential Oils are not trained professionals.

› People are not prepared for any adverse reactions that may occur.

› True “food grade” essential oils must be diluted to be considered food grade.

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› Before Using an Essential Oil, make sure you have researched it for its benefits and possible bad side effects.

› Spot test a tiny amount of the diluted oil on your skin before applying any place liberally.

› Many Essential Oils can cause photosensitivity. These include most citrus and bergamot.

› Most Essential Oils are considered GRAS or Generally Regarded As Safe for EXTERNAL use.

› To use an herb for internal use, use the fresh or dried herb rather than EO.

Do Your Research and Spot Test

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› NEVER use an essential oil during pregnancy without first checking with your midwife or doctor. (Pharmacists can also give you some information).

› An essential oil as innocuous as peppermint or sage can decrease milk supply during nursing even when used externally.

› Never use these EO during pregnancy: Aniseed, Angelica, Basil, Black pepper, Camphor, Cinnamon, Chamomile, Clary Sage (often used during labor by midwives safely), clove, fennel, fir, ginger,), Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Mustard, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Wintergreen.

› Never use Horseradish or Mugwort essential oils at any time.

Essential Oils Use During Pregnancy

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› Too many purveyors of Essential Oils blithely recommend them as safe for children.› NEVER give EO to a child internally – EVER.› They should be diluted more than for an adult.› Some EO can cause seizures in susceptible children.› Peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and wintergreen which contain 1,8-cineole, should

not be used around young children or babies. These herbs contain menthol and 1,8-cineole. These compounds can slow breathing in very young children or those with respiratory problems.

› A study from the University of Minnesota said that the menthol content of peppermint oil caused breathing to stop in young children and has caused jaundice in babies with G6PD deficiency.

› Using a diffuser would be the preferred method for application in most cases.› Check with your pediatrician first.

Are Essential Oils Safe For Children?

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› Essential Oils are a powerful source of healing.› Essential Oils should be used intelligently.› Using Essential Oils correctly will keep them from being regulated out of

the hands of people who need them. Many extremely useful herbs have been banned because people have used them wrong.

› Essential Oils should be used diluted for external use only.› Essential Oils can also be used safely in a diffuser.› Always check with a physician before using during pregnancy or nursing

and for children. › Do your research.


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› Some people use EO on tampons or in colon flushes.› Don’t do that. Really. Don’t do that.

Other weird things

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Anita Hales, CH