corporate social responsibility and environment

Carbon Emissions

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Carbon Emissions

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 Responsibility and  Environment 

Abhishek Ghosh

Sheik Abdul Enayath

Gaurav Pradeep Motwani

Kartiksinh Jyotindrasinh Sarvaiya

Pradeep Malayil Vasudevan

Shikha Gupta

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Economy ± Environment Interdependence1

Corporate Social Responsibility2

CSR Towards Environment3

The Marketing, IT and Legal perspectives4

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Business, industries and societies saw nature as a provider of µfree goods¶ such as water, air, and waste

disposal facilities.

This resulted in:

Population Explosion

Rising temperature

Shrinking of water table

Shrinking of cropland

Collapsing of fisheries

Extinction of plants and animals

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Business and industrial activities cause seriousenvironmental threats, just to name the major ones:

Global warming and energy use

Toxic substances,

Ozone destruction and CFCs,

Acid rain and transport,

Marine pollution and health

Finally the reduced biodiversity, loss of species and


Economy ± Environment Interdependence

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Traditional business management was focused more oncorporate profits, growth, and market share with less attention

on the effects on the environment.

Business activities and strategies were basically on economic

 performance, neglecting the importance of ecological performance.

In the new global competitive business environment, poor 

management of corporate reputation, employee practices and

environmental management can give rise to social and

environmental risks that damage shareholder value

Hence, ecological considerations are vital to the successful

running of any business, an industry, an organization or a

country as a whole finds itself.

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CSR Towards Environment

The integration of environmental issues into strategicdecision making is achieved in a way that meets core business needs and also wider stakeholder expectations.

Few Initiatives of environmental CSR:

Green Marketing (Marketing Perspective)

Green Computing (IT


Kyoto Protocol (Legal Perspective)

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Green Marketing

³All activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchangeintended to satisfy human needs or wants such that satisfying of these

needs and wants occur with minimal detrimental input on the national


Incorporates broad range of activities

Also called environmental marketing.

Came to prominence in the late 1980s

First book on green marketing ³Ecological Marketing´

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Evolution of Green Marketing

The evolution of green marketing has three phases:

First Phase or Ecological Green Marketing

Marketing activities concerned with environmental problems andgive environmental remedies.

Second Phase or Environmental Green Marketing

 New innovative products which will take care of various

 pollution and waste issues.

Third Phase or Sustainable Green Marketing

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Why Green Marketing?

Limited resource Vs Unlimited human want.

Use resources efficiently

Reduce wastage

Achieve organization objective

Growing consumers interest regarding protection of the


Growing market for sustainable and socially responsible


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Benefits of Green Marketing

Companies developing new products and services withenvironmental input in mind has the following benefits:

Access to new markets

Competitive advantage over companies which are not

concerned about environment.

Good image in the eyes of the consumer.

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Green products require renewable and recyclable material, whichis costly

Requires a technology, which requires huge investment in R & D

Majority of the people are not aware of green products and their 


Majority of the consumers are not willing to pay a premium for green products

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McDonald's restaurant's napkins, bags are made of recycled paper.

Coca-Cola pumped syrup directly from tank instead of plasticwhich saved 68 million pound/year.

Barauni refinery of IOC is taken steps for restricting air andwater pollutants.

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Green Computing

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Green Computing

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Recent press articles focus on IT damage to

the environment

IT does as much damage to the environment as the

airline industry

2% of the CO2 emitted comes from IT industry

For every £1 spent powering systems, 50 p to £1

is spent on cooling

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Heat Transfer

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Heat Transfer (Contd.)

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CMOS Scaling

Increasing involvement in CMOS scalingA dramatic rise in power density

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Where is Power Consumed

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Race To Go Green

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Project Green By IBM

$1 billion initiative to reduce energy use by IBM

and its clients

Includes new energy efficient IBM products andservices and a wholistic approach to energy

efficiency in the data centre

Promises to reduce data centre energyconsumption, transforming clients technology

infrastructure into green data centres and provide

energy savings upto 42% for an average data


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HP¶s Vision

HP¶s product Design for Environment program has three


Energy efficiency ± reduce the energy needed to

manufacture and use our products

Materials innovation ± reduce the amount of 

materials used in our products and develop materials

that have less environmental impact and more valueat end-of-life

Design for recyclability ± design equipment that is

easier to upgrade or recycle

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HP¶s Vision

HP offers over a thousand products that meet key eco-

label programs, such as ENERGY STAR, Canada

Environmental Choice, Blue Angel (Germany), TCO(Sweden), and China CECP energy.

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Some sceptics of the green computing say that more

energy-efficient data centres won't necessarily

minimize overall energy consumption. In fact, they say

it will lead to greater energy use. There's an importantfactor missing from the equation, say green-computing

detractors: increasing consumer demand

Their argument goes like this: The more efficient a

 product, the more you use it, and it ends up consumingmore resources overall than it did when it was less


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An initiative by governments of several countries

which is legally binding to all corporates.

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Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto

Protocol is a protocol to the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change

The treaty is intended to achieve "stabilization

of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere

It establishes legally binding commitments for thereduction of four greenhouse gases (carbon

dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur hexafluoride)

As of 2008, 183 parties have ratified the protocol which

was initially adopted for use on 11 December 1997in Kyoto, Japan and which entered into force on 16

February 2005.

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Industrialized countries agreed to reduce their collectiveGHG emissions by 5.2% compared to the year 1990.

Further an AAU is assigned to every corporate. (reduce or 


Every 1 tonne of carbon less emitted into the atmosphere

earns 1 carbon credit

Kyoto includes defined "flexible mechanisms" such

as Emissions Trading, the Clean Development

Mechanism and Joint Implementation.

The ultimate buyers of credits are often individual

companies that expect their emissions to exceed their quota

(their Assigned Allocation Units, AAUs or 'allowances' for 


How The Kyoto Protocol Helps

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India signed and ratified the Protocol in August, 2002.

Since India is exempted from the framework of the treaty,

it is expected to gain from the protocol in terms of 

transfer of technology and related foreign investments

So Corporates use the Kyoto Protocol as a CSR initiative.

In fact corporates are using carbon credits to make

 projects economically viable.

Corporates have definitely taken a giant leap towardsreducing their CARBON FOOTPRINT that they leave


Kyoto Protocol ± India Perspective

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