corporate culture and company effectiveness biman bangladesh airlines

1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIA FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Engineering Business and Industrial Management Department Stream: Management Specialization: Innovation in Business Creation and Management MASTER'S DISSERTATION CORPORATE CULTURE AND COMPANY EFFECTIVENESS: BIMAN BANGLADESH AIRLINES Student: Murshed Helal Email: [email protected] Country: Bangladesh Scientific supervisor: Ivanova T.B. Chairman, Professor: Alekseenko V.B. Moscow 2015

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Corporate culture refers to the beliefs and values that have existed in an organization for a long time, and to the beliefs of the staff and the foreseen value of their work that will influence their attitudes and behavior. Corporate culture is rooted in an organization's goals, strategies, structure, and approaches to labor, customers, investors, and the greater community. Administrators usually adjust their leadership behavior to accomplish the mission of the organization, and this could influence the employees' job satisfaction. The knowledge of corporate culture has increasingly received attention in many field of study. Traditionally, implications of corporate culture can be understood through a qualitative approach since it believed that characteristics of corporate culture are complex and difficult to measure as a concept. As an executive, identifying, understanding and the influencing the organizational culture can ensure corporate agility and success. As a potential employee, catching a glimpse of the true culture of an organization will help one decide if the company is a place where one can contribute and flourish. In, both cases misunderstanding culture can lead to disaster. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the corporate culture of Biman Bangladesh Airlines and to suggest the technologies of making it effective. In this study, it is to understand organization's vision, values, norms, symbols, assumptions, passenger’s feedback etc. We also pay special attention to peculiarities of cross-cultural communication between different ethnic groups gathered in multinational companies. The analysis will play a significant role to understand the drawbacks of company and apply effective strategies to minimize the bottleneck and modernize the company to maximize the market volume and profit.


  • 1




    Engineering Business and Industrial Management Department

    Stream: Management

    Specialization: Innovation in Business Creation and Management




    Student: Murshed Helal

    Email: [email protected]

    Country: Bangladesh

    Scientific supervisor: Ivanova T.B.

    Chairman, Professor:

    Alekseenko V.B.

    Moscow 2015

  • 2

    To Alekseenko V.B.,

    Head of Engineering Business and

    Industrial Management Department

    From: Murshed Helal

    Group: IBM-204


    I kindly request you to approve as my Master's Dissertation scientific supervisor

    Ivanova Tatiana Barisovna

    The Topic of the Master Dissertation: CORPORATE CULTURE AND COMPANY





  • 3

    Calculation and Explicatory Report for the Master's Dissertation

    Student: Murshed Helal

    Faculty: Engineering

    Engineering Business and Industrial Management Department

    Specialty: 080200

    Topic of the Master Dissertation



    Student: Murshed Helal ( Email : [email protected])

    Scientific supervisor:

    PhD, Professor: Ivanova. T. B

    Allow the Master dissertation

    to be defended at the State Examination Commission

    Chairman of Engineering Business and Industrial Management Department

    Professor: Alekseenko V.B.


  • 4



    Engineering Business and Industrial Management Department

    Specialty: 080200 Management

    Group: IBM -204

    Master's Dissertation


    Student: Murshed Helal

    1. Topic of the dissertation: CORPORATE CULTURE AND COMPANY


    2. Delivery date of the finished dissertation: __May 2015

    3. Bench-mark data: Statistical data



    1) Introduction

    2) Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to corporate culture

    3) Chapter 2. Corporate culture of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    4) Chapter 3. Technologies of creating an effective corporate culture

    5) Conclusions

    6) Appendix

    7) Bibliography

    Date and signature


  • 5

    9) Scientific supervisor

    Parts Scientific

    supervisor (SS)

    SS signature Students


    Introduction Ivanova T.B.

    Chapter 1. Ivanova T.B.

    Chapter 2. Ivanova T.B.

    Chapter 3. Ivanova T.B.

  • 6

    Calendar Plan


    Stages of the Master Dissertation Presentation Deadline

    for every stage

    1. Literature search, literature review,

    bibliography compiling


    2. Compiling Master Dissertation Plan and its

    confirmation by the scientific supervisor


    3. Presentation of the Introduction


    4. Part 1 presentation of the whole material


    5. Systematization and analysis of the empirical data


    6. Collection of additional data 12.04.2015

    7. Analysis of the information obtained


    8. Scientific supervisors approval of the conclusions 07.04.2015

    9. Provision of corrections, alterations and



    10. Speech writing 10.05.2015

    11. Acknowledgments (external and internal) 14.05.2015

    12. Thesis and pre-defense reviews presentation to the


    Student: __________________

    Scientific supervisor__________________________________

    Head of the Engineering Business and

    Management Department ___________________________________

  • 7









    MURSHED HELAL ( Email: [email protected])


    Moscow 2015

  • 8



    Table of Contents

    Introduction ..................................................... 10

    CHAPTER 1: Theoretical approaches to corporate culture

    1.1 Definition of Corporate Culture ................................ 13

    1.2 Hofstedes cultural dimensions of Bangladesh ...................... 15

    1.3 The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) .......... 18

    1.4 Importance of effective corporate culture ........................... 23

    CHAPTER 2: Corporate culture of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    2.1.1 Biman Bangladesh Airlines General information ............ 26

    2.1.2 Biman Bangladesh Airlines Corporate structure ................ 35

    2.2.1 SWOT analysis of Biman Bangladesh Airlines ................ 36

    2.2.2 PESTLE analysis ............................................... 38

    2.3.1 Online Marketing Strategies ........................................... 41

    2.3.2 Customers Relationship Management ( CRM) ...................... 46

    2.3.3 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ................................ 48

    2.3.4 Innovation in Biman Bangladesh Airlines .............................. 51

    2.2.4 The importance of Market Research ................................ 53

    2.3.5 Human Resource Management (HRM) ............................... 55

    2.4 Analysis of passenger evaluation ............................. 57

  • 9

    CHAPTER 3: Technologies of creating an effective corporate culture

    3.1 How to create an Innovative Corporate Culture ....................... 63

    3.2 How to reach company effectiveness .................................... 66

    Conclusions ...................................................... 69

    Appendix ....................................................... 70

    Bibliography ............................................... 76

    DECLARATION ................................................... 79

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    Corporate culture refers to the beliefs and values that have existed in an organization

    for a long time, and to the beliefs of the staff and the foreseen value of their work that

    will influence their attitudes and behavior. Corporate culture is rooted in an

    organization's goals, strategies, structure, and approaches to labor, customers,

    investors, and the greater community. Administrators usually adjust their leadership

    behavior to accomplish the mission of the organization, and this could influence the

    employees' job satisfaction. The knowledge of corporate culture has increasingly

    received attention in many field of study. Traditionally, implications of corporate

    culture can be understood through a qualitative approach since it believed that

    characteristics of corporate culture are complex and difficult to measure as a concept.

    As an executive, identifying, understanding and the influencing the organizational

    culture can ensure corporate agility and success. As a potential employee, catching a

    glimpse of the true culture of an organization will help one decide if the company is a

    place where one can contribute and flourish. In, both cases misunderstanding culture

    can lead to disaster.

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the corporate culture of Biman Bangladesh

    Airlines and to suggest the technologies of making it effective. In this study, it is to

    understand organization's vision, values, norms, symbols, assumptions, passengers

    feedback etc. We also pay special attention to peculiarities of cross-cultural

    communication between different ethnic groups gathered in multinational companies.

    The analysis will play a significant role to understand the drawbacks of company and

    apply effective strategies to minimize the bottleneck and modernize the company to

    maximize the market volume and profit.

    Methods and methodology applied in this paper can be used by top managers and HR-

    departments of multinational companies in their aspiration to bring fresh air to the

    companys environment making it effective and attractive for the personnel and new-

    comers. The material suggested can be also used in academic sphere.

    Relevance of the topic

    Due to globalization and global economic affaire the world has been turned into a

    global village. People around the world today are moving throughout the world either

    for commerce and industrial, tourism and employment or for education and research

    purposes. Due to the aforementioned factors, airline industry around the globe is

  • 11

    growing and developing rapidly. For survival and forward movement in this ever

    competitive global business arena, customers satisfaction through quality of products

    and service is very significant factor for impressive market share and profitability. To

    pave the way for very many effective and efficient strategies and methods are applied

    within the business. Effective corporate culture is one of the most effective and

    influential business strategies whose proper implementation accelerates organizational

    effectiveness and staff's capabilities to turn the company modern, dynamic and


    Practical importance of the research

    Application of the effective corporate culture on Biman Bangladesh Airlines will

    modernize and profitable the sector and promote & diversify the economic activities:

    Dynamic, diversify & modernize the Biman Bangladesh Airlines;

    Promote organizational effectiveness & standard of service

    Save, comfortable and reliable service

    Achieve customers' confidence & increase market share

    Increased public & private investment;

    Increase competitive advantage and staffs capability

    The aim of the research

    To create and propose an effective & utmost corporate culture for Biman Bangladesh



    - To assay theoretical and methodological approaches of airlines;

    To anatomize the key issues affecting the effectiveness of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    To analyze the economic, organizational & service oriented approaches of Biman

    Bangladesh Airlines

    To identify and advocate key policy instruments (organizational changes, regulatory

    measures and economic incentive).

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    To analyze the experience of other modern airlines.

    To propose an effective & innovative approach to Biman Bangladesh Airlines.

    Object of the research

    Economic activity of Biman Bangladesh Airlines: implementation and exercise of

    innovative corporate culture may serve as a tool of effectiveness, modernization and

    dynamism o

    Subject of the research

    Corporate culture of the company

    Research hypothesis

    Proper implementation of effective & innovative corporate culture would turn the

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines into modern, dynamic and profitable sectors from

    ineffective, obsolete and lose sector

    Methodology of Accumulating Data for the Research

    Three types of procedures were persuaded to accumulate the data;

    Primary data collection

    Secondary data collection &

    Final data collection

    Methods of research: Competitive analysis, SWAT analysis, PEST Analysis & 5C

    analysis, questionnaires.

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    Chapter 1: Theoretical approaches to corporate culture

    1.1 Definition of Corporate Culture

    For Bangladeshi business environment the term corporate culture is relative new in

    spite of the fact that in Western countries proper research and application of this

    concept began in 80-th. The notion corporate culture came to substitute the well-

    known notion of organizational culture or organizational behavior. Organizational

    culture and organizational behavior are factors which have strong impact on

    companys effectiveness as they create motivational environment for productive

    activity with minimum expenses. The question about how to increase productivity has

    been occupying constantly minds of researchers in different countries.

    The appearance of term corporate culture was also connected with a new approach

    to the main means of production. Human resources sprung to the first place as the

    main productive power. New methods were required for management and

    development of human resources, especially in the spheres based on knowledge and

    intellectual capacity. Why? Our brains are able to create miracles: discoveries,

    innovation, and novelty. Very often the creator is not even conscious of the

    importance of his invention. He doesnt even know the real value of his results so it is

    easy to take advantage of his ignorance to make profit of it. It is imposable to give

    him the equal remuneration. Creating an innovative environment which is reached by

    corporate culture as an inner sphere of any company the owner can get unlimited

    profit through uniting all employees for fulfilling the mission and strategies of the

    organization. In other words, innovative corporate culture was found to be the most

    effective instrument among the management tools that help to create a favorable

    atmosphere for increasing companys effectiveness and improving its market


    The first attempts of corporate culture and national mentality research were made by

    Western scientists in 1930th. It was a group of American archeologists headed by

    Margareta Mid who offered new and effective instruments to manage people through

    the knowledge of their national culture which was generated under the influence of

    numerous factors:

    - Geographic position of the nation or ethnic group;

    - Climate;

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    - Mode of life:

    - Land fertility and water;

    - Longitude of socio-economic formations;

    - Religion, etc.

    The research into the above mentioned and other factors even let this group help the

    American government to cope with Japan at the end of the 2nd World War turning

    this country into the American friend and alien. Unfortunately the scientific activity of

    this group is not much open as its members worked for secret American institutions

    but their contribution to the research of national mentality of different ethnics is


    In the 3d quarter of the XX century there appeared numerous definitions of corporate

    culture, formulated by different scientists. Then it was G. Hofstadter in the middle of

    70th that made a serious analytical work for IBM and its branches in different

    countries of the world where the company came across the lack of understating in

    cross-cultural communication.

    Hofstadter offered his own methodology of research which became well-spread over

    the world, paying attention to national features of business behavior.

    All of them have their share in the definition of corporate culture: - Organizational or

    corporate culture is the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions

    that may not have been articulated but shape the ways in which people in

    organizations behave and things get done. Though this definition uses corporate

    culture as a synonym to organizational culture as the way the personnel and

    management are to work together, there is a certain difference between these two

    notions. The notion corporate culture is wider as it adds the necessity for every

    member of the company to feel protected by the management.

    Culture is an abstract concept applied across multiple academic and social fields with

    changing contextual meanings. The rapid increase in attention paid to the subject

    garnered fundamental disagreements about what culture is and how it should be

    studied. Not only is culture difficult to definitively describe, but organizations and

    their leaders are in constant pursuit of a good or right or functionally effective

    culture. Most can agree that it exists and that its effects are important. Edgar Schein

    (2004) concurs that attempts to define culture are not only numerous but vary

  • 15

    dramatically, leaving different ideas about what exactly it is. For example, the

    Merriam Webster (2011) dictionary presents ten different interpretations of culture

    ranging from developing the intellectual and moral faculties to an acquaintance with

    and taste in fine arts to the act or process of cultivating living material in a prepared

    nutrient. Despite these differences, most authors concur that the concept of

    organizational culture refers to the shared values, underlying assumptions, and

    behavioral expectations that govern decision making (Schein, 1985; Barney, 1986;

    Alvesson, 1990; Hofstede, 1998; Christensen, 2006; Senge, 2006; Kissack &

    Callahan, 2009; Rainey, 2009; Cameron & Quinn, 2011). In other words, culture

    creates social order, continuity, and a collective identity that generates commitment to

    rules about how we do things and how to get the job done within organizations

    (Cameron & Quinn, 2011).

    The culture of an organization refers to the unique conguration of norms, values,

    beliefs and ways of behaving that characterize the manner in which groups and

    individuals combine to get things done. This definition is particularly important to a

    foreign company activity in a unusual national reality when national personal could

    try to insert their own vision of labor activity.

    Though these definitions reflect the most important features of organizational culture,

    they are not full. More extended definitions were given by American scientist E.

    Schein: A pattern of basic assumptions invented, discovered or developed by a

    given group as it learns to cope with the problems of external adaptation and internal

    integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be

    taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to

    these problems.

    Russian scientist V. Kozlov considers that corporate culture is: a complex of

    suggestions accepted by all members of organization without any evidence; setting

    common frameworks of behavior, accepted by the most part of staff. Organizational

    culture shows itself in philosophy and ideology of management, value orientations,

    beliefs, expectations and norms of behavior. Organizational culture presents the

    cumulative characteristic of organization, ways of activity evaluation, and presence of

    specific terms that are understood by all employees within a company The most

    important aspect of this definition consists in recognition of the cumulative effect of

    the corporate culture.

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    1.2 Hofstedes cultural dimensions of Bangladesh

    The Hofstede Model distinguished cultures according to five and this model provided

    scales from 0 to 100 each dimension, and each country has a position on each scale or

    index, relative to other countries. These five dimensions were empirically verifiable,

    and each country could be positioned somewhere between the poles.

    Hofstede empirically found four dimensions of culture in research across more than

    50 countries. The dimensions are: power distance, collectivism versus individualism,

    masculinity versus femininity and uncertainty avoidance. Bangladesh was not within

    his first survey IBM studies. Hofstede later adds a new dimension, long- versus short

    term orientation, based on the student sample of 23 countries around 1985 (2).

    Bangladesh was included in this new survey. In Hofstede's first survey many other

    Asian countries like India and Pakistan were included. Since Pakistan and India are

    the countries nearer to Bangladesh and Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan until 1971

    and as these countries have the same nature of history since the British rule and

    having the same socio-economic, political and cultural features.

    The Hofstede Model distinguished cultures according to five and this model provided

    scales from 0 to 100 each dimension, and each country has a position on each scale or

    index, relative to other countries. These five dimensions were empirically verifiable,

    and each country could be positioned somewhere between the poles.

    Table 1: Scores of 5D Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions


    Bangladesh 20 80 55 60 40


    PDI- Power Distance Index

    MAS- Masculinity

    UAI-Uncertainty Avoidance Index

    LTO- Long-Term Orientation

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    Chart 1: 5D Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions of Bangladesh

    From the chart above we can compare five cultural factors of Russia, Bangladesh.

    Individualism versus collectivism is one of the important aspects of culture's

    unstated assumptions'. The assumption that we bound together into tight groups of

    interdependent individuals is fundamental to collectivism. Hofstede describe

    Collectivist as the vast majority of people in our world live in societies in which the

    interest of the group prevails over the interest of the individual and Individualist as a

    minority of people in our world live in societies in which the interests of the

    individual prevail over the interest of group (4). His Individualism Index (IDV) score

    measures the level of individualism and collectivism in a particular culture. Countries

    scored low in the IDV are characterized as collectivist.

    Scoring 20 of 100 we can say Bangladesh is a less individualistic country.

    Bangladeshi people have very close ties their extended family person, within which is

    unquestioning loyalty. Major decisions of life for example education and marriage are

    dictated from within this group, and family protection will continue in exchange for

    absolute allegiance.

    Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of

    institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is

    distributed unequally'. Most of the Asian countries under the survey of Hofstede are

    found having large power distance. Bangladesh scores high on this dimension (score

    of 80) which means that people accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a

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    place and which needs no further justification. As a Bangladeshi, I can say that it is

    not very difficult to notice inequality between people in government, in organization

    even within the families.

    Hofstede define masculinity as pertains to societies in which social gender roles are

    clearly distinct i.e., men are supposed to be assertive, tough, and focus on material

    success whereas women are supposed to be more modest, tender, and concerned with

    the quality of life, femininity pertains to societies in which social gender roles overlap

    i.e., both men and women are supposed to be modest, tender and concerned with the

    quality of life.

    Bangladesh scores 55 on this dimension and can be considered a a masculine society.

    In masculine countries people live in order to work, managers are expected to be

    decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and

    conflicts are resolved by fighting them out.

    The Uncertainty avoidance scores are much higher for Bangladesh.

    A standard score in Long term orientation shows that Bangladesh is one the way of its


    1.3 The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS)

    Professor Denison for 15 years was researching the impact of corporate culture on

    companys economic effectiveness. On data, gathered from 1000 companies he

    created a survey, consisting of 4 key elements: Adaptability, Mission, Involvement

    and Consistency.

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    Figure 1: The Denison Organizational Culture Survey


    Are we listening to the marketplace?

    High-performing organizations perceive and respond to the environment,

    customers; they are apt to restructure and re-institutionalize behaviors and processes

    to adapt to the outer environment.

    Creating Change

    High-performing organizations welcome new ideas and willing to try new

    approaches to doing things, see the necessity of creating constant change as way of

    doing business.

    Customer Focus

  • 20

    Employees recognize the need to serve both internal & external customers and

    continually seek new and improved ways to meet customer expectations.

    Organizational Learning

    Thoughtful risk taking is encouraged. Organizational learning means we gain

    knowledge from successes and failures. Our first reaction to reasonable mistakes is

    not Who is to blame?, but rather What can we learn?


    Do we know where we are going?

    High performing organizations have a mission that tells employees why they

    are doing the work they do, and how the work they do each day contributes to the


    Strategic Direction & Intent

    Strategic direction & intent typically refers to the multiyear strategies high

    priorities established to operationalize the vision.

    Goals & Objectives

    Goals & objectives are the shortterm, specific goals established that help every

    employee see how his/her daily activities connect to the vision & the strategy.


    Vision is the ultimate reason you are in business your purpose what you are

    ultimately trying to achieve.


    Are our people aligned and engaged?

    Highly involved organizations create a sense of ownership and responsibility.

    Out of this sense of ownership grows a greater commitment to the organization and an

    increased capacity for autonomy.


  • 21

    They clarify those areas where employees can make decisions, have input, or

    those areas that are beyond an employees scope of responsibility. This promotes

    informed empowerment.

    Team Orientation

    Teamwork is encouraged so that creative ideas are captured and employees

    support one another in accomplishing work goals.

    Capability Development

    Capability development is practiced in a variety of ways, including training,

    coaching, and giving employees exposure to new roles and responsibilities.


    Does our system create leverage?

    Consistency provides a central source of integration, coordination and control,

    and helps organizations develop a set of systems that create an internal system of

    governance based on consensual support.

    Core Values

    High-performing organizations have a clear set of core values that help

    employees and leaders make consistent decisions and behave in a consistent manner.


    By engaging in dialogue and getting multiple perspectives on the table people

    can reach agreement when difficult issues and problems arise.

    Coordination & Integration

    Employees understand how the work that they do impacts others and how

    other's work impacts them. They make sure that work is coordinated and integrated to

    serve the organization as a whole.

    Involvement and adaptability reflects flexibility and inclination to changes.

    Consistency and mission defines the opportunity to stability and controllability.

    Consistency and mission mostly influence the financial indexes as ROA (return

    on assets), ROI (total return on investment) and ROS (return on sales). If the rates of

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    consistency and mission are between 3 and 4, it means that ROA, ROI and ROS are

    high and operating force of company is big.

    Involvement and consistency which altogether constitute internal focus, have

    its impact on quality, personnels satisfaction and ROI. Rates from 3 to 4 also reflect

    the high level of quality, small percent of defects, right distribution of resources and

    higher level of personnel satisfaction.

    Involvement and adaptability reflect product and innovations development. If

    the rates of these indexes are from 3 to 4, the level of innovativeness and creativity in

    production and services is rather high, reaction to changing conditions is fast.

    Adaptability and mission (external focus) influence on incomes increase in

    sales and market share.

    The Denison Organizational Culture Survey completely reflects the connection

    between corporate culture and economic effectiveness of the company. It covers the

    main aspects of companys business activity: Return on Sales, Return on Investment,

    quality of goods, employees satisfaction, level of creativity and innovations,

    flexibility, strategies and missions, team-orientation, delegation, corporate education

    etc. This model we may use in our diagnostics.

    In conclusion, we should say that corporate culture is a serious tool for improving the

    effectiveness of any organization. We should not forget that effective corporate

    culture absorbs peculiarities of national mentality and national culture. To have

    positive business results, corporate culture is to be designed properly, because in case

    it develops spontaneously it will never bring any profit, on the contrary it would slow

    down the development of the company.

    As it was suggested by E. Schein, corporate culture is developed at three levels:

    Surface rituals and ceremonies, psychological climate, dress-code, myths and

    legends, etc.;

    Undersurface values, trusts, strategies and philosophy;

    Deep national culture, mentality, peculiarities of perception.

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    According to the theories and methodologies suggested by different scientists,

    effective corporate culture is to have the following features: high level of employees

    background, strong motivation, fair compensation, innovative environment, staff

    professional promotion, social protection, flexibility, friendly atmosphere, etc.

    The effectiveness of any organization is defined by its economic (profit, productivity,

    environmental compatibility) and social effectiveness (satisfaction of staff, stability,

    good team-work, etc.). The influence of corporate culture on the company

    effectiveness is analyzed by different methods and strategies.

    1.4 Importance of effective corporate culture

    Corporate culture unites owners, management and personnel to reach the unique aims

    for corporate wellbeing. This unification is the strongest motivation factor. Corporate

    culture helps to strengthen the labor discipline as it sets up precise, concrete and exact

    labor and ethic frameworks, and forms behavior stereotypes, which are passed to the

    company new-comers.

    Corporate culture of the transnational company absorbs national cultures and submits

    national mentality, creating a new vision of personal and labor relations. Corporations

    are interested in constant employees vocational professional training and education

    and HR rotation from region to another. It makes personnel stop identifying

    themselves with their own country and its national interests, considering them to be

    part and parcel of the multinational corporation.

    To study the potential effect of culture, we need to be clear on why this culture might

    matter. Both in OReilly (1989) and Kreps (1990), culture is considered relevant

    because employees will face choices that cannot be properly regulated ex ante. Think

    about a firm with a reputation for impeccable customer-care. Both managers and

    employees are tempted to save on the effort necessary to provide the best care.

    Offering the best effort is costly and the probability of being detected is minimal,

    especially if the shirking is only partial: it is hard to prove that the care was only

    slightly subpar. Furthermore, the negative consequences of a reduced reputation will

    not be felt right away. One bad episode can hardly destroy a long-standing reputation

    of excellence. Hence, without the proper motivation, managers and employees are

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    likely to skimp on the quality of their services. Even if the board anticipates this

    problem, it is hard to design the proper incentive contracts. How can a firm sustain a

    reputation of impeccable service? A solution is to raise impeccable service to the level

    of a value that needs to be respected at all times, not a goal that is traded off against

    other goals. The advantage of elevating this principle to the level of value is threefold.

    First, by advertising it as a companys value a firm is more likely to attract 6 and

    retain people who share this value or -- at the very minimum have a lower cost to

    live and operate by this value. Second, by promoting top customer service as a value

    it makes it clear to the employees that the company accepts no compromises on this

    front: it is a commitment not to engage in economic calculations. In this way, for

    example, an employee will not trade off the customer satisfaction with a larger profit.

    Finally, promoting top customer service as a value facilitates its establishment as a

    norm inside the firm. The enforcement of social norms differs in several ways with

    respect to the enforcement of legal norms. To be enforceable, legal contingencies

    need to be verifiable in court. By contrast, it is sufficient that a contingency be

    observable for a social norm to be enforceable. An employee with a negative attitude

    towards customers can hardly be sanctioned in court, but he can easily be shunned by

    colleagues. Precisely because the judgment and the punishment are administered by

    the community, not by a court of law, social norms should be very coarse, so that the

    detection of a violation is relatively easy. Last but not least, for a social norm to be

    enforced it must be shared by most people in a community. In particular, in a firm it

    must be shared and followed by who is at the top. This is really a case of lead by

    example. Social norms have typically less enforcement power than legal norms. A

    violation of a legal norm can lead to harsh punishments, such as incarceration and (in

    some countries) even to death. The violation of a social norm leads to lesser

    consequences, such as ostracism from the community. In spite of this limited

    punishment, social norms can help ameliorate moral hazard problems inside

    organizations. Moral hazard in organizations is twofold. There is a moral hazard at the

    top: top managers are tempted to renege their commitment to reward firm specific

    investments made by the employees (Shleifer and Summers, 1991). There is also a

    moral hazard inside the organization: employees want to save on effort because they

    do not fully internalize the benefits this effort brings to the organization. This lack of

    internalization is partly due to the inability to measure the employees marginal

    productivity and, thus, to reward them appropriately through contracts.

  • 25

    In a wider sense of the word corporate culture is a culture of transnational or

    multinational companies having their head offices in US or some of the Western

    countries. Its branches exist in regions with completely different corporate culture. To

    make these companies be effective there is a necessity to set up solid foundation on

    which the relations between owners, management staff and personnel, with different

    national mentality and culture are to develop in correspondence with the general

    mission of the organization and its aims.

  • 26

    CHAPTER 2: Corporate Culture of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    2.1.1 Biman Bangladesh Airlines General information

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. The national flag carrier of Bangladesh has started its

    journey from scratch virtually with no aircraft, no ancillaries. It came into operation

    immediately after the war of independence. Despite many odds on its journey towards

    a long and challenging way to progress, Biman has been able to establish its

    reputation as an airline of welcome smile and an ocean of hospitality.

    Created in February 1972, Biman enjoyed an internal monopoly in the aviation

    industry of Bangladesh until 1996. In the decades following its founding, the airline

    expanded its fleet and destinations but it was adversely affected by corruption and

    mismanagement. Biman operated flights to 18 international destinations. The airline

    was wholly owned and managed by the government of Bangladesh until 23 July 2007,

    when it was transformed into the country's largest public limited company by the

    Caretaker Government of Bangladesh. Since becoming a public limited company in

    2007, the airline has reduced staff and begun to modernize its fleet. The airline has

    made a deal with Boeing for ten new aircraft along with options for ten more. Biman

    Bangladesh Airlines is certified as safe to fly in Europe by the European Aviation

    Safety Agency and it also successfully passed the IATA Operational Safety Audit and

    since then, the airline has resumed flights to some of its previous destinations in Asia

    and Europe.

    In order to modernize Biman fleet with new generation aircraft, Biman signed two

    agreements with Boeing in April and May 2008 for purchasing new generation 4 X

    777-300ER, 4 X 787-8 and 2 X 737-800 aircraft. Three 777-300ER aircraft joined

    Biman fleet in October/November 2011 and February 2014. The 4th 777-300ER is

    being delivered on 21 March 2014. Besides, two 737-800s and four new 787-8s are

    scheduled to be delivered by Boeing in November/December 2015 and 2019-2020.

    Currently Biman is operating 02 domestic and 18 international destinations.

    Biman signed an agreement with Egypt Air Holding Company for dry lease of two

    777-200ER aircraft, which were added to the fleet as of March 2014. Biman is in a

    bid to operate more domestic destinations, as such procuring two Turbo-Prop aircraft.

    Biman has already phased out vintage F28 and DC10-30 aircraft from its fleet as a

    part of fleet modernization. The airline operates its own ancillary and maintenance

    facilities at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.

  • 27

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines has significantly improved its position as it nears the

    finishing line in its long overdue fleet renewal programme. But the carrier continues

    to face several challenges and will need network and strategic adjustments if it is to

    complete a turnaround. Biman is one of Asias smallest flag carriers, operating only

    12 aircrafts on a network of 22 destinations, including 18 international and three

    within Bangladesh. Its fleet currently consists of four 777-300ERs, two 777-200ERs,

    two 737-800s, two A310s and two newly added Bombardier Dash 8 Q400.

    Table 1: Aircrafts in Biman Bangladesh Airlines fleet

    Aircraft In Serviece In Storage

    Total 12 2

    Airbus A310-300 2 0

    Airbus A310-300ET 0 1

    Boeing 737-800 2 0

    Boeing 747-200B 0 1

    Boeing 777-200ER 2 0

    Boeing 777-300ER 4 0

    Boeing 787-8 0 0

    Bombardier Dash 8 2 0

    Source: CAPA Fleet Database

  • 28

    Figure 1: Biman fleet Configurations

    The journey began with a DC-3 aircraft-an air force plane gifted to the new airline by

    the government. But the joy was short-lived. Before any service could begin, the

    aircraft crashed while on a training, flight. Biman was finally air borne on March 7,

    1972 with flights to Chittagong and Sylhet and on March 9 to Jessore. Thus the

    domestic operation of Biman began. Since then there has been no looking back.

    Indeed, it was the international operation of the airline which started first. On 4th

    March, three days before start of domestic operation, the first flight of Biman's

    international operation landed in Dhaka from London with 179 passengers on board.

    The aircraft used in the flight was a chartered one from British Caledonian.

    It was not an auspicious beginning for a new airline of a war devastated country like

    Bangladesh. In the list of priorities for the resource hungry country, the position of an

    airline had to be far down the line. The highlights of Bimans 42 years will actually

    not depict the agonies that the airline had to undergo, but will give an idea how the

    airline is surviving by charting a not so glamorous course like many of the



    Biman began its international operations with flights to London and Calcutta and its

    domestic operations with flights to Chittagong, Sylhet, Jessore and Ishwardi. Four F-

  • 29

    27s joined the fleet, enabling Biman to operate domestic services and an international

    service to Calcutta. Two of the F-27s were acquired from India and two from the

    Netherlands. One DC-6 was also leased for two months.The service to London

    continued with the chartered aircraft.


    Bangkok became Biman's third international destination and in the domestic sector

    Thakurgaon was included in the network. Four more F-27s joined the fleet of Biman.

    Two of these gifts from Australia and the other two were purchased from the Fokker

    Company. A leased Boeing 707-320C joined Biman's fleet to operate its Dhaka-

    London services. The airline also purchased another Boeing 707-320C.


    Dubai and Kathmandu became Biman's fourth and fifth international destinations. In

    the domestic sector services were extended to Cox's Bazar. In the international sector,

    services were extended to Yangon, Abu Dhabi, Karachi and Mumbai in 1976. The

    second Boeing 707-320C, joined the fleet.


    Singapore became another part of Biman's international network. Biman acquired its

    third Boeing 707-320C from Trans Air of Canada. Biman was made a corporation

    under the title- Bangladesh Biman Corporation. Jeddah, Doha and Amsterdam

    became part of Biman's expanding network in the international sector in 1978. Two

    more Boeing 707-320C aircraft were acquired, one of them from Japan.


    The year turned out to be the year of route expansion. In the international sector,

    services were extended to Kuala Lumpur, Athens, Muscat and Tripoli. Syedpur

    became a part of the domestic network in the following year. Tokyo and Dahran were

    brought within the fold of Biman's network in the following year. An off-line office in

    Jakarta was also opened. Another Boeing 707-320C joined Biman's fleet in 1980.


    The airline started operations to Rome and Kuwait, but suspended its Tokyo

    operation. Biman received one Being 707-320C as a gift from Kuwait and purchased

    two F-28s from the Fokker Company.

  • 30


    The airline entered a new era with the acquisition of three used wide-bodied DC-10-

    30s from Singapore Airlines. Baghdad was made on-line. Biman extended its

    international services to Paris and to Rajshahi in the domestic sector in 1984.


    Bahrain was brought within Biman's network. One of the Boeing 707-320Cs was

    phased out. Services to Frankfurt were extended in the following year.


    Riyadh was brought within the network in place of Dahran. Services to Baghdad were

    suspended. One more Boeing 707-320C was phased out.


    The airline entered the select club of one million passengers. Services to Sharjah were

    opened and the suspended service to Baghdad resumed. A new DC-10-30, purchased

    from McDonnell Douglas, joined the fleet and the remaining Boeing 707-320C was

    phased out. The airline also encompassed modern technology with the commissioning

    of a Computerized Reservation System. The Flight Catering Centre at Hazrat

    Shahjalal Interantional Airport was commissioned which enabled Biman not only to

    upgrade its own in-flight services with high quality food, but also to earn additional

    revenues by other airlines. The Ground Training School was merged with the

    Apprentice Training School and moved to modern complex at Hazrat Shahjalal

    International Airport.


    Two ATP aircraft joined the fleet for domestic routes and the F-27s were phased out

    in the same year.


    New Delhi and Nagoya were included in Biman's international network and

    operations to Sharjah were suspended. The $ 30m Hangar Complex at Hazrat

    Shahjalal International Airport was commissioned.

  • 31


    For the first time Biman crossed the Atlantic with services to New York. Hong Kong

    was also included in the network but operations to Nagoya were suspended. Two DC-

    10-30s were taken on lease.


    A Computerized Departure Control was commissioned. Biman commenced services

    to Brussels and suspended its operation to Amsterdam in 1995.


    The two new Airbus A-310 were purchased from Airbus Industries. One DC-10-30

    and one A 310-300 aircraft were taken on lease for three years in 1999.


    Another DC 10-30 and one A 310-300 aircraft were taken on lease for three years.

    Two B 737-300s aircraft were taken on lease for one year in 2003. The leased B 737-

    300 was released in April 2004. Further two F28 aircraft were purchased in May



    Biman commenced services to Manchester on 08 April 2006. Biman suspended its

    operation to New York, Brussels, Paris, Frankfurt, Mumbai, Narita and Yangon for

    operational reasons.


    Bangladesh Biman Corporation turned into a Public Limited Company. E-ticket and

    BSP were introduced.


    The airline went into an agreement with Boeing Aircraft Company for acquisition of

    10 new generation aircraft of 4 Boeing 777-300ER, 2 Boeing 737-800 and 4 Boeing

    787 the biggest ever deal in the history of Biman as well as the country. One Boeing

    747-300 was taken on lease on ACMI basis for 12 months. Two more 737-800s

    joined the fleet in November.

  • 32


    One lease-hold Boeing 777-200ER joined the fleet. Two Boeing 737-800s were taken

    on lease for 5 years. The aircraft will remain in the fleet till January 2015. The airline

    took delivery of one Airbus 310-300 on lease for 3 years.


    The first 02 of 04 Boeing 777-300ERs joined the fleet in October and November,

    2011 and thus replacing the ageing DC10-30s, the long time backbone of Biman fleet.


    The 3rd Boeing 777-300ER joined the fleet on 5th February and the 4th is joining in

    the second week of February. Now the airline has a new backbone comprising of

    Boeing 777-300ERs, the new work horses of Biman, named as the Palki, the Arun

    Aalo, the Aakash Pradeep and the Raanga Pravat.

    During the four decades of Bimans existence, many types of commercial airliners

    have adorned the fleet- ranging from the early leader, the venerable DC 3 to the

    modern Peoples Preference, the Boeing 777. As stated earlier, the airline had

    placed a firm order for the fifth generation Dreamliner to complement its fleet. Fuel

    efficient Dreamliner is a new wonder of the skies.

    Biman can look back with pride to many occasions where it made memorable

    contributions to the nation and the travelling public. When the floods of 1988

    engulfed the whole country Biman operated an air bridge providing the country's only

    link with the outside world. As the flood waters moved up, even on to the run way at

    HSIA, the skill and dedication of Biman's pilots kept the air bridge operational.

    Biman Becomes Part of History:

    On February 20, 2014, Biman operated the historical final-flight of worlds last

    passenger DC10-30 on Dhaka Birmingham route and thus recording its name in the

    annals of world aviation history.

  • 33

    The air transport is required high professional in work to ensure safety, exactly and

    fast which are outstanding advantages of traveling passenger by air. Service quality

    then becomes significantly important factor to achieve genuine and sustainable


    All the airports in Bangladesh are operated under the Civil Aviation Authority of

    Bangladesh (CAAB), an autonomous body. CAAB is responsible for airports,

    runways and air traffic control, taxiways, terminal buildings, warehouse, control

    tower, operation and administrative buildings, air navigation and radio

    communication system. There are three international and six domestic airports in

    Bangladesh. Table 1 & 2 provides the list of Domestic airports & International in

    Bangladesh with their locations.

    Table 2: Domestic Airports

    Location ICAO IATA Airport

    Rajshahi VGRJ RJH Shah Makdhum


    Barisal VGBR BZL Barisal Airport

    Cox's Bazar VGCB CXB Cox's Bazar Airport

    Jessore VGJR JSR Jessore Airport

    Saidpur VGSD SPD Saidpur Airport

    Source: Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    There is another domestic airport under construction in Bagerhat

    Table 3: International Airports

    Location ICAO IATA Airport

    Dhaka VGZR DAC Hazrat Shah Jalal



    Chittagong VGEG CGP Shah Amanat



    Sylhet VGSY ZYL Osmani



    Source: Biman Bangladesh Airlines

  • 34

    Excellent and reliable customer service is one of the greatest aspects for an airport and

    airlines in todays competitive environment. There are many factors that can help an

    airport to build its customer base and customer service can be a determining factor in

    the success of an entire operation.

    Vision and Mission of Biman Bangladesh Airlines


    To protect Biman Bangladesh Airlines ltd. in the aviation market as a world-class



    To provide safe, Reliable, Efficient and Economical air transport services and to

    satisfy customers exceptions while earning sustainable profit and continuing to be a

    caring employer.


    To provide and develop Safe, Efficient, Adequate, Economical and properly

    coordinated air transport services, internal as well as international.

    Name and logo:

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    White stork flying across the red sun

  • 35

    2.1.2 Biman Bangladesh Airlines Corporate Structure

    From the structure, We can say that Biman Bangladesh Airlines has a very strong

    corporative structure. There are several multifunctional teams who are responsible in



    market &










    e store &



    project &





    Gm Dist. Sales Gm sales Gm marketing Gm cargo

    Gm sales promotion

    Manager counter

    Country Dist.


    Dy GM Sales

    Manager Pax &

    Cargo Sales

    Manager Agency


    Dy GM Marketing

    Manager Reservation

    Manager Market


    Manager Tariff &

    IATA Affair



    Manager Export

    Manager Import

  • 36

    different sectors. It is an effective corporate structure in modern competitive business

    to achieve expected goals. The modern business strategies are changing because of

    new technologies and competitors' polices. To keep the customers closer the Airline

    can also change its strategy like recruit more employees in the customers' managing

    sector. In modern business online marketing is playing a vital role. Biman Bangladesh

    Air should put more attention in online marketing. The airline can recruit personnel in

    this sector like Online marketing manager, Social media moderator.

    2.2.1 SWOT analysis of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    A SWOT analysis leads the company to identify the positives and negatives inside the

    companys organization (Strengths and Weakness) and outside of it, in the external

    environment (opportunities and Threats). Developing a full alertness of the

    companys situation can help with both strategic planning and decision-making. The

    role of SWOT analysis is to take the information from the environmental analysis and

    separate it into internal issues (strengths and weaknesses) and external issues

    (opportunities and threats).SWOT analysis is done for a company, to find out its

    overall Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and opportunities leading to gauging the

    competitive potential of the company.



    Strengths Weaknesses

    Government backing

    fourth generation aircraft in

    Biman's fleet

    Biggest limited company in


    Strong Brand Recognition


    Poor salary range

    Careless management

    More than 20 percent of the

    operational capacity of the planes

    remain unutilized


    schedules/administrative procedure)

    Adding routes without proper

    market study

  • 37

    limited destinations

    Less innovation

    Inattentive Cabin crews

    Unreliable service

    doesnt have enough source of

    entertainment inflight

    Less advertisements ( in TVs/Social

    links/ Public places)

    Absence of competitive spirits

    Shortage of information in Biman




    Opportunities Threats

    1.Can influence the

    outstanding hub which it has

    created in Bangladesh

    2.Brand-new fleet to improve

    customer confidence

    3.More international

    destinations to leverage on its

    high charge brand image

    4.To making people feel

    curious, company can plan

    and develop marketing

    strategies in its growth areas

    where it can attract new

    customers. They have a

    enormous opportunity to

    A lot of competitors

    Should go for low cost flights.

    Price of ticket increased because of the

    price increasing in oil

    Fuel cost raised

    Aviation regulation and government


    Accidents, luggage robberies affect

    customers confident

    Political instability in Bangladesh

    One of the worlds worst airlines by

  • 38

    increase its market base by

    expanding across Middle

    East, India and China.

    5. Offer the most inclusive

    and scrupulous training

    program to staffs to ensure

    brand experience and



    Low rating in SKYTRAX

    World's 2-Star Airline

    flawed handling of airports

    From the SWOT analysis, we can see that the Airline is struggling with many

    problems, which are possible to solve easily. One of the main weaknesses is

    corruption, many of the high official of the organization are involved with it. The

    government and the authority of the Airline should take steps to remove corruption

    from the organization because many other weaknesses are there which are happening

    because of corruptions.

    2.2.2 PESTLE analysis

    PESTLE analysis is in effect an audit of an organizations environmental influences

    with the purpose of using this information to guide strategic decision-making. The

    assumption is that if the organization is able to audit its current environment and

    assess potential changes, it will be better placed than its competitors to respond to


    To help make decisions and to plan for future events, organizations need to

    understand the wider meso-economic and macro-economic environments in which

    they operate. (The meso-economic environment is the one in which we operate and

    have limited influence or impact, the macro-environment includes all factors that

    influence an organization but are out of its direct control). An organization on its own

    cannot affect these factors, nor can these factors directly affect the profitability of an

    organization. But by understanding these environments, it is possible to take the

    advantage to maximize the opportunities and minimize the threats to the organization.

    Conducting a strategic analysis entails scanning these economic environments to

    detect and understand the broad, long term trends.

  • 39

    A PESTLE analysis is a useful tool for understanding the big picture of the

    environment in which an organization is operating. Specifically a PESTLE analysis is

    a useful tool for understanding risks associated with market (the need for a product or

    service) growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for an

    individual business or organization.

    A PESTLE analysis is often used as a generic 'orientation' tool, finding out where an

    organization or product is in the context of what is happening outside that will at

    some point affect what is happening inside an organization. The six elements form a

    framework for reviewing a situation, and can also be used to review a strategy or

    position, direction of a company, a marketing proposition, or idea.





    Political unrest in Bangladesh

    There is not enough political goodwill to increase the airport

    capacity or modernize it

    Economic Biman signed a contract with US aircraft manufacturer, the Boeing

    Company, to purchase eight aircraft at a cost of Tk 8,728 crore in

    2008. Of them, four aircrafts are Boeing-777-300ER model and

    remaining four Boeing-787-8 model.( dhakaherald, 9 November


    Apart from procuring the eight Boeings, Biman later ordered for

    another two Boeing-737-800 aircraft. Biman took a syndicated loan

    at 4.57 per cent interest from nine local banks. ( dhakaherald, 9

    November ,2013)

    3. The new CFM56-7 engine for the Next-Generation Boeing 737

    and Boeing Business Jet offers customers dramatically lower

    operating costs while maintaining industry-leading performance,

    reliability, and operability. A reduction of 1 percent in fuel burn can

  • 40

    mean an annual savings of up to $15,000 per aircraft (GE Aviation,

    june 1997)

    Biman lost Tk210 crore in FY 2013-14. During FY 2012-13,

    Bimans losses stood at Tk191.6 crore. It was Tk594.2 crore in FY

    2011-12 (dhakatribune, 1 november 2014)

    Social Achieved 65% timely flights by adding Boeing 777-300ER to its

    fleet (Dhaka tribune, 14 February 2014)

    Many Passengers require high quality services on board flights

    Asias 9th worst airport ( Prothom Alo, 31 October 2014)


    Boeing 777-300ER is 19% lighter than its closest competitor,

    greatly reducing fuel requirement: (Dhaka tribune, 14 February


    Biman Bangladesh Airlines Training Center (BATC) has been

    training its ground, flight service and technical personnel ( Biman

    Bangladesh Airlines website)

    The technologically advanced will use 20% percent less fuel,

    provide Biman Bangladesh airlines up to 45 more cargo revenue

    capacity (prnewswire, 22 April 2013)

    The CFM56-7's advanced technology, which includes three-

    dimensional aero design, a high efficiency wide chord fan,

    advanced electronic engine control and active clearance control

    systems, will provide significant cost benefits.


    1.Approving of flight routings

  • 41


    rolls-royce trent 892 engine design for environment

    Reductions in airport noise

    Reduce CO2 emissions

    Reduce NOx emissions

    ( HAW Hamburg, 24 June 2010)

    2.3.1 Online Marketing Strategies

    Online marketing is the fastest growing and most exciting branch of marketing today.

    As the world becomes ever more connected, keeping up with developments and

    trends is vital for marketers trying to reach new audiences who are more discerning,

    fragmented and cynical than ever. Technology and software are changing at such a

    high rate that it seems almost impossible to keep up with trends. Products and services

    are evolving and adapting to the online sphere. Online marketing has boomed in

    recent years, most companies have used it mainly for advertising or promoting

    corporate images. Online marketing can be many types, such as:

    a. Advertisement in online b. Search engine optimization c. Social media marketing d. Web Marketing e. E-mail marketing

    a. Advertisement in online

    Online advertising plays a vital role achieve the expected goals in modern business.

    Nowadays online advertisement has become popular to the companies because its cheaper and effective than the traditional methods of advertisement.

  • 42

    Figure:1 Online advertisement of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines was not very active in online earlier. The airline has

    started its online marketing. Recently a online banner advertisement (Figure: 1) of the

    airline has seen in many leading online news portals of Bangladesh. Probably this was

    the first advertisement of the national carrier. It proves the top management of the

    airline has understood the importance of online marketing. The online advertisement

    of Biman Bangladesh Airlines should be increased to promote its brand and to get

    prospective customers.

    b. Search Engine Optimization

    Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used

    to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement

    in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing,

    Yahoo, Yandex and other search engines.

    Building a solid SEO strategy consists primarily of selecting relevant keywords and

    providing valuable content related to those keywords. In the past, SEO was driven by

    factors like keyword placement, keywords density, and even how many times a

    keyword was used to link to that page.

    But the search engines quickly discovered that keywords could be easily manipulated.

    A page that had nothing to do with a keyword could be ranked in top three, just by

    optimizing the page. Today, this means that sites who rely solely on keywords are

    often ignored by the search engines.

  • 43

    In Bangladesh Google and Yahoo are the most popular search engines. Strong search

    engine marketing strategies will take the national carrier of Bangladesh more closer to

    its customers which will bring a fruitful result for the airline.

    c. Social Media Marketing

    In the current modern societies, Social Media channels are commonly used in order to

    connect people together throughout the world using the Internet. Whether it is through

    social networks, forums, blogs or media sharing websites, people can now have a

    conversation online, also called interactive dialogue, with anybody and on any

    subject, permitting them to share their experiences and valuable information. The use

    of social media sites as part of a companys marketing strategy has increased

    significantly in the past couple of years. Looking on a business perspective, it goes

    without saying that Social Media Marketing has offered a large variety of new

    opportunities for companies to promote their brand, products and services.

    One of the biggest advantages that advertising through Social Media can offer

    marketers is the ability to specifically target customers based on a variety of different

    factors. Social Media sites are storing all kinds of data on their users, such as age,

    gender, geographical location, interests, and many other pieces of information.

    Consequently, these data can be used to reach the companys target audience.

    Therefore, marketers can deliver marketing messages directly to the people who are

    the most likely to notice them and click on them.

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines, the national flag carrier of Bangladesh loses crores of

    taka every year, by reducing corruption, improving its services and getting active in

    social web sites can reduce the loss, even can turn into a profitable sector by gaining

    customers faiths. Besides, it will also help the airline to plan the routes properly by

    getting direct feedback from the passengers. If we compare the social media activities

    of Biman Bangladesh Airlines with the other productive airlines like Emirates Airline,

    Finnair, Aeroflot Airlines we will easily find the differences. For example in


  • 44

    Table 1: Comparisons of activities between some airlines in Facebook

    Name of Airlines Activities

    Emirates Airline Having at least 1 post in a day( huge

    responses from the passengers) ,

    Available in on-line every day from

    8am to 8pm (GST) to answer questions

    Finnair Having a very productive post in every

    2 days, advertising through Facebook

    page, answering the customers


    Aeroflot Airlines Having an effective post in every 3

    hours. Answering passengers questions

    as quickly as possible

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines Only a post in 3 or 4 months. Not really

    productive posts.

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines should emphasis on its social media marketing strategies

    to get closer to passengers, provide more information and answer the customers

    questions as early as possible. By doing this; the national flag carrier can get more

    customers satisfaction and can set up a strong bond with them. If we look at the

    productive airlines, we will see, they are sharing very effective posts every day. Even,

    they are not hesitating to apologize for any kind of technical problems on their pages.

    Sam Walton, founder of Walmart said If you have questions, go to the store. Your

    customers have the answers. And I think by having social media marketing strategy,

    company can receive customers feedback and take the decision how meet customers


    A journalist of Russia Segodniya and lecturer of New Media and E-journalism said

    The use of social media in the airline industry has become a rapidly increasing trend.

    Airlines are using the social media as a platform for brand development and product

    marketing, improving customer service and improving passenger experience e.g.

    through updating and responding to customers feedback. But unfortunately

  • 45

    Bangladesh Biman still don't have a Social Media strategy which is very much needed

    for not only to improve company's positive image but also for advertising and

    promotion sales attention.

    With millions of users, Social Media Sites makes a convenient target base for people

    who are trying to market products or services to people online. Actually, Social Media

    Marketing has become a very effective way to drive targeted traffic to companies

    website or blogs. The authority of Biman Bangladesh Airlines should set social media

    marketing Strategies to promote the company, to get direct feedback of passengers

    and to take the company into a profitable sector as well.

    d. Web marketing

    To accelerate online marketing the airline must create an ecommerce website which

    will be full of necessary information and 24/7 format services. An instant chat box

    should be created in the website to ensure 24/7 online customers service. Better online

    services to the customers will ensure more satisfied old customers and will help to

    prospective new customer.

    e. Email marketing

    Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people

    using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer

    could be considered email marketing. It usually involves using email to send ads,

    request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to build loyalty, trust, or

    brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either sold lists or a current

    customer database. Broadly, the term is usually used to refer to sending email

    messages with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its

    current or previous customers, to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business,

    acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something

    immediately, and adding advertisements to email messages sent by other companies

    to their customers.

  • 46

    Figure 2: Email marketing of airBaltic

    Email marketing is helping small and big companies to gain more customers in this

    globalized world. Many reputed airline companies (Figure: 2) using Email marketing

    to reach their goals. Email marketing can bring a positive result for Biman

    Bangladesh Airlines also. The top management of the airline should be more concern

    about it.

    2.3.2 Customers Relationship Management ( CRM)

    Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes and

    technology that seeks to understand a companys customers. It is an integrated

    approach to managing relationships by focusing on customer retention and

    relationship development. Customer relationship management is a comprehensive

    approach that promises to maximize relationships with all customers, including

    Internet or CRM e-customers, distribution channel members, and suppliers.

    Customer relationship management (CRM) can help organizations manage customer

    interactions more effectively to maintain competitiveness in the present economy.

    Managing a successful CRM implementation requires an integrated and balanced

    approach to technology, process, and people. CRM involves using technology to

    gather the intelligence organizations need to provide improved support and services to

    the customers. In other words, CRM is also about what the organizations do with that

    information to better meet the needs of their existing customers and identify new

    customers, resulting in higher profits for organizations.

  • 47

    Figure: Customer Relationship Management

    There are only three ways to increase the profitability of a customer base; acquire

    more customers, optimize the value of existing customers, or retain the right

    customers longer. As the economic climate continues to become more competitive,

    the fight over customers intensifies. Of the three choices above, acquiring new

    customers is the most expensive. Research shows that acquiring a new customer costs

    5 to 10 times more than retaining an existing one. Studies also show that loyal

    customers will buy more over their lifetime and are willing to pay a premium for

    doing business with someone they like and trust. Therefore, while organizations will

    clearly continue looking for new customers, once acquired, they now know that it is

    worth a significant investment to keep them. CRM is a way to do that.

    In the airline industry, data analysis and data mining are a prerequisite to push

    customer relationship management (CRM) ahead. Knowledge about data mining

    methods, marketing strategies and airline business processes has to be combined to

    successfully implement CRM. Data mining is very useful to support CRM in the

    airline industry. In an initial phase of CRM, customer segments based on individual

    patterns are found that it describes groups of customers with distinct needs and value.

    The segmentation results are very useful for marketing concerns and for improving

    customer services. For instance, the derived strategic segments can be used to derive

    some high-level business strategies and to perform tactical marketing actions,




    Management Customer Service


    Sales Social Media

    Technical support


  • 48

    For Biman Bangladesh Airlines, It is very important to develop its Customers

    Relationship Management strategies to acquire more new prospective customers and

    to obtain existing customers. Th CRM strategies will help the airline to get more

    customers faith.

    2.3.3 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    Corporations around the world are struggling with a new role, which is to meet the

    needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the next

    generations to meet their own needs. Organizations are being called upon to take

    responsibility for the ways their operations impact societies and the natural

    environment. They are also being asked to apply sustainability principles to the ways

    in which they conduct their business. Sustainability refers to an organizations

    activities, typically considered voluntary, that demonstrate the inclusion of social and

    environmental concerns in business operations and in interactions with stakeholders

    (van Marrewijk & Verre, 2003).

    Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept which has become dominant in business

    reporting. Every corporation has a policy concerning CSR and produces a report

    detailing its activity. The broadest definition between of corporate social responsility

    is concerned with what is or should be- relationship between global corporations,

    governments of countries and individual citizens. More locally the definition is

    concerned with the relationship between a corporate and the local society in which

    itresides operates.

  • 49

    Figure: The Social Contract

    Most people intially think that they know what is CSR and how to behave

    reponsiblyand everyone claims to be able recognise socially or irresponsible

    behaviour without necessarily being able to define it. So there is general agrrement

    that CSR is about a company's concern for such things as community involment,

    socially responsible products and processes, concern for the environment and socially

    responsible employee relations. According to the European commission CSR is about

    undertaking volutary activity which demonstrates a concern of stakeholders.

    Corporate Behaviour is very important for company success both financially and

    concerning the relationship between corporate and business interest. In other words

    corparate behaviour is based on all these components and involvse laws, ethics and

    coporate social responsibilites. Corporate behaviour has effects not only on

    stakeholders but also on the entire economy.When a corporation acts ethically and

    socially responsibly in its bussiness decision and strategic planning then that

    corporation will be more sutainable.

  • 50

    Figure: Components of Corporate behaviour

    Organizations have developed a variety of strategies for dealing with this intersection

    of societal needs, the natural environment, and corresponding business imperatives.

    Ryanair is Europe's largest law fare airline. Ryanair's steady growth is being achieved

    inthe most enviromentally friendsly and sustainable way by investing in the largest

    aircraft and technologies (which have reduced fuel burn and CO2 emissions by 45%

    over 9 years). Ryanair is currently the industry leader in terms of environment

    efficiency and it is constatly working further improving performance.

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines should set a progressive CSR strategies to come more

    closer customers or promote its brand .

    CSR is becoming a leading principle of top management and of entrepreneurs. The

    quality of relationships that a company has with its employees and other key

    stakeholderssuch as customers, investors, suppliers, public and governmental

    officials, activists, and communitiesis crucial to its success, as is its ability to

    respond to competitive conditions and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These

    major transformations require national and global companies to approach their

    business in terms of sustainable development, and both individual and organizational

    leadership plays a major role in this change.



    ethics law


  • 51

    3.3.4 Innovation in Biman Bangladesh Airlines

    What is Innovation? Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any

    organization. Innovation may be defined as exploiting new ideas leading to the

    creation of a new product, process or service. It is not just the invention of a new idea

    that is important, but it is actually bringing it to market, putting into practice and

    exploiting it in a manner that leads to new products, services or systems that add value

    or improve quality. It possibly involves technological transformation and management

    restructuring. Innovation also means exploiting new technology and employing out-

    of-the-box thinking to generate new value and to bring about significant changes in


    Studies have confirmed that all businesses want to be more innovative. One survey

    identified that almost 90 per cent of businesses believe that innovation is a priority for

    them. The conclusion is that the importance of innovation is increasing, and

    increasing significantly. In the current day economic scenario, innovativeness has

    become a major factor in influencing strategic planning. It has been acknowledged

    that innovation leads to wealth creation. Even though efficiency is essential for

    business success, in the long run, it cannot sustain business growth.

    Figure 1: The need for Innovation

    Although the need for more innovation is widely recognized, there is no commonly

    accepted view of what innovation means in a business context. Many employees think

    of it primarily as radically new products delivered by R and D departments;

    Changing business


    Changing customers

    and needs



    Intensified competition

    The need for


  • 52

    Figure 2 : Innovation Process from Paul Trott, 2006

    Business must look ahead, not behind. It's not just the big companies that need to do

    this. Every business must innovate to compete. They must create new products and

    services for new markets. They must be creative, and come up with new ideas that

    never would have been thought of before.

    Innovation Management is about more than just planning new products, services,

    brand extensions, or technology inventions. Its about imagining, mobilizing, and

    competing in new ways.

    A Study of European Business School, DLR and PricewaterhouseCoopers shows the

    most important success factors for innovation are customer orientation, creative staff

    and corporate culture.

    Being innovative does not mean inventing; innovation can mean changing your

    business model and adapting to changes in your environment to deliver better

    products or services. Successful innovation should be an in-built part of your business

    strategy and the strategic vision, where you create an environment and lead in

    innovative thinking and creative problem solving.

    In my opinion, innovation is also required to be competitive today and tomorrow. In a

    broader sense, innovation is important to the advancement of the society around the

    world. New and innovative products can increase the standard of living and provide

    people with the opportunities to improve their lives.

  • 53

    2.2.4 The importance of Market Research

    Market research is any organized effort to gather information about target markets or

    customers. It is a very important component of business strategy which is a key factor

    to maintain competitiveness over competitors and provides important information to

    identify and analyze the market need, market size and competition.

    Market research, which includes social and opinion research, is the systematic

    gathering and interpretation of information about individuals or organizations using

    statistical and analytical methods and techniques of the applied social sciences to gain

    insight or support decision making.

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines is a national flag carrier, the biggest public limited

    company in the country, which is fully owned and operated by the Government of

    Bangladesh. The corporate body of Biman namely 'Biman Bangladesh Corporation, is

    doing business as Biman Bangladesh Airlines under the Ministry of Civil Aviation

    and Tourism. The airline provides international passenger and cargo services to its

    destinations. It has air service agreements with 42 countries. Annual Hajj flights;

    transporting tourists and non-resident Bangladeshi workers and migrants; and the

    activities of its subsidiaries form an integral part of the airline's business.




    JUL02 JUN03 13562 1424802 1839.00

    JUL03 JUN04 14276 1543491 2057.41

    JUL04 JUN05 15388 1537421 2230.06

    JUL05 JUN06 14263 1398556 2349.56

    JUL06 JUN07 11319 1200895 2194.93

    JUL07 JUN08 8460 1375615 2639.91

    JUL08 JUN09 8494 1397664 2341.49

    JUL09 JUN10 8012 1425205 2453.55

    JUL10 JUN11 9037 1602001 2771.42

    JUL11 JUN12 9126 1765922 3243.89

    JUL12 JUN13 6762 1578188 3384.32

    TOTAL 118699 16249760 27505.54

    Source: Mohammad Shah Newaz ,Director, Marketing & Sales, Biman Bangladesh Airlines

  • 54

    In FY 201011 it made losses of BDT 2 billion, despite the government exempting it

    a debt of about BDT 11.94 billion and BDT 5.73 billion owed to the BPC and the

    CAAB, respectively In FY 201112 it made a loss of BDT 6.06 billion

    (US$75 million, the airlines highest loss ever), in FY 201213 unaudited figures

    show a loss of BDT 2 billion. The airline plans to be fully profitable by FY 2014

    15. As of December 2013, The Airline owed BDT 15.60 billion to different sources of

    which BDT 3676.2 million to CAAB and BDT 8.50 billion to Padma Oil Company,

    its fuel supplier [2]. Aside from incurring losses, the national flag carrier is reputedly

    plagued with many problems, including poor customer service, delayed flights and

    schedule disruptions. Bangladesh Economic Review 2013 reported that since the

    Dhaka government converted the airline into a public limited company in 2007,

    Biman posted losses every year except fiscal 2007-08 and 2008-09.

    Figure 1: Bangladesh Airlines Profit or Loss fugure from 2007 to 2013

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines is counting huge amount of loss every year because of its

    poor corporative culture and starting routes without proper market research. The

    Airline is going suspend the Dhaka-Frankfurt service from 27th November 2014

    because each flight incurs losses of Tk70 lakh due to very low passenger numbers. On

    the first flight to Frankfurt this year, only seven travellers were on board the Boeing

    777 aircraft that has a capacity of 419 passengers. The Dhaka-Frankfurt route, which

    has been offered and discontinued before, was not subject to a rigorous market study

    before it was relaunched. Biman Bangladesh Airlines started its service to Frankfurt

  • 55

    and the government cancelled flights to Frankfurt in 2006 due to an insufficient

    number of passengers.

    Biman Bangladesh Airlines suspended it's Yangon and New Delhi operations two

    months ago. The airline also has reduced its flights to Kolkata, Hong Kong,

    Kathmandu, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur and planning to add five international

    destinations to Tokyo, Japan; Kunming and Guanxu, China; Colombo, Sri Lanka; and

    Male, Maldives.

    Market research is a way of getting an overview of consumers' wants, needs and

    beliefs. Market research is the process of researching to customers and the market.

    Market research enables a compa