corey timpson - canadian museum association (cma) conference 2014

Content Management Corey Timpson Director, Design + New Media & Collections Chair, Exhibition Steering Committee @coreytimpson

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Content Management

Corey Timpson Director, Design + New Media & Collections Chair, Exhibition Steering Committee @coreytimpson


Small Large -3100- Legacy $$$


CMHR in Concept- subject matter is conceptual - subject matter is contemporary - interpretation of subject matter is varied - need to be current and relevant, to evolve and adapt !


CMHR in Practice- exhibitions and programming is based on story telling - mandate is to encourage reflection and dialogue - exhibits, programming, services will facilitate reflection and dialogue - technology has a role. It is a tool across all business units/functions.

Digital Direction

Vision- The Museum will embrace technology and use it to enhance the story telling and interactive experience (encourage reflection & dialogue). !- Seamless experience across in-gallery, personal devices, and online providing collection-related rich media, engaging visitors in creating exhibits, digitizing collections, and providing opportunities for civic and social engagement !- The systems and methodologies used will allow for the constant growth of the gallery exhibits, the online content, and the reference centre; and will permit the efficient adaptation of new technologies in a cost effective manner (across human, technical, and financial resourcing)

10 galleries 160+ objects 100 hours of video

4 x feature films (x 2) 1 x IME 1 x 360° film 26 small format films (x 2) 37 large scale linear media projections 512 video clips (x 2)

!2543 images 2 soundscapes 18 mixed media story niches (software, video, images, sound, environmental) 19 digital interactives (games, apps, tables, installations) 9 media producers (software, linear) + in-house teams !100,000 words of original text


Traditional Workflow

Producing ContentContent Developers 1. content is developed !Acquisition 2. assets acquired (image, video, etc.) 3. catalogued !Design & Production 4. given to design/production team 5. designed (integrated by designer - layout) 6 graphic production (colour corrected, cropped, sliced, converted, etc)

Traditional Workflow

Producing ContentDigital Team 7. web programmer who integrates it (code) 8. tested 9. uploaded !RESULT: 4 teams/groups/specializations A minimum of 9 steps


Volume vs Resources- content will constantly need to be added, edited, removed - even removal of content requires effort - resources - additional functions/needs (accessibility, spotlighting/tailoring)

Enterprise Content Management System

ECMS- modular & scalable - addresses content production - addresses needs - empowers content developers - overall creates a sustainable, cost effective scenario !!!


Characteristics of Design- store once, reference often - strict separation of content from presentation - dynamic delivery of content - business user/client control - business rules !!!

Enterprise Content Management System

Enterprise Content Management SystemInternal Network





Exhibit CMSExhibit CMS

Alfresco Solr

Alfresco Solr

SAN (File Storage)SAN (File Storage)


Integration Services

Integration Services

Rendition Services

Rendition Services

Production Artists

Production Artists

Collections(Archivist, Librarian,

Art & Object)

Collections(Archivist, Librarian,

Art & Object)

Research& CurationResearch

& Curation


Collections Management

Library Management (Koha)

Library Management (Koha)

Art & Object Management(Collective Access)

Art & Object Management(Collective Access)

Archive Management (ICA-AtoM)

Archive Management (ICA-AtoM)

Database Cluster


Alfresco Cluster

Alfresco RepositoryAlfresco




AlfrescoSearch & Ingestion

AlfrescoSearch & Ingestion

Exhibit CMS-APIExhibit CMS-API

IQVoc (Human Rights


IQVoc (Human Rights


ECMS Logical Architecture DiagramAuthor: Jason St. LouisVersion: 1.3Date: October 28, 2013


Web V3 (Drupal, Apache, MySQL)


Enterprise Content Management System


Separation of content & presentation- context is created a stored - content is created and stored - platform independence !!!

Enterprise Content Management System



Store Once, Reference Often- context is created a stored - content is created and stored - platform independence !!!

Our Workflow

Producing ContentContent Developers 1. content is developed !Acquisition 2. assets acquired (image, video, etc.) 3. catalogued !Asset is live. !We avoid having to re-produce existing content for new forms. !Sustainable system, spending resources on new projects rather than on day to day maintenance.

Corey Timpson Director, Design + New Media & Collections Chair, Exhibition Steering Committee @coreytimpson