core values

Running Head: Core Values for Good Teaching Lauren Moore Core Values for Good Teaching EDUC-E345 April 23, 2014 Moore 1

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Running Head: Core Values for Good Teaching

Lauren Moore

Core Values for Good Teaching


April 23, 2014

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Running Head: Core Values for Good Teaching

“We have the potential to make a huge impact on children we teach and the

world they will create” (Sapon-Shevin, 2010, p. 1). I believe that due to the

educational system we have today, teachers lose sight of the main focus. The main

focus should be the students and having the ability to empower them to become the

best they can be. As a future teacher, I intend to seek an environment structured

upon collaboration, inclusion, acceptance and free of discrimination. I plan to create

a classroom with a sense of comfort, appreciation and open-mindedness where

students can leave their burdens at the door. I want the parents and family members

of my students to feel that they are just as important in the child’s educational

processes as the teacher. I want to have a student-based curriculum that allows

students to be inquiry driven. I will be intentional with how I interact with students

inside and outside of the classroom. I will incorporate fine arts into my classroom

where students can express themselves through many different forms including but

not limited to music, drama, art and dance. Although I have mentions many key

values, there are two key principles I would like to maintain.

I will strive to create an inclusion-based classroom environment where al

students are accepted, respected and appreciated despite what cultural background

or ethnicity may be. I feel it is important for students to see themselves represented

within the classroom. Meaning a variety of cultural diverse activities, posters and

lesson plans within the classroom. I will accomplish this goal by first getting to

know all of my students and understanding where they come from. I am determined

to educate my classroom on the vast verity of cultures regardless of whether those

specific cultures are represented through the students. Overall, this goal will allow

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me to develop a sense of cultural awareness within my students not only in the

classroom, but also in every aspect of their life.

I will strive to establish an open community where students are free to be

themselves. I as the teacher will seek out the strengths of each student and find

ways in which I can incorporate those strengths within the classroom. According to

Sapon-Shevin (2010), “Every group of students is unique with individual challenges,

strengths, obstacles and joys.” By creating this type of environment in the

classroom, I plan to allow students to feel a sense of belonging that will enable

students to feel that their opinions and ideas matter and are supported by others in

the community. I will achieve this sense of community by having more group-

centered activities in ways in which students offer support and encouragement to

others in their community.

I will have an object in my classroom that displays both diverse culture and

community. It will demonstrate how different cultures make a community more

intriguing. Another important characteristic it demonstrates is how different objects

or individuals come together to form the community and culture just like students

do in a classroom. This cannot be achieved unless every single student is involved

within the community and understands what role they each have to make the

community what it is. Each child should understand that he or she plays a very

unique and significant role within making the foundation of this community thrive.

Each culture will also be represented to show the students how all the different

cultures also play important roles in the community to educate students on the

importance of having a vast variety of cultures in the community.

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Sapon-Shevin, M. (2010). Because we can change the world: A practical guide to

building cooperative, inclusive, classroom communities. Thousand Oaks,

California: Corwin A Sage Company.

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