core indicators, reports, negotiated performance targets, and perkins funds workshop

Click to edit Master title style 1 Core Indicators, Reports, Negotiated Performance Targets, and Perkins Funds Workshop Carl D Perkins (Perkins IV) Career and Technical Education Act Chuck Wiseley Spring 2009

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Carl D Perkins (Perkins IV) Career and Technical Education Act. Core Indicators, Reports, Negotiated Performance Targets, and Perkins Funds Workshop. Chuck Wiseley Spring 2009. Agenda. Why are we here – why do we care? Perkins IV Legislative requirements State & Local requirements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Core Indicators, Reports,Negotiated Performance Targets,

and Perkins FundsWorkshop

Carl D Perkins (Perkins IV)Career and Technical Education Act

Chuck Wiseley

Spring 2009

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• Why are we here – why do we care?

• Perkins IV– Legislative requirements

• State & Local requirements• Negotiating & Meeting Targets

– Perkins IV Local Application – Not meeting targets & targeting funds

• Perkins funds - improving student success

– Performance Targets, Core Indicators, Reports • Setting Targets

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Session Goals & Objectives

• Perkins funds - improving student success.

• What are the Rules?

• Negotiating & Meeting Targets– Tools for analysis– Not meeting targets & targeting funds

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Perkins IV

• Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006

• P.L. 109-270• August 12, 2006• 2007-8 Transition Year• 2008-9 First Year under the Act

– Negotiated targets in Spring 2008

• 2009-10 uses negotiated targets

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Negotiating Targets

• Perkins IV– State negotiates targets USDE

• Targets for 1 year and then 2 years (3rd & 5th)

– Locals either:• Accept those targets• Negotiate local targets

– Included in Local Plans• Targets for next year • Improvement section when not at 90% of target

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Sanctions in Law

• Perkins IV– State & Locals:

• 90% of Perkins Targets• Improvement Plan• Year 2 no improvement, <90% for 3 years

for any single target– Feds or State SHALL provide technical

assistance– MAY withhold funds (all or part)

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CCC Sanction Plan:Meeting Performance Targets

• Application is an Improvement Plan – Underlying process using data analysis

• Accountability Determination– In compliance – at or above 90% of target

• Expenditures need not be linked to the areas with the largest performance gaps

– Focused Improvement Status - < 90%• Year 1 – Focused Improvement section • Year 2 – No Improvement: Diagnostic Study• Programs funded must address individual program performance gaps.

– Priority Focused Improvement – 3rd Yr < 90%• Diagnostic Study and Action Plan

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Priority Focused Improvement

• Focused Improvement section

• Diagnostic Study

• Action Plan– Expected outcomes,

– Perkins and other funding dedicated to each strategy, and

– the implementation dates expected for each strategy.

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Odds of being in:

• Focused Improvement? – Depends on how well the negotiation goes.

• Improving after Focused Improvement?– Depends on choices last year.

• Priority Focused Improvement? – Depends on how well the negotiation goes. – Unlikely to occur?

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The Negotiation Process

• Negotiation Workbook

– Online - Core Indicator site

– Tables

– Charts

• Negotiation Worksheet

• Local Application

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Predicting Outcomes

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Negotiation Tables

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Mention Office 2003 v 2007

Chart 1P1

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District CI 1-3 w/ problem

Problem? 90% x 55.6% = 50%

What has occurred?Outcomes & Diagnostics

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Faupl p2

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Local Application: District

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Section IE-D

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CTE 7 a

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Perkins IV funds

• Improving student success.– Nine Requirements– 20 Permissive Uses – Should address performance gaps

• Perkins IV Local Application.– Improvement Plans– Negotiating & Meeting Targets– Progressive Oversight, Improvement Plans, and

Risk Monitoring

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With or Without Sanctions

Basic criteria for expending Perkins funds

• Expenditures must– Meet the purpose of the Act

– Be necessary and reasonable

• Expenditures may not be used for– General purposes

– Maintenance of existing programs

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What federal rules apply?

• Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins IV)

• EDGAR (Education Department General Administration Regulations)

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What federal rules apply? (Continued)

• OMB Circulars (Office of Management and Budget)– Circular A-87 Cost Principals – State and Local

– Circular A-21 Cost Principals – Education Institutions

– Circular A-133 Single Audit Requirements

– Circular A-102 Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments

– Circular A-110 Uniform Administration Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations

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What types of costs are generally considered eligible?

• Administrative Costs (5%)• Personnel Services (time records)• Operating Expenses • Stipends• Consultants• Instructional Materials• Travel• Instructional Equipment

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What costs are NOT eligible?

1. Student expenses or direct assistance to students *

2. College tuition, fees, books*

3. Entertainment

4. Awards and memorabilia

5. Individual memberships

6. Membership with orgs. that lobby

7. Fines and penalties

8. Insurance/self-insurance

9. Expenses that supplant10. Audits except single audit11. Contributions and donations12. Contingencies13. Facilities and furniture *14. General advertising15. Alcohol16. Fund raising17. General administration

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What are the 9 requirements for

Perkins IV expenditures?

1. Strengthen academic & technical skills of students

2. Link secondary and postsecondary CTE programs (at least one program of study)

3. Provide students with strong experience and understanding all aspects of an industry (WBL)

4. Develop, improve, & expand use of technology

5. Professional development

6. Evaluate programs with emphasis in meeting needs of spec. pops.

7. Initiate, improve, expand and modernize quality programs

8. Provide services & activities of sufficient, size, scope and quality

9. Provide activities to prepare special pops. for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations leading to self-sufficiency.

Funds made available to eligible recipients under this part shall be used to support career and technical education programs that-

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20 permissive uses of funds:

1. Involve parents, business and labor in planning & operation

2. Career guidance & academic counseling

3. Business Partnerships - Work-related experience students & faculty

4. Programs for spec. pops.

5. CTE student organizations

6. Mentoring & support services

7. Upgrading equipment

8. Teacher prep. programs

9. Improving and developing new CTE courses including distance ed.

10. assist transition to BA degree programs

11. support entrepreneurship education

12. initiatives for secondary students obtaining postsecondary credit to count towards an AA/AS or BA/BS degree

13. support small CTE learning communities

14. Family & consumer sciences

15. Adult CTE programs

16. Job placement programs

17. Support Nontraditional activities

18. Automotive technologies

19. *Pooling funds –Teacher prep,

data & accountability,


20. Support other CTE programs

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Effects of not achieving targets

• Above 90% of targets:– Freedom to fund any program improvements– Encouraged to address low performance

• Below 90% - year 1– Focused Improvement section

• Requires some analysis – target interventions – write the narrative

– Must address low performance in funded Programs– Encouraged to start a diagnostic study

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Effects of not achieving targets


• Below 90% in year 2 or no improvement– Focused Improvement section– Diagnostic study– Propose Effective Practice solutions

• Probably a more district level approach to expenditures

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Effects of not achieving targets


• Below 90% of target - 3 years– Focused Improvement section– Submit Diagnostic study w Action Plan to CO– Action Plan

• Proposed Effective Practice solutions & Implementation dates

• Probably an even more district level approach to expenditures

– Risk Monitoring

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Questions & Break time

• Questions

• 15 minute break